Besides my empty server, and dead world pvp... that was one of my biggest issues. WF's were usually so one sided there was no challenge or fun involved. Out of the hundreds of WF's I did I'd say there would only be handful that were actually intense/close.
Seeing the dev's are clearly too lazy to implement decent world PVP, and have already ruined it with absurd wf rewards anyway, they should make a pre-made vs pre-made wf queue where only the winning team gets rewarded but the rewards are higher than the usual pug wf's. Then maybe we will actually see challenging PVP, and PVP that isn't just an emotionless grind.
I'm also waiting for some objective driven open world PvP. Until that happens, the changes applied in the recent hotfix to the warfronts have made them even more fun that it was before.
Especially Codex is a lot more hectic than before and is probably my most favorite warfront. You can no longer lock a team in its base. They have an easy access to the codex if you left it unprotected.
Second best is Scion, but that's because I may enter the game where both teams ignore each other and go straight to the enemy commander. Those are boring. If however one team holds their ground and start protecting the objectives, then it becomes mad fun of back and forth trying to finish objectives by either brute force or sneaking around.
Black Garden is decent when both teams are equal in power. Unfortunately due to the lowest population necessary (10 people) it has also the most pre-made teams appearing in it. A one sided game is boring for both sides.
Whitefall Steppes is a bit of a mixed bag. Now that they cut down th silly zooming classes that could take the shard and run Benny Hill style, it is more fun than before. It still has its issues though if both teams are defensive and both hold the shard or when one team scores once and then fortifies itself in its base (usually a recipe for draw/loss though).
Separation between randoms and premades has been officially announced, so it's expected in the commng week(s). Also the warfront server clusters will have more servers in them.
Actually, In PVP I would like to see the sword swinging instead of the tank running around me and no animation what so ever. My thoughts on a pvp game is:
1. No warfronts or instant BG *I notice to much /afk waitng for a wf or bg"
2. Open world PVP but maybe have safe areas like towns for each factions.
3. no PVP gear only gear you can craft or get from drops with the same stats for PVE but have open world PVP for the PVE quest or raid areas. No zoning the group in to a dungeon from other zones. You have to fight your way to the dungeon.
Question is MO like this, I have not tried it?
I am not talking about the absence of all animations. In fact, the eastern developers seem to make battle animations a lot more dramatic and having a "punch" as opposed to their western counterparts. You are talking about an extreme case where a game has zero animation. I'm talking about Rift, which has animations, but some people find it inadequate in "punch" and variety. There is a difference.
The rest of your post is questions about MO, which I have no experience with.
Guys! Please when you speak of PvP please specify if your refering to PvP as it is on a PvE server or true PvP as on a PvP server. Big difference between Warfronts and open PvP.
I don't even know why they bothered having 'PVP' servers. Leveling to 50 on a high pop PVP server I got attacked two-three times by the opposing faction in total. And when I got to 50, I spent most of my time actually looking for world PVP instead of participating in it... cause most of the other side (and mine) were sitting in their home cities grinding WF's, as the rewards gained were far greater in instances - even if you lost.
Oh, and don't get me started on the invisible guards they decided to add everywhere on PVP servers.
Hell, even WOW had better 'world PVP' than this... and that's saying something.
Just started two weeks ago but I've been busy and Ive only just now started to hit my 20s with a couple toons. I'm finding what you've stated appears to be common on the pvp server I am on as well.
I'm also waiting for some objective driven open world PvP. Until that happens, the changes applied in the recent hotfix to the warfronts have made them even more fun that it was before.
Especially Codex is a lot more hectic than before and is probably my most favorite warfront. You can no longer lock a team in its base. They have an easy access to the codex if you left it unprotected.
Second best is Scion, but that's because I may enter the game where both teams ignore each other and go straight to the enemy commander. Those are boring. If however one team holds their ground and start protecting the objectives, then it becomes mad fun of back and forth trying to finish objectives by either brute force or sneaking around.
Black Garden is decent when both teams are equal in power. Unfortunately due to the lowest population necessary (10 people) it has also the most pre-made teams appearing in it. A one sided game is boring for both sides.
Whitefall Steppes is a bit of a mixed bag. Now that they cut down th silly zooming classes that could take the shard and run Benny Hill style, it is more fun than before. It still has its issues though if both teams are defensive and both hold the shard or when one team scores once and then fortifies itself in its base (usually a recipe for draw/loss though).
Separation between randoms and premades has been officially announced, so it's expected in the commng week(s). Also the warfront server clusters will have more servers in them.
I am not talking about the absence of all animations. In fact, the eastern developers seem to make battle animations a lot more dramatic and having a "punch" as opposed to their western counterparts. You are talking about an extreme case where a game has zero animation. I'm talking about Rift, which has animations, but some people find it inadequate in "punch" and variety. There is a difference.
The rest of your post is questions about MO, which I have no experience with.
Just started two weeks ago but I've been busy and Ive only just now started to hit my 20s with a couple toons. I'm finding what you've stated appears to be common on the pvp server I am on as well.