You do realize that you don't get charged for the six months until your free month is up, so why don't you just cancel your sub now and quit whinning. I don't understand why you would commit six months to a game you call shit in the first place.
well I have to say I somewhat agree with the Op not neccisarily for the same reasons but I definitely see the WoW fanbois turning this into their next time fill till WoW comes out with another expansion for them to complete all the content within a month. They're already adding dps meters lfd tool's along with dungeon teleports. They have even gone to say that the lvling is pretty much just a side show to the end game content and is pretty dull as well its fairly easy to lvl players were hitting 30 in 3 days of beta's and with a lvl cap of only 50 I see a bunch of no lifers being at lvl cap by the end of the month with most their gears already.
The rift's and things realy should just turn into a side story of the game and it shouldn't be named rift seeing as how as long as its not a major invasion any rift or foothold can pretty much be soloe'd by someone the same lvl of the rift or foothold.I'll have to say I'm greatly dissapointed in what I though this game was advertised to be I hardly think its next generation at all in my opinion the pretty much only good thing so far is the the class diversity I do enjoy dungeon raids every now and again but I don't want to spend my whole time playing in one. the game world itself is already fairly small and mounts being easily obtainable along fairly soon in the game it goes by fast.
I went around reading much on this game and decided to check it out for myself and I thought the idea of it was realy cool.A dynamic ever changing world where it might not be the same way as when you logged in but no its might not be the same way for the next 15 minutes before the rift despawns and so do all the mobs that come through them. The whole duel faction thing is broken from the start as they allow multiboxing already and players can simply make 2 characters on the same server on both sides that way anyways.
It's truly just becoming a basic mmo with the same thing as the other 50,000 that are out there a few classes some crack pot pvp with broken classes and some pretty major imbalance's and the same end game content as all the other ones a dungeon designed around getting gear so the game no longer becomes a game but more of a chore having to farm instances over and over to gear out a charcter to play the same content but just make it easier along the way.So yea I don't call this a next generation mmo by far as its just a copy of a few thousand mmo's that are already out there with the same thing in them just a different world different characters and different skill sets that is all nothing new just different scenery as what you do in every other mmo glad I got into the beta's would have been extremely upset if i'd had to spend money on this just to be as dissaspointed in it as I was.
I really had high hopes for this game. I believe Trion would finally have the break through in mmo market that engage on vets like myself but I was wrong. It's turns out that Trion doesn't believe in their concept of their own game at all. We could go down the list from server types to all the way to female's clothing. Once someone makes a campaign thread, Trion caves in to there demands. I don't know who is really designing this game Trion or the rift community? This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks. Asking who is really running the ship?
The first was the server type. Why can't Trion just release their verison of a server type and let the community react after the fact. This worked in Daoc, they had one type of server with was normal, after a while they release a co op server and full pvp server. they did that without destroying the player base. Maybe if Trion would of came out and said what a normal type of server was, then maybe there wouldn't be some much confusion. I'm not really against either pvp or pve server but I would be nice to have normal server that implimented both first before release other types.
The second more mind boggling thing is female clothing. This has turning into a full out war. The gripe of female showing too much skin with their armor. I have to be honest and say I never notice this since I don't pay too much attendation to the armor that my character is wearing. In fact I don't believe anyone does, but that is just my opinion. Turns out that there is small group of people that want to have an option to cover their character skin. My first reaction was what is really behind this, it turns out to be a emotional out cry because of their moral code that they want to keep. I saw threw this as religious christians trying impose their will on fictional fantasy game.(which I'll never understand why their playing this one) My first thought was this is Trion art direction if you don't like it, its a free country buy a game with the art direction you like. Kind of like buying a dress, if someone doesn't like the dress don't you return it? Why would anyone keep the dress and bitch at the designer? I could go on all day but I won't here.
Third, allowing dual server. This is what really got me up and arms. Trion didn't bother to make sure that players can't play for both sides on the same server. This just makes my blood boil. Mainly because If company makes a game based on teams. Why in the Fuck would game desiger allow players to play for both sides? It destroys pvp content all together. Players shouldn't be allowed to play on both sides for any reason. Its like having Kobe Bryant play for the LA and Boston in a championship match. It just stupid. Please someone explain that one to me.
Fourth thing, oh yes Dungeon finder. I can't believe Trion allow this crap before the game has even started. Let me note that I'm not totally against this feature but I do hate the idea of it. Why you ask? Well my number one reason is mainly how the community will behave. I would support a dungeon finder only allowed players that have a quest related to the dungeon only and it would have to be server only not cross. I understand why this feature is need but since Trion pretty much it possible for 3 out of the 4 class have the ability to have tank specs or heal why add this feature? In other games, mainly WoW, this feature turns the communities on any server into lobby area making the game feel like single player game. What incentive will any player have if they don't have to mingle with the players on the server. And in this game they pretty much gave every class four specs and they still need dungeon finder? its just a joke. Rogues can even tank so finding a group can't be that hard. The next request will be for raid finder.
Lastly, Dps meters. lol lol lol. This lastest request I know that Trion will cave on, will once again make rift feel like wow. The idea that a player sucks just because don't support or don't do enough damage on a boss is just silly. The silly are argument that anyone will hear are, "I have to know what everyone is doing" I don't want to carry anyone" and my favorite one, "its a way to kick the sucky players out" (let me laugh for a moment lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol) In a game where there are infinite amount of builds and Trion allowing players to build their character how ever they want. WTF do you know about dps? What makes you think that a dps meter will help you? I also find it funny that with google, youtube, fansites, and boss encounter sites that they still need dps meter.(lol lol lol lol lol) The most important thing in any raid is that the players know the fights. if the players don't know the fight, it won't matter about dps meter. Is it really hard to learn the fights and teach it to group of people? I mean come on. What happen to learning how to make friends and having resources? Learning the encounters in a raid takes more skills than knowing what a dps meter is. Dps meter can't tell anyone if players knows the encounters. So why use it again?
In summary I would like to say that more and more I feel that rift is turning on a game I played before. If I get that feeling i'm pretty sure others are too. I don't understand why we can't let Trion tryout their vision for the game first. Not everything that the communty suggests is a good thing. At best Trion job is to produce the content and my job is play the content. That is pretty much it. Trion makes the rules and we follow the rules not the other way around. With major part of the community coming from WoW and asking for wow feature, this will ruin the game before it gets off the ground. It's really sad that Trion can't stick with their vision of the game. I paid my 6 months but Trion keeps listening to the community bad ideas then this game will fail by the time my sub is up.(worst thing ever F2p. God I don't want that to happen) It will have nothing to do with other games coming out, than it has to do with Trion losing control of their game.
1) Let's take it from the top. Trion actually decides to implement intelligent marketing and you're whining? And they listen to their PvPers who request that open PvP not be tampered with and take the trouble to establish servers with different rule sets, which will involve more work and effort on their part to maintain and upgrade? This is called good customer service. The fact that you can recognize it is as such is really pretty pathetic.
2) Most of the complaints I've seen about female clothing have to do with realism. Chainmail bikini's don't protect much, so it looks a little weird when they have a high armor value. Also, if I were female, I would get tired of being hit by someone who is most likely 20 years younger than I am because my outfit bears a suspicious resemblance to the ones worn by the ladies at the local strip club. Try and think a little outside of the box. In this case it's really easy, just ask yourself, "How would I feel if..." In social work, we call this developing empathy.
3) Hardly the first or the last game to do this. Yes, it adds problems, but it also adds benefits. People can try out both sides on the same server and then choose which one they want. They can take whatever goodies they ground out with their alts and mail them to the characters they plan on sticking with. To me the potential problems do out-weigh the benefits, but really, this got you up in arms? Go whine somewhere else.
4) Look man, not everyone gets to spend all day in their parents' basement like you obviously do. Depending on your schedule, finding team mates for a dungeon run can be a little tricky. Cross server dungeon finders probably do help with this. They also keep the "LFG [fill in the blank]" spam to a minimum in global chat. Some people feel they poison the community, to be honest I don't know because I've never actually encountered this option, but I'm not sweating it either.
5) Another use for a DPS meter is to be sure you, the player of your character, are doing well. I just found out that as well as I was doing in PvP, I've been doing it wrong. There is a much better approach to doing damage for me to try. A DPS meter would have made it easy to see this immediately instead of having to read through forums routinely. Yes, there are plenty of idiots out there that abuse the option, but it has its uses too. And like someone else mentioned, it hasn't been implemented in the game yet.
As for your constant whining about caving, Trion is running the betas in part as a large customer service experiment. They want feed back, ask for it, and practically beg for it, because they want a happy player base. I was thrilled to learn earlier this week that they were willing to go the extra mile and set up different PvP rule sets for different servers. That tells me they heard what I and lots of others had to say and were willing to make changes. My advice to you, oh player who dislikes "caving," is to go play an SOE game for a while. Deal with a group of devs who don't give a damn about what you have to say and see how you like that. Then, maybe, you'll learn to appreciate customer service when it happens.
I really had high hopes for this game. I believe Trion would finally have the break through in mmo market that engage on vets like myself but I was wrong. It's turns out that Trion doesn't believe in their concept of their own game at all. We could go down the list from server types to all the way to female's clothing. Once someone makes a campaign thread, Trion caves in to there demands. I don't know who is really designing this game Trion or the rift community? This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks. Asking who is really running the ship?
The first was the server type. Why can't Trion just release their verison of a server type and let the community react after the fact. This worked in Daoc, they had one type of server with was normal, after a while they release a co op server and full pvp server. they did that without destroying the player base. Maybe if Trion would of came out and said what a normal type of server was, then maybe there wouldn't be some much confusion. I'm not really against either pvp or pve server but I would be nice to have normal server that implimented both first before release other types.
The second more mind boggling thing is female clothing. This has turning into a full out war. The gripe of female showing too much skin with their armor. I have to be honest and say I never notice this since I don't pay too much attendation to the armor that my character is wearing. In fact I don't believe anyone does, but that is just my opinion. Turns out that there is small group of people that want to have an option to cover their character skin. My first reaction was what is really behind this, it turns out to be a emotional out cry because of their moral code that they want to keep. I saw threw this as religious christians trying impose their will on fictional fantasy game.(which I'll never understand why their playing this one) My first thought was this is Trion art direction if you don't like it, its a free country buy a game with the art direction you like. Kind of like buying a dress, if someone doesn't like the dress don't you return it? Why would anyone keep the dress and bitch at the designer? I could go on all day but I won't here.
Third, allowing dual server. This is what really got me up and arms. Trion didn't bother to make sure that players can't play for both sides on the same server. This just makes my blood boil. Mainly because If company makes a game based on teams. Why in the Fuck would game desiger allow players to play for both sides? It destroys pvp content all together. Players shouldn't be allowed to play on both sides for any reason. Its like having Kobe Bryant play for the LA and Boston in a championship match. It just stupid. Please someone explain that one to me.
Fourth thing, oh yes Dungeon finder. I can't believe Trion allow this crap before the game has even started. Let me note that I'm not totally against this feature but I do hate the idea of it. Why you ask? Well my number one reason is mainly how the community will behave. I would support a dungeon finder only allowed players that have a quest related to the dungeon only and it would have to be server only not cross. I understand why this feature is need but since Trion pretty much it possible for 3 out of the 4 class have the ability to have tank specs or heal why add this feature? In other games, mainly WoW, this feature turns the communities on any server into lobby area making the game feel like single player game. What incentive will any player have if they don't have to mingle with the players on the server. And in this game they pretty much gave every class four specs and they still need dungeon finder? its just a joke. Rogues can even tank so finding a group can't be that hard. The next request will be for raid finder.
Lastly, Dps meters. lol lol lol. This lastest request I know that Trion will cave on, will once again make rift feel like wow. The idea that a player sucks just because don't support or don't do enough damage on a boss is just silly. The silly are argument that anyone will hear are, "I have to know what everyone is doing" I don't want to carry anyone" and my favorite one, "its a way to kick the sucky players out" (let me laugh for a moment lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol) In a game where there are infinite amount of builds and Trion allowing players to build their character how ever they want. WTF do you know about dps? What makes you think that a dps meter will help you? I also find it funny that with google, youtube, fansites, and boss encounter sites that they still need dps meter.(lol lol lol lol lol) The most important thing in any raid is that the players know the fights. if the players don't know the fight, it won't matter about dps meter. Is it really hard to learn the fights and teach it to group of people? I mean come on. What happen to learning how to make friends and having resources? Learning the encounters in a raid takes more skills than knowing what a dps meter is. Dps meter can't tell anyone if players knows the encounters. So why use it again?
In summary I would like to say that more and more I feel that rift is turning on a game I played before. If I get that feeling i'm pretty sure others are too. I don't understand why we can't let Trion tryout their vision for the game first. Not everything that the communty suggests is a good thing. At best Trion job is to produce the content and my job is play the content. That is pretty much it. Trion makes the rules and we follow the rules not the other way around. With major part of the community coming from WoW and asking for wow feature, this will ruin the game before it gets off the ground. It's really sad that Trion can't stick with their vision of the game. I paid my 6 months but Trion keeps listening to the community bad ideas then this game will fail by the time my sub is up.(worst thing ever F2p. God I don't want that to happen) It will have nothing to do with other games coming out, than it has to do with Trion losing control of their game.
1) Let's take it from the top. Trion actually decides to implement intelligent marketing and you're whining? And they listen to their PvPers who request that open PvP not be tampered with and take the trouble to establish servers with different rule sets, which will involve more work and effort on their part to maintain and upgrade? This is called good customer service. The fact that you can recognize it is as such is really pretty pathetic.
2) Most of the complaints I've seen about female clothing have to do with realism. Chainmail bikini's don't protect much, so it looks a little weird when they have a high armor value. Also, if I were female, I would get tired of being hit by someone who is most likely 20 years younger than I am because my outfit bears a suspicious resemblance to the ones worn by the ladies at the local strip club. Try and think a little outside of the box. In this case it's really easy, just ask yourself, "How would I feel if..." In social work, we call this developing empathy.
3) Hardly the first or the last game to do this. Yes, it adds problems, but it also adds benefits. People can try out both sides on the same server and then choose which one they want. They can take whatever goodies they ground out with their alts and mail them to the characters they plan on sticking with. To me the potential problems do out-weigh the benefits, but really, this got you up in arms? Go whine somewhere else.
4) Look man, not everyone gets to spend all day in their parents' basement like you obviously do. Depending on your schedule, finding team mates for a dungeon run can be a little tricky. Cross server dungeon finders probably do help with this. They also keep the "LFG [fill in the blank]" spam to a minimum in global chat. Some people feel they poison the community, to be honest I don't know because I've never actually encountered this option, but I'm not sweating it either.
5) Another use for a DPS meter is to be sure you, the player of your character, are doing well. I just found out that as well as I was doing in PvP, I've been doing it wrong. There is a much better approach to doing damage for me to try. A DPS meter would have made it easy to see this immediately instead of having to read through forums routinely. Yes, there are plenty of idiots out there that abuse the option, but it has its uses too. And like someone else mentioned, it hasn't been implemented in the game yet.
As for your constant whining about caving, Trion is running the betas in part as a large customer service experiment. They want feed back, ask for it, and practically beg for it, because they want a happy player base. I was thrilled to learn earlier this week that they were willing to go the extra mile and set up different PvP rule sets for different servers. That tells me they heard what I and lots of others had to say and were willing to make changes. My advice to you, oh player who dislikes "caving," is to go play an SOE game for a while. Deal with a group of devs who don't give a damn about what you have to say and see how you like that. Then, maybe, you'll learn to appreciate customer service when it happens.
Dude, beta is not feed back. It is to see how there servers run. If it was feed back like game testing, they would supply a sheet to fill out. God get it right.
I really had high hopes for this game. I believe Trion would finally have the break through in mmo market that engage on vets like myself but I was wrong. It's turns out that Trion doesn't believe in their concept of their own game at all. We could go down the list from server types to all the way to female's clothing. Once someone makes a campaign thread, Trion caves in to there demands. I don't know who is really designing this game Trion or the rift community? This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks. Asking who is really running the ship?
The first was the server type. Why can't Trion just release their verison of a server type and let the community react after the fact. This worked in Daoc, they had one type of server with was normal, after a while they release a co op server and full pvp server. they did that without destroying the player base. Maybe if Trion would of came out and said what a normal type of server was, then maybe there wouldn't be some much confusion. I'm not really against either pvp or pve server but I would be nice to have normal server that implimented both first before release other types.
The second more mind boggling thing is female clothing. This has turning into a full out war. The gripe of female showing too much skin with their armor. I have to be honest and say I never notice this since I don't pay too much attendation to the armor that my character is wearing. In fact I don't believe anyone does, but that is just my opinion. Turns out that there is small group of people that want to have an option to cover their character skin. My first reaction was what is really behind this, it turns out to be a emotional out cry because of their moral code that they want to keep. I saw threw this as religious christians trying impose their will on fictional fantasy game.(which I'll never understand why their playing this one) My first thought was this is Trion art direction if you don't like it, its a free country buy a game with the art direction you like. Kind of like buying a dress, if someone doesn't like the dress don't you return it? Why would anyone keep the dress and bitch at the designer? I could go on all day but I won't here.
Third, allowing dual server. This is what really got me up and arms. Trion didn't bother to make sure that players can't play for both sides on the same server. This just makes my blood boil. Mainly because If company makes a game based on teams. Why in the Fuck would game desiger allow players to play for both sides? It destroys pvp content all together. Players shouldn't be allowed to play on both sides for any reason. Its like having Kobe Bryant play for the LA and Boston in a championship match. It just stupid. Please someone explain that one to me.
Fourth thing, oh yes Dungeon finder. I can't believe Trion allow this crap before the game has even started. Let me note that I'm not totally against this feature but I do hate the idea of it. Why you ask? Well my number one reason is mainly how the community will behave. I would support a dungeon finder only allowed players that have a quest related to the dungeon only and it would have to be server only not cross. I understand why this feature is need but since Trion pretty much it possible for 3 out of the 4 class have the ability to have tank specs or heal why add this feature? In other games, mainly WoW, this feature turns the communities on any server into lobby area making the game feel like single player game. What incentive will any player have if they don't have to mingle with the players on the server. And in this game they pretty much gave every class four specs and they still need dungeon finder? its just a joke. Rogues can even tank so finding a group can't be that hard. The next request will be for raid finder.
Lastly, Dps meters. lol lol lol. This lastest request I know that Trion will cave on, will once again make rift feel like wow. The idea that a player sucks just because don't support or don't do enough damage on a boss is just silly. The silly are argument that anyone will hear are, "I have to know what everyone is doing" I don't want to carry anyone" and my favorite one, "its a way to kick the sucky players out" (let me laugh for a moment lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol) In a game where there are infinite amount of builds and Trion allowing players to build their character how ever they want. WTF do you know about dps? What makes you think that a dps meter will help you? I also find it funny that with google, youtube, fansites, and boss encounter sites that they still need dps meter.(lol lol lol lol lol) The most important thing in any raid is that the players know the fights. if the players don't know the fight, it won't matter about dps meter. Is it really hard to learn the fights and teach it to group of people? I mean come on. What happen to learning how to make friends and having resources? Learning the encounters in a raid takes more skills than knowing what a dps meter is. Dps meter can't tell anyone if players knows the encounters. So why use it again?
In summary I would like to say that more and more I feel that rift is turning on a game I played before. If I get that feeling i'm pretty sure others are too. I don't understand why we can't let Trion tryout their vision for the game first. Not everything that the communty suggests is a good thing. At best Trion job is to produce the content and my job is play the content. That is pretty much it. Trion makes the rules and we follow the rules not the other way around. With major part of the community coming from WoW and asking for wow feature, this will ruin the game before it gets off the ground. It's really sad that Trion can't stick with their vision of the game. I paid my 6 months but Trion keeps listening to the community bad ideas then this game will fail by the time my sub is up.(worst thing ever F2p. God I don't want that to happen) It will have nothing to do with other games coming out, than it has to do with Trion losing control of their game.
1) Let's take it from the top. Trion actually decides to implement intelligent marketing and you're whining? And they listen to their PvPers who request that open PvP not be tampered with and take the trouble to establish servers with different rule sets, which will involve more work and effort on their part to maintain and upgrade? This is called good customer service. The fact that you can recognize it is as such is really pretty pathetic.
2) Most of the complaints I've seen about female clothing have to do with realism. Chainmail bikini's don't protect much, so it looks a little weird when they have a high armor value. Also, if I were female, I would get tired of being hit by someone who is most likely 20 years younger than I am because my outfit bears a suspicious resemblance to the ones worn by the ladies at the local strip club. Try and think a little outside of the box. In this case it's really easy, just ask yourself, "How would I feel if..." In social work, we call this developing empathy.
3) Hardly the first or the last game to do this. Yes, it adds problems, but it also adds benefits. People can try out both sides on the same server and then choose which one they want. They can take whatever goodies they ground out with their alts and mail them to the characters they plan on sticking with. To me the potential problems do out-weigh the benefits, but really, this got you up in arms? Go whine somewhere else.
4) Look man, not everyone gets to spend all day in their parents' basement like you obviously do. Depending on your schedule, finding team mates for a dungeon run can be a little tricky. Cross server dungeon finders probably do help with this. They also keep the "LFG [fill in the blank]" spam to a minimum in global chat. Some people feel they poison the community, to be honest I don't know because I've never actually encountered this option, but I'm not sweating it either.
5) Another use for a DPS meter is to be sure you, the player of your character, are doing well. I just found out that as well as I was doing in PvP, I've been doing it wrong. There is a much better approach to doing damage for me to try. A DPS meter would have made it easy to see this immediately instead of having to read through forums routinely. Yes, there are plenty of idiots out there that abuse the option, but it has its uses too. And like someone else mentioned, it hasn't been implemented in the game yet.
As for your constant whining about caving, Trion is running the betas in part as a large customer service experiment. They want feed back, ask for it, and practically beg for it, because they want a happy player base. I was thrilled to learn earlier this week that they were willing to go the extra mile and set up different PvP rule sets for different servers. That tells me they heard what I and lots of others had to say and were willing to make changes. My advice to you, oh player who dislikes "caving," is to go play an SOE game for a while. Deal with a group of devs who don't give a damn about what you have to say and see how you like that. Then, maybe, you'll learn to appreciate customer service when it happens.
Dude, beta is not feed back. It is to see how there servers run. If it was feed back like game testing, they would supply a sheet to fill out. God get it right.
I have filled out a post beta questionaire after every beta event so far 6 in total for the closed beta, so yes we do fill out sheets... And there is still a very intensive Alpha, Omega and Delta testing going on.
I would love to write down the list of mechanics and systems Trion has made from scratch or changed in the last 6 weeks from beta testers requesting things, so beta isn't just for stress tests.
And last but not least it's nice to see so many people Nerd Raging about Rift, it means that they really care about the game and that's really nice to see.
Rift is Good, Rift is Beautiful...
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
You do realize that you don't get charged for the six months until your free month is up, so why don't you just cancel your sub now and quit whinning. I don't understand why you would commit six months to a game you call shit in the first place.
Props for not creating a new account in order to talk badly about something everyone is frothing over, that is all.
well I have to say I somewhat agree with the Op not neccisarily for the same reasons but I definitely see the WoW fanbois turning this into their next time fill till WoW comes out with another expansion for them to complete all the content within a month. They're already adding dps meters lfd tool's along with dungeon teleports. They have even gone to say that the lvling is pretty much just a side show to the end game content and is pretty dull as well its fairly easy to lvl players were hitting 30 in 3 days of beta's and with a lvl cap of only 50 I see a bunch of no lifers being at lvl cap by the end of the month with most their gears already.
The rift's and things realy should just turn into a side story of the game and it shouldn't be named rift seeing as how as long as its not a major invasion any rift or foothold can pretty much be soloe'd by someone the same lvl of the rift or foothold.I'll have to say I'm greatly dissapointed in what I though this game was advertised to be I hardly think its next generation at all in my opinion the pretty much only good thing so far is the the class diversity I do enjoy dungeon raids every now and again but I don't want to spend my whole time playing in one. the game world itself is already fairly small and mounts being easily obtainable along fairly soon in the game it goes by fast.
I went around reading much on this game and decided to check it out for myself and I thought the idea of it was realy cool.A dynamic ever changing world where it might not be the same way as when you logged in but no its might not be the same way for the next 15 minutes before the rift despawns and so do all the mobs that come through them. The whole duel faction thing is broken from the start as they allow multiboxing already and players can simply make 2 characters on the same server on both sides that way anyways.
It's truly just becoming a basic mmo with the same thing as the other 50,000 that are out there a few classes some crack pot pvp with broken classes and some pretty major imbalance's and the same end game content as all the other ones a dungeon designed around getting gear so the game no longer becomes a game but more of a chore having to farm instances over and over to gear out a charcter to play the same content but just make it easier along the way.So yea I don't call this a next generation mmo by far as its just a copy of a few thousand mmo's that are already out there with the same thing in them just a different world different characters and different skill sets that is all nothing new just different scenery as what you do in every other mmo glad I got into the beta's would have been extremely upset if i'd had to spend money on this just to be as dissaspointed in it as I was.
1) Let's take it from the top. Trion actually decides to implement intelligent marketing and you're whining? And they listen to their PvPers who request that open PvP not be tampered with and take the trouble to establish servers with different rule sets, which will involve more work and effort on their part to maintain and upgrade? This is called good customer service. The fact that you can recognize it is as such is really pretty pathetic.
2) Most of the complaints I've seen about female clothing have to do with realism. Chainmail bikini's don't protect much, so it looks a little weird when they have a high armor value. Also, if I were female, I would get tired of being hit by someone who is most likely 20 years younger than I am because my outfit bears a suspicious resemblance to the ones worn by the ladies at the local strip club. Try and think a little outside of the box. In this case it's really easy, just ask yourself, "How would I feel if..." In social work, we call this developing empathy.
3) Hardly the first or the last game to do this. Yes, it adds problems, but it also adds benefits. People can try out both sides on the same server and then choose which one they want. They can take whatever goodies they ground out with their alts and mail them to the characters they plan on sticking with. To me the potential problems do out-weigh the benefits, but really, this got you up in arms? Go whine somewhere else.
4) Look man, not everyone gets to spend all day in their parents' basement like you obviously do. Depending on your schedule, finding team mates for a dungeon run can be a little tricky. Cross server dungeon finders probably do help with this. They also keep the "LFG [fill in the blank]" spam to a minimum in global chat. Some people feel they poison the community, to be honest I don't know because I've never actually encountered this option, but I'm not sweating it either.
5) Another use for a DPS meter is to be sure you, the player of your character, are doing well. I just found out that as well as I was doing in PvP, I've been doing it wrong. There is a much better approach to doing damage for me to try. A DPS meter would have made it easy to see this immediately instead of having to read through forums routinely. Yes, there are plenty of idiots out there that abuse the option, but it has its uses too. And like someone else mentioned, it hasn't been implemented in the game yet.
As for your constant whining about caving, Trion is running the betas in part as a large customer service experiment. They want feed back, ask for it, and practically beg for it, because they want a happy player base. I was thrilled to learn earlier this week that they were willing to go the extra mile and set up different PvP rule sets for different servers. That tells me they heard what I and lots of others had to say and were willing to make changes. My advice to you, oh player who dislikes "caving," is to go play an SOE game for a while. Deal with a group of devs who don't give a damn about what you have to say and see how you like that. Then, maybe, you'll learn to appreciate customer service when it happens.
Dude, beta is not feed back. It is to see how there servers run. If it was feed back like game testing, they would supply a sheet to fill out. God get it right.
Read my blog
I have filled out a post beta questionaire after every beta event so far 6 in total for the closed beta, so yes we do fill out sheets... And there is still a very intensive Alpha, Omega and Delta testing going on.
I would love to write down the list of mechanics and systems Trion has made from scratch or changed in the last 6 weeks from beta testers requesting things, so beta isn't just for stress tests.
And last but not least it's nice to see so many people Nerd Raging about Rift, it means that they really care about the game and that's really nice to see.
Rift is Good, Rift is Beautiful...
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes