Originally posted by ferilmaster Hmm, I'm surprised this thread lasted this long. It's apparent to an observer fanboys of Everquest Two are coming here to flame, World of Warcraft fanboys coming to defend it, and those few non-fanboys trying to douse the flames. This topic is obviously just trying for flames, for example, the original creator of the thread posted it in the Everquest Two boards, I would expect a much different reaction if it was posted in the pub. I miss the days when fanboys were creative in hiding their flames, but annoying the person they wish to. *sighs* Now, to go back on topic, I haven't played Everquest Two, although it sounds rather similar to World of Warcraft in the amount of being dumbed down. Although it's not necessarily a bad thing. If Everquest Two was completely difficult, it would not encourage new people to start playing mmorpg's. World of Warcraft seems to be trying to lure in many newcomers that haven't played mmorpg's before, which, in my oppinion, is a good thing. So, I'd just say try both games, rather than listen to ranting fanboys of either game, you'll be happier in the long run. *Prepares for the flames to persue from fanboys* EDIT: In before lock.------------------
The fact that you haven't played EQ2 excuses you from any merited opinion on the matter, wouldn't you think? The intended target of this thread is EQ2 players who have played the latest WoW stress test, that's why it is posted in the EQ2 forum.
Anyway, the point of this thread was for discussion. Flames don't necessarily come from discussion, although strongly stated but misinformed posts like yours almost always bring them on. In before lock, indeed.
Having tried both I dont think one is really better than the other, but that each appeals to a different style of play. WoW seems more fun to the younger crowd and EQII more fun for the older crowd. Exceptions will exist, but that is what I see. WoW you level fast, have more solo content, and have PvP. EQII you have more involved character customization, slower leveling, and more of an emphasis on grouping and exploration. Just my two cents...
Let the flames consume me...
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
hello ppl....no offense, but could some of you guys who dont like the WoW please give me a BETA id and acc pass? I know that open beta comes in monday, but the fact is, that i start school in monday and i would really like to try this game before it....even if just for a day. I allready downloaded the client (hail supernova) so all i need is an account. Anyway...thx to anyone that gives it to me. my mail: deusdomhr@hotmail.com
Originally posted by Namja J-monster.... Do you not read what Aeric writes? Do you quote him without even knowing what you're quoting? He said he likes playing WoW for short bursts of time! Jeez even if he disliked the game I wouldn't give away my beta key to a total stranger/moron like you. And I quote, "I still think WoW is fun. It's just fun in 1/2 to 1 hour stints." Exact words of Aeric! He will not give you the beta key. Stop typing now. However, if this form of BEGGING works. Anyone not like EQ2 beta? How unfortunate of WoW fans that it will be released the 23rd.
Pssh internet tough guys. If you had of said that to my face i would have broken your spine.
I tend to agree with the poster but I will want to try it out again before I formulate a final decision. I am a big Blizzard fan but WoW only has me at one foot in the door with the other well entrenched outside the door. Time will tell.
Originally posted by Namja J-monster.... Do you not read what Aeric writes? Do you quote him without even knowing what you're quoting? He said he likes playing WoW for short bursts of time! Jeez even if he disliked the game I wouldn't give away my beta key to a total stranger/moron like you. And I quote, "I still think WoW is fun. It's just fun in 1/2 to 1 hour stints." Exact words of Aeric! He will not give you the beta key. Stop typing now. However, if this form of BEGGING works. Anyone not like EQ2 beta? How unfortunate of WoW fans that it will be released the 23rd.
Pssh internet tough guys. If you had of said that to my face i would have broken your spine.
What a F***ing hypocrite. I'm not the "tough guy" talking about breaking spines. Was that supposed to scare me? Wassup then????!!!!! I live in Texas. If you live close maybe you can stop by?
Originally posted by Harafnir Yes.. But when you are in the game, they have no meaning.. As I have said before... stats and skills are just cosmetic. Purelly cosmetic. They are just there, as numbers to LOOK like an RPG not be an RPG. Ah well, I am not the one going to waste my money on a bluff... Have fun. Well...I guess the game IS complicated enough for you guys...
Only game I wait for right now: Imperator. Go Mythic!
If you played the game past mid level.If you followed EQ2 it has always been stated stats will gain more meaning as you get higher.
Reason been is in EQlive people would complain that say they picked a erudite SK he had very little health and died fast until he had good enough gear.
So to permit people play whatever combo they wish at a comfortable level initally stats will have very little effect but start to gain momentum.
Not trying to change anyone perception of EQ2 or WoW or any other game to be honest since its clear this games will sell huge and have crowded servers and only thing i care about is having a well populated server (i played AC2 hehe) which will obviously happen .
I have played both closed betas and leaning towards the "dumb downed" WoW lol. I am getting to the point in my gaming life where I don't want to have to log on search for a group for 30 minutes, finally get a group then have to be at the keyboard at all times or else I will be kicked from the group. I like to be able to hop on the game, level a bit, group if I want to, solo if I want to, and level at a reasonable pace. I have tried every mmmorpg out there, been through the level grinds, and now I am kind of burnt out on that..so WOW will be a great change of pace. I did like EQ2 though, but as you start to get up there in levels you basically need to group all the time to get decent xp (not including the quests but you need to group for some quests also).
My wife and I played WoW beta all last weekend and had a blast! She prefers the graphics in WoW to EQ2--saying they are more beautiful and colorful. I will still be playing EQ2 when it comes out because I prefer the extra depth and the style. Anyway, bottom line is that I had fun playing WoW, especially with my wife, who after a long hiatus away from games has finally been swayed back to play with me again. I thank WoW for that...
I still maintain that it feels dumbed-down compared to EQ2, but sometimes simple is fun too, especially with someone else playing with you!
Originally posted by xcalibur Originally posted by j-monster
Pssh internet tough guys. If you had of said that to my face i would have broken your spine.
OMG, I just spit tea all over my desk after reading that. LOL.
Didn't even see that post...
That's like telling someone to their face in real life: "If you had said to me in a post on MMORPG, I would have totally pnwed you with badly broken English and improper punctuation."
Well, I think this post is kinda one sided basically replies from those people who want RPG type experience and maybe one or two people who are looking for end game. I will have to say I have not played in the EQ2 beta, but I have been playing on the WOW stress test. It would have been great to test EQ2 so I could see the system for myself.
Here is what I want out of a mmorpg:
1) End Game.
Thats it. I don't care off the graphics are cartoonish like WOW or more realistic like EQ2. I played SWG when it came out, but without a usable skill set I had to quit. I played COH and it was all about leveling. I also played other games like DAOC and AO that have large wars going on.
Hands down the best game I have played and keep returning too is DAOC. WOW seams to have made the right choice for most of us who want to hit high level and then terrorize the other realms. LETS BRING IT ON.
I played the EQ2 beta for over 1 1/2 months and plan on playing WoW open beta if I can get in. First I want to say I'm a big EQ fan loved EQ and EQOA(PS2) and pre-ordered EQ2 before getting into the beta. I figured it would be a safe buy. I was wrong I hated almost everythiny about EQ2 - Quests, soloing and even the look. I know I'm in the minority about EQ2 but there were many other beta testers that agreed with me. I will be selling my EQ2 pre-order on EBAY once I receive it. I figure I might lose a little money but better then wasting $15 per month.
I've got to say.. after trying both WoW and EQ2, I have to say I liked WoW better... EQ2 does seem to have more depth, but I found that the quests in WoW were a lot more fun and enjoyable to me. My main game is Lineage 2 (you want a hard, grueling game.. try that!!!) and the quests in it are horrid. I found that the quests in EQ2 were doable but I didn't enjoy them... then when I tried the WoW quests I not only enjoyed them but I found myself taking any and all of them I could get. I also liked taht the game didn't have zones (much like Lineage 2 but not like EQ2).
In any case, I feel that Wow is exactly that... an mmo for people who just want to hop on and play. It is very enjoyable but I can understand why a hardcore player wouldn't like it.. having said that.. it is still new... much like most other MMO's, content is added all the time, things are tweaked, areas are expanded...
WoW graphics are horrible until you let go of the fact that they are not "realistic". Then they are easier to deal with.
In any case... if you are new to MMO's then WoW might be for you... if you want something grueling, hard, pvp based then go to L2....
EQ2 seems somewher in the middle...
my 2 cents
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Every Blizzard game is a dumbed down version of another game, but with more content. Its amazing how every time they dominate the industry, because let's face it, nobody wants to learn how to play, they want to know, and the second you step into WoW, you feel like you've played for 5 years. It's a genius tactic, and whats even more genius is that it somehow squeezes content in that FFXI and Everquest 1 failed to achieve.
i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
Originally posted by gargantroo because let's face it, nobody wants to learn how to play, they want to know,
Interesting observation, and I do think you're right that many if not most gamers are not willing to learn new systems. Not all though. People have to learn not to over-generalize *I* want to learn new systems to play every time I take up a new game, and the tougher it is the more I like it. If it's the same old thing I am used to, I see no point in it ... might as well just keep doing what I was doing. But I can see how people trained on the Warcraft 1 - Warcraft 2 - Warcraft 3 - etc. system might be conditioned just as you say.
As far as "content", too subjective to debate ... one man's "content" is another man's sleeping pill.
I know I like to know how to play something. I don't like to read the manual. I think the interface should be intuitive, and the general idea of what you're supposed to do should be explained or showed in game.
For example, with Everquest 2 and WoW, it was pretty simple to get around, find quests and know pretty much what you're supposed to do. I think every game should be like this (and if you think it is, check out Saga of Ryzom sometime sheesh).
The more intricate things, battle tactics, which weapons to use on which creature etc., those things should be harder to learn and that's where I like to put my effort into. If I can't figure out who I'm supposed to talk to to advance myself, or figure out how to attack things, then I lose interest.
Yeah I guess I must either be very weird or a dying breed, lol. If I had my druthers, I would pick being thrown into a world with NO information at all about how to deal with anything in it ... and nope, I won't read manuals either ... hell refusing to read manuals is almost a religious principle Back when I started in the EQ1 beta 3, I got a CD in the mail ... period. No tutorial, no manual, no nothing. Man that was fun.
It's interesting that you say this (regarding not wanting any information).
At the moment my main game (Lineage 2) has no up to date manual. Mainly people are looking for drop information since the crafting in that game can get.. uh... intense.
Some people are screaming for a new manual, but there are some old timers who reiterate what you said... that they are used to "no information" and just finding everything as you can.
I also agree with the person who wrote about the interface being easy and intuitive. I feel this is very important. doesn't mean that there can 't be more complex systems in place but one should be able to do basic things without having to stop to find the appropriate button.
And funny that someone should mention Ryxom, I reinstalled it last night (bought it a while ago but never wwas able to get into it) because I wanted to compare the worlds of all the games I've tried online. I understand that it has weather affects and wanted to see how extensive they were and if they caused lag.
In any case.... the interface is made to be customizable but "dang" if I'm not constantly looking at things wondering what the heck does that indicate.
Also (while I'm writing a book) the content issue is subjective... again... I play Lineage 2. One could say (and justifiably so) that there is no content. Especially since the quests are the worse things to ever have been implemented in any game (my opinion). I never did quests until WoW. Wow quests just seem fun.
Any quest that has me treading water, looking to the seabed below at a chest, and having me wonder if I can get down there fast enough before that "Simpson's Loch Ness Monster" creature can get me... and will I have enough air to battle him if I get caught... well.. any game that has that, I feel, has done a good job.
It's thhe find this person quest which gets out of hand... especially since they then can send you elsewhere to get the reward (all L2 quests are like that). that's when the quests become tiresome fast.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Coming from EQ1 to WoW, I have to agree that it is very much dumbed down, but since I only play maybe 7 hours a week or fewer (in two or three sessions per week), I don't mind. I suspect that I am the sort of player that WoW is geared toward, rather than the typical MMORPG fan-- people who just want to play and not have to think too much, as opposed to people who want the game to be a hobby. If I were going to go back to playing a game seriously (moderately to hardcore, as opposed to extremely casual), I might start to hate WoW in short order, but right now, it is exactly the right speed.
I think what some people see as a flaw in the game is exactly the thing that draws other people to it. I love the "!" and "?", for instance. I don't have the time or inclination to go hunting for quests, and I don't play enough to really remember who I got the quest from by the time I finish it, so those things are just nice shortcuts.
Now, it wasn't that long ago that I was complaining about EQ1 being dumbed down for newbies because people actually start with stuff and have the opportunity to do the tutorial to get stuff. ("Start with a bag?! Wimps! It's pure heresy to not have to scrape up your coppers to get a bag!") But that was back when I really cared passionately about playing games. Nowadays, if I have to care that much about something that isn't a human being or a job, it is too much commitment. And that's the attraction of a nice, easy, no-brainer like WoW.
See, it is possible for a WoW player to respond without flaming you. Believe it or not, we're not all rabid fans.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Well I think you really hit the nail on the head there. What doesn't appeal to all the nay-sayers of any given MMO out there, most likely appeals to a different crowd. That's why, in the end, there really isn't any such thing as a "sucky" MMO as long as it has customers. It's all opinion.
See, you and I are on different ends of that spectrum. I'm playing EQ2 right now and I am enjoying it. Mind you, the fact that "I am enjoying it" makes it a "good game" to me no matter what someone else says. While you are getting roughly 7 hours a week in you playtime with WoW, I am averaging 70+ hours a week in EQ2 ( yes, I have no life...long story. ). So EQ2 appeals more to me than WoW did ( and I did play it from Beta phase 2 into retail ). For me it was a little too easily mastered. But that appeals to many players. Not only the part-time players, but those that like more of the instant gratification feel.
I think both games have their pluses and minuses. Right now in EQ2 I would kill a 1000 gnolls just to have the auction house system from WoW rather than sitting in my room waiting for someone to buy from me :P In the end...neither game must "suck" too much regardless of however fanboys and flamers from either side think. Their both rolling in the money. Neither is losing mass players weekly as a sign of slowing down. They both have HUGE name branding and backing.
I say Thank God there's a WoW and an EQ2. Selectiong is the spice of life!
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
The fact that you haven't played EQ2 excuses you from any merited opinion on the matter, wouldn't you think? The intended target of this thread is EQ2 players who have played the latest WoW stress test, that's why it is posted in the EQ2 forum.
Anyway, the point of this thread was for discussion. Flames don't necessarily come from discussion, although strongly stated but misinformed posts like yours almost always bring them on. In before lock, indeed.
Having tried both I dont think one is really better than the other, but that each appeals to a different style of play. WoW seems more fun to the younger crowd and EQII more fun for the older crowd. Exceptions will exist, but that is what I see. WoW you level fast, have more solo content, and have PvP. EQII you have more involved character customization, slower leveling, and more of an emphasis on grouping and exploration. Just my two cents...
Let the flames consume me...
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
hello ppl....no offense, but could some of you guys who dont like the WoW please give me a BETA id and acc pass? I know that open beta comes in monday, but the fact is, that i start school in monday and i would really like to try this game before it....even if just for a day. I allready downloaded the client (hail supernova) so all i need is an account. Anyway...thx to anyone that gives it to me. my mail: deusdomhr@hotmail.com
I tend to agree with the poster but I will want to try it out again before I formulate a final decision. I am a big Blizzard fan but WoW only has me at one foot in the door with the other well entrenched outside the door. Time will tell.
"Mature gamers from the Pacific"
What a F***ing hypocrite. I'm not the "tough guy" talking about breaking spines. Was that supposed to scare me? Wassup then????!!!!! I live in Texas. If you live close maybe you can stop by?
If you played the game past mid level.If you followed EQ2 it has always been stated stats will gain more meaning as you get higher.
Reason been is in EQlive people would complain that say they picked a erudite SK he had very little health and died fast until he had good enough gear.
So to permit people play whatever combo they wish at a comfortable level initally stats will have very little effect but start to gain momentum.
Not trying to change anyone perception of EQ2 or WoW or any other game to be honest since its clear this games will sell huge and have crowded servers and only thing i care about is having a well populated server (i played AC2 hehe) which will obviously happen .
Just pointing out how things work in EQ2.
What the hel does dumb-downed mean anyways?
Shatter Soulich
Shatter Soulich
Just an update to this:
My wife and I played WoW beta all last weekend and had a blast! She prefers the graphics in WoW to EQ2--saying they are more beautiful and colorful. I will still be playing EQ2 when it comes out because I prefer the extra depth and the style. Anyway, bottom line is that I had fun playing WoW, especially with my wife, who after a long hiatus away from games has finally been swayed back to play with me again. I thank WoW for that...
I still maintain that it feels dumbed-down compared to EQ2, but sometimes simple is fun too, especially with someone else playing with you!
OMG, I just spit tea all over my desk after reading that. LOL.
OMG, I just spit tea all over my desk after reading that. LOL.
Didn't even see that post...
That's like telling someone to their face in real life: "If you had said to me in a post on MMORPG, I would have totally pnwed you with badly broken English and improper punctuation."
Yep, it sounds really dumb both ways...
Well, I think this post is kinda one sided basically replies from those people who want RPG type experience and maybe one or two people who are looking for end game. I will have to say I have not played in the EQ2 beta, but I have been playing on the WOW stress test. It would have been great to test EQ2 so I could see the system for myself.
Here is what I want out of a mmorpg:
1) End Game.
Thats it. I don't care off the graphics are cartoonish like WOW or more realistic like EQ2. I played SWG when it came out, but without a usable skill set I had to quit. I played COH and it was all about leveling. I also played other games like DAOC and AO that have large wars going on.
Hands down the best game I have played and keep returning too is DAOC. WOW seams to have made the right choice for most of us who want to hit high level and then terrorize the other realms. LETS BRING IT ON.
Hmm , this isn't the WoW forums, why are you posting here?
"You and your kind have ruined your own lands ! you'll not ruin mine ! "
"You and your kind have ruined your own lands ! you'll not ruin mine ! "
CoH - Tortimer lvl 38 Blaster Fire/Dev Triumph
CoH - Olimar lvl 6 Defender FF/DB Triumph
The Fallen Assasin lvl 11 Scrapper Katana/Regen
EQOA:F - Tortimer lvl 42 Human Ranger Hodstock
I've got to say.. after trying both WoW and EQ2, I have to say I liked WoW better... EQ2 does seem to have more depth, but I found that the quests in WoW were a lot more fun and enjoyable to me. My main game is Lineage 2 (you want a hard, grueling game.. try that!!!) and the quests in it are horrid. I found that the quests in EQ2 were doable but I didn't enjoy them... then when I tried the WoW quests I not only enjoyed them but I found myself taking any and all of them I could get. I also liked taht the game didn't have zones (much like Lineage 2 but not like EQ2).
In any case, I feel that Wow is exactly that... an mmo for people who just want to hop on and play. It is very enjoyable but I can understand why a hardcore player wouldn't like it.. having said that.. it is still new... much like most other MMO's, content is added all the time, things are tweaked, areas are expanded...
WoW graphics are horrible until you let go of the fact that they are not "realistic". Then they are easier to deal with.
In any case... if you are new to MMO's then WoW might be for you... if you want something grueling, hard, pvp based then go to L2....
EQ2 seems somewher in the middle...
my 2 cents
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
god no kidding. Hey at least he didn't start a new thread Wickes
oops.. sorry guys.. I just found it and didn't realize it was betas.
stil applies though i realize that new content has been added to all games....
In any case... sorry for dragging up old stuff.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Every Blizzard game is a dumbed down version of another game, but with more content.
Its amazing how every time they dominate the industry, because let's face it, nobody wants to learn how to play, they want to know, and the second you step into WoW, you feel like you've played for 5 years.
It's a genius tactic, and whats even more genius is that it somehow squeezes content in that FFXI and Everquest 1 failed to achieve.
Interesting observation, and I do think you're right that many if not most gamers are not willing to learn new systems. Not all though. People have to learn not to over-generalize *I* want to learn new systems to play every time I take up a new game, and the tougher it is the more I like it. If it's the same old thing I am used to, I see no point in it ... might as well just keep doing what I was doing. But I can see how people trained on the Warcraft 1 - Warcraft 2 - Warcraft 3 - etc. system might be conditioned just as you say.
As far as "content", too subjective to debate ... one man's "content" is another man's sleeping pill.
I know I like to know how to play something. I don't like to read the manual. I think the interface should be intuitive, and the general idea of what you're supposed to do should be explained or showed in game.
For example, with Everquest 2 and WoW, it was pretty simple to get around, find quests and know pretty much what you're supposed to do. I think every game should be like this (and if you think it is, check out Saga of Ryzom sometime sheesh).
The more intricate things, battle tactics, which weapons to use on which creature etc., those things should be harder to learn and that's where I like to put my effort into. If I can't figure out who I'm supposed to talk to to advance myself, or figure out how to attack things, then I lose interest.
It's interesting that you say this (regarding not wanting any information).
At the moment my main game (Lineage 2) has no up to date manual. Mainly people are looking for drop information since the crafting in that game can get.. uh... intense.
Some people are screaming for a new manual, but there are some old timers who reiterate what you said... that they are used to "no information" and just finding everything as you can.
I also agree with the person who wrote about the interface being easy and intuitive. I feel this is very important. doesn't mean that there can 't be more complex systems in place but one should be able to do basic things without having to stop to find the appropriate button.
And funny that someone should mention Ryxom, I reinstalled it last night (bought it a while ago but never wwas able to get into it) because I wanted to compare the worlds of all the games I've tried online. I understand that it has weather affects and wanted to see how extensive they were and if they caused lag.
In any case.... the interface is made to be customizable but "dang" if I'm not constantly looking at things wondering what the heck does that indicate.
Also (while I'm writing a book) the content issue is subjective... again... I play Lineage 2. One could say (and justifiably so) that there is no content. Especially since the quests are the worse things to ever have been implemented in any game (my opinion). I never did quests until WoW. Wow quests just seem fun.
Any quest that has me treading water, looking to the seabed below at a chest, and having me wonder if I can get down there fast enough before that "Simpson's Loch Ness Monster" creature can get me... and will I have enough air to battle him if I get caught... well.. any game that has that, I feel, has done a good job.
It's thhe find this person quest which gets out of hand... especially since they then can send you elsewhere to get the reward (all L2 quests are like that). that's when the quests become tiresome fast.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Coming from EQ1 to WoW, I have to agree that it is very much dumbed down, but since I only play maybe 7 hours a week or fewer (in two or three sessions per week), I don't mind. I suspect that I am the sort of player that WoW is geared toward, rather than the typical MMORPG fan-- people who just want to play and not have to think too much, as opposed to people who want the game to be a hobby. If I were going to go back to playing a game seriously (moderately to hardcore, as opposed to extremely casual), I might start to hate WoW in short order, but right now, it is exactly the right speed.
I think what some people see as a flaw in the game is exactly the thing that draws other people to it. I love the "!" and "?", for instance. I don't have the time or inclination to go hunting for quests, and I don't play enough to really remember who I got the quest from by the time I finish it, so those things are just nice shortcuts.
Now, it wasn't that long ago that I was complaining about EQ1 being dumbed down for newbies because people actually start with stuff and have the opportunity to do the tutorial to get stuff. ("Start with a bag?! Wimps! It's pure heresy to not have to scrape up your coppers to get a bag!") But that was back when I really cared passionately about playing games. Nowadays, if I have to care that much about something that isn't a human being or a job, it is too much commitment. And that's the attraction of a nice, easy, no-brainer like WoW.
See, it is possible for a WoW player to respond without flaming you. Believe it or not, we're not all rabid fans.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Well I think you really hit the nail on the head there. What doesn't appeal to all the nay-sayers of any given MMO out there, most likely appeals to a different crowd. That's why, in the end, there really isn't any such thing as a "sucky" MMO as long as it has customers. It's all opinion.
See, you and I are on different ends of that spectrum. I'm playing EQ2 right now and I am enjoying it. Mind you, the fact that "I am enjoying it" makes it a "good game" to me no matter what someone else says. While you are getting roughly 7 hours a week in you playtime with WoW, I am averaging 70+ hours a week in EQ2 ( yes, I have no life...long story. ). So EQ2 appeals more to me than WoW did ( and I did play it from Beta phase 2 into retail ). For me it was a little too easily mastered. But that appeals to many players. Not only the part-time players, but those that like more of the instant gratification feel.
I think both games have their pluses and minuses. Right now in EQ2 I would kill a 1000 gnolls just to have the auction house system from WoW rather than sitting in my room waiting for someone to buy from me :P In the end...neither game must "suck" too much regardless of however fanboys and flamers from either side think. Their both rolling in the money. Neither is losing mass players weekly as a sign of slowing down. They both have HUGE name branding and backing.
I say Thank God there's a WoW and an EQ2. Selectiong is the spice of life!
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."