It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Managing Editor Jon Wood has a few things to say about a newly released cinematic trailer from an upcoming game. Can a cinematic look at the story behind one zombie's creation move us? Can a simple yet powerful cinematic be translated into the game? Check out Jon's latest blog post. Then, once you've watched the video for yourself, offer up a few comments below.
Answer the first: Video game trailers, by and large, suck, especially the cinematic ones. Yes, they’re gorgeous. Yes, they’ve improved a lot over the years in terms of the quality of 3D rendering and animation. The problem is, too many game studios and cinematic designers rely too heavily on the “It’ll look awesome” factor.
Read more of Jon Wood's Grinding My Gears: Zombies.
Yup, pretty cool trailer.
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Zombies can be the best and for the reason you listed.
Very good trailer.
Trailer actualy moved me. I watched it about 3-4 times back to back yesterday. The older you get and the more you see the less that hapens. Funny thing is I have less to no interest in the game itself. As Mr Wood says Zombie games are in at the moment and I own quiet a lot, as well as zombie books, films, t-shirts e.t.c e.t.c. As something diferent in the feild of computer games cinamatic story telling I think this stands on it's own merits.
This trailer was the most depressing thing I've ever seen. Yay?
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
That trailer really got to me from the standpoint of a parent imagining something awful like that happening to my family on some idyllic vacation. I think I'm totally warped and couldn't play the game even if I wanted to. O.o
I think that makes you unwarped, don't you? For this not to move you emotionally would require a lonely existence. Zombies are my favorite genre, but I think this may be taking it too far.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Thought clip was pretty depressing of course I don't think much of zombie movies and game either. Personally I like more challenging prey.
FFS enough with the frickin zombies!
I understand that the non-Emo, over 20 and Male crowd needs something akin to Vampires (sparkle sparkle) to make them feel catered to but geez! Zombies in SWG? Really? I know GL is a huge pimp for his IP's but still.
On topic: Trailer was actualy compelling for a game trailer. Would be better if it was a MOVIE trailer not a GAME trailer. This MIGHT be the only zomb...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... sorry just fell asleep thinking about ANOTHER zombie game out again.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
I think this wasn't one of those awesome Blur Studios vids where you watch it and awesome stuff piles on awesome and then lights a rocket. It was sort of under-produced compared to those vids, it wasn't making promises about anything but the story. Which could let you down just as much, but at least it tells us some of the people behind the game have a better idea than <INSERT STEREOTYPE HERE> arm with guns and some melee weapons drop in horde.
It's a good add, and it makes less promises than most.
That trailer is indeed pretty astounding. It's so tragic and sad. I loved it! It reminds me of some of the most harrowing parts of the recent zombie tv series The Walking Dead......which is also amazing. As Jon pointed out, its the human characters that make this kind of thing work.
Will it carry over into the game though? Or will it just be another case of the game trailer not really reflecting the game itself, which is usually the case.
I feel where you're coming from. As a parent, the child in that video just struck a nerve. It really added a level of terror that I think would not have even phased me had that little girl not been part of the trailer.
IMO... chilling trailer... very well-done.
Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Wait, who am I lying too, I like being a cliche mulching dead things with lead. But story stuff is ok too.
Suppose to be Melee oriented and first person. I normally think those are a bad mix they seem to be good with cinamatic and might make it work. Its also a hatred i can put aside for a single player game, not MMO though.
It is funny how game trailers affect us differently. This one made me really sad. A game about innocent ordinary people being chewed on by other people that have been chewed on ... like a plague ... turns me off. I would not want to touch this game with a ten foot keyboard. Of course this feeling is not based on anything in the real game.
I remember Warhammer onlines trailer. It was the coolest trailer I had ever seen. It made me want to play the game and be a witchhunter. It was an awsome trailer as well. Again nothing really like the game which turned out to be .... meh
Commercials (trailers) do their job I guess, but like the OP I don't put any stock in them anymore.
If Ya Ain't Dyin, Ya Ain't Tryin
Brian from family guy:
"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.. if you dont' have a child, you can't understand. I dont' want to think about it. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG"
Sorry about that.. retarded mouse.
It's was unveiled at E3 2007 and has been in development since then. They are now saying it's for release in late 2011.
I am hoping it lives up to the trailer, which is a piece of art,
The clip was nice at first, but then it got a bit annoying with the back and forth images.
No no no... I'm not a crazy freakout dad like Brian... how does an 8 year old dog have a 13 year old son anyway?
I just meant that the imagery of the child with family on vacation, as SB states, illicits a different kind of emotional response. I'm not saying that "OMG I don't wanna think about it!" The opposite in fact... that teaser actually made me stop and pay attention to it... I even re-wound it and started it over because I wasn't watching it at first. If the teaser vid can do that, I'm hoping the game itself has a similar pull... if it does it will be very fun to play!
Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Impressive like for a game trailer.
Very nice trailer! I'm a huge zombie fan too! Can we get a Land of the Dead (remake version) MMO please please please!
On further thought, could get some nice PvP action going humans vs zombies!
awesome trailer, very moving.
Now that really was an awesome game trailer. As Jon said, let's hope the game trailer is just prelude to a really good game.
I cried in reverse.
sparkly vampires, scar-faced wizards, and oh-so-dreamy werewolves? you, sir, can have all the zombies you want. i'll have bloody vampires, bloody wizards and bloody werevolves.
tho, i get your point. too many games start at the end and even then offer a narrow road. shinny is evergreen.
regarding the trailer: it's really well done. tho, as i said, zombies don't do it for me.
I was more than impressed with the trailer. I actually thought it was pretty raw, and a lot more than I would have expected from a video game. It's what I'd hoped would start happening, and I was beyond thrilled to see companies begin exploring more taboo concepts. It is, after all, a story, when you boil it down. And what could pull on the heart strings more than watching a family put through that kind of trial? It was genuinely painful to watch and, as odd as it sounds, I think I applaude them for that. I think lately game storylines have become tired and cliche because people are afraid to delve into something that might be genuinely painful, or hard to cope with, but that's part of life.
It actually made me think of a post by whats-his-face about how games 'can never be art.' What trash. This wasn't just about a game, there is genuine story there as good or better than a book, movie or traditional media can portray. Just because it comes in a more interactive form doesn't make it any less impressive or artistic.
I'd love to see more game trailers like this, about more than the gore and the action. For a moment, I forgot about the game and saw those characters as if they were real people, and I actually empathized with them. I'm actually in school, pursuing a BA in animation (so yes, I might be slightly biased), and that's one of the things they ~drill~ into your head. No matter how pretty your characters are, how good the story might be, how much time/money/effort you put into it, if you don't convince your audience that your characters are real, you'll lose them.
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