I did assume a bit, you are correct. Quests may be added later on, so that may change. Mob types may be added as well, but I doubt it will change much, given there are no 'unique' areas per say. If you've seen one or two castles on one continent, you've seen all the rest in that continent (talking about the outliers).
"some whining"
I don't know how I whined. Everything I stated is fact, without exaggeration.
"Almost any valid point you make the devs have already adressed themselves, and are working on or have explained exactly why it is like it is, and what their plans are."
I haven't seen the developers address any of the issues I mentioned, besides the excuses of why they are not and won't be in the game. Can you provide links/quotes? I don't care if they explained that they can't do it because of x and z. The fact is that it's not there.
"You are twisting facts into some kind of trolling agenda, and twisting opinion into fact, but whatever. "
Take off the tin-foil hat and bias for a second, and re-read. I didn't twist anything. I was simply saying, indirectly, that I know a lot of people who wouldn't pay for a game in it's state. Nothing I said is opinionated besides combat and harvesting being boring. Is standing next to a tree and left clicking 100,000 times stimulating for you? If so, fine. To me that qualifies as boring. Combat is not far off unless focusing purely on archery and magic, something that few can afford to do.
Originally posted by omnichaotic I use to be a HUGE Dark Fall fan. In fact for the last 8 years I told all my friends about how wonderful the game would be. Then they release this shit and we're suppose to be grateful? For what something that looks like it took them all of 8 "months" to create? I was so horribly traumatized I have become a AntiDarkfall this only happened to me recently (january 24+).
You are not alone in this experience. I should have known better, good games do not flow from ethics challenged companies.
Oh and no I dont worry about the fanboys I just correct them and move along.
I'm wondering, do you guys think that the fans of the game are a big reason why this game gets bashed so much? I do. Frankly, I wouldn't have really cared about the game that much had it not been for seeing every post, whether it had anything to do with Darkfall or not, be spammed by a select few individuals proclaiming how great Darkfall would be. Add on top of that the whole "Hype crusade" where DF fans came here and hyped up DF while dehyping everything else, I think the fans of this game have had a big part in causing the excessing bashing, "trolling", and any other negative attention this game gets. How many of you would be as diligently bashing this game if it wasn't for the individuals with such unreasonable blind faith spamming us for so long?
So its okay for the SOE trolls to hound every forums and it's okay for the Eve fans to hound every forum and its okay for every other group to do what they want except for the DarkFall fans.
Stop making excuses and admit a troll is a troll because they choose to troll. hype/dehype happens with every new release, don't act like it is anything new.
The only way your excuses make sense is if you are saying that people troll because they resent other people's happiness in which case that makes you a very very sick person.
Darkfall trolls are almost as delusional as SOE trolls. They are so influenced by the other trolls around them they are ready to believe any crap that gets spewed out.
I'm wondering, do you guys think that the fans of the game are a big reason why this game gets bashed so much? I do. Frankly, I wouldn't have really cared about the game that much had it not been for seeing every post, whether it had anything to do with Darkfall or not, be spammed by a select few individuals proclaiming how great Darkfall would be. Add on top of that the whole "Hype crusade" where DF fans came here and hyped up DF while dehyping everything else, I think the fans of this game have had a big part in causing the excessing bashing, "trolling", and any other negative attention this game gets. How many of you would be as diligently bashing this game if it wasn't for the individuals with such unreasonable blind faith spamming us for so long?
No trolls are trolls period there are games on this site that I either don't "believe" in or don't plan to subscirbe to as such I just stay out of topics on thisor AOC for example I've crusaded against the practices of FUNCOM since release but I have never commented on a post that was about a positive present gameplay element or even someones anticipation of such which is what trols of DF have done for the longest.
I think some people are just so stressed and bitter about other things it becomes easy to lash out at people on the internet and try to bring people to your own level.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Aventurine, Tasos specifically, are the main factors which attracted the "trolls". The fanbots just made their ridiculous claims of grandeur louder so more "trolls" heard it.
The original troll posts, back when this all started, was actually generated by Funcom and its fanboys.
What most people will scoff at and choose not to believe, the first vaportroll was actually a Funcom employee. He went around to various forums calling Darkfall vaporware. He even made an account on the Darkfall forums and did it there, which was a mistake. Brannoc, the forums moderator, tracked the IP back to the Funcom offices. Poor sucker had to make a public apology. Anyway, at this point in time, I think I was on the Age of Conan boards, back when that game still had a chance of not being terrible (that changed after 2006). Everyone on the Funcom boards started to go "lol vaporware" every time Darkfall was mentioned (including me) just because thats what "everyone else" (developer we talked about earlier) said.
So here, the vaporware fanboys were born. Then it became more widespread across multiple forums as the spam exponetially multiplied. Around this time I said "Hmm, I wonder what Darkfall is". I started a thread on the Age of Conan boards asking such and got 4 pages of "It's vaporware" with no elaboration. So I looked it up, and realized... it wasn't vaporware, and all these good people at the Funcom boards had something a little wrong with them. The vaportrolls multiplied over the years, many firmly believing the game to be a hoax and that the company didn't even exist. 17 minute video came out, they said it was fake, pre rendered. Partnership between Audio Visual and Aventurine was announced, and people said that it wasn't an official agreement or that Audio Visual was a fake company. 30 minute video was filmed with a handheld camera, and they claimed that no one was actually playing the game, it was just a pre set up video. Beta went live and they claimed that it didn't exist and that no one was actually in beta. The website got DDOS and people said that they were lying about it.
Over 3-4 years of this kind of crap, you can tell why some fanboys became rabid. The sheer stupidity involved in these kinds of ramblings would drive most people mad.
Also, I'd like to know just how Tasos lied to so many people. Unless there's some big lies he's thrown out that I am unaware of?
That's really not true at all. I followed the Darkfall development closely starting in 2001. People began saying it was vaporware already starting at the end of 2003 when the Darkfall devs missed their first announced beta date, had no updates until two months after the announced beta date passed, and then made an announcement that they didn't miss the beta date really because what they had meant all along was that they would begin "closed beta" on that date. LOL. That was when the wisest fans following the game started to say it was vaporware and nothing good would come of it. It took me a few years longer and repeats of the same stuff to come to the same conclusion myself.
Darkfall fanbois don't help the situation any, but the real reason why this game has such devoted haters is because the game developers over the years have made enemies out of most of their original die hard fans. After following this game for several years, being active in the community, etc, it is hard for these individuals to let it go when they finally see through the bullsh--t andn realize this has all been one big sham. As seen now from the beta leaks, Darkfall has been one big lie all along and is currently in about the state of development that the devs claimed to have attained in 2003 [not including all the outlandish features they claimed the game would have [geographical size of Germany, etc], which no intelligent person ever believed even in 2001].
As you can see in the first page of this very thread, the Darkfall developers have created more die-hard haters out of die hard fans thanks to their latest shenanigans.
As far as the thing with the Funcom employee, I do remember that vaguely, but as I recall the situation was a lot more complicated and less one sided than you make it sound. And that was certainly not the beginning of people calling Darkfall vaporware. You think people started to call Darkfall vaporware in 2006? By that time many of the original hardcore fans of the game had already been banned from the official Darkfall forums for a year or two.
The original troll posts, back when this all started, was actually generated by Funcom and its fanboys.
What most people will scoff at and choose not to believe, the first vaportroll was actually a Funcom employee. He went around to various forums calling Darkfall vaporware. He even made an account on the Darkfall forums and did it there, which was a mistake. Brannoc, the forums moderator, tracked the IP back to the Funcom offices. Poor sucker had to make a public apology. Anyway, at this point in time, I think I was on the Age of Conan boards, back when that game still had a chance of not being terrible (that changed after 2006). Everyone on the Funcom boards started to go "lol vaporware" every time Darkfall was mentioned (including me) just because thats what "everyone else" (developer we talked about earlier) said.
So here, the vaporware fanboys were born. Then it became more widespread across multiple forums as the spam exponetially multiplied. Around this time I said "Hmm, I wonder what Darkfall is". I started a thread on the Age of Conan boards asking such and got 4 pages of "It's vaporware" with no elaboration. So I looked it up, and realized... it wasn't vaporware, and all these good people at the Funcom boards had something a little wrong with them. The vaportrolls multiplied over the years, many firmly believing the game to be a hoax and that the company didn't even exist. 17 minute video came out, they said it was fake, pre rendered. Partnership between Audio Visual and Aventurine was announced, and people said that it wasn't an official agreement or that Audio Visual was a fake company. 30 minute video was filmed with a handheld camera, and they claimed that no one was actually playing the game, it was just a pre set up video. Beta went live and they claimed that it didn't exist and that no one was actually in beta. The website got DDOS and people said that they were lying about it.
Over 3-4 years of this kind of crap, you can tell why some fanboys became rabid. The sheer stupidity involved in these kinds of ramblings would drive most people mad.
Also, I'd like to know just how Tasos lied to so many people. Unless there's some big lies he's thrown out that I am unaware of?
That's really not true at all. I followed the Darkfall development closely starting in 2001. People began saying it was vaporware already starting at the end of 2003 when the Darkfall devs missed their first announced beta date, had no updates until two months after the announced beta date passed, and then made an announcement that they didn't miss the beta date really because what they had meant all along was that they would begin "closed beta" on that date. LOL. That was when the wisest fans following the game started to say it was vaporware and nothing good would come of it. It took me a few years longer and repeats of the same stuff to come to the same conclusion myself.
As you can see in the first page of this very thread, the Darkfall developers have created more die-hard haters out of die hard fans thanks to their latest shenanigans.
As far as the thing with the Funcom employee, I do remember that vaguely, but as I recall the situation was a lot more complicated and less one sided than you make it sound. And that was certainly not the beginning of people calling Darkfall vaporware. You think people started to call Darkfall vaporware in 2006? By that time many of the original hardcore fans of the game had already been banned from the official Darkfall forums for a year or two.
Wow... you do realize that Darkfall, in 2001, was a basement project of 4 people under a company called Razorwax, and has no bearing on the Darkfall being developed by Aventurine, with a different company, with different technology, in a different COUNTRY.
The only date Aventurine has ever put out was the 2005 clan beta, and they already gave a reason as to why that didn't happen.
Wow... you do realize that Darkfall, in 2001, was a basement project of 4 people under a company called Razorwax, and has no bearing on the Darkfall being developed by Aventurine, with a different company, with different technology, in a different COUNTRY.
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
The game does exist. Is it amazing? no. Combat is a boring 1-3 click-fest, the ui is clunky, and harvesting is another level of tedious grind. Skills are not cleverly designed at all. Fighting skills replicate each other. Magic skills are simply one against the other. For example, one skill line buffs and one line debuffs, i.e. paladin vs dark knight. Melee combat is incredibly easy and might as well be a targeting system, as you will never miss unless lag occurs. Archery is actually done well and feels like an fps. Magic is quite slow and easy to dodge. The world lacks all sort of detail, reminiscent of asheron's call - i.e. lots of space, not too diverse on mob types, and circle portals as dungeons.The giant ocean feels like a giant lake, with nothing in it. Doors in the game do not work. Quests equate 'kill 4 mobs of x type, and collect gold." There are no other types of quests in the game. Different environments do not provide different surface mechanics - i.e. ice does not equal slippery. Everquest had a lot more detail. It's dissipointing to think certain game genre's haven't progressed in ten years. There has already been an issue with those in Tasos's guild - i.e. Kill Cult - gaining admin priviledges and speedhacking, griefing cities that took some people weeks to build. There is no end-game. The end-game is depending on community politics and wars. Rinse and repeat. As far as bugs go...won't even go there. Lets just say there are still bugs being fixed where one player can crash the whole sever. Everything seems very half-assed in comparison to competition. The open pvp is nice, but what's open pvp without a fun combat system. All that aside, i'm all for supporting a small developer. However, usually small developers offer something a bit more unique. It feels like a lot of what they wanted was cut, most likely due to budget constraints and time. There are free mmo's that offer non-lockon combat as well. Just a thought.
The most pathetic thing in the entire world is the kind of person that makes new accounts to spam nonsense.
Keep on failing my friend. What's this, your third account today you made to bash Darkfall? Pathetic..
Wow... you do realize that Darkfall, in 2001, was a basement project of 4 people under a company called Razorwax, and has no bearing on the Darkfall being developed by Aventurine, with a different company, with different technology, in a different COUNTRY.
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
As well as using the same proprietary engine and tools for the game, the same premise, the same outline, etc...
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
Wow... you do realize that Darkfall, in 2001, was a basement project of 4 people under a company called Razorwax, and has no bearing on the Darkfall being developed by Aventurine, with a different company, with different technology, in a different COUNTRY.
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time.
They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
I think what we have seen in gameplay videos of the game hasn't really offered much. The gameplay dosnt seem like anything new and the graphics and world seems very static looking. (From what I have seen anyways)
I hope this game will be good. I really do, but I have my doubts to actually how good it is when it comes out in stores, because some of the features of dark fall have already been done before and are not new at all (even though the developers say it is)
I have a feeling that this game is just another hype, but what the hell do I know? I havint even played the game before so I cant really judge it until I try it, but I still have a bad feeling that this will not be a great game.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
Again, semantics.
The highlighted part is the key. The two companies merged into one with the express purpose of developing the very same game that Razorwax was already working on. Same game. Same developers.
Sure, more people came along after the fact, but the initial truth is constant-- Razorwax and Aventruine are the same company working on the very same game that they've been working on since 2001. You can't deny that at all.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
By your logic, what you are saying is that when Mythic merged EA and the Mythic team working on WAR went from 250 people to over 400 people, that it must no longer have been the same team on the same game. So if it wasn't WAR before and after the merger, what was it? If it wasn't DFO before and after the merger, what was it? Please, stop trying to play word games. It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
i think alot of the fans did bring on the trolling because in every thread they were posting how great Darkfall was going to be......Looking for a new game?? Darkfall......It was like the answer to every question was Darkfall......After awhile people start to investigate to see if the game is as great as these people claim......Probelm is they were making these claims based on features and theories.......They had not seen any gameplay and were not in beta......Watching the vids on youtbue made it all the worse as the game looks terrible and yet there are still people out there saying it is better than any game out there.......Most games in development you dont hear much about one way or another....Some have hype because of their IP but we know more about those than we ever have about Darkfall (ToR and STO for example)......I think alot of the problems with Darkfall have come about because of the fans and because of Tasos and his lies....... I think alot of people are going to be very disappointed when the game actually does release.
It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
It was Darkfall when Razorwax started, and when Aventurine absorbed them into their company. It was Darkfall when half the folks were in Norway and the other half in Greece, and Darkfall when they were all in Athens because it made more business sense to do it that way.
The game has never changed even if the name on the company letterhead did. Aventurine and Razorwax are the same company. The game is still the same one they've been working on since 2001. The merger between them didn't change that at all, except that there were suddenly more people working on DF than before.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point. They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company. I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
By your logic, what you are saying is that when Mythic merged EA and the Mythic team working on WAR went from 250 people to over 400 people, that it must no longer have been the same team on the same game. So if it wasn't WAR before and after the merger, what was it? If it wasn't DFO before and after the merger, what was it? Please, stop trying to play word games. It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
Give it up guys, you will never convince the rabid fanboi of the facts. The only cure for them is when this game finally does release (god knows when that will be if at all) and they find out it isn't all that the mighty Tasos (I used that term lightly) has propped it up to be.
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time. They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
By your logic, what you are saying is that when Mythic merged EA and the Mythic team working on WAR went from 250 people to over 400 people, that it must no longer have been the same team on the same game. So if it wasn't WAR before and after the merger, what was it? If it wasn't DFO before and after the merger, what was it? Please, stop trying to play word games. It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
Mythic never merged with EA... EA BOUGHT Mythic. Mythic team is still the same group of people.
Aventurine on the other hand, was already an established company in Greece, that pulled in the Raxorwax people from Norway. So let's see... You say, that just because 4 people, out of 35 employees, remain the same, therefore the company is exactly the same, the code is exactly the same? They changed freaking countries for gods sake.
They changed countries. They changed the name on the company letterhead. They did NOT change the game they were working on, which has always been Darkfall, since 2001.
Give it up guys, you will never convince the rabid fanboi of the facts. The only cure for them is when this game finally does release (god knows when that will be if at all) and they find out it isn't all that the mighty Tasos (I used that term lightly) has propped it up to be.
The irritating thing is I actually want to see a game like Darkfall do well, just for variety's sake. IMO, there should be an FFA PvP game with full loot that is successful and viable in this genre, even if I never play it myself. It's a valid niche and should have a game of its own. I'm all for that despite the fact that it's not my scene.
Too bad that Aventurine doesn't look like they're the company to bring that game to market. I've watched the videos on YouTube, read the beta leaks, and read the developer diaries and interviews that are out there. I just don't see how Aventurine is going to pull this off, which IMO is a damned shame.
I'd love to be wrong, but right now, 18 days from the current release date, I'm not seeing anything that inspires confidence. I think it's natural to be worried about DF, just considering the pattern that the development has taken so far.
"some assumptions"
I did assume a bit, you are correct. Quests may be added later on, so that may change. Mob types may be added as well, but I doubt it will change much, given there are no 'unique' areas per say. If you've seen one or two castles on one continent, you've seen all the rest in that continent (talking about the outliers).
"some whining"
I don't know how I whined. Everything I stated is fact, without exaggeration.
"Almost any valid point you make the devs have already adressed themselves, and are working on or have explained exactly why it is like it is, and what their plans are."
I haven't seen the developers address any of the issues I mentioned, besides the excuses of why they are not and won't be in the game. Can you provide links/quotes? I don't care if they explained that they can't do it because of x and z. The fact is that it's not there.
"You are twisting facts into some kind of trolling agenda, and twisting opinion into fact, but whatever. "
Take off the tin-foil hat and bias for a second, and re-read. I didn't twist anything. I was simply saying, indirectly, that I know a lot of people who wouldn't pay for a game in it's state. Nothing I said is opinionated besides combat and harvesting being boring. Is standing next to a tree and left clicking 100,000 times stimulating for you? If so, fine. To me that qualifies as boring. Combat is not far off unless focusing purely on archery and magic, something that few can afford to do.
You are not alone in this experience. I should have known better, good games do not flow from ethics challenged companies.
Oh and no I dont worry about the fanboys I just correct them and move along.
So its okay for the SOE trolls to hound every forums and it's okay for the Eve fans to hound every forum and its okay for every other group to do what they want except for the DarkFall fans.
Stop making excuses and admit a troll is a troll because they choose to troll. hype/dehype happens with every new release, don't act like it is anything new.
The only way your excuses make sense is if you are saying that people troll because they resent other people's happiness in which case that makes you a very very sick person.
Darkfall trolls are almost as delusional as SOE trolls. They are so influenced by the other trolls around them they are ready to believe any crap that gets spewed out.
If people want to bring up the hype/dehype garbage, go yell at the Atlantica fanbase.
No trolls are trolls period there are games on this site that I either don't "believe" in or don't plan to subscirbe to as such I just stay out of topics on thisor AOC for example I've crusaded against the practices of FUNCOM since release but I have never commented on a post that was about a positive present gameplay element or even someones anticipation of such which is what trols of DF have done for the longest.
I think some people are just so stressed and bitter about other things it becomes easy to lash out at people on the internet and try to bring people to your own level.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Aventurine, Tasos specifically, are the main factors which attracted the "trolls". The fanbots just made their ridiculous claims of grandeur louder so more "trolls" heard it.
Trolls: Well if the fans weren't so happy all the time I would have no reason to troll.
That's really not true at all. I followed the Darkfall development closely starting in 2001. People began saying it was vaporware already starting at the end of 2003 when the Darkfall devs missed their first announced beta date, had no updates until two months after the announced beta date passed, and then made an announcement that they didn't miss the beta date really because what they had meant all along was that they would begin "closed beta" on that date. LOL. That was when the wisest fans following the game started to say it was vaporware and nothing good would come of it. It took me a few years longer and repeats of the same stuff to come to the same conclusion myself.
Darkfall fanbois don't help the situation any, but the real reason why this game has such devoted haters is because the game developers over the years have made enemies out of most of their original die hard fans. After following this game for several years, being active in the community, etc, it is hard for these individuals to let it go when they finally see through the bullsh--t andn realize this has all been one big sham. As seen now from the beta leaks, Darkfall has been one big lie all along and is currently in about the state of development that the devs claimed to have attained in 2003 [not including all the outlandish features they claimed the game would have [geographical size of Germany, etc], which no intelligent person ever believed even in 2001].
As you can see in the first page of this very thread, the Darkfall developers have created more die-hard haters out of die hard fans thanks to their latest shenanigans.
As far as the thing with the Funcom employee, I do remember that vaguely, but as I recall the situation was a lot more complicated and less one sided than you make it sound. And that was certainly not the beginning of people calling Darkfall vaporware. You think people started to call Darkfall vaporware in 2006? By that time many of the original hardcore fans of the game had already been banned from the official Darkfall forums for a year or two.
The one and only.
That's really not true at all. I followed the Darkfall development closely starting in 2001. People began saying it was vaporware already starting at the end of 2003 when the Darkfall devs missed their first announced beta date, had no updates until two months after the announced beta date passed, and then made an announcement that they didn't miss the beta date really because what they had meant all along was that they would begin "closed beta" on that date. LOL. That was when the wisest fans following the game started to say it was vaporware and nothing good would come of it. It took me a few years longer and repeats of the same stuff to come to the same conclusion myself.
As you can see in the first page of this very thread, the Darkfall developers have created more die-hard haters out of die hard fans thanks to their latest shenanigans.
As far as the thing with the Funcom employee, I do remember that vaguely, but as I recall the situation was a lot more complicated and less one sided than you make it sound. And that was certainly not the beginning of people calling Darkfall vaporware. You think people started to call Darkfall vaporware in 2006? By that time many of the original hardcore fans of the game had already been banned from the official Darkfall forums for a year or two.
Wow... you do realize that Darkfall, in 2001, was a basement project of 4 people under a company called Razorwax, and has no bearing on the Darkfall being developed by Aventurine, with a different company, with different technology, in a different COUNTRY.
The only date Aventurine has ever put out was the 2005 clan beta, and they already gave a reason as to why that didn't happen.
Darkfall Travelogues!
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
The most pathetic thing in the entire world is the kind of person that makes new accounts to spam nonsense.
Keep on failing my friend. What's this, your third account today you made to bash Darkfall? Pathetic..
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
As well as using the same proprietary engine and tools for the game, the same premise, the same outline, etc...
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
Well, except for the fact that Razorwax and Aventurine are the same company with many of the same people involved:
Razorwax was a group of 4-6 folks from Norway working on Darkfall part time.
They merged with Aventurine in 2003 and moved to Greece. The same core 4 developers are still part of Aventurine, but that does not = them being the same company.
Darkfall Travelogues!
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
about 24 more people to be exact
Darkfall Travelogues!
I think what we have seen in gameplay videos of the game hasn't really offered much. The gameplay dosnt seem like anything new and the graphics and world seems very static looking. (From what I have seen anyways)
I hope this game will be good. I really do, but I have my doubts to actually how good it is when it comes out in stores, because some of the features of dark fall have already been done before and are not new at all (even though the developers say it is)
I have a feeling that this game is just another hype, but what the hell do I know? I havint even played the game before so I cant really judge it until I try it, but I still have a bad feeling that this will not be a great game.
My Artwork http://tras-h.deviantart.com
Again, semantics.
The highlighted part is the key. The two companies merged into one with the express purpose of developing the very same game that Razorwax was already working on. Same game. Same developers.
Sure, more people came along after the fact, but the initial truth is constant-- Razorwax and Aventruine are the same company working on the very same game that they've been working on since 2001. You can't deny that at all.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
By your logic, what you are saying is that when Mythic merged EA and the Mythic team working on WAR went from 250 people to over 400 people, that it must no longer have been the same team on the same game. So if it wasn't WAR before and after the merger, what was it? If it wasn't DFO before and after the merger, what was it? Please, stop trying to play word games. It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
i think alot of the fans did bring on the trolling because in every thread they were posting how great Darkfall was going to be......Looking for a new game?? Darkfall......It was like the answer to every question was Darkfall......After awhile people start to investigate to see if the game is as great as these people claim......Probelm is they were making these claims based on features and theories.......They had not seen any gameplay and were not in beta......Watching the vids on youtbue made it all the worse as the game looks terrible and yet there are still people out there saying it is better than any game out there.......Most games in development you dont hear much about one way or another....Some have hype because of their IP but we know more about those than we ever have about Darkfall (ToR and STO for example)......I think alot of the problems with Darkfall have come about because of the fans and because of Tasos and his lies....... I think alot of people are going to be very disappointed when the game actually does release.
It was Darkfall when Razorwax started, and when Aventurine absorbed them into their company. It was Darkfall when half the folks were in Norway and the other half in Greece, and Darkfall when they were all in Athens because it made more business sense to do it that way.
The game has never changed even if the name on the company letterhead did. Aventurine and Razorwax are the same company. The game is still the same one they've been working on since 2001. The merger between them didn't change that at all, except that there were suddenly more people working on DF than before.
Give it up guys, you will never convince the rabid fanboi of the facts. The only cure for them is when this game finally does release (god knows when that will be if at all) and they find out it isn't all that the mighty Tasos (I used that term lightly) has propped it up to be.
Oh please. Now you're just parsing things to try and make a point.
They're the same people. Aventurine was started with the purpose of continuing development of Darkfall. They absorbed Razorwax, and everyone moved to Greece because it was cheaper and made more business sense for everyone to be in the same place. The same people are still part of the company.
I don't care how badly you want to try and pretend that they're two different companies that have worked on two different games. That's wrong. Once they merged, Razorwax and Aventurine became the same company, with the same people involved, working on the same game. Period.
I like how you list a source then you continue to lie, that article says it was 5 people from Razorwax working on Darkfall in 2001, and in 2003, Aventurine and Razorwax merged, with more people joining in the merge, so it still ISN'T the exact same team, there we several more people.
By your logic, what you are saying is that when Mythic merged EA and the Mythic team working on WAR went from 250 people to over 400 people, that it must no longer have been the same team on the same game. So if it wasn't WAR before and after the merger, what was it? If it wasn't DFO before and after the merger, what was it? Please, stop trying to play word games. It is the same people that are still working on the project after the merger, plus more. It doesn't mean it was a whole different project. Good grief.
Mythic never merged with EA... EA BOUGHT Mythic. Mythic team is still the same group of people.
Aventurine on the other hand, was already an established company in Greece, that pulled in the Raxorwax people from Norway. So let's see... You say, that just because 4 people, out of 35 employees, remain the same, therefore the company is exactly the same, the code is exactly the same? They changed freaking countries for gods sake.
Darkfall Travelogues!
They changed countries. They changed the name on the company letterhead. They did NOT change the game they were working on, which has always been Darkfall, since 2001.
What part of that is difficult to comprehend?
The irritating thing is I actually want to see a game like Darkfall do well, just for variety's sake. IMO, there should be an FFA PvP game with full loot that is successful and viable in this genre, even if I never play it myself. It's a valid niche and should have a game of its own. I'm all for that despite the fact that it's not my scene.
Too bad that Aventurine doesn't look like they're the company to bring that game to market. I've watched the videos on YouTube, read the beta leaks, and read the developer diaries and interviews that are out there. I just don't see how Aventurine is going to pull this off, which IMO is a damned shame.
I'd love to be wrong, but right now, 18 days from the current release date, I'm not seeing anything that inspires confidence. I think it's natural to be worried about DF, just considering the pattern that the development has taken so far.