Some kind of deal had to be brokered because all the videos are now private. I hope someone recoreded them.
That, or they couldn't stand up to scrutiny. Or SV asserted a copyright violation and Russian made the channel private to hide the fact that he had to take down the videos. Or ...
If it was an agreement between them, why make the whole channel private and not just the offending videos?
He had claimed that he was about to release videos "proving" that he had been unjustly banned. Guess we'll never see those now / he'll never have to come up with the goods.
His videos clearly showed that he had been eavesdropping on other people's teamspeak / mumble / ventrilo streams and recording them. He said that sometimes he did that using weird names, but alluded to having used other methods too. Personally, I consider that cheating and a bannable offense if proven. Depending on circumstances, it may also be illegal.
It's very unlikely that he started doing this to "prove his innocence" only after he was hanned. Perhaps the"unjust" bans were because people thought he was using some radar hack, when he actually knew their location from teamspeak. SV devs looked at it, saw that he was acting like he had a radar hack, but then couldn't prove it.
IF they "struck a deal" with Russian , I expect it would blow up in their face. Russian is not one to be discrete.
I do not see how the videos were not standing up to scrutiny. There is clearly a gm handing him books and gold. And in the VOIPS you here other people getting favortism from gms.
I think unbanning a known exploiter hacker has blown up in thier face already. How many times since release has he been banned and unbanned??
In case anyone was wondering, I have received items from a GM before and it really does show up as a trade with "Unknown".
(Btw I received an item from a GM because I stole a 50g book from someone and it disappeared from my bank the same night. I contacted customer support and they had a GM replace the book.
Later I heard that the book I stole was restored back for the original owner by a GM for no real reason. I heard that the original owner said that he called the guards on me when I stole the book but they didn't whack me - might be because I didn't turn grey...
Another time GM Gradius banned me for 3 days for crossing a nodeline. Without any items in my inventory or anyone around who could have taken a disadvantage of the situation, let alone that I didn't place their crappy nodeline 50 meters away from town.
I wish GM Gradius had ever found the right button when I -or anyone else- ever had a real problem. Ok not really. People like him are harmful for any business. He doesn't know what games of this kind are about.)
He had claimed that he was about to release videos "proving" that he had been unjustly banned. Guess we'll never see those now / he'll never have to come up with the goods.
I think there was overwhelming proof for 99% of the readers. There will always be that 1% that will cling to the slightest possibility and declare innocence.. hey.. it worked for the OJ jury.
His videos clearly showed that he had been eavesdropping on other people's teamspeak / mumble / ventrilo streams and recording them. He said that sometimes he did that using weird names, but alluded to having used other methods too. Personally, I consider that cheating and a bannable offense if proven. Depending on circumstances, it may also be illegal.
He's a hacker/exploiter and cheater.. yes.. he was also allowed to stay in the game under a new account by Starvault because they needed his subs. Yes.. he posted (from memory here) about 13-14 times broadcasting that "Airbender" was his new account and that he was "Russian". SV knew what he was.. and didn't care. For the record I personally reported one of his posts awhile back when he was talking about how he was "Russian". No one from StarVault cared.. why would they? He was paying their sub and they needed his money...
It's very unlikely that he started doing this to "prove his innocence" only after he was hanned. Perhaps the"unjust" bans were because people thought he was using some radar hack, when he actually knew their location from teamspeak. SV devs looked at it, saw that he was acting like he had a radar hack, but then couldn't prove it.
I agree his motives were to embarass them. When you play in the mud with pigs you are going to get dirty. That's why people who are permabanned for hacking/exploiting/cheating should never be knowlingly allowed back in the game.
IF they "struck a deal" with Russian , I expect it would blow up in their face. Russian is not one to be discrete.
Probably.. One would think they would have learned their lesson, but apparently not. Remember.. this company has proven time and time again that they believe ignoring a problem makes it better. When was their last update on shipping the promised release DVDs? (There was one from Opal which was quickly erased). History has shown that this IS a tactic they are likely to use.. The simple fact that this hacker was "permabanned" but then let back into the game with the full knowledge of the company speaks volumes. The fact that they then gave him 7,000 gold in game is just extra icing. It's the fact that they let him in game under a new alias (to cover it up) that is the most damning in my eyes.
Responses above.
In summary.. there is enough "proof" for 99% of the population. The remaining 1% will never be convinced.. after all "If the glove don't fit you must acquit"... right?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Come on guys I am sure Russian just took the time and has the know how to create a Mortal Online Emulator just to cook this scheme up. Then handed himself all this stuff. Made videos. Put them on youtube. Then all of a sudden took said videos off. He also Coded a Mortal Online Official Forum PM from Henrick. That is the only reasonable explanation.
Treat this as an Ultima Online free server with regards to the GMs. There is corruption. There will always be corruption. Now move along and understand that is where this game grew from, and that is how it will be run.
Once you accept those terms then you will enjoy the game a lot more since you can't do anything about it.
Some people are masochists. It would be easy to cancel the sub if the devs are hurting your feelings so much. They actually are saying to move on but these kids seem very stubborn.
That, or they couldn't stand up to scrutiny. Or SV asserted a copyright violation and Russian made the channel private to hide the fact that he had to take down the videos. Or ...
If it was an agreement between them, why make the whole channel private and not just the offending videos?
He had claimed that he was about to release videos "proving" that he had been unjustly banned. Guess we'll never see those now / he'll never have to come up with the goods.
His videos clearly showed that he had been eavesdropping on other people's teamspeak / mumble / ventrilo streams and recording them. He said that sometimes he did that using weird names, but alluded to having used other methods too. Personally, I consider that cheating and a bannable offense if proven. Depending on circumstances, it may also be illegal.
It's very unlikely that he started doing this to "prove his innocence" only after he was hanned. Perhaps the"unjust" bans were because people thought he was using some radar hack, when he actually knew their location from teamspeak. SV devs looked at it, saw that he was acting like he had a radar hack, but then couldn't prove it.
IF they "struck a deal" with Russian , I expect it would blow up in their face. Russian is not one to be discrete.
I do not see how the videos were not standing up to scrutiny. There is clearly a gm handing him books and gold. And in the VOIPS you here other people getting favortism from gms.
I think unbanning a known exploiter hacker has blown up in thier face already. How many times since release has he been banned and unbanned??
In case anyone was wondering, I have received items from a GM before and it really does show up as a trade with "Unknown".
(Btw I received an item from a GM because I stole a 50g book from someone and it disappeared from my bank the same night. I contacted customer support and they had a GM replace the book.
Later I heard that the book I stole was restored back for the original owner by a GM for no real reason. I heard that the original owner said that he called the guards on me when I stole the book but they didn't whack me - might be because I didn't turn grey...
Another time GM Gradius banned me for 3 days for crossing a nodeline. Without any items in my inventory or anyone around who could have taken a disadvantage of the situation, let alone that I didn't place their crappy nodeline 50 meters away from town.
I wish GM Gradius had ever found the right button when I -or anyone else- ever had a real problem. Ok not really. People like him are harmful for any business. He doesn't know what games of this kind are about.)
Responses above.
In summary.. there is enough "proof" for 99% of the population. The remaining 1% will never be convinced.. after all "If the glove don't fit you must acquit"... right?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Come on guys I am sure Russian just took the time and has the know how to create a Mortal Online Emulator just to cook this scheme up. Then handed himself all this stuff. Made videos. Put them on youtube. Then all of a sudden took said videos off. He also Coded a Mortal Online Official Forum PM from Henrick. That is the only reasonable explanation.
I thought this thread in the official forum was a good read and maybe would fit in this thread.
Treat this as an Ultima Online free server with regards to the GMs. There is corruption. There will always be corruption. Now move along and understand that is where this game grew from, and that is how it will be run.
Once you accept those terms then you will enjoy the game a lot more since you can't do anything about it.
No use, it will get deleted and one who posted it will get a ban :P
Yeah another guild leaving due to GM/Cheating resons:
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Some people are masochists. It would be easy to cancel the sub if the devs are hurting your feelings so much. They actually are saying to move on but these kids seem very stubborn.
More GM corruption!
Please do not necro threads. Thanks!