oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression?
mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
oh btw, i assume you did use a voidy to tank 3D as you wont refute it, instead trying to make an attack at me (lol)
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression? mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
Look your clearly new to the game and just was reading about how it used to be, becuase you just totally ignored all my points and attacked my achievements...
oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression? mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
Look your clearly new to the game and just was reading about how it used to be, becuase you just totally ignored all my points and attacked my achievements...
Good for you kid.
Good for you
yeah im so brand new to the game i remember when they introduced onyxia. remember that? when raid content WAS onyxia?
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression? mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
And your argument is totally and absolutely invalid and worthless. Sorry but if you are going to tell us its too easy and then claim that the reason you do not have one of the hardest achievements in the game is because its too easy, it makes your entire argument questionable.
Perosnally, I would love to know how you jumped from level 80 to 25 man Naxx without gear but its pointless. Simple troll.
Yep, I like how your too scared to mention your character or link it...
Yes I did 10 mans, to get geared for 25 mans, I've not stepped foot in 10 man naxx since the month of it releasing.
Who wants to do a watered down version of an old instance they had 2 years ago and then do the SUPER EASY version of it with just 9 people?
I'm sorry but "Achievements' DO NOT MAKE REPLAY VALUE.
you are missing quite a lot more than that and not just on normal, but in 25man too. and you obviously hate the game so muh you still play. so did you abuse the voidy to do 3D then you still have not refuted this point. btw. we're not the ones trying to claim the game is easy and then prove otherwise with our own inane babble.
all of wows raids have been phased in. your point sir, is moot, and this makes you angry at us, because we, shock fucking horror, are having fun, playing, of all actions, a game, of all things!
man i love forums probably the best pvp going.
ps my sig, its like i predicted the future how did i know this convo would come up. its made just for you
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
The only thing I just did not like about WoW, but i've played it for absolutely ages so im not bashin it , is not that its too easy to begin with. They give you enough options. It's that Blizzard is not consistent. It annoys me for doing a dungeon for weeks and weeks, trying to get a certain boss down,and then have blizzard walk by and wack it with a nerfbat so everyone all of a sudden has done it. This annoys me purely for the reason : I had to actually try my utmost best to get through it, and they just get handed it to them.
Where's the fairness in that ?
This is not even a bash, its just something that annoyed me a few times when it happened.
still had fun on the game, completely bored of it now tho.
you are missing quite a lot more than that and not just on normal, but in 25man too. and you obviously hate the game so muh you still play. so did you abuse the voidy to do 3D then you still have not refuted this point. btw. we're not the ones trying to claim the game is easy and then prove otherwise with our own inane babble. all of wows raids have been phased in. your point sir, is moot, and this makes you angry at us, because we, shock fucking horror, are having fun, playing, of all actions, a game, of all things! man i love forums probably the best pvp going.
ps my sig, its like i predicted the future how did i know this convo would come up. its made just for you
Yeah its a lot better PVP than that sorry excuse for what Blizz has done to their game this time around.
jerid, you say the game is easy and yet refuse to try it on hard?
thats like watching a video on rewind and being upset you saw the ending first
Yep i refuse to try it on hard, thats why I did the hardest 25 man achievement there is, Nice try.
Link your charcter or are you too chicken?
Lol Courage is having the balls to put yourself out there in the middle of a group of enemies and get torn up, not being the scared child who sits in the corner and cries.
oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression? mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
And your argument is totally and absolutely invalid and worthless. Sorry but if you are going to tell us its too easy and then claim that the reason you do not have one of the hardest achievements in the game is because its too easy, it makes your entire argument questionable.
Perosnally, I would love to know how you jumped from level 80 to 25 man Naxx without gear but its pointless. Simple troll.
Yep, I like how your too scared to mention your character or link it...
Yes I did 10 mans, to get geared for 25 mans, I've not stepped foot in 10 man naxx since the month of it releasing.
Who wants to do a watered down version of an old instance they had 2 years ago and then do the SUPER EASY version of it with just 9 people?
I'm sorry but "Achievements' DO NOT MAKE REPLAY VALUE.
Sorry i do not link my character to trolls. And my character isn't an issue. I have admitted time and time again where I am at. I am in a casual guild. We are trying to clear Naxx 25 man. We are in the same spot where we were at the end of BC. I base how well we are doing by one of the largest and most famous guilds on our server. They recently got it on farm and we are almost to a full clear so in terms of difficulty, for us, we are doing Naxx about the same speed as Khara and ZA.
I am not even going to bother to explain why Naxx is back because it has been discussed to a point where nobody listens or doesn't care too. Blizzard had very real and valid reasons why the moved it.
I disagree with achievements. If they are not replay value or important, then why does three of the biggest games on the market have them. And remember Blizzard was not first to introduce them at all.
But back to my other point: you admit that in the first month, you got to 80, got the gear to do Naxx 10 man, cleared Naxx 10 man, got all the gear you needed and moved on. In a month?!?! Sorry but that is not the average player in WOW right now and you certainly would be dfined in that hardcore raider set. No wonder you hate WOW...it isn't the game for you anymore.
I just seriously don't get it. What is wrong with entry expansion content being easy? Raids will get harder and harder as the expansion goes and you yourself can scale some of the fights into even harder mode. Also Ulduar will have hardmode only boss, which I think will be somewhere along Kil' Jaeden difficulty. Too me it seems that most people who are shouting around forums that the content is too easy have either not done it or it somehow makes them satisfied when they kill boss that others cannot kill and then they boast about it.
Oh, and feel free to armory me - Bellix of Sylvanas.
I do not get this 'my penis is larger than yours' argument that has unfolded. Furthermore I do not see a reason to call me a troll like some people in this thread has done. My concerns with WoW - that I have played more than any other game in my computer game life (a long one...) are:
1) Normal single player, group and raid content has never been easier than in WotLK (huge difference to prior WoW content)
2) Content release schedule for raid content has never been as thin as in the last 12-months for someone not new to the game (Sart and Malygos are the only raid encounters released during a full year - unprecedented low point for WoW).
That is it.
You can argue crazy whether a long list of achievements should be called content or whether hard/normal mode of a boss makes content. Everyone knows that this is a smart way to reuse content to cut development costs for new content (and this is not about achievements in themselves - that is a very good addition along the lines of creating a diary and book around an avatar).
If you call me a troll this discussion is useless. So I guess that discussing (please check the definition of discussion) WoW is pointless since you will always run to its defence bar nothing. If you do not recognize that raid content releases has never been as thin as in the last 12 months (please check WoW history and you will see that this is an all time low with a margin) and the fact that Naxx started to be PUGed 3months after WotLK was released as a sign of difficulty level - we can skip this discussion.
If you defended these two facts with arguments such as "really hard encounters are not important for the business success of WoW' and 'raiders are not an important consumer for Blizzard' I would buy that you have a different point of view than me. Denying these two facts makes me just scratch my head in wonder however.
And you know what? When someone ends up insulting others you know that their arguments are running low which is a statement in itself (you have so far accused me of trolling and lying out of thin air which is just preposterous).
If you call me a troll this discussion is useless. So I guess that discussing (please check the definition of discussion) WoW is pointless since you will always run to its defence bar nothing. If you do not recognize that raid content releases has never been as thin as in the last 12 months (please check WoW history and you will see that this is an all time low with a margin) and the fact that Naxx started to be PUGed 3months after WotLK was released as a sign of difficulty level - we can skip this discussion. If you defended these two facts with arguments such as "really hard encounters are not important for the business success of WoW' and 'raiders are not an important consumer for Blizzard' I would buy that you have a different point of view than me. Denying these two facts makes me just scratch my head in wonder however.
Ignoring new BG, new open world PvP zone quests, new Lake Wintergrasp AND follow up Raid, a complete new continent, 1900 new recipies, new achievement system .......and ALL this...
ONE WEEK before the biggest content patch in Wow (see the patch notes).
So yes by responding always with the same lame arguments to bash on Wow you are clearly a troll.
The same guy who always stated "this is the end of Wow" for 2 years now on this same forum. The same guy who used every little hic up in Xfire to "believe " the momentum was gone from Wow.
Well you dropped that last argument 4 months ago (because it clearly didn't work).
Remember your statement of 10 months ago ? "Wotlk will be the last succesful expansion from dreadful Wow ?". I remember it very well. So, you already had your conclusion 6 months before WotLK was launched and now focus on it to see HOW you could troll the thing.
And since only 1% of the Raiders get the black/red dragons, I even think the hardcore guys are very much still with us. they will certainly be there in Ulduar.
But who cares even? I don't play this game for the Raids alone (or I would have left it already 2.5 years ago).
PS Stating that there was an achievement for tanking a boss naked to have a laugh at the achievement system was very much a lie indeed and VERY trollish....
We are here and most of us are still having as much fun as we did during Vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade.
Zorn - you still need to check what parable means since you so obviously fail at reading comprehension.
However - I will define what I think is easy for you:
- Undergeared level 70 character buys WotLK 2 days after release and are 80 all dressed in level 80 epics, all heroics cleared multiple times and Naxx cleared a few days after Christmas and in addition I had a level 80 DK (not with epic gear) at the same time. And the group of players I played with were not even hard-core anymore. We just casually leveled up and did dungeons together albeit that most of us have played the game since release.
Compare this to the TBC release and you will see a huge difference in difficulty level.
Now...we can argue whether this is the right business decision on behalf of Blizzard or not but the difference in hardship is immense. I am willing to bet that just as Blizzard failed at getting Kara, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK and heroics right at TBC release (way to many over-tuned bosses) they failed in the other direction this time.
Exactly just have fun-even though you get a wipe during the first few weeks of uldar.
Some people just take things to seriously when new raid dungeons/old or new
1.) your not geared-well you want to be but are you skilled?
2.) You dont know how to play your class-wtf?
3.)Go reroll-ehem,why?
4.)your not doing anything-just look at your place in dps!
Have you meet these BOSSY players before...we all have at high levels but 50% of what they say is the truth and 50% of it is just #%$@.In the end,somewhere along the line during the raid of uldar they will have a mass wipe and then what will the boss say..?*YOU GUYS SUCK*(your group has disbanded)
And alot of times the boss himself is not geared-he/she plays a tank when they really are retribution?!Oh pop a sword and shild and here i am a tank!(dont tell me how i play my class).
If you call me a troll this discussion is useless. So I guess that discussing (please check the definition of discussion) WoW is pointless since you will always run to its defence bar nothing. If you do not recognize that raid content releases has never been as thin as in the last 12 months (please check WoW history and you will see that this is an all time low with a margin) and the fact that Naxx started to be PUGed 3months after WotLK was released as a sign of difficulty level - we can skip this discussion. If you defended these two facts with arguments such as "really hard encounters are not important for the business success of WoW' and 'raiders are not an important consumer for Blizzard' I would buy that you have a different point of view than me. Denying these two facts makes me just scratch my head in wonder however. And you know what? When someone ends up insulting others you know that their arguments are running low which is a statement in itself (you have so far accused me of trolling and lying out of thin air which is just preposterous).
You are defining the time frame in the worst possible time period. The 5 months before wrath they stopped adding new content, and you end your time period one week before the biggest patch ever in WOW. Of course the content seems thin because you are the one choosing the time frame.
I could easily go the other way. How about in two weeks I make a post about the huge amount of content added to the game in the month of April. I could point out that no other game has released anywhere near as much content this month as WOW did. It's just as useless a 'statistic' as the one you are using.
The fact is that as of right now, WOW has plenty of content even without ulduar. A large portion of the players have not finished Naxx and the ones that have done it certainly don't have it on easy-mode farm. The game is NOT about the 3% of super hardcore raiders any more.. deal with it.. there is no game that will spend the majority of it's dev time making sure people who play 40 hours a week have new content every 2 months. My server has exactly 5 guilds that have cleared naxx 25.... that is maybe 400 players out of 10,000. The number of those players that is bored with Naxx is much much lower.
it's easy to read about the hardcore raiders who have sponsers and assume everyone clearned naxx in 2 weeks, but that is not how things actually are working on the 200+ servers
oh really see now if YOU had played in tbc (which was shit lol) youd know that the did phase in the raids. yes they were 'in' but um, broken bosses leaing to impossible progression?
mm dont come at me with that shit, numnuts
i just looked at your armory, nice undying title. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT, too hard?
oh btw, i assume you did use a voidy to tank 3D as you wont refute it, instead trying to make an attack at me (lol)
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
Look your clearly new to the game and just was reading about how it used to be, becuase you just totally ignored all my points and attacked my achievements...
Good for you kid.
Good for you
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
Look your clearly new to the game and just was reading about how it used to be, becuase you just totally ignored all my points and attacked my achievements...
Good for you kid.
Good for you
yeah im so brand new to the game i remember when they introduced onyxia. remember that? when raid content WAS onyxia?
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
And your argument is totally and absolutely invalid and worthless. Sorry but if you are going to tell us its too easy and then claim that the reason you do not have one of the hardest achievements in the game is because its too easy, it makes your entire argument questionable.
Perosnally, I would love to know how you jumped from level 80 to 25 man Naxx without gear but its pointless. Simple troll.
Yep, I like how your too scared to mention your character or link it...
Yes I did 10 mans, to get geared for 25 mans, I've not stepped foot in 10 man naxx since the month of it releasing.
Who wants to do a watered down version of an old instance they had 2 years ago and then do the SUPER EASY version of it with just 9 people?
I'm sorry but "Achievements' DO NOT MAKE REPLAY VALUE.
so you agree you have not tried hard mode?
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
Have not tried to avoid dying on a recycled rehashed dungeon they introduced 2 years ago that I played back then?
TV is more interesting
you are missing quite a lot more than that and not just on normal, but in 25man too. and you obviously hate the game so muh you still play. so did you abuse the voidy to do 3D then you still have not refuted this point. btw. we're not the ones trying to claim the game is easy and then prove otherwise with our own inane babble.
all of wows raids have been phased in. your point sir, is moot, and this makes you angry at us, because we, shock fucking horror, are having fun, playing, of all actions, a game, of all things!
man i love forums probably the best pvp going.
ps my sig, its like i predicted the future how did i know this convo would come up. its made just for you
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
Blizzards Idea for making the next dungeon last unitl they think up something new is Scalaing difficulty on all the Raid bosses.
In other words Kill the same things again and again! Only this time theres a hard trick to it!
Does this really work on you people? Do you really fall for this?
I had more faith in all of you.
The only thing I just did not like about WoW, but i've played it for absolutely ages so im not bashin it , is not that its too easy to begin with. They give you enough options. It's that Blizzard is not consistent. It annoys me for doing a dungeon for weeks and weeks, trying to get a certain boss down,and then have blizzard walk by and wack it with a nerfbat so everyone all of a sudden has done it. This annoys me purely for the reason : I had to actually try my utmost best to get through it, and they just get handed it to them.
Where's the fairness in that ?
This is not even a bash, its just something that annoyed me a few times when it happened.
still had fun on the game, completely bored of it now tho.
Yeah its a lot better PVP than that sorry excuse for what Blizz has done to their game this time around.
jerid, you say the game is easy and yet refuse to try it on hard?
thats like watching a video on rewind and being upset you saw the ending first
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
Yep i refuse to try it on hard, thats why I did the hardest 25 man achievement there is, Nice try.
Link your charcter or are you too chicken?
Lol Courage is having the balls to put yourself out there in the middle of a group of enemies and get torn up, not being the scared child who sits in the corner and cries.
LAWL 10 mans?
Who does those
And your argument is totally and absolutely invalid and worthless. Sorry but if you are going to tell us its too easy and then claim that the reason you do not have one of the hardest achievements in the game is because its too easy, it makes your entire argument questionable.
Perosnally, I would love to know how you jumped from level 80 to 25 man Naxx without gear but its pointless. Simple troll.
Yep, I like how your too scared to mention your character or link it...
Yes I did 10 mans, to get geared for 25 mans, I've not stepped foot in 10 man naxx since the month of it releasing.
Who wants to do a watered down version of an old instance they had 2 years ago and then do the SUPER EASY version of it with just 9 people?
I'm sorry but "Achievements' DO NOT MAKE REPLAY VALUE.
Sorry i do not link my character to trolls. And my character isn't an issue. I have admitted time and time again where I am at. I am in a casual guild. We are trying to clear Naxx 25 man. We are in the same spot where we were at the end of BC. I base how well we are doing by one of the largest and most famous guilds on our server. They recently got it on farm and we are almost to a full clear so in terms of difficulty, for us, we are doing Naxx about the same speed as Khara and ZA.
I am not even going to bother to explain why Naxx is back because it has been discussed to a point where nobody listens or doesn't care too. Blizzard had very real and valid reasons why the moved it.
I disagree with achievements. If they are not replay value or important, then why does three of the biggest games on the market have them. And remember Blizzard was not first to introduce them at all.
But back to my other point: you admit that in the first month, you got to 80, got the gear to do Naxx 10 man, cleared Naxx 10 man, got all the gear you needed and moved on. In a month?!?! Sorry but that is not the average player in WOW right now and you certainly would be dfined in that hardcore raider set. No wonder you hate WOW...it isn't the game for you anymore.
you lose.
You don't have a character
You fail
so you definitely did do it with a voidy then
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
too scared to adress the issue of how you did it with a voidy? aah deary me. so you used a bug to make hard mode easy and are upset? brilliant!
i gotcha, you're one of those people who dont understand why no-one like them
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
I just seriously don't get it. What is wrong with entry expansion content being easy? Raids will get harder and harder as the expansion goes and you yourself can scale some of the fights into even harder mode. Also Ulduar will have hardmode only boss, which I think will be somewhere along Kil' Jaeden difficulty. Too me it seems that most people who are shouting around forums that the content is too easy have either not done it or it somehow makes them satisfied when they kill boss that others cannot kill and then they boast about it.
Oh, and feel free to armory me - Bellix of Sylvanas.
'Most powerful is he who controls his own power.'
I do not get this 'my penis is larger than yours' argument that has unfolded. Furthermore I do not see a reason to call me a troll like some people in this thread has done. My concerns with WoW - that I have played more than any other game in my computer game life (a long one...) are:
1) Normal single player, group and raid content has never been easier than in WotLK (huge difference to prior WoW content)
2) Content release schedule for raid content has never been as thin as in the last 12-months for someone not new to the game (Sart and Malygos are the only raid encounters released during a full year - unprecedented low point for WoW).
That is it.
You can argue crazy whether a long list of achievements should be called content or whether hard/normal mode of a boss makes content. Everyone knows that this is a smart way to reuse content to cut development costs for new content (and this is not about achievements in themselves - that is a very good addition along the lines of creating a diary and book around an avatar).
If you call me a troll this discussion is useless. So I guess that discussing (please check the definition of discussion) WoW is pointless since you will always run to its defence bar nothing. If you do not recognize that raid content releases has never been as thin as in the last 12 months (please check WoW history and you will see that this is an all time low with a margin) and the fact that Naxx started to be PUGed 3months after WotLK was released as a sign of difficulty level - we can skip this discussion.
If you defended these two facts with arguments such as "really hard encounters are not important for the business success of WoW' and 'raiders are not an important consumer for Blizzard' I would buy that you have a different point of view than me. Denying these two facts makes me just scratch my head in wonder however.
And you know what? When someone ends up insulting others you know that their arguments are running low which is a statement in itself (you have so far accused me of trolling and lying out of thin air which is just preposterous).
Ignoring new BG, new open world PvP zone quests, new Lake Wintergrasp AND follow up Raid, a complete new continent, 1900 new recipies, new achievement system .......and ALL this...
ONE WEEK before the biggest content patch in Wow (see the patch notes).
So yes by responding always with the same lame arguments to bash on Wow you are clearly a troll.
The same guy who always stated "this is the end of Wow" for 2 years now on this same forum. The same guy who used every little hic up in Xfire to "believe " the momentum was gone from Wow.
Well you dropped that last argument 4 months ago (because it clearly didn't work).
Remember your statement of 10 months ago ? "Wotlk will be the last succesful expansion from dreadful Wow ?". I remember it very well. So, you already had your conclusion 6 months before WotLK was launched and now focus on it to see HOW you could troll the thing.
And since only 1% of the Raiders get the black/red dragons, I even think the hardcore guys are very much still with us. they will certainly be there in Ulduar.
But who cares even? I don't play this game for the Raids alone (or I would have left it already 2.5 years ago).
PS Stating that there was an achievement for tanking a boss naked to have a laugh at the achievement system was very much a lie indeed and VERY trollish....
We are here and most of us are still having as much fun as we did during Vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade.
'Most powerful is he who controls his own power.'
Zorn - you still need to check what parable means since you so obviously fail at reading comprehension.
However - I will define what I think is easy for you:
- Undergeared level 70 character buys WotLK 2 days after release and are 80 all dressed in level 80 epics, all heroics cleared multiple times and Naxx cleared a few days after Christmas and in addition I had a level 80 DK (not with epic gear) at the same time. And the group of players I played with were not even hard-core anymore. We just casually leveled up and did dungeons together albeit that most of us have played the game since release.
Compare this to the TBC release and you will see a huge difference in difficulty level.
Now...we can argue whether this is the right business decision on behalf of Blizzard or not but the difference in hardship is immense. I am willing to bet that just as Blizzard failed at getting Kara, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK and heroics right at TBC release (way to many over-tuned bosses) they failed in the other direction this time.
Exactly just have fun-even though you get a wipe during the first few weeks of uldar.
Some people just take things to seriously when new raid dungeons/old or new
1.) your not geared-well you want to be but are you skilled?
2.) You dont know how to play your class-wtf?
3.)Go reroll-ehem,why?
4.)your not doing anything-just look at your place in dps!
Have you meet these BOSSY players before...we all have at high levels but 50% of what they say is the truth and 50% of it is just #%$@.In the end,somewhere along the line during the raid of uldar they will have a mass wipe and then what will the boss say..?*YOU GUYS SUCK*(your group has disbanded)
And alot of times the boss himself is not geared-he/she plays a tank when they really are retribution?!Oh pop a sword and shild and here i am a tank!(dont tell me how i play my class).
You get my point..
You are defining the time frame in the worst possible time period. The 5 months before wrath they stopped adding new content, and you end your time period one week before the biggest patch ever in WOW. Of course the content seems thin because you are the one choosing the time frame.
I could easily go the other way. How about in two weeks I make a post about the huge amount of content added to the game in the month of April. I could point out that no other game has released anywhere near as much content this month as WOW did. It's just as useless a 'statistic' as the one you are using.
The fact is that as of right now, WOW has plenty of content even without ulduar. A large portion of the players have not finished Naxx and the ones that have done it certainly don't have it on easy-mode farm. The game is NOT about the 3% of super hardcore raiders any more.. deal with it.. there is no game that will spend the majority of it's dev time making sure people who play 40 hours a week have new content every 2 months. My server has exactly 5 guilds that have cleared naxx 25.... that is maybe 400 players out of 10,000. The number of those players that is bored with Naxx is much much lower.
it's easy to read about the hardcore raiders who have sponsers and assume everyone clearned naxx in 2 weeks, but that is not how things actually are working on the 200+ servers