VERY impressed. Will be keeping a keen eye on this in the coming months. Art style could possibly be a bit more gritty and gothic but definitely captured the warhammer 40k vibe... was that FPS-esque combat I saw? Looking good so far Vigil!
there will be blood angels! Now I can die in peace
DId you read this somewhere else? There were no Blood Angels in that movie. Only Khorne Chaos Marines and the only Space Marine Chapter present were the Black Templars (not in their customary Black and White but you can see their Templar Cross icon).
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Curious as to how they will balance normal Imperial Guard versus any breed of Space Marine and whatnot. Possibly IG gets some form of squads, while marines run it solo.... who knows. THQ is a good group of folks, I'm sure they've got some plans. Looking forward to this one indeed.
Good to see they stayed fairly close to the Dawn of War graphic style. THQ always seems to know how to do 40K right.
Holy shit, actual gameplay with first game-related video ever? I was expecting some CGI or something, but this is awesome. Clearly it's too early to say anything, but is it just me or did that SM shooting part looked a lot like TPS gameplay? One can only hope, classic PnC just wouldn't work all that great with W40k.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
Wow, color me impressed. Things could look a bit grittier, but they really captured the look and feel of the universe quite well. Then again, they did make Darksiders so...
I'll be keeping an eye on this. Eagerly awaiting more information.
Z . . . O . . . . M . . . G . . . .
Trailer and screens look good. Vehicles look fun. I am looking forward to something like this. I hope it turns out well.
I was like "Hell yeah!" and standing on my sofa while watching the trailer.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
OGM that looks awesome!
Now this is the only MMO Im looking forward to. I just hope there will be several playable factions/races!
Please dont screw this one up!
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
VERY impressed. Will be keeping a keen eye on this in the coming months. Art style could possibly be a bit more gritty and gothic but definitely captured the warhammer 40k vibe... was that FPS-esque combat I saw? Looking good so far Vigil!
I knew THQ wouldn't disappoint
there will be blood angels! Now I can die in peace
The Titan looks awesome!
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
DId you read this somewhere else? There were no Blood Angels in that movie. Only Khorne Chaos Marines and the only Space Marine Chapter present were the Black Templars (not in their customary Black and White but you can see their Templar Cross icon).
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Another thing... it seems like it will be flying mounts, at least what it looked like in the trailer.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
Curious as to how they will balance normal Imperial Guard versus any breed of Space Marine and whatnot. Possibly IG gets some form of squads, while marines run it solo.... who knows. THQ is a good group of folks, I'm sure they've got some plans. Looking forward to this one indeed.
Good to see they stayed fairly close to the Dawn of War graphic style. THQ always seems to know how to do 40K right.
Holy shit, actual gameplay with first game-related video ever? I was expecting some CGI or something, but this is awesome. Clearly it's too early to say anything, but is it just me or did that SM shooting part looked a lot like TPS gameplay? One can only hope, classic PnC just wouldn't work all that great with W40k.
Looks awesome, and we got some in game shots there. Cautiously optimistic about this one...
Hopefully Dan Abnett is consulting on this ....
Looks amazing - So much for WAR (not that it was going to last anyways)
This looks like the game MYthic shouldhave released as a next gen MMO
I play all ghame
*Picks jaw up off the floor*
Wow, color me impressed. Things could look a bit grittier, but they really captured the look and feel of the universe quite well. Then again, they did make Darksiders so...
I'll be keeping an eye on this. Eagerly awaiting more information.
FINALLY! Looks good, hopefully they can pull this off.
Looks amaaazing!!
This could be the worst game ever to be created but people will still be "zomg" if you put cool music and show them a 2 seconds-clips-montage
World of Warcraft is a proof that MMORPG quality should affect schedule/budget and not the other way around.
The graphics look fantastic. I hope the gameplay isn't more instanced battlegrounds crap.
Where the hell are the Eldar? They have the BALLS to show off guardsmen and NOT Eldar?? Seriously????!!
It does have that wow look
"wearing some armor to protect against the flaming posts"
Looks a lot like cryptics game
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
Yea abit but still looks better than TOR
Edit : Faith is my Shield !!!
Need to go change my trousers. Looks very promising.