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While in the beta, I noticed there was a Marketplace tab in options, I'm lead to believe that there is going to be some sort of cash shop system.
Does anyone have extra info on what is going to be sold in game, or do I have this totally mistaken?
I just registered my steam key and they gave me 500 station cash for DCUO so Im pretty sure there will be a cash shop.
Dont know what they will sell,
SOE is pumping their cashshop in most games. It would not surprise me if DCUO would get a cashshop as well right from the beginning...
What to expect. Mostly fluff items, but in EQ2, there's a new race introduced, that even on the EQ2 live servers (yes, the players who subscribed to the game) have to buy for 1000 points >:(
Bottom line. We can't predict what greedy SOE will dump in the cashshop, but we can tell for certain that it won't be a cheap cashshop (as with all their other games that have one already)
That's amongst the biggest reasons I'm still not convinced about buying this game. I read somewhere that they would sell purely cosmetic changes only (rumour mill yay), but that just sounds like they're going to sell new costume parts, which I will definitely not have in a superhero-MMO that requires a full monthly fee. CO did the same and it pissed me off.
Why does everyone sound so surprised? SOE and DCUO have already announced that there will be a cash shop for some cosmetic items. This provides a useful tool to continue to develop litle tiny costumes additions while FUNDING the actual development of further content. You don't NEED to pay for it.
Frankly, with all you gloom and doom types, you would think that this cash shop inclusion would be AWESOME as it makes F2P that much easier to move forward with.
(rolls eyes) WoW has a cash shop... you gunna harp on that too?
If they do it like they did in CoH, with few booster packs far inbetween many good, free content updates, no biggie. If they do it like CO, where basically any decent costume updates were paid for through MT, I would think twice about sticking around.
Nobody gets to make the call on what part of the development is "actual development" and what is "the tiny extras", except for SOE, because obviously, they develop the game and determine the pricing. All I'm saying is, if their definition of "actual development" doesn't appeal to me, I might choose not to "fund" them at all.
Of course that's only me, and we don't have the facts yet anyway. Just saying.
I might still try the game though, at least for a month. I mean, it seems allright.
DCU is already content and feature light and planning to have a cash shop for "mostly cosmetic and convenience items" is shaky design for a brand new release in my opinion. Seeing the track record of soe it will not be a surprise when the best costume pieces, new power sets and game affecting items go to the cash shop.
people don't like the idea of cosmetic shop in gw2 which will have no sub. Having the cash shop in sub game is leading to disaster.. Perhaps they expect DCU will go f2p so they are preparing for it? :P
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I've never supported cash shops.
I don't like the idea of a cash shop.
But I want to like this game.
If you feel the way I do you either make a concession or you don't play.
I guess if they aren't selling anything that provides an advantage or something that would seem required for the game, I'm willing to make that concession.
You won't hear of me purchasing anything for it either way.
They're repeatedly said they won't sell power - in other words, nothing in the cash shop will alter game balance. And as happens, I believe them.
Comparisons to EQ2 which is what ... at least six years old now? That seems a stretch. Yes, Sony may be reaching a little farther in terms of how to monotize their older game. But if I'm still playing DCUO in six years I'll gladly deal with consequences like that.
All this thread proves is that some gamers will complain about paying for anything which is not a new observation. I don't like cash shops either, but as long as they don't sell anything that alters game balance I'm fine with it. Someone can pay for a sparkly unicorn if they like - just as long as it doesn't improve stats or make them faster.
Same here, was going to buy it and then I heard about this nonsense. They always say it is only fluff items but in the end it is always things that are useful, such as faster travelling and in a game like this: new costumes.
Just say no.
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If anyones unsure about this, then theres a simple solution: just wait a few days/weeks after launch and decide with the additional information you'll have by then.
Of course it might still get out of hand after you have subbed, but hey thats life right?
If you put a sticker on your monitor where the cash shop icon is you wont even know its there, why does it bother you so much?
Either way, its a new standard, get used to it.
Exactly, that's the thing. I don't mind about GW2 selling "cosmetic upgrades", because to me, GW has always been more about PvP battles and junk. But DCUO is a superhero-MMO, where customization is a much more important factor to me and I wouldn't want to be charged extra for nearly any additions to that regard, you know, like it happens in CO.
I guess I'm just going to take the free month and then decide whether I want to stick around.
Keep in mind that SOE made the same exact promises in several of their games about not selling game altering items in their cash shops or loot card games. Those very same promises were broken in other games, so why should anyone expect that those promises are somehow sacred here?
This game is already light on content and features are sitll incomplete 2 days before launch, yet they have already worked on ways to monetize the game. That speaks pretty damn loud about the priorities and principles of the designers.
Look at the last 2 games to release that had cash shops ready prior to release and how that turned out. From a company whos CEO was a VP of business development at SOE for many years.
SOE has already shown what they think conveinence items are in EQ2X. How they feel about selling power items in a subscription game with free realms. That term leaves them a lot of area to explore in items they try to sell things.
I'm just not seeing why anyone should put faith in their promises this time when considering the history of soe and promises they make about cash shop ethics.
This poster is on the money. Every new MMO is going to have a cash-shop. For a new MMO it is very smart. WoW exists with both a cash shop and a sub. For one of these new MMOs, if it starts to fail as a primarily sub game, they can easily flip to a Freemium Model. I seriously doubt it will be truely F2P.
There is no doubt. They are going to nickle and dime you for your costumes. All the coolest looking pieces will be reserved for pay. I just loved that about CO, except NOT. But, I can live with that, I don't have to be the prettiest Peacock on the Block. Where CO started to annoy me was the Adventure Packs. You SUB and still have to PAY for new and small content updates in a game where content was already thin. I will give them kudos for VB being free as it should have been (Remember the announcement for that and the CM leaving right after..). Anyway... I get the business model, I just don't agree with everything placed in there. Expecting Costumes to not be in there is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I will play DCUO for the first month. If I find that my characters are something I want to consume my time beyond that point I will sub. I may even buy pretty costumes. We will see if the content updates are included in the sub, if not, I will have some serious issues with continuing on with the game.
Yup, paying that $0 for those 2 adventure packs must have really hurt your wallet.
Also, if you think the collest costume pieces on CO were only buyable, you must never have actually tried to make anything, especially considering half the crap you could buy could be fopund in game.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
There's pretty much a thread on every game, with any payment method imaginable, with people saying "I was going to buy this until..." Makes me wonder something. If these people so desperately resent ever paying for something, why should I believe they were ever going to buy it?
Again, Sony has never made a practice of selling power in their cash shops. Even the EQ2 example (which is a six year old game) is a major stretch. Yes, they've sold a new race. It has an ability that some consider slightly unbalancing. If that's as bad as DCUO gets, six years in, I'll live with it.
Man, if you don't want to pay for a game just say that. I won't fault you. The reason I argue with you isn't to defend Sony. Feel free to dislike Sony. But I do like MMOs - and what's more I like good MMOs, which means spending money on development.
Some of us grew up, found jobs, and are willing to pay for better games. Some of us aren't going to throw a fit every time a game isn't F2P (!!!!!!!). The reason I want to be sure the game won't sell power isn't because I can't afford it - I just believe in playing a balanced game and I don't think people should be able to buy success.
If you don't want to pay for your gaming then fine. But how anyone is supposed to take the constant whining seriously, however justified, is beyond me. Because it appears anywhere and everywhere there is a P2P model. Which really just means ... there are a lot of gamers who resent ever paying for anything.
I like that so many believe that once you buy a video game of any are forever entitled to any extra content that is ever created. I kind of understand how a monthly subbed mmo might make you think this is the case....but it is not. Monthly subs are for server access as far as I'm concerned..without the server..your copy of Cataclysm or DCUO is useless. In the old days..from cartridges and floppies to early dvd buy the game and that was it. Gaming has changed we all know....and so has the manner in which we can pay for and enjoy games. I have no problem with shops...since I have no illusions of entitlement. I wish i could pay for an MMo and just play without temptations of a cash shop..but ultimately it's my decision to buy stuff. I'm not going to give up a fun and enjoyable game just because it has an optional cash shop.
True about the costumes in CO. You could grind for SOME of the peices. I must be misunderstanding the Serpent Oriented Adventure Pack. That was free at the time it was released if you subbed?
WoW does not have a cash shop. They have gotten into micro transactions tho.
A sub based game should not have a cash shop, its f***ing ridiculous.
Lucky for them i find the game so enjoyable to play.
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They have confirmed in interviews that they will have consumables in the cash shop. Chris said something along the lines of "For those people who don't have time to play and are more casual we have consumables". Sounds like Experience potions to me, It won't stop me playing though, I like the game.
WoW DOES have a cash shop. Please call it what you want, but it is by definition a cash shop. You can buy a mount that works for every toon you create, that works in all modes and skills of transport but underwater. That is an advantage in game for money. When it was implemented mounts cost a bit more than they do now, lots of in game gold savings.
WoW does not have a cash shop.
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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Yeah it is amusing. Game devs need to eat too folks. Costs are rising. And our demand is more voracious than ever. Something has to give... Our wallets or the quality of games. Ultimately, we the consumer will decide.