Nice article. I can't wait to read your article on the 5 things DCU did wrong.
Five things DCU did wrong? What you mean, FIVE? XD
@OP: Great, NOW you tell me! Bah... after unsubbing DCU yesterday I JUST returned with a Rift box 5 minutes ago and NOW you tell me about things Rift did wrong... pft. =P
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Nice article. I can't wait to read your article on the 5 things DCU did wrong.
Five things DCU did wrong? What you mean, FIVE? XD
@OP: Great, NOW you tell me! Bah... after unsubbing DCU yesterday I JUST returned with a Rift box 5 minutes ago and NOW you tell me about things Rift did wrong... pft. =P
Oh, you still may very well enjoy it! I am. But just because I like something doesn't mean it's perfect. I'm on Tearfall as a Defiant and *sigh* Wolfsbane as a Guardian. Yes, I couldn't resist. Rolled a dwarf. I missed my stunties.
For those asking: here. Those were my "Wrongs" with DCUO as of January 20th, a couple weeks after launch. There are more now, but we've been down that road together on these forums before.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Originally posted by Reeper Originally posted by lizardbones
Originally posted by Vhaln No comment on endgame, or lackthereof, in an MMO that touted what a great endgame they had, right out of the gate? I'm enjoying the game, but getting to 50 seems pointless. For me, that would have to be #1.
#2 would be how easy it is to respec and switch roles. I know, some people love this aspect of the game, but for me, it ruins the fun of making alts. It ruins the "role play" feel. It feels like there are really only four classes, and I've already tried them all. I don't like having one character that can do everything, or four characters that can do everything, in every possible way.
Rift doesn't lack for end game. What were you expecting...getting to 50 and suddenly Rift breaks out into a Call of Duty session?
Two tiers of 5 man expert level dungeons. Several expert level 5 man rifts. Several 10 man rifts/raids and at least one 20 man raid. There is plenty to do at level 50. Lack of anything to do at 50 is not something that occurs in Rift.
so while casual playing the game and you do all that lvl 50 stuff you mentioned 5 times over, what do you do the following weak? another 5 times?, ooooo so fun
What did you (or anyone else) expect? The end game is what they said the end game was going to be. No surprises there.
It still exists, even if you don't like it. It's still plentiful, even if you don't like it. If you* don't like it, say you don't like it, not that it doesn't exist.
* Not 'you' Reeper, 'you' anyone who says the end game doesn't exist.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Nice article. I can't wait to read your article on the 5 things DCU did wrong.
Five things DCU did wrong? What you mean, FIVE? XD
@OP: Great, NOW you tell me! Bah... after unsubbing DCU yesterday I JUST returned with a Rift box 5 minutes ago and NOW you tell me about things Rift did wrong... pft. =P
Oh, you still may very well enjoy it! I am. But just because I like something doesn't mean it's perfect. I'm on Tearfall as a Defiant and *sigh* Wolfsbane as a Guardian. Yes, I couldn't resist. Rolled a dwarf. I missed my stunties.
For those asking: here. Those were my "Wrongs" with DCUO as of January 20th, a couple weeks after launch. There are more now, but we've been down that road together on these forums before.
Kekeke ^^ I was just teasing you. XD (Or was I? ^^ Nah, I am a self responsible adult! *makes serious kitty face* )
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Including questing means = This MMO has failed completely. Are you with me? Completely. Questing is a major part in every MMO.
But from a certain point in this Game (might it be I was in Beta and lvled 2 Toons and then quit) Questing became boring kinda fast.
Like the upcoming Starwars I see a wrong way the Developers are heading to, like stated: Solo play in an MMO. Covering it as "Story".
Can we please encounter the Story massively as Multiplayer only in the near Future? Thank you. Nothing else necessary.
PvP Balance: Talking of the Saboteur. Enough said.
But all the PvP (excluding Ganking) in Rift felt completely boring (including Warfronts) and a Grind-Feeling came up very quick. I don't want to PvP to just get PvP-Gear... Christ!??!!
Crafting. Well... I and many Guild-Mates were like: "Why crafting Armors and Weapons? Getting replaced very quick via Loot." - as usual.
And AGAIN!! Grinding for Recipes? Pathetic. Sorry. But it felt utterly idealess.
And PLEASE! give me Criticism if you feel so. (Oppinion needs to be fed) <- hey *ding* getting a new sig^^
I believe the OP is in need of SW:ToR & I am too. Rift is now what a good portion of the beta testers said it was in beta- its well crafted, smooth on just about any system specs, has few bugs & is basically that polished game that people have been yeling at mmo devs for but... it is BOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!! I agree with all of hte OP's points except the crafting but I don't do crafting really so I'm just not commenting on it other than the most fun crafting system I've ever played was FF14(idk if FF11 had a similar system, never played it).
It's full of WoW kids who love the "rush to end game, quests are just in the way, I need my epic loots ASAP or I'm quitting, no pvp on the pvp servers cause it slows our pve progression" style of play. And it makes me sick. What's even worse is that I know that that same mentality is going to carry over to SW:ToR because its going to draw a very large crowd. I foresee bad things for the mmo community in the future & I'm glad that real pvp games like Tribes & Planetside Next are coming this year(supposedly...)
I did the BETA and got the head start. But never bought the game since I got tired from doing the same Qs that I did in BETA already. Nope. I need to stay out of themepark MMOs all together.
Rift sucks just anothe WoW clone in the mainstream of MMOs... I played BETA, and I am glad I got to BETA test Rift. That way I didn't waste money on it because I don't like knock off MMOs.
I agree with what you said, but I can say that about most MMO's out there. Most MMO's have the same type of questing and fighting style. There are some that have tried something different and some coming out that look like they may try different more twitch based fighting and more dynamic questing, but only time will tell if it works or not.
The lifeless crafting is true. Why copying the stupid mindless wow system, when the EQ2 or VG systems are so great?
I agree, EQ2, VG and LOTRO all have much better crafting system and Rift should have copied those instead of the crap WoW system.
Save me some research please =D.
How does crafting get better than Rift/WoW? I'm not at all saying it's good in these games--all the goods get d/e'd or thrown away up until current expansion crafting.
So what can be done better? FFXI's crafting was very different but far far worse. Far far worse. You had a reasonable chance of failing at a synthesis and losing some/all of the materials especially (and I'm not kidding) if you did it on the wrong game day/facing the wrong direction. It did have the neat thing where occasionally an item would be HQ, "+1" and if it was an endgame item, it would sell for disgusting amounts.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug. 12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I played Rift during Beta, and, didn't craft one bit, I'm not a crafter by nature, but, I've been turned off by Crafting, since playing Eve. In Eve, since there is a Science Tree, and Tech. Corps, along with research, I was really hoping to come across some true crafting, at least, the "random" Exprimentation part of the game. But, all Sc-Fi mmo games fail at this part of crafting styles. its as if your given the ability to research something, but, then, they refuse to give you the ability to have a crafting item, of, the Eureka moment, even fantasy based games, that use magic in some of their crafting, can have this, but, nope, look at all the mmos that have the two types of game play, and, its A+B, with a sprinkle of C, gets u, A+, which is a standard upgrade.
No comment on endgame, or lackthereof, in an MMO that touted what a great endgame they had, right out of the gate? I'm enjoying the game, but getting to 50 seems pointless. For me, that would have to be #1.
#2 would be how easy it is to respec and switch roles. I know, some people love this aspect of the game, but for me, it ruins the fun of making alts. It ruins the "role play" feel. It feels like there are really only four classes, and I've already tried them all. I don't like having one character that can do everything, or four characters that can do everything, in every possible way.
Rift doesn't lack for end game. What were you expecting...getting to 50 and suddenly Rift breaks out into a Call of Duty session?
Two tiers of 5 man expert level dungeons. Several expert level 5 man rifts. Several 10 man rifts/raids and at least one 20 man raid. There is plenty to do at level 50. Lack of anything to do at 50 is not something that occurs in Rift.
Why would I want to do any of that? For better gear? So I can raid some more? What kind of pointless endgame is that? Guess it doesn't help that I hate instances, too. I've yet to see any of this open world raid rift business, so I don't know.. but hard to imagine it staying fun for long, if that's all there is, other than a few instances. Especially if its really just a gear grind.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Having come from LoTRO, I dont find the story in rift that interesting. When I leveled up in LoTRo the first time to 65, I read every single piece of quest text. I got to about level 13 in Rift before I just stopped caring and now just click "accept" and "finish" without even bothering to really read anything other than the objective. Why bother? Im tired of LoTRO and thought the story was interesting and read everything, so why even waste my time?
When I want to read, I have many books that I actually enjoy much more (Song Of Fire and Ice series, Dune, Wheel of Time, etc etc.) I do enjoy the crafting though, its quick and to the point.
Dumbing down all the class combos or making them more linear is not the option for balance.
At this point, I'd rather play an unbalanced game as opposed to the same old WoW crap.
Getting tired of it. I lose interest in MMO before the free month is up.
I think I would prefer this also. Balance is never complete and to make it complete makes it uninteresting. Call me crazy but I'd be up for having it very unbalanced (1 on 1) with an ever changing lore/story that explains why this character is "OP" atm. You end up having OP builds anyway...
The game is very polished with 10 dungeons and 1 raid and huge invasions. This wednesday river of souls goes live. It is a massive invasion on every zone in Rift by the plane of death. The event launches the new raid zone River of souls as well.
So yeah more content already.
"Its better to look ugly and win than pretty and lose"
The lifeless crafting is true. Why copying the stupid mindless wow system, when the EQ2 or VG systems are so great?
I agree, EQ2, VG and LOTRO all have much better crafting system and Rift should have copied those instead of the crap WoW system.
Save me some research please =D.
How does crafting get better than Rift/WoW? I'm not at all saying it's good in these games--all the goods get d/e'd or thrown away up until current expansion crafting.
So what can be done better? FFXI's crafting was very different but far far worse. Far far worse. You had a reasonable chance of failing at a synthesis and losing some/all of the materials especially (and I'm not kidding) if you did it on the wrong game day/facing the wrong direction. It did have the neat thing where occasionally an item would be HQ, "+1" and if it was an endgame item, it would sell for disgusting amounts.
It would certainly help if people would be more specific about what they like. Do they like way materials are collected? Do they enjoy the process of crafting? Do they enjoy the items they can make? Do they enjoy the social aspects the crafting system facilitates?
I for one cannot stand the current incarnation of EQ2 crafting system because if the process of crafting. The process was okay to me when you could die when messing up the wack-a-mole (random event icons show up during crafting and proper response skill must be hit) mini-game and having a party was helpful for heals and buffs.
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.
No comment on endgame, or lackthereof, in an MMO that touted what a great endgame they had, right out of the gate? I'm enjoying the game, but getting to 50 seems pointless. For me, that would have to be #1.
#2 would be how easy it is to respec and switch roles. I know, some people love this aspect of the game, but for me, it ruins the fun of making alts. It ruins the "role play" feel. It feels like there are really only four classes, and I've already tried them all. I don't like having one character that can do everything, or four characters that can do everything, in every possible way.
Rift doesn't lack for end game. What were you expecting...getting to 50 and suddenly Rift breaks out into a Call of Duty session?
Two tiers of 5 man expert level dungeons. Several expert level 5 man rifts. Several 10 man rifts/raids and at least one 20 man raid. There is plenty to do at level 50. Lack of anything to do at 50 is not something that occurs in Rift.
Why would I want to do any of that? For better gear? So I can raid some more? What kind of pointless endgame is that? Guess it doesn't help that I hate instances, too. I've yet to see any of this open world raid rift business, so I don't know.. but hard to imagine it staying fun for long, if that's all there is, other than a few instances. Especially if its really just a gear grind.
Welcome to MMORPGs?
Every MMO in existence always ends up with it's endgame focusing on doing the same general thing over and over again. If you're going to snubRift for it, then you might as well snub every other MMO on the market.
No comment on endgame, or lackthereof, in an MMO that touted what a great endgame they had, right out of the gate? I'm enjoying the game, but getting to 50 seems pointless. For me, that would have to be #1.
#2 would be how easy it is to respec and switch roles. I know, some people love this aspect of the game, but for me, it ruins the fun of making alts. It ruins the "role play" feel. It feels like there are really only four classes, and I've already tried them all. I don't like having one character that can do everything, or four characters that can do everything, in every possible way.
Rift doesn't lack for end game. What were you expecting...getting to 50 and suddenly Rift breaks out into a Call of Duty session?
Two tiers of 5 man expert level dungeons. Several expert level 5 man rifts. Several 10 man rifts/raids and at least one 20 man raid. There is plenty to do at level 50. Lack of anything to do at 50 is not something that occurs in Rift.
Why would I want to do any of that? For better gear? So I can raid some more? What kind of pointless endgame is that? Guess it doesn't help that I hate instances, too. I've yet to see any of this open world raid rift business, so I don't know.. but hard to imagine it staying fun for long, if that's all there is, other than a few instances. Especially if its really just a gear grind.
Welcome to MMORPGs?
Every MMO in existence always ends up with it's endgame focusing on doing the same general thing over and over again. If you're going to snubRift for it, then you might as well snub every other MMO on the market.
There is a difference in having a mechanic that requires you to "grind" something and then having you grind something for the exact purpose of grinding.
The "end game" (if there really is one) of Lineage 2 was pvp and the economy. Sure, players levelled and gathered mats by grinding but the reason they did this was to get more powerful so they can hold castles or hutning grounds, pvp, crafter better gear for pvp, etc.
There is a distinct difference in being at top lvl and just running things to get better gear so you you can run things to get better gear.
Having said that, if there was an inherent joy in running these instances, regardless of the rewards then I could easily say "sure, run them because they are fun". It's my hope that people are having fun while doing this stuff.
But sometimes it seems players are just doing things because they are driven to do them because it's there.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Dumbing down all the class combos or making them more linear is not the option for balance.
At this point, I'd rather play an unbalanced game as opposed to the same old WoW crap.
Getting tired of it. I lose interest in MMO before the free month is up.
I think I would prefer this also. Balance is never complete and to make it complete makes it uninteresting. Call me crazy but I'd be up for having it very unbalanced (1 on 1) with an ever changing lore/story that explains why this character is "OP" atm. You end up having OP builds anyway...
I would agree balance in never complete. But if you can't achieve balance, then at least follow a rock paper scissor model. As it is some classes (or class combinations) are so dreadful they should just be removed from the game as it pertains to pvp.
The lifeless crafting is true. Why copying the stupid mindless wow system, when the EQ2 or VG systems are so great?
I agree, EQ2, VG and LOTRO all have much better crafting system and Rift should have copied those instead of the crap WoW system.
Save me some research please =D.
How does crafting get better than Rift/WoW? I'm not at all saying it's good in these games--all the goods get d/e'd or thrown away up until current expansion crafting.
So what can be done better? FFXI's crafting was very different but far far worse. Far far worse. You had a reasonable chance of failing at a synthesis and losing some/all of the materials especially (and I'm not kidding) if you did it on the wrong game day/facing the wrong direction. It did have the neat thing where occasionally an item would be HQ, "+1" and if it was an endgame item, it would sell for disgusting amounts.
It would certainly help if people would be more specific about what they like. Do they like way materials are collected? Do they enjoy the process of crafting? Do they enjoy the items they can make? Do they enjoy the social aspects the crafting system facilitates?
I for one cannot stand the current incarnation of EQ2 crafting system because if the process of crafting. The process was okay to me when you could die when messing up the wack-a-mole (random event icons show up during crafting and proper response skill must be hit) mini-game and having a party was helpful for heals and buffs.
Ahh refreshing, someone after my own heart in the desire for consequences. I think if I "plunk" the word Consequences down enough someone will see it and look it up in the dictionary.
Five things DCU did wrong? What you mean, FIVE? XD
@OP: Great, NOW you tell me! Bah... after unsubbing DCU yesterday I JUST returned with a Rift box 5 minutes ago and NOW you tell me about things Rift did wrong... pft. =P
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Oh, you still may very well enjoy it! I am. But just because I like something doesn't mean it's perfect. I'm on Tearfall as a Defiant and *sigh* Wolfsbane as a Guardian. Yes, I couldn't resist. Rolled a dwarf. I missed my stunties.
For those asking: here. Those were my "Wrongs" with DCUO as of January 20th, a couple weeks after launch. There are more now, but we've been down that road together on these forums before.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
Rift doesn't lack for end game. What were you expecting...getting to 50 and suddenly Rift breaks out into a Call of Duty session?
Two tiers of 5 man expert level dungeons. Several expert level 5 man rifts. Several 10 man rifts/raids and at least one 20 man raid. There is plenty to do at level 50. Lack of anything to do at 50 is not something that occurs in Rift.
so while casual playing the game and you do all that lvl 50 stuff you mentioned 5 times over, what do you do the following weak? another 5 times?, ooooo so fun
What did you (or anyone else) expect? The end game is what they said the end game was going to be. No surprises there.
It still exists, even if you don't like it. It's still plentiful, even if you don't like it. If you* don't like it, say you don't like it, not that it doesn't exist.
* Not 'you' Reeper, 'you' anyone who says the end game doesn't exist.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Kekeke ^^ I was just teasing you. XD (Or was I? ^^ Nah, I am a self responsible adult! *makes serious kitty face* )
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Including questing means = This MMO has failed completely. Are you with me? Completely. Questing is a major part in every MMO.
But from a certain point in this Game (might it be I was in Beta and lvled 2 Toons and then quit) Questing became boring kinda fast.
Like the upcoming Starwars I see a wrong way the Developers are heading to, like stated: Solo play in an MMO. Covering it as "Story".
Can we please encounter the Story massively as Multiplayer only in the near Future? Thank you. Nothing else necessary.
PvP Balance: Talking of the Saboteur. Enough said.
But all the PvP (excluding Ganking) in Rift felt completely boring (including Warfronts) and a Grind-Feeling came up very quick. I don't want to PvP to just get PvP-Gear... Christ!??!!
Crafting. Well... I and many Guild-Mates were like: "Why crafting Armors and Weapons? Getting replaced very quick via Loot." - as usual.
And AGAIN!! Grinding for Recipes? Pathetic. Sorry. But it felt utterly idealess.
And PLEASE! give me Criticism if you feel so. (Oppinion needs to be fed) <- hey *ding* getting a new sig^^
I believe the OP is in need of SW:ToR & I am too. Rift is now what a good portion of the beta testers said it was in beta- its well crafted, smooth on just about any system specs, has few bugs & is basically that polished game that people have been yeling at mmo devs for but... it is BOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!! I agree with all of hte OP's points except the crafting but I don't do crafting really so I'm just not commenting on it other than the most fun crafting system I've ever played was FF14(idk if FF11 had a similar system, never played it).
It's full of WoW kids who love the "rush to end game, quests are just in the way, I need my epic loots ASAP or I'm quitting, no pvp on the pvp servers cause it slows our pve progression" style of play. And it makes me sick. What's even worse is that I know that that same mentality is going to carry over to SW:ToR because its going to draw a very large crowd. I foresee bad things for the mmo community in the future & I'm glad that real pvp games like Tribes & Planetside Next are coming this year(supposedly...)
I think the OP wants Whole-Grain Bread not Light Bread. Speaking of an ambitious Story.
I did the BETA and got the head start. But never bought the game since I got tired from doing the same Qs that I did in BETA already. Nope. I need to stay out of themepark MMOs all together.
Rift sucks just anothe WoW clone in the mainstream of MMOs... I played BETA, and I am glad I got to BETA test Rift. That way I didn't waste money on it because I don't like knock off MMOs.
I agree, EQ2, VG and LOTRO all have much better crafting system and Rift should have copied those instead of the crap WoW system.
Played: MCO - EQ/EQ2 - WoW - VG - WAR - AoC - LoTRO - DDO - GW/GW2 - Eve - Rift - FE - TSW - TSO - WS - ESO - AA - BD
Playing: Sims 3 & 4, Diablo3 and PoE
Waiting on: Lost Ark
Who's going to make a Cyberpunk MMO?
I agree with what you said, but I can say that about most MMO's out there. Most MMO's have the same type of questing and fighting style. There are some that have tried something different and some coming out that look like they may try different more twitch based fighting and more dynamic questing, but only time will tell if it works or not.
Dumbing down all the class combos or making them more linear is not the option for balance.
At this point, I'd rather play an unbalanced game as opposed to the same old WoW crap.
Getting tired of it. I lose interest in MMO before the free month is up.
Save me some research please =D.
How does crafting get better than Rift/WoW? I'm not at all saying it's good in these games--all the goods get d/e'd or thrown away up until current expansion crafting.
So what can be done better? FFXI's crafting was very different but far far worse. Far far worse. You had a reasonable chance of failing at a synthesis and losing some/all of the materials especially (and I'm not kidding) if you did it on the wrong game day/facing the wrong direction. It did have the neat thing where occasionally an item would be HQ, "+1" and if it was an endgame item, it would sell for disgusting amounts.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I played Rift during Beta, and, didn't craft one bit, I'm not a crafter by nature, but, I've been turned off by Crafting, since playing Eve. In Eve, since there is a Science Tree, and Tech. Corps, along with research, I was really hoping to come across some true crafting, at least, the "random" Exprimentation part of the game. But, all Sc-Fi mmo games fail at this part of crafting styles. its as if your given the ability to research something, but, then, they refuse to give you the ability to have a crafting item, of, the Eureka moment, even fantasy based games, that use magic in some of their crafting, can have this, but, nope, look at all the mmos that have the two types of game play, and, its A+B, with a sprinkle of C, gets u, A+, which is a standard upgrade.
Why would I want to do any of that? For better gear? So I can raid some more? What kind of pointless endgame is that? Guess it doesn't help that I hate instances, too. I've yet to see any of this open world raid rift business, so I don't know.. but hard to imagine it staying fun for long, if that's all there is, other than a few instances. Especially if its really just a gear grind.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Having come from LoTRO, I dont find the story in rift that interesting. When I leveled up in LoTRo the first time to 65, I read every single piece of quest text. I got to about level 13 in Rift before I just stopped caring and now just click "accept" and "finish" without even bothering to really read anything other than the objective. Why bother? Im tired of LoTRO and thought the story was interesting and read everything, so why even waste my time?
When I want to read, I have many books that I actually enjoy much more (Song Of Fire and Ice series, Dune, Wheel of Time, etc etc.) I do enjoy the crafting though, its quick and to the point.
I think I would prefer this also. Balance is never complete and to make it complete makes it uninteresting. Call me crazy but I'd be up for having it very unbalanced (1 on 1) with an ever changing lore/story that explains why this character is "OP" atm. You end up having OP builds anyway...
The game is very polished with 10 dungeons and 1 raid and huge invasions. This wednesday river of souls goes live. It is a massive invasion on every zone in Rift by the plane of death. The event launches the new raid zone River of souls as well.
So yeah more content already.
"Its better to look ugly and win than pretty and lose"
It would certainly help if people would be more specific about what they like. Do they like way materials are collected? Do they enjoy the process of crafting? Do they enjoy the items they can make? Do they enjoy the social aspects the crafting system facilitates?
I for one cannot stand the current incarnation of EQ2 crafting system because if the process of crafting. The process was okay to me when you could die when messing up the wack-a-mole (random event icons show up during crafting and proper response skill must be hit) mini-game and having a party was helpful for heals and buffs.
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.
Welcome to MMORPGs?
Every MMO in existence always ends up with it's endgame focusing on doing the same general thing over and over again. If you're going to snubRift for it, then you might as well snub every other MMO on the market.
Bah, the game is not boring, but its not fun either. The very definition of work.
There is a difference in having a mechanic that requires you to "grind" something and then having you grind something for the exact purpose of grinding.
The "end game" (if there really is one) of Lineage 2 was pvp and the economy. Sure, players levelled and gathered mats by grinding but the reason they did this was to get more powerful so they can hold castles or hutning grounds, pvp, crafter better gear for pvp, etc.
There is a distinct difference in being at top lvl and just running things to get better gear so you you can run things to get better gear.
Having said that, if there was an inherent joy in running these instances, regardless of the rewards then I could easily say "sure, run them because they are fun". It's my hope that people are having fun while doing this stuff.
But sometimes it seems players are just doing things because they are driven to do them because it's there.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I would agree balance in never complete. But if you can't achieve balance, then at least follow a rock paper scissor model. As it is some classes (or class combinations) are so dreadful they should just be removed from the game as it pertains to pvp.
Ahh refreshing, someone after my own heart in the desire for consequences. I think if I "plunk" the word Consequences down enough someone will see it and look it up in the dictionary.
I think the op is dead on on all 5, we should add one more, the booring combat. Mash 1-2-3,4,5,6 ahhh repeat.
The crafting was very sad, having 2 factions and only 2 starting areas sad as well.