Name me one MMO that has all of that and I'll go play it, you're a moron. I've been playing MMOs for 10 years and NONE have that.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
25 years ago, there was no "online" to play multiplayer with. The internet was opened to the public in 1997. Before that it was a very hush hush military used "web of information" they used to communicate and keep track/archive, set waypoints, ect. Our modern internet is only 11 years old. Sorry you where not playing online multiplayer games in 1986.
So unless you where exclusive to a high rank or special position in the US military in the 80's. You had no internet. And even if you where, you wouldn't be playing games. The most you could to with PC games in the 80s where pong, and other low pixel games that you played by yourself.
so many nay sayers, I love how you are going to feel in your head when this game launches and it is amazing. This is the 4th generation of the MMO. UO wishes they could do this. Yes UO had a good concept but really guys? we are light years away from what that game was with this. perhaps some of you need to watch darkfalls recent trailer.
I normally don't hate on fanboys because everyone has a right to be excited and support a game... But you Jessonater are getting rediculious. You seem to be on this forum to troll for naysayers and haters. I know the majority of ppl on these forums are trolls (myself included so save it), but we are not here to provoke every single non-fanboy. Get off your non-released high horse already. I am so looking forward to this game but the fanboys are killing my excitement for this 2nd gen game.
Name me one MMO that has all of that and I'll go play it, you're a moron. I've been playing MMOs for 10 years and NONE have that.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
25 years ago, there was no "online" to play multiplayer with. The internet was opened to the public in 1997
Never heard of BBS door have you? Fidonet? Compuserve? Alderath? Islands of Kesmai?
All very true and the internet has been around since the sixties. I personally have been on it since the mid 80's. Sure it was all Unix code before HTML was introduced in 1995 but it was there and it was accessible to anyone with the know-how to do it. Just because you(talking to dens not you Zym) didn't use it before 1997 doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Yes well clearly you dont understand that indeed this is a fourth gen MMO.
Well you clearly don't understand other ppl's opinions either. We are allowed to disagree, truly we are. You are so caught up in what YOU want DF to be that you fail to realize YOU are in the minority.
How will DF stop the griefing? I know Eve does it with High sec space what will DF do?
Yeah w/e df probably won't be fourth gen, but itsnext gen in the minds of everyone who wasn't around for UO/EQ1. And DF won't STOP griefing, but will make it much less effective with (if successful) a gigantic gameworld for places to avoid pks, skill based combat so you can kill the griefer, and the fact that mid level items are easy to obtain (so if you die several times to one guy, you're not screwed and have to run around naked).
I mean griefing will always be there as long as you have unrestricted pvp. If a noob keeps walking to a certain location, alone, and has no skills, and get pwnt by 5 pkers, yeah there's nothing stopping the pkers from killing him 100000x times (they probably won't unless they dislike him personally b/c all they will get is "leafblades")
Next gen - Is exactly like it sounds. If there is nothing before then it is not the next generation.
I think most people confuse it because no one agrees what should be put before. I would say DF is not a next gen game because I normally look at what the dev team did before it.
Revolutionary - Is something new or different. Everyone usually says nex gen for this but the game is actually revolutionary.
DF might be able to do this. Even though a lot of its concepts have been done before, but if they can put them all together and make it a success, then I would say this.
However, at this point in time I'd say the game is a myth, and it's appropriate title would be VAPORWARE.
Name me one MMO that has all of that and I'll go play it, you're a moron. I've been playing MMOs for 10 years and NONE have that.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
There are spells to control the weather, a WEATHER MAP button, and ways to predict the weather. Considering rain will hamper visibility, it is very important from a PvP aspect, and they've thought of this. Read a bit before you sound like a tool. There are indeed weather physics.
And yes, Darkfall does have all the things I listed, and each any every one you can see in the gameplay video.
Lets go over why I believe Dark Fall truely is our next generation of MMO entertainment.
New idea..... well kind of. Here we see the resurrection of lost ideas we left behind in UO. A few them being. Darkfall is a true sandbox. A world where the lore and stories revolve around the players themselves ( rather than some Lich King deciding to invade... I have to tell you I have never been scared of an NPC bringing his destruction to the world). The Engine. We have been clicking on a target walking up to it and pressing one or two keys for how long now? This truely real time combat system will change the way we think about combat in the realm of MMO titles. While we're talking about the engine lets not forget servers are not holding 1-2 thousand people at once. Darkfall caps out at 10,000 players. Yes I understand eve has 30k+ logged in at certain times. Who cares, its EVE. Lets look at what it takes to be the next gen and why I am using that term. The next gen titles break the mold in away that revolutionises how we see similar titles. It also inovative enough to send the entire industry in a new direction. No I don't mean allowing mounts to all of a sudden appear that they are a submarine flying in the air( moving a character up and down on the Z coordinate system does not constitute flying ) . Lastly, the title must be a huge success. What defines a huge success? That is for you to decide. Stay tuned sports fans, we're on the verge of a new generation.
x_- Yours truely.
Revolutionary eh? Have you played it?
10,000 players at once? Hmmm... as mentioned in earlier posts...Eve hits 30,000 and Second Life averages 45,000 to 80,000 concurrent users.
A "true" Sandbox? Sounds like Second Life has DF beat there, for SL is ALL sanbox (and a good reason why Sanboxes need structure to prevent boredom).
FFA PVP? Ultima Online did that long ago.
Clicking on a target and walking up? In WoW you can just walk up. In oblivion, you can swing away.
Can you fly in a fully 3-D world in DF? At the very least like you can in CoV/CoH or Perfect World?
Will crafting in DF rival or exceed SWG?
Does DF include extremely addicting and fun minigames like Hello Kitty Online? Will DF give players more to do then Kill,kill, craft, kill?
Next Gen graphics? I seriously hope that you are seeing screenshots different from those on the DF site, or from the "noob" comic reports. Those are on par to Morrowind.
Even the races featured in the game are the normal fare. What is so special about Dark Fall's world... is it going to blow away Tolkien, Tad Williams or Robert Jordan?
The fact is, DF is nothing not at all next gen, or even revolutionary. It doesn't have to be. The OP does not need to hype it up.
You wanna sell me on DF? It only has to meet one goal: Is it fun?
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher? You can't dismiss a fact, just because you dislike Eve.
so many nay sayers, I love how you are going to feel in your head when this game launches and it is amazing. This is the 4th generation of the MMO. UO wishes they could do this. Yes UO had a good concept but really guys? we are light years away from what that game was with this. perhaps some of you need to watch darkfalls recent trailer.
I laughted so hard a little wee came out.
The OP reminds me so much of all the hypers for Vaguard and AoC and War, he's in love with the idea of the game... but dont assume its going to be as great as you imagine once you get to play, theres probably a very good (well bad) reason theres no open DF beta.
Revolutionary eh? Have you played it? 10,000 players at once? Hmmm... as mentioned in earlier posts...Eve hits 30,000 and Second Life averages 45,000 to 80,000 concurrent users. Let me explain something to you here. A few points down you talk about how oblivion has a combat system already created like the one Darkfall is getting ready to launch with? I suppose that would be amazing except Oblivion you are not swinging away with information about your avatar being concurrently updated with the world around you. A "true" Sandbox? Sounds like Second Life has DF beat there, for SL is ALL sanbox (and a good reason why Sanboxes need structure to prevent boredom). FFA PVP? Ultima Online did that long ago. Did that along time ago in... 2D. Did that along time ago in... 2D. Anyways moving on. Clicking on a target and walking up? In WoW you can just walk up. In oblivion, you can swing away. Proving a point with two statements? Hmmm... Logic error. Can you fly in a fully 3-D world in DF? At the very least like you can in CoV/CoH or Perfect World? Perhaps you've seen the player made flying vessels in Darkfall Will crafting in DF rival or exceed SWG? Yes it is not bound by lore, or bound to a licensing agreement as many other MMO's such as.... SWG. And... Warhammer Online. Does DF include extremely addicting and fun minigames like Hello Kitty Online? Will DF give players more to do then Kill,kill, craft, kill? While as exciting as Hello Kitty is when it comes to titles in the MMO world I can assure you darkfall Next Gen graphics? I seriously hope that you are seeing screenshots different from those on the DF site, or from the "noob" comic reports. Those are on par to Morrowind. Even the races featured in the game are the normal fare. What is so special about Dark Fall's world... is it going to blow away Tolkien, Tad Williams or Robert Jordan? In the time of darkfall history and lore is written by the players themselves. The story of who they are and where they came from develops around them. Surely the rise and fall of a new power in a region will affect the player base. FOR TEH REVOLUTON. The fact is, DF is nothing not at all next gen, or even revolutionary. It doesn't have to be. The OP does not need to hype it up. EPIC FAIL! You wanna sell me on DF? It only has to meet one goal: Is it fun? Is it?
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher? You can't dismiss a fact, just because you dislike Eve.
Other than that, I mostly agree with you.
Sorry you miss interpreted what RED meant. This was just a glaring fact I liked.
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher?
How can you call anything Next Gen when it's still firmly in the vaporware category less than 2 months from a launch?
How can you call anything vaporware, with all the videos/screenshots released? That's just ignorant.
Originally posted by EvilGargamel
And so is Darkfall. What's your point? Darkfall looks like nothing more than some kind of fucked up College experiment less than 2 months from a commercial launch,. It looks like complete shit. The gameplay looks terribly generic consisiting of nothing more than [B]mindless hack and slash combat[/B], the graphics look old, the animations look terrible.
Riiiiiight, because autotargeting a mob and hammering the same button on the keyboard is _NOT_ mindless. Real time is way better.
[quote][i]Originally posted by Jessonater[/i]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Claes[/i]
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher? You can't dismiss a fact, just because you dislike Eve.
Other than that, I mostly agree with you.
Sorry you miss interpreted what RED meant. This was just a glaring fact I liked.
It's not the red part I'm referring to. It's the "Who cares" part.
Lets go over why I believe Dark Fall truely is our next generation of MMO entertainment.
New idea..... well kind of. Here we see the resurrection of lost ideas we left behind in UO. A few them being. Darkfall is a true sandbox. A world where the lore and stories revolve around the players themselves ( rather than some Lich King deciding to invade... I have to tell you I have never been scared of an NPC bringing his destruction to the world). The Engine. We have been clicking on a target walking up to it and pressing one or two keys for how long now? This truely real time combat system will change the way we think about combat in the realm of MMO titles. While we're talking about the engine lets not forget servers are not holding 1-2 thousand people at once. Darkfall caps out at 10,000 players. Yes I understand eve has 30k+ logged in at certain times. Who cares, its EVE. Lets look at what it takes to be the next gen and why I am using that term. The next gen titles break the mold in away that revolutionises how we see similar titles. It also inovative enough to send the entire industry in a new direction. No I don't mean allowing mounts to all of a sudden appear that they are a submarine flying in the air( moving a character up and down on the Z coordinate system does not constitute flying ) . Lastly, the title must be a huge success. What defines a huge success? That is for you to decide. Stay tuned sports fans, we're on the verge of a new generation.
x_- Yours truely.
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
Lets go over why I believe Dark Fall truely is our next generation of MMO entertainment.
New idea..... well kind of. Here we see the resurrection of lost ideas we left behind in UO. A few them being. Darkfall is a true sandbox. A world where the lore and stories revolve around the players themselves ( rather than some Lich King deciding to invade... I have to tell you I have never been scared of an NPC bringing his destruction to the world). The Engine. We have been clicking on a target walking up to it and pressing one or two keys for how long now? This truely real time combat system will change the way we think about combat in the realm of MMO titles. While we're talking about the engine lets not forget servers are not holding 1-2 thousand people at once. Darkfall caps out at 10,000 players. Yes I understand eve has 30k+ logged in at certain times. Who cares, its EVE. Lets look at what it takes to be the next gen and why I am using that term. The next gen titles break the mold in away that revolutionises how we see similar titles. It also inovative enough to send the entire industry in a new direction. No I don't mean allowing mounts to all of a sudden appear that they are a submarine flying in the air( moving a character up and down on the Z coordinate system does not constitute flying ) . Lastly, the title must be a huge success. What defines a huge success? That is for you to decide. Stay tuned sports fans, we're on the verge of a new generation.
x_- Yours truely.
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
Lets go over why I believe Dark Fall truely is our next generation of MMO entertainment.
New idea..... well kind of. Here we see the resurrection of lost ideas we left behind in UO. A few them being. Darkfall is a true sandbox. A world where the lore and stories revolve around the players themselves ( rather than some Lich King deciding to invade... I have to tell you I have never been scared of an NPC bringing his destruction to the world). The Engine. We have been clicking on a target walking up to it and pressing one or two keys for how long now? This truely real time combat system will change the way we think about combat in the realm of MMO titles. While we're talking about the engine lets not forget servers are not holding 1-2 thousand people at once. Darkfall caps out at 10,000 players. Yes I understand eve has 30k+ logged in at certain times. Who cares, its EVE. Lets look at what it takes to be the next gen and why I am using that term. The next gen titles break the mold in away that revolutionises how we see similar titles. It also inovative enough to send the entire industry in a new direction. No I don't mean allowing mounts to all of a sudden appear that they are a submarine flying in the air( moving a character up and down on the Z coordinate system does not constitute flying ) . Lastly, the title must be a huge success. What defines a huge success? That is for you to decide. Stay tuned sports fans, we're on the verge of a new generation.
x_- Yours truely.
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
American players can join the european launch.
Why yes they can.. and the client is ONLY available via digital download.. call me skeptical but its sounding scamerific.. I'll sit back and watch it burn without sampling thanks...
Originally posted by Lughsan Why yes they can.. and the client is ONLY available via digital download.. call me skeptical but its sounding scamerific.. I'll sit back and watch it burn without sampling thanks...
The game plays like a good READ so far because that is all there is so far.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Nothing like small unheard of development teams making such amazing "fourth generation" mmos.
I'm sure Blizzard is scared to freaking death of the mighty Darkfall launching and taking all 11 million of their players in about two weeks time. ...Scared to freaking death, man.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
25 years ago, there was no "online" to play multiplayer with. The internet was opened to the public in 1997. Before that it was a very hush hush military used "web of information" they used to communicate and keep track/archive, set waypoints, ect. Our modern internet is only 11 years old. Sorry you where not playing online multiplayer games in 1986.
So unless you where exclusive to a high rank or special position in the US military in the 80's. You had no internet. And even if you where, you wouldn't be playing games. The most you could to with PC games in the 80s where pong, and other low pixel games that you played by yourself.
I normally don't hate on fanboys because everyone has a right to be excited and support a game... But you Jessonater are getting rediculious. You seem to be on this forum to troll for naysayers and haters. I know the majority of ppl on these forums are trolls (myself included so save it), but we are not here to provoke every single non-fanboy. Get off your non-released high horse already. I am so looking forward to this game but the fanboys are killing my excitement for this 2nd gen game.
Apparently my Black side came out, thanks Jess
Hello my old friend.
Yes well clearly you dont understand that indeed this is a fourth gen MMO.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
25 years ago, there was no "online" to play multiplayer with. The internet was opened to the public in 1997
Never heard of BBS door have you? Fidonet? Compuserve? Alderath? Islands of Kesmai?
All very true and the internet has been around since the sixties. I personally have been on it since the mid 80's. Sure it was all Unix code before HTML was introduced in 1995 but it was there and it was accessible to anyone with the know-how to do it. Just because you(talking to dens not you Zym) didn't use it before 1997 doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Well you clearly don't understand other ppl's opinions either. We are allowed to disagree, truly we are. You are so caught up in what YOU want DF to be that you fail to realize YOU are in the minority.
Hello my old friend.
How will DF stop the griefing? I know Eve does it with High sec space what will DF do?
Yeah w/e df probably won't be fourth gen, but itsnext gen in the minds of everyone who wasn't around for UO/EQ1. And DF won't STOP griefing, but will make it much less effective with (if successful) a gigantic gameworld for places to avoid pks, skill based combat so you can kill the griefer, and the fact that mid level items are easy to obtain (so if you die several times to one guy, you're not screwed and have to run around naked).
I mean griefing will always be there as long as you have unrestricted pvp. If a noob keeps walking to a certain location, alone, and has no skills, and get pwnt by 5 pkers, yeah there's nothing stopping the pkers from killing him 100000x times (they probably won't unless they dislike him personally b/c all they will get is "leafblades")
When I'm energetic I'm:
the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
When I'm at default I'm:
Lol according to this I'm bipolar :O
Does anyone else think of Fury when they see this game? :P
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
People are getting confused.
Next gen - Is exactly like it sounds. If there is nothing before then it is not the next generation.
I think most people confuse it because no one agrees what should be put before. I would say DF is not a next gen game because I normally look at what the dev team did before it.
Revolutionary - Is something new or different. Everyone usually says nex gen for this but the game is actually revolutionary.
DF might be able to do this. Even though a lot of its concepts have been done before, but if they can put them all together and make it a success, then I would say this.
However, at this point in time I'd say the game is a myth, and it's appropriate title would be VAPORWARE.
No one MMO has all of that. Darkfall doesn't either. Other games have had some of those things. None of those things is new or exclisive to Darkfall. . Darkfall does not have weather physics. It may have some algorithms to simulate some of the effects of weather but that's it. You might want to learn to read before calling other people morons. Oh and I've been playing multiplayer online games for 25 years so you can put your pathetic boast boast away.
There are spells to control the weather, a WEATHER MAP button, and ways to predict the weather. Considering rain will hamper visibility, it is very important from a PvP aspect, and they've thought of this. Read a bit before you sound like a tool. There are indeed weather physics.
And yes, Darkfall does have all the things I listed, and each any every one you can see in the gameplay video.
Darkfall Travelogues!
Revolutionary eh? Have you played it?
10,000 players at once? Hmmm... as mentioned in earlier posts...Eve hits 30,000 and Second Life averages 45,000 to 80,000 concurrent users.
A "true" Sandbox? Sounds like Second Life has DF beat there, for SL is ALL sanbox (and a good reason why Sanboxes need structure to prevent boredom).
FFA PVP? Ultima Online did that long ago.
Clicking on a target and walking up? In WoW you can just walk up. In oblivion, you can swing away.
Can you fly in a fully 3-D world in DF? At the very least like you can in CoV/CoH or Perfect World?
Will crafting in DF rival or exceed SWG?
Does DF include extremely addicting and fun minigames like Hello Kitty Online? Will DF give players more to do then Kill,kill, craft, kill?
Next Gen graphics? I seriously hope that you are seeing screenshots different from those on the DF site, or from the "noob" comic reports. Those are on par to Morrowind.
Even the races featured in the game are the normal fare. What is so special about Dark Fall's world... is it going to blow away Tolkien, Tad Williams or Robert Jordan?
The fact is, DF is nothing not at all next gen, or even revolutionary. It doesn't have to be. The OP does not need to hype it up.
You wanna sell me on DF? It only has to meet one goal: Is it fun?
O wow someone just mentioned Hello Kitty in the DF forum and it wasn't used in a derogatory way.
Hello Kitty Online is a 5th generation MMO. So DF is already behind the times...
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher? You can't dismiss a fact, just because you dislike Eve.
Other than that, I mostly agree with you.
I laughted so hard a little wee came out.
The OP reminds me so much of all the hypers for Vaguard and AoC and War, he's in love with the idea of the game... but dont assume its going to be as great as you imagine once you get to play, theres probably a very good (well bad) reason theres no open DF beta.
Sorry you miss interpreted what RED meant. This was just a glaring fact I liked.
Shadowbane was.... an epic failure.
How can you call anything Next Gen when it's still firmly in the vaporware category less than 2 months from a launch?
How can you call anything vaporware, with all the videos/screenshots released? That's just ignorant.
Originally posted by EvilGargamel
And so is Darkfall. What's your point? Darkfall looks like nothing more than some kind of fucked up College experiment less than 2 months from a commercial launch,. It looks like complete shit. The gameplay looks terribly generic consisiting of nothing more than [B]mindless hack and slash combat[/B], the graphics look old, the animations look terrible.
Riiiiiight, because autotargeting a mob and hammering the same button on the keyboard is _NOT_ mindless. Real time is way better.
[quote][i]Originally posted by Jessonater[/i]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Claes[/i]
I'm all for Darkfall, but how the hell can you say that it's a next generation because of server cap, when Eve's is higher? You can't dismiss a fact, just because you dislike Eve.
Other than that, I mostly agree with you.
Sorry you miss interpreted what RED meant. This was just a glaring fact I liked.
It's not the red part I'm referring to. It's the "Who cares" part.
EDIT: GOD I fail at quoting.
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
American players can join the european launch.
Nope .. they are only 2nd generation at best. 3d combat with UOs sandbox.. You won't see 4th generation until you have someone do the Graphics of Age of Conan with the sandbox and open world of UO.
And this title? Will be lucky to live long enough for a worldwide release.. in all honesty.. if it was THAT good it'd be ready for release worldwide .. not just Europe
American players can join the european launch.
Why yes they can.. and the client is ONLY available via digital download.. call me skeptical but its sounding scamerific.. I'll sit back and watch it burn without sampling thanks...
Yes well that is a choice you alone have to make.
The game plays like a good READ so far because that is all there is so far.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Yep, Yep. Fourth Generation for sure.
Right up there with Mourning and Dark and Light.
:: thumbs up ::
Nothing like small unheard of development teams making such amazing "fourth generation" mmos.
I'm sure Blizzard is scared to freaking death of the mighty Darkfall launching and taking all 11 million of their players in about two weeks time. ...Scared to freaking death, man.