Get over yourself. If things annoy you, do yourself a favor and take five. I think quite a few of us are "annoyed" by people like you. By the way, if you don't like other's opinions of things and can't stand that people do "think", just stay logged into your beloved game.. Because it seems to me that you're doing yourself no good here on the forums or having your own "opinion".
Funniest thing is: you're the only one who needs to get over themselves.
RIFT was a *crushing* disappointment; a shallow, loveless, generic MMO the likes of which hasn't been seen in a P2P format since, well, forever.
I wont be playing it cause I ain't paying 120 bucks JUST to play an MMO.
A new player does not need every expansion straight away to play. You can but the original WoW game, and level up to 60, with all the zones having the changes that cataclysm does.
Although alot of stuff would be off limit's - plus no need race class combos for you, or guild rewards?
Blizzard really needs to make it all into one game, which costs like 89.99
Really a big LOL to anyone who says, this game requires more simplification. I mean, what was so hard to understand on the few little stats they had?
I guess, soon we will just have RED, BLUE and GREEN stats. RED for defence, BLUE for attack, and GREEN for healing. We can't have YELLOW, becouse that would be too confusing and misleading. *A big fu**ing shrug*
1. No new mechanics that give me the "i must see this!1" kick. For TBC being able to fly was the #1 seller for me. WTLK was my "must buy" because i hoped for WoW to return to a more classic tune after being on a sreaming-colored-LSD-spacetrip-with-demos in TBC.
Why no aerial abilities for flying mounts or airfights in Cata? Why not being able to bomb allover the place like in the early hellfire-peninsula quests? Why no guild airships to pvp with? New water, but still no boats to row and fish from. Raising pets, whatever...just give me something new.
2. Graphics. I just can't stand the max stretched blurry textures and (constantly re-used) low polygon models anymore. I watched a couple of videos showing some of the new instances and while the overall design wasn't bad, the graphics looked like WoW-classic allover. In addition, the game needs a soundpack to revamp some of the old sounds.
3. No new classes. I.e. a necromancer, Psi or monk would have been cool. Blizzard pulls the "barely room for innovation"-card when being asked about new classes. Who cares as long as they are fun in first place? Beside that, there is hardly any innovation in WoW at all as most of their stuff has been done before in other games anyway.
4. Azeroth revamped isn't that much of a thrill for me as i don't plan to level up another char. I've had 5 80s jumping around bored in Dalaran which were in desperate need for 80+ content, they don't care for Thousand Needles flooded or whatever. Also barely anything new for 60-80.
5. Sick of the constant up and down in class balance for years, I don't buy the "it'll be ok at max level" no longer. Sorry, but someone should go to the BlizzCon and punch Ghostcrawler in the face for all his dishonesty and hypocrisy about balance. It will never be balaced, since unbalance is intended.
First, a bit about me. I've played WoW for 6 years on and off since 2004, started in the beta, usually quitting for a few months near the end of every expansion. I've played all classes, with a Warlock main and I've leveled a couple of alts to 80, but I prefer to focus on one character. I raid casually and PvP pretty hardcore. Here's my list of why Cataclysm will suck for me and why I won't play it, in order of importance:
Outdated Graphics
My largest issue, the graphics in the game are still ~2004. Sure, they can and have added new models and textures, and now a new water mechanic (which my computer can't display even though it's rather overqualified for the job). The game engine can only be modified so much before you have to start over from scratch to see some major improvements. I was never a huge fan of the cartoony models, and now I'm extremely tired of the way this game looks; especially the character models.
No New Classes
No new classes to level up, this is really lame if you've played them all. New races might be cool if you want to level a class you haven't played before. The only reason to play a new race for me would be to check out the starting zones.
The Old World Revisited
If you aren't leveling a new toon, this really is a lot of wasted effort on behalf of Blizzard trying to cater to newer players. Instead they could have focused on more endgame content to keep veteran players from being bored and quitting. Also quite useless to those who don't play alts at all.
Oversimplification of Class Mechanics
This happens every expansion and is really ramping up in Cata. Talent Trees, stats, etc. all being dumbed down to easy-to-gauge formats, making class knowledge less important when making talent and gear/stat choices. It will be more difficult to distinguish between strong and weak players at a glance.
Only 5 New Levels/No new talent tier
This one isn't really a big deal, since it's going to take more time to level and some talents have been changed or added to lower tiers. However, I predict it will still be faster leveling than 70-80 since there are fewer new zones in Cata.
Update: Reasons others have listed
Here are reasons others have listed in this thread for not playing Cata, if you are curious:
Races with too many crossover classes:
Gnome Priests.. Tauren Paladins, that's just stupid.
Diminishes interactions between players in the game world.
I feel WoW and MMOs in general are overdeveloped to keep a healthy subscriber pool to make money. For example, Blizzard has never made more than one expansion for any of their other games (until SC2, which will have only 2 expansions). In a nutshell, I don't think I can ever come back to this game, even though I'm a huge fan. Starcraft 2, however, really has me hooked so I will probably be playing it in the years to come, in addition to Diablo 3.
Also, I am extremely eager for the announcement of Blizzard's new MMO supposedly set in a new game world. I was hoping to hear about it at Blizzcon this year but it seems we will have to wait yet another year before we even know what it's called.
Agreed 100%. I played wow from launch till 3 months ago. Every old wow player almost feels same way.I was waiting wow talents to increase alot in time,so in each tree there would be lot more talents than the number u can pick so there should be differintation from player to player concerning same classes and speccs.They made talents pretty obvious.If u want arms warrior press 1 ,if u want fury warrior press 2 etc. Like they wanted to make the game easy for kids.
More classes would be welcome too but bliz since no competition out there in the market didnt had any reasons to work towards that.
I wouldnt worry much about grafix but gameplay is same till vanilla and the few changes made aint good. Playing hunter in vanilla and (abit) in bc ,was awesome,now its just a pew pew class and all u can do is get distance from enemies to continue pew pew (in vanilla hunter was viable in vs melee situations ) etc.
The huge problem though is the few and repeateadely same things a player can do when 80 lvl.Same daily quests same dungeons same raid every week to farm badges. The gameplay became synthetic and boring ,everything is fully instanced nowdays too, killing what used to be a living outdoors world as well. Gameplay itself sucks nowdays in wow.
I wont be playing it cause I ain't paying 120 bucks JUST to play an MMO.
A new player does not need every expansion straight away to play. You can but the original WoW game, and level up to 60, with all the zones having the changes that cataclysm does.
Although alot of stuff would be off limit's - plus no need race class combos for you, or guild rewards?
Blizzard really needs to make it all into one game, which costs like 89.99
Considering you can get to 60 in 2 days and you can get to max level in less then like 2 weeks. You might as well need them all straight away.
I played for five years and am desperately trying to avoid getting sucker-ed back in for Cata.
Graphics - never really bothered me that much, I played Aion which seemed soooo amazing compared to WoW but the game was terrible after level 30.
No new classes - I have a main which I couldn't see retiring, though I could imagine a paid class change option coming.
The old world - Yeah I might agree here. They're taking other devs work from back before WoW was so popular and scribbling over it and slapping a price tag on it.
Oversimplification - Or the dumbing down of WoW to cater to the ADHD crowd. People have been saying this since Vanilla, but for Wrath it was exceptionally true. I can't see Cata being much different.
Five levels - the reason given was Path of the Titans, a way to progress a character beyond 85, but they scrapped it. Very cheap and nasty.
If I had to give five reasons of my own:
1) Activision - this publisher has polluted Blizzard and the corporate greed is showing. Cata will offer less bang for the buck.
2) Easy Mode/ Hard Mode - extremely cheap way of offering content for everyone while offering little to nothing for Hard Mode raiders - MMORPG not console game please.
3) 25/10 player changes - 25s will die, the sky is falling. If I'm honest I'd have loved to have begun raiding in a ten player guild. But 10s will not be equal to 25s and thus raiding loses its epic flavour
4) Grinding Mill - nothing brought this home to me more so than Wrath. Everyone is grinding badges, grinding tokens, while standing like zombies in Dalaran. Cata will be much the same once everyone levels to 85 and stop exploring or socialising. People say how much they hated farming herbs for flasks in Vanilla, or farming attunements in they're farming dungeons in much the same mindless, boring way! No thanks
5) Activision - yeah I hate these people enough to name them twice, the way they milk their playerbase with such poor regard for those paying customers is shocking. Can share this point with lack of progression and general dumbing down of the game, both of which I blame Activision.
1) Activision - this publisher has polluted Blizzard and the corporate greed is showing. Cata will offer less bang for the buck.
Blizzard is independant from Activision, even in its bookkeeping : you can see the seperate results on their financial sheets. There isn't even an Activision logo on Blizzard game boxes (not in game and not even on the box).
2) Easy Mode/ Hard Mode - extremely cheap way of offering content for everyone while offering little to nothing for Hard Mode raiders - MMORPG not console game please.
Perfect: it allows all you noobs to say they killed a boss without actually trying it the hard way. A pity those who don't do it the hard way don't get the same bragging rewards.
3) 25/10 player changes - 25s will die, the sky is falling. If I'm honest I'd have loved to have begun raiding in a ten player guild. But 10s will not be equal to 25s and thus raiding loses its epic flavour
Proof? If you run a guild of around 100 people, you'll do the 25 man Raids, believe me. But I get the feeling you don't even have that experience.
4) Grinding Mill - nothing brought this home to me more so than Wrath. Everyone is grinding badges, grinding tokens, while standing like zombies in Dalaran. Cata will be much the same once everyone levels to 85 and stop exploring or socialising. People say how much they hated farming herbs for flasks in Vanilla, or farming attunements in they're farming dungeons in much the same mindless, boring way! No thanks
WOW is the game with the less grinding of them all. Why? Choices: you don't have to do anything you don't like and still can go for other kinds of play to "grind". One man's grind is another man's fun.
5) Activision -
So you repeated point 1 ... Hard to find other reasons I guess.
--- > I guess that means you'll also skip Diablo 3, the next MMO from Blizzard and just keeps whining.
No problem: I know I have fun with a publisher that actually delivers for 12 million paying customers. You can keep the rest of the bunch. I play games, not "potential".
Ok i disagree. Cata is the biggest expac yet. To say u arent gonna get much for your money is ridiculous. They time it takes to level 80-85 will equal the time it took to go 10 levels in lk
Oh if u wanna buy wow from start buy the battle chest for like 50 wiht both vanilla and bc in it. And while a player who has played the content multiple times with a full set of heirlooms may be able to level in 2 days to 60 no new player can do that.
U went and added over 3500 new quests true alot of them are old world but thats ok with me after getting 5 players to 80 it will be nice to see the new world when i roll another alt as a worgen.
I love wows graphics i have never played aion. I know some that have and they hated it. I guess everyone has games they like and dont like for me wow is a game i love. My gf loves to play and we have alot of fun playing together.
As for 25s dying dont count on it. U will get more loot and more justice pts so a 25 man guild can gear up faster to do the heroic version.
Also 3 10s take more tanks and healers then 1 25 and since alot of people perfer to roll dps its much easier to find 3 tanks 6 healers for a 25 then 6 tanks and 9 healers for 3 10s.
I find it funny when some folks are calling those reworked talent trees as "dumbed down" since they are barely smaller than what they were in Vanilla, and this without any silly talent like 'Wand Specialization'.
Ahh well, my guess is you are all being burned out from raiding after wasting an entire year doing ICC 4 times a week, which is understandable
After playing for five years, something changed drastically in Wrath, around the time of the merger. I don't believe Activision is hands off, despite having no logo plastered all over a well known brand.
As for HM, I don't care about bragging rewards. I care about a challenge coupled with a storyline. HM may present a bigger challenge, but once I've done it once, that's the story done. I wouldn't care if they nerfed it to the ground after so the 2 hour a week crowd could see the bosses and get the same rewards. HM are a horrible incentive for raiders who don't care about loot, but about the challenge.
I've run three top raiding guilds in WoW. I'm not playing now, but I'd look at all three and say yes all three would end up as ten player. Why? Because there's always 10-15 good players and always several who aren't so good. We also went for server firsts in every guild, 25 would be a foolish handicap. Cata will bring harsh decisions.
To grind is a choice, but when that grind is presented as content - running the same heroics for 2 years for current equipment - and other content doesn't materialise, there isn't much of a choice. Sadly, it seems people are satisfied with less and less.
I have no interest in D3. And yes you can keep playing with the 12 million other people or whom most are Chinese. It seems as if the game that drew in 9 million over the course of two expansions has been changed to cater for the other 3 million of Wrath who want instant gratification. If you have fun, grats. I'll keep looking for a real challenge.
I just wanna ask if u are aware blizzard is gonna add a 5 player dungeon every patch in cata? just figured id ask. the lk took so long because cata is there biggest expac and had all kinds of ideas that took a whiel to come to fruition.
they didnt just create new content they went and redid every zone 0-60 and intend to make changes to outlands and northrend in the future to match up the lore going on in cata.
Plus whiel raids will only be 6-7 bosses they plan on adding multple raids per tier. At least that was my understanding not sure if thats changed.
so i just dont belive things will be like lk. First off dungeons wont be zerg fests where everything is aoe. I also dont expect so long from final raid content to new expac. Cata was just such a huge undertaking that we ended up with a huge laps but there wasnt such a lapse from bc to lk.
I played from Vanilla, enjoyed it thoroughly all the way until WOTLK, I played through right at the end of 3.2 before I just got sick of it. If Cat had actually fixed any glaring problems and not made the problems and annoyances even worse I might consider it. But with GC in charge its not looking good.
Too many races with too many crossover classes: Gnome Priests.. Tauren Paladins, thats just stupid Im sorry, Alliance should never have gotten Evil Wolf men as a playable race either.
Over simplification of game mechanics/stats: Along with things like no longer having DR so you can just talent it instead, removal of stats like spirit are just over simplifications for people who dont want to think.
Talent trees: Again over simplified so the least common denominator can figure out the game.
Classes that were bad in WOTLK are even worse, hunters were hurt badly. Shaman are still in the doghouse especially Enh who are even worse off, if you can believe it, than they were in WOTLK. Hunter focus and the other mechanical changes were obviously made by someone who plays a Warlock. Sub rogue and Spriest fundamental end tree talents are still broken. Burst in pvp is still too much of a problem, if you thought WOTLK was bad.. just wait for high end CAT gear.
Not sure where you heard that spirit has been removed becasue its still there, just mainly for healers.
1) Activision - this publisher has polluted Blizzard and the corporate greed is showing. Cata will offer less bang for the buck.
Blizzard is independant from Activision, even in its bookkeeping : you can see the seperate results on their financial sheets. There isn't even an Activision logo on Blizzard game boxes (not in game and not even on the box).
2) Easy Mode/ Hard Mode - extremely cheap way of offering content for everyone while offering little to nothing for Hard Mode raiders - MMORPG not console game please.
Perfect: it allows all you noobs to say they killed a boss without actually trying it the hard way. A pity those who don't do it the hard way don't get the same bragging rewards.
3) 25/10 player changes - 25s will die, the sky is falling. If I'm honest I'd have loved to have begun raiding in a ten player guild. But 10s will not be equal to 25s and thus raiding loses its epic flavour
Proof? If you run a guild of around 100 people, you'll do the 25 man Raids, believe me. But I get the feeling you don't even have that experience.
4) Grinding Mill - nothing brought this home to me more so than Wrath. Everyone is grinding badges, grinding tokens, while standing like zombies in Dalaran. Cata will be much the same once everyone levels to 85 and stop exploring or socialising. People say how much they hated farming herbs for flasks in Vanilla, or farming attunements in they're farming dungeons in much the same mindless, boring way! No thanks
WOW is the game with the less grinding of them all. Why? Choices: you don't have to do anything you don't like and still can go for other kinds of play to "grind". One man's grind is another man's fun.
5) Activision -
So you repeated point 1 ... Hard to find other reasons I guess.
--- > I guess that means you'll also skip Diablo 3, the next MMO from Blizzard and just keeps whining.
No problem: I know I have fun with a publisher that actually delivers for 12 million paying customers. You can keep the rest of the bunch. I play games, not "potential".
I play games with depth, and wait for new 'potential', instead of playing this dumbed down piece of bollocks. WoW is a game for the masses, like the McDonalds. There is nothing special about it, but it's easy, so everybody uses it once and a while (that sounds like a wh*re lol).
I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, but for many MMORPG gamers, it just doesn't deliver the MMO part.
First off, how can your comp be "over qualified" if it can't run the new water mechanic?
This. My crappy laptop can do this.
I have to respond to this because I don't want people thinking everything you wrote is true, as while the majority of it is opinion, thus can't be true, or not, the things that aren't opinion are really annoying me:
1. I agree the graphics are outdated.
2. I like new races just as much as new classes, so not a big deal to me.
3. This is the complaint I don't get of yours, all the others are opinions so no reason to complain, but they are changing the world, and adding new level 85 zones, this expansion will have the most end game content of out of every expansion, already has a good amount. So, I don't see how an old world revamp is a bad thing at all, it doesn't effect people that are uninterested in it, and adds things to for people that are interested in it. Do you think this game was only made for you?
Stuff level 80-85 players can do:
-11 New zones TBC (9), Wotlk (13): Not bad at all. (didn't even count new goblin and worgen zones)
- 9 New dungeons. Vanilla (17), TBC (16), Wotlk (16). A lot for just the start.
-4 new Raids. Vanilla (5), TBC (9), Wotlk (9). A lot for the start.
4. I see no difference here.
5. When I leveled from 70-80, I didn't even touch half the wotlk zones, as I said before, the zone numbers are hardly any different.
WoW.. talk about misleading.. Maybe you should have a read of this.. This website might not be 100% accurate because I dont' trust too much of wiki.. but it's HELL OF A LOT more accurate then the crap you're saying..
Well, it's clear whether or not you are going to play WoW post-cataclysm is a personal preference.
Personally, I gave up WoW after playing several character through to 80.
Yeah, some things change and yeah they added neat components to the game in cataclysm that will make it interesting for a little bit, but here's how it boils down for me.
When all is said and done game play won't change a lot. It's not going to feel like a fresh new game to me. Yeah, it might keep me interested for a couple months or more, but as soon as I'm done getting my first 80 to 85 and went through the new content, I'm not going to want to do it again. I've done it time and time before with each expansion and I'm just WoW'd out.
It was a good game and still is a good game for a huge number of people, but the sun has set on this game for me. No number of expansions are going to draw me back.
I'm just in the market for something new and I think so are a lot of other people. WoW will continue to be a sucess, but it's time for me to move on. Unlike some other people that are tired of the game and want to bash it, I think WoW is awesome, it's just tired now.
Oh well, I'm sure World of Starcraft will come along at some point and draw people like me back to Blizzard.
Well lets start with this thread seems to be just another one to bash wow. Im sorry but i like wow. I enjoy leveling my alts and have alot of fun. I love to run the raids they are fun and interesting and the boss mechanics change from boss to boss raid to raid so theres always something fun and interesting to do at max level.
Wow in cata is gonna add a new dungeon every expac they are also gonna have mutliple raids per tier. No more 13-14 boss raids but 6-7 boss raids so they can be done in one nite.
Personally i love most of the chagnes blizz made. The old 51 talent trees were pretty much cookie cutter anyways everyone etaking same talents as everyone else. U had to do so to raid or do any arenas have a certain spec of no one woudl take u.
That said the next mmo that blizzard is makign wont be world of starcraft or world of diablo. Its gonna be set in a new ip that they havent shown yet. Not sure what kind of mmo but blizzards next gen mmo will not be set in star craft of diable universe they have already stated this multiple times.
I play games with depth, and wait for new 'potential', instead of playing this dumbed down piece of bollocks. WoW is a game for the masses, like the McDonalds. There is nothing special about it, but it's easy, so everybody uses it once and a while (that sounds like a wh*re lol).
I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, but for many MMORPG gamers, it just doesn't deliver the MMO part.
I am playing Wow mostly for its excellent PvP mechanics and great number of choices in that kind of play.
Ladder based Arena Competition, rated Battlegrounds and defending your Realm based Wintergrasp Keep has nothing to do with fast food chains.
And there is no way you can compare the excellent fast responsive combat system found in this game with anything on the market.
I tried the duds.
If you think that I am playing WOW for its food, I guess you're wrong.
And btw : competition is the driving force for any human activity. )
For me it is clear the other MMO's simply don't deliver. Not in playing options, not in excitement, not in diversity, not in fluid combat mechanics and certainly not in polish.
And it is obvious the majority of world wide PAYING subscription players would agree.
First, a bit about me. I've played WoW for 6 years on and off since 2004, started in the beta, usually quitting for a few months near the end of every expansion. I've played all classes, with a Warlock main and I've leveled a couple of alts to 80, but I prefer to focus on one character. I raid casually and PvP pretty hardcore. Here's my list of why Cataclysm will suck for me and why I won't play it, in order of importance:
Outdated Graphics
My largest issue, the graphics in the game are still ~2004. Sure, they can and have added new models and textures, and now a new water mechanic (which my computer can't display even though it's rather overqualified for the job). The game engine can only be modified so much before you have to start over from scratch to see some major improvements. I was never a huge fan of the cartoony models, and now I'm extremely tired of the way this game looks; especially the character models.
Blizzard is updating the graphics a little at a time. WoW is a huge game with lots of art and if you think any game company can go in an magically wave a wand and tada - all the graphics are state of the art, you would be asking to much of them no matter what company it is.
No New Classes
No new classes to level up, this is really lame if you've played them all. New races might be cool if you want to level a class you haven't played before. The only reason to play a new race for me would be to check out the starting zones.
So you state you are a single toon player and have leveled a couple of alts. So why is this an issue? Sounds to me like you do not care. As for new classes? Really...describe a couple you'd like to see. I know of a couple I would like to see, but I think Blizzard has a hard enough time balancing all them the way it is. Plus most new games have as many options as WoW does now. So we that play WoW are sorta lucky in all the choices we currently have.
The Old World Revisited
If you aren't leveling a new toon, this really is a lot of wasted effort on behalf of Blizzard trying to cater to newer players. Instead they could have focused on more endgame content to keep veteran players from being bored and quitting. Also quite useless to those who don't play alts at all.
Awesome! That means the next expansion will be all that much better. Besides the old WoW needed some rework. I am so glad Blizzard went back and polished it some more.
Oversimplification of Class Mechanics
This happens every expansion and is really ramping up in Cata. Talent Trees, stats, etc. all being dumbed down to easy-to-gauge formats, making class knowledge less important when making talent and gear/stat choices. It will be more difficult to distinguish between strong and weak players at a glance.
This is so far off the mark I will not justify a hug ecomment to it(to explain why you are wrong) because clearly you like most non-WoW players do not now that these new talent trees are more customizable than ever and talents are actually useful now and the bad and useless ones are gone. I wil say this though, two talents Blizzard removed that shoulkd not have been removed from the game sorta makes me sad. One was from the Hunter tree that allowed us to take control of our pet and the other was MArk of Blood from the Dk tree. Those two I used a lot.
Only 5 New Levels/No new talent tier
This one isn't really a big deal, since it's going to take more time to level and some talents have been changed or added to lower tiers. However, I predict it will still be faster leveling than 70-80 since there are fewer new zones in Cata.
Right - because leveling is everything.
Update: Reasons others have listed
Here are reasons others have listed in this thread for not playing Cata, if you are curious:
Races with too many crossover classes:
Gnome Priests.. Tauren Paladins, that's just stupid.
Saying something is stupid without supporting your opinion is stupid.
Diminishes interactions between players in the game world.
I love phasing and I wish more games did this!
I feel WoW and MMOs in general are overdeveloped to keep a healthy subscriber pool to make money. For example, Blizzard has never made more than one expansion for any of their other games (until SC2, which will have only 2 expansions). In a nutshell, I don't think I can ever come back to this game, even though I'm a huge fan. Starcraft 2, however, really has me hooked so I will probably be playing it in the years to come, in addition to Diablo 3.
Also, I am extremely eager for the announcement of Blizzard's new MMO supposedly set in a new game world. I was hoping to hear about it at Blizzcon this year but it seems we will have to wait yet another year before we even know what it's called.
So why can't Blizzard use the EQ model? Role out WoW 2 while at the same time maintaining and expanding on WoW 1. Instead of totally redoing the whole world for Cata, they should've just made WoW 2 and a 10 lvl expac for WoW 1.
I am playing Wow mostly for its excellent PvP mechanics and great number of choices in that kind of play.
WOWs PVP is a BrOkEn Mess. Cmon now.
Ladder based Arena Competition, rated Battlegrounds and defending your Realm based Wintergrasp Keep has nothing to do with fast food chains.
Which were not bad in BC but have slowly degraded into what it will be with CATA, constantly broken classes, broken mechanics, bad matchup system, and TOO MUCH PVE Burst.
And there is no way you can compare the excellent fast responsive combat system found in this game with anything on the market.
You are kidding right? Please be joking, Asherons Call as old as it is, is ten times over the skill level of WOW, Guild Wars is far more intensive and strategic, hell Ultima Online was harder to master than WOW PVP. Don't get me wrong WOW world pvp and pvp in general is Meh ok and pretty fun due to how easy it is, but its not what I would call a true test of skill. I mean honestly a RET paladin in this game needs ONE BUTTON.
I tried the duds.
If you think that I am playing WOW for its food, I guess you're wrong.
And btw : competition is the driving force for any human activity. )
For me it is clear the other MMO's simply don't deliver. Not in playing options, not in excitement, not in diversity, not in fluid combat mechanics and certainly not in polish.
Well you have to be right in one regard, WOW didnt succeed because its a Themepark, it does well the same reason EVE, L1,L2, Final Fantasy, AC, DAOC and Ultima do well, they were well thought out from the beginning and sold as a finished product. In that regard your right since EVE space type of games arent for everyone since 2003 how many choices have people really had when it comes to newer games, EVE, Guild Wars and WOW and maybe lately AION.. maybe.
And it is obvious the majority of world wide PAYING subscription players would agree.
Again your right the game is notoriously addictive and easy to play, I simply dissagree it's because of PVP competition, I PVP.. ALOT and I run through WOW PVP like a butter knife, If I had tried half the crap on UO that I did in WOW I would have died a million times over. WOW is popular because of the casual sort of chat room atomosphere, the easy to learn combat/pvp system and controls, and the psudo cartoon like graphics.
There is Competition in WOW but its mostly over things and how much stuff you can accumulate and how much time your willing to spend to get it, and there is nothing wrong with that, but it doesnt have so much to do with skill. .. as it does time.
No one really should argue that in wrath Ret Pally pvp was not easy. By the same token, we as team really did not have issues with Ret Pallies in S8. WoW pvp requires a good twitch capability and good setup. This will be even more the case in Wrath which has much greater health pools and only slight damage increase. Almost every serious pvper that I know got a beta invite to test pvp in Cata. I could easily bash other games but this is a WoW forum.
The only thing I am bitter about is that S8 gladiators currently will not get the 310 mount upgrade. I have one from my pve activities but still this is wrong.
I wont be playing it cause I ain't paying 120 bucks JUST to play an MMO.
Funniest thing is: you're the only one who needs to get over themselves.
RIFT was a *crushing* disappointment; a shallow, loveless, generic MMO the likes of which hasn't been seen in a P2P format since, well, forever.
Eagerly awaiting: World of Darkness, ArcheAge.
A new player does not need every expansion straight away to play. You can but the original WoW game, and level up to 60, with all the zones having the changes that cataclysm does.
Although alot of stuff would be off limit's - plus no need race class combos for you, or guild rewards?
Blizzard really needs to make it all into one game, which costs like 89.99
Really a big LOL to anyone who says, this game requires more simplification. I mean, what was so hard to understand on the few little stats they had?
I guess, soon we will just have RED, BLUE and GREEN stats. RED for defence, BLUE for attack, and GREEN for healing. We can't have YELLOW, becouse that would be too confusing and misleading. *A big fu**ing shrug*
1. No new mechanics that give me the "i must see this!1" kick. For TBC being able to fly was the #1 seller for me. WTLK was my "must buy" because i hoped for WoW to return to a more classic tune after being on a sreaming-colored-LSD-spacetrip-with-demos in TBC.
Why no aerial abilities for flying mounts or airfights in Cata? Why not being able to bomb allover the place like in the early hellfire-peninsula quests? Why no guild airships to pvp with? New water, but still no boats to row and fish from. Raising pets, whatever...just give me something new.
2. Graphics. I just can't stand the max stretched blurry textures and (constantly re-used) low polygon models anymore. I watched a couple of videos showing some of the new instances and while the overall design wasn't bad, the graphics looked like WoW-classic allover. In addition, the game needs a soundpack to revamp some of the old sounds.
3. No new classes. I.e. a necromancer, Psi or monk would have been cool. Blizzard pulls the "barely room for innovation"-card when being asked about new classes. Who cares as long as they are fun in first place? Beside that, there is hardly any innovation in WoW at all as most of their stuff has been done before in other games anyway.
4. Azeroth revamped isn't that much of a thrill for me as i don't plan to level up another char. I've had 5 80s jumping around bored in Dalaran which were in desperate need for 80+ content, they don't care for Thousand Needles flooded or whatever. Also barely anything new for 60-80.
5. Sick of the constant up and down in class balance for years, I don't buy the "it'll be ok at max level" no longer. Sorry, but someone should go to the BlizzCon and punch Ghostcrawler in the face for all his dishonesty and hypocrisy about balance. It will never be balaced, since unbalance is intended.
Agreed 100%. I played wow from launch till 3 months ago. Every old wow player almost feels same way.I was waiting wow talents to increase alot in time,so in each tree there would be lot more talents than the number u can pick so there should be differintation from player to player concerning same classes and speccs.They made talents pretty obvious.If u want arms warrior press 1 ,if u want fury warrior press 2 etc. Like they wanted to make the game easy for kids.
More classes would be welcome too but bliz since no competition out there in the market didnt had any reasons to work towards that.
I wouldnt worry much about grafix but gameplay is same till vanilla and the few changes made aint good. Playing hunter in vanilla and (abit) in bc ,was awesome,now its just a pew pew class and all u can do is get distance from enemies to continue pew pew (in vanilla hunter was viable in vs melee situations ) etc.
The huge problem though is the few and repeateadely same things a player can do when 80 lvl.Same daily quests same dungeons same raid every week to farm badges. The gameplay became synthetic and boring ,everything is fully instanced nowdays too, killing what used to be a living outdoors world as well. Gameplay itself sucks nowdays in wow.
Considering you can get to 60 in 2 days and you can get to max level in less then like 2 weeks. You might as well need them all straight away.
I played for five years and am desperately trying to avoid getting sucker-ed back in for Cata.
Graphics - never really bothered me that much, I played Aion which seemed soooo amazing compared to WoW but the game was terrible after level 30.
No new classes - I have a main which I couldn't see retiring, though I could imagine a paid class change option coming.
The old world - Yeah I might agree here. They're taking other devs work from back before WoW was so popular and scribbling over it and slapping a price tag on it.
Oversimplification - Or the dumbing down of WoW to cater to the ADHD crowd. People have been saying this since Vanilla, but for Wrath it was exceptionally true. I can't see Cata being much different.
Five levels - the reason given was Path of the Titans, a way to progress a character beyond 85, but they scrapped it. Very cheap and nasty.
If I had to give five reasons of my own:
1) Activision - this publisher has polluted Blizzard and the corporate greed is showing. Cata will offer less bang for the buck.
2) Easy Mode/ Hard Mode - extremely cheap way of offering content for everyone while offering little to nothing for Hard Mode raiders - MMORPG not console game please.
3) 25/10 player changes - 25s will die, the sky is falling. If I'm honest I'd have loved to have begun raiding in a ten player guild. But 10s will not be equal to 25s and thus raiding loses its epic flavour
4) Grinding Mill - nothing brought this home to me more so than Wrath. Everyone is grinding badges, grinding tokens, while standing like zombies in Dalaran. Cata will be much the same once everyone levels to 85 and stop exploring or socialising. People say how much they hated farming herbs for flasks in Vanilla, or farming attunements in they're farming dungeons in much the same mindless, boring way! No thanks
5) Activision - yeah I hate these people enough to name them twice, the way they milk their playerbase with such poor regard for those paying customers is shocking. Can share this point with lack of progression and general dumbing down of the game, both of which I blame Activision.
Ok i disagree. Cata is the biggest expac yet. To say u arent gonna get much for your money is ridiculous. They time it takes to level 80-85 will equal the time it took to go 10 levels in lk
Oh if u wanna buy wow from start buy the battle chest for like 50 wiht both vanilla and bc in it. And while a player who has played the content multiple times with a full set of heirlooms may be able to level in 2 days to 60 no new player can do that.
U went and added over 3500 new quests true alot of them are old world but thats ok with me after getting 5 players to 80 it will be nice to see the new world when i roll another alt as a worgen.
I love wows graphics i have never played aion. I know some that have and they hated it. I guess everyone has games they like and dont like for me wow is a game i love. My gf loves to play and we have alot of fun playing together.
As for 25s dying dont count on it. U will get more loot and more justice pts so a 25 man guild can gear up faster to do the heroic version.
Also 3 10s take more tanks and healers then 1 25 and since alot of people perfer to roll dps its much easier to find 3 tanks 6 healers for a 25 then 6 tanks and 9 healers for 3 10s.
I find it funny when some folks are calling those reworked talent trees as "dumbed down" since they are barely smaller than what they were in Vanilla, and this without any silly talent like 'Wand Specialization'.
Ahh well, my guess is you are all being burned out from raiding after wasting an entire year doing ICC 4 times a week, which is understandable
After playing for five years, something changed drastically in Wrath, around the time of the merger. I don't believe Activision is hands off, despite having no logo plastered all over a well known brand.
As for HM, I don't care about bragging rewards. I care about a challenge coupled with a storyline. HM may present a bigger challenge, but once I've done it once, that's the story done. I wouldn't care if they nerfed it to the ground after so the 2 hour a week crowd could see the bosses and get the same rewards. HM are a horrible incentive for raiders who don't care about loot, but about the challenge.
I've run three top raiding guilds in WoW. I'm not playing now, but I'd look at all three and say yes all three would end up as ten player. Why? Because there's always 10-15 good players and always several who aren't so good. We also went for server firsts in every guild, 25 would be a foolish handicap. Cata will bring harsh decisions.
To grind is a choice, but when that grind is presented as content - running the same heroics for 2 years for current equipment - and other content doesn't materialise, there isn't much of a choice. Sadly, it seems people are satisfied with less and less.
I have no interest in D3. And yes you can keep playing with the 12 million other people or whom most are Chinese. It seems as if the game that drew in 9 million over the course of two expansions has been changed to cater for the other 3 million of Wrath who want instant gratification. If you have fun, grats. I'll keep looking for a real challenge.
Rated Battlegrounds, open world RvR of Tol Barad and the new world exploration of Archeology.
Take this with Azeroth version 2 and 6 years of Blizzard expertise in mmo's and you have an endless replayability for any playing style.
Rest is BS.
I just wanna ask if u are aware blizzard is gonna add a 5 player dungeon every patch in cata? just figured id ask. the lk took so long because cata is there biggest expac and had all kinds of ideas that took a whiel to come to fruition.
they didnt just create new content they went and redid every zone 0-60 and intend to make changes to outlands and northrend in the future to match up the lore going on in cata.
Plus whiel raids will only be 6-7 bosses they plan on adding multple raids per tier. At least that was my understanding not sure if thats changed.
so i just dont belive things will be like lk. First off dungeons wont be zerg fests where everything is aoe. I also dont expect so long from final raid content to new expac. Cata was just such a huge undertaking that we ended up with a huge laps but there wasnt such a lapse from bc to lk.
Not sure where you heard that spirit has been removed becasue its still there, just mainly for healers.
I play games with depth, and wait for new 'potential', instead of playing this dumbed down piece of bollocks. WoW is a game for the masses, like the McDonalds. There is nothing special about it, but it's easy, so everybody uses it once and a while (that sounds like a wh*re lol).
I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, but for many MMORPG gamers, it just doesn't deliver the MMO part.
WoW.. talk about misleading.. Maybe you should have a read of this.. This website might not be 100% accurate because I dont' trust too much of wiki.. but it's HELL OF A LOT more accurate then the crap you're saying..
Well, it's clear whether or not you are going to play WoW post-cataclysm is a personal preference.
Personally, I gave up WoW after playing several character through to 80.
Yeah, some things change and yeah they added neat components to the game in cataclysm that will make it interesting for a little bit, but here's how it boils down for me.
When all is said and done game play won't change a lot. It's not going to feel like a fresh new game to me. Yeah, it might keep me interested for a couple months or more, but as soon as I'm done getting my first 80 to 85 and went through the new content, I'm not going to want to do it again. I've done it time and time before with each expansion and I'm just WoW'd out.
It was a good game and still is a good game for a huge number of people, but the sun has set on this game for me. No number of expansions are going to draw me back.
I'm just in the market for something new and I think so are a lot of other people. WoW will continue to be a sucess, but it's time for me to move on. Unlike some other people that are tired of the game and want to bash it, I think WoW is awesome, it's just tired now.
Oh well, I'm sure World of Starcraft will come along at some point and draw people like me back to Blizzard.
Well lets start with this thread seems to be just another one to bash wow. Im sorry but i like wow. I enjoy leveling my alts and have alot of fun. I love to run the raids they are fun and interesting and the boss mechanics change from boss to boss raid to raid so theres always something fun and interesting to do at max level.
Wow in cata is gonna add a new dungeon every expac they are also gonna have mutliple raids per tier. No more 13-14 boss raids but 6-7 boss raids so they can be done in one nite.
Personally i love most of the chagnes blizz made. The old 51 talent trees were pretty much cookie cutter anyways everyone etaking same talents as everyone else. U had to do so to raid or do any arenas have a certain spec of no one woudl take u.
That said the next mmo that blizzard is makign wont be world of starcraft or world of diablo. Its gonna be set in a new ip that they havent shown yet. Not sure what kind of mmo but blizzards next gen mmo will not be set in star craft of diable universe they have already stated this multiple times.
I am playing Wow mostly for its excellent PvP mechanics and great number of choices in that kind of play.
Ladder based Arena Competition, rated Battlegrounds and defending your Realm based Wintergrasp Keep has nothing to do with fast food chains.
And there is no way you can compare the excellent fast responsive combat system found in this game with anything on the market.
I tried the duds.
If you think that I am playing WOW for its food, I guess you're wrong.
And btw : competition is the driving force for any human activity. )
For me it is clear the other MMO's simply don't deliver. Not in playing options, not in excitement, not in diversity, not in fluid combat mechanics and certainly not in polish.
And it is obvious the majority of world wide PAYING subscription players would agree.
Haters are going to hate.
I'm not going to argue your points as so many others have already done that for me. I will be playing Cataclysm and enjoying every bit of it.
He who keeps his cool best wins.
So why can't Blizzard use the EQ model? Role out WoW 2 while at the same time maintaining and expanding on WoW 1. Instead of totally redoing the whole world for Cata, they should've just made WoW 2 and a 10 lvl expac for WoW 1.
Gutlard Out!
What, me worry?
No one really should argue that in wrath Ret Pally pvp was not easy. By the same token, we as team really did not have issues with Ret Pallies in S8. WoW pvp requires a good twitch capability and good setup. This will be even more the case in Wrath which has much greater health pools and only slight damage increase. Almost every serious pvper that I know got a beta invite to test pvp in Cata. I could easily bash other games but this is a WoW forum.
The only thing I am bitter about is that S8 gladiators currently will not get the 310 mount upgrade. I have one from my pve activities but still this is wrong.