I spent 30 minutes looking for the tailoring station, and after asking twice and getting no response I logged out.
In the cities look for the blacksmith and the merchant. The workbench and the other crafting stations are usually close by.
Yeah, I went by those multiple times. Apparently I don't know what its supposed to look like. I kept looking for some sort of structure that looked like it would be used for sewing.
There are 2 wooden tables, 1 has some textiles and stuff on it, this is the workbench used for tailoring.
The other one with some alembics is where you craft your potions.
Yeah, I went by those multiple times. Apparently I don't know what its supposed to look like. I kept looking for some sort of structure that looked like it would be used for sewing. Still I just don't get why someone in game couldn't have answered. Instead I was drowned out by people talking about urinating in gaping bung holes.. talk about a wonderful community.
The community is decent, but obviously the members of the community that you had the misfortune of encountering were less than mature (to say the least).
However, there really is no need to make sarcastic comments leveled towards the community as a whole, simply because you had a negative experience from a limited few. As a correspondent you really should already be practicing this in your everyday writing.
Pigeon holing an entire community because of the actions of a few, is simply not fair to those of us who actively try to make the community a better place.
I normally avoid vent, unless its for something where I need to strategize with other players. I don't want to listen to people talk about their day at work, while I'm trying to be immersed into the world. Just kills the whole experience for me.
Boom there's your problem man. I personally hate using Vent in any game, however in a game like Darkfall it's absolutely necessary. This is why you're having social issues, no question about it.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
raystantzFinal Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,237
Originally posted by Cecropia
Originally posted by raystantz
I normally avoid vent, unless its for something where I need to strategize with other players. I don't want to listen to people talk about their day at work, while I'm trying to be immersed into the world. Just kills the whole experience for me.
Boom there's your problem man. I personally hate using Vent in any game, however in a game like Darkfall it's absolutely necessary. This is why you're having social issues, no question about it.
I wish I had the vent info.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Boom there's your problem man. I personally hate using Vent in any game, however in a game like Darkfall it's absolutely necessary. This is why you're having social issues, no question about it.
Agreed, vent is an absolute must in DF.
Most clans that are worth joining require you to be in vent if you are ingame, it is not optional.
The fact that the OP has not encountered this (as well as the fact that I asked if he wouldn't mind naming some of the clans he had been a part of very early in the thread, and have yet to receive an answer when he has posted multiple times in response to others since my initial request), leads me to believe that the clans he was involved in were sub-par and not a good indicator of how most of DFs clans act towards there members.
I've never seen a game where I felt like a part of something as much as I do/have in DF. My clansmen are like family to me and I to them, we are very close and we make a serious effort to make new members feel right at home. It seems very foreign to me for someone to have so many issues, I can't even wrap my head around it.
Show me a shooter where I can loot my enemies corpse. -Counter Strike Show me a shooter where I can grab five buddies, hop on a boat and take a trip around the ocean, with the added possibility of a random encounter with deadly Sea Creatures or a Kraken. -Bad Company 2 Show me a shooter where I can lay siege to my enemies city, completely take over it, and not have it reset due to some mechanic that was implemented to keep the game "fair" to everyone playing -Bad Company 2 Show me a shooter where I can spend hours upon hours exploring a lush, vibrant world. -Counter Strike Show me a shooter where I can be entirely self-sufficient and craft every single thing I could possibly need. -Counter Strike Show me a shooter where ingame politics determine a large percentage of how successful your clan/alliance will or will not be. -Counter Strike Show me a shooter where I have to be cautious even at the starting area, because I might be robbed blind by a would-be assailant. -Counter Strike Show me a shooter where I have to worry about dismounting, because someone might roll up and steal my mount. -Bad Company 2 I could go on for hours like this.... -WoW
All due respect, but your examples are vague and way off the mark.
I didn't ask you for games that could provide similar experiences to what I described, I asked you to show me concrete proof of a shooter that allows the player to do all those things within a single game.
Yobu're just grasping at straws in order to try and save face, and it shows.
sorry but Im not here to prove anything,just saying the same thing that I said in the first place.
and back to the topic:
"I wanted to like this game.. but I just can't do it. Its not UO, and it will never be."
UO was somekind of RPG and darkfall is not.
a)in DF RP = click hotbar and click mouse l-button and you RP
Pretty sure ventrilo is mandatory for most clans in the game, and rightly so. This is a competitive PvP game where action is fast and situational awareness is key. There simply is no time to type anything in the middle of combat, especially in a game with real time combat like Darkfall.
Outside of combat, vent is still important because it creates an environment for you to get to bond with your friends and clan mates. People who know each other well fight together well. Frankly I'm shocked that any clan at this point would not have some sort of voice chat server going, even more so in this game. As a guild leader, having ventrilo and a working mic is mandatory to join, and if a new recruit did not use these critical tools, he would not be taken seriously and most likely removed from the roster.
raystantzFinal Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,237
I don't remember the names of all of them..
And I didn't feel like posting them to protect those who are in said clans.
Maybe the clans aren't bad, maybe the game just isn't my cup of tea. It wouldn't make sense to trash a bunch of clans, when they aren't the issue.
But the ones I can remember are...
NEW (worst one of them all)
Dark Hand of Valor (This one was good for a week or so.. not sure what happened)
and recently.. Imperil (maybe they were all just busy or something who knows.)
While I was doing the stuff to get into Imperil I got a tell from another player who seemed really nice, and even invited me to join their vent server. I was already in mid application for Imperil..
Im just looking for a clan where they are more involved with their new recruits other than. ."welcome". In games like WoW where the game plays itself for you, its easier to do that.. but you'd think the clans would want to prepare their new recruits for battle. If you join the military, they don't just leave you alone and expect you to "get it". They train you.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Unlike the military, a clan is comprised of a bunch of individuals working towards the same goal; not funded by some government agency. Everything that is given to you belonged to someone else that they had the kindness to hand down to you and anytime that someone dedicates time to helping you it is their option not obligation. People need to not have a sense of entitlement and do a more for his or her self.
raystantzFinal Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,237
Originally posted by bmoscato
Unlike the military, a clan is comprised of a bunch of individuals working towards the same goal; not funded by some government agency. Everything that is given to you belonged to someone else that they had the kindness to hand down to you and anytime that someone dedicates time to helping you it is their option not obligation. People need to not have a sense of entitlement and do a more for his or her self.
I'd love to do more for myself, but the motto of the day for this game is "Join a clan" which kind of puts a damper on the whole "do things on your own". I joined a clan, so I'd be doing something other than what I've already been doing.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Just joining a clan doesn’t mean that you will be included in everything that is happening. I guess that’s where the TS or Vent servers come into play. You get to be known by the other clan mates by being “visible”. In chat you can find out what others are doing and see if you can tag along or you can put something together and invite other people to join you.
and recently.. Imperil (maybe they were all just busy or something who knows.) While I was doing the stuff to get into Imperil I got a tell from another player who seemed really nice, and even invited me to join their vent server. I was already in mid application for Imperil..
Imperil are good guys...but their city (Ghan) is usually pretty empty. They hang out in UH (UDA's city) most of the time, along with 75% of the alliance.
But....Ghan has some really nice resources around it, and is close to some really nice mobs spawns.....just watch out for Fluffy, the Dragon.
But the ones I can remember are... NEW (worst one of them all) Dark Hand of Valor (This one was good for a week or so.. not sure what happened) and recently.. Imperil (maybe they were all just busy or something who knows.)
As I expressed in my original post, I was just curious. I didn't expect, nor did I want, you to trash any clans or make any comments of a volatile nature, so no worries there.
NEW is frowned upon by many active members of the community, despite there "efforts" to assist new players. Many times NEW has proven to be more harm than good, so I'm not surprised at all that you had the worst experience with them. They are the most griefed clan on the entire server.
DHoV is one of the worst clans around. Widely regarded as a zerg recruiting clan and commonly made the butt of jokes by members of the community. They try to paint a bright, shiny picture to entice new recruits, but as you learned all too well they don't do a very solid job of training those players after having recruited them.
Imperil is a clan that is part of my alliance, and I've had nothing but solid experiences from there members. However I have never been involved directly with the inner workings of there clan, so I have no idea how they handle new recruits. Our alliance requires players to be in vent at all times if they are ingame, so I suspect your absence in that regard played a part in your experience within the clan.
All three of those clans use RA to recruit at times (I wish Imperil wouldn't, but that is there call) which is where I'm guessing they picked you up from. Race Alliance is NOT the place to go if you are seeking a clan (which is the reason that you only see a handful of clans even attempt to use the channel for recruiting purposes). Invest an hour or two on the o-forums reading what the different clans have to offer and I suspect you'll find one more to your liking.
And yes, there is always the chance that DF just isn't your cup of tea.
EDIT: Also, check out the political map when you have a chance, it might help you get a clearer idea of how involved (or not) certain clans and alliances are within the game:
I keep hoping that I'd join a clan, and they'd go.. "Hey, welcome to Darkfall.. need any help or have any questions?".
Funny you wrote about it...I just became a Super General of such a clan unfortunately I am on EU-1 and you are on US-1.
Last week I helped out around 5 newbies with different type of questions and problems, a week before it was same. I gather or craft quite a lot so I have a choice: read a book, browse Internet or chat with people. Silly chats on the racial alliance bore me fast so somehow I always end picking up questions from new people and answering them. In same cases I ended up sharing not only knowledge but basic gear as well: sets of leather and chain armour, weapons. I know from my experience that I am not alone who does it.
In the end I decided that creating or joining a clan full of new characters would be not such a bad idea. I ended up taking over a still growing group of ten people. With another two experienced players we are hoping to transfer that group in an fully trained squad and who knows maybe any army. I have to say I really enjoy being a trainer, there is a lot of satisfaction in it even if some of trainees seem to be extremely slow with grasping how the game works example: a person who needs to be told how to use rest after 4 days in the game.
I have to say that I find worrying that after 5 months of subscription ( or did you mean that you bought 6 months sub, played only one month and you have enough now ?? ) you still continue killing goblins...it may not be just your type of game or you just need an intensive training like from a person like me
It's possible to play a sandbox mmo and not ever get into a good clan/alliance/guild.
I see it all the time where players get into Eve and after a few months just leave the game due to anti-social casual corps (guilds).
Op these games require a good amount of time investment not only in game mechanics but in social aspects as well.
The people in this thread giving you a hard time just don't understand. Maybe they were lucky and landed in a big,helpful guild but in the reality of it most of the times people leave these games just like you.
I wanted to like this game.. but I just can't do it. I've wasted 5 months worth of sub fees so far, on top of the 50 I paid for the game. Its not UO, and it will never be.
I've tried 8 different clans, and the same thing always happens. I get ignored. "welcome to the clan" and thats pretty much the last I hear. If I try to ask questions, noone responds. If I try to ask questions in the global chat.. they are usually spamming and trash talking each other so noone that might be able to answer actually sees my question. I spent 30 minutes looking for the tailoring station, and after asking twice and getting no response I logged out. Everytime I log on, the graphics perform differently.. for some reason.. which is annoying. I hate to say it, but maybe I need to be playing a themepark game. I just don't have the patience for this stuff. I want to have fun, and make friends.. but seems everyone has already formed their "cliqs" and they aren't accepting new members.
Can't never did nothing..now get out there and get ganked.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
So the OP is complaining about nobody responding, when everyone uses vent. Then he complains about not having vent info. Really, your making yourself bored of the game. Some people are just too dam lazy, and blame it on other things.
raystantzFinal Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,237
Originally posted by Kost
Originally posted by raystantz
But the ones I can remember are... NEW (worst one of them all) Dark Hand of Valor (This one was good for a week or so.. not sure what happened) and recently.. Imperil (maybe they were all just busy or something who knows.)
As I expressed in my original post, I was just curious. I didn't expect, nor did I want, you to trash any clans or make any comments of a volatile nature, so no worries there.
NEW is frowned upon by many active members of the community, despite there "efforts" to assist new players. Many times NEW has proven to be more harm than good, so I'm not surprised at all that you had the worst experience with them. They are the most griefed clan on the entire server.
DHoV is one of the worst clans around. Widely regarded as a zerg recruiting clan and commonly made the butt of jokes by members of the community. They try to paint a bright, shiny picture to entice new recruits, but as you learned all too well they don't do a very solid job of training those players after having recruited them.
Imperil is a clan that is part of my alliance, and I've had nothing but solid experiences from there members. However I have never been involved directly with the inner workings of there clan, so I have no idea how they handle new recruits. Our alliance requires players to be in vent at all times if they are ingame, so I suspect your absence in that regard played a part in your experience within the clan.
All three of those clans use RA to recruit at times (I wish Imperil wouldn't, but that is there call) which is where I'm guessing they picked you up from. Race Alliance is NOT the place to go if you are seeking a clan (which is the reason that you only see a handful of clans even attempt to use the channel for recruiting purposes). Invest an hour or two on the o-forums reading what the different clans have to offer and I suspect you'll find one more to your liking.
And yes, there is always the chance that DF just isn't your cup of tea.
EDIT: Also, check out the political map when you have a chance, it might help you get a clearer idea of how involved (or not) certain clans and alliances are within the game:
My problem is that I'm already rocking a 200 ping or more.. vent I'm sure is going to increase that even more with alot of people talking. So, I try to avoid vent when I can. But, its gotten to be where its basically required to even play alot of these games now.
I joined the clan based on another post I made here, one of their members PMed me.. and they seemed like they were the way to go.. and they still very well may be. I haven't seen the person who actually invited me online yet, but when I was on earlier in the day.. I only think one person from the clan was on.. the other members of the alliance were on and were doing some sort of PVP and those were the ones I was asking where the tailoring station was, and just got ignored. I'm banking on it being because they weren't paying attention to chat.. even though they were actively talking amongst themselves about other stuff.
I'm looking for a clan that basically takes new players under their wings and shows them the ropes.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
raystantzFinal Fantasy XI CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,237
Originally posted by demonic87
So the OP is complaining about nobody responding, when everyone uses vent. Then he complains about not having vent info. Really, your making yourself bored of the game. Some people are just too dam lazy, and blame it on other things.
I would be perfectly fine with that answer, if they weren't actively talking to one another in the text chat. I don't have any issues getting on vent if thats what the deal is.. but why couldn't they respond to me in chat.. when they had no issues responding to each other that way? See where I am coming from now?
If the chat was completely dead and noone was talking at all.. that'd make sense.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
I wanted to like this game.. but I just can't do it. - I want to believe this is a genuine non-whine post, but just can't do it. You are not addressing his point at all. I've wasted 5 months worth of sub fees so far, on top of the 50 I paid for the game. Most people only renew monthly when they feel it's fun to do so. Not necessarily. I played WoW since the beginning, I quit WoW half a year ago. I have several level 80 chars. I had fun playing it, I quick several times but came back eventually. However, even though I quit, I do not feel I wasted my time. Different story with EQ1. I spent about 3-4 years in it too (on and off), I never maxed out any toons, because the grind got into me, the leveling was too slow. So when I canceled it for the last time, I did feel like I wasted all that time. Its not UO, and it will never be. Nothing will be or should be. That was 1997 and it's now 2010. UO remains my favorite MMO of all time, but DFO surpasses it in many areas.
Again not addressing his point. He was sold on the idea that DF is like UO. That idea actually is still being thrown around from time to time: "If you loved UO, you will love DF!". UO may be 1997, DF may be better then UO (in your opinion), but it does not negate the fact that DF is nothing like UO. I played them both. I love UO much better then DF.
My comments in teal. Stuff I cut out is either no comments or agree with.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
My problem is that I'm already rocking a 200 ping or more.. vent I'm sure is going to increase that even more with alot of people talking. It won't. I joined the clan based on another post I made here, one of their members PMed me.. and they seemed like they were the way to go.. and they still very well may be. I haven't seen the person who actually invited me online yet, but when I was on earlier in the day.. I only think one person from the clan was on.. the other members of the alliance were on and were doing some sort of PVP and those were the ones I was asking where the tailoring station was, and just got ignored. I'm banking on it being because they weren't paying attention to chat.. even though they were actively talking amongst themselves about other stuff. I'm looking for a clan that basically takes new players under their wings and shows them the ropes.
Looks like it is more a problem with you as a person then I thought:
- first get a vent that's essential people don't pay attention to chat boxes especially during pvp.
- next to ask your clan for a trainer or a person which is going to introduce you to clan ways: clan city, favourite mob spawns, resource reach territories, tactics, pve/pvp lessons teach you and answer your questions.
I am astonished that your previous clans don't do that, however basing on what you said: wasting 5 months of your game play time on goblins spawns...
I am really afraid it may be lack of your self confidence, game knowledge and general social skills.
In the cities look for the blacksmith and the merchant. The workbench and the other crafting stations are usually close by.
Yeah, I went by those multiple times. Apparently I don't know what its supposed to look like. I kept looking for some sort of structure that looked like it would be used for sewing.
There are 2 wooden tables, 1 has some textiles and stuff on it, this is the workbench used for tailoring.
The other one with some alembics is where you craft your potions.
The community is decent, but obviously the members of the community that you had the misfortune of encountering were less than mature (to say the least).
However, there really is no need to make sarcastic comments leveled towards the community as a whole, simply because you had a negative experience from a limited few. As a correspondent you really should already be practicing this in your everyday writing.
Pigeon holing an entire community because of the actions of a few, is simply not fair to those of us who actively try to make the community a better place.
Boom there's your problem man. I personally hate using Vent in any game, however in a game like Darkfall it's absolutely necessary. This is why you're having social issues, no question about it.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Boom there's your problem man. I personally hate using Vent in any game, however in a game like Darkfall it's absolutely necessary. This is why you're having social issues, no question about it.
I wish I had the vent info.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Agreed, vent is an absolute must in DF.
Most clans that are worth joining require you to be in vent if you are ingame, it is not optional.
The fact that the OP has not encountered this (as well as the fact that I asked if he wouldn't mind naming some of the clans he had been a part of very early in the thread, and have yet to receive an answer when he has posted multiple times in response to others since my initial request), leads me to believe that the clans he was involved in were sub-par and not a good indicator of how most of DFs clans act towards there members.
I've never seen a game where I felt like a part of something as much as I do/have in DF. My clansmen are like family to me and I to them, we are very close and we make a serious effort to make new members feel right at home. It seems very foreign to me for someone to have so many issues, I can't even wrap my head around it.
Still waiting on those clan names...
All due respect, but your examples are vague and way off the mark.
I didn't ask you for games that could provide similar experiences to what I described, I asked you to show me concrete proof of a shooter that allows the player to do all those things within a single game.
Yobu're just grasping at straws in order to try and save face, and it shows.
sorry but Im not here to prove anything,just saying the same thing that I said in the first place.
and back to the topic:
"I wanted to like this game.. but I just can't do it. Its not UO, and it will never be."
UO was somekind of RPG and darkfall is not.
a)in DF RP = click hotbar and click mouse l-button and you RP
Generation P
Five months! And not really enjoying the game? That must some kind of record. I usually quit after a few days.
Pretty sure ventrilo is mandatory for most clans in the game, and rightly so. This is a competitive PvP game where action is fast and situational awareness is key. There simply is no time to type anything in the middle of combat, especially in a game with real time combat like Darkfall.
Outside of combat, vent is still important because it creates an environment for you to get to bond with your friends and clan mates. People who know each other well fight together well. Frankly I'm shocked that any clan at this point would not have some sort of voice chat server going, even more so in this game. As a guild leader, having ventrilo and a working mic is mandatory to join, and if a new recruit did not use these critical tools, he would not be taken seriously and most likely removed from the roster.
TwitchTV Partnered Streamer
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I don't remember the names of all of them..
And I didn't feel like posting them to protect those who are in said clans.
Maybe the clans aren't bad, maybe the game just isn't my cup of tea. It wouldn't make sense to trash a bunch of clans, when they aren't the issue.
But the ones I can remember are...
NEW (worst one of them all)
Dark Hand of Valor (This one was good for a week or so.. not sure what happened)
and recently.. Imperil (maybe they were all just busy or something who knows.)
While I was doing the stuff to get into Imperil I got a tell from another player who seemed really nice, and even invited me to join their vent server. I was already in mid application for Imperil..
Im just looking for a clan where they are more involved with their new recruits other than. ."welcome". In games like WoW where the game plays itself for you, its easier to do that.. but you'd think the clans would want to prepare their new recruits for battle. If you join the military, they don't just leave you alone and expect you to "get it". They train you.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Unlike the military, a clan is comprised of a bunch of individuals working towards the same goal; not funded by some government agency. Everything that is given to you belonged to someone else that they had the kindness to hand down to you and anytime that someone dedicates time to helping you it is their option not obligation. People need to not have a sense of entitlement and do a more for his or her self.
I'd love to do more for myself, but the motto of the day for this game is "Join a clan" which kind of puts a damper on the whole "do things on your own". I joined a clan, so I'd be doing something other than what I've already been doing.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
Just joining a clan doesn’t mean that you will be included in everything that is happening. I guess that’s where the TS or Vent servers come into play. You get to be known by the other clan mates by being “visible”. In chat you can find out what others are doing and see if you can tag along or you can put something together and invite other people to join you.
Imperil are good guys...but their city (Ghan) is usually pretty empty. They hang out in UH (UDA's city) most of the time, along with 75% of the alliance.
But....Ghan has some really nice resources around it, and is close to some really nice mobs spawns.....just watch out for Fluffy, the Dragon.
As I expressed in my original post, I was just curious. I didn't expect, nor did I want, you to trash any clans or make any comments of a volatile nature, so no worries there.
NEW is frowned upon by many active members of the community, despite there "efforts" to assist new players. Many times NEW has proven to be more harm than good, so I'm not surprised at all that you had the worst experience with them. They are the most griefed clan on the entire server.
DHoV is one of the worst clans around. Widely regarded as a zerg recruiting clan and commonly made the butt of jokes by members of the community. They try to paint a bright, shiny picture to entice new recruits, but as you learned all too well they don't do a very solid job of training those players after having recruited them.
Imperil is a clan that is part of my alliance, and I've had nothing but solid experiences from there members. However I have never been involved directly with the inner workings of there clan, so I have no idea how they handle new recruits. Our alliance requires players to be in vent at all times if they are ingame, so I suspect your absence in that regard played a part in your experience within the clan.
All three of those clans use RA to recruit at times (I wish Imperil wouldn't, but that is there call) which is where I'm guessing they picked you up from. Race Alliance is NOT the place to go if you are seeking a clan (which is the reason that you only see a handful of clans even attempt to use the channel for recruiting purposes). Invest an hour or two on the o-forums reading what the different clans have to offer and I suspect you'll find one more to your liking.
And yes, there is always the chance that DF just isn't your cup of tea.
EDIT: Also, check out the political map when you have a chance, it might help you get a clearer idea of how involved (or not) certain clans and alliances are within the game:
Funny you wrote about it...I just became a Super General of such a clan unfortunately I am on EU-1 and you are on US-1.
Last week I helped out around 5 newbies with different type of questions and problems, a week before it was same. I gather or craft quite a lot so I have a choice: read a book, browse Internet or chat with people. Silly chats on the racial alliance bore me fast so somehow I always end picking up questions from new people and answering them. In same cases I ended up sharing not only knowledge but basic gear as well: sets of leather and chain armour, weapons. I know from my experience that I am not alone who does it.
In the end I decided that creating or joining a clan full of new characters would be not such a bad idea. I ended up taking over a still growing group of ten people. With another two experienced players we are hoping to transfer that group in an fully trained squad and who knows maybe any army. I have to say I really enjoy being a trainer, there is a lot of satisfaction in it even if some of trainees seem to be extremely slow with grasping how the game works example: a person who needs to be told how to use rest after 4 days in the game.
I have to say that I find worrying that after 5 months of subscription ( or did you mean that you bought 6 months sub, played only one month and you have enough now ?? ) you still continue killing goblins...it may not be just your type of game or you just need an intensive training like from a person like me
It's possible to play a sandbox mmo and not ever get into a good clan/alliance/guild.
I see it all the time where players get into Eve and after a few months just leave the game due to anti-social casual corps (guilds).
Op these games require a good amount of time investment not only in game mechanics but in social aspects as well.
The people in this thread giving you a hard time just don't understand. Maybe they were lucky and landed in a big,helpful guild but in the reality of it most of the times people leave these games just like you.
Oh well, enjoy your next game.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Can't never did nothing..now get out there and get ganked.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
So the OP is complaining about nobody responding, when everyone uses vent. Then he complains about not having vent info. Really, your making yourself bored of the game. Some people are just too dam lazy, and blame it on other things.
As I expressed in my original post, I was just curious. I didn't expect, nor did I want, you to trash any clans or make any comments of a volatile nature, so no worries there.
NEW is frowned upon by many active members of the community, despite there "efforts" to assist new players. Many times NEW has proven to be more harm than good, so I'm not surprised at all that you had the worst experience with them. They are the most griefed clan on the entire server.
DHoV is one of the worst clans around. Widely regarded as a zerg recruiting clan and commonly made the butt of jokes by members of the community. They try to paint a bright, shiny picture to entice new recruits, but as you learned all too well they don't do a very solid job of training those players after having recruited them.
Imperil is a clan that is part of my alliance, and I've had nothing but solid experiences from there members. However I have never been involved directly with the inner workings of there clan, so I have no idea how they handle new recruits. Our alliance requires players to be in vent at all times if they are ingame, so I suspect your absence in that regard played a part in your experience within the clan.
All three of those clans use RA to recruit at times (I wish Imperil wouldn't, but that is there call) which is where I'm guessing they picked you up from. Race Alliance is NOT the place to go if you are seeking a clan (which is the reason that you only see a handful of clans even attempt to use the channel for recruiting purposes). Invest an hour or two on the o-forums reading what the different clans have to offer and I suspect you'll find one more to your liking.
And yes, there is always the chance that DF just isn't your cup of tea.
EDIT: Also, check out the political map when you have a chance, it might help you get a clearer idea of how involved (or not) certain clans and alliances are within the game:
My problem is that I'm already rocking a 200 ping or more.. vent I'm sure is going to increase that even more with alot of people talking. So, I try to avoid vent when I can. But, its gotten to be where its basically required to even play alot of these games now.
I joined the clan based on another post I made here, one of their members PMed me.. and they seemed like they were the way to go.. and they still very well may be. I haven't seen the person who actually invited me online yet, but when I was on earlier in the day.. I only think one person from the clan was on.. the other members of the alliance were on and were doing some sort of PVP and those were the ones I was asking where the tailoring station was, and just got ignored. I'm banking on it being because they weren't paying attention to chat.. even though they were actively talking amongst themselves about other stuff.
I'm looking for a clan that basically takes new players under their wings and shows them the ropes.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
I would be perfectly fine with that answer, if they weren't actively talking to one another in the text chat. I don't have any issues getting on vent if thats what the deal is.. but why couldn't they respond to me in chat.. when they had no issues responding to each other that way? See where I am coming from now?
If the chat was completely dead and noone was talking at all.. that'd make sense.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
My comments in teal. Stuff I cut out is either no comments or agree with.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Looks like it is more a problem with you as a person then I thought:
- first get a vent that's essential people don't pay attention to chat boxes especially during pvp.
- next to ask your clan for a trainer or a person which is going to introduce you to clan ways: clan city, favourite mob spawns, resource reach territories, tactics, pve/pvp lessons teach you and answer your questions.
I am astonished that your previous clans don't do that, however basing on what you said: wasting 5 months of your game play time on goblins spawns...
I am really afraid it may be lack of your self confidence, game knowledge and general social skills.
Well, I read the thread fully... maybe DFO isn't for you. Voice chat is a must in this game, and as such, we require all members online to be in vent.
Good luck in whatever game you find yourself in!
You can do it...and you will like it!
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
Yeah, that's why it's called Darkfall and not UO, duh!