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GameFront Staff had a hands-on chance with SWTOR recently and reported on it yesterday.
fan reaction is priceless as always.
They admitted to being biased toward twitch games, where everyone is equal in strength and it's purely the skill of the player. How could they possibly enjoy a system where the strengths and weaknesses are built into the characters themselves, with completely different control schemes than they're used to, that require team work and not being solo gods? The review was a travesty at best.
I've read PvP seems tacked on to TOR from several places including this. Not surprsing for a themepark heavy game by Bioware.
Also, the reactions from the TOR fanboys (the 84+ comments) are just hilarious.
Lol, these guys admit that they don't play MMOs and prefer fps style or actiony style gameplay. Not to mention that they totally suck at MMO pvp, why would you try to melee with a ranged or support class. Not to mention that they gripe about not being able to 1 shot kill people. Nor do they mention trying to CC their opponents and trying to get range. Only one of the guys actually managed to figure out how to play his class, I recommend those guys stick with fps or action style games.
Could you supply links to that, because from what I have been reading people love the pvp in ToR. It's the bads that have to learn how to play that don't like it. go figures
"optimism or more concern?"
These three had no shot writing this info with any group.
Game time was way to short. 10 mintues with a game you never played before at level 20. Most people would be lost and confused.
Thats not even enough time to say what the game even looked liked for them. They probaly got forced to write something by the site but sometimes it's just better to just to leave it alone.
I can feel your anger. This game is defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike this game down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards towards the Dark Side will be complete.
Here is my point of view, 3 scrubs got crushed in PvP.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Why would someone with litterally no mmorpg experience try to write a preview of SWTOR?
Obviously your going to get smoked trying it for the very first time with level 20 characters...
And to give it shit because its not like a FPS? Or Tera, a crappy Asian action mmo thats as deep as a puddle?
Why did i just waste minutes of my life reading that...
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I find it funny how people say TOR is going to draw in people who don't play MMOs and then when people who don't play MMOs play TOR and don't like it they start complaing about how they wouldn't have liked it because they don't play MMOs.
Would you respect a review of a new movie from someone that only saw the trailer AND doesn't like the genre to begin with? I know I wouldn't. It is also part of the reason I don't go to that particular website anymore. They have done this kind of garbage with a few too many games now. I can't respect that and I certainly won't give them a hit to up their marketing hype for advertising dollars.
I don't mind if someone doesn't like a game, even this one. But to purposely pick three people that admit to not liking MMO's or the style of play this game has AND pay them to review it is beyond obsurd. Maybe this is just a conspiracy theory, but it almost sounds like someone has an agenda there.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Come on... You read the article right? the last two guys were douche bags...
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
You know what, when I first started playing MMOs I didn't know squat about computer gameplay. I had played on consoles from the mid 80s all the way to 2000. When I started playing AC I didn't gripe about how the game didn't control like a console game or about people killing me in pvp. I bulked up and learned how to play, the problem with todays generation of MMO players, is that they don't want to take the time to learn. They want everything to be run and gun or instant gratification, or they want to be part of the in crowd the bandwagoneers. Right now the cool thing is hating ToR and a lot of people are jumping on that bandwagon, just to be part of the in crowd, alot of them are misinformed and just repeat the misinformation of others.
The only non-MMO players SWTOR is going to attract are Star Wars and BioWare fanbois.
Aside from simply having more cutscenes, SWTOR is doing literally NOTHING that other established don't already offer and therefore there is nothing there to draw new people with.
You know what i find really funny? This post in reference to a LOTRO fan who had criticism for GW2 after some hands-on time... oh and you wrote it.
Interesting don't ya think? This popped in my head as soon as I read your former post. Shouldn't MMO players like GW2? Different strokes for different folks....
To SB fans, please stop making our demographic look bad.Stop invading threads that have nothing to do with sandboxes.
SW:TOR Graphics Evolution and Comparison
SW:TOR Compare MMO Quests, Combat and More...
More concern? I wasn't particularly concerned to start with? Much like others have said, this wasn't 'the' game for the 'reviewers' so why would they bother (except to add a little controversy?)
Hm, I am not sure what to make of this. It seems the players were much inexperience in MMOs. So it sure is to be taken with a grain of salt. But this complaint of PVP is something I myself am VERY familiar with in most MMOs. Alas. The fact that some classes have no chance and other classes totally rule. Or how experienced players rule and casual PVPers like me have no chance in hell. That IS an issue with PVP in MMOs per se, not particularly Star Wars TOR.
Even if you disband their opinions, and I can understand why, this WILL be a part of the players opinions. Keep in mind not all are diehard Bioware-story fans like we. So TOR will have to deal with such critique, whether we like that or not.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Hey im not a fan of RTS. I think I'll go play one for ten minutes and try to play it like a fighting game. I'll let you know how bad the game is based on my experience.
Thats kind of whats happening here. Doesnt make much sense to me.
Did you actually read the preview? Second do you know anything about MMO's? They sure as hell don't.... Personally I listen to Mike B for all my input on SWTOR, same SWG background as me, same interests and same dislikes in regard to TOR.
Edit again, last time I promise, this game is in CB for gods sake. What a travesty there might be some balance issues. Last time I checked GW2 is going under combat readgustment, should we be concerned about that to? Nope.......
To SB fans, please stop making our demographic look bad.Stop invading threads that have nothing to do with sandboxes.
SW:TOR Graphics Evolution and Comparison
SW:TOR Compare MMO Quests, Combat and More...
You know what I have noticed in my 11 years of playing MMOs? All those MMOs that have tried to do something different have failed, some have shut down altogether while others hangon to life support. It seems that the traditional tried and true method seems to work just fine. If it didn't WoW would have never made it to 12 million subs, EQ wouldn't have never gotten off the ground, Rift would be shutdown by now. Let's look at some games that tried to do some things different, DCU barely anybody play that on the pc, Necron a fps MMO that most people have never heard of, Crimecraft, APB, and global agenda all had to go f2p. TR shutdown, TCOSB another MMO that tried something different dead. If I was investing millions into something I took would go with what works instead of taking a chance on something that has failed time and time again.
TOR PvP is obviously not the primary focus of the game. I think you can all predict what it will consist of. It won't come as a surprise to anybody that's followed the game. Rememebr that there are people who have played/are playing TOR and have told others something about it - including PvP content. Personally, I don't expect much from TOR's PvP game so there's no reason for me to be concerned. Most people will be too upset over the space combat to care about the PvP anyway.
...and it's funny! BioWare has been telling us pretty much all along exactly what to expect from TOR, yet still this stuff crops up. It's almost like people can't read! Imagine that !
I wont bring up professionalism or credibility because thanks to the internet just about any bloke can spout off and have other people read it. Doesnt mean it's good, intelligent, credible, or accurate. May as well share a few other links just to get a more accurate picture, and god forbid get perspective from folks who know something about MMO's.
While I suport that sites right to post whatever they want, I dont look for info on racing game to either. Point being just because you can write a preview, doenst mean you should, especially if you dont have a clue what you are doing or writing about. Hands On PvP Preview
PvP Interview w/Emmanuel Lusinchi
Darth Hater:
PvP Impressions
General PvP Info Learned
Gabe Amatangelo Interview
Gabe Amatangelo A&A
Ask a Jedi:
Player Versus Player In The Old Republic
PvP Q&A w/Game Amatangelo
Hands On The Alderaan Civil War Warzone-Marauder-Gunslinger
PvP-Jedi Knight
PvP Interview w/Emmanuel Lusinchi
IGN PvP Preview
"I have had my criticisms of The Old Republic in the past, but BioWare has set up what I perceive to be one of the most well conceived and rewarding PvP systems regardless of how you want to play your character. I'm seriously looking forward to playing the next PvP game-type, the Voidstar"
(Interesting statement from a publication that has been on the critical side. No?)
TOR Wars:
Jedi Consular PvP Impressions
PvP Q&A w Lead PvP Designer Gabe Amatangelo
Gabe Amatangelo-Forbidden Questions
Alderaan Warzone Impressions
TOR Syndicate:
Alderaan Warzone Impressions
Mos Eisley Radio:
Warzones and PvP
TOR Talk:
Tom's PvP Experience-Trooper
Tim's PvP Experience-Smuggler
Corellian Run Radio:
Gabe Amatangelo Interview
This is where I stand (That is their title)
Gamebreaker TV:
Episode 39: PvP Hands On
You do realize that the Star Wars' fanbase is the largest fanbase in the world, not to mention that Bioware as a company has one of the largest fanbase in the industry right up there, though perhaps a bit behind, with Blizzard, Bethesda, Bungie, etc. Those two fanbases will be a lot of people that SWTOR will bring into the MMO genre if what you say is true.