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Someone took a video from the fan fair presentation, here it is:¤t=328.flv
Remember this is not final version, and the quality is not great on the video but it does answer some questions for me.
This edit caontains a link to the video from just one of the rewards from the trading card game as well, can you say Pod Racing!¤t=307.flv
Sorry vets, this game rocks.
Also from a guildy that is at fan fair, Blixtev said that the Kotor Bioware/LEC/EA game is NOT a MMO, the closest thing to it would be what Diablo 2 is now (as far as online access). So you can do the story line solo or team up with some players to do it online as well.
It's another reason why SWG is not going away, two different products.
I kinda of always thought it wasnt a mmo since they still had the LA project and mmo listed sepreate.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
Wow are you getting taken for a ride...that was a scripted cutscene. I didn't see a single player character anywhere in the entire video. LOL!
Also, it sounds like there was less than 10 people in that room. How far SOE has fallen...
I'd be curious to know if Blixtev is speculating like everyone else or does he have some inside information? What I mean to say is he only commenting on his interperatation of the interview with the EA president or does he infact have more information?
I for one cannot imagine a developer making a game that is not an MMO anymore, or at least one that does not use a business model of continued payment over time. Anything less then a real MMO seems like it's going to be a step backwards and a let down for a whole lot of people. I really feel that a SW game (particularily one using the PC as a platform) needs to be an MMO to reach the massive audience developers are looking to.
But regarding the videos I have to admit they do look impressive, but I certainly agree with pdxgeek in that they look like cutscenes rather then actual gameplay. It looks like they showed you just enough to imply things that may not even be up to people's expectations.
We'll just have to wait and see, but experience has taught me not to get overly excited.
LOL! What fun is that...we know the Rebels loose...stupid.
I hope this is going to be as good as those short clips look. I was so disappointed to hear it was just going to be a small heroic instance, but when I hear the info and see this its looking like it wil be more then just a small dungeon that will occupy an hour or two of playtime once every couple of weeks.
The instance area is 4 times the size as the Tusken instance. As far as not seeing players it is 4 weeks from hitting TC. Say what you want it does look like fun.
Yes it does. I tend to stay off test /betas in games that are live cause for me it ruins it once it goes live. It looks excellent. I just posted it on our guilds forums I anticipate some happy replies
I just hope that it is going to be like that and that I'm able to particpate in this thing just by jumping into the instance not like the group ones now that require a preorganized groups. If this is like a version of something like in reustuss but takes place on Hoth and it goes to live looking like we see here it will be cool indeed.
if you look real close in the bottom right at the very begining of the video, you can see the back of my head.
I can't believe how fast you guys posted this, I just left there less than an hour ago.
One of the reports on the forums also mentions that one of the LA guys mentioned that George Lucas' son also plays SWG and "enjoys it alot."
George Lucas son > 250,000 disgruntled vets
I wonder if he has a lisp and says " Me-sa Georges' son' everywhere he goes?
it is the model blizzard will use with diablo 3.
I dont know if it is speculation or not, but suits the strong story arc concept of bioware.
Nice video, thanks for posting it.
I'm interested to see how they handle ship and ground vehicle combat. Did they say if ground troops also participate in the open battlefield or is it merely machine vs. machine out there while troops are indoors?
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
I'd be curious to know if Blixtev is speculating like everyone else or does he have some inside information? What I mean to say is he only commenting on his interperatation of the interview with the EA president or does he infact have more information?
I for one cannot imagine a developer making a game that is not an MMO anymore, or at least one that does not use a business model of continued payment over time. Anything less then a real MMO seems like it's going to be a step backwards and a let down for a whole lot of people. I really feel that a SW game (particularily one using the PC as a platform) needs to be an MMO to reach the massive audience developers are looking to.
But regarding the videos I have to admit they do look impressive, but I certainly agree with pdxgeek in that they look like cutscenes rather then actual gameplay. It looks like they showed you just enough to imply things that may not even be up to people's expectations.
We'll just have to wait and see, but experience has taught me not to get overly excited.
Well, you have to consider that LucasArts is contractually obligated to SOE as much as SOE is to LA. So LA would more than likely have to disclose whether any new Star Wars mmos are indeed coming out. So it is indeed possible for Blixtev to have that info.
One big problem with that assumption, BioWare announced an MMORPG, not a multiplayer RPG, there's a huge difference. Of course the MMORPG might not even be Star Wars, it might still be another project but either way, I'd play a wizards, fairies and swords shit mmo from BioWare before I played any MMO released by SOE, including Star Wars Galaxies and I say that as a life long Star Wars fan.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
Only if he pays 3.75mil in subs per month which I very much doubt.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
One big problem with that assumption, BioWare announced an MMORPG, not a multiplayer RPG, there's a huge difference. Of course the MMORPG might not even be Star Wars, it might still be another project but either way, I'd play a wizards, fairies and swords shit mmo from BioWare before I played any MMO released by SOE, including Star Wars Galaxies and I say that as a life long Star Wars fan.
yes they announced an mmorpg in alliance with LA in 2006 that is the only official stuff we have
people have concluded and prematurely based on a "leaked" 1 sentance of information from the guy at EA that this 2006 release is kotor and its an mmorpg. There is enough bloggery which is always kinda iffy cause blogs by people like this are created to get page views and the information is not necessarily accurate however there are blogs that call this EA thing a "game with a multilplayer element' and blogs that say its an "mmorpg". So at this point it can be either until an official releas is made on la's site or ea's site or biowares site or preferably all 3. That 1 liner was for page views and nothing more. It worked to I bet..
One big problem with that assumption, BioWare announced an MMORPG, not a multiplayer RPG, there's a huge difference. Of course the MMORPG might not even be Star Wars, it might still be another project but either way, I'd play a wizards, fairies and swords shit mmo from BioWare before I played any MMO released by SOE, including Star Wars Galaxies and I say that as a life long Star Wars fan.
yes they announced an mmorpg in alliance with LA in 2006 that is the only official stuff we have
people have concluded and prematurely based on a "leaked" 1 sentance of information from the guy at EA that this 2006 release is kotor and its an mmorpg. There is enough bloggery which is always kinda iffy cause blogs by people like this are created to get page views and the information is not necessarily accurate however there are blogs that call this EA thing a "game with a multilplayer element' and blogs that say its an "mmorpg". So at this point it can be either until an official releas is made on la's site or ea's site or biowares site or preferably all 3. That 1 liner was for page views and nothing more. It worked to I bet..
No, they've essentially made 2 announcements, firstly that they've set up a new office purely for the production of an un-named MMO and secondly that they're collaborating with LA on a title, they could be one and the same or they may be 2 seperate projects, that much is still unknown. The only thing we do know for certain is that BioWare are definately going to be putting out a fully fledged MMORPG, not a Diablo, NWN etc multiplayer RPG. Everyone's seen all the evidence that's out there to say whether they're the same project or not and it's still down to personal opinion but I'm pretty damn certain a BioWare mmorpg, regardless of setting is going to be a game worth playing so Blix can play it down all he likes but even if it's not a Star Wars mmo it'll likely be a better product than anything currently or in the pipeline available from SOE.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
As an expansion of the GL son's involvement, this from an attendee:
Both the associate producer and producer from the lucas arts team were at the galactic assembly, jneri and neif on the forums. The appropriately tough question was asked, namely, with all the mmo's out there and more importantly the upcoming title from bioware that everyone suspects is a kotor mmo, how committed is lucas arts to making this game suceed.
The half question asked with that hard one was does George Lucas himself ever log in.
Naturally, they would not comment on anything LA may be doing with Bioware. But they did say that their presence at the assembly is a testament to the desire that LA has for this game to suceed. SWG is not going away next year, period. They have even given more freedom to the design team, so we get things like Galactic Moon Festival, Hoth, etc etc.
Plus, the fact the GL's son plays means that there is top-level involvement in making sure this isn't a failure. Jake Neri gets emails from GL's son on a regular basis about the game. That tells me something. It reassures me, to some extent, that the resources (namely capital) that our great design team needs will not be diverted from swg to fuel any rumored kotor mmo.
Does that mean i plan on giving them complete leeway? of course not. They need to be accountable for the promises they've made and the statements they've made. I know this community does a good job of reminding the devs of their shortcomings. What I do not see is enough people realizing exactly how much they have done. Remember folks, the prior dev team LAUGHED at us during the april 2006 summits when we suggested vehicle combat. Now, thanks to BM and heroics, we now have the tech to be able to do this.
vid def looks good but did i just see 1 speeder take down a line of at-at's???
and is this just going to be another group only instance that takes 3hrs to get into then bugs and we fail like every other instance i went in?
Hehe take it all with a grain of salt at this point I never ever say anything until its actually up and I play with it, but that clip looked like a re-enactment of the speeders taking the AT'-AT's down in the movie so yeah you did
My only hope is that this is just not an instance that you fight from beginning to end and that people can jump into it without being in a group just faction and the load of the hoth instance determines your ability to enter
Hopefuly its more of the playground that it appears to be instead of just the dungeon. Its already been stated that the hoth area has a dungeon as part of it. So to me this means I can go in there and fart around just with a friend which would be awesome. If this is the case then the statement they made about it being more of an expansion awhile back is in fact true. We shall see, but from what I am seeing and the reason I started playing this game again was that is suddenly one day when i logged in showed progress and promise and I wasn't forced into FPS again.
I"m sure this next sentace will get flamed from ehre to kingdom come, but to me it looks like sony has learned from its passed mistakes and that they are being given the leway to fix what needs to be fixed and license to add the stuff that was on the drawing board awhile back now. I just wish they would fix the ugly HUD ...
If this is so I wont be going anywhere for awhile yet and still be playing this game. The addition of halloween content and revival of the life day stuff shows that something has happened and for the better.
While you're waiting, you could play the battle for echo base on SW Battlefront -- it's quite a bit of fun! ( ' :
That video reminds me of another video very similar to it that I can't seem to find now. It showed a player going to the bridge of a correlian corvette and taking control of it and telling everyone they were going to be able to fly capitol ships. Yeah that was awesome when they put that in...
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I agree SWG is not going anywhere. Just a week ago I decided to use my free play time SOE granted vets, and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised how this new development team is recovering the game. Once I done a lot of crash courses in learning all the new changes and content, and being able to set the UI back to how I liked it I was good to go. Next thing I know I was logging off five hours later. I've found myself logging in ever evening since I returned and enjoying myself. I know some will never let it go with the whole NGE thing, but for this once unhappy SWG player I've been pleasantly surprised by this new dev team on how they've improved SWG, and I now play SWG again because I''m enjoying it. Farstar EU server is alive and well with community too.
All SOE & LA need to do now is declare SWG a theme park stage for all of the Star Wars time line for fans to have fun in, hopefully this will shut those hardcore Star wars fans up that there shouldn't be loads of Jedi in the current time line.