Uhh no I'm actually laid off from a 22 dollar an hour job making the connectors in your computer that I had for last 8 years. (Man am I pissed off). I'm 49 yrs old, balding, toothless, I play rock guitar in a band, everyone who knows me thinks im crazy for playing computer games instead of sitting on the couch watching fooking football on tv all day like they do,and guzzling beer while thinking of laying thier best friend's wife. I also build gaming computers, And I can out party any of them any time of the day or night!
Wow, okay. Glad you like DDO, but you need to work on your inferiority complex. ;-)
I had a discussion about DDO in game the other day. The great thing about DDO is that it's free. Once I have to consider paying, it changes its category and its worth. But yeah, having a blast, for now.
I don't know that it's necessarily a blast but it's something to do. I don't think that I'd actually pay for it, it isn't that great a game, but for free, it's better than any other F2P game I've played in a long time and there doesn't seem to be any requirement to pay a cent to anyone to have some fun.
Uhh no I'm actually laid off from a 22 dollar an hour job making the connectors in your computer that I had for last 8 years. (Man am I pissed off). I'm 49 yrs old, balding, toothless, I play rock guitar in a band, everyone who knows me thinks im crazy for playing computer games instead of sitting on the couch watching fooking football on tv all day like they do,and guzzling beer while thinking of laying thier best friend's wife. I also build gaming computers, And I can out party any of them any time of the day or night!
Wow, okay. Glad you like DDO, but you need to work on your inferiority complex. ;-)
Inferior I am not! Superior I am am! That should be obvious. Isn't it? (actually have you a sense of humor? Don't you think that my posts are in thar with some of the funnyest shit you ever read? I'm laughing so hard I can barely contain the contents of my bowels. And if you think I'm kind weird you should play with me in MY partys in DDO. I am really in great demand. People actually duel one another for the privaledge of joining one of my groups in game. I actually was a dungeon master of the actual D&D game for many years. My parents thought I was into devil worshipping and arranged an exorcism for me at the early age of 11 which during that ritual of goodness various rocks of various sizes began to fall from the sky and the paint peeled itself off the walls in the church where this was performed. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth (that's why I don't have none today) And a good time was had by all !
Ohh , and by the way when am I gonna be able to play this here boxed copy of Aion as It will not accept my serial ket when I try to create an account?????
Originally posted by Albos If you don't work for turbine then I don't see how you talk so excited for a mediocre game which had to go f2p to maybe attract some population cause no one is playing it. I tried DDO and imo the game is worst then lotro and lotro is boring.
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
I'm new to DDO also, and really enjoying it. Been playing about a week now.
To be honest, I have a very hard time thinking of it as an MMO. There is nothing that isn't instanced that's actually part of gameplay. I'd have to say it feels a lot more like an SP or COOP game with a lobby. Another thing I find odd, is that kills yield no XP at all. Its like an anti-grinder where dungeon quest XP is everything.
I can see how people expecting it to be an EQ styled MMO wouldn't like it at all. Reminds me of a full 3D version of the old NWN or even Dungeon Siege games.
www.ActionMMORPG.com One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~
I tried it. I didn't really like how all the quests were instanced. And the fact that I missed 100 times for every hit was just too annoying. I know it's D&D rules, but you have to make comprimises when converting a game to an MMORPG. In D&D (from what little I've played of it), each fight is pretty difficult. Each one of the quests you play in DDO instances are an entire play session. In an MMORPG, people expect to fight through multiple instances and hundreds of mobs in a play session.
Keeping the dice rolling system and just speeding it up so you're theoretically rolling every half a second doesn't work for me. I wish they either would've gotten rid of that system entirely or made it more of a turn based game with alot of quality and voice overs- although that would still get boring unlike if you're playing pen and paper with friends.
If you don't work for turbine then I don't see how you talk so excited for a mediocre game which had to go f2p to maybe attract some population cause no one is playing it. I tried DDO and imo the game is worst then lotro and lotro is boring.
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
If you don't work for turbine then I don't see how you talk so excited for a mediocre game which had to go f2p to maybe attract some population cause no one is playing it. I tried DDO and imo the game is worst then lotro and lotro is boring.
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
Ohhhh Albos he really spanked you on that one didn't he? That made a blister pop up on my butt cheeks even just thinking about it!
I'm new to DDO also, and really enjoying it. Been playing about a week now. To be honest, I have a very hard time thinking of it as an MMO. There is nothing that isn't instanced that's actually part of gameplay. I'd have to say it feels a lot more like an SP or COOP game with a lobby. Another thing I find odd, is that kills yield no XP at all. Its like an anti-grinder where dungeon quest XP is everything. I can see how people expecting it to be an EQ styled MMO wouldn't like it at all. Reminds me of a full 3D version of the old NWN or even Dungeon Siege games.
I played it a bit too and i also like it. Yeah it is not the same as a MMO .. but as long as it is fun, i do not really care much about how you label the game.
I like the instance dungeon, the adventure focus (like there is narration and you KNOW why you are in a dungeon) and you can tune the dungeon difficulty. It is quite solo friendly so far so it is also a plus. In fact, i like the fact that I can play it like a SP game or a MP game.
I do think that the combat mechanics is a bit antiquated. I have played the tabletop D&D before and I think there are better combat mechanics out there. The graphics is good but the art direction does not wow me.
I will probably keep playing it as a second MMO, and may be even drop some money into the game. I played up to a L2 sorcerer but rerolled him because i did not do the fine management during the char creation the first time.
DDO has always been maligned because it is different. Turbine really did the right thing making it f2p. I agree it probably has the best item store in the business. Not one $20-$50 mount to be seen.
Glad Turbine opened this game up, it is fun to play. I am laughing at all the Aion advocates. When they get to endgame Aion falls apart, 2 faction pvp games just die on the vine.
I've been having a blast with DDO too, haven't spent a dime yet and I've purchased Warforge and Sorrowdusk Isle already. I played DDO for a month or two a long time ago but quit because there wasn't anyone around to run the quests with when I was online. Now there's a ton of people and it's not an issue, so I plan to stick with it a good while.
Downloaded tonight, hopefully you guys are right. I usually stay far away from games with an item mall but hell.
Well, lemme see if this'll help you. I belong to a RPG-focused forum community that is full of the most cynical, angry cunts of gaming ever assembled in one place. Hell, I consider myself to be pretty cynical with regard to gaming in general, and RPGs specifically. Anyway, MMOs are a target of some of the more extreme hatred, because of the fact that they're RPGs in name only. I would agree with this, but that's bound to go into semantics that are neither here nor there in the context of this thread and post.
Suffice it to say, I was rather shocked and amazed at a thread in their MMO subforum where some of the more outspoken of the aforementioned cynical angry cunts were praising the game. So much so that I had to check it out myself. If these guys said it was good, it must be something special. So I did.
It's not perfect by any means, but it's fun as all hell. It feels to me similar to how NWN could have felt free of the constraints of the Aurora engine. Granted, I've only played up to the first warehouse mission on the newbie island (protecting the crystal from the cultists), but I was very impressed with the atmosphere. That tomb quest before the warehouse was great. Nice and creepy. The game's got some rough edges, but I do think it's worth checking out. It's not your typical MMO, and to me, that's one of the perks. As has been mentioned already, it DOES feel almost like a good single player RPG.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
If you don't work for turbine then I don't see how you talk so excited for a mediocre game which had to go f2p to maybe attract some population cause no one is playing it. I tried DDO and imo the game is worst then lotro and lotro is boring.
Hmm im playing wow but tried both lotro and Ddo. How on earth can u say the lotro crap is better than ddo?Lotro feels like a wow clone when u play it only it has worst combat mechanics.
Ddo has the best character proggresion/build system with feats/skills etc cant be compared with any other mmorpg in this department..also it has the best combat system by far compared to every other mmorpg. Also it has the best pve fights .
What ddo lacks is free roaming adventuring in the wilds like most mmorpg's do , and a well designed pvp system with ladder where players can compete with others like wow's arenas ..And thats the reason Ddo failed in subs and went free.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
Keeping the dice rolling system and just speeding it up so you're theoretically rolling every half a second doesn't work for me. I wish they either would've gotten rid of that system entirely or made it more of a turn based game with alot of quality and voice overs- although that would still get boring unlike if you're playing pen and paper with friends.
Agree 100% mate. I wouldn't mind pay evry sum of sub they would ask if i had the chance to play turn based d&d style as mmorpg.
In my opinion since they putted the old school roling in ddo there are 2 options only.
1.Either they should slow down a lot the attack speed so you can enjoy the rolls and watch them
2.Make it turn based so ppl can admire how ethistic and deep is the turn based combat. And i DONT mean the crap final fantasie turn based combat style or Atlantika online also crap turn based combat. I MEAN for example the temple of elemental's evil turn based combat where you have loads of options on what to do on every turn ,charge fight defensively,trip, and many many others things to do so ppl can see and admire how deep the turn based combat system style can be.
Uhh no I'm actually laid off from a 22 dollar an hour job making the connectors in your computer that I had for last 8 years. (Man am I pissed off). I'm 49 yrs old, balding, toothless, I play rock guitar in a band, everyone who knows me thinks im crazy for playing computer games instead of sitting on the couch watching fooking football on tv all day like they do,and guzzling beer while thinking of laying thier best friend's wife. I also build gaming computers, And I can out party any of them any time of the day or night! And I have more fun than anyone should at my age I know! ~ ...Thank you very much. And NO I do NOT play the fooking Wii. Ohh, however I do love to eat Kimchi. I eat a LOT of it and boy, do I stink! And NO I am not Korean. lmfao
Amazing... You could be my husband's twin, down to the kimchi.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I have played virtually every mainstream MMO that has come out over the last 10 years or so. I am not new to the genere. Mainstream subscription games, Free to play games, Guild Wars(in a class by itself), Everything since early Everquest all the way to World of Warcraft and everything in between and how on earth did I miss this game is beyond me????You really need to check out DDO Unlimited I downloaded it for free the other day and OMG. I have never been this addicted to a game. This has got to be the best MMO I have ever played and to think it has been here for so long and I never tried it till now is simply put..Dumbfounding...It just boggles my mind to think that there was an MMO this good all along and I NEVER KNEW!!!. At first I didn't quite know what to think of it, but I kept at it and slowly began to realize the depth and complexity of it. And I'm only lvl 3 but that's like level 15 in other games. It is quite different than any other MMO that you are probably familiar with. Turbine has really changed things a lot I have heard from the players I meet. Everyone is loving this game I meet so it's not just me. The community is the best I have seen as well. It's free and the item shop is quite unlike any other cheap crappy item shop in other games. This is how an item shop SHOULD be done. (I can't believe I would have ever said that as I absolutely HATE F2P games with item shops) The game is quite frankly.......Fantastic! Give it a try...You will be glad you did! I swear I may never play another MMO for a Long time now and I waS really looking forward to Aion tommorrow, A friend has already bought me a copy and told me I had better be playing it! Quite frankly I just can't seem to tear myself away from DDO. I'm almost 50 yrs old and I really do think I have finally found my dream game.
Now I realise this game might not be for everyone that is used to being spoon fed with most all recent MMO's since World of Warcraft came along and Casualized (nice new word) the industry. DDO actually takes some thought as well as careful planning and strategy to run some of the better created dungeons that is in this game. And yeah I have been told by some that being able to repeat almost any dungeon(the difficulty scales upward each time) can get repetitive but so far I am loving it as I am also having a blast redoing them and taking groups of new players through and introducing them to the game. There are so many options in this game it is mindblowing. But it does take a bit to realize just how good this game really is. Lot more to it than it looks like at first! Also the best party finder I have ever seen in any game and grouping with good players that don't rush is where the game really shines. Oh and the level cap right now is 20. That's the equivalent of level 100 in any other game. I can't imagine 100 levels of this kind of gameplay. I really do feel all warm and fuzzy all over! .........................**GASP**....................>><<
DDOs 20 levels are not like 100 levels or any other game. The gains you get between levels in DDO are not like real levels.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
all of you who are screaming its a viral marketer are just silly foolish paranoid people, the OP has been on these forums for a day or 3 look at his post history FFS, he gets excited about any of the games he plays and it shows in his posts.
Reading comprehension and post history FTW sheesh
and to be quite honest DDO is doing quite well as a F2P game, my server is packed full of players any time day or night. and its fun to play as well great for a casual gamer , it is also has some depth to the character progression as you can easily screw your character up and have to reroll it from lessons learned.
Does it have some downsides? sure does but the perks outweigh the bad in my personal opinion (read personal opinion)
again this game will not be for everyone, but it is worth a look
Kudos to those who hearken to the heyday of NWN-powered D&D MORPGs! These were not "Massively" multiplayer --but they were Massively varied, creative and hilarious (except when deadly serious).
I've just discovered the "new", F2P DDO--and I'm very impressed! It's a lot of fun, and offers an experience customizable to each player. My feeling is that the ultimate "automated D&D" platform (where "automated" CAN mean "mutiplayer", but doesn't HAVE to, if one's in a mood to go solo) will incorporate design features of both NWN and DDO--as well as yet-to-be-invented coolness, of course. (My Grail: A gameplay system that supports--and an AI DM "who" can adjudicate the results of--creative Illusion spells, e.g. Spectral Force.)
I too was caught by surprise when it came to DDO. I started playing about two weeks ago and have been loving it since. I feel like I have more control over the build of my char than in other MMOs. I hope more people stumble across this and like it as much as I have. I'm surprised I like this game as much as I do because I really don't like instanced worlds and dungeons but for some reason I do in this game.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
all of you who are screaming its a viral marketer are just silly foolish paranoid people, the OP has been on these forums for a day or 3 look at his post history FFS, he gets excited about any of the games he plays and it shows in his posts.
Reading comprehension and post history FTW sheesh
and to be quite honest DDO is doing quite well as a F2P game, my server is packed full of players any time day or night. and its fun to play as well great for a casual gamer , it is also has some depth to the character progression as you can easily screw your character up and have to reroll it from lessons learned.
Does it have some downsides? sure does but the perks outweigh the bad in my personal opinion (read personal opinion)
again this game will not be for everyone, but it is worth a look
How about a little common sense FTW huh? It's not like marketing companies work exclusively for a single client. Why would someone get so hyped up over a lot of different crappy games over a long period of time? Hmm, causedifferent companies pay them to? And having a forum account open doesn't mean anything, it's free and anonymous. It doesn't even have to be the same person writing each post. Just the intern of the month using the companies account.
Wow, okay. Glad you like DDO, but you need to work on your inferiority complex. ;-)
I don't know that it's necessarily a blast but it's something to do. I don't think that I'd actually pay for it, it isn't that great a game, but for free, it's better than any other F2P game I've played in a long time and there doesn't seem to be any requirement to pay a cent to anyone to have some fun.
If that ever changes, it'll get deleted.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Wow, okay. Glad you like DDO, but you need to work on your inferiority complex. ;-)
Inferior I am not! Superior I am am! That should be obvious. Isn't it? (actually have you a sense of humor? Don't you think that my posts are in thar with some of the funnyest shit you ever read? I'm laughing so hard I can barely contain the contents of my bowels. And if you think I'm kind weird you should play with me in MY partys in DDO. I am really in great demand. People actually duel one another for the privaledge of joining one of my groups in game. I actually was a dungeon master of the actual D&D game for many years. My parents thought I was into devil worshipping and arranged an exorcism for me at the early age of 11 which during that ritual of goodness various rocks of various sizes began to fall from the sky and the paint peeled itself off the walls in the church where this was performed. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth (that's why I don't have none today) And a good time was had by all !
Ohh , and by the way when am I gonna be able to play this here boxed copy of Aion as It will not accept my serial ket when I try to create an account?????
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
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I'm new to DDO also, and really enjoying it. Been playing about a week now.
To be honest, I have a very hard time thinking of it as an MMO. There is nothing that isn't instanced that's actually part of gameplay. I'd have to say it feels a lot more like an SP or COOP game with a lobby. Another thing I find odd, is that kills yield no XP at all. Its like an anti-grinder where dungeon quest XP is everything.
I can see how people expecting it to be an EQ styled MMO wouldn't like it at all. Reminds me of a full 3D version of the old NWN or even Dungeon Siege games.
One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~
I tried it. I didn't really like how all the quests were instanced. And the fact that I missed 100 times for every hit was just too annoying. I know it's D&D rules, but you have to make comprimises when converting a game to an MMORPG. In D&D (from what little I've played of it), each fight is pretty difficult. Each one of the quests you play in DDO instances are an entire play session. In an MMORPG, people expect to fight through multiple instances and hundreds of mobs in a play session.
Keeping the dice rolling system and just speeding it up so you're theoretically rolling every half a second doesn't work for me. I wish they either would've gotten rid of that system entirely or made it more of a turn based game with alot of quality and voice overs- although that would still get boring unlike if you're playing pen and paper with friends.
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
That doesn't mean the OP works for Turbine. It means you have terrible taste in MMOs.
Ohhhh Albos he really spanked you on that one didn't he? That made a blister pop up on my butt cheeks even just thinking about it!
I played it a bit too and i also like it. Yeah it is not the same as a MMO .. but as long as it is fun, i do not really care much about how you label the game.
I like the instance dungeon, the adventure focus (like there is narration and you KNOW why you are in a dungeon) and you can tune the dungeon difficulty. It is quite solo friendly so far so it is also a plus. In fact, i like the fact that I can play it like a SP game or a MP game.
I do think that the combat mechanics is a bit antiquated. I have played the tabletop D&D before and I think there are better combat mechanics out there. The graphics is good but the art direction does not wow me.
I will probably keep playing it as a second MMO, and may be even drop some money into the game. I played up to a L2 sorcerer but rerolled him because i did not do the fine management during the char creation the first time.
DDO has always been maligned because it is different. Turbine really did the right thing making it f2p. I agree it probably has the best item store in the business. Not one $20-$50 mount to be seen.
Glad Turbine opened this game up, it is fun to play. I am laughing at all the Aion advocates. When they get to endgame Aion falls apart, 2 faction pvp games just die on the vine.
I've been having a blast with DDO too, haven't spent a dime yet and I've purchased Warforge and Sorrowdusk Isle already. I played DDO for a month or two a long time ago but quit because there wasn't anyone around to run the quests with when I was online. Now there's a ton of people and it's not an issue, so I plan to stick with it a good while.
I just started playing this game actually. Have anyone actual level up to level20 and not spend a dime?
Downloaded tonight, hopefully you guys are right. I usually stay far away from games with an item mall but hell.
Well, lemme see if this'll help you. I belong to a RPG-focused forum community that is full of the most cynical, angry cunts of gaming ever assembled in one place. Hell, I consider myself to be pretty cynical with regard to gaming in general, and RPGs specifically. Anyway, MMOs are a target of some of the more extreme hatred, because of the fact that they're RPGs in name only. I would agree with this, but that's bound to go into semantics that are neither here nor there in the context of this thread and post.
Suffice it to say, I was rather shocked and amazed at a thread in their MMO subforum where some of the more outspoken of the aforementioned cynical angry cunts were praising the game. So much so that I had to check it out myself. If these guys said it was good, it must be something special. So I did.
It's not perfect by any means, but it's fun as all hell. It feels to me similar to how NWN could have felt free of the constraints of the Aurora engine. Granted, I've only played up to the first warehouse mission on the newbie island (protecting the crystal from the cultists), but I was very impressed with the atmosphere. That tomb quest before the warehouse was great. Nice and creepy. The game's got some rough edges, but I do think it's worth checking out. It's not your typical MMO, and to me, that's one of the perks. As has been mentioned already, it DOES feel almost like a good single player RPG.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Hmm im playing wow but tried both lotro and Ddo. How on earth can u say the lotro crap is better than ddo?Lotro feels like a wow clone when u play it only it has worst combat mechanics.
Ddo has the best character proggresion/build system with feats/skills etc cant be compared with any other mmorpg in this department..also it has the best combat system by far compared to every other mmorpg. Also it has the best pve fights .
What ddo lacks is free roaming adventuring in the wilds like most mmorpg's do , and a well designed pvp system with ladder where players can compete with others like wow's arenas ..And thats the reason Ddo failed in subs and went free.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
Agree 100% mate. I wouldn't mind pay evry sum of sub they would ask if i had the chance to play turn based d&d style as mmorpg.
In my opinion since they putted the old school roling in ddo there are 2 options only.
1.Either they should slow down a lot the attack speed so you can enjoy the rolls and watch them
2.Make it turn based so ppl can admire how ethistic and deep is the turn based combat. And i DONT mean the crap final fantasie turn based combat style or Atlantika online also crap turn based combat. I MEAN for example the temple of elemental's evil turn based combat where you have loads of options on what to do on every turn ,charge fight defensively,trip, and many many others things to do so ppl can see and admire how deep the turn based combat system style can be.
Amazing... You could be my husband's twin, down to the kimchi.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
DDOs 20 levels are not like 100 levels or any other game. The gains you get between levels in DDO are not like real levels.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
all of you who are screaming its a viral marketer are just silly foolish paranoid people, the OP has been on these forums for a day or 3 look at his post history FFS, he gets excited about any of the games he plays and it shows in his posts.
Reading comprehension and post history FTW sheesh
and to be quite honest DDO is doing quite well as a F2P game, my server is packed full of players any time day or night. and its fun to play as well great for a casual gamer , it is also has some depth to the character progression as you can easily screw your character up and have to reroll it from lessons learned.
Does it have some downsides? sure does but the perks outweigh the bad in my personal opinion (read personal opinion)
again this game will not be for everyone, but it is worth a look
Kudos to those who hearken to the heyday of NWN-powered D&D MORPGs! These were not "Massively" multiplayer --but they were Massively varied, creative and hilarious (except when deadly serious).
I've just discovered the "new", F2P DDO--and I'm very impressed! It's a lot of fun, and offers an experience customizable to each player. My feeling is that the ultimate "automated D&D" platform (where "automated" CAN mean "mutiplayer", but doesn't HAVE to, if one's in a mood to go solo) will incorporate design features of both NWN and DDO--as well as yet-to-be-invented coolness, of course. (My Grail: A gameplay system that supports--and an AI DM "who" can adjudicate the results of--creative Illusion spells, e.g. Spectral Force.)
I too was caught by surprise when it came to DDO. I started playing about two weeks ago and have been loving it since. I feel like I have more control over the build of my char than in other MMOs. I hope more people stumble across this and like it as much as I have. I'm surprised I like this game as much as I do because I really don't like instanced worlds and dungeons but for some reason I do in this game.
Yeah, that's as scripted a marketing pitch as I have ever seen. They should at least try to be a little covert with their viral marketing. Then again Turbine suffers from the same garbage in their games. Marketers pitching Aion and AoC are always popping up on glff in LOTRO with a level 1-5 char telling us all how great some other game is. This industry seriously needs some regulation.
all of you who are screaming its a viral marketer are just silly foolish paranoid people, the OP has been on these forums for a day or 3 look at his post history FFS, he gets excited about any of the games he plays and it shows in his posts.
Reading comprehension and post history FTW sheesh
and to be quite honest DDO is doing quite well as a F2P game, my server is packed full of players any time day or night. and its fun to play as well great for a casual gamer , it is also has some depth to the character progression as you can easily screw your character up and have to reroll it from lessons learned.
Does it have some downsides? sure does but the perks outweigh the bad in my personal opinion (read personal opinion)
again this game will not be for everyone, but it is worth a look
How about a little common sense FTW huh? It's not like marketing companies work exclusively for a single client. Why would someone get so hyped up over a lot of different crappy games over a long period of time? Hmm, causedifferent companies pay them to? And having a forum account open doesn't mean anything, it's free and anonymous. It doesn't even have to be the same person writing each post. Just the intern of the month using the companies account.
And so what ? People will download the game, try it, if they don't like it bye bye.
I don't see any problem.
This. ^^ It's a free to play game after all. Remember, kids. Paranoia will destroy ya.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous