+ All my mates who play WOW say the WAR graphics suck and they're going to play EVE until the WOW expansion. The capturing cities argument is a good one because people got fedup of it in Planetside with the same bases over and over again.
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
+ All my mates who play WOW say the WAR graphics suck and they're going to play EVE until the WOW expansion. The capturing cities argument is a good one because people got fedup of it in Planetside with the same bases over and over again.
I ll say it again in beta and they re wrong. Capturing a city will not happen often and the way it s done is great, get over it. Nothing wore to say but you ll see.
so you are bashing pual for being excited about his game lame..and please if you don't like WAR leave these WAR forums because we would all be better off with out you
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
And isn't the adult male talking about WAR in the clips less mature than a teenage boy?
Well Ive been in WAR beta for about 6months and Ive clocked up about 50 hours I recon but its nowt special.. id take WoW PvP over WAR PvP but Id take WAR senarios/keeps over WoW Battle grounds. So Meh I'll stick with WoW.
1. PvP fights in WAR are badly animated with S L O W and S T A T I C fighting compared to the fast paced fights in Wow. PvP People coming from WOW will not be comfortable with the speed of some veterans playing a "video" game. About all the vidoes on the web show this, speed is crucial here. I still wonder why all these MMORPG makers can't match the Wow speed of its fights. Answer ? 2. The content of WAR is very limited. You conquer the keeps, you conquer the cities. 10 times, 20 times, 30 times and then what? What are the guildies aiming for? Recognition on the web (like PVE progression in Wow). RvR was played and ended dead 3 years ago with the demise of DAoC. Why should reconquering the things you conquered already 40 times be playble past 3 months playing? 3. WotLK will have air battles, sea battles, landing invasions. Not forgetting the team manned tanks which just don't exist in WAR. The whole end zone PVP in WotLK is complete open world - no restrictions. Even parts of the city fights in WAR are instanced. Not even talking of the newly showed D-Day landings in WotLK. So with more options - from mounted combat to air fights - tell me WotLK isn't showing a lot more. 4. Arena is a terrfic development tool for Blizzard. The fine tunement of its classes nowadays can be compared with pure MMO science. Everything is analysed up to .001% in the millions of competitve arena fights. It allows Blizzard to balance the game better than ever before. I don't need to show the unbalance in classes DAoC had. With 20 WAR classes the game just will not be balanced in the beginning. Leading to very frustrated playings. 5. WotLK is already assured of 5 million copies. Everyone and his cat will play with his/her friends to progress in the best polished MMORPG. No one is going to leave it, because your friends in RL will be playing it. And ... most importantly when you are fed up of having your head turned in for the 213 th time in Wow you still have a massively PVE content, a LOT more professions, a LOT more content, and a PVP e-sports game with price money that doesn't even exist in other PvP MMORPG games. So CHOICES of play is the 6th reason why PvP WotLK will win easely.
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
1. PvP fights in WAR are badly animated with S L O W and S T A T I C fighting compared to the fast paced fights in Wow. PvP People coming from WOW will not be comfortable with the speed of some veterans playing a "video" game. About all the vidoes on the web show this, speed is crucial here. I still wonder why all these MMORPG makers can't match the Wow speed of its fights. Answer ? 2. The content of WAR is very limited. You conquer the keeps, you conquer the cities. 10 times, 20 times, 30 times and then what? What are the guildies aiming for? Recognition on the web (like PVE progression in Wow). RvR was played and ended dead 3 years ago with the demise of DAoC. Why should reconquering the things you conquered already 40 times be playble past 3 months playing? 3. WotLK will have air battles, sea battles, landing invasions. Not forgetting the team manned tanks which just don't exist in WAR. The whole end zone PVP in WotLK is complete open world - no restrictions. Even parts of the city fights in WAR are instanced. Not even talking of the newly showed D-Day landings in WotLK. So with more options - from mounted combat to air fights - tell me WotLK isn't showing a lot more. 4. Arena is a terrfic development tool for Blizzard. The fine tunement of its classes nowadays can be compared with pure MMO science. Everything is analysed up to .001% in the millions of competitve arena fights. It allows Blizzard to balance the game better than ever before. I don't need to show the unbalance in classes DAoC had. With 20 WAR classes the game just will not be balanced in the beginning. Leading to very frustrated playings. 5. WotLK is already assured of 5 million copies. Everyone and his cat will play with his/her friends to progress in the best polished MMORPG. No one is going to leave it, because your friends in RL will be playing it. And ... most importantly when you are fed up of having your head turned in for the 213 th time in Wow you still have a massively PVE content, a LOT more professions, a LOT more content, and a PVP e-sports game with price money that doesn't even exist in other PvP MMORPG games. So CHOICES of play is the 6th reason why PvP WotLK will win easely.
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
4...about the balance WAR balances their classes for PVP and are NOT trying to balance each class for one on one....some classes will be weaker/stronger against another archtype....for example ranged DPS will have an advantage over a tank...most likely due to kiting....and after they balance (for the time being becuase balancing is a game-long process) Mythic will balance their PVE against the characters SO....a patch wont mess up a class that was great at PVE and now is good at PVP but sucks at PVE...it is a better system then WoW which tries to balance their classes for 1 on 1 combat for example if a rouge has full tier 5 armor and a mage has full tier 5 and each player has the same skill level (which never happens) they will tie in a match...untill one misses a button or another player comes and helps one of the characters...
This is why WoW (which ONLY nine classes) has a balance problem and WAR and already cut classes that they cant balance....NOW i am NOT saying War will not have balance problem but because of thei system they are using i believe we will have a fair game.....and besides WoW is a solo game...only need to group for raiding or pvp (which you cna just run off by your self)....WAR is a group based RVR game...and wont fail..
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
No what I am saying is mythic/EA are forcing people to pre-order (pay) for the possibility of beta access.. hense more pre-orders for WAR than Wotlk as blizzard does not need to resort to such methods.
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
No what I am saying is mythic/EA are forcing people to pre-order (pay) for the possibility of beta access.. hense more pre-orders for WAR than Wotlk as blizzard does not need to resort to such methods.
no,....thousands are in beta right now who havent payed a penny. And this is not an expansion....this is introduction of a new game.
Five of the lamest opinions I've ever read. WoW PvP is as shallow as it gets. That will not change with WoTLK. People will play WAR RvR for the same reason they play WoW PvP, and games like COD4/Counter Strike/Ghost Recon. Its a challenge beating people, and there will be rewards. WoW arena is retarded. 2-3% of the population participates leaving the others feeling like crap. Same for raiding. WAR will have even an even playing ground. At least, until the come out with an expansion that forces PvE raiding, a la ToA.
Will WAR kill WOW? No, but its going to give it a run for its money just like DAoC give the king of its time, EQ, a run for its money.
1. PvP fights in WAR are badly animated with S L O W and S T A T I C fighting compared to the fast paced fights in Wow. PvP People coming from WOW will not be comfortable with the speed of some veterans playing a "video" game. About all the vidoes on the web show this, speed is crucial here. I still wonder why all these MMORPG makers can't match the Wow speed of its fights. Answer ? 2. The content of WAR is very limited. You conquer the keeps, you conquer the cities. 10 times, 20 times, 30 times and then what? What are the guildies aiming for? Recognition on the web (like PVE progression in Wow). RvR was played and ended dead 3 years ago with the demise of DAoC. Why should reconquering the things you conquered already 40 times be playble past 3 months playing? 3. WotLK will have air battles, sea battles, landing invasions. Not forgetting the team manned tanks which just don't exist in WAR. The whole end zone PVP in WotLK is complete open world - no restrictions. Even parts of the city fights in WAR are instanced. Not even talking of the newly showed D-Day landings in WotLK. So with more options - from mounted combat to air fights - tell me WotLK isn't showing a lot more. 4. Arena is a terrfic development tool for Blizzard. The fine tunement of its classes nowadays can be compared with pure MMO science. Everything is analysed up to .001% in the millions of competitve arena fights. It allows Blizzard to balance the game better than ever before. I don't need to show the unbalance in classes DAoC had. With 20 WAR classes the game just will not be balanced in the beginning. Leading to very frustrated playings. 5. WotLK is already assured of 5 million copies. Everyone and his cat will play with his/her friends to progress in the best polished MMORPG. No one is going to leave it, because your friends in RL will be playing it. And ... most importantly when you are fed up of having your head turned in for the 213 th time in Wow you still have a massively PVE content, a LOT more professions, a LOT more content, and a PVP e-sports game with price money that doesn't even exist in other PvP MMORPG games. So CHOICES of play is the 6th reason why PvP WotLK will win easely.
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
4...about the balance WAR balances their classes for PVP and are NOT trying to balance each class for one on one....some classes will be weaker/stronger against another archtype....for example ranged DPS will have an advantage over a tank...most likely due to kiting....and after they balance (for the time being becuase balancing is a game-long process) Mythic will balance their PVE against the characters SO....a patch wont mess up a class that was great at PVE and now is good at PVP but sucks at PVE...it is a better system then WoW which tries to balance their classes for 1 on 1 combat for example if a rouge has full tier 5 armor and a mage has full tier 5 and each player has the same skill level (which never happens) they will tie in a match...untill one misses a button or another player comes and helps one of the characters...
This is why WoW (which ONLY nine classes) has a balance problem and WAR and already cut classes that they cant balance....NOW i am NOT saying War will not have balance problem but because of thei system they are using i believe we will have a fair game.....and besides WoW is a solo game...only need to group for raiding or pvp (which you cna just run off by your self)....WAR is a group based RVR game...and wont fail..
But what you say is exactly what blizzard does.. blizzard have never balanced classes so that 1 class can fight all others. This is main complaint from WoW haters and most WAR fans that their holy priest cant kill a fury warrior.
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Did you even read what I said? the side not in control of the PvP zone, loses access to quest hubs/dailies/crafting resources and world buffs.
The whole point of this thread is not wether WOW is a good game, for alot it obviously is, i m not denying that. What i m arguing is for anyone to say it s pvp coming in the next x pac is great and WAR will fail is complete garbage. WOW will not have a better system for pvp in WAR with it s release. Will it be fun , i m sure it will be, as good as WAR in a pvp aspect not likely. One day when Blizz sees the popularity of WAR i m sure they ll add stuff(copy stuff) of WAR to draw people back. WAR fail in a pvp stand point is laughable, especially compared to WOWs pvp.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
I just got into WotLK beta today. You're assumption is plain wrong. Stick with facts rather than making rubish generalizations.
wow BG's are one of the most boring things ive ever done. I want to shoot myself when a 45 min BG turns out to be a loss, it seems like a waste of time.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Did you even read what I said? the side not in control of the PvP zone, loses access to quest hubs/dailies/crafting resources and world buffs.
Yes i read that. I m saying where is the effect on the lands near main cities, old zones etc. You re missing my point. It s a static zone attempting to be like WAR, just another BG in a big zone.
+ All my mates who play WOW say the WAR graphics suck and they're going to play EVE until the WOW expansion. The capturing cities argument is a good one because people got fedup of it in Planetside with the same bases over and over again.
Talking about SWG much?
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
Talking about SWG much?
I ll say it again in beta and they re wrong. Capturing a city will not happen often and the way it s done is great, get over it. Nothing wore to say but you ll see.
And isn't the adult male talking about WAR in the clips less mature than a teenage boy?
so you are bashing pual for being excited about his game lame..and please if you don't like WAR leave these WAR forums because we would all be better off with out you
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
Well Ive been in WAR beta for about 6months and Ive clocked up about 50 hours I recon but its nowt special.. id take WoW PvP over WAR PvP but Id take WAR senarios/keeps over WoW Battle grounds. So Meh I'll stick with WoW.
Lol WAR is far from fail.
WoW = Quantity
WAR = Quality
Still WAR has lots of amazing things to do.
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
4...about the balance WAR balances their classes for PVP and are NOT trying to balance each class for one on one....some classes will be weaker/stronger against another archtype....for example ranged DPS will have an advantage over a tank...most likely due to kiting....and after they balance (for the time being becuase balancing is a game-long process) Mythic will balance their PVE against the characters SO....a patch wont mess up a class that was great at PVE and now is good at PVP but sucks at PVE...it is a better system then WoW which tries to balance their classes for 1 on 1 combat for example if a rouge has full tier 5 armor and a mage has full tier 5 and each player has the same skill level (which never happens) they will tie in a match...untill one misses a button or another player comes and helps one of the characters...
This is why WoW (which ONLY nine classes) has a balance problem and WAR and already cut classes that they cant balance....NOW i am NOT saying War will not have balance problem but because of thei system they are using i believe we will have a fair game.....and besides WoW is a solo game...only need to group for raiding or pvp (which you cna just run off by your self)....WAR is a group based RVR game...and wont fail..
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
well considering warhammer plays alot like wow i think it will succeed.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
No what I am saying is mythic/EA are forcing people to pre-order (pay) for the possibility of beta access.. hense more pre-orders for WAR than Wotlk as blizzard does not need to resort to such methods.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
No what I am saying is mythic/EA are forcing people to pre-order (pay) for the possibility of beta access.. hense more pre-orders for WAR than Wotlk as blizzard does not need to resort to such methods.
no,....thousands are in beta right now who havent payed a penny. And this is not an expansion....this is introduction of a new game.
Five of the lamest opinions I've ever read. WoW PvP is as shallow as it gets. That will not change with WoTLK. People will play WAR RvR for the same reason they play WoW PvP, and games like COD4/Counter Strike/Ghost Recon. Its a challenge beating people, and there will be rewards. WoW arena is retarded. 2-3% of the population participates leaving the others feeling like crap. Same for raiding. WAR will have even an even playing ground. At least, until the come out with an expansion that forces PvE raiding, a la ToA.
Will WAR kill WOW? No, but its going to give it a run for its money just like DAoC give the king of its time, EQ, a run for its money.
1. 1 shoting a PC is not fast paced combat, its pure crap. Thats why I think WAR will have better PvP.
2. Doing the same BGs every day in WoW for millionth time isn't better then WARs PvP. Cities in WAR grow and level and they are ddestructable and Im guessing the goal will be to level your city to gain access to better smiths and crafting materials or something.
3. You are speculating. WoW used to have open world PvP, but its clear that that is not what they are aiming for.
4. Arena is pure crap and it is the worst thing Blizz could have done to PvP. Constant nerfing and boosting of classes is not balance, its also crap and in one patch your class can become utterly useless. It helps if you know how to play, but usually they just crap all over you with nerfs. Also you don't know how the balance of classes in WAR will be, so again you are specualting.
5. WoW always had big numbers and no one can deny that.
WAR has lot of content too.
So why will WAR fail?
Also I am not a big fallower of WAR so please don't call me fanboi or something...
4...about the balance WAR balances their classes for PVP and are NOT trying to balance each class for one on one....some classes will be weaker/stronger against another archtype....for example ranged DPS will have an advantage over a tank...most likely due to kiting....and after they balance (for the time being becuase balancing is a game-long process) Mythic will balance their PVE against the characters SO....a patch wont mess up a class that was great at PVE and now is good at PVP but sucks at PVE...it is a better system then WoW which tries to balance their classes for 1 on 1 combat for example if a rouge has full tier 5 armor and a mage has full tier 5 and each player has the same skill level (which never happens) they will tie in a match...untill one misses a button or another player comes and helps one of the characters...
This is why WoW (which ONLY nine classes) has a balance problem and WAR and already cut classes that they cant balance....NOW i am NOT saying War will not have balance problem but because of thei system they are using i believe we will have a fair game.....and besides WoW is a solo game...only need to group for raiding or pvp (which you cna just run off by your self)....WAR is a group based RVR game...and wont fail..
But what you say is exactly what blizzard does.. blizzard have never balanced classes so that 1 class can fight all others. This is main complaint from WoW haters and most WAR fans that their holy priest cant kill a fury warrior.
WoW has 10 classes now BTW.. all unique.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Did you even read what I said? the side not in control of the PvP zone, loses access to quest hubs/dailies/crafting resources and world buffs.
The whole point of this thread is not wether WOW is a good game, for alot it obviously is, i m not denying that. What i m arguing is for anyone to say it s pvp coming in the next x pac is great and WAR will fail is complete garbage. WOW will not have a better system for pvp in WAR with it s release. Will it be fun , i m sure it will be, as good as WAR in a pvp aspect not likely. One day when Blizz sees the popularity of WAR i m sure they ll add stuff(copy stuff) of WAR to draw people back. WAR fail in a pvp stand point is laughable, especially compared to WOWs pvp.
Somthing to do with the fact you get a beta key for WAR if you pre-order.. no such system with wotlk pre-order. Cant imagine the numbers if wotlk had pre-order beta keys
That makes no sense. That means WAR has MORE interest than we first thought, if so many people want to get into beta to see it early. Also, if WotLK had pre-order beta keys, they could freakin' give the game away 2 months before launch. How stupid is that? You know WoW fans won't test it, just like on the Public Test Realms. They'll go in, want to try everything, do whatever they want/can, and come out with absolutely nothing to improve the game. (Okay, some might test it, but the vast majority won't.)
I just got into WotLK beta today. You're assumption is plain wrong. Stick with facts rather than making rubish generalizations.
WOW needs to go bac to open world PVP and ditch battlegrounds, however keep arenas cause they are great!
The problem here is Open World PvP was pointless from the beginning, when they added arenas and tied gear & titles to it..it killed Open World Gank PvP because atleast Arena had some sort of worth even if its a lame excuse. The only way Open World PvP would ever be worth anything in WoW by WoW standards is to tact on gear and objectives to it but like always they're confining the open world pvp to a tiny portion of the game which is rather sad.
WoW was never a PvP game they tacted it on after players requested it and it never worked right. The moment they mentioned their plans for PvP i knew it was bad. PvP should mean something...grinding for gear is a slap in the face of what PvP means. Atleast with RvR your fighting for glory and Renown and th ebattlefield is never the same twice depending on who's logged on that day.
I personally dislike WoW with a passion but I know people who love the game and you know what thats their choice. They love raids and WoW provides that. I want more than simplistic depthless gameplay and while WAR is not some uber deep game its a huge step up from WoW.
I'm not saying WoW sucks..it just Sucks for ME ...I hate Raids, I hate Gear grinding, and I hate boring as hell progression. WAR atleast offers a variety of progression choices and ways to progress so for me its perfect. Maybe you just should leave JustBe and play in the WoW forums it seems to be the game you love the most.
WoW's PvP is far from tacked on.. Open PvP was on the drawing board form the outset.. AV the 40v40 battleground was originaly desgined to be an open PvP area but they decided during development to make it an instant.
There are 7x10mins videos on youtube where blizzard give their views on PvP and how /whu they do that they and did. heres the first.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbolVrSOO0 Do some research =D
Wow this is one of the funniest post i ve seen. To think your beloved WOW will ever have good pvp is dillusional at best. They re throwing it in to compete with the loses they will get for people wanting meaningful pvp. It will still have no effect on the game world outside that zone. Make it so the world get effected by whos winning the battle, then you can call it a decent attempt. WOW will always be a pve/raid game it is not and never will be a pvp game and i m sure alot of people will be fine with that.
If your not prepared to watch the videos and educate yourself then you should not comment on such things.
I assume your talking about the PvP zone in Wotlk.. again shows you have no desire to research.. the side that is in control of the zone gets buffs outside of the zone, the ability to collect items from bosses killed, quests hubs open up in other zones and your side gets access to some unique crafting resources in the PvP zone.
Sure your not going to be raiding orgimmer but WoW is not an RvR game.. and does what it does extremly well.
You just said what i said basically. Oh big deal some buffs. I mean make it so you lose ground in the world etc. Cant partake in certain quests until you gain that ground back. Look the bottom line is there is no real effect in the game world from this, Its TACKED ON ATTEMPT of pvp. To cmpare it to a game on RVR from the ground up is not only funny but flat out dumb. It won t be better for the majority of people wanting some real pvp(RvR)
Did you even read what I said? the side not in control of the PvP zone, loses access to quest hubs/dailies/crafting resources and world buffs.
Yes i read that. I m saying where is the effect on the lands near main cities, old zones etc. You re missing my point. It s a static zone attempting to be like WAR, just another BG in a big zone.