If WoW does it better, that's kind of sad, becasue we all know WoW has terrible PvP and crafting, and it's "raiding" is the most casual raiding there is.
That isn't quite true, as WoW's raiding at the moment isn't casual. It's actually one of the biggest culture shocks that came along with Cataclysm. I dare say that will change when 4.1 is released, due to the new HCs bridging the gear gap and making raids more accessible.
Currently WoW's HCs are more challenging than Rift's T1 and T2 expert dungeons. I can't comment on the raids, as not done any in Rift.
If I were to compare Rift's end game (from what I've seen), its at about WotLK levels. PvP or PvE, its the same as WoW (i.e. rep and gear grind). They even use the same mechanics (i.e. daily quests for rep, dungeons runs for tokens to buy T1 and T2 gear, battle grounds for favour/honour points, etc).
If WoW does it better, that's kind of sad, becasue we all know WoW has terrible PvP and crafting, and it's "raiding" is the most casual raiding there is.
That isn't quite true, as WoW's raiding at the moment isn't casual. That's actually one of the biggest culture shocks that came along with Cataclysm. I dare say that will change when 4.1 is released, due to the new HCs bridging the gear gap and making raids more accessible.
Currently WoW's HCs are more challenging than Rift's T1 and T2 expert dungeons. I can't comment on the raids, as not done any in Rift.
If I were to compare Rift's end game (from what I've seen), its at about WotLK levels. PvP or PvE, its the same as WoW (i.e. rep and gear grind).
QFT. They spoon-fed bads all the way up til Dec 7 (Cata's release) so that more people would buy the expansion. ICC5's were "hard" but a good player could carry substandard players.
After people paid for the box, they found out what they'd actually paid for. One of the reasons RIFT gets so much attention is because people, or people's friends, got their feelings hurt by Warcraft. RIFT is Warcrack for those who want Warcrack without giving money to Blizzard.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug. 12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
If WoW does it better, that's kind of sad, becasue we all know WoW has terrible PvP and crafting, and it's "raiding" is the most casual raiding there is.
That isn't quite true, as WoW's raiding at the moment isn't casual. That's actually one of the biggest culture shocks that came along with Cataclysm. I dare say that will change when 4.1 is released, due to the new HCs bridging the gear gap and making raids more accessible.
Currently WoW's HCs are more challenging than Rift's T1 and T2 expert dungeons. I can't comment on the raids, as not done any in Rift.
If I were to compare Rift's end game (from what I've seen), its at about WotLK levels. PvP or PvE, its the same as WoW (i.e. rep and gear grind).
QFT. They spoon-fed bads all the way up til Dec 7 (Cata's release) so that more people would buy the expansion. ICC5's were "hard" but a good player could carry substandard players.
After people paid for the box, they found out what they'd actually paid for. One of the reasons RIFT gets so much attention is because people, or people's friends, got their feelings hurt by Warcraft. RIFT is Warcrack for those who want Warcrack without giving money to Blizzard.
I think Blizz has realized this and have begun an about-face when it comes to the lower tiers of content (Heroics and entry raid bosses) to allow it to be more accessible to the masses. I think they are overall going to stick to the philosophy of allowing everyone to experience the raids but keeping the Heroic/Hardmode version of the raids for the skilled. Despite WotLK being ezmoad, the actual Lich King encounter on Heroic was very unforgiving.
Well with raid content -- I always find myself comparing it to the original everquest raids and finding it wanting -- this is with ANY new game (and yes in this context WoW is a new game).
One major problem they are having with rift is templates. You have:
1) People who are playing what they like despite it being a foolishly underpowered combination.
2) People who are playing "as intended" with something the devs planned for -- some 44/22/0 temp they had in mind or somesuch.
3) People who min-max things to death and came up with their own "best" template that others cookie-cutter.
4) People who experiment on the edges of the synergies and try to come up with something that works outside the normal system.
Thing is -- what do you balance the game for? In beta (except beta 6) the game was pretty much balanced to cater to #1. If you played a #2 then things were pretty easy and if you played a #3 -- you roflstomped content. There were plenty of #4 builds that worked amazingly well in some ways.
The devs were afraid of #4s and worked hard to decouple them. They tried to nerf many of the #3s as well. What this started to do was make the #1 templates and later even many of the #2 templates start to have trouble. Anything #4 seems destined to be destroyed and the game starts to require at the very least a #2 template and really want a #3 template. In essence it has gotten to the point where if you are say playing a mage who is not a pyro people will try to get you to play a pyro or maybe boot you by example.
Unfortunately they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater and the wonderful system they had with all of the little synergies and varied paths to get things done has narrowed to a small number of viable templates or you will have a bad time. Plus they nerfed the function completely out of some mainstream archetypes. By example paladins. They were very good but now they really do not function as they should in any playstyle.
Stop opening this lame threads, because more and more people will report you for advertising.
Why do you think this forum's population is dumb?
If negative threads about RIFT are allowed (and they are tons in this site) i don´t see why somenone cannot come and talk about something they like about the game....
Can someone open 20 threads calling it "Fail" ,"wow clone","asking when Rift is going to die" and so...?
Then someone comes to say he has found out that Rift has a good end game...and again he gets trolled by ppl like you....
If you don´t like the game is up to you...but thare are LOTS of ppl that are enjoying it.
Except Rift has more end game than WoW... so umm ya. Seriously how long can some people play the same game over and over before its just silly? I return to WoW for expansions but once I've you know completed them I move on.
Take note, Rift will be no different. I'm enjoying the ride but once I've completed it... I'll move on. Good news that might take longer than WoW because of the pace at which Trion releases content.
Endgame in WoW has nothing on Rift. In WoW, I was the lead tank in my guild, and we only wiped twice in WotLK. Rift is ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT harder. When your tank loses half of his health in one hit, it makes it kinda hard to stay alive hehe. Of course if the tank knows when to switch to Void Knight for magic bosses, it's a little easier. As the lead healer, it's actually pretty hard to keep everyone alive. Been tanking for ~12 years, been healing for ~8, and Rift is by far the hardest overall. there are some notorious bosses in other games (Absolute Virtue in FFXI, I hate you!), but every boss in Rift is a fight to the death, not a fight to 75% life lol.
Except Rift has more end game than WoW... so umm ya. Seriously how long can some people play the same game over and over before its just silly? I return to WoW for expansions but once I've you know completed them I move on.
Take note, Rift will be no different. I'm enjoying the ride but once I've completed it... I'll move on. Good news that might take longer than WoW because of the pace at which Trion releases content.
So you're not at end-game, but state that it's better than WoW's? How does that work?
I consider myself to be a casual weekend gamer. I play an average of 8 to 15 hours a week. I hit level cap with my first character this last week.
At level 50 the world opens up to you in this game.
All the warfronts are open and everyone is on the same level of play except for gear. So PvP becomes a game of tactics and knowing your spec and your pre-made group's specs and how they work best together and coordinated attacks and defenses. This turns PvP up to 10 compared to previous games I have played and is alot of fun. PvP endgame is all about the prestige and favor that gets you soul unlocks and sweet gear upgrades. Totally worth buying the game for this content alone.
Then there is the PvE endgame. OMG....this stuff is pretty brutal (challenging). Expert dungeons are no joke and the mobs hit like trucks. Have to really be on your A-game to get thru these dungeons. I have been in a few world raids which were also alot of fun. Our guild is just now starting to get several 50th level characters so we will start working towards the better gears. It will be great to start getting some of the toughness gears and other fun purple gears.
Crafting. I am almost maxxed on my crafting style and there are daily quests which you can get epic patterns on. These epic patterns are quite worth getting and push your crafting skills to another level. Also I have found that epic patterns drop in the expert dungeons and such so that's another source for making money and making great gears.
Life is good at the top and only getting better. Still tinkering away with my different souls and my 4 rolls.
Two thumbs up for Trion and Rift!!!
Well it's good to know that Rift has a great endgame. It's just a shame that the path there has to be so dull and uninspirational. They may aswell have started everyone at level 50 I guess.
I dunno, it just seems to me that fans of Rift are dedicational in their ability to readily accept the good bits of Rift and praise them, but completely put aside the poor. At least when a good percentage of people that criticise Rift do so they look at both sides of the equation. I suppose it is why Rift has such high scores all over the place despite its many short-comings.
Endgame in WoW has nothing on Rift. In WoW, I was the lead tank in my guild, and we only wiped twice in WotLK.
That's an interestingly deceptive lie considering the best guilds in the entire world wiped hundreds of times over the course of the expansion, which was admittedly the easiest in the game's history. Only a handfull of guilds world-wide were able to defeat lich king 25 legitimately within the 50 attempt limit during his first week of release, and of those that did, many nearly maxxed out their attempts. The first heroic LK kill occurred more than a month and a half later; and no, not because they only worked on one boss per week over that span, but rather because they, the best guild at the time (Paragon), wiped over and over and over again on several different hard-mode bosses.
Unless you never did Ulduar or Icecrown hard modes, your statement is not true for any human on the planet. Of course, if you never did all of the hard modes, thereby conveniently ignoring the hard content, your statement is unfairly comparing Rift's hardest content to WoW's easiest content, which is an obviously fallacious argument.
We waited til everyone had done it and the "tricks" to beating it were out to the public. Much like in FFXI, Absolute Virtue could only be beaten with a good strat. My guild just doesn't run into a dungeon willy nilly and hacking and slashing at everything. Make it work like clockwork, just how raids in WoW work. "When you know what's going to happen, it's easy to know what to do."
We waited til everyone had done it and the "tricks" to beating it were out to the public. Much like in FFXI, Absolute Virtue could only be beaten with a good strat. My guild just doesn't run into a dungeon willy nilly and hacking and slashing at everything. Make it work like clockwork, just how raids in WoW work. "When you know what's going to happen, it's easy to know what to do."
Hate to be that guy, but unless you're doing progress runs during the "official" progress phase of an expansion, you're not playing end game.
Comparing the million time nerfed encounter with another games fresh started progress phase is oxymoron at best.
We waited til everyone had done it and the "tricks" to beating it were out to the public. Much like in FFXI, Absolute Virtue could only be beaten with a good strat. My guild just doesn't run into a dungeon willy nilly and hacking and slashing at everything. Make it work like clockwork, just how raids in WoW work. "When you know what's going to happen, it's easy to know what to do."
Endgame in Rift is alot more unpredictable.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclysm is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They (Rift expert dungeons) aren't hard, in the slightest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do. In many cases even more so than WotLK raid bosses.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs. There is also absolutly nothing unpredicable about them.
We waited til everyone had done it and the "tricks" to beating it were out to the public. Much like in FFXI, Absolute Virtue could only be beaten with a good strat. My guild just doesn't run into a dungeon willy nilly and hacking and slashing at everything. Make it work like clockwork, just how raids in WoW work. "When you know what's going to happen, it's easy to know what to do."
Ah, so in other words you have never done progression content in WoW, you only killed everything after the strategies were public knowledge and the bosses nefed to be killable by idiots like you, yet you blabber about how WoW is easy.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclsym is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They aren't hard, in the slighest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs.
In Wows case is the question if it will last or if they plan to make it easy again. After all wouldn't it be the first time. It is good however that they finally focused a bit on older players again.
As for Rifts endgame it sounds like any MMORPG, not better or worse. For a game to offer a endgame I would call "good" I need it to have something new. Maybe GW2, TOR or WoDO can offer that.
Group instances, raids and PvP is not bad but there should be other options for a fun endgame.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclsym is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They aren't hard, in the slighest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs.
In Wows case is the question if it will last or if they plan to make it easy again. After all wouldn't it be the first time. It is good however that they finally focused a bit on older players again.
As for Rifts endgame it sounds like any MMORPG, not better or worse. For a game to offer a endgame I would call "good" I need it to have something new. Maybe GW2, TOR or WoDO can offer that.
Group instances, raids and PvP is not bad but there should be other options for a fun endgame.
Very true, but one can't make that comparison until such a scenario unfolds. Currently WoW is harder than Rift.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclsym is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They aren't hard, in the slighest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs.
In Wows case is the question if it will last or if they plan to make it easy again. After all wouldn't it be the first time. It is good however that they finally focused a bit on older players again.
As for Rifts endgame it sounds like any MMORPG, not better or worse. For a game to offer a endgame I would call "good" I need it to have something new. Maybe GW2, TOR or WoDO can offer that.
Group instances, raids and PvP is not bad but there should be other options for a fun endgame.
Very true, but one can't make that comparison until such a scenario unfolds. Currently WoW is harder than Rift.
My girlfriend plays WoW as a healer and she told me she practically facerolls every HC dungeon she does. If WoWs dungeons are trully harder then thats an incredible dissappointment to me.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclsym is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They aren't hard, in the slighest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs.
In Wows case is the question if it will last or if they plan to make it easy again. After all wouldn't it be the first time. It is good however that they finally focused a bit on older players again.
As for Rifts endgame it sounds like any MMORPG, not better or worse. For a game to offer a endgame I would call "good" I need it to have something new. Maybe GW2, TOR or WoDO can offer that.
Group instances, raids and PvP is not bad but there should be other options for a fun endgame.
Very true, but one can't make that comparison until such a scenario unfolds. Currently WoW is harder than Rift.
My girlfriend plays WoW as a healer and she told me she practically facerolls every HC dungeon she does. If WoWs dungeons are trully harder then thats an incredible dissappointment to me.
I can assume she's now decent geared? Same goes with Rift. Do a T1/2 with half decent gear and they are even easier. Healing doesn't become easier in WoW until people hit (around) item level 346. At that point HCs have served their purpose, and are little more than for the daily HC run to collect valour points for T11 gear. T11+ geared HC healing is quite easy, but then again you're in raid level gear, not HC. End game progression is also currently slower in WoW, than Rift. In Rift getting full T1 is a waste, as blues in T2 are better. Like WotLK WoW gaining plaques for gear is a breeze in Rift, and gear isn't expensive. T2 dungeons (mechanics wise) are also no harder than T1, other than it adivsed to have better gear as they hit harder.
I did a T1 (for the daily) the other day, with a T2 team. The healer actually complained they were bored, due to the lack of healing needed. Most of the big hits from Rift bosses can be avoided, as they come from ground spawns or some simple mechanic (i.e. usually hide) you get a warning about.
I can assume she's now decent geared? Same goes with Rift. Do a T1/2 with half decent gear and they are even easier. Healing doesn't become easier in WoW until people hit (around) item level 346. At that point HCs have served their purpose, and are little more than for the daily HC run to collect valour points for T11 gear. T11+ geared HC healing is quite easy, but then again you're in raid level gear, not HC.
I did a T1 (for the daily) the other day, with a T2 team. The healer actually complained they were bored, due to the lack of healing needed. Most of the big hits from Rift bosses can be avoided, as they come from ground spawns or some simple mechanic (i.e. usually hide) you get a warning about.
IIRC she has an item level of 350+, so she is well geared. I was always told Rifts dungeons were hard or at least going to be hard. I can honestly say I'm not very happy to hear that they aren't.
Also would you say the dungeons are as easy as Wotlk HC's because those were ridiculously easy.
I can assume she's now decent geared? Same goes with Rift. Do a T1/2 with half decent gear and they are even easier. Healing doesn't become easier in WoW until people hit (around) item level 346. At that point HCs have served their purpose, and are little more than for the daily HC run to collect valour points for T11 gear. T11+ geared HC healing is quite easy, but then again you're in raid level gear, not HC.
I did a T1 (for the daily) the other day, with a T2 team. The healer actually complained they were bored, due to the lack of healing needed. Most of the big hits from Rift bosses can be avoided, as they come from ground spawns or some simple mechanic (i.e. usually hide) you get a warning about.
IIRC she has an item level of 350+, so she is well geared. I was always told Rifts dungeons were hard or at least going to be hard. I can honestly say I'm not very happy to hear that they aren't.
Also would you say the dungeons are as easy as Wotlk HC's because those were ridiculously easy.
They are harder than WotLK HCs, but a lot simpler than WotLK raids. A boss will typically have 2 - 3 mechanics, but nothing complex.
I can assume she's now decent geared? Same goes with Rift. Do a T1/2 with half decent gear and they are even easier. Healing doesn't become easier in WoW until people hit (around) item level 346. At that point HCs have served their purpose, and are little more than for the daily HC run to collect valour points for T11 gear. T11+ geared HC healing is quite easy, but then again you're in raid level gear, not HC.
I did a T1 (for the daily) the other day, with a T2 team. The healer actually complained they were bored, due to the lack of healing needed. Most of the big hits from Rift bosses can be avoided, as they come from ground spawns or some simple mechanic (i.e. usually hide) you get a warning about.
IIRC she has an item level of 350+, so she is well geared. I was always told Rifts dungeons were hard or at least going to be hard. I can honestly say I'm not very happy to hear that they aren't.
Also would you say the dungeons are as easy as Wotlk HC's because those were ridiculously easy.
They are harder than WotLK HCs, but a lot simpler than WotLK raids.
Alright, thanks for the input. Its nice to know all this beforehand and save myself the dissappointment later.
That isn't quite true, as WoW's raiding at the moment isn't casual. It's actually one of the biggest culture shocks that came along with Cataclysm. I dare say that will change when 4.1 is released, due to the new HCs bridging the gear gap and making raids more accessible.
Currently WoW's HCs are more challenging than Rift's T1 and T2 expert dungeons. I can't comment on the raids, as not done any in Rift.
If I were to compare Rift's end game (from what I've seen), its at about WotLK levels. PvP or PvE, its the same as WoW (i.e. rep and gear grind). They even use the same mechanics (i.e. daily quests for rep, dungeons runs for tokens to buy T1 and T2 gear, battle grounds for favour/honour points, etc).
QFT. They spoon-fed bads all the way up til Dec 7 (Cata's release) so that more people would buy the expansion. ICC5's were "hard" but a good player could carry substandard players.
After people paid for the box, they found out what they'd actually paid for. One of the reasons RIFT gets so much attention is because people, or people's friends, got their feelings hurt by Warcraft. RIFT is Warcrack for those who want Warcrack without giving money to Blizzard.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I think Blizz has realized this and have begun an about-face when it comes to the lower tiers of content (Heroics and entry raid bosses) to allow it to be more accessible to the masses. I think they are overall going to stick to the philosophy of allowing everyone to experience the raids but keeping the Heroic/Hardmode version of the raids for the skilled. Despite WotLK being ezmoad, the actual Lich King encounter on Heroic was very unforgiving.
.. But in a good way.
Well with raid content -- I always find myself comparing it to the original everquest raids and finding it wanting -- this is with ANY new game (and yes in this context WoW is a new game).
One major problem they are having with rift is templates. You have:
1) People who are playing what they like despite it being a foolishly underpowered combination.
2) People who are playing "as intended" with something the devs planned for -- some 44/22/0 temp they had in mind or somesuch.
3) People who min-max things to death and came up with their own "best" template that others cookie-cutter.
4) People who experiment on the edges of the synergies and try to come up with something that works outside the normal system.
Thing is -- what do you balance the game for? In beta (except beta 6) the game was pretty much balanced to cater to #1. If you played a #2 then things were pretty easy and if you played a #3 -- you roflstomped content. There were plenty of #4 builds that worked amazingly well in some ways.
The devs were afraid of #4s and worked hard to decouple them. They tried to nerf many of the #3s as well. What this started to do was make the #1 templates and later even many of the #2 templates start to have trouble. Anything #4 seems destined to be destroyed and the game starts to require at the very least a #2 template and really want a #3 template. In essence it has gotten to the point where if you are say playing a mage who is not a pyro people will try to get you to play a pyro or maybe boot you by example.
Unfortunately they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater and the wonderful system they had with all of the little synergies and varied paths to get things done has narrowed to a small number of viable templates or you will have a bad time. Plus they nerfed the function completely out of some mainstream archetypes. By example paladins. They were very good but now they really do not function as they should in any playstyle.
The endgame is very boring, it's the same item spiral like in wow, nowhere the quality of e.g. EQ2.
If negative threads about RIFT are allowed (and they are tons in this site) i don´t see why somenone cannot come and talk about something they like about the game....
Can someone open 20 threads calling it "Fail" ,"wow clone","asking when Rift is going to die" and so...?
Then someone comes to say he has found out that Rift has a good end game...and again he gets trolled by ppl like you....
If you don´t like the game is up to you...but thare are LOTS of ppl that are enjoying it.
please tell me you're not referring to wow.
Except Rift has more end game than WoW... so umm ya. Seriously how long can some people play the same game over and over before its just silly? I return to WoW for expansions but once I've you know completed them I move on.
Take note, Rift will be no different. I'm enjoying the ride but once I've completed it... I'll move on. Good news that might take longer than WoW because of the pace at which Trion releases content.
Endgame in WoW has nothing on Rift. In WoW, I was the lead tank in my guild, and we only wiped twice in WotLK. Rift is ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT harder. When your tank loses half of his health in one hit, it makes it kinda hard to stay alive hehe. Of course if the tank knows when to switch to Void Knight for magic bosses, it's a little easier. As the lead healer, it's actually pretty hard to keep everyone alive. Been tanking for ~12 years, been healing for ~8, and Rift is by far the hardest overall. there are some notorious bosses in other games (Absolute Virtue in FFXI, I hate you!), but every boss in Rift is a fight to the death, not a fight to 75% life lol.
So you're not at end-game, but state that it's better than WoW's? How does that work?
Well it's good to know that Rift has a great endgame. It's just a shame that the path there has to be so dull and uninspirational. They may aswell have started everyone at level 50 I guess.
I dunno, it just seems to me that fans of Rift are dedicational in their ability to readily accept the good bits of Rift and praise them, but completely put aside the poor. At least when a good percentage of people that criticise Rift do so they look at both sides of the equation. I suppose it is why Rift has such high scores all over the place despite its many short-comings.
That's an interestingly deceptive lie considering the best guilds in the entire world wiped hundreds of times over the course of the expansion, which was admittedly the easiest in the game's history. Only a handfull of guilds world-wide were able to defeat lich king 25 legitimately within the 50 attempt limit during his first week of release, and of those that did, many nearly maxxed out their attempts. The first heroic LK kill occurred more than a month and a half later; and no, not because they only worked on one boss per week over that span, but rather because they, the best guild at the time (Paragon), wiped over and over and over again on several different hard-mode bosses.
Unless you never did Ulduar or Icecrown hard modes, your statement is not true for any human on the planet. Of course, if you never did all of the hard modes, thereby conveniently ignoring the hard content, your statement is unfairly comparing Rift's hardest content to WoW's easiest content, which is an obviously fallacious argument.
We waited til everyone had done it and the "tricks" to beating it were out to the public. Much like in FFXI, Absolute Virtue could only be beaten with a good strat. My guild just doesn't run into a dungeon willy nilly and hacking and slashing at everything. Make it work like clockwork, just how raids in WoW work. "When you know what's going to happen, it's easy to know what to do."
Endgame in Rift is alot more unpredictable.
Hate to be that guy, but unless you're doing progress runs during the "official" progress phase of an expansion, you're not playing end game.
Comparing the million time nerfed encounter with another games fresh started progress phase is oxymoron at best.
<----- EQ raider.
I think you need to stop comparing Rift to a game that no longer exists. WoW post Cataclysm is a different beast. Anyone who has completed level 85 HCs can breeze through Rift's expert dungeons. They (Rift expert dungeons) aren't hard, in the slightest. One just needs to pay attention, and much less attention than you currently have to do in WoW. HC bosses in WoW (now) have much more variation and range of mechanics than any in Rift do. In many cases even more so than WotLK raid bosses.
Rift bosses are either tank and spank, or a half way point between WotLK raid bosses and old school HCs. There is also absolutly nothing unpredicable about them.
Ah, so in other words you have never done progression content in WoW, you only killed everything after the strategies were public knowledge and the bosses nefed to be killable by idiots like you, yet you blabber about how WoW is easy.
Comedy gold.
In Wows case is the question if it will last or if they plan to make it easy again. After all wouldn't it be the first time. It is good however that they finally focused a bit on older players again.
As for Rifts endgame it sounds like any MMORPG, not better or worse. For a game to offer a endgame I would call "good" I need it to have something new. Maybe GW2, TOR or WoDO can offer that.
Group instances, raids and PvP is not bad but there should be other options for a fun endgame.
Very true, but one can't make that comparison until such a scenario unfolds. Currently WoW is harder than Rift.
My girlfriend plays WoW as a healer and she told me she practically facerolls every HC dungeon she does. If WoWs dungeons are trully harder then thats an incredible dissappointment to me.
I can assume she's now decent geared? Same goes with Rift. Do a T1/2 with half decent gear and they are even easier. Healing doesn't become easier in WoW until people hit (around) item level 346. At that point HCs have served their purpose, and are little more than for the daily HC run to collect valour points for T11 gear. T11+ geared HC healing is quite easy, but then again you're in raid level gear, not HC. End game progression is also currently slower in WoW, than Rift. In Rift getting full T1 is a waste, as blues in T2 are better. Like WotLK WoW gaining plaques for gear is a breeze in Rift, and gear isn't expensive. T2 dungeons (mechanics wise) are also no harder than T1, other than it adivsed to have better gear as they hit harder.
I did a T1 (for the daily) the other day, with a T2 team. The healer actually complained they were bored, due to the lack of healing needed. Most of the big hits from Rift bosses can be avoided, as they come from ground spawns or some simple mechanic (i.e. usually hide) you get a warning about.
IIRC she has an item level of 350+, so she is well geared. I was always told Rifts dungeons were hard or at least going to be hard. I can honestly say I'm not very happy to hear that they aren't.
Also would you say the dungeons are as easy as Wotlk HC's because those were ridiculously easy.
They are harder than WotLK HCs, but a lot simpler than WotLK raids. A boss will typically have 2 - 3 mechanics, but nothing complex.
Alright, thanks for the input. Its nice to know all this beforehand and save myself the dissappointment later.
Only difference being that Rift is a 10 times better game than WoW.
Give me an argument for every time Rift is better than WoW and I will not regard your post as (insert negative word).