I'll go back once I'm convinced that end game RvR is varied enough and fun enough to continue. I really had a great time with WAR, I think it is a great game, but once you hit max level you are stuck taking keeps over and over and over and over and over. I don't care about the PvE component at all, I just want more to do with RvR. And while they having made improvements with RvR, it is just not enough yet for me to re-subscribe.
Well me and my friends are just saying our last goodbuys to the game the choppa rape trains was the last straw for us meeting 7-8 choppas every scenario wasen't fun.
I'll go back once I'm convinced that end game RvR is varied enough and fun enough to continue. I really had a great time with WAR, I think it is a great game, but once you hit max level you are stuck taking keeps over and over and over and over and over. I don't care about the PvE component at all, I just want more to do with RvR. And while they having made improvements with RvR, it is just not enough yet for me to re-subscribe.
Well me and my friends are just saying our last goodbuys to the game the choppa rape trains was the last straw for us meeting 7-8 choppas every scenario wasen't fun.