Perhaps one day FF14 may surpass WoW's subs but certainly now upon release
"A lot of work needs to be done to improve the general user experience, and I hope that Square Enix will listen to their soon-to-be consumers as in its current state Final Fantasy XIV is not worth the buying price yet alone the monthly fee. Considering the game is less than a month away from shipping, that's not a good thing."
This view is standard among the current public sites I have vistited. I figure a year or two of agressive attention to the game issues experinced in OB and a reconsideration of release may help the population some. Just a thought.
Oh look, copy-paste #5 of the same exact thing. Didn't we already clear this review up as.... let me see if I can find that intelligent review of your review.
Oh there it is. Please stop posting this same thing over and over again. I'm starting to think your actually the blogger who wrote that review and your just trying to drum up some readers/supporters for yourself. Now you wouldn't be doing that now would you? Because thats against the rules here you know.
Posting the same or similar messages over and over again for the sole purpose of disrupting a board's activity is against the rules.
Referral Links does not support its members posting links for which they are entitled to reward. This constitutes advertising on the forums.
hm, well I just wanted to assure that fact that every site I visited in my research provides the same informaiton and recommendations which I feel is important before I or anyone else drops money on this game. I need no reward for my researching games nor do I receive any. However, I will use other references more...intense to assure that honest and unbias information gets released to those who visit this site as I do.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here, is called ps3 release.
Thats when the numbers gonna go of the roof, and is how the game should had been at launch.
I wouldnt go as far as to say it will reach wow numbers or a wow killer, thats literally imposible since most of the wow populations just subscribe for 40h play per month and the other half are chinese rmt, low system requirements and a very well done IP while younger than FF ip, still had an amasing lore.
What i do see is if SE manage to get at the very least 20% of the ps3 population( Sony claims they have sold up to now 38M ps3 consoles) to play their first mmorpg, added with all the pc veterans that do like the game ( and are not just a hand full, like most trolls here keep saying, looks at preorders, thats all i have to say), is gonna be easily on top 3 or around that when we speak about subscribers only. This will take time , problably 2 years to reach is peak.The new mmorpgs coming arent directed at ps3 or at ff player base anyways, and the best of them all GW2 doesnt even have a subscription plan.
I can see a lot of people like myself playing GW2 on my pc while im playing FFXIV on my ps3 in the near future.
PS: Can you really blame them for focusing on the ps3 market instead of the PC market ? They are using us as an open beta for the true release, and thats when it hits the shelves for ps3. As symple as that. In the current state of the game if it reachs 1m subscribers i would be surprised.Im still playing it becouse i know se will deliver, i just wish they didnt chooce to do thins this way.
To bad when reality knocked down at their doors, they decided to fuck over pc market , in order to succed at their targeted area.......PS·3.Then again NOBADY CAN COMPETE WITH WOW ON THE PC MARKET.So why keep trying , instead do the smart move and aim for the virgins.
Just look at this,Is a comparison on sells from FFXIII, on xbox vs ps3.
"With worldwide sales of about 5.75 million and 4.24 million copies of the PS3 version, it's clear that Sony's platform is still the console of choice for followers of the legendary franchise."
Make the xbox sells the PC subs on 14, and the ps3 sells, exactly that the ps3 subscribers( becouse you know damn well if they bought the crappy FFXIII( i Actually did enjoyed it ) they will buy this one as well .)
If this is not a succes idk what the hell do you call a succes.For me this is the future of ffxiv, and a bright one at that.
Two years MINIMUM before it even potentially approaches WoW's subscription levels. That is assuming that the release for the PS3 goes off without a hitch, that Square continues to fix bugs and improve the game, and that players don't completely grow bored of the content after hitting lv 50. Another problem is how empty the chats seem. This is partially beyond Square's control, but they could definitely create more means of encouraging party interaction. WoW also had some innate advantages that FFXIV lacks.
For one thing, WoW had an immense fanbase built around it's universe before the game was even in development. The Warcraft series was legendary among early RTS games and provided an array of source materials to create environments with that would appease these players. It was able to consistently deliver on a cinematic raid experience which was then very innovative in MMOs, and Blizzard was willing to directly connect with fans and players in ways other companies had only dreamed of. While Square has money to burn on this project, they also need to invest in the player base better if they want to see their audience grow.
I'm happy to come back here after its release and back up my claims with real figures
I've been following the Chinese market for a few years now, its the biggest online market in the world and as far as MMOs goes, is bigger than NA and EU combined. The vast majority of these users are playing free to play micro transaction games, subscription games are the minority, even though you have millions playing them, that is nothing. Perfect World has over 50 million players in China alone, Dungeon Fighter has 250 million globally, with the majority being in China.
World of Warcraft appeals to a huge variety of people, which is why it is popular in China as well as the west, Aion appeals to a lot of people for its PvP, which is why it is popular in China as well as Korea. Final Fantasy has what going for it?
It is a popular console brand and relies heavily on that brand to sell it to a generation of MMO gamers that have been brought up on WoW. That brand means nothing in China, a country where consoles aren't played en masse. That brand will do little to help make the game sell, what will matter much more is the quality of the game and frankly, FFXIV isn't as good as WoW or Aion.
Now I don't know if the subscription part of the Chinese market has room for growth, LOTRO opened there recently and has over a million players as well, but can FFXIV grow it further? Cause it sure as hell isn't going to steal players away from the other titles.
Final Fantasy XIV is just not accessible - either from a hardware or gameplay experience perspective. It will do very well in Japan, decent in NA/EU, and probably gain a million or two in China, but it won't top WoW as Cataclysm will re-inflate global subs to the highest level to date. Then again, topping WoW means nothing more than a "title". I do think FFXIV will be finacialy successful and run for some time.
I'm happy to come back here after its release and back up my claims with real figures
I've been following the Chinese market for a few years now, its the biggest online market in the world and as far as MMOs goes, is bigger than NA and EU combined. The vast majority of these users are playing free to play micro transaction games, subscription games are the minority, even though you have millions playing them, that is nothing. Perfect World has over 50 million players in China alone, Dungeon Fighter has 250 million globally, with the majority being in China.
World of Warcraft appeals to a huge variety of people, which is why it is popular in China as well as the west, Aion appeals to a lot of people for its PvP, which is why it is popular in China as well as Korea. Final Fantasy has what going for it?
It is a popular console brand and relies heavily on that brand to sell it to a generation of MMO gamers that have been brought up on WoW. That brand means nothing in China, a country where consoles aren't played en masse. That brand will do little to help make the game sell, what will matter much more is the quality of the game and frankly, FFXIV isn't as good as WoW or Aion.
Now I don't know if the subscription part of the Chinese market has room for growth, LOTRO opened there recently and has over a million players as well, but can FFXIV grow it further? Cause it sure as hell isn't going to steal players away from the other titles.
China release means nothin for sells, i agree with you completly.
The big chunk of subscribers is coming from ps3, world wide.As i stated few posts before..
China release means nothin for sells, i agree with you completly.
The big chunk of subscribers is coming from ps3, world wide.As i stated few posts before..
Yes, I think PS3 will be the big difference for FFXIV, it works much better with a controller than keyboard/mouse and it is going to have less performance issues.
I suspect you'll see healthy numbers in Japan and North America and smaller numbers in Europe (due to the lack of PvP).
Other territories will contribute thousands, nothing of any significance.
WoW did not set them selves to steal subs from other MMO's.
FFXI did not steal subs from other MMO's.
What a rubbish, most people are subbed to just one game, both Blizzard and Square want it to be their game.
Of course they try to steal each others subs.
How if wow cant be played at ps3, and is were SE most subscribers will be coming from.That does not look like stealing player base to me.
PS; there arent targeting the same audience,
perfect example is GW, they dont need subscriptions, so many people playing wow(or others) will be playing GW or at least will buy it.
Then we have SE that catters to ps3 owners, how succesfull will it be on ps3 , hell if i know.I can only account it will have as manyn sells as the previous ff at the very least.
Well, its an interesting question the OP asks. Personally I don't see the gaming content that Final Fantasy X!V has over WoW. And with the Cataclysm addition coming soon, I think WoW will continue to hold its own in subscriptions compared to FF X!V.
Maybe, but after that free month, i predict an Aion-like pattern.
As i stated in my review, FFXIV is targeted at a VERY specific demographics, WoW's Player-base is a broad-one, and almost exclusive of the demographic/market that SE is targetting with FFXIV, many will -try- the game out (If they havn't already with Beta), but it's HIGHLY doubtful they will retain many, or even get close to WoW's playerbase (Esp with Cata right around the corner), Blizzard played it smart with CE/Cata presales, they ALREADY tied up those players with a future commitment.
What a rubbish, most people are subbed to just one game, both Blizzard and Square want it to be their game.
Of course they try to steal each others subs.
Actually, 5,9 billion people are subbed to no game.
I'm sure Square and Blizzard want them to sub to their game. There's no need to steal from anyone, on purpose.
Or wait, is it 6,9 billion nowadays?
Just those 38M who owns a ps3.
Actually did anyone see any advertisment at all for ffxiv on the west ? of course not.
Why ? becouse ps3 version is not ready yet. Few months before ps3 release it will be advertised ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Even if you like it or not, advertising made a big deal for wow subscriptions, especially for mmos virgins, since they didnt know anythin better to compare, they will find it as a new experience.And they will get hooked for life.Thats how wow have become so large.Is advertised everywere, or at least it was.
Ads makes that big of a deal.Otherwise the people working on marketing wouldnt make so much money.
I can already see it all over PS Network and video games stores early 2011. Adds for ffxiv everywere.And whatever you like it or not , a LOT of ps3 owners who have never tried an mmo will buy it and tryed , just becouse it has a SE RPG name on the cover.
How if wow cant be played at ps3, and is were SE most subscribers will be coming from.That does not look like stealing player base to me.
Is it PS3 only then? as far as i know the PC version will be released 1st.
BTW tons of people have a Console and PC so i dont see why they cant compete anyways (not to mention the people that buy hardware for a specific game)
Only country that really chose Console over PC is Japan
and i wasnt really talking bout wow vs square either but in general, they all want a slice of the pie simple as.
Im not saying is ps3 only , but thats what their aiming for.How succesfull will it be ? hell if i know. But i can tell you 1 thin , i and hundreds of other people i know lost their MMO virginity on the FFXI ps2 version release.
So is not a crazy idea to asume they are targeting this audience again, especially since the PC market already have their king.
PS; is released first on pc becouse we who preordered are the real beta testers of the game, for when it comes life on ps3.
Get mad, rage all you whant , but its what they decided to do. The game in its current state and the release tomorow is how it should have been on open beta, and not on pc release.
It sucks, but its the way life goes, some are fucked over so others can succed.
Just how many do you think that own PS3 really have them for MMORPGs?
Seriously, the people who mainstream MMORPGs, and that being their Genre of choice own PC's
Consoles are more for SPRPGS, ARPS, FPS, Sports
I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV.
Most people who owns a console dont even know what a MMO is.
But they will give it a try becouse is a FF game and becouse it will be advertised for ps3 release heavily.
If they chooce to stay or not thats somethin only time can tell.
"I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV."
Let me say most of the 4.24 million who bought the latest single player FF game it for ps3, most likely will at the very least, willing to give the next ff game a try.You know with how adictive the whole mmo industry is , a whole lot of them will stay hooked for life.
Just how many do you think that own PS3 really have them for MMORPGs?
Just how many do you think that own PC really have them for MMORPGs?
Assuming we are talking about gamers (not those who own PC for school/work)
I'd say majority, i really don't know any personal friends, or others who own their PC for anything but MMORPG, and MMORTS's, with the occasional FPS, but right now consoles have a dominating grasp on FPS.
Would be interesting to see some NRPD numbers on it.
Just how many do you think that own PS3 really have them for MMORPGs?
Seriously, the people who mainstream MMORPGs, and that being their Genre of choice own PC's
Consoles are more for SPRPGS, ARPS, FPS, Sports
I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV.
Most people who owns a console dont even know what a MMO is.
But they will give it a try becouse is a FF game and becouse it will be advertised for ps3 release heavily.
If they chooce to stay or not thats somethin only time can tell.
"I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV."
Let me say most of the 4.24 million who bought the latest single player FF game it for ps3, most likely will at the very least, willing to give the next ff game a try.You know with how adictive the whole mmo industry is , a whole lot of them will stay hooked for life.
I don't know about others, but to me there is a huge difference between the FF series, and the FFO series, and i have no interest in the FFO's, if i owned a console i'd buy every FF title i could run on it, minus the FFO titles. I just don't see how FF addicts would be foolish enough to buy this thinking it's like the traditional titles.
But your right on one thing, once you buy it, you own -- and thats where i say it is NOT about -intial- subs, it's about retaining, how many people keep playing past that first free month.
Just how many do you think that own PS3 really have them for MMORPGs?
Seriously, the people who mainstream MMORPGs, and that being their Genre of choice own PC's
Consoles are more for SPRPGS, ARPS, FPS, Sports
I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV.
Most people who owns a console dont even know what a MMO is.
But they will give it a try becouse is a FF game and becouse it will be advertised for ps3 release heavily.
If they chooce to stay or not thats somethin only time can tell.
"I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV."
Let me say most of the 4.24 million who bought the latest single player FF game it for ps3, most likely will at the very least, willing to give the next ff game a try.You know with how adictive the whole mmo industry is , a whole lot of them will stay hooked for life.
I don't know about others, but to me there is a huge difference between the FF series, and the FFO series, and i have no interest in the FFO's, if i owned a console i'd buy every FF title i could run on it, minus the FFO titles. I just don't see how FF addicts would be foolish enough to buy this thinking it's like the traditional titles.
Not everyone is as informed as you are, most will see the FF name on the cover and most likely buy. I certainly did back on 2002.Is not being foolish. Is called being ignorant of the genre.( not as an insult but as just being clueless as to what an MMO is)
But your right on one thing, once you buy it, you own -- and thats where i say it is NOT about -intial- subs, it's about retaining, how many people keep playing past that first free month.
Exactly.But my point is more than 75% of ps3 owners do not play mmos.And (im repeting myself) mmos are like drugs , once you start, is hard to stop.
If it actually hits PS3 before the game is 3 years old, I could see it doing VERY well outside of the west.
Otherwise, lolno.
hm, well I just wanted to assure that fact that every site I visited in my research provides the same informaiton and recommendations which I feel is important before I or anyone else drops money on this game. I need no reward for my researching games nor do I receive any. However, I will use other references more...intense to assure that honest and unbias information gets released to those who visit this site as I do.
Thank you and have a nice day.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here, is called ps3 release.
Thats when the numbers gonna go of the roof, and is how the game should had been at launch.
I wouldnt go as far as to say it will reach wow numbers or a wow killer, thats literally imposible since most of the wow populations just subscribe for 40h play per month and the other half are chinese rmt, low system requirements and a very well done IP while younger than FF ip, still had an amasing lore.
What i do see is if SE manage to get at the very least 20% of the ps3 population( Sony claims they have sold up to now 38M ps3 consoles) to play their first mmorpg, added with all the pc veterans that do like the game ( and are not just a hand full, like most trolls here keep saying, looks at preorders, thats all i have to say), is gonna be easily on top 3 or around that when we speak about subscribers only. This will take time , problably 2 years to reach is peak.The new mmorpgs coming arent directed at ps3 or at ff player base anyways, and the best of them all GW2 doesnt even have a subscription plan.
I can see a lot of people like myself playing GW2 on my pc while im playing FFXIV on my ps3 in the near future.
PS: Can you really blame them for focusing on the ps3 market instead of the PC market ? They are using us as an open beta for the true release, and thats when it hits the shelves for ps3. As symple as that. In the current state of the game if it reachs 1m subscribers i would be surprised.Im still playing it becouse i know se will deliver, i just wish they didnt chooce to do thins this way.
To bad when reality knocked down at their doors, they decided to fuck over pc market , in order to succed at their targeted area.......PS·3.Then again NOBADY CAN COMPETE WITH WOW ON THE PC MARKET.So why keep trying , instead do the smart move and aim for the virgins.
Just look at this,Is a comparison on sells from FFXIII, on xbox vs ps3.
"With worldwide sales of about 5.75 million and 4.24 million copies of the PS3 version, it's clear that Sony's platform is still the console of choice for followers of the legendary franchise."
Make the xbox sells the PC subs on 14, and the ps3 sells, exactly that the ps3 subscribers( becouse you know damn well if they bought the crappy FFXIII( i Actually did enjoyed it ) they will buy this one as well .)
If this is not a succes idk what the hell do you call a succes.For me this is the future of ffxiv, and a bright one at that.
Two years MINIMUM before it even potentially approaches WoW's subscription levels. That is assuming that the release for the PS3 goes off without a hitch, that Square continues to fix bugs and improve the game, and that players don't completely grow bored of the content after hitting lv 50. Another problem is how empty the chats seem. This is partially beyond Square's control, but they could definitely create more means of encouraging party interaction. WoW also had some innate advantages that FFXIV lacks.
For one thing, WoW had an immense fanbase built around it's universe before the game was even in development. The Warcraft series was legendary among early RTS games and provided an array of source materials to create environments with that would appease these players. It was able to consistently deliver on a cinematic raid experience which was then very innovative in MMOs, and Blizzard was willing to directly connect with fans and players in ways other companies had only dreamed of. While Square has money to burn on this project, they also need to invest in the player base better if they want to see their audience grow.
When is it due out in China?
I'm happy to come back here after its release and back up my claims with real figures
I've been following the Chinese market for a few years now, its the biggest online market in the world and as far as MMOs goes, is bigger than NA and EU combined. The vast majority of these users are playing free to play micro transaction games, subscription games are the minority, even though you have millions playing them, that is nothing. Perfect World has over 50 million players in China alone, Dungeon Fighter has 250 million globally, with the majority being in China.
World of Warcraft appeals to a huge variety of people, which is why it is popular in China as well as the west, Aion appeals to a lot of people for its PvP, which is why it is popular in China as well as Korea. Final Fantasy has what going for it?
It is a popular console brand and relies heavily on that brand to sell it to a generation of MMO gamers that have been brought up on WoW. That brand means nothing in China, a country where consoles aren't played en masse. That brand will do little to help make the game sell, what will matter much more is the quality of the game and frankly, FFXIV isn't as good as WoW or Aion.
Now I don't know if the subscription part of the Chinese market has room for growth, LOTRO opened there recently and has over a million players as well, but can FFXIV grow it further? Cause it sure as hell isn't going to steal players away from the other titles.
Final Fantasy XIV is just not accessible - either from a hardware or gameplay experience perspective. It will do very well in Japan, decent in NA/EU, and probably gain a million or two in China, but it won't top WoW as Cataclysm will re-inflate global subs to the highest level to date. Then again, topping WoW means nothing more than a "title". I do think FFXIV will be finacialy successful and run for some time.
China release means nothin for sells, i agree with you completly.
The big chunk of subscribers is coming from ps3, world wide.As i stated few posts before..
Yes, I think PS3 will be the big difference for FFXIV, it works much better with a controller than keyboard/mouse and it is going to have less performance issues.
I suspect you'll see healthy numbers in Japan and North America and smaller numbers in Europe (due to the lack of PvP).
Other territories will contribute thousands, nothing of any significance.
Almost none, there aren't many in Korea either as up until last year consoles were illegal there.
Units Sold
<a href="ón" title="Jap
What a rubbish, most people are subbed to just one game, both Blizzard and Square want it to be their game.
Of course they try to steal each others subs.
How if wow cant be played at ps3, and is were SE most subscribers will be coming from.That does not look like stealing player base to me.
PS; there arent targeting the same audience,
perfect example is GW, they dont need subscriptions, so many people playing wow(or others) will be playing GW or at least will buy it.
Then we have SE that catters to ps3 owners, how succesfull will it be on ps3 , hell if i know.I can only account it will have as manyn sells as the previous ff at the very least.
Well, its an interesting question the OP asks. Personally I don't see the gaming content that Final Fantasy X!V has over WoW. And with the Cataclysm addition coming soon, I think WoW will continue to hold its own in subscriptions compared to FF X!V.
Actually, 5,9 billion people are subbed to no game.
I'm sure Square and Blizzard want them to sub to their game. There's no need to steal from anyone, on purpose.
Or wait, is it 6,9 billion nowadays?
Intial subs?
Maybe, but after that free month, i predict an Aion-like pattern.
As i stated in my review, FFXIV is targeted at a VERY specific demographics, WoW's Player-base is a broad-one, and almost exclusive of the demographic/market that SE is targetting with FFXIV, many will -try- the game out (If they havn't already with Beta), but it's HIGHLY doubtful they will retain many, or even get close to WoW's playerbase (Esp with Cata right around the corner), Blizzard played it smart with CE/Cata presales, they ALREADY tied up those players with a future commitment.
Just those 38M who owns a ps3.
Actually did anyone see any advertisment at all for ffxiv on the west ? of course not.
Why ? becouse ps3 version is not ready yet. Few months before ps3 release it will be advertised ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Even if you like it or not, advertising made a big deal for wow subscriptions, especially for mmos virgins, since they didnt know anythin better to compare, they will find it as a new experience.And they will get hooked for life.Thats how wow have become so large.Is advertised everywere, or at least it was.
Ads makes that big of a deal.Otherwise the people working on marketing wouldnt make so much money.
I can already see it all over PS Network and video games stores early 2011. Adds for ffxiv everywere.And whatever you like it or not , a LOT of ps3 owners who have never tried an mmo will buy it and tryed , just becouse it has a SE RPG name on the cover.
Is it PS3 only then? as far as i know the PC version will be released 1st.
BTW tons of people have a Console and PC so i dont see why they cant compete anyways (not to mention the people that buy hardware for a specific game)
Only country that really chose Console over PC is Japan
and i wasnt really talking bout wow vs square either but in general, they all want a slice of the pie simple as.
Just how many do you think that own PS3 really have them for MMORPGs?
Seriously, the people who mainstream MMORPGs, and that being their Genre of choice own PC's
Consoles are more for SPRPGS, ARPS, FPS, Sports
I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV.
Im not saying is ps3 only , but thats what their aiming for.How succesfull will it be ? hell if i know. But i can tell you 1 thin , i and hundreds of other people i know lost their MMO virginity on the FFXI ps2 version release.
So is not a crazy idea to asume they are targeting this audience again, especially since the PC market already have their king.
PS; is released first on pc becouse we who preordered are the real beta testers of the game, for when it comes life on ps3.
Get mad, rage all you whant , but its what they decided to do. The game in its current state and the release tomorow is how it should have been on open beta, and not on pc release.
It sucks, but its the way life goes, some are fucked over so others can succed.
Just how many do you think that own PC really have them for MMORPGs?
Most people who owns a console dont even know what a MMO is.
But they will give it a try becouse is a FF game and becouse it will be advertised for ps3 release heavily.
If they chooce to stay or not thats somethin only time can tell.
"I think VERY few of those that own PS3s will be investing into FFXIV."
Let me say most of the 4.24 million who bought the latest single player FF game it for ps3, most likely will at the very least, willing to give the next ff game a try.You know with how adictive the whole mmo industry is , a whole lot of them will stay hooked for life.
Assuming we are talking about gamers (not those who own PC for school/work)
I'd say majority, i really don't know any personal friends, or others who own their PC for anything but MMORPG, and MMORTS's, with the occasional FPS, but right now consoles have a dominating grasp on FPS.
Would be interesting to see some NRPD numbers on it.
So the PC gaming market consists of maybe, 20-30 million players in the West?
I don't know about others, but to me there is a huge difference between the FF series, and the FFO series, and i have no interest in the FFO's, if i owned a console i'd buy every FF title i could run on it, minus the FFO titles. I just don't see how FF addicts would be foolish enough to buy this thinking it's like the traditional titles.
But your right on one thing, once you buy it, you own -- and thats where i say it is NOT about -intial- subs, it's about retaining, how many people keep playing past that first free month.