E3 tends to be nothing but loud trailers and money anyway. Even when it wasn't what it is now, it was about booth babes for crying out loud. The E3 has never been something that I've thought highly of or looked forward to, and often when it rolls around it just results in oh, gee, more computer-generated trailers with no gameplay footage to speak of. And this E3 hasn't been any different to any other E3 since the dawn of E3s. Bioware was there, and they showed off TOR, sure, but was it gameplay they showed? Was it anything related to their game at all?
Noap, Bioware had a bunch of new computer-generated trailers designed to get the press talking about their game.
You know, that approach makes me think that they have something to hide, it's decidedly sleazy. ArenaNet is turning up at conventions where we can meet these people and actually play their game in demo form, we can see it for all its beauty and even its flaws (which they have time to work on fixin thanks to doing this), they're honest and up front with us, and they give us actual first-hand access instead of just yet more bloody computer-generated trailers.
One thing was said on a gaming news site I visit recently that I agree with. Bioware should just stop making TOR and get their trailer-making people to do a new series of Star Wars films instead. Why? The only sizeable amount of gameplay footage they've released was so heavily slanted toward monotonous, repetitive WoW-like grinding that it actually managed to put some people to sleep when watching it, but opposed to that their computer-generated trailers have actually been mildly entertaining. And those trailers have actually had some pretty decent quality voice-acting (unlike the game itself)! It just seems like Bioware are pouring most of their game's money into advertising rather than bettering their game.
However, ArenaNet don't feel that they need to sleaze and shmuck like that to promote their game. They don't need big budget minimovies, they just show us their game, they let us play their game, and they let us talk to them about their game. Compared with the Bioware approach infinite trailers, which would you prefer?
ArenaNet skips E3 for the same reason that Bioware doesn't. And it's a very good reason, too.
ArenaNet actually has a game worth showing off.
(Edit: Here's the footage I was talking about. 90 minutes of it, if you can get it to work, but it may have actually been pulled since I can't. If you can though, you'll see that once it gets past the intro stuff it's less than terrific and could more likely be described as soporific, which is probably why Bioware concentrates on E3 and trailers. :P)
You must have missed the 45 min demo for Tatoonie they showed...at E3.
I still think that wanting to only go to shows that fans go to is a line that used because they can't.
The red part is where you keep going on about how bioware doesn't show any footage...and where people can't play them. specifcially the fans.
I will grant you i didn't read the yellow part so apologies again, but why state in the red part they don't show any gameplay footage, when they did, they had a booth where you do get to play it, they've stated this over and over again. I will grant i didn't read the whole thing. so sorry about that, but why contradict yourself in the beginng there?
You keep going on about how Bioware is trying to be sneaky when they let you play the game right out in the open and see what you want to see. They allowed you to go around tatoonie in anyway you want here. They didn't say you can only go here and here.
I'll stop there because this isn't about Bioware..this is about Anet not showing up. So i'll just stop being diverted off the topic.
edit: by to but.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Well, I've been following GW2 for quite some time. It looks like its going to be fun, if AN ever gets around to actually launching it. The way things stand, they may not even launch this year. From some players I know who still play GW, I've no idea how AN plans to keep their player base occupied until GW2 actually launches.
As for the sniping at Biowares TOR, they have (IMO) some of the most impressive trailers(out side of CCP's EVE and DUST514) that I've seen. I've enjoyed the few GW2 trailers I've seen, but they tend to lack some of the polish of CCP and Bioware.
But trailers are mainly for gaining/managing attention and perception. Its game play that determines how long a player base stays engaged. It remains to be seen how any of the up coming titles will shape up in that regard. I'm looking forward to GW2, TOR, TERA, and Firefall.
I still think that wanting to only go to shows that fans go to is a line that used because they can't.
So a company like Blizzard isn't capable of going to E3? riiiiiight. Or Rockstar, oh man, they must be hurting for cash pretty badly right? What, with their AAA titles and all, they must not be able to afford the expense. Puh-lease.
These companies are all highly capable of going to E3.. the question, time and time again, is 'why would you want to?'
PAX is quickly replacing all the major game trade shows. Ignorance of this doesn't make it untrue.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing. Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it. Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago. Currently Playing: Champions Online.
I still think that wanting to only go to shows that fans go to is a line that used because they can't.
So a company like Blizzard isn't capable of going to E3? riiiiiight. Or Rockstar, oh man, they must be hurting for cash pretty badly right? What, with their AAA titles and all, they must not be able to afford the expense. Puh-lease.
These companies are all highly capable of going to E3.. the question, time and time again, is 'why would you want to?'
PAX is quickly replacing all the major game trade shows. Ignorance of this doesn't make it untrue.
... it wasn't about money..as the thread states it was about Ncsoft not allowing them to go because they got fined one year and decided not to go to E3.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
The sad thing is even though they chose not to go to E3 Anet has alot more footage of GW2 than any other game out. Really if it matter so much to you to see the game just go look up the many gameplay vids and walkthroughs they already have out. You are just trolling. Lol, Star Wars fans in Guildwars 2 forums trolling. I find this funny. Seeing how I will most likely be buying GW2 and Star Wars I find it funny that people feel the need to get all bent or try to get others bent over a game. Really Anet doesn't need to waste money on anymore shows.
I have seen enough already to know I will be buying their game. Actually I am sorta glad they didn't go. I hate seeing too much of games that I want to play. Too many ruined surprises and what not. I liked Skyrim and Battlefield 3 out of all the games shown at E3. Anet need not go they already got tons of vids and info. Alot more than Star Wars for sure.
... it wasn't about money..as the thread states it was about Ncsoft not allowing them to go because they got fined one year and decided not to go to E3.
What about the other 5 companies I mentioned?
People skip E3 for reasons other than parent companies.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing. Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it. Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago. Currently Playing: Champions Online.
If you're not letting fans actually play the game, then anything else is worthless. Controlled footage? Trailers? It smacks of being too afraid to let people play and talk about your game. ArenaNet go to cons because they don't want to hide shit from people, they want to be completely open, open about what makes the game great, and even open about the game's flaws so that they can fix them.
E3 is a PRESS ONLY event, so you're only going to get press there. It's not an event where Bioware can connect with the fans. Bioware hide from their fans. At least ArenaNet has the guts to come to us, instead of going to the press.
There are plenty of reasons to go to a press event. It's called publicity. It's called giving your fans what they want. There's a reason why E3 is a much bigger event than so many others. Because it MATTERS.
Developement on GW2 is behind schedule and progressing at a snales pace due to the loss of their top talent. They're not at the press event because they have nothing new to show, nothing to offer to their fanbase.
That won't matter to the fanboys who will continue to worship, but for normal fans with realistic expectations will be let down.
I still think that wanting to only go to shows that fans go to is a line that used because they can't.
So a company like Blizzard isn't capable of going to E3? riiiiiight. Or Rockstar, oh man, they must be hurting for cash pretty badly right? What, with their AAA titles and all, they must not be able to afford the expense. Puh-lease.
These companies are all highly capable of going to E3.. the question, time and time again, is 'why would you want to?'
PAX is quickly replacing all the major game trade shows. Ignorance of this doesn't make it untrue.
Blizzard currently has nothing that they feel the need to market, no upcoming releases that they need to hype.
Rockstar just had their big release, so they're in the same boat.
Companies who can benefit from publicity, who have something they can show to the press that won't make them cringe and write poor reports, those are the ones who go to E3.
I still think that wanting to only go to shows that fans go to is a line that used because they can't.
They played that themselves though, didn't they, as opposed to letting fans play it. You'll note that I mentioned 90 minutes of footage in my post. Herpa-friggin'-derp. Reading comprehension for the win, eh? That's hardly putting the game in front of the fans for them to play, now is it? Next time, try reading.
(The important thing to keep in mind here is, and I shall stress this, that E3 is PRESS ONLY so there's absolutely no chance of letting people play their game in a public venue, where it can be talked about. Bioware are apparently afraid of going to cons, and keep their game at E3, behind closed doors, where they can control how it's played.)
[mod edit]
really? I only remember seeing one footage with gameplay, all the rest was trailers, and even that one with gameplay was pretty generic
and really don't know why so much for E3, its not what it was, even now all the things they mention there are nothing new
There are plenty of reasons to go to a press event. It's called publicity. It's called giving your fans what they want. There's a reason why E3 is a much bigger event than so many others. Because it MATTERS.
Developement on GW2 is behind schedule and progressing at a snales pace due to the loss of their top talent. They're not at the press event because they have nothing new to show, nothing to offer to their fanbase.
That won't matter to the fanboys who will continue to worship, but for normal fans with realistic expectations will be let down.
If there's plenty of reasons to go to a press event, why did countless other companies, (even ones with new product like Blizzard(Heart of the Swarm, Diablo 3), or Rockstar Games: Max Payne 3) skip it?
Here's the facts, which you really haven't researched. You're thinking under a pre-2007 mentality, where E3 was the king of all media events for video games. After that point, E3's handlers screwed up. They tried to restructure the event and make it smaller. Smaller space reduced exposure. They've gone back to their old method again since then, but the damage was done. Wikipedia it if you don't believe me/haven't been paying attention for the past 5 years.
People in the know, know that PAX is where the real news gets announced, because it's for gamers, by gamers. The event is not funded as a corporate shillout, it's funded by gamers, because it's a convention, for gamers. Impressing some press who won't utter a negative word about you (or else they get shut out of future interviews) is like shooting fish in a barrel. That's E3. Stupid press with googley eyes writing glowing reviews of a lot of games, whether they deserve the praise or not.
When's the last time you saw a hugely negative review by a major media outlet due to coverage from E3? Never. There's a reason for that. I'm not really a fan of guild wars by the way, as I've never played it and unless I happen to see something I really like soon, I probably won't play GW2), so you're wrong on the 'fanboy' argument too.
Not attending E3 is not the doom and gloom it once was. Those that believe so just really haven't been paying attention over the years.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing. Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it. Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago. Currently Playing: Champions Online.
If you're not letting fans actually play the game, then anything else is worthless. Controlled footage? Trailers? It smacks of being too afraid to let people play and talk about your game. ArenaNet go to cons because they don't want to hide shit from people, they want to be completely open, open about what makes the game great, and even open about the game's flaws so that they can fix them.
E3 is a PRESS ONLY event, so you're only going to get press there. It's not an event where Bioware can connect with the fans. Bioware hide from their fans. At least ArenaNet has the guts to come to us, instead of going to the press.
Once you're removed your foot from your mouth, you should go check exactly where Bioware is showing this year. Being a fan is good...your type of rabidness....should be just put down!
not just this year. last year the game was playable for fans at gamescon and pax prime and was playable for them at pax east earlier this year. and here is where you can see where they will be this year http://www.swtor.com/events
the only events i think they will be at, that the game won't be playable at or atleast not to the same extent as other shows are S.D. comic con and N.Y. comic con. but we don't have any details on it yet
I'm sure most of the people in this thread don't want to go bashing SWTOR, in fact, I happen to know one of the developers and they're making a pretty good game. If you're into games that have raiding as a primary endgame, then you'll love SWTOR. If I was still in the market for raiding at endgame, I'd definitely be looking forward to SWTOR. There's nothing specifically wrong with presenting at E3, it's just not as big of a deal as say, presenting at PAX.
I just don't think people should read into a lack of prescence at E3 as anything more than it is. Developers make choices on presentation, and for some developers, E3 just isn't the right place to present anymore. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing suspicious. Once we get more information from the places they do end up presenting at, we'll know more about their progress and can start making some early judgments about how good or bad of a game they might be.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing. Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it. Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago. Currently Playing: Champions Online.
All the big boys from the game industry are at E3. NcSoft need to step up their game and promote their wares.
The whole 'we want our fans to play it' argument is invalid. You think everyone who wants to play your demo could possibly attend one location? Its for promotion to a wide audience, live streams of gameplay and reveals.
It is a matter of philosophy. I understand that some people in the US still think that E3 is THE big thing - but that is just not true any longer, shows like gamescom or Tokio Gameshow are actually creating more attention.
There are lots of companies who are not at E3, like Valve, Blizzard etc.
And our philosophy is to showcast our game not to fellow industry people but to actual players.
Nobody needs a convention just to launch an new video.
Why do people in this thread keep saying swtor only showed up to release a CG trailer when just 5 min of searching will show you that that's just not true. They are showcasing lots of new stuff and have literally dozens of stations set up to play the game.
Lets be real here. Nobody knows why they aren't at E3. It could be financial reasons. It could be that NCSoft told them no or that they simply don't have anything new to show, but I don't believe for a second it is because of the fans. You can't tell me just because E3 isn't open to the public that there aren't going to be video game fans at E3 whether they are part of the media or not and that the chance for more publicity via articles on major gaming sites isn't worth the trip if it's in the budget.
I personally could give a damn if they are at E3 or not because they have already convinced me to buy their game. I just don't like when devs use that lame excuse.
I personally could give a damn if they are at E3 or not because they have already convinced me to buy their game. I just don't like when devs use that lame excuse.
That's it. ANet doesn't give a damn about E3. They don't need it and don't want it and imo that's fine. PAX, Gamescom, ComicCon, Paris game show etc. There's enough to attend.
If they attend everything who will make the game?:>
I personally could give a damn if they are at E3 or not because they have already convinced me to buy their game. I just don't like when devs use that lame excuse.
That's it. ANet doesn't give a damn about E3. They don't need it and don't want it and imo that's fine. PAX, Gamescom, ComicCon, Paris game show etc. There's enough to attend.
If they attend everything who will make the game?:>
or they just can't afford it or don't have that much to show
I personally could give a damn if they are at E3 or not because they have already convinced me to buy their game. I just don't like when devs use that lame excuse.
That's it. ANet doesn't give a damn about E3. They don't need it and don't want it and imo that's fine. PAX, Gamescom, ComicCon, Paris game show etc. There's enough to attend.
If they attend everything who will make the game?:>
or they just can't afford it or don't have that much to show
Or they just don't care about E3 or they want to show their stuff to fans rather than having it filtered through media and press.
Didn't they make E3 a non-public event? I heard somewhere that the general public cannot attend.. Don't they already have a developers Expo for video games?
(They sure do make sure we get nice little shots of the "Booth Babes" over the net though)
E3 means less than nothing to me.. I'd rather read a developer blog..
To me E3 has always been more about the consoles and what new things they are doing. I've been watching the live shows on G4 and updates via the web and PC gaming is hardly even a thought for people there and MMOs get even less exposure.
Also why would ANet bother spending all that time and money going down to a show where they can't meet with fans? From my understanding it's very expensive to attend E3. So maybe they are thinking more about the cost vs exposure and their money is better spent going all out at other convetions?
I don't know why this is so fiercely debated. Whether NCSoft/ArenaNet attends the expo or not won't change the quality of their game. The GW2 fans here don't care that they won't be at E3 because they know that ArenaNet will be at 4 other conventions this summer. The GW2 haters here are saying that ArenaNet is making a huge mistake by not being there. Why do you care? If GW2 fails because they didn't go to E3, you win. If NCSoft goes bankrupt because they didn't go to E3, you win (we all win! Actually just kidding, I've had nothing but positive customer service from them)
I'm a firm believer that everything comes down to money. I don't know how much it costs to present at E3 but people in this thread have thrown out numbers like a million dollars. GW2 is going to retail for like $60. Are there thousands or tens of thousands of people who are going to buy GW2 because and only because they heard about it at E3? Are there any websites out there that are going to report on GW2 for the first time at E3 that haven't been talking about it for years already?
By that logic I don't know that it's wise to go to any conventions at all, but at least at the other ones you can have fans flooding youtube with demo videos.
$5000 fines and disagreements with E3 administration in the past or no, if NCSoft thought they were missing out on a profit by missing E3, they'd be there.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it."-Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
The red part is where you keep going on about how bioware doesn't show any footage...and where people can't play them. specifcially the fans.
I will grant you i didn't read the yellow part so apologies again, but why state in the red part they don't show any gameplay footage, when they did, they had a booth where you do get to play it, they've stated this over and over again. I will grant i didn't read the whole thing. so sorry about that, but why contradict yourself in the beginng there?
You keep going on about how Bioware is trying to be sneaky when they let you play the game right out in the open and see what you want to see. They allowed you to go around tatoonie in anyway you want here. They didn't say you can only go here and here.
I'll stop there because this isn't about Bioware..this is about Anet not showing up. So i'll just stop being diverted off the topic.
edit: by to but.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Well, I've been following GW2 for quite some time. It looks like its going to be fun, if AN ever gets around to actually launching it. The way things stand, they may not even launch this year. From some players I know who still play GW, I've no idea how AN plans to keep their player base occupied until GW2 actually launches.
As for the sniping at Biowares TOR, they have (IMO) some of the most impressive trailers(out side of CCP's EVE and DUST514) that I've seen. I've enjoyed the few GW2 trailers I've seen, but they tend to lack some of the polish of CCP and Bioware.
But trailers are mainly for gaining/managing attention and perception. Its game play that determines how long a player base stays engaged. It remains to be seen how any of the up coming titles will shape up in that regard. I'm looking forward to GW2, TOR, TERA, and Firefall.
So a company like Blizzard isn't capable of going to E3? riiiiiight. Or Rockstar, oh man, they must be hurting for cash pretty badly right? What, with their AAA titles and all, they must not be able to afford the expense. Puh-lease.
These companies are all highly capable of going to E3.. the question, time and time again, is 'why would you want to?'
PAX is quickly replacing all the major game trade shows. Ignorance of this doesn't make it untrue.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing.
Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it.
Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago.
Currently Playing: Champions Online.
... it wasn't about money..as the thread states it was about Ncsoft not allowing them to go because they got fined one year and decided not to go to E3.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Was the news that they are currently "floundering" handed to you by a headset-wearing Big Foot per chance?
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The sad thing is even though they chose not to go to E3 Anet has alot more footage of GW2 than any other game out. Really if it matter so much to you to see the game just go look up the many gameplay vids and walkthroughs they already have out. You are just trolling. Lol, Star Wars fans in Guildwars 2 forums trolling. I find this funny. Seeing how I will most likely be buying GW2 and Star Wars I find it funny that people feel the need to get all bent or try to get others bent over a game. Really Anet doesn't need to waste money on anymore shows.
I have seen enough already to know I will be buying their game. Actually I am sorta glad they didn't go. I hate seeing too much of games that I want to play. Too many ruined surprises and what not. I liked Skyrim and Battlefield 3 out of all the games shown at E3. Anet need not go they already got tons of vids and info. Alot more than Star Wars for sure.
What about the other 5 companies I mentioned?
People skip E3 for reasons other than parent companies.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing.
Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it.
Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago.
Currently Playing: Champions Online.
There are plenty of reasons to go to a press event. It's called publicity. It's called giving your fans what they want. There's a reason why E3 is a much bigger event than so many others. Because it MATTERS.
Developement on GW2 is behind schedule and progressing at a snales pace due to the loss of their top talent. They're not at the press event because they have nothing new to show, nothing to offer to their fanbase.
That won't matter to the fanboys who will continue to worship, but for normal fans with realistic expectations will be let down.
Blizzard currently has nothing that they feel the need to market, no upcoming releases that they need to hype.
Rockstar just had their big release, so they're in the same boat.
Companies who can benefit from publicity, who have something they can show to the press that won't make them cringe and write poor reports, those are the ones who go to E3.
really? I only remember seeing one footage with gameplay, all the rest was trailers, and even that one with gameplay was pretty generic
and really don't know why so much for E3, its not what it was, even now all the things they mention there are nothing new
If there's plenty of reasons to go to a press event, why did countless other companies, (even ones with new product like Blizzard(Heart of the Swarm, Diablo 3), or Rockstar Games: Max Payne 3) skip it?
Here's the facts, which you really haven't researched. You're thinking under a pre-2007 mentality, where E3 was the king of all media events for video games. After that point, E3's handlers screwed up. They tried to restructure the event and make it smaller. Smaller space reduced exposure. They've gone back to their old method again since then, but the damage was done. Wikipedia it if you don't believe me/haven't been paying attention for the past 5 years.
People in the know, know that PAX is where the real news gets announced, because it's for gamers, by gamers. The event is not funded as a corporate shillout, it's funded by gamers, because it's a convention, for gamers. Impressing some press who won't utter a negative word about you (or else they get shut out of future interviews) is like shooting fish in a barrel. That's E3. Stupid press with googley eyes writing glowing reviews of a lot of games, whether they deserve the praise or not.
When's the last time you saw a hugely negative review by a major media outlet due to coverage from E3? Never. There's a reason for that. I'm not really a fan of guild wars by the way, as I've never played it and unless I happen to see something I really like soon, I probably won't play GW2), so you're wrong on the 'fanboy' argument too.
Not attending E3 is not the doom and gloom it once was. Those that believe so just really haven't been paying attention over the years.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing.
Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it.
Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago.
Currently Playing: Champions Online.
Why would they bother with E3 when current top dogs are PAX and Gamescom ???? Both of whcih they attend to.
not just this year. last year the game was playable for fans at gamescon and pax prime and was playable for them at pax east earlier this year. and here is where you can see where they will be this year http://www.swtor.com/events
the only events i think they will be at, that the game won't be playable at or atleast not to the same extent as other shows are S.D. comic con and N.Y. comic con. but we don't have any details on it yet
I'm sure most of the people in this thread don't want to go bashing SWTOR, in fact, I happen to know one of the developers and they're making a pretty good game. If you're into games that have raiding as a primary endgame, then you'll love SWTOR. If I was still in the market for raiding at endgame, I'd definitely be looking forward to SWTOR. There's nothing specifically wrong with presenting at E3, it's just not as big of a deal as say, presenting at PAX.
I just don't think people should read into a lack of prescence at E3 as anything more than it is. Developers make choices on presentation, and for some developers, E3 just isn't the right place to present anymore. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing suspicious. Once we get more information from the places they do end up presenting at, we'll know more about their progress and can start making some early judgments about how good or bad of a game they might be.
Currently Watching: TSW. << Very Eager for a Beta invite. Have experience with Beta Testing.
Not personally a big fan of raiding or current pve endgame mmo philosophy. Nothing wrong with it, I just sort of burnt out on it.
Hardcore raider in wow from Launch to.. about 7 months ago.
Currently Playing: Champions Online.
Originally Posted by slowerpoke
All the big boys from the game industry are at E3. NcSoft need to step up their game and promote their wares.
The whole 'we want our fans to play it' argument is invalid. You think everyone who wants to play your demo could possibly attend one location? Its for promotion to a wide audience, live streams of gameplay and reveals.
It is a matter of philosophy. I understand that some people in the US still think that E3 is THE big thing - but that is just not true any longer, shows like gamescom or Tokio Gameshow are actually creating more attention.
There are lots of companies who are not at E3, like Valve, Blizzard etc.
And our philosophy is to showcast our game not to fellow industry people but to actual players.
Nobody needs a convention just to launch an new video.
Why do people in this thread keep saying swtor only showed up to release a CG trailer when just 5 min of searching will show you that that's just not true. They are showcasing lots of new stuff and have literally dozens of stations set up to play the game.
On topic:
Lets be real here. Nobody knows why they aren't at E3. It could be financial reasons. It could be that NCSoft told them no or that they simply don't have anything new to show, but I don't believe for a second it is because of the fans. You can't tell me just because E3 isn't open to the public that there aren't going to be video game fans at E3 whether they are part of the media or not and that the chance for more publicity via articles on major gaming sites isn't worth the trip if it's in the budget.
I personally could give a damn if they are at E3 or not because they have already convinced me to buy their game. I just don't like when devs use that lame excuse.
That's it. ANet doesn't give a damn about E3. They don't need it and don't want it and imo that's fine. PAX, Gamescom, ComicCon, Paris game show etc. There's enough to attend.
If they attend everything who will make the game?:>
or they just can't afford it or don't have that much to show
Or they just don't care about E3 or they want to show their stuff to fans rather than having it filtered through media and press.
Publicity, exposure, building the brand.
In the cut-throat gaming industry, not being in the news, is bad news.
Didn't they make E3 a non-public event? I heard somewhere that the general public cannot attend.. Don't they already have a developers Expo for video games?
(They sure do make sure we get nice little shots of the "Booth Babes" over the net though)
E3 means less than nothing to me.. I'd rather read a developer blog..
To me E3 has always been more about the consoles and what new things they are doing. I've been watching the live shows on G4 and updates via the web and PC gaming is hardly even a thought for people there and MMOs get even less exposure.
Also why would ANet bother spending all that time and money going down to a show where they can't meet with fans? From my understanding it's very expensive to attend E3. So maybe they are thinking more about the cost vs exposure and their money is better spent going all out at other convetions?
I don't know why this is so fiercely debated. Whether NCSoft/ArenaNet attends the expo or not won't change the quality of their game. The GW2 fans here don't care that they won't be at E3 because they know that ArenaNet will be at 4 other conventions this summer. The GW2 haters here are saying that ArenaNet is making a huge mistake by not being there. Why do you care? If GW2 fails because they didn't go to E3, you win. If NCSoft goes bankrupt because they didn't go to E3, you win (we all win! Actually just kidding, I've had nothing but positive customer service from them)
I'm a firm believer that everything comes down to money. I don't know how much it costs to present at E3 but people in this thread have thrown out numbers like a million dollars. GW2 is going to retail for like $60. Are there thousands or tens of thousands of people who are going to buy GW2 because and only because they heard about it at E3? Are there any websites out there that are going to report on GW2 for the first time at E3 that haven't been talking about it for years already?
By that logic I don't know that it's wise to go to any conventions at all, but at least at the other ones you can have fans flooding youtube with demo videos.
$5000 fines and disagreements with E3 administration in the past or no, if NCSoft thought they were missing out on a profit by missing E3, they'd be there.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
They'd probably be better off if they didn't release anything else until launch, in my opinion.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
they aren't rivaling with other mmos out there really, so they just need to make a good game.
They don't get anything out of E3, so why waste development time on it? It's already the most anticipated mmo anyways