They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate?
Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America?
Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh...
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen: They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate? Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America? Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh... Al qaeda threatens Britain Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
We need a War on Zombies! Kickoff starts this Halloween! Hopefully by the end of November we will have a mission accomplished, until then we must stay the course!
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen: They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate? Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America? Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh... Al qaeda threatens Britain Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen: They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate? Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America? Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh... Al qaeda threatens Britain Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
I think I fixed the links. This site errored when I tried to post the original post, It showed only half my post posted, but when I went to edit it it showed the entire post, so I copy and pasted everything back in and I think that was what broke the links. STupid editors.
Their main target is not just America, it is CHristains everywhere, and anyone who opposes them. America is just their biggest target because we are the biggest one to take down.
even if we left them totally alone they would go back to targeting all of those around them ...
I really doubt their target is christians as they haven't really attacked any christians for being christians. Wouldn't the most important target be the Vatican if they wanted to target christians?
I do not know all the ideologies of Al-Quaeda but I do know that Jesus is one of the prophets in the Koran.
I really doubt their target is christians as they haven't really attacked any christians for being christians. Wouldn't the most important target be the Vatican if they wanted to target christians? I do not know all the ideologies of Al-Quaeda but I do know that Jesus is one of the prophets in the Koran.
How is this not because they are Christains? Why would they say this to Denmark?
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
It is amazing. LOL! I mean unless they strap a bomb on themselves and come into their room where they are sitting at their computer minding their own business then they are not a threat? Well if we don;t stop them before they have the ability to do that .. that is exactly what they will do. LOL
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
It is amazing. LOL! I mean unless they strap a bomb on themselves and come into their room where they are sitting at their computer minding their own business then they are not a threat? Well if we don;t stop them before they have the ability to do that .. that is exactly what they will do. LOL
What does Al Qaeda want? Anyone who can answer that needs to contact their local government ASAP and report for diplomatic duty. It will be fun to watch them saw your head off on TV when you try to reason with them.
Geez, so many nit - witted replies to this thread that just boil down to anti-Americanism. Al Qaeda was killing people way before this.
What does Al Qaeda want from you? They want YOU Mr and Miss westerner...they want you to die. In place of that, they want you to live in fear forever. You are a sub human infidel who deserves no better.
Al Qaeda has no mercy for you or your family or anything else, European or American it doesn't matter. They have attacked our cities (New York, London, Madrid) and killed with no concern whatso ever about who it was they were targeting. Men, women, children, old, young...none were spared. Thousands of us have died in the last decade.
Al Qaeda kills westerners. (and "martyr as many of their own as it takes..tens of thousands if not hundreds as demonstratedin Iraq) Thats it. How many Iraqis were killed by Al Qaeda? Please somewhere near 100,000 at this point. All they want is to kill. They have no noble intent they just want your blood on their hands.
The brothers of the ones that died will be the future terrorists.
I'm disgusted by this statement. Seriously, QQ
These... these... abominations don't mind dying in the slightest, remember they are highly rewarded by Allah. These are the same people that strap on bombs and kill tens or hundreds of children in schools. The 'ones that died', had a mission of death for themselves and others. Their 'brothers' are most likely (100%) terrorists themselves by the way. If they think about becoming a terrorist because their brother died, which was his mission, well that is darwin law right there.
I guess they feel people like you are worth dying to fight. When I read your post, I naturally found myself on the side of the suicide bombers who kill tens or hundreds of children in schools.
I suspect that people who are willing to give their own lives to fight their enemies have thought a lot harder about that sacrifice than you clearly have.
1) RISKING your life fighting and outright suicidal behavior are two COMPLETELY different things. I have INFINATELY more respect for someone who put their life on the line but will fight to do it again later (read OUR military) then someone who assumes there is nothing they can do after this, so they go kill themselves in the name of whatever they are doing this for (read the suicide bombers). ALL reasons behind it aside (and "collateral damage" you know... like the SCHOOL FULL OF FREAKING KIDS) that alone puts them as pathetic. Period.
2) HIDING among civilians is equally pathetic. Honor does not exist... call my judgemental, but that is all they show me.
3) How the HELL do you support even for a SECOND, the suiciders at this point? Seriously, that suggests something wrong with you to me.
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen: They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate? Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America? Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh... Al qaeda threatens Britain Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Let me tell you about these animals over there. I'll tell you about the animal who put a little girl on the side of the road and as we passed yelled "help my daughter, help my daughter" and when our medic dismounted and got close, detonated her killing them both.
Let em tell you about my good friend who while leading his tank platoon across a bridge were blocked by a bunch of kids. When they stopped insurgents fired RPGs at the structure of the bridge raining shrapnel down on everyone severly wounding my friend and the loader and killing most of the kids.
Let me tell you about my 4 friends killed when an IED manufactured in Iran ripped their vehicle to pieces.
Or maybe about my friend who basically had the right side of his body blown off when their truck hit a mine.
Unfortunately I have a lot more.
Shit f*cks
World peace. please you little ignorant punks. These people don't want world peace, they want to kill. That's all they want, that's all they know. They gladly use kids as bait just to kill one of us. They use the kids as spotters and just about anything else. Yeah you don't hear much about that little tid bit. I guess the enemy being an animal doesn't make good news. The networks like to portray victims for everything.
Don't think for a second that they wouldn't happily plant this fight in your backyard if they could. Don't think for a second it still can't happen.
You people better wake the f*ck up and realize whether you like it or not there is a war happening and you are on the hit list. Pray these savages never ever get their hands on a nuke ( a very, very real concern trust me) because it will end up destroying one of our cities American OR European, they give a F*ck who's whichever is easier.
The story today took a more appropriate look too. Seems the women and children we supposedly bombed turned in Queda operatives...and oh my...we even captured one!
Syria met with Iraq last week. Then this happens. My guess is, Syria gave us the okay, maybe even gave us the co-ordinates -- but, knowing how that would look, asked us to allow them to deny us and verbally attack us. Of course, we said sure, like we do in all these situations (much like what has been going on in Pakistan).
This is how things work. It's about getting the job done and allowing everyone to save face.
Syria met with Iraq last week. Then this happens. My guess is, Syria gave us the okay, maybe even gave us the co-ordinates -- but, knowing how that would look, asked us to allow them to deny us and verbally attack us. Of course, we said sure, like we do in all these situations (much like what has been going on in Pakistan). This is how things work. It's about getting the job done and allowing everyone to save face.
Now that you mention it, wasn't there just a terrorist attack in Syria a couple of weeks ago, as I seem to recall.
I remember that because I was astounded that terrorists would attack in Syria......
LOFL uhm. NO how about its their upbringing and the 'churches' they attend. they're taught there whole life to hate US.
Now you're just being naive. Where did you hear this? Do you have any sources to back you up? And furthermore, if they are brought up to hate US, what do you think sparked this hate? Do you think some bigshot muslims sat down and decided for a specific country to hate? And how long have this common USA existed in the middle east? I haven't researched how far back the hate goes, but I'm willing to bet it goes back to earlier wars against the middle east. And the fact that America supported Saddam with weapons and such might've helped too.
My family recently attended a conference led by a former Muslim terrorist...He said that by the time he was 5 years old he was sneaking weapons into Israel via tunnel.
Five years old, I'm sure that he completely understands politics by that age and isn't simply acting on what his culture has told him to do.
You're a nieve fool.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I wonder if any Obama supporters will claim that this is an attempt by the military to put the focus back on foreign affairs thereby trying to boost McCain's election chances.
Still, there are widespread suspicions that political rather than military considerations dictated the timing of the raid, since the Republicans could be expected to benefit from any renewed concerns over terrorism. "This is all related to the elections in the U.S. The timing is so close," contends Sami Moubayed, a Syrian political analyst. "Bringing out the 'terrorist threat,' magnifying it, projecting it as a monster that needs to be dealt with on the spot ... serves nobody but John McCain."
when i was over there the 1st time we went to save kuwait , i wnt to a lecture given by someone sympathetic to Americans , he was Saudi if that matters to you guys.
He ( im going to paraphrase here i dont remember exact words) told us :
The real issue facing alot of the fanatics is that they were told by their religion , their faith, that they were the masters of the earth , that their culture would outshine every other , as proof that they were the chosen people of earth. When the rest of the world switched from Religion to Commerce as a basis of government and growth they didnt , they stuck to the promise of god and his plan for them. But the world passed them by , when modern communications brought that fact to even the most remote areas of some places. There was resentment , how could ALL of the world disobeyed the word of god? How could his plan have gone so wrong?
How could they NOT be the culture all others want to be like? How could anyone not following the plan laid forth by god have a better mortal life? The answer was simple , they traded their soul for property , money , wine, women , song.The answer was simple , Satan. The consulsion was that to bypass the faithful they had to have help from an enemy of god. Man can not over come the plans of god alone was a reason.
It was very interesting stuff , i wish i could rememebr how it was spoken to us literally as im sure it would make alot more sense .
But the underlying reason seemed ( from my point of view at the time) to come down to ... The rest of the world didnt fall in line and let them become the masters of humanity and for that sin we must all pay.
Eh , if this offended anyone im sorry , ii was just trying to point out something i found interesting way back in the 90's. it sort of stuck with me and if i could say it the way it was presented im sure it would make more sense and be much more believeable.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen: They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate? Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America? Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh... Al qaeda threatens Britain Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
You must refer to feeding them and buying their oil? Yeah that must really rankle them knowing they would starve without us infidels.
Or would it be allowing their children to be educated in the US colleges, or maybe allowing them to immigrant to and deal drugs in the US.
Or is it just because we sell weapons to israeli and the arabs. Or because we had troops in Saudi Arabia,that we withdrew after the Saudi's asked us to?
So what most likely in your mind has caused this extremist backlash?
LOFL uhm. NO how about its their upbringing and the 'churches' they attend. they're taught there whole life to hate US.
Now you're just being naive. Where did you hear this? Do you have any sources to back you up? And furthermore, if they are brought up to hate US, what do you think sparked this hate? Do you think some bigshot muslims sat down and decided for a specific country to hate? And how long have this common USA existed in the middle east? I haven't researched how far back the hate goes, but I'm willing to bet it goes back to earlier wars against the middle east. And the fact that America supported Saddam with weapons and such might've helped too.
My family recently attended a conference led by a former Muslim terrorist...He said that by the time he was 5 years old he was sneaking weapons into Israel via tunnel.
Five years old, I'm sure that he completely understands politics by that age and isn't simply acting on what his culture has told him to do.
You're a nieve fool.
Not so fast, maybe not his culture, but maybe by adults.
One of my co-workers went scuba diving in a Central American country. When his plane landed, he couldn't carry all his luggage and his scuba gear across the tarmac to the terminal in one trip. He left his scuba tanks on the tarmac by the plane. A twelve year old boy in a government uniform almost shot him when he went back to retrieve it. The kid didn't know what it was, thought it was a bomb, and thought my co-worker was coming to detonate it.
It is not unusual to see young kids used for questionable tasks that they have little understanding for. Little kids are not generally suspected of running weapons, drugs, or other contraband, and have little regard for the risks they run doing so. Oftentimes it is a thrill for them.
Another one of my co-workers would go out hunting possum in Mississippi when he was little. His job was to climb up the tree and stir up the possum. His uncles would fire over his head at the possum. Only later in life did he realize it was a really stupid thing to do.
When you raise your children like this, only bad things can happen:
They do not just target Americans , they target all Christians, and anyone who opposes their religion and beliefs. Their only solution to this is to "wipe them from the face of the earth" now you really think these people want to negotiate?
Do you think that them wanting to wipe all worshippers of the cross from the face of the earth in denmark over a cartoon has anything to do with America?
Is there anyone that Al qaeda doesn't want to wipe from the face of the earth? But Oh yea they just want to attack the US.. UH huh...
Al qaeda threatens Britain
Al-Qaeda commander threatens Denmark
Al-Qaeda threatens Canada,,2-10-1462_2022147,00.html
Al Qaeda threatens Libya
Al-Qaeda threatens UK
Al-Qaeda threatens jihad
Al-Qaeda threatens Jordan King
Al Qaeda threatens Japan, Poland, Bulgaria
al-Qaeda Threatens Iran
Many Christians across the US are mounting an attack as well.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
And zombies.
Shit now I'm scared.
We need a War on Zombies! Kickoff starts this Halloween! Hopefully by the end of November we will have a mission accomplished, until then we must stay the course!
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
You need to fix some of your links.
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
You need to fix some of your links.
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
I think I fixed the links. This site errored when I tried to post the original post, It showed only half my post posted, but when I went to edit it it showed the entire post, so I copy and pasted everything back in and I think that was what broke the links. STupid editors.
Their main target is not just America, it is CHristains everywhere, and anyone who opposes them. America is just their biggest target because we are the biggest one to take down.
even if we left them totally alone they would go back to targeting all of those around them ...
I really doubt their target is christians as they haven't really attacked any christians for being christians. Wouldn't the most important target be the Vatican if they wanted to target christians?
I do not know all the ideologies of Al-Quaeda but I do know that Jesus is one of the prophets in the Koran.
How is this not because they are Christains? Why would they say this to Denmark?
Aid worker killed for spreading Christianity
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
It is amazing. LOL! I mean unless they strap a bomb on themselves and come into their room where they are sitting at their computer minding their own business then they are not a threat? Well if we don;t stop them before they have the ability to do that .. that is exactly what they will do. LOL
I am convinced Bush really wants to destroy the world and the USA with it.
No. They were attacking the Russians long before the Americans.
When the Russian infidels were in Afghanistan.
After that they were fighting Afghan warlords.
They will not be content until they are the only ones left in the world. And even then they would not be content unil they have killed each other over disagreements.
Its amazing how fast people forget their history isn't it?
Syria is no "innocent victim", remember that. Many Middle Eastern governments support Al-Qaeda as proved by their collective inaction against them.
Al-Qaeda has no sympathy or mercy for you and they will strike at the west again...and again...and again. Yeah some innocent people were killed, thats war. Innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center (9/11/2001 - 2974 dead 6000+ wounded), in London (7/7/2005 52 dead 700 wounded) and in Spain 11/3/2005 (191 dead over 2000 wounded) in addition to the over 4000 U.S. soldiers killed and 30,000 plus wounded (not counting UK and NATO troop casualties)
Oh how soon we forget.
OP, I didn't realize we were on the verge of World Peace. In case you haven't been keeping up on world events in the past 6 or 7 years...we are not.
Baff the Pakastanies don't "have the power to wipe us out" or whatever it was you wrote. They are a minimal military threat to the west on a good day with clear skies and perfect temps. All states understand M.A.D. and since the Russians are the only ones capible of doing aside from the west all Pakastan could hope to accomplish is societal suicide. The real concern is the wrong people getting their hands on a nuclear device.
Heres a thought....if they didn't fly the damn planes into the world trade center, it never would have come to this but WTF do I know?
It is amazing. LOL! I mean unless they strap a bomb on themselves and come into their room where they are sitting at their computer minding their own business then they are not a threat? Well if we don;t stop them before they have the ability to do that .. that is exactly what they will do. LOL
What does Al Qaeda want? Anyone who can answer that needs to contact their local government ASAP and report for diplomatic duty. It will be fun to watch them saw your head off on TV when you try to reason with them.
Geez, so many nit - witted replies to this thread that just boil down to anti-Americanism. Al Qaeda was killing people way before this.
What does Al Qaeda want from you? They want YOU Mr and Miss westerner...they want you to die. In place of that, they want you to live in fear forever. You are a sub human infidel who deserves no better.
Al Qaeda has no mercy for you or your family or anything else, European or American it doesn't matter. They have attacked our cities (New York, London, Madrid) and killed with no concern whatso ever about who it was they were targeting. Men, women, children, old, young...none were spared. Thousands of us have died in the last decade.
Al Qaeda kills westerners. (and "martyr as many of their own as it takes..tens of thousands if not hundreds as demonstratedin Iraq) Thats it. How many Iraqis were killed by Al Qaeda? Please somewhere near 100,000 at this point. All they want is to kill. They have no noble intent they just want your blood on their hands.
I'm disgusted by this statement. Seriously, QQ
These... these... abominations don't mind dying in the slightest, remember they are highly rewarded by Allah. These are the same people that strap on bombs and kill tens or hundreds of children in schools. The 'ones that died', had a mission of death for themselves and others. Their 'brothers' are most likely (100%) terrorists themselves by the way. If they think about becoming a terrorist because their brother died, which was his mission, well that is darwin law right there.
I guess they feel people like you are worth dying to fight. When I read your post, I naturally found myself on the side of the suicide bombers who kill tens or hundreds of children in schools.
I suspect that people who are willing to give their own lives to fight their enemies have thought a lot harder about that sacrifice than you clearly have.
1) RISKING your life fighting and outright suicidal behavior are two COMPLETELY different things. I have INFINATELY more respect for someone who put their life on the line but will fight to do it again later (read OUR military) then someone who assumes there is nothing they can do after this, so they go kill themselves in the name of whatever they are doing this for (read the suicide bombers). ALL reasons behind it aside (and "collateral damage" you know... like the SCHOOL FULL OF FREAKING KIDS) that alone puts them as pathetic. Period.
2) HIDING among civilians is equally pathetic. Honor does not exist... call my judgemental, but that is all they show me.
3) How the HELL do you support even for a SECOND, the suiciders at this point? Seriously, that suggests something wrong with you to me.
Many Christians across the US are mounting an attack as well.
And do they run the country? Do they go out and vandilize others outside their religion? DO THEY ORGANIZE SUCH THINGS?
This isnt even in the same realm... sorry.
Let me tell you about "oops"
Let me tell you about these animals over there. I'll tell you about the animal who put a little girl on the side of the road and as we passed yelled "help my daughter, help my daughter" and when our medic dismounted and got close, detonated her killing them both.
Let em tell you about my good friend who while leading his tank platoon across a bridge were blocked by a bunch of kids. When they stopped insurgents fired RPGs at the structure of the bridge raining shrapnel down on everyone severly wounding my friend and the loader and killing most of the kids.
Let me tell you about my 4 friends killed when an IED manufactured in Iran ripped their vehicle to pieces.
Or maybe about my friend who basically had the right side of his body blown off when their truck hit a mine.
Unfortunately I have a lot more.
Shit f*cks
World peace. please you little ignorant punks. These people don't want world peace, they want to kill. That's all they want, that's all they know. They gladly use kids as bait just to kill one of us. They use the kids as spotters and just about anything else. Yeah you don't hear much about that little tid bit. I guess the enemy being an animal doesn't make good news. The networks like to portray victims for everything.
Don't think for a second that they wouldn't happily plant this fight in your backyard if they could. Don't think for a second it still can't happen.
You people better wake the f*ck up and realize whether you like it or not there is a war happening and you are on the hit list. Pray these savages never ever get their hands on a nuke ( a very, very real concern trust me) because it will end up destroying one of our cities American OR European, they give a F*ck who's whichever is easier.
Don't F$%K with the USA.
That still stands.
The story today took a more appropriate look too. Seems the women and children we supposedly bombed turned in Queda operatives...and oh my...we even captured one!
Off to Club Gitmo for him. LMAO.
Syria met with Iraq last week. Then this happens. My guess is, Syria gave us the okay, maybe even gave us the co-ordinates -- but, knowing how that would look, asked us to allow them to deny us and verbally attack us. Of course, we said sure, like we do in all these situations (much like what has been going on in Pakistan).
This is how things work. It's about getting the job done and allowing everyone to save face.
Now that you mention it, wasn't there just a terrorist attack in Syria a couple of weeks ago, as I seem to recall.
I remember that because I was astounded that terrorists would attack in Syria......
Now you're just being naive. Where did you hear this? Do you have any sources to back you up? And furthermore, if they are brought up to hate US, what do you think sparked this hate? Do you think some bigshot muslims sat down and decided for a specific country to hate? And how long have this common USA existed in the middle east? I haven't researched how far back the hate goes, but I'm willing to bet it goes back to earlier wars against the middle east. And the fact that America supported Saddam with weapons and such might've helped too.
My family recently attended a conference led by a former Muslim terrorist...He said that by the time he was 5 years old he was sneaking weapons into Israel via tunnel.
Five years old, I'm sure that he completely understands politics by that age and isn't simply acting on what his culture has told him to do.
You're a nieve fool.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
What's Behind the US Military Raid on Syria?
Still, there are widespread suspicions that political rather than military considerations dictated the timing of the raid, since the Republicans could be expected to benefit from any renewed concerns over terrorism. "This is all related to the elections in the U.S. The timing is so close," contends Sami Moubayed, a Syrian political analyst. "Bringing out the 'terrorist threat,' magnifying it, projecting it as a monster that needs to be dealt with on the spot ... serves nobody but John McCain."
when i was over there the 1st time we went to save kuwait , i wnt to a lecture given by someone sympathetic to Americans , he was Saudi if that matters to you guys.
He ( im going to paraphrase here i dont remember exact words) told us :
The real issue facing alot of the fanatics is that they were told by their religion , their faith, that they were the masters of the earth , that their culture would outshine every other , as proof that they were the chosen people of earth. When the rest of the world switched from Religion to Commerce as a basis of government and growth they didnt , they stuck to the promise of god and his plan for them. But the world passed them by , when modern communications brought that fact to even the most remote areas of some places. There was resentment , how could ALL of the world disobeyed the word of god? How could his plan have gone so wrong?
How could they NOT be the culture all others want to be like? How could anyone not following the plan laid forth by god have a better mortal life? The answer was simple , they traded their soul for property , money , wine, women , song.The answer was simple , Satan. The consulsion was that to bypass the faithful they had to have help from an enemy of god. Man can not over come the plans of god alone was a reason.
It was very interesting stuff , i wish i could rememebr how it was spoken to us literally as im sure it would make alot more sense .
But the underlying reason seemed ( from my point of view at the time) to come down to ... The rest of the world didnt fall in line and let them become the masters of humanity and for that sin we must all pay.
Eh , if this offended anyone im sorry , ii was just trying to point out something i found interesting way back in the 90's. it sort of stuck with me and if i could say it the way it was presented im sure it would make more sense and be much more believeable.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
You need to fix some of your links.
Anyways, Al-Quaeda's first terrorist attacks were on americans. Al-Quaeda is an muslim extremist group but they don't target christians but rather people who they think mock their religion or hurt the middle-east. It's just natural that religious extremists threatens people or countries they think is mocking their religion.
All of this doesn't really change the fact that America is their main target and from what I've read and seen, attacks has been on USA, american places or american troops only. As I earlier said, I'm not trying to defend them but it's hard to deny that USA is their main target and that this hate is most likely rooted in past american activities in the middle-east.
You must refer to feeding them and buying their oil? Yeah that must really rankle them knowing they would starve without us infidels.
Or would it be allowing their children to be educated in the US colleges, or maybe allowing them to immigrant to and deal drugs in the US.
Or is it just because we sell weapons to israeli and the arabs. Or because we had troops in Saudi Arabia,that we withdrew after the Saudi's asked us to?
So what most likely in your mind has caused this extremist backlash?
Now you're just being naive. Where did you hear this? Do you have any sources to back you up? And furthermore, if they are brought up to hate US, what do you think sparked this hate? Do you think some bigshot muslims sat down and decided for a specific country to hate? And how long have this common USA existed in the middle east? I haven't researched how far back the hate goes, but I'm willing to bet it goes back to earlier wars against the middle east. And the fact that America supported Saddam with weapons and such might've helped too.
My family recently attended a conference led by a former Muslim terrorist...He said that by the time he was 5 years old he was sneaking weapons into Israel via tunnel.
Five years old, I'm sure that he completely understands politics by that age and isn't simply acting on what his culture has told him to do.
You're a nieve fool.
Not so fast, maybe not his culture, but maybe by adults.
One of my co-workers went scuba diving in a Central American country. When his plane landed, he couldn't carry all his luggage and his scuba gear across the tarmac to the terminal in one trip. He left his scuba tanks on the tarmac by the plane. A twelve year old boy in a government uniform almost shot him when he went back to retrieve it. The kid didn't know what it was, thought it was a bomb, and thought my co-worker was coming to detonate it.
It is not unusual to see young kids used for questionable tasks that they have little understanding for. Little kids are not generally suspected of running weapons, drugs, or other contraband, and have little regard for the risks they run doing so. Oftentimes it is a thrill for them.
Another one of my co-workers would go out hunting possum in Mississippi when he was little. His job was to climb up the tree and stir up the possum. His uncles would fire over his head at the possum. Only later in life did he realize it was a really stupid thing to do.