So you did predict: That sticks would go out of fashion?
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
Originally posted by shukes33 Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
If they zoned everything and instanced... im out. I dont mind instancing Dungeons ect but zoning just is'nt my cup of tea. Had enough of that in EQ2 with the bells being everywhere. Also AoC made sure i'll never play zoned mmo's again.
So you did predict: That sticks would go out of fashion?
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
"Building Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is essentially building Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR) 3 through KOTOR 10, and then shipping them all at once."
"Building Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is essentially building Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR) 3 through KOTOR 10, and then shipping them all at once." There is no question it is KOTOR with some MMO thrown in.
What they leave out is your going to get the client for 49$ then each chapter or KOTOR 3-10 is going to cost you additional money. Thats what they mean about micro transactions. Perfect billing, you finish story 1 and are itching to start story 2, youll gladdly pay that 15$ to get story two access.
So you did predict: That sticks would go out of fashion?
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
Chopsticks? That could work.
True! 1 Billion people can't be wrong about those can they!
Originally posted by shukes33 Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
"Building Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is essentially building Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR) 3 through KOTOR 10, and then shipping them all at once." There is no question it is KOTOR with some MMO thrown in.
What they leave out is your going to get the client for 49$ then each chapter or KOTOR 3-10 is going to cost you additional money. Thats what they mean about micro transactions. Perfect billing, you finish story 1 and are itching to start story 2, youll gladdly pay that 15$ to get story two access.
At most I think we will get KOTOR 3 and 4, and they hope we will take longer than a couple months to finish. Then they will roll out new patches to keep the monthly fees comming.
I agree with the OP, from reading what this games DEV's posted since its announcement, it does sound like it will be just a single player Star Wars game with a multiplayer element, yeah they will call it MMOORPG, but they wont fool me
Its a shame, as it will have no lasting appeal and will be swamped by true next generation MMOs by the time this comes out.
I agree with the OP, from reading what this games DEV's posted since its announcement, it does sound like it will be just a single player Star Wars game with a multiplayer element, yeah they will call it MMOORPG, but they wont fool me
Its a shame, as it will have no lasting appeal and will be swamped by true next generation MMOs by the time this comes out.
All very interesting I am sure but what about the chopsticks idea?
Originally posted by shukes33 Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
New trailer looked sweet and awesome. But what is a cinematics trailer for a game? Nothing. Once you play the game it won't matter. Cinematics trailers are just fun. And this one rivalled some of the best cinematics I have seen.
But truth is that Bioware is still keeping major parts of what this game is about under wraps. But for sure some things can be concluded now: 1. Classes. Players will be stuck in one class.
Seems to be eight classes. Jedi: Trooper, Jedi, Smuggler | Sith: Sith, Bounty Hunter 2. Factions. Players will be stuck in a faction - nothings points to mobility in allegiance.
Some will add: SWG didn't have it at launch, but this isn't 2003. Market is now very over-saturated with mmos and will be even more in a few years. Companies like Funcom counts on selling just enough copies at launch to give them a surplus. They know their games don't have lasting potential. ToR will have even less longevity than AoC. 4. Instances. Hard to say, but I wouldn't be surprised they go the way of AoC. 5. Crafting. Bioware states time and time again that this game is about story and heroes. Crafting is not part of their thought-proces. It isn't that slick, so why include it. Crafting is about creating your OWN story. And Bioware's idea of story-telling is that THEY need to direct your story. 6. Non-combat classes. This game will center on heroes. Meaning, vanilla gameplay with limited options. Don't expect anything but minor non-combat skills. 7. Release date. Not going to be before 2011. These games always get postponed. Just wait and see. Could even be later. 8. Gameplay linear? Yes it will be. While technically possible to create great stories in a non-linear environment. 9. Housing? Player Cities? Housing and player cities also goes against the grain of their story-driven mmo where players are heroes, not housebuilder or crafters. 10. Combat system. Not much is known. But it will be smaller variety on the WoW/EQ formula. Sort of like other games like TCoS or AoC tries to change the formula. Don't expect something truly different, but something towards those lines. Maybe with a few twitch elements here and there. 11. Jedis. This time period is chosen to appeal to all the kids who wants to have a light-saber swining jedi (or sith). It is the lowest common denominator. There is no two ways about. But the uniqueness of the jedi character will drown in the multitudes of them after a while. Will that feeling of "wow a lightsaber" last? 12. PvP. A bit unclear. Except it to be children friendly. But since it is factional there must be some. A cross between WoW and WAR is not unheard of. Can anyone honestly expect something more hardcore with the direction this game is taking? 13. Graphics. Most likely next-gen graphics. Some improvements on existing ways of doing it. Maybe similar to AoC quality.
Conclusion: This game is the NGE that LA always wanted. It will be linear, story-driven, have few hours of longevity, cater to the light-saber crowds, kids - tie in with graphical style of the Clone Wars, little crafting, not hardcore pvp, not many options, but lots of hand-holding and lead you through the maze.. Some might now jump in and say that it is guess-work, that we don't know all the facts; that maybe there will be deep crafting, hardcore pvp, housing, space flight etc. But these comments are ignorant and nothing to do with the truth. Truth is that the path of TOR is already set and it is set up for eye candy and a hollow gameplay. Not a real MMO as it won't be that massive or free. Games make and break at launch now. There is no time to make space six to twelve months after (and what good did it really do SWG in the long run). There is no time to make that expansion that fixes all the problems (WAR + AoC). Either you make it or you will suffer a slow, suffocating death. Bioware has taken the easy route of doing everything as simple and dumped-down as possible. It won't be hardcore pvp, it won't be massive diverse game with many play-options like crafting and non-combat professions. What game companies does not understand is that the whole foundation of mmos is built around the principle that players should have the option of doing what THEY want in the game. Interact in many ways and not just kill-botting each other or npcs over and over. The combat oriented gamer should want the crafters and non-combatees to give flair and atmosphere to their game - to be able to interact with when needing an armour or a new weapon. This is what breathes life into the genre. What Bioware is doing is to put one more nail in the mmo genre coffin. This game might get close to a million boxes sold or even 1.5 - but in the end it will be like many other mmos out there with empty, EMPTY servers after six months. People will buy it for the name, Star Wars, but leave when they see there is no freedom in this game. For Bioware it will mean not only breaking even, but also making a big chunk of cash - but for the players - the gaming community - it is just one more way to kill PC gaming..
I stopped reading after the highlighted text above. You cannot come to any conclusive decisions because there is not enough information out there. Nor will your rant have an effect on anything at all. Bioware has a great track record for making amazing games and there's not much evidence to suggest that this game won't be great as well. Just shut up and wait like the rest of us.
It is sort of funny to see that fans get so defensive over this and retort to name-calling and using the same old arguments about crystal balls.. Um... ok. The crystal ball statement is because you are making very bold claims with absolutely no proof. They could just have easily cut to the chase and tell you you have no idea what you are talking about, you have no proof, you are a liar. But they were trying to be nice about it. The problem is with your writing style. You are speaking in absolutes, it comes off sounding like you have factual information but everything you say is just your own opinion. DRACCAN: Let's see when we get to beta, who is right and who is wrong.
There, your response. Think you could have applied that before starting this thread?
While you insult the current fanbase of this game, you also turn around and completly make yourself look like an ass.
Basically this thread has been you saying "ToR will suck", somebody says your speaking in absolutes and know nothing about the game and you respond "Lets see when we get to beta".
If you follow their track record, it'll be awesome. Bioware is like Blizzard in that they won't release a game they think is crap. ToR will be a game that is a really good iteration of whatever type of game it will be...
If it's a story focused guided experience of a MMO it'll best the best MMO like that...
If it also includes some good open world/exploration/socialization components it'll be even better.
Sigh. Nevermind. SWTOR will likely be fun for 15 minutes and then suck.
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Sigh. Nevermind. SWTOR will likely be fun for 15 minutes and then suck.
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
Interesting that you are basing that on absolutely nothing. That's "substantive"? And you are an official "correspondent" for another game......
As if Warhammer didn't have enough bad things going for it.......
Sigh. Nevermind. SWTOR will likely be fun for 15 minutes and then suck.
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
As far as your opinion is concerned. I cant bash it. Its your opinion, and everyone has a right to one. With the phase that this game is in, I would rather not. I feel i dont have enough information to make a valid opinion. But if you do then.... go for it.
As for your second comment, you do realize they have time stamps on these posts? /fail
* Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker (2005)
* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
* Jade Empire (2005)
* Mass Effect (2007)
* Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
* Dragon Age: Origins (in-development) (2009)
* Mass Effect 2 (in-development) (Spring 2010)
* Mass Effect 3 (pre-development)
* Star Wars: The Old Republic[5] (in-development)
* Untitled Next Gen[6] (in-development)
This is a list of all Biowares games. They have sold well (can't say Im sure about the nintendo DS game thouggh). What makes you think they will fail for the first time now?
Biowares main sales point is that the games are fun and that you actually have to use your brain in them.
That is why I prefer Baldurs gate against Diablo, both games were fun but Diablo was slightly brain dead. And I expect the same thing about TOR, if you like brain dead action you should buy Wow or Blizzard upcoming MMO, if you like to think you buy Tor (or that upcoming next gen game, I hope it is a MMO version of Nwn or BG). And there is room for both hack and slash and games that demands more use of brains, these above games have sold well and hopefully it well get more people into the genre, we had the about same number now for a few year.
* Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker (2005)
* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
* Jade Empire (2005)
* Mass Effect (2007)
* Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
* Dragon Age: Origins (in-development) (2009)
* Mass Effect 2 (in-development) (Spring 2010)
* Mass Effect 3 (pre-development)
* Star Wars: The Old Republic[5] (in-development)
* Untitled Next Gen[6] (in-development)
This is a list of all Biowares games. They have sold well (can't say Im sure about the nintendo DS game thouggh). What makes you think they will fail for the first time now? Biowares main sales point is that the games are fun and that you actually have to use your brain in them. That is why I prefer Baldurs gate against Diablo, both games were fun but Diablo was slightly brain dead. And I expect the same thing about TOR, if you like brain dead action you should buy Wow or Blizzard upcoming MMO, if you like to think you buy Tor (or that upcoming next gen game, I hope it is a MMO version of Nwn or BG). And there is room for both hack and slash and games that demands more use of brains, these above games have sold well and hopefully it well get more people into the genre, we had the about same number now for a few year.
Well stated, I was waiting for somebody to pull out the track record which bioware is known for, I'm sure they will do everything possible to make a quality game. Let them have some space get it into a open beta before making assumptions I say. Although I am scared of it becoming too much like Guild Wars, we will see.
Interesting that you are basing that on absolutely nothing. That's "substantive"? And you are an official "correspondent" for another game......
As if Warhammer didn't have enough bad things going for it.......
I base my opinion on what's known of the game so far. That's all that I can base it on. I don't see why one cannot form an opinion on what's currently known and refine the opinion as more information is released.
Also, I haven't written anything for this site since before WAR was released. They just keep the title on there for some reason and I can't change it.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Originally posted by Proximo521 As far as your opinion is concerned. I cant bash it. Its your opinion, and everyone has a right to one. With the phase that this game is in, I would rather not. I feel i dont have enough information to make a valid opinion. But if you do then.... go for it. As for your second comment, you do realize they have time stamps on these posts? /fail
Regarding my opinion, see my post above this one.
Also, it was a joke. I am well aware that you posted in less than 15 minutes.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
I think this game will be an epic win. At least for me and those who like a truly casual / solo friendly / story oriented game. What remains to be seen is how large this type of player base will be. Personally, I think it will turn out to be much larger than say raiders or hardcores, which means a moderately to very successful game.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
These types of threads really frustrate me. Normally I'd say "no harm in pure speculation", but the reality is that there is indeed harm in it. Time and time again, we've all seen it happen in these forums: somebody speculates and within weeks it somehow becomes "fact" quoted elsewhere in new threads.
Here's the simple reality folks... most of what the OP posts about in this thread is just that... pure speculation. Just because Bioware has chosen not to provide complete details on every feature in the game does not necessarily mean that it won't be there. In fact, I respect the fact that Bioware has taken this approach. When other game companies do the opposite (make claims that they later need to rescind) everybody is up in arms about the broken promises, the unethical behavior, etc. So Bioware is taking a cautious approach. This ensures that (1) they only release information about "sure bets" and (2) they build anticipation and mystery.
Also, you can hardly assume that what you see in screenshots/gameplay videos at this stage is in any way representative of the final product. For people to suggest there will be a limited number of customization options for weapons, etc. is once again pure speculation based upon practically no real data. It's akin to reading one (randomly selected) paragraph of a book and then assuming you know what the entire story is about. This MMO is still quite a ways off from release (knowing a Bioware employee, I have a pretty good idea of when that will be, but won't break his trust by saying anything here).... we have a long way to go before anybody should start speculating.
Sounds like another whining SWG fan who still can't get over that game and refuses to accept that this game, while different, could actually be entertaining.
Most of your arguments were completely baseless with no foundation in fact to back up your claims. The other half were just the tired sandbox vs. non-sandbox argument I have heard countless times on this forum.
I have said it before and I will say it again, the fact that this game is not like SWG is a good thing. Any developer in their right mind will learn from the mistakes of the past and not copy game mechanics from FAILED titles like SWG. Even before the NGE, that game was already bleeding subscribers and dying a slow death.
I am so very glad that TOR will be approaching the Star Wars franchise from a new and fresh and very possibly EXCITING standpoint. I have never understood why some people would rather play a nerf herder or any sort of a crafter than a STAR WARS oriented class. I don't remember a single time one of the characters in the movies gathered meaningless resources to sell stupid items in their customized homes. That just IS NOT exciting or important AT ALL to the storyline or universe of Star Wars.
I so wish that someone would make a game for you people so that you will stop trying to ruin other titles. PLEASE someone make World of Onlycraft so they will leave my games alone...
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
Originally posted by shukes33
Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
If they zoned everything and instanced... im out. I dont mind instancing Dungeons ect but zoning just is'nt my cup of tea. Had enough of that in EQ2 with the bells being everywhere. Also AoC made sure i'll never play zoned mmo's again.
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
Chopsticks? That could work.
"Building Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is essentially building Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR) 3 through KOTOR 10, and then shipping them all at once."
There is no question it is KOTOR with some MMO thrown in.
What they leave out is your going to get the client for 49$ then each chapter or KOTOR 3-10 is going to cost you additional money. Thats what they mean about micro transactions. Perfect billing, you finish story 1 and are itching to start story 2, youll gladdly pay that 15$ to get story two access.
Sticks are fashionable?
As a tool a la 2001: A Space Odessey although that was a bone in that shot. Also the atlatl weapon (stick and arrow) that allowed humans to hunt successfully. I suppose in some regard "sticks" were fashionable with the ol' walking stick / cane of the late victorian England. Mind you so was smoking a pipe and smoking jacket so... erm... what was the point I was trying to make... erm... there was one... think it got lost somewhere on page 14 or 15 (probably on page 1 just before the title of the thread.
Chopsticks? That could work.
True! 1 Billion people can't be wrong about those can they!
Originally posted by shukes33
Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
What they leave out is your going to get the client for 49$ then each chapter or KOTOR 3-10 is going to cost you additional money. Thats what they mean about micro transactions. Perfect billing, you finish story 1 and are itching to start story 2, youll gladdly pay that 15$ to get story two access.
At most I think we will get KOTOR 3 and 4, and they hope we will take longer than a couple months to finish. Then they will roll out new patches to keep the monthly fees comming.
I agree with the OP, from reading what this games DEV's posted since its announcement, it does sound like it will be just a single player Star Wars game with a multiplayer element, yeah they will call it MMOORPG, but they wont fool me
Its a shame, as it will have no lasting appeal and will be swamped by true next generation MMOs by the time this comes out.
All very interesting I am sure but what about the chopsticks idea?
Originally posted by shukes33
Grind is not one of the downfalls of DF it is just a feature.
I stopped reading after the highlighted text above. You cannot come to any conclusive decisions because there is not enough information out there. Nor will your rant have an effect on anything at all. Bioware has a great track record for making amazing games and there's not much evidence to suggest that this game won't be great as well. Just shut up and wait like the rest of us.
There, your response. Think you could have applied that before starting this thread?
While you insult the current fanbase of this game, you also turn around and completly make yourself look like an ass.
Basically this thread has been you saying "ToR will suck", somebody says your speaking in absolutes and know nothing about the game and you respond "Lets see when we get to beta".
Learn anything?
I put faith in Bioware.
KOTOR 1, awesome.
Mass Effect, awesome.
ME 2, looks awesome.
If you follow their track record, it'll be awesome. Bioware is like Blizzard in that they won't release a game they think is crap. ToR will be a game that is a really good iteration of whatever type of game it will be...
If it's a story focused guided experience of a MMO it'll best the best MMO like that...
If it also includes some good open world/exploration/socialization components it'll be even better.
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
Interesting that you are basing that on absolutely nothing. That's "substantive"? And you are an official "correspondent" for another game......
As if Warhammer didn't have enough bad things going for it.......
Huh, thats funny just like this post...........
Hey, I had something else written but since there's no delete option on the forum I just put a general opinion out there. If you want something slightly more substantive, here you go.
In my opinion, I feel that SWTOR will indeed cater to the lowest common denominator and won't be fun for me. I am also of the belief that the game will not garner 1 million plus long term subscrptions like many here seem to think it will. I have little doubt that within, let's say, three months of release it will have 1 million subs. However, I do not believe it will maintain, or grow, that number.
Also, did it really take you 15 minutes to read 13 words?
As far as your opinion is concerned. I cant bash it. Its your opinion, and everyone has a right to one. With the phase that this game is in, I would rather not. I feel i dont have enough information to make a valid opinion. But if you do then.... go for it.
As for your second comment, you do realize they have time stamps on these posts? /fail
I think i will wait and play the game before i have a rant, but to be honest being a sw nerd im looking forward to it and cant wait
Playing: FFXIV
Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic
Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....
Interesting Fact - I own 27 Tarantula's
* Shattered Steel (1996)
* Baldur's Gate (1998)
* Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast (1999)
* MDK2 (2000)
* Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)
* Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (2001)
* Neverwinter Nights (2002)
* Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (2003)
* Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker (2005)
* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
* Jade Empire (2005)
* Mass Effect (2007)
* Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
* Dragon Age: Origins (in-development) (2009)
* Mass Effect 2 (in-development) (Spring 2010)
* Mass Effect 3 (pre-development)
* Star Wars: The Old Republic[5] (in-development)
* Untitled Next Gen[6] (in-development)
This is a list of all Biowares games. They have sold well (can't say Im sure about the nintendo DS game thouggh). What makes you think they will fail for the first time now?
Biowares main sales point is that the games are fun and that you actually have to use your brain in them.
That is why I prefer Baldurs gate against Diablo, both games were fun but Diablo was slightly brain dead. And I expect the same thing about TOR, if you like brain dead action you should buy Wow or Blizzard upcoming MMO, if you like to think you buy Tor (or that upcoming next gen game, I hope it is a MMO version of Nwn or BG). And there is room for both hack and slash and games that demands more use of brains, these above games have sold well and hopefully it well get more people into the genre, we had the about same number now for a few year.
Well stated, I was waiting for somebody to pull out the track record which bioware is known for, I'm sure they will do everything possible to make a quality game. Let them have some space get it into a open beta before making assumptions I say. Although I am scared of it becoming too much like Guild Wars, we will see.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
I base my opinion on what's known of the game so far. That's all that I can base it on. I don't see why one cannot form an opinion on what's currently known and refine the opinion as more information is released.
Also, I haven't written anything for this site since before WAR was released. They just keep the title on there for some reason and I can't change it.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Regarding my opinion, see my post above this one.
Also, it was a joke. I am well aware that you posted in less than 15 minutes.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Now what are you doing coming here with a sensible post like that??
I think this game will be an epic win. At least for me and those who like a truly casual / solo friendly / story oriented game. What remains to be seen is how large this type of player base will be. Personally, I think it will turn out to be much larger than say raiders or hardcores, which means a moderately to very successful game.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
These types of threads really frustrate me. Normally I'd say "no harm in pure speculation", but the reality is that there is indeed harm in it. Time and time again, we've all seen it happen in these forums: somebody speculates and within weeks it somehow becomes "fact" quoted elsewhere in new threads.
Here's the simple reality folks... most of what the OP posts about in this thread is just that... pure speculation. Just because Bioware has chosen not to provide complete details on every feature in the game does not necessarily mean that it won't be there. In fact, I respect the fact that Bioware has taken this approach. When other game companies do the opposite (make claims that they later need to rescind) everybody is up in arms about the broken promises, the unethical behavior, etc. So Bioware is taking a cautious approach. This ensures that (1) they only release information about "sure bets" and (2) they build anticipation and mystery.
Also, you can hardly assume that what you see in screenshots/gameplay videos at this stage is in any way representative of the final product. For people to suggest there will be a limited number of customization options for weapons, etc. is once again pure speculation based upon practically no real data. It's akin to reading one (randomly selected) paragraph of a book and then assuming you know what the entire story is about. This MMO is still quite a ways off from release (knowing a Bioware employee, I have a pretty good idea of when that will be, but won't break his trust by saying anything here).... we have a long way to go before anybody should start speculating.
The Old Republics Game Director - new interview:
"Most importantly, you never want people to have to look for fun. People want to be guided - they don't want to have to find the fun."
I think this statement underlines half of what I said in my OP !
Sounds like another whining SWG fan who still can't get over that game and refuses to accept that this game, while different, could actually be entertaining.
Most of your arguments were completely baseless with no foundation in fact to back up your claims. The other half were just the tired sandbox vs. non-sandbox argument I have heard countless times on this forum.
I have said it before and I will say it again, the fact that this game is not like SWG is a good thing. Any developer in their right mind will learn from the mistakes of the past and not copy game mechanics from FAILED titles like SWG. Even before the NGE, that game was already bleeding subscribers and dying a slow death.
I am so very glad that TOR will be approaching the Star Wars franchise from a new and fresh and very possibly EXCITING standpoint. I have never understood why some people would rather play a nerf herder or any sort of a crafter than a STAR WARS oriented class. I don't remember a single time one of the characters in the movies gathered meaningless resources to sell stupid items in their customized homes. That just IS NOT exciting or important AT ALL to the storyline or universe of Star Wars.
I so wish that someone would make a game for you people so that you will stop trying to ruin other titles. PLEASE someone make World of Onlycraft so they will leave my games alone...