This game is a work in progress. Don´t buy in to the beta hype expecting to find a playable game (all hardcore early adopters aside..). It is indeed in Alpha stage. Buy it if you want to support the Swedish devs and their pet project. Too bad the grafx are too good to actually be playable with lots of bodies on the screen. Despite the nice skybox his game is nowhere near being released in 2009.
With the ammount of videos and reviews of the game I think anyone who wants can geta n idea whatto expect from the beta.
Trying to scare people away with misleading info and poor assumptions is just lame. If you dont like the game move on.
Grafics have nothing to do with the lag problems.
There is server lag which ahs been worked on by the devs and they claim to be able to fix it by both upgrading the server before release and heavy optimziation of some of the code.
The game has actually much more than a beautifull skybox and full crafting and full skill system most likely will be patched in a week.
Before release there will be an open beta so anyone will be able to try the game before buying it.
I got some info from a friend, but apparently the beta event the other day was essentially called by many, a "slideshow".
Clients on good machines were pegging 100% CPU usage, and the server wasn't responding that well EITHER.
It's less than a month to go, and you think that all these problems will be resolved at launch? Plus not to mention, the beta event was what, 100, 150 people? When the server opens and people are trying to play the game en masse, and you have maybe 1000 people in the world, what then? I mean be realistic here, this isn't even a bash about MO, it's about facing reality and trying not to sell others on your distorted version of it. I work in enterprise software development and ecosystems. Bugs this big, that have not been tested on a grand scale and exhibit such broad behavior usually have many multiple layers of reasons behind the bugs, it's not just one core reason and it takes time to discover, debug, test a fix, implement a fix, and hope you didn't break anything ELSE. That's the SDLC process -- software development life cycle.
Look, StarVault is obviously rushing the game out the door, they need the cash and I can understand that. To me, it screams ineptitude to not be able to manage your budget, and I think it's unethical to call what they are doing anything near a beta. But at this point, so late in the game, honesty is going to be the BEST policy -- because if customers know up front that the game is barely playable and they are in for a rough ride with almost no content well... it's probably going to keep them waiting rather than cancel or not even try it. I just saw a dev blog where Wiktor is creating new artwork for the game -- and Henrik had assured us all that all the art assets and everything else were already there, just waiting for Epic to implement them. That was a flat out lie as we now know, because systems like thievery were JUST coded and not really tested at all. This is going to be evident regularly.
I know you are a fanboy, I know you like the game. But you do MO no favors by making outsiders believe that the game is close to ready, or that it's playable or stable. Honesty again, is going to be the best policy. I'm just watching now and making small comments occasionally as I'm proven right, but fanboys are generally the death of any game. Whether it be Vanguard, Age of Conan, WAR, Tabula Rasa, etc... it's all the same type of exhibited behavior followed by a "go back to WOW". Evidently in all the aforementioned games, people DID go back to WOW, and that's why the games fell apart or are on their way.
The game world as is has some nice areas. I was exporing and found some great views and nicely structured areas. Armor and weapons look nice. My weapons don't disapear anymore. That is a good thing. But to launch a game when most of the features have not been tested just won't work for anyone other than the current beta testers. You can not have just a PvP game with nothing else to do and expect to have the number of subs needed to keep the project going. PvE and mobs with AI will be needed to help players train and skill up. I was running around last week looking for mobs. I ran for about 45 min and found 10 to 12 boars and domestic pigs. I started 3 new characters in different starter towns to look for more mobs. I found some horses after about 30 min running then found some buffalo. I did find a bunch of pigs with a large number bugged out. I know beta players will say that I am crazy and just need to explore more, but I am thinking of new players and what they will be experiencing. I have a player made map to help me find where things are, but new players won't.
I like the potential of MO. I defend the game when I see crazy things said about it. I pre-ordered a box to support the idea of MO and I do not think it was a waste to do so. But it needs more time. If the game is launched at the end of the month. They could possibly loose more than they gain by doing so.
They have already avoided the problems DFO had with the order system with the pre-order. That won't be the problem. The problem is that DF had more content working than MO with its launch and it was bashed to near death. It did work for them though in the end. So MO won't go away with a bad launch, but it will get a lot of bad press. We will have to wait to see what the patch will be on monday. I hope they start the open beta at the end of the year and delay the launch for a month or two.
That's pretty much what Age of Conan did. Combat, combat, combat Gaute said. Whether it be PvP only (which will alienate ALOT of people) or a mix of it and PvE, it just doesn't make sense to me. I kicked and screamed for a better crafting system in AoC. I bought the game anyway, played to around low 50s and when I had college ramping up and knew I should focus on it, it was all to easy to put it down and never look back.
Then I heard a few months later they were going to take another look at crafting. Well, sorry buddy, if my interests weren't important enough for you to do it while you were taking my money, I certainly am not coming back after I stop giving you money. Apparently money does talk, hehe, more effectively than I do.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Originally posted by HerculesSASThey don't do refunds so sadly, you're stuck with me.
Companies don't generally do refunds on banned accounts.
This will probably come across as a personal attack, but at this point your arguments against Mortal online seem like more of a personal vendetta than an honest critique.
At this point I don't think your opinion gives much insight into the state of the game since... "That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. Again -- ask the admins about the IPs that played the game. It's kind of irrelevant anyway to me. The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will."
For all your talk about your experience in software design and knowing how to manage beta-testing, your experience in beta testing MMOs is spotty at best. Two betas, Two bannings.
"I already said, I gave my account away and it got banned. I had no interest in playing the game, it was total crap, and so I didn't care about my account or who used it. Somebody asked me, I changed my password to "password1" (they can look that up too, feel free to ask them) and he started playing it." ---Mortal online
"I was "Hercules" on the DF official forums before I got banned during the second week of my beta experience. It happened the day after I created a page that went to 13 pages, comparing DF's combat to the Counterstrike knife combat." ---Darkfall
Originally posted by HerculesSASThey don't do refunds so sadly, you're stuck with me.
Companies don't generally do refunds on banned accounts.
This will probably come across as a personal attack, but at this point your arguments against Mortal online seem like more of a personal vendetta than an honest critique.
At this point I don't think your opinion gives much insight into the state of the game since... "That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. Again -- ask the admins about the IPs that played the game. It's kind of irrelevant anyway to me. The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will."
For all your talk about your experience in software design and knowing how to manage beta-testing, your experience in beta testing MMOs is spotty at best. Two betas, Two bannings.
"I already said, I gave my account away and it got banned. I had no interest in playing the game, it was total crap, and so I didn't care about my account or who used it. Somebody asked me, I changed my password to "password1" (they can look that up too, feel free to ask them) and he started playing it." ---Mortal online
"I was "Hercules" on the DF official forums before I got banned during the second week of my beta experience. It happened the day after I created a page that went to 13 pages, comparing DF's combat to the Counterstrike knife combat." ---Darkfall
It's not a personal attack. It just shows you're following me around the internet trying to prove me wrong -- on the internet. *sigh*
I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I know ultimately, I'll be proven right. As for spotty MMO testing... if you say so. I've beta tested far more games than this, and the two "indy" MMOs I dealt with one of which was afraid of bad press within the beta forums and banned me, the other banned me for legitimate reasons but their game still sucks. I've tested UO, EQ, AC, AO, TR, WOW, and a bunch more during the time I have been an MMO gamer.
As far as my arguments against MO -- well, it's a bit of both, and I'll agree with you. Am I bitter about it? Yea, a bit -- but not in the way you'd think. People think I'm bitter because I got banned (not at all) or because of the forums (not really, though it peeved me at the time), but mostly, it's because I was lured in like many others to a game which on paper, was amazing, lured in by fancy powerpoints and scripted environments, by promises made through IRC, through interviews, of what we will see, and being in professional software life cycles myself -- I knew that they weren't up to the task the way the game was progressing. At first, I tried to help -- posting the exact method on how to make the patcher work well, even linking them to code they could use to get it done. Additionally I made constructive arguments about different systems, namely statloss where my name fills that thread with all kinds of commentary. And as each patch rolled out, as each excuse and lie was tossed around about "We need to put in Massive LOD and then the rest can go in!" or later when I was told by Henrik that "all the features are completed, we are just waiting on Epic!", this type of BS to extend the beta access sale I found to be totally unethical. I've never done business like that, and I know the folks who have are really shady, underhanded people. Sadly, I work off of Wall Street so I know the type.
I'm not a fence sitter. I knew my guildie had done the DF reviews before, and I gave him the account, as I'm sure he would go forward and do more for MO. Of course, I gave him my take on what was wrong -- which is why the patcher got so much attention in the review. He actually got accounts from people who macroed up and played the game a LONG time, which is how you got to see the combat review too -- he didn't put in the work, he just played the game and others who were also pissed off and felt like they were lied to helped him along. The problem now with all the wipes, he doesn't want to macro up another char to show off a really shit system, so he's waiting for somebody to do it. I guess that's why there's a delay.
Either way, I *will* be happy if StarVault fails, though I want the concept of Mortal Online to live on. StarVault is an unethical company with less than honest business practices, and their team doesn't have the competence nor the organization to launch this game successfully. It will fall flat on its face, when that time comes and the board members whose agreement is a cut of the first 3 months of sales will be sadly let down with their returns.
If the company comes out and starts being honest, about what people ACTUALLY bought, what people ACTUALLY should expect, and that all the interviews out there about "epic monsters" and good AI and all the other crap is a total and complete lie, then I suppose they may recover. Honesty actually does work, dishonesty only works for a short term.
1) level designer commented on that zone being bugged , non optimziedand to have low FPS in general.
2) You cant comapre total number of ppl in game with number of ppl in one zone. There are nodes. One node may take X number of ppl and start lagging. However this doesnt affect the rest of nodes.
So yeah a massive battle of 200 ppl near Meduli may be lagged but in the nearby forest ppl could play just ok.
3) Saying that MO are unethical while you have been banned for leaking copyrighted material is being a hypocrate at least.
Blame yourself for the fact you hype dyourself and expected much more than what was promised.
SInce day 1 of beta there has been a post on main page explaining what will be in and what not.
And oh yeah I am sure that it may make you feel as some sort of messiah or supernatural being able to see much further than us simple mortals (hint hint) but dude...get real...the few trolls that admire you either got banned the same time that you did or are just immature kids unable to read or understand the MO beta and what to expect from it.
If this makes you happy and make syou epeen go huge then be it. But at the end...dont you think you are wasting your time?
I mean...we the big bad fanboys at least are playing the game and having sad..
Well I just call it as I see it. Not even trying to bash the game, infact I support it. But I´m not going to pay lipservice to some unfounded fanboy dream. The points I´ve posted are all real issues and there is no point in ignoring them.
You can´t judge shit by watching videos compared to actually playing the game.
The beta event was laggy as hell! However: 1) level designer commented on that zone being bugged , non optimziedand to have low FPS in general. 2) You cant comapre total number of ppl in game with number of ppl in one zone. There are nodes. One node may take X number of ppl and start lagging. However this doesnt affect the rest of nodes. So yeah a massive battle of 200 ppl near Meduli may be lagged but in the nearby forest ppl could play just ok. 3) Saying that MO are unethical while you have been banned for leaking copyrighted material is being a hypocrate at least. Blame yourself for the fact you hype dyourself and expected much more than what was promised. SInce day 1 of beta there has been a post on main page explaining what will be in and what not.
And oh yeah I am sure that it may make you feel as some sort of messiah or supernatural being able to see much further than us simple mortals (hint hint) but dude...get real...the few trolls that admire you either got banned the same time that you did or are just immature kids unable to read or understand the MO beta and what to expect from it. If this makes you happy and make syou epeen go huge then be it. But at the end...dont you think you are wasting your time? I mean...we the big bad fanboys at least are playing the game and having sad..
I don't play any games lately, because I don't have time. I only type anything while I'm at work and I get a chance. Thankfully it's Friday and near the holidays, so my workload is a lot lighter.
As for the lag, sync issues, etc... if you believe that, that's fine. I won't argue the point. We will see come release how playable the game is and I'm fairly certain that I will be proven correct.
As for unethical -- giving my account away so that info gets leaked is different than suckering people in for money using less than honest tactics. I'm not stealing anything, in fact -- I was giving it away. I don't miss MO because it was never any good to begin with. If you're having fun, great -- you're going to be in the minority. That's why for a "big beta event" they could only muster up 200 people. Out of the what, supposed 10k preorders they sold? It just shows NOBODY IS PLAYING. People got frustrated long ago and that's a simple fact, and while a handful of folks are very hopeful and believe in SV's direction in the game, I feel for them (and you) in a bad way, because you will ultimately be let down.
Originally posted by HerculesSAS If you're having fun, great -- you're going to be in the minority. That's why for a "big beta event" they could only muster up 200 people. Out of the what, supposed 10k preorders they sold? It just shows NOBODY IS PLAYING. People got frustrated long ago and that's a simple fact, and while a handful of folks are very hopeful and believe in SV's direction in the game, I feel for them (and you) in a bad way, because you will ultimately be let down.
Originally I wasn't going to participate in beta. My primary motive was to support what I thought could be a neat game. I assume many have done something similar. That said, I haven't seen an empty town for a long time. Especially Fabernum. Theive's nest that place...
. That's why for a "big beta event" they could only muster up 200 people. Out of the what, supposed 10k preorders they sold? It just shows NOBODY IS PLAYING. People got frustrated long ago and that's a simple fact, and while a handful of folks are very hopeful and believe in SV's direction in the game, I feel for them (and you) in a bad way, because you will ultimately be let down.
I think this will be my last post directed at you.
I think you are just so full of hatred that you would do anything just to make the bad SV baztardz PAY for what they did to the all mighty Herc. Having people replying to your posts and visitng your blog ( lol you made a blog for a game you hate...WTF boy?) actually gives you more as I said this will be the last time I am replying to your misleading, ill-intentioned posts.
After all a person who looks for a unbiased review will quickly skip your rants.
Dear mr. Herc, the beta event was scheduled for 1st of december. If you check your calender you would see that this was actually a workday.
The time the event was scheduled was 23 GMT+1 (actually it started 1 hour later)
In order to take part of that event you had to:
-have a horse
-have armour and weapons
-have descent skills
As you see Mr. BetaLeaker none of these could have been worst for gathering big group of people in a beta of non-marketed indie game.
In spite of all that mr Bloggy, 200+ people DID come to the event.
You may see it as a fail, this is your right.
However any sane person not blinded by its hate would understand what a success this event was.
So dear Mr IhateThatGameSoMuchThatIMadeAblogForIT get yout facts straight next time.
It's not a personal attack. It just shows you're following me around the internet trying to prove me wrong -- on the internet. *sigh* I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I know ultimately, I'll be proven right. As for spotty MMO testing... if you say so. I've beta tested far more games than this, and the two "indy" MMOs I dealt with one of which was afraid of bad press within the beta forums and banned me, the other banned me for legitimate reasons but their game still sucks. I've tested UO, EQ, AC, AO, TR, WOW, and a bunch more during the time I have been an MMO gamer.
All the quotes of you are from here on I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I'm trying to put your opinion in context. MO may very well end up as bad as you expect it to be, but your statements are not as well informed and objective as you make them out to be.
That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. -- So your personal assessment is based on the state of beta 2 months ago.
I got some info from a friend, but apparently the beta event the other day was essentially called by many, a "slideshow". --When your friend said it, it was hearsay. When you say it, it doesn't even rise to the level of being hearsay
The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will. --- This is the very definition of not objective.
StarVault is an unethical company with less than honest business practices, and their team doesn't have the competence nor the organization to launch this game successfully. If the company comes out and starts being honest, about what people ACTUALLY bought, what people ACTUALLY should expect, and that all the interviews out there about "epic monsters" and good AI and all the other crap is a total and complete lie, then I suppose they may recover. Honesty actually does work, dishonesty only works for a short term. --- You have yet to explain what Starvault has lied about and how they have been unethical. Since you pre-ordered the game, it's apparently not the standard "pay-for-beta" complaint. Meanwhile, you have freely admitted to violating an agreement you made with Starvault (NDA)
Again, your opinion may be completely right about MO (I'm have a beta account but haven't played b/c my current computer isn't up to the minimum req. The new rig should be finished soon). However, your opinion is not fully informed, objective or well backed up. I have to agree with The_Korrigan that "It's no longer an opinion, it is a crusade."
With the ammount of videos and reviews of the game I think anyone who wants can geta n idea whatto expect from the beta.
Trying to scare people away with misleading info and poor assumptions is just lame. If you dont like the game move on.
Grafics have nothing to do with the lag problems.
There is server lag which ahs been worked on by the devs and they claim to be able to fix it by both upgrading the server before release and heavy optimziation of some of the code.
The game has actually much more than a beautifull skybox and full crafting and full skill system most likely will be patched in a week.
Before release there will be an open beta so anyone will be able to try the game before buying it.
I got some info from a friend, but apparently the beta event the other day was essentially called by many, a "slideshow".
Clients on good machines were pegging 100% CPU usage, and the server wasn't responding that well EITHER.
It's less than a month to go, and you think that all these problems will be resolved at launch? Plus not to mention, the beta event was what, 100, 150 people? When the server opens and people are trying to play the game en masse, and you have maybe 1000 people in the world, what then? I mean be realistic here, this isn't even a bash about MO, it's about facing reality and trying not to sell others on your distorted version of it. I work in enterprise software development and ecosystems. Bugs this big, that have not been tested on a grand scale and exhibit such broad behavior usually have many multiple layers of reasons behind the bugs, it's not just one core reason and it takes time to discover, debug, test a fix, implement a fix, and hope you didn't break anything ELSE. That's the SDLC process -- software development life cycle.
Look, StarVault is obviously rushing the game out the door, they need the cash and I can understand that. To me, it screams ineptitude to not be able to manage your budget, and I think it's unethical to call what they are doing anything near a beta. But at this point, so late in the game, honesty is going to be the BEST policy -- because if customers know up front that the game is barely playable and they are in for a rough ride with almost no content well... it's probably going to keep them waiting rather than cancel or not even try it. I just saw a dev blog where Wiktor is creating new artwork for the game -- and Henrik had assured us all that all the art assets and everything else were already there, just waiting for Epic to implement them. That was a flat out lie as we now know, because systems like thievery were JUST coded and not really tested at all. This is going to be evident regularly.
I know you are a fanboy, I know you like the game. But you do MO no favors by making outsiders believe that the game is close to ready, or that it's playable or stable. Honesty again, is going to be the best policy. I'm just watching now and making small comments occasionally as I'm proven right, but fanboys are generally the death of any game. Whether it be Vanguard, Age of Conan, WAR, Tabula Rasa, etc... it's all the same type of exhibited behavior followed by a "go back to WOW". Evidently in all the aforementioned games, people DID go back to WOW, and that's why the games fell apart or are on their way.
The game world as is has some nice areas. I was exporing and found some great views and nicely structured areas. Armor and weapons look nice. My weapons don't disapear anymore. That is a good thing. But to launch a game when most of the features have not been tested just won't work for anyone other than the current beta testers. You can not have just a PvP game with nothing else to do and expect to have the number of subs needed to keep the project going. PvE and mobs with AI will be needed to help players train and skill up. I was running around last week looking for mobs. I ran for about 45 min and found 10 to 12 boars and domestic pigs. I started 3 new characters in different starter towns to look for more mobs. I found some horses after about 30 min running then found some buffalo. I did find a bunch of pigs with a large number bugged out. I know beta players will say that I am crazy and just need to explore more, but I am thinking of new players and what they will be experiencing. I have a player made map to help me find where things are, but new players won't.
I like the potential of MO. I defend the game when I see crazy things said about it. I pre-ordered a box to support the idea of MO and I do not think it was a waste to do so. But it needs more time. If the game is launched at the end of the month. They could possibly loose more than they gain by doing so.
They have already avoided the problems DFO had with the order system with the pre-order. That won't be the problem. The problem is that DF had more content working than MO with its launch and it was bashed to near death. It did work for them though in the end. So MO won't go away with a bad launch, but it will get a lot of bad press. We will have to wait to see what the patch will be on monday. I hope they start the open beta at the end of the year and delay the launch for a month or two.
That's pretty much what Age of Conan did. Combat, combat, combat Gaute said. Whether it be PvP only (which will alienate ALOT of people) or a mix of it and PvE, it just doesn't make sense to me. I kicked and screamed for a better crafting system in AoC. I bought the game anyway, played to around low 50s and when I had college ramping up and knew I should focus on it, it was all to easy to put it down and never look back.
Then I heard a few months later they were going to take another look at crafting. Well, sorry buddy, if my interests weren't important enough for you to do it while you were taking my money, I certainly am not coming back after I stop giving you money. Apparently money does talk, hehe, more effectively than I do.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Companies don't generally do refunds on banned accounts.
This will probably come across as a personal attack, but at this point your arguments against Mortal online seem like more of a personal vendetta than an honest critique.
At this point I don't think your opinion gives much insight into the state of the game since... "That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. Again -- ask the admins about the IPs that played the game. It's kind of irrelevant anyway to me. The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will."
For all your talk about your experience in software design and knowing how to manage beta-testing, your experience in beta testing MMOs is spotty at best. Two betas, Two bannings.
"I already said, I gave my account away and it got banned. I had no interest in playing the game, it was total crap, and so I didn't care about my account or who used it. Somebody asked me, I changed my password to "password1" (they can look that up too, feel free to ask them) and he started playing it." ---Mortal online
"I was "Hercules" on the DF official forums before I got banned during the second week of my beta experience. It happened the day after I created a page that went to 13 pages, comparing DF's combat to the Counterstrike knife combat." ---Darkfall
Companies don't generally do refunds on banned accounts.
This will probably come across as a personal attack, but at this point your arguments against Mortal online seem like more of a personal vendetta than an honest critique.
At this point I don't think your opinion gives much insight into the state of the game since... "That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. Again -- ask the admins about the IPs that played the game. It's kind of irrelevant anyway to me. The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will."
For all your talk about your experience in software design and knowing how to manage beta-testing, your experience in beta testing MMOs is spotty at best. Two betas, Two bannings.
"I already said, I gave my account away and it got banned. I had no interest in playing the game, it was total crap, and so I didn't care about my account or who used it. Somebody asked me, I changed my password to "password1" (they can look that up too, feel free to ask them) and he started playing it." ---Mortal online
"I was "Hercules" on the DF official forums before I got banned during the second week of my beta experience. It happened the day after I created a page that went to 13 pages, comparing DF's combat to the Counterstrike knife combat." ---Darkfall
It's not a personal attack. It just shows you're following me around the internet trying to prove me wrong -- on the internet. *sigh*
I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I know ultimately, I'll be proven right. As for spotty MMO testing... if you say so. I've beta tested far more games than this, and the two "indy" MMOs I dealt with one of which was afraid of bad press within the beta forums and banned me, the other banned me for legitimate reasons but their game still sucks. I've tested UO, EQ, AC, AO, TR, WOW, and a bunch more during the time I have been an MMO gamer.
As far as my arguments against MO -- well, it's a bit of both, and I'll agree with you. Am I bitter about it? Yea, a bit -- but not in the way you'd think. People think I'm bitter because I got banned (not at all) or because of the forums (not really, though it peeved me at the time), but mostly, it's because I was lured in like many others to a game which on paper, was amazing, lured in by fancy powerpoints and scripted environments, by promises made through IRC, through interviews, of what we will see, and being in professional software life cycles myself -- I knew that they weren't up to the task the way the game was progressing. At first, I tried to help -- posting the exact method on how to make the patcher work well, even linking them to code they could use to get it done. Additionally I made constructive arguments about different systems, namely statloss where my name fills that thread with all kinds of commentary. And as each patch rolled out, as each excuse and lie was tossed around about "We need to put in Massive LOD and then the rest can go in!" or later when I was told by Henrik that "all the features are completed, we are just waiting on Epic!", this type of BS to extend the beta access sale I found to be totally unethical. I've never done business like that, and I know the folks who have are really shady, underhanded people. Sadly, I work off of Wall Street so I know the type.
I'm not a fence sitter. I knew my guildie had done the DF reviews before, and I gave him the account, as I'm sure he would go forward and do more for MO. Of course, I gave him my take on what was wrong -- which is why the patcher got so much attention in the review. He actually got accounts from people who macroed up and played the game a LONG time, which is how you got to see the combat review too -- he didn't put in the work, he just played the game and others who were also pissed off and felt like they were lied to helped him along. The problem now with all the wipes, he doesn't want to macro up another char to show off a really shit system, so he's waiting for somebody to do it. I guess that's why there's a delay.
Either way, I *will* be happy if StarVault fails, though I want the concept of Mortal Online to live on. StarVault is an unethical company with less than honest business practices, and their team doesn't have the competence nor the organization to launch this game successfully. It will fall flat on its face, when that time comes and the board members whose agreement is a cut of the first 3 months of sales will be sadly let down with their returns.
If the company comes out and starts being honest, about what people ACTUALLY bought, what people ACTUALLY should expect, and that all the interviews out there about "epic monsters" and good AI and all the other crap is a total and complete lie, then I suppose they may recover. Honesty actually does work, dishonesty only works for a short term.
The beta event was laggy as hell!
1) level designer commented on that zone being bugged , non optimziedand to have low FPS in general.
2) You cant comapre total number of ppl in game with number of ppl in one zone. There are nodes. One node may take X number of ppl and start lagging. However this doesnt affect the rest of nodes.
So yeah a massive battle of 200 ppl near Meduli may be lagged but in the nearby forest ppl could play just ok.
3) Saying that MO are unethical while you have been banned for leaking copyrighted material is being a hypocrate at least.
Blame yourself for the fact you hype dyourself and expected much more than what was promised.
SInce day 1 of beta there has been a post on main page explaining what will be in and what not.
And oh yeah I am sure that it may make you feel as some sort of messiah or supernatural being able to see much further than us simple mortals (hint hint) but dude...get real...the few trolls that admire you either got banned the same time that you did or are just immature kids unable to read or understand the MO beta and what to expect from it.
If this makes you happy and make syou epeen go huge then be it. But at the end...dont you think you are wasting your time?
I mean...we the big bad fanboys at least are playing the game and having sad..
Well I just call it as I see it. Not even trying to bash the game, infact I support it. But I´m not going to pay lipservice to some unfounded fanboy dream. The points I´ve posted are all real issues and there is no point in ignoring them.
You can´t judge shit by watching videos compared to actually playing the game.
I don't play any games lately, because I don't have time. I only type anything while I'm at work and I get a chance. Thankfully it's Friday and near the holidays, so my workload is a lot lighter.
As for the lag, sync issues, etc... if you believe that, that's fine. I won't argue the point. We will see come release how playable the game is and I'm fairly certain that I will be proven correct.
As for unethical -- giving my account away so that info gets leaked is different than suckering people in for money using less than honest tactics. I'm not stealing anything, in fact -- I was giving it away. I don't miss MO because it was never any good to begin with. If you're having fun, great -- you're going to be in the minority. That's why for a "big beta event" they could only muster up 200 people. Out of the what, supposed 10k preorders they sold? It just shows NOBODY IS PLAYING. People got frustrated long ago and that's a simple fact, and while a handful of folks are very hopeful and believe in SV's direction in the game, I feel for them (and you) in a bad way, because you will ultimately be let down.
Originally I wasn't going to participate in beta. My primary motive was to support what I thought could be a neat game. I assume many have done something similar. That said, I haven't seen an empty town for a long time. Especially Fabernum. Theive's nest that place...
Please quit doomsaying.
I think this will be my last post directed at you.
I think you are just so full of hatred that you would do anything just to make the bad SV baztardz PAY for what they did to the all mighty Herc. Having people replying to your posts and visitng your blog ( lol you made a blog for a game you hate...WTF boy?) actually gives you more as I said this will be the last time I am replying to your misleading, ill-intentioned posts.
After all a person who looks for a unbiased review will quickly skip your rants.
Dear mr. Herc, the beta event was scheduled for 1st of december. If you check your calender you would see that this was actually a workday.
The time the event was scheduled was 23 GMT+1 (actually it started 1 hour later)
In order to take part of that event you had to:
-have a horse
-have armour and weapons
-have descent skills
As you see Mr. BetaLeaker none of these could have been worst for gathering big group of people in a beta of non-marketed indie game.
In spite of all that mr Bloggy, 200+ people DID come to the event.
You may see it as a fail, this is your right.
However any sane person not blinded by its hate would understand what a success this event was.
So dear Mr IhateThatGameSoMuchThatIMadeAblogForIT get yout facts straight next time.
Thank you for hte attention.
All the quotes of you are from here on I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I'm trying to put your opinion in context. MO may very well end up as bad as you expect it to be, but your statements are not as well informed and objective as you make them out to be.
That's when my friend asked me, I gave it to him not long after so probably beginning of October he got it, and played it some time after. I haven't played since October. -- So your personal assessment is based on the state of beta 2 months ago.
I got some info from a friend, but apparently the beta event the other day was essentially called by many, a "slideshow". --When your friend said it, it was hearsay. When you say it, it doesn't even rise to the level of being hearsay
The game will crash and burn, and I'll be happy at this point to see it happen. And if i can help it along -- I will. --- This is the very definition of not objective.
StarVault is an unethical company with less than honest business practices, and their team doesn't have the competence nor the organization to launch this game successfully. If the company comes out and starts being honest, about what people ACTUALLY bought, what people ACTUALLY should expect, and that all the interviews out there about "epic monsters" and good AI and all the other crap is a total and complete lie, then I suppose they may recover. Honesty actually does work, dishonesty only works for a short term. --- You have yet to explain what Starvault has lied about and how they have been unethical. Since you pre-ordered the game, it's apparently not the standard "pay-for-beta" complaint. Meanwhile, you have freely admitted to violating an agreement you made with Starvault (NDA)
Again, your opinion may be completely right about MO (I'm have a beta account but haven't played b/c my current computer isn't up to the minimum req. The new rig should be finished soon). However, your opinion is not fully informed, objective or well backed up. I have to agree with The_Korrigan that "It's no longer an opinion, it is a crusade."