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Why am I pissed at blizzard?
Well it wasn't always this way,I used to be a big fan of Blizzard.
I loved blizzards older games from Lost vikings to Warcraft 3.
These games were so polished and were tons of fun.
These games aren't my problem, blizzard is my problem and the way they treat their customers.
I played Wow and i think its a decent game.
It's polished, fun and has great potential.
I say potential cause blizzard is just happily collecting money and not giving anything back.
Almost four years and all blizzard has given us is one Expansion and a handful of raids.
They have 10 million subs and they dont even care to finish the Azeroth map.
They have given us the same four battlegrounds to run over and over.
They tossed us this worthless arena feature which is basically a glorified duel.
When The burning crusade released Blizz spoke of portal worlds we would be able to access.
they give us flying mounts but nothing to explore with them.
most of the content they released after TBC was stuff they planned to include in the Xpac..... wtf!
All that money and they give us crap.
Look at games like LotRO and Eve Online, lotro has been out a year and has given more content than wow has in the last four years. Eve gives all its expansions away for free.
Hell even EQ2 has released more content than WoW.
I'm tired of it, no new classes in four years, unfinished zones, broken promises and glorified duels.... no thanks.
I know other players feel the way I do but still play cause its the "Cool thing to do" or friends still play the game.
./rant off
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
I think that their only real HUGE misstep was with Arena...i don't think that arena has any place in WoW, the game isn't balanced nearly well enough for it.
As for the amount of content in the game...they've released enough to keep people occupied, though admittedly not as much as they probably could have given their massive income...They're in a tough spot though, they can't possibly please their entire community, but I would agree that they have done some things in the past that don't even pelase the majority of the community.
It's Blizzard's first MMO though...Just because they are the biggest doesn't mean that they are the best at managing an MMO...their Starcraft MMO will be much better post release I think.
And yes, I know that it's not announced yet, but come on people, it's only a matter of time.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
As long as you pay, your "rants" are useless.
Senhores da Guerra
Most of these points have been apparent for a LONG time.
We all know that Blizzard today is not the Blizzard of old. Hell, even Bill Roper let the accolades go to his ego and thought he could ream everyone with Hellgate and they would just eat it up because it came from him.
The group of people who put out the classic Blizzard games is gone. The group that designed WoW is gone. Hopefully Carbine won't suffer from the same ego problems that doomed Flagship and NCSoft has helped ensure that they don't have the cashflow problems that killed Castaway.
But if you are still paying Blizzard expecting something different from WoW, you are in denial.
Last logged into WoW six months ago
guess it isn't useless then huh?
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
I posted cause i recently logged on a friends account to see if things changed.......
Nothing has.... so i posted.
I wouldnt post something like this if i still played WoW.
I had hopes for the game but blizzard has shown they only care about money and don't give a crap about the players.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
MMO shouldnt be charging for expansions, If games like Lineage 2, CoX, and others can give away expansions every 3to 4 months then the beast Blizzard has made can afford to do that as well.
but they wont, they follow Everquests method of content distribution, The monthly fee should cover expansions but certain companies wont do that.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Hell i dont mind paying for Expansions, problem is blizzard hasnt really released any!!! LOL
well except Tbc in four years
Eve has released What 5-6 Xpacs in 5 years.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Well, well. I guess hell has just frozen over. Blizzard is doing something different. Then again, the vocal moaners on these boards would hardly be mollified if WoW introduced life-like graphics and the exact game mechanics they are looking for, simply because it is WoW and comes from Blizzard.
With WotLK, Blizzard is doing exactly what it did with WoW, and ignoring the cashcow that was and is TBC. They are expanding on the Warcraft lore and taking elements from current cutting-edge and even to-be-released titles and going further with these ideas with the added Blizzard polish.
Having typed this, I am totally burnt out on WoW and have been for quite some time. It looks like Blizzard will sit on its throne for quite some time still, what they are doing with WotLK looks like an other sure-fire path to success.
Hell i dont mind paying for Expansions, problem is blizzard hasnt really released any!!! LOL
well except Tbc in four years
Eve has released What 5-6 Xpacs in 5 years.
Its not quantity, but quality that matters. The last free update, that included a new zone and two new dungeons, features the best PvE raiding content in the world. I would like to see EVE top that. Wait, it can't since EVE is a point-and-click 'PvP' game.
This man is correct, I noticed everything you did and much much more, So I did the only thing a player can do to one of these companies when you are unhappy with their product, The only real way to even do a slight flicker of damage to them. I quit playing WoW. I told my friends I was quitting, And 2 of them also quit a day after. We all play Guild wars now and Exteel for PvP shooter fun.
We do miss world of warcraft at times, here and there, We just got into Dungeon runners, Its got the graphics of wow and similar to diablo game play. Anyways,
If people keep paying they will keep sucking at making content. Look at SEGA it buys licenses like Michael jackson buys Hair products. Iron man is a perfect example, A crap game, Horrible at all aspects of what a game should be, Most sites did not give it above a 5. And yet, according to game informers top 10 sold it was up there! top 10 sold games this month, a crap like Iron man...If it sells, Companies are not going to keep trying. Bottom line, if you want them to listen you are going to have to hit them the only place you can their wallets...which at this point is overflowing with cash.
Well, well. I guess hell has just frozen over. Blizzard is doing something different. Then again, the vocal moaners on these baords would hardly be mollified if WoW introduced life-like graphics and the exact game mechanics they are looking for, simply because it is WoW and comes from Blizzard.
With WotLK, Blizzard is doing exactly what it did with WoW, and ignoring the cashcow that was and is TBC. They are expanding on the Warcraft lore and taking elements from current cutting-edge and even to-be-released titles and going further with these ideas with the added Blizzard polish.
Having typed this, I am totally burnt out on WoW and have been for quite some time. It looks like Blizzard will sit on its throne for quite some time still, what they are doing with WotLK looks like an other sure-fire path to success.
Dude the 10 million people that play WoW will buy the Xpac for sure.
But afterward blizzard will release no content until the next Xpac milking its playerbase.
Hell the Xpac is only giving us one new class, a pvp zone and a LotRO lore book rip off.
I'm sorry but thats not enough. the sheep will flock to WotLK but i wont.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Hell i dont mind paying for Expansions, problem is blizzard hasnt really released any!!! LOL
well except Tbc in four years
Eve has released What 5-6 Xpacs in 5 years.
Its not quantity, but quality that matters. The last free update, that included a new zone and two new dungeons, features the best PvE raiding content in the world. I would like to see EVE top that. Wait, it can't since EVE is a point-and-click 'PvP' game.
All the crap that blizzard released was suppost to be in the Xpac on release.....
Dude that "new zone" is small as hell and the instance is like 30 minutes long. give me a break.
dude WoW can't touch eve in complexity and quality. More subs doesnt equal a better game.
Eve may be point and click but the combat is sure as hell more tactical and complex than Wow's.
Wow is basically a MMO with FPS controls were the ADD kids spin avatars around like tops and exploit Line of sight thats not combat.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
you summed it up right there. they have 10 million subs. why change what works? why bother putting in any extra effort if 10 million people are playing?
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Well, well. I guess hell has just frozen over. Blizzard is doing something different. Then again, the vocal moaners on these baords would hardly be mollified if WoW introduced life-like graphics and the exact game mechanics they are looking for, simply because it is WoW and comes from Blizzard.
With WotLK, Blizzard is doing exactly what it did with WoW, and ignoring the cashcow that was and is TBC. They are expanding on the Warcraft lore and taking elements from current cutting-edge and even to-be-released titles and going further with these ideas with the added Blizzard polish.
Having typed this, I am totally burnt out on WoW and have been for quite some time. It looks like Blizzard will sit on its throne for quite some time still, what they are doing with WotLK looks like an other sure-fire path to success.
Dude the 10 million people that play WoW will buy the Xpac for sure.
But afterward blizzard will release no content until the next Xpac milking its playerbase.
Hell the Xpac is only giving us one new class, a pvp zone and a LotRO lore book rip off.
I'm sorry but thats not enough. the sheep will flock to WotLK but i wont.
Did you view the linked article? Basically it seems like WotLK is what TBC should have been, a true expansion with significant changes to gameplay mechanics, a new class and controllable vehicles with distinct abilities. I know I will resubscribe, sadly, as I'll just end up burning precious real-life hours and in the end, accomplishing very little.
Hell i dont mind paying for Expansions, problem is blizzard hasnt really released any!!! LOL
well except Tbc in four years
Eve has released What 5-6 Xpacs in 5 years.
Its not quantity, but quality that matters. The last free update, that included a new zone and two new dungeons, features the best PvE raiding content in the world. I would like to see EVE top that. Wait, it can't since EVE is a point-and-click 'PvP' game.
All the crap that blizzard released was suppost to be in the Xpac on release.....
Dude that "new zone" is small as hell and the instance is like 30 minutes long. give me a break.
dude WoW can't touch eve in complexity and quality. More subs doesnt equal a better game.
Eve may be point and click but the combat is sure as hell more tactical and complex than Wow's.
Wow is basically a MMO with FPS controls were the ADD kids spin avatars around like tops and exploit Line of sight thats not combat.
Well that is your opinion. Having cleared the place, in my opinion Sunwell Plateau is still the best end-game raiding content in any game I have played. Mind you, I am currently playing EQ 2 and have played EVE for over a year and these two games have nothing like SWP.
SWP is hard, extremely well tuned and unforgiving. The sense of accomplishment in defeating the harder encounters there is not comparable to anything in any other MMO I've played.
Yet, I hated the BT farming prior to SWP and TBC raiding in general. SWP is truly the crown jewel of the TBC raid instances.
We're angry because of no new content? I find this absolutely ridiculous and really annoying that not only do people complain about sh*t like Age of Conan's release (which is valid), but they have the nerve to complain about not being fed enough.
First of all, the game isn't only about you. Have you ever finished all the content WoW has to offer? If so, great! But now let the other 10 million people have a chance to as well.
While I do agree that Blizzard is just soaking in the cash, they do not owe you anything they haven't given.
Do you understand the concept of introducing new classes to an already imbalanced game? Yeah right, you give it a shot.
I've quit WoW already but still I find people who make these kinds of posts to be an arrogant and ignorant child.
As far as arena goes, please go play for $12,000 USD in the MLG Tournaments - maybe then the arena will be worth something to you.
And lastly, I honestly applaud Blizzard for making the moves they have so far because I would have done the same myself. I read somewhere that only 1% of 10 million people have experienced the Kil'Jaden fight. Count it! 1%
And I applaud Blizzard for not releasing so much content for the specific reason that the storyline ends with WOTLK. And lets not go into "well, they could just add more content after WOTLK" because then other flamers would cry about that too.
All in all, if you're going to make a post like this, try not to sound like a 3 year old child in the supermarket crying to his mother "gimme more! gimme more! Look at that guy, he got more! I want more too!"
I could give a rat's ass about EQ2 or Vanguard or LotRO - if they have so much content, go play their game. And hopefully you can find something wrong with them as well.
./rant off
Would you be happier if Blizzard followed SOEs approach with EQ and released expansions every 6 months like they used to?? Then we'd get the posts like "Blizzard is just trying to take our money with all these expansions".....Like many have said they have 10 million customers...apparently they are doing something right......I played wow for about 6 months until I couldnt stand it anymore and cant figure out for the life of me how anyone can stand it for very long but they retain their customers somehow.......
We're angry because of no new content? I find this absolutely ridiculous and really annoying that not only do people complain about sh*t like Age of Conan's release (which is valid), but they have the nerve to complain about not being fed enough.
First of all, the game isn't only about you. Have you ever finished all the content WoW has to offer? If so, great! But now let the other 10 million people have a chance to as well.
While I do agree that Blizzard is just soaking in the cash, they do not owe you anything they haven't given.
Do you understand the concept of introducing new classes to an already imbalanced game? Yeah right, you give it a shot.
I've quit WoW already but still I find people who make these kinds of posts to be an arrogant and ignorant child.
As far as arena goes, please go play for $12,000 USD in the MLG Tournaments - maybe then the arena will be worth something to you.
And lastly, I honestly applaud Blizzard for making the moves they have so far because I would have done the same myself. I read somewhere that only 1% of 10 million people have experienced the Kil'Jaden fight. Count it! 1%
And I applaud Blizzard for not releasing so much content for the specific reason that the storyline ends with WOTLK. And lets not go into "well, they could just add more content after WOTLK" because then other flamers would cry about that too.
All in all, if you're going to make a post like this, try not to sound like a 3 year old child in the supermarket crying to his mother "gimme more! gimme more! Look at that guy, he got more! I want more too!"
I could give a rat's ass about EQ2 or Vanguard or LotRO - if they have so much content, go play their game. And hopefully you can find something wrong with them as well.
./rant off
Are you kidding me?
I swear the god damn WoWfanbois that play this game boggle my mind.
Are you telling me just cause blizz has one encounter that 1% of the population has yet to kill it doesnt need to release more content?
What if u dont raid?
Blizzard has given virtually nothing to its players that pay monthly.
hell two zones and a handful of raids in four years and you wonder why im complaining?
You have your head so far up Blizzards ass you cant even see that your being cheated.
No new BG's, only three arena maps, Azeroth being abandoned and I'm complaining about not being feed enough?
Give me a god damn break already
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Thats a toss up really.
having to pay for an Xpac every six months or paying a monthly fee and getting virtually nothing for four years.
Heh both suck
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
WoW brings in a lot or money but that money does NOT go to Blizzard. It goes to Vivendi. Blizzard is given money for development, upkeep and other expenses like an allowance.
I would have more respect for the OP if he had just said "I hate WoW because it sucks". No, instead he comes up with super lame excuses like "WoW doesn't have the amount of content I think it should" and "Blizzard makes too much money".
I think Blizzard (Warcraft III, e.g.) is great.
Blizzard never
Blizzard has always
Well saying i Hate Wow because it sucks would be untrue.
Wow is decent i wouldnt be complaining about content if it suxed ass, maybe i should have said
Would that of been ok?
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Im sure not all the money they make is going to just Blizzard. Also think of how many servers they have bought and all the money it cost to keep those servers going. Yeah I do think they should have released more content thats for sure, but maybe they are not telling us all of the WOTLK content they plan on releasing. They could have a big surprise in store for us all........We can only wish.
Vivendi only? No. Blizzard has received more than its fair share of the profits. I mean, the Activision/Blizzard merger would not have been possible without a lot of serious dough.
I do agree with the original poster though, more content should have been released for the casual player.
Well there is content in wow. BUT. You have to raid months and months the same instances to get geared to new one. then you have to farm it few months too. then you move to next one. and so on and so on.
Well sure that could be fine, if you had time. I did enjoy wow and advancing to better dungeons when I had time, but what happened when I didn't. I were kicked out of the guild because of an inactivity. No other guild accepted me because I couldn't play much. So what is my content without a guild? NONE
since I already had better gear that I would get from PVP or random group instances. And farmed all the fun out of them anyway. What else there is, but to raid and get better gear?
The answer is to unsubscripe and find some game that is not so much time involving. (a shooter maybe?)
I don't think that wow is a bad game, but it just doesn't have anything more to offer for me. I will buy WotLK and play all I can. Propably will end up cancelling subscription in 2-3months, but I believe that time is worth it.