I didn't realize that thinking the group before myself was so wrong. It's not my fault these games are designed in a way that the high end content need fine tuned group builds. Should they dumb it down so that virtually any build will do?
If there is only one path to success then the developers have failed at creating a well rounded game.
Anyone remember when imagination meant something? When thinking out side the box could help you complete task you may not of been strong enough to? When we weren't box in by the developers lack of imagination? The human factor is almost completely gone from gaming. It is all about numbers and formulas. Sad state.
Recently I've noticed that when you give people advice in multiplayer games their immediate response is usually very negative or even hostile. Some people clearly don't want any advice when they play. None. Few of my friends play Rift and they've somewhat complained that when they're trying to give advice to people what build best suits the group at any given time, they are met with hostility and rage quits.
I've noticed this behavior most recently in Shogun 2: Total War's multiplayer too. My friend and I tested some of the game mechanics and noticed that any buffs or debuffs to unit's speed do not work, retainer, skill or otherwise. They just don't work. I thought that it is easy enough to believe since the game has oh so many bugs and broken multiplayer anyways. But when I got into a match where my opponent was using these debuffs/buffs and told him this, he called me a troll.
In World of Tanks when you tell them how they should play their tank's strengths rather than doing what they do, the usual response comes out: F U! Normally I wouldn't care what they do, but when whole teams success is resting on their effort, I have to say something.
I don't know if the advice is taken wrong but I see a pattern here since my firends get the same response when they give advice.
What do you think?
How are you telling them? If you say "X player, you NEED to do this or do this now" then probably. However, if it's something like "Hey, you may want to try this next time" then I don't know. I don't know if you've noticed (online and reality), but people are pretty fucking arrogant anymore. The reason behind this is you can't do anything about it. If online, what you really gonna do? In reality, someone talks shit, you smack em in the mouth - you go to jail. If someone gives me advice I'll take it. Seems people had a little more respect in general when you could actually just light em up and make them look like idiots.
If there is only one path to success then the developers have failed at creating a well rounded game.
Anyone remember when imagination meant something? When thinking out side the box could help you complete task you may not of been strong enough to? When we weren't box in by the developers lack of imagination? The human factor is almost completely gone from gaming. It is all about numbers and formulas. Sad state.
How are you telling them? If you say "X player, you NEED to do this or do this now" then probably. However, if it's something like "Hey, you may want to try this next time" then I don't know. I don't know if you've noticed (online and reality), but people are pretty fucking arrogant anymore. The reason behind this is you can't do anything about it. If online, what you really gonna do? In reality, someone talks shit, you smack em in the mouth - you go to jail. If someone gives me advice I'll take it. Seems people had a little more respect in general when you could actually just light em up and make them look like idiots.