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This genre has incredible potential, as gaming, as virtuality experiencing medium, as a storytelling medium, etc. But it is stagnant (this is an understatement). It needs somebody who does things differently. Who does things the right way. It needs a genious.
No, thank you. I don't want to pay twice as necessary for my games.
It most certainly doesn't.
With all due respect to the dead, Jobs was hardly the innovator that the (Apple) media made him out to be.
Hmmm....I just saw a comparison with Blizzard and Apple.
Time for cheesecake.
I do not prefer child labor, so I vote no.
Doing things differently? AFAIK the only thing Apple does nowadays is sue people and take features from competitors, claiming they came up with them and making them sound revolutionary and innovative. Shit, have you seen the latest iPhone 4S commercial? And at the front of all this was mr Jobs, working his fans into a frenzy.
<childish, provocative and highly speculative banner about your favorite game goes here>
So MMo's need someone who manages to convince people paying twice the price for less quality is a good deal?
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
Jobs talent was in making things accessible. He made computers so simple that anyone can use them.
Isn't that what half the people on this site say Blizzard did and they demonize them for it.
What the genre truly needs is someone with deep pocket's who is a true fan. Someone who can make a game first and formost for the love of gaming and not over how much profit can be made.
I dont believe it could happen in a corporate enviroment. You need some one who can do it and do it because they want to... Profit be damned.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
(Our game uses prioprietary technology. And can't open Flash files.)
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
While I understand the desire for an "Steve Jobs for MMOs", I mostly agree that he didn't do a whole lot that was flippin awesome/extraordinary, with the exception of the mobile platform explosion.
MMOs need their own Tesla, more like. Someone who will develop and experiment and produce content for the sake of the industry and its users instead of money.
I would never play any mmo that was 100% controled by apple.
Never have and never will own an Apple product unless it's the actual fruit.
"Before playing this game, you must first install FunGames, which will also install the necessary programs KeyStroker, GameNet, AssIMilate, FastPlay, the DLF5 Plugin, the NanoNetSecurity Plugin, and the Fun Bundles Plugin. We will also install several exciting shortcuts on your desktop."
"We're sorry, this insanely large download was for the 32bit version of your operating system. Please search our tangled mess of a website to find the 64bit version. Thank you."
Please no.
Sarcasm is not a crime!
You say that because MMOs are dead?
RIP Steve Jobs.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
Hmm. A game that I couldn't patch but had to buy again every time. A game that will only work with one hardware configuration. A game that costs twice as much as all the other for less content. A game I have to play with just two fingers to get it to log in.
No thanks.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
With all do respect to Steve, thanks, but no thanks.
I would submit that we already had such a person : Raph Koster*.
Unfortunately the big money grubbers at EA and SOE didn't want anything to do with innovation and immersive gameplay; they wanted tons and tons of button mashing zombies paying a monthly fee.
* I mean this in the spirit that the OP presented, not the literal reality of Steve Jobs' management and "innovation".
"If MMORPG players were around when God said, "Let their be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it."
-Luke McKinney, The 7 Biggest Dick Moves in the History of Online Gaming
"In the end, SWG may have been more potential and promise than fulfilled expectation. But I'd rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
-Raph Koster
Hell no.
If anything, the genre needs to get back to it's roots. When games where made from gamers for gamers.
Last thing we need is a juggernaut company that tries to stop other companies' development in its tracks by either sueing the hell out of everyone, forcing them to withdraw their products or trying to force everyone to pay licence-fees for their own inventions.
You intrigue me, who is this Raph Koster?
An Apple MMORPG would cost $30/month for a subscription and essentially force you to buy stuff from the item mall on top of that. It would be pretty polished and have an excellent marketing campaign. It would do a few random things differently, and not necessarily better than wgat most games did. But the game itself would be fairly unremarkable, except for the price.
Creative mind behind SWG and lead designer of Ultima Online.
One can barely imagine where we would be today if the big companies rather supported this course instead of providing fast food games for the dump masses.
We shurely wouldn't be stuck kneedeep in theme-park clones, but possibly play in sandboxes in which guilds administrate whole planets and adventure would be literally endless.
Disagreed. I consider my self being relatively tech-savvy when it comes to figuring out new gadgets and technology. Mac is most annoying platform I had to work on, and I found it very confusing and unintuitive. Am I to used to windows? Yes, but since Mac is the holy grail of user friendliness, I shouldnt have any issues with it.
The industry has already had a small handful of geniuses, and the industry promptly threw them under the bus. It already had a Jobs as well, that is where Blizzard came from.
Create a product a long time ago that used to stand for something revolutionary, remove all the substance from your products and give them a flashy exterior, start charging way more than they are worth, continue the product line well after it should have been taken over by the innumerable competing products that are better made. The ages of the two companies are different, but Blizzard and Apple are mirrors of one another.
O M G I should not be laughing. It's too true. Shame on me....shame on me for laughing.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
All I see is the same trend some of you would say about Blizzard! Another successful company to bitch and whine about.
How does it feel to be a grown up and a big baby?
I swear his recent news has brought out the worst in people on this site.
What's this??? Steve Jobs working on a new MMO???
NOPE! Just Chuck Testa
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?