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As the title says, what is your initial reaction to the announcment of SW:TOR?
Feel free to post why...
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Website is pretty crappy. No real info yet.
Raids are in the game = chance of fail is big.
Story driven most likely = not much room for choice.
Im super happy, but i hope that all the players are not jedis (sad face).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I'm negative even if I wasn't expecting anything really but a MMO in the KOTO era, story driven.
Here's why :
Apart some details about the story line we know quite nothing about the game.
Graphics that fits perfectly Marvel comics but not SW.
Hero, and so, they put too much emphasis on you being the Hero. I really don't care about being a hero.
NPC with you, allo? When I play an MMO I do this tho have roles filled by real players not manage a (dumb?) team. I want to interact with people.
So far I don`t see how it's an MMO but maybe the subsciption fees. It looks more like a paying Kotor Online. I hope future details will prove me wrong.
Pleased. I can't wait till they release more information, but from the articles I've read and the interview video with the team, my excitement for the game hasn't dropped any. The dev saying the game will have much more content than every Bioware RPG combined made me really happy.
There are things I'm concerned with.. most of all the companions and personal story arcs, and "most of the game being soloable". I can't wait to find out more, but I'm really hoping the companion system won't be anything like Guild Wars, and I would really hate running out into the world and seeing groups of people soloing the content with the same pet characters everywhere.
Waiting for Fallen Earth, World of Darkness, Old Republic, FFXIV
Not enough information is known yet for me to proclaim OMGMUSTHAEV!!11
I will follow it a bit and see what shakes though..
What is my reaction to Star Wars the old republic?
I think episode IV best some it up.
A New Hope
I voted neutral. I have to agree with Draccan, the website is sub-par, the graphics look bad, its just not very exciting release. Considering everyone already knew it was coming out, you'd think they could have made a better release.
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
The news made my day. My girlfriend is mad at me but I dont give a shit, TOR is official!
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
I think it sounds great. Even if it turns out to be another WOW like WAR and LOTRO I will still play it. i play those games and I played WOW . The only difference is that Im not a huge fan of any of those properties while on the other hand I am a huge fan of Star Wars. If I have to play a grindy redundant MMO I would rather do it in the Star Wars universe than any other.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
"What is your initial reaction to the announcment of Old Republic MMO? "
Here we go again...
It all looked wonderful till i saw EA was going to be in on it
Figures, you know Bioware is a EA company, so it makes sense (since 1 year already) that they will publish it.
I would say it is a game to watch out for. Doesn't change much for me. I've enjoyed most SW games so far, so I will prolly loosly follow it till release.
Very positive. I'm somewhat miffed at the surge of Ex-SWG players proclaiming that this must be the newest sandbox for them to run around in (it's not going to be, so get over it <.<), and the graphics were a bit of a put off for me, but I'm so pumped for this.
I'm a diehard Bioware fan, and a diehard Star Wars fan, AND a diehard MMO-junkie, so I have a feeling this will appeal very much to me!
Surely wouldnt it be the other way around?
By the way I voted Extremely Negative. Why? Because I'm sick to death of Star Wars games. I loved the films.....they were great......but every couple of years someone makes yet another game based on Star Wars. Its so predictable its just ridiculous. Boring boring boring.
I totally support orginal ideas though.
Extremely positive news here. Bioware is just an awesome developer that is going to give us a great mmo. Surely it will not be for everyone but lets face it, Bioware just makes great games and I expect the same here. Bioware+Star Wars = pure win !
I'm intruiged to see what they plan on doing. The essentially have a brand name with a blank slate for lore and direction. They don't have the confine of the original Star Wars movies or the KOTOR games, they can explore and create with alot more freedom than we have seen in a Star Wars game.
I'm optomistic, but not going to go nuts or overhype or bash by any means. There are plenty of other folks on her and other sites doing that well enough. Lets just sit back and enjoy the journey to launch.
"If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"
I am.... truely relieved to be perfectly honest. Everrything they were talking about as far as story is concerned, is the very thing most people have been asking for as far as content is concerned. Not having a real in-game story for your character has been one of my biggest gripes now for about four years.
Even if the rest of the game were completely... the same as any other game - this alone would probably be worth it. But, I highly doubt they will use a carbon copy of WoW design. The very fact they they are putting so much emphasis on story is proof enough for me that they truely are going to deliver the next-gen game we've been waiting for.
Given that, I do have some thoughts of concern. Well, they aren't concerns really, just things I would be interested in knowing more about (like everyone else I imagine.)
Okay, so it's Star Wars. SWG was... quite a brilliant game, and quite a bad game all at the same time. It's design theory and whatnot is more or less sound. And I totally understand and dig it's Sandbox roots. But having placed my faith in Bioware for this project, I've come to the conclusion that maybe "Sandbox" can mean more than just, pick some skills and help an economy grow. Maybe a Sanbox can mean that you can finally have the character you want... and have the stroy to go with it.
Besides that, I would like to see this game really be less of a Sandbox title, and more of an Action RPG, like KOTOR was and Mass Effect after it. The reason for this is because I all I'm looking for in this game at this point in time is an amazingly rich story for my character, having it completely relate to everything in the world, and have good gameplay to go along with it. Anything else, is just extra in my book. This will be the first time you ever hear me say this - for once, I could care less about an in-game economy. There just is no interesting story to tell about an armorsmith.
Oh, I still think Sandbox games can be a little more involving, and in the long run, more rewarding - simply because they reinvent themselves without much of a developer support. But for this game... hell...I just want a good MMO worthy of the Star Wars title... and SWG aint it.
Graphically, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that those screenshots look.... nothing like what I expected. But, I read somewhere that those are... not even close to the real deal. Just about nothing in those screenshots were indentifiable to me, except the beams on the lightsabers. The hilts themself looked like they came straight out of Lego Star Wars... they're so... huge! All in all... I think they could have done better about showing some in-game screenshots for their official unveiling. But, maybe those were just there to throw us a bone, while they keep the good stuff under wraps - which I'm quite sure is the case. Bioware is pretty good about not making stuff look dumb. And they wouldn't ruin such a great concept for a game on totally screwing the pooch on art.
Very negative, it might have a really good story but based on the info so far it will be a terrible mmorpg, in fact It will probably be the most dumbed down mmorpg yet.
I imagine it's going to be more of a interactive story than mmorpg.
Kotor was a good single player game but you really need a lot more choice available to the player than what it provides, and it looks like they are just going to add a chat function and raids and then charge people $15 a month to play it.
If they want to make a single player game then they should just make one and it would be a great game I'm sure, but please do not make a single player games add some multiplayer functionality (raiding ect) and then charge people $15 a month to play it.
I posted my initial reaction right after reading the news, and then saw your thread here. Sorry I should have read it first but I was too excited lol. To avoid being redundant, my thoughts are here:
my vote was neutral.
personally, i liked the focus on story and character, I feel that has been a major element missing from the genere for a long time. I liked the time frame the game is set in, with all the star wars feel but still enough room for the devs to design their own creation. I really liked the fexiblity presented by the developers, with the difference between good and evil and the factions themselves. Also, I like that the jedi classes are playable at creation, they are the focus point of the francise and can't be left out so I prefer they are dealt with from the beginning.
I did not like the lack of detail in the announcement itself. Space is a huge part of Star Wars and it was never directly mentioned. Also, I am glad the issue of the Jedi was handled from day 1.. but "Choose to be a Jedi, a Sith, or from a variety of other classic Star Wars roles" makes me feel like a second class citizen. I don't know what role I will choose to play, but my draw to star wars has always been as much about the technology as it is the heroes.
I really just had to shake my head, its like knowing in advance theres going to be a car accident.
Simply put, I dont think its possible to please the Star Wars crowd. Its going to be ugly to watch the forum fights that break out thats for sure.
The website has been up for what 7, 8hours? The graphics are..... pre-alpha? Some people need to stop seeing the glass as half full. I can't get any good pictures to show how I felt so this will have ot do
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
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The website has been up for what 7, 8hours? The graphics are..... pre-alpha? Some people need to stop seeing the glass as half full. I can't get any good pictures to show how I felt so this will have ot do
Im tellin ya, as a whole, you cant please em.