Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
you cant ignore the dps meter because you know full well that guilds will demand that you use it, and so starts the vicious cycle of add on's dungeon finder and cross server tools, after that you will have phasing and once again an mmo will be turned into an anti social environment.
Its kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. I hear complaints that Devs don't listen to players and now that the Devs are listening too much to the players. Kind of strange actually.
Its kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. I hear complaints that Devs don't listen to players and now that the Devs are listening too much to the players. Kind of strange actually.
it depends what kind of players they are listening to, are they listening to players who want all the features that wow has or are they listening to the players who dont want certain features that wow has and would prefer something different.
Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
you cant ignore the dps meter because you know full well that guilds will demand that you use it, and so starts the vicious cycle of add on's dungeon finder and cross server tools, after that you will have phasing and once again an mmo will be turned into an anti social environment.
A smart guild will know how useless it is. Many will use it maybe but if people complain about it I'm sure there will be guilds that won't require it.
Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
you cant ignore the dps meter because you know full well that guilds will demand that you use it, and so starts the vicious cycle of add on's dungeon finder and cross server tools, after that you will have phasing and once again an mmo will be turned into an anti social environment.
I won't disagree that guilds will demand that you use it though I don't get why a dps meter is a bad thing is a good way to judge builds. What I don't get is how a raid/build tool leads to cross server tools or a dungeon finder.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
you cant ignore the dps meter because you know full well that guilds will demand that you use it, and so starts the vicious cycle of add on's dungeon finder and cross server tools, after that you will have phasing and once again an mmo will be turned into an anti social environment.
I won't disagree that guilds will demand that you use it though I don't get why a dps meter is a bad thing is a good way to judge builds. What I don't get is how a raid/build tool leads to cross server tools or a dungeon finder.
It leads to those other features because it means that the developers are listening to players who want thing more convenient and streamlined. There already is cross server battlegrounds so i can see them adding the same function for dungeons.
LFG tools are fine, in my opinion. Some form of board where you advertise your group, some small description of what you're after and so on.
The automated tool that spans through servers is not though. The difference between a random group by that automated tool and the GW1 henchmen, is that the henchment are less greedy.
Pfft Mhenlo rolled on Dhuum's Soulreaper,he's a monk for FFS!
The following statement is false The previous statement is true
So you are just saying this game is going to fail because they are listening to the community in beta tests????
I´ve been playing betas in Rift,and it is the most polished Beta i´ve ever played (even more polished than games that actually released).
Thay are listening to the community,and i am VERY GLAD to see that. Finally someone does !!!
But lets check your points of view...
1º Alowing different servers types. I think is a MUST. For example...i dont like open PvP i love to have the chance to have a more PvE game experience. That doesn´t mean i cannot PvP on a PvE server. Yes i can. But i won´t be flagged as PvP as default all the time and i can concentrate on questing. I can PvP anytime i want just by flagging myself on PvE at anytime or by going to Warfronts. You prefer PvP open world?? ..thyen PvP server is your best choice.
This works exactly as WoW servers work.And i dont see anything bad about that.
2ª Dual servers. It is quite an innovative decission yes. I don´tsee a bad point over it though. You can have characters from both factions in the same server. It´s not going to ruin any game experience at is just more flexible than other MMo´s. NOT EVERY MMORPG has to be excatly like WoW is my friend.....
3º LFG tool. Well actually it is not implemented in beta but it is true some players are begging for one. I prefer not to have it in game specially if it is cross servers... and they have not made any comments on it yet. Some kind of LFG tool wouuld be cool to have... but finding group is not a big deal in RIFT since classes are very versatile,more than in any other game,since mages can even heal or rogues tank for example.
4º Mods. Rift is not supporting any addons ATM and will not support them at lauch. Obviously they are open to allow some in the future if they find it necessary.
I trully don´t get the point of your post at all.
Thay are listening to the community,wich is very good on beta stage of a game.
besides that RIFT is a very very fun game with amazing potential.
Even better that any other mmorpg that are out there allready.
It has it ALL, Pve,PvP,dungeons,dinamic events,mounts,public groups,Raids and the best class system out there ATM
so i dont get your point at all.
all this post seems more to be coming from a "WoW fanboy" than from a player questioning a game let me say.
I trully recomend everyone here reading this to TRY THE GAME FOR YOURSELF. and decide
I would ignore this guy if I were you. He posted the exact same thing on Trions official forums and got laughed at. Guy probably works for Blizzard or Mythic
1. Of course Trion believe in their concept. Stating otherwise is nonsense.
2. DAoC listened too much to it's community. Stating otherwise is nonsense or selective memory take your pick. In fact they were notorious for bowing down to whiners.
3. You spend time explaining how you don't care about how the armor looks on women. Then in detail explain how it bothers you that somebody want to cover up female skin. Uhm if you don't care??. Maybe you should reword the care part.
4. Then you speculate on how Trion "may" add dps meters because it's a hot topic right now. Isn't is a premature to whine about something that hasn't happened and may never happen?
4. Then you whine about cross server dungeon finder, even though NOBODY has confirmed this will be in the game.
You need to stop going on the forums. You can't handle it
the looks are important. its part being somewhat unique amongst masses. lets take example from these paperdoll ideas from like lotro and what have you its brilliant idea. for many games you can guess what kidna armors people are wearing cause at higher levels theres only like 2 different looks is that what people want then? all look same.
more differnet options look different is what i personally look from game aswell amongst the other reasons.
Speaking about LOTRO and looks, I've tried hard to make a woman that looks pretty (my idea of pretty) and failed horribly. Ended up rolling a dwarf instead.
Speaking about LOTRO and looks, I've tried hard to make a woman that looks pretty (my idea of pretty) and failed horribly. Ended up rolling a dwarf instead.
yea models are somewhat awful but i ment the idea of armor looks, not character models.
Fantastic cloaks and the appearance tabs make LOTRO's character models acceptable simply for the fact that you can hide them under all that fun stuff.
Hoping for that in Rift since i'm not overly excited with the ugliness of the armor.
this is what i tried to say yes, tabs to hide ugly armor with armor piece you want . and yes not looking forward ugly looking armor and weapons. but anyway giving a game a go.
@ People who don't like changes based on popular demand: Guess what? You're only one subscription out of hundreds of thousands. Even if you were to buy 1000 subscriptions it would not be enough.
If you want to be the only influence on Trion, then you will to buy the entire company and/or it's development team, because your preferences interfere with their profits.
As for the features themselves, I like having a built in damage meter without relying on a third party to provide it for me. I also like the LFD tool, since it saves a lot of time and helps players overcome the boredom associated with waiting around doing nothing for dungeon content.
Why did they introduce the LFD tool and dps meter in WoW? The hardcore people from EQ wanted it, so they could have more fun in their game. You are a part of the masochistic minority, I'm sorry. If you don't like the new features, then you're welcome to not play games with a lot of subscribers.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Why did they introduce the LFD tool and dps meter in WoW? The hardcore people from EQ wanted it, so they could have more fun in their game. You are a part of the masochistic minority, I'm sorry. If you don't like the new features, then you're welcome to not play games with a lot of subscribers.
You are just as bad as the OP with the ranting and raving about features nobody has said will be in the game. You are welcome to do some nostradamus armchair predictions however
Nobody cares about a dungeon finder unless it's going to be cross realm.
I love the "original vision" speech alot of people use. Let me suggest what the original vision for any MMo starts out like.
"Let's make a game that is FUN and PROFITABLE!"
If I was to do that, for my market research I would most definately start with Warhammer online and Age of Conan, those are two models of economic success there, can't think of a single other game that I would look at as far as what they did right and wrong can you?
I mean its not like there was a game that came out a while back that took all the popular ideas of its age and rolled them all into one game, paired with the right marketing and timing, IE its competition just coming off of bad launches and expansions, allowing it to springboard into a huge mega success that dominates the way games of its genre are made for years to come.
Not like there is any precident to make a company think like that.
Trion hasn't listened or caved into every single idea. They have certainly listened to some but listening is something many developers don't bother with. They are so up their own arse they feel they know what we all want. If Trion choose to try out an idea then by all means let them i say, they have already proved they are willing to switch back and fourth. An idea that sounds awful may very well turn out great, we don't know until its tried and Trion are right to try a few ideas.
Dungeon Finder you mentioned is silly. Its not even ingame so why are you complaing about it.
DPS Meter is really personally preference. If you don't like it don't use it. I've played games that have one and I've just ignored it.
You complain about Trion listening to the community to much but what do you hope to achieve by this type of post? Are you hoping Trion listen to you and you only?
Trion are by far the best developers i have seen in an MMO so far. They are making changes based on what the players feel is nessessary. They will not get it right 100% of the time but as long as they are willing to revert then its fine with me to atleast try.
you cant ignore the dps meter because you know full well that guilds will demand that you use it, and so starts the vicious cycle of add on's dungeon finder and cross server tools, after that you will have phasing and once again an mmo will be turned into an anti social environment.
Its kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. I hear complaints that Devs don't listen to players and now that the Devs are listening too much to the players. Kind of strange actually.
I self identify as a monkey.
it depends what kind of players they are listening to, are they listening to players who want all the features that wow has or are they listening to the players who dont want certain features that wow has and would prefer something different.
A smart guild will know how useless it is. Many will use it maybe but if people complain about it I'm sure there will be guilds that won't require it.
I won't disagree that guilds will demand that you use it though I don't get why a dps meter is a bad thing is a good way to judge builds. What I don't get is how a raid/build tool leads to cross server tools or a dungeon finder.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
It leads to those other features because it means that the developers are listening to players who want thing more convenient and streamlined. There already is cross server battlegrounds so i can see them adding the same function for dungeons.
Play with people that don't like DPS meters and don't join guilds that require them. It's not rocket surgery.
Pfft Mhenlo rolled on Dhuum's Soulreaper,he's a monk for FFS!
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
LOL at your post.
So you are just saying this game is going to fail because they are listening to the community in beta tests????
I´ve been playing betas in Rift,and it is the most polished Beta i´ve ever played (even more polished than games that actually released).
Thay are listening to the community,and i am VERY GLAD to see that. Finally someone does !!!
But lets check your points of view...
1º Alowing different servers types. I think is a MUST. For example...i dont like open PvP i love to have the chance to have a more PvE game experience. That doesn´t mean i cannot PvP on a PvE server. Yes i can. But i won´t be flagged as PvP as default all the time and i can concentrate on questing. I can PvP anytime i want just by flagging myself on PvE at anytime or by going to Warfronts. You prefer PvP open world?? ..thyen PvP server is your best choice.
This works exactly as WoW servers work.And i dont see anything bad about that.
2ª Dual servers. It is quite an innovative decission yes. I don´tsee a bad point over it though. You can have characters from both factions in the same server. It´s not going to ruin any game experience at is just more flexible than other MMo´s. NOT EVERY MMORPG has to be excatly like WoW is my friend.....
3º LFG tool. Well actually it is not implemented in beta but it is true some players are begging for one. I prefer not to have it in game specially if it is cross servers... and they have not made any comments on it yet. Some kind of LFG tool wouuld be cool to have... but finding group is not a big deal in RIFT since classes are very versatile,more than in any other game,since mages can even heal or rogues tank for example.
4º Mods. Rift is not supporting any addons ATM and will not support them at lauch. Obviously they are open to allow some in the future if they find it necessary.
I trully don´t get the point of your post at all.
Thay are listening to the community,wich is very good on beta stage of a game.
besides that RIFT is a very very fun game with amazing potential.
Even better that any other mmorpg that are out there allready.
It has it ALL, Pve,PvP,dungeons,dinamic events,mounts,public groups,Raids and the best class system out there ATM
so i dont get your point at all.
all this post seems more to be coming from a "WoW fanboy" than from a player questioning a game let me say.
I trully recomend everyone here reading this to TRY THE GAME FOR YOURSELF. and decide
To sign for it just go:
I BET you will not dissapointed.
Cya in game
I would ignore this guy if I were you. He posted the exact same thing on Trions official forums and got laughed at. Guy probably works for Blizzard or Mythic
Its not wow...get over it^^
OPEN your mind
the looks are important. its part being somewhat unique amongst masses. lets take example from these paperdoll ideas from like lotro and what have you its brilliant idea. for many games you can guess what kidna armors people are wearing cause at higher levels theres only like 2 different looks is that what people want then? all look same.
more differnet options look different is what i personally look from game aswell amongst the other reasons.
Speaking about LOTRO and looks, I've tried hard to make a woman that looks pretty (my idea of pretty) and failed horribly. Ended up rolling a dwarf instead.
yea models are somewhat awful but i ment the idea of armor looks, not character models.
Fantastic cloaks and the appearance tabs make LOTRO's character models acceptable simply for the fact that you can hide them under all that fun stuff.
Hoping for that in Rift since i'm not overly excited with the ugliness of the armor.
this is what i tried to say yes, tabs to hide ugly armor with armor piece you want . and yes not looking forward ugly looking armor and weapons. but anyway giving a game a go.
Wow, just wow.
Anyone that throws out ultimatums over versatility, from optional game features, has an unwarranted sense of ownership for their $15/month.
Trion listens to their customers.
Rift is a PvE game designed witrh PvP in mind.
Rift artists have some things to continue to polish.
A LFG/ DF tool will be polished before releasing it.
You can use add-ons, like DPS meters.
I dont get it. Is that the best you can find to complain about? those things seem so trivial. totally not worth the wall of text you threw at us.
@ People who don't like changes based on popular demand: Guess what? You're only one subscription out of hundreds of thousands. Even if you were to buy 1000 subscriptions it would not be enough.
If you want to be the only influence on Trion, then you will to buy the entire company and/or it's development team, because your preferences interfere with their profits.
As for the features themselves, I like having a built in damage meter without relying on a third party to provide it for me. I also like the LFD tool, since it saves a lot of time and helps players overcome the boredom associated with waiting around doing nothing for dungeon content.
Why did they introduce the LFD tool and dps meter in WoW? The hardcore people from EQ wanted it, so they could have more fun in their game. You are a part of the masochistic minority, I'm sorry. If you don't like the new features, then you're welcome to not play games with a lot of subscribers.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
You are just as bad as the OP with the ranting and raving about features nobody has said will be in the game. You are welcome to do some nostradamus armchair predictions however
Nobody cares about a dungeon finder unless it's going to be cross realm.
OP, you just listed all the hot issues that won't effect on my gaming experience in any way. Yes, the end really is near. Let me cheer you up.
I love the "original vision" speech alot of people use. Let me suggest what the original vision for any MMo starts out like.
"Let's make a game that is FUN and PROFITABLE!"
If I was to do that, for my market research I would most definately start with Warhammer online and Age of Conan, those are two models of economic success there, can't think of a single other game that I would look at as far as what they did right and wrong can you?
I mean its not like there was a game that came out a while back that took all the popular ideas of its age and rolled them all into one game, paired with the right marketing and timing, IE its competition just coming off of bad launches and expansions, allowing it to springboard into a huge mega success that dominates the way games of its genre are made for years to come.
Not like there is any precident to make a company think like that.
My Thoughts on Content Locust