The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
1. This is The Old Republic. The Jedi aren't the same Jedi as in the movies. They're at war.
2. Even Jedi aren't perfect, they can turn to the darkside.
3. Everything in Cinematic Trailers should be taken light-heartedly.
The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
1. This is The Old Republic. The Jedi aren't the same Jedi as in the movies. They're at war.
2. Even Jedi aren't perfect, they can turn to the darkside.
3. Everything in Cinematic Trailers should be taken light-heartedly.
1. Yup.
2. I dont like the implication that she turned to the dark side, or even used a "dark" tactic.
I can't remember who said it but the first cinematic was good. This one kinda sucked.
I've never read a novel with a jedi like that one. Plenty of sith act like her though. They got the sith perfect in the first cinematic.
In this one they put the same force user in woodsy cloths and called it a jedi...which is just stupid to anyone who knows anything about the lore.
The same people obviously have zero clue about jedi from the canon or lore or books or IP other than they can do neat things with the "farce".
I liked the comment that called her power force ice comet. That's about as rediculous as what she did to win the fight.
At least Dark Millenium looked good. Maybe TOR will give me something to do while I wait for it to come out. But if jedi are like that, it wont last as long as I hoped...since it's not really star's not even on par with KotoR.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
A sizable number of Jedi, in training, confused the meanings of attack, defense and aggression. Thus Younglings were taught that it was possible for a Jedi to strike without aggression, so long as they acted without recklessness, hatred or anger. A Jedi was permitted to kill in self-defense—only if there was no other option. However, Jedi instructors taught their students that killing, no matter what the circumstances, was not to become commonplace. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to using lethal force. Jedi who depended on murder were close to the Dark Side of the Force
The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
A sizable number of Jedi, in training, confused the meanings of attack, defense and aggression. Thus Younglings were taught that it was possible for a Jedi to strike without aggression, so long as they acted without recklessness, hatred or anger. A Jedi was permitted to kill in self-defense—only if there was no other option. However, Jedi instructors taught their students that killing, no matter what the circumstances, was not to become commonplace. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to using lethal force. Jedi who depended on murder were close to the Dark Side of the Force
And if a killing by a jedi were ever going to be justified, certainly a sith would qualify.
I can't remember who said it but the first cinematic was good. This one kinda sucked.
I've never read a novel with a jedi like that one. Plenty of sith act like her though. They got the sith perfect in the first cinematic.
In this one they put the same force user in woodsy cloths and called it a jedi...which is just stupid to anyone who knows anything about the lore.
The same people obviously have zero clue about jedi from the canon or lore or books or IP other than they can do neat things with the "farce".
I liked the comment that called her power force ice comet. That's about as rediculous as what she did to win the fight.
At least Dark Millenium looked good. Maybe TOR will give me something to do while I wait for it to come out. But if jedi are like that, it wont last as long as I hoped...since it's not really star's not even on par with KotoR.
We're all so fortunate to have you hear to tell us what Star Wars REALLY is.
Dear people who think Jedi are nothing but Goody two shoes.
Please Learn to lore... thank you for your time when confronted with the dark side of the Force the Jedi will first seek to redeem it, and then destroy it, Obviously a rampaging sith Armada cannot be redeemed so they fight.
The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
A sizable number of Jedi, in training, confused the meanings of attack, defense and aggression. Thus Younglings were taught that it was possible for a Jedi to strike without aggression, so long as they acted without recklessness, hatred or anger. A Jedi was permitted to kill in self-defense—only if there was no other option. However, Jedi instructors taught their students that killing, no matter what the circumstances, was not to become commonplace. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to using lethal force. Jedi who depended on murder were close to the Dark Side of the Force
The problem is what The Force is and how Jedi behave and their character seem to change whenever it suits George Lucas. There is certainly a difference between movies 4 - 6 and 1 - 3, and then from that to Clone Wars, and then to the books. Lucas' Star Wars universe is nothing like Tolkeins Middle Earth, although it seems Lucas kind of fancies it that way.
It almost seems like the hard-core lore nerds have a better grasp of his lore than Lucas himself.
I think the problem is that the lore nerds THINK they have a better grasp. they all hold on so tight to what they think the lore SHOULD be and confuse it with what the lore actually is.
Jedi are allowed to use the force to deflect blows, run away, and so on. In the KOTOR games, they were also allowed to use their force powers on droids, since droids were not living creatures. The moment they tried to use force powers to attack any living targets, they got dark side points, as it should be.
Jedi can attack with their lightsabers all they want - they're not using the force to power their lightsabers. Technically, in the books they weren't even allowed to use the force to direct their lightsabers in a throwing attack (although you could possibly argue that they could use their own strength to throw and then use the force to return the blade...)
So you are saying, that you never got force PUSH...Or good lord, FORCE WAVE? You never played the KotOR games. I never got dark side points for using force push or force wave in the game. That's weird that you did, maybe your game is bugged?
Force Push, which is what that basically what that was. It's large amount of force pushing the target back. Rather then having nothing showing the huge effort she put forth to control this extremely powerful sith, who STILL lives through it, they added an effect. Oh noes!
A single jedi coming in contact with someone stealing a purse should never need to resort to using that much force.
But A sith warrior who has killed hundreds if not more people, to defend them and anyone else, one must use the force to protect them.
And Cujo, I love the blues, but get off it. Look at what Yoda did. instead of JUST absorbing the lightning attack, he threw it back. Instead of just throwing the senate hover thingy away, he threw it back.
This is not about the code, this is not about some dark side force power use. This is about protecting all those other people on alderan.
You have to understand when 4 - 6 were made Tech like 1 - 3 and Clone Wars was made on didn't exist so the whole concept of most of what Lucas wanted to get across wsan't feasible as it didn't make much sense to just EXPLAIN it and not show it.
I assume this is what he's going for with SW:TOR, He can realize his vision for the Old Republic and how it was back then w/o any negative drawbacks due to technology since we all know Game Tech in recent years has skyrocketed in the things it can accomplish.
So really is George Lucas changing his mind? or is he just finally putting into action what was supposed to be that way all along?
I think the problem is that the lore nerds THINK they have a better grasp. they all hold on so tight to what they think the lore SHOULD be and confuse it with what the lore actually is.
True story. I may not like some of the things that have happened in Star Wars, but I have read the books, watched the movies and my day is not complete without a visit to Wookieepedia. Those who say Han shot first and Boba wasn't a clone are just wrong. No it's not the way it used to be, but neither are a lot of things. I remember when Spider Man was married to Mary Jane. Doesn't change the fact that he's not.
I think the problem is that the lore nerds THINK they have a better grasp. they all hold on so tight to what they think the lore SHOULD be and confuse it with what the lore actually is.
True story. I may not like some of the things that have happened in Star Wars, but I have read the books, watched the movies and my day is not complete without a visit to Wookieepedia. Those who say Han shot first and Boba wasn't a clone are just wrong. No it's not the way it used to be, but neither are a lot of things. I remember when Spider Man was married to Mary Jane. Doesn't change the fact that he's not.
I think it goes the point of compulsion/obsession for them.
It has to be an exact replica of what they feel it is.....and they couldnt possibly shut up about it if they wanted to. The past 4 yrs of listening to PRECioUs non-sense should clue folks in that some of these folks are ....heh commited/commitable to say the least.
TOR is a game. Period.
Just like LA did with TFU.....things of canon are stretched/broken to accomodate an enjoyable gaming experience.
Some can accept that, and others keep making posts complaining about what this game isnt.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
The newest cinematic trailer for SWTOR shows a Jedi beating the stuffing out of a Sith using force pushes and something that looks like a hadouken. What happened to "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"?
Its a pointless fight, sir.
These kids all just want action. Star Wars flavored-Matrix-Style, action. Thats all they want.
While the dweebs are looking for a re-creation of those roleplay nights from back in high school.
You remember all those nights when others were out having fun, and YOU were stuck home practicing safe(as in non-existent) sex. Heck that status probably applies to some of ya till this very day no less.
Stereo-typing for the win eh?
It really gets old listening to you guys whine about this light-sabre is the wrong color....or whatever non-canon criteria has you on the latest nerd-spaz.
Get over it already. The freaks had SWG to make a virtual reality out bombed. This time around is about having a game, and enjoying yourself. If that chaps your arse then too fricken bad. The SW fans from the 70s werent very happy when we got a economic simulator last time around.
A few of ya couldnt get enough. The rest of us pointed and laughed that folks would play such a screwed up game. You know....the PRECioUs some folks are still blathering on about till this very day.
You sir, are bat-shit-crazy.
Yep...I am the one whining over a video...or this/that is not what I wanted out of TOR.
Methinks you belong to the group that didnt get the PRECioUs 2 that Wildcat and others were railing on about back in 06.
The OPs post was about canon not being exact. You agreed, going so far as to call others "kids" if they arent in with ya. Throwing stereo-types to boot. I returned the favor with unsubstantiated claims....pretty easy to do when one follows your criteria of not providing proof of their claim.
I suggest the next time you wanna call someone " bat-shit-crazy", you look into the mirror. Then say to yourself....."self does it show my maturity level to whine cause a video game isnt a perfect simulation". Or better yet....if folks knew I acted this way in RL, could I possibly be/more shunned.
Perhaps then this forum can quit being cluttered with all the BS posts, and folks can talk about a game....not what is lacking from a simulation perspective(aka the Nerd's guide to life in the Star Wars Galaxy).
First of all, don't confuse SWG with an accurate representation of the Star Wars universe. One of the reasons it failed is because a lot of people you want to insult left that game because it was trying to be something Star Wars wasn't.
That aside, you may not be the one whining about a video, but you are the one whining about a post made on a thread in an MMO site. You want to call others dweebs you may want to get some perspective. I know you may not care about little details in the game, but others do and their opinion is no less valid than yours. They want to play a Star Wars game that is true to the universe as they see it and you decide the best course of action is to insult their sex lives.
People are interested in this game because it is Star Wars. A setting with a rich and detailed history. If those people think that details should be observed then they are entitled to that opinion. If someone wants to use an established setting then they better be prepared to make it true to that setting.
People do not care. It is that simply when it comes to SW:TOR. Bioware is out to sell as many copies as possible of SW:TOR and will do ANYTHING to achieve its goal. A traditional Jedi is far to honorable to correctly implement in an MMORPG that would be insanely popular. These games are places were griefing is uncontrollable in open world pvp. Honor? Respect? These traits are simply too rare in MMO gamers for a studio who wants that big payday to consider. Badass-kickery? Hell yes! Being more powerful than any known jedi/sith in lore? I want to be him/her too!
SW:TOR has the aim of being the next big MMO. To do this they will sellout everything just as Blizzard did. For me personally, wasn't a sudden lack of hope but instead a gradual decline in interest as more and more information was released about the game. The games name is misleading and might as well be called Wolrd of Warcraft with Lightsabers. (comparison to WoW in this case not because of the WoW clone spam every MMO gets but because in this case it's what Bioware is actually aiming for.)
People do not care. It is that simply when it comes to SW:TOR. Bioware is out to sell as many copies as possible of SW:TOR and will do ANYTHING to achieve its goal. A traditional Jedi is far to honorable to correctly implement in an MMORPG that would be insanely popular. These games are places were griefing is uncontrollable in open world pvp. Honor? Respect? These traits are simply too rare in MMO gamers for a studio who wants that big payday to consider. Badass-kickery? Hell yes! Being more powerful than any known jedi/sith in lore? I want to be him/her too!
SW:TOR has the aim of being the next big MMO. To do this they will sellout everything just as Blizzard did. For me personally, wasn't a sudden lack of hope but instead a gradual decline in interest as more and more information was released about the game. The games name is misleading and might as well be called Wolrd of Warcraft with Lightsabers. (comparison to WoW in this case not because of the WoW clone spam every MMO gets but because in this case it's what Bioware is actually aiming for.)
Perhaps Bioware just hasn't been enlightened with YOUR definition of what a "traditional jedi" would do... because obviously they wouldn't have done this if that were the case.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
I feel the same here, as well as with books and movies. Hell, just look at what they did with Legend of the Seeker show vs The Sword of Truth books, the 1st episode stuck pretty close to the books, but everything after that just become complete nonsense and afte rthe 1st season didnt even remotely resemble the books, except for peoples names, and even thos epeople werent who they were supposed to be. While watching it i was constantly thinking "why the hell did you even bother basing it on the books, when 95% of what youre doing goes against everything that was in the books". They could have easily made a completely original show by simply changing a few names, but instead they bastardized a very popular book series until you couldnt even tell that they were supposed to be the same thing.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
But when everyone is simply wrong when they say they aren't treating it like Star Wars, that ruins the whole argument.
That is a simplistic argument. You can't say they are simply wrong in any way. In the movies and a lot of the books and other media Jedi do not summon huge ammounts of force energy to hit anyone the way the Jedi in the trailer did. The only one who has ever shown that much power is the Apprentice from TFU and he is supposed to be a special case. Please don't say that people are simply wrong.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
But when everyone is simply wrong when they say they aren't treating it like Star Wars, that ruins the whole argument.
That is a simplistic argument. You can't say they are simply wrong in any way. In the movies and a lot of the books and other media Jedi do not summon huge ammounts of force energy to hit anyone the way the Jedi in the trailer did. The only one who has ever shown that much power is the Apprentice from TFU and he is supposed to be a special case. Please don't say that people are simply wrong.
People are horribly, incredibly wrong in so many ways. They are flawed at the core of their being.
Have we seen ALL Jedi? Have we really seen that many Jedi? Do we really know who else is out there or how powerful they are?
Wait... wait... That Jedi are hypocrites is news to someone?
Important facts: 1. Free to Play games are poorly made. 2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals. 3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE. 4. Community is more important than you think.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
But when everyone is simply wrong when they say they aren't treating it like Star Wars, that ruins the whole argument.
That is a simplistic argument. You can't say they are simply wrong in any way. In the movies and a lot of the books and other media Jedi do not summon huge ammounts of force energy to hit anyone the way the Jedi in the trailer did. The only one who has ever shown that much power is the Apprentice from TFU and he is supposed to be a special case. Please don't say that people are simply wrong.
People are horribly, incredibly wrong in so many ways. They are flawed at the core of their being.
Have we seen ALL Jedi? Have we really seen that many Jedi? Do we really know who else is out there or how powerful they are?
Umm... no.
Actually it is your simlistic, illogical arguments that seem to be getting more and mroe wrong. And not only that you have taken to insulting the "core of their being" which is pretty much the most idiotic way of arguing I have ever seen.
Have we seen all Jedi? No. Have we seen many Jedi? Yes, we have seen a lot of Jedi throughout media. More importantly we have seen those that experts within the universe call the most powerful Jedi. It's not like Anakin was some pushover. He was one of the most powerful Jedi in existance. Yoda had a midichlorian count that was through the roof and he was not doing what you seem to believe so many others can.
Not only do you seem to not know what you are talking about at all, but you have also resorted to sophmoric debating that weakens your position entirely.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
But when everyone is simply wrong when they say they aren't treating it like Star Wars, that ruins the whole argument.
That is a simplistic argument. You can't say they are simply wrong in any way. In the movies and a lot of the books and other media Jedi do not summon huge ammounts of force energy to hit anyone the way the Jedi in the trailer did. The only one who has ever shown that much power is the Apprentice from TFU and he is supposed to be a special case. Please don't say that people are simply wrong.
People are horribly, incredibly wrong in so many ways. They are flawed at the core of their being.
Have we seen ALL Jedi? Have we really seen that many Jedi? Do we really know who else is out there or how powerful they are?
Umm... no.
Actually it is your simlistic, illogical arguments that seem to be getting more and mroe wrong. And not only that you have taken to insulting the "core of their being" which is pretty much the most idiotic way of arguing I have ever seen.
Have we seen all Jedi? No. Have we seen many Jedi? Yes, we have seen a lot of Jedi throughout media. More importantly we have seen those that experts within the universe call the most powerful Jedi. It's not like Anakin was some pushover. He was one of the most powerful Jedi in existance. Yoda had a midichlorian count that was through the roof and he was not doing what you seem to believe so many others can.
Not only do you seem to not know what you are talking about at all, but you have also resorted to sophmoric debating that weakens your position entirely.
I thought the debate was over the tactics, the evil attack of the jedi, not the power involved.
How much power did she use? How much was required? Oh, that's right, you have no idea. Got it.
First I would like to point out that Yoda moved a starfigther with the force.
"Judge me by my size do you? Where you should not." - Yoda
You cannot limit the force with judgements otherwise it becomes true. Judging the starfighter too big is a limitation.
"You must unlearn what you have learned." - Yoda
Judging is a learned trait most of you have, unlearn it and realize that Jedi are more than just tough guys.
Second, to assume Jedi's are pacifists is not the definition of a protector. Look at America, the largest most free country in the world that has literally helped more people in its short life than all other countries on the planet combined. Protecting America's most valuable treasure, freedom and liberty, cannot be done by sitting back and watching. Jedi's are a lot like Americans, we have a great deal of power (missiles, bombs, knowledge) but we do not go around conquering everyone and forcing them into servitude. Instead, we encourage, assist, rebuild, and show compassion.
Third, Jedi's protect others and ensure freedom from oppressors, key word is freedom. Some day perhaps talking can correct negitively impacting personalities but right now the course of nature has ensured that it is through self-empowerment and strength.
Lastly, Yoda moved a starfighter, he was old, and he said himself, "My ally is the force and a powerful ally it is." he also said he was not that strong in the force. Remember?
Adding it again.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
1. This is The Old Republic. The Jedi aren't the same Jedi as in the movies. They're at war.
2. Even Jedi aren't perfect, they can turn to the darkside.
3. Everything in Cinematic Trailers should be taken light-heartedly.
1. Yup.
2. I dont like the implication that she turned to the dark side, or even used a "dark" tactic.
3. yup
I can't remember who said it but the first cinematic was good. This one kinda sucked.
I've never read a novel with a jedi like that one. Plenty of sith act like her though. They got the sith perfect in the first cinematic.
In this one they put the same force user in woodsy cloths and called it a jedi...which is just stupid to anyone who knows anything about the lore.
The same people obviously have zero clue about jedi from the canon or lore or books or IP other than they can do neat things with the "farce".
I liked the comment that called her power force ice comet. That's about as rediculous as what she did to win the fight.
At least Dark Millenium looked good. Maybe TOR will give me something to do while I wait for it to come out. But if jedi are like that, it wont last as long as I hoped...since it's not really star's not even on par with KotoR.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
and from Wookieepedia
A sizable number of Jedi, in training, confused the meanings of attack, defense and aggression. Thus Younglings were taught that it was possible for a Jedi to strike without aggression, so long as they acted without recklessness, hatred or anger. A Jedi was permitted to kill in self-defense—only if there was no other option. However, Jedi instructors taught their students that killing, no matter what the circumstances, was not to become commonplace. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to using lethal force. Jedi who depended on murder were close to the Dark Side of the Force
And if a killing by a jedi were ever going to be justified, certainly a sith would qualify.
We're all so fortunate to have you hear to tell us what Star Wars REALLY is.
Dear people who think Jedi are nothing but Goody two shoes.
Please Learn to lore... thank you for your time when confronted with the dark side of the Force the Jedi will first seek to redeem it, and then destroy it, Obviously a rampaging sith Armada cannot be redeemed so they fight.
I think the problem is that the lore nerds THINK they have a better grasp. they all hold on so tight to what they think the lore SHOULD be and confuse it with what the lore actually is.
So you are saying, that you never got force PUSH...Or good lord, FORCE WAVE? You never played the KotOR games. I never got dark side points for using force push or force wave in the game. That's weird that you did, maybe your game is bugged?
Force Push, which is what that basically what that was. It's large amount of force pushing the target back. Rather then having nothing showing the huge effort she put forth to control this extremely powerful sith, who STILL lives through it, they added an effect. Oh noes!
A single jedi coming in contact with someone stealing a purse should never need to resort to using that much force.
But A sith warrior who has killed hundreds if not more people, to defend them and anyone else, one must use the force to protect them.
And Cujo, I love the blues, but get off it. Look at what Yoda did. instead of JUST absorbing the lightning attack, he threw it back. Instead of just throwing the senate hover thingy away, he threw it back.
This is not about the code, this is not about some dark side force power use. This is about protecting all those other people on alderan.
You have to understand when 4 - 6 were made Tech like 1 - 3 and Clone Wars was made on didn't exist so the whole concept of most of what Lucas wanted to get across wsan't feasible as it didn't make much sense to just EXPLAIN it and not show it.
I assume this is what he's going for with SW:TOR, He can realize his vision for the Old Republic and how it was back then w/o any negative drawbacks due to technology since we all know Game Tech in recent years has skyrocketed in the things it can accomplish.
So really is George Lucas changing his mind? or is he just finally putting into action what was supposed to be that way all along?
True story. I may not like some of the things that have happened in Star Wars, but I have read the books, watched the movies and my day is not complete without a visit to Wookieepedia. Those who say Han shot first and Boba wasn't a clone are just wrong. No it's not the way it used to be, but neither are a lot of things. I remember when Spider Man was married to Mary Jane. Doesn't change the fact that he's not.
I think it goes the point of compulsion/obsession for them.
It has to be an exact replica of what they feel it is.....and they couldnt possibly shut up about it if they wanted to. The past 4 yrs of listening to PRECioUs non-sense should clue folks in that some of these folks are ....heh commited/commitable to say the least.
TOR is a game. Period.
Just like LA did with TFU.....things of canon are stretched/broken to accomodate an enjoyable gaming experience.
Some can accept that, and others keep making posts complaining about what this game isnt.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
First of all, don't confuse SWG with an accurate representation of the Star Wars universe. One of the reasons it failed is because a lot of people you want to insult left that game because it was trying to be something Star Wars wasn't.
That aside, you may not be the one whining about a video, but you are the one whining about a post made on a thread in an MMO site. You want to call others dweebs you may want to get some perspective. I know you may not care about little details in the game, but others do and their opinion is no less valid than yours. They want to play a Star Wars game that is true to the universe as they see it and you decide the best course of action is to insult their sex lives.
People are interested in this game because it is Star Wars. A setting with a rich and detailed history. If those people think that details should be observed then they are entitled to that opinion. If someone wants to use an established setting then they better be prepared to make it true to that setting.
People do not care. It is that simply when it comes to SW:TOR. Bioware is out to sell as many copies as possible of SW:TOR and will do ANYTHING to achieve its goal. A traditional Jedi is far to honorable to correctly implement in an MMORPG that would be insanely popular. These games are places were griefing is uncontrollable in open world pvp. Honor? Respect? These traits are simply too rare in MMO gamers for a studio who wants that big payday to consider. Badass-kickery? Hell yes! Being more powerful than any known jedi/sith in lore? I want to be him/her too!
SW:TOR has the aim of being the next big MMO. To do this they will sellout everything just as Blizzard did. For me personally, wasn't a sudden lack of hope but instead a gradual decline in interest as more and more information was released about the game. The games name is misleading and might as well be called Wolrd of Warcraft with Lightsabers. (comparison to WoW in this case not because of the WoW clone spam every MMO gets but because in this case it's what Bioware is actually aiming for.)
Perhaps Bioware just hasn't been enlightened with YOUR definition of what a "traditional jedi" would do... because obviously they wouldn't have done this if that were the case.
Maybe the frustration is: Why call it Star Wars if you're not going to treat it like Star Wars.
(I know the answer is money.. but that's where the frustration is coming from I'm sure.)
But when everyone is simply wrong when they say they aren't treating it like Star Wars, that ruins the whole argument.
I feel the same here, as well as with books and movies. Hell, just look at what they did with Legend of the Seeker show vs The Sword of Truth books, the 1st episode stuck pretty close to the books, but everything after that just become complete nonsense and afte rthe 1st season didnt even remotely resemble the books, except for peoples names, and even thos epeople werent who they were supposed to be. While watching it i was constantly thinking "why the hell did you even bother basing it on the books, when 95% of what youre doing goes against everything that was in the books". They could have easily made a completely original show by simply changing a few names, but instead they bastardized a very popular book series until you couldnt even tell that they were supposed to be the same thing.
That is a simplistic argument. You can't say they are simply wrong in any way. In the movies and a lot of the books and other media Jedi do not summon huge ammounts of force energy to hit anyone the way the Jedi in the trailer did. The only one who has ever shown that much power is the Apprentice from TFU and he is supposed to be a special case. Please don't say that people are simply wrong.
People are horribly, incredibly wrong in so many ways. They are flawed at the core of their being.
Have we seen ALL Jedi? Have we really seen that many Jedi? Do we really know who else is out there or how powerful they are?
Umm... no.
Wait... wait... That Jedi are hypocrites is news to someone?
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
Actually it is your simlistic, illogical arguments that seem to be getting more and mroe wrong. And not only that you have taken to insulting the "core of their being" which is pretty much the most idiotic way of arguing I have ever seen.
Have we seen all Jedi? No. Have we seen many Jedi? Yes, we have seen a lot of Jedi throughout media. More importantly we have seen those that experts within the universe call the most powerful Jedi. It's not like Anakin was some pushover. He was one of the most powerful Jedi in existance. Yoda had a midichlorian count that was through the roof and he was not doing what you seem to believe so many others can.
Not only do you seem to not know what you are talking about at all, but you have also resorted to sophmoric debating that weakens your position entirely.
I thought the debate was over the tactics, the evil attack of the jedi, not the power involved.
How much power did she use? How much was required? Oh, that's right, you have no idea. Got it.
First I would like to point out that Yoda moved a starfigther with the force.
"Judge me by my size do you? Where you should not." - Yoda
You cannot limit the force with judgements otherwise it becomes true. Judging the starfighter too big is a limitation.
"You must unlearn what you have learned." - Yoda
Judging is a learned trait most of you have, unlearn it and realize that Jedi are more than just tough guys.
Second, to assume Jedi's are pacifists is not the definition of a protector. Look at America, the largest most free country in the world that has literally helped more people in its short life than all other countries on the planet combined. Protecting America's most valuable treasure, freedom and liberty, cannot be done by sitting back and watching. Jedi's are a lot like Americans, we have a great deal of power (missiles, bombs, knowledge) but we do not go around conquering everyone and forcing them into servitude. Instead, we encourage, assist, rebuild, and show compassion.
Third, Jedi's protect others and ensure freedom from oppressors, key word is freedom. Some day perhaps talking can correct negitively impacting personalities but right now the course of nature has ensured that it is through self-empowerment and strength.
Lastly, Yoda moved a starfighter, he was old, and he said himself, "My ally is the force and a powerful ally it is." he also said he was not that strong in the force. Remember?