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Hello all,
This thread is intended to just show off some cool looking screen shots in game. If you have any, please post it with a small caption/description. Only one per reply. And please don't just link another site with pics, just pick one that is cool and create a post with a discription.
So here is the first one.
While I was defending an Allied newly captured town as a French MLE1938 Anti-Aircraft gun, I look up to see 3 Stuka dive bombers screeming down. I aim at the one over my head and land a few 25mm shells. His wing comes appart as shown, but this guy (or gal) manage to release 2 50kg bombs shown as 2 dots above the V gunsite. Needless to say, my screen went black as the 2 bombs landed in my lap
Here is another one. I didn't take it, but its a good one.
When the HE111 was first placed into the game, squads of people would preform bombing runs for practice. I think this is one of them. The He111 on fire doesn't have too long to live before that inboard fire destroyes the wing.
You know, I'm not affraid to talk to my self in this thread.
Ok so a new patch came out today and they included (among other things) 3 new Anti Tank Guns. So this is what they look like.
British 6 pounder
German PAK 38 (50mm)
French M1 57mm
Hey Demarii
You forgot to add your discription. Where did you go with all those men and material? I see AOmercy in the text chat, was she incharge of the operation?
Those are pictures from the First Zeeland battles after the Freighters were added to the game. I believe Aomercy was in charge of the ground forces for many of those attacks. Was part MarNet and Royal Navy efforts there although generally being a brit patriot I was usually going in with the RN. Good times to be sure.
I don't get to ride on the Freighters as much these days though, usually flying factory defense or some such. Atleast recently.
nice infantry formation...
i used insert image symbol but pics dont show like they should use the scroll button under the last picture to see the full size.
Ahh yes the new Pictures from the Community report, looking very sweet! For those who might not know why many people are talking about those last few pictures of the infantry lining up its part of an internal test which is going on regarding increasing the visible player unit liimit of 64. The urrent systm seems to do alot of wierd stuff and generally has trouble properly prioritizing what to display making alot of things blink in and out. As you can see from those shots you can view all the infantry in the line, and the ships and the vehicles in the area. I'll say it again... looking suhweet!
Here's another one.
Since there has been so much trash talk in the official Hanger Forums on who conducts a better bomber campaign against the factories, I thought this to be appropreate.
The only Hungarian squad in WWII Online
What coding do you use to show pics here?
Use the built in "insert image" function. When creating a post, look for the "insert image" button.
This pic came from the Brits defening a town from heavy attack last campaign. Away from the main front, we were able to setup a few 2 pounder Anti tank guns within the ruined buildings. Screened with infantry support, these Anti tank guns denied any enemy panzers from using the streets to push forward. This armored car in the pic used its high speed to rush our area. He didn't last 2 seconds.
BTW, I recommend some of you to add Axis pics (with good descriptions) cause as I look though my stuff its mostly Allied
Man, seeing all these screenies makes me want to rejoin... NOW! I really miss this game and I may be resubscribing soon. Looks like allot has changed since I left. I quit about a month after depot spaning was put in, just to let you kow how long its been.
My game name is Dangerk and I play allied, you may see me on soon.
Here's another one
This is what it looks like from the rear gunner's view looking over the sholder. There were 7 Havocs in close formation when I took this. The bombay doors were open so that was about 2 minutes before target.
Well is it a good game yes or no
How much does it cost
There is a two-week free trial:
After that you can pay $19.99 to upgrade to a real account, which includes another month of play.
After that it's $12.99/mo, or $38.97 for 3 months, or $64.95 for 6 months, or $129.90 for 12 months.
Hey hey hey,
whats with all the non screen shots posts.
This one is using the DB-7 as a tactical bomber laying eggs into any enemy base. There were two of us criss-crossing this army base dropping 2 100kg bombs per pass. We rattled quite a few german soldiers and took out a few too.
This is again using the DB-7 in a tactical roll. Ground troops called over the air channel that they needed some bombs at an enemy fire base to uproot the defenders, so I answered. Now this shot doesn't show it but there were plenty of german AAA lying in the bushes. Thats why I dropped all 8 on one pass. I didn't expect to live after that.
Both shots are from looking out the dorsal gunner in the DB7.
And to answer the guy above, if you really like BF42, then you'll probably will not like this game (just a guess). Very rarely do you "spawn in-run around-shoot'em up-die-repeat". The game behaves a little different cause of the large spaces, the amount of firepower/manpower capable to bring to bare. Oh and best of all, no bunny hopping (thats my favorite).
Ok just so you guys get a vision for the other side, I jumped into some of the Axis airplanes and took them for a spin.
Unfortunently, I wasn't able to save the BF-110 that this spitfire just shot down, but I avenged his death
Sometimes pilots get lazy, like this Spitfire mk5 above. He just took off and was climbing to altitude not knowing that I was in the clouds watching.
awesome screenshots guys! are there maybe any screenshots of the new buildings a maybe a destroyed bridge?
Well I don't have any of the new buildings or a downed bridge, but more importantly I have some from the BETA people.
Below is a screenshot on the live server in the closing moments for the Battle of Betrix. These shots come from Badger (CRS employee) using the new 128 vis limit.
This battle happened a few days ago and the allies captured this town. Betrix is a very important (but small) town in the southern sector. In past maps, this town usually held out like a fortress against attacks. Usually so many allied resources would be devoted to cracking this nut that other allied towns would fall resulting in an axis victory in the region.
As you can see, the attackers out number the defenders by a large margin. This is due to 2 factors. The british are pushing hard in the north sector approaching the critical factory towns in Germany (drawing a lot of manpower) and the axis moral is very low this stage in the game (which results in axis players playing allied or giving up).
Whats nice about these screen shots is that CRS is beta testing raising the player vis limit from 64 to 128 which is a feature all us hardcore players have wanted for a long time now.
Hey Slamen,
I don't know if you remember me or not, but, I was in the 101st squad. I'm thinking of returning, probably tonight actually.
Glad to see you're posts here.
Hey all,
S! catgod, although I don't remember you specifically, I do know who the 101st is.
So the 1.17 patch came out last week and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'll probably need to play it more to get a better opinion.
Well here are some developer pics.
Here is a new forward base (spawn point) that will probably be added soon. Much better then the current one don't you agree.
A Sherman Tank
And a P-38F.
What is this game coming too if it has these 2 things in. Damn it CRS. Your going to make me play more.
I wish they had an upload center here so I could upload screen shots and then post them in these topics.