Pandas are silly! Cow-people, space squid goats, gnomes and purple elves with 1 metre long ears are not!
I guess cow people are close to minotaurs so no . Gnomes and elves are pretty standard fantasy races so no and space squid goats are silly but they arn't a playable race or the subject of a major expansion .
Playable since Burning Crusade...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
you seem to be under the impression that we're living in a world were there aren't thousands of 20+ year olds watching "My Little Pony" as if it's the coolest thing ever.
That Pixar movies are aimed purely and solely at little kids and contain no elements whatsoever which may appeal to adults.
That 'gritty' and 'realistic' are more mature and adult then any other art-style.
However, that's not the world we're living in.
There's plenty of people out there who don't give a rat's ass about whether or not the videogame they play is considered mature by the good folks over here at They don't need a videogame to validate their maturity. They feel plenty comfortable in their adult status even when playing with dolls, petting pink kittens or playing as a panda in a cartoony videogame. They've realised that maturity is about a lot more then outward appearances and have learned that if you spend all your time looking mature it leaves very little time to act mature.
See, to most actual adults this is just a videogame. It's already something that isn't serious and of no huge importance. Whether or not it has pandas doesn't change that. But pandas are cute, so for them the choice is between a silly game and a cute & silly game, guess which one they pick?
Pandas are aimed at your normal WoW player who already see it as a silly game that's nevertheless a good way to waste time and relax. They don't need to play as big burly US marines to validate their maturity. They're just playing to have fun, pandas are fun as well so they fit right in.
Best post ever and if still someone wants to continue to generalise all gamers who play games like WOW as kids.. it is a lost case.
Gobla -1
OP - K.O
Again you totally missed my central point that its is unlikly to attract children around the age of 12 years old . Theres no way I was saying this wouldn't appeal to some adult . It wont appeal to the majority of 30+ year olds though and if it does appeal to someone of 35 good for them . Not every 35 year old reads comics and its seen by most 35 year old that they are immature if they do but if you enjoy it kudos to you .
What I was saying its far more unlikly to attract the 12 year old demographic that most people that are making critiscms think it will . Maybe if you learn to read whats actually written than make assumptions you will be able to make an informed and intelligent responce .
Some animated movies appeal to me as some are well done and offer something to the older viewer and some dont . At 12 years old I had lost interest in Disney but now I'll quite happily watch a disney movie .
Very reason I rarely enter the WoW forums . For some reason people here seam to be unable to grasp the simplest of discussions and resort to they type of unthinking post you've just made .
And you know that for sure how? do you know all 30+ mature guys who play WOW or just any other online games? you are just making up numbers here that is why it is hard to take anything you say seriously.
Howevern it is not just about reading comics that make you look childish and immature (that is what you think by the way not me). Same can be said for those who play online games. I can make up fake numbers too and say hey 'x' number of people think anyone who is 30+ and play vidoe games is childih and immature.
See how shallow and hypocrite it sounds? for someone who generalised entire WOW population who are looking forward to Panda race as 12 years old you should be the last person to complain about 'unthinkign post'. Goblas hit the nail on head and you should read and learn something from it.
I didn't say reading comics made someone look immature to me but it does appear that way to the majority of 35 year olds . fyi I still read them but these days it tends to be stuff by writers I like such as Alan Moore ,Neal Gaimen, Grant Morrison rather than following spacific companeys or characters . Again you really should learn to absorb what you read rather than make assumptions .
Theres a big difference between me saying I personally find people that read comics at 35 immature and saying the majority of 35 year olds find the 35 year olds that do immature . I don't find
And once again you get it wrong I said the 12 year olds are more unlikly to enjoy Pandas than very young players and adults .
12 year olds want to be seen to be growing up and are less likly to enjoy things they at 12 they percieve to be childish . Someone whos a biit older and has already grown up a bit it wont be so important to and thus they are for more likely to be acceptable to them . Let that germinate in the old gray matter for a bit and perhaps you'll finally get my point .
And still you are pulling statistics out of thin air. I understand your post very well but i think you are the one who is not getting the point. Stop making up fake stats and try to pass them as facts. And i gave you an example of double talk just to prove how silly your original post is but sadly as expected you didn't get it.
WoW sucks. I'm sorry I wasted 6 years playing it. Lost my gf to it also. Fucking piece of shit game.
You wasted 6 years.
You lost your girlfriend.
Stop blaming games for your own incompetence and immaturity.
Another WoW child flaming me. This is what's wrong with WoW's community. Bunch of faggots. Not one nice person exists. Stay away from ToR please. I don't want your kind playing it.
"Bunch of faggots. Not one nice person exists."
"Stay away from ToR please. I don't want your kind playing it."
Just repeat that in your head until something clicks.
I am just defending myself dude. When someone flames you, do you just sit there and let them win? I prefer to tell them what I think of them sir.
@Warbot, you've done nothing to make yourself look good in this thread. You've made yourself look like the worst kind of the type of player you claim to detest. The only way you could save face at this point is to go along with the poster above me and claim everything you said was simply to derail the thread's previous discussion, and that you were just trolling. Yeah, it's pretty bad when just trolling is better than the alternative.
Either way, I'd expect a mod to come in here soon and clean up these posts.
The point of this discussion is to look down upon those who play WOW and feel better about yourselves. Don't forget to use made up statistics, hyperbole, generalisations and insults to make your point.
Actually. In a way they might be, however i do not mean 12 year olds as an insult often used on the internet. Look at WoW. The game is nearly 8 years old now. I'm pretty sure a large part of those that started playing back in 2004 where around the age of 12-14, now just reaching their early 20ties.
Eight years is a whole lot of time for game to exist, especially at that level of subscribers base, with how satureted the market is nowadays. Sure you can say games like UO or AO or even EQ are still holding their ground, but in many cases it's nostalgia of players who were gamers long before WoW entered the scene.
After that much time, im pretty certain Blizzard would like to refresh their playerbase, many of those guys and gals that played since the beggining either grew bored of WoW and moved on or stick for the friends they've made over that time while there isin't that much of new blood comming in. With a slightly more "colourful" expansion, with cuddly bears and mini-pet battles, they can hit the spot where they will have this whole new generation of gamers, just enetering the big world of online gaming enjoying their product. It's an investment for future as not many other compaies seem tobe interested in pulling in the younger crowd.
The point of this discussion is to look down upon those who play WOW and feel better about yourselves. Don't forget to use made up stastics, hyperbole, generalisations and insults to make your point.
You used a bunch of long, intelligent words. Go back to WoW!
you seem to be under the impression that we're living in a world were there aren't thousands of 20+ year olds watching "My Little Pony" as if it's the coolest thing ever.
That Pixar movies are aimed purely and solely at little kids and contain no elements whatsoever which may appeal to adults.
That 'gritty' and 'realistic' are more mature and adult then any other art-style.
However, that's not the world we're living in.
There's plenty of people out there who don't give a rat's ass about whether or not the videogame they play is considered mature by the good folks over here at They don't need a videogame to validate their maturity. They feel plenty comfortable in their adult status even when playing with dolls, petting pink kittens or playing as a panda in a cartoony videogame. They've realised that maturity is about a lot more then outward appearances and have learned that if you spend all your time looking mature it leaves very little time to act mature.
See, to most actual adults this is just a videogame. It's already something that isn't serious and of no huge importance. Whether or not it has pandas doesn't change that. But pandas are cute, so for them the choice is between a silly game and a cute & silly game, guess which one they pick?
Pandas are aimed at your normal WoW player who already see it as a silly game that's nevertheless a good way to waste time and relax. They don't need to play as big burly US marines to validate their maturity. They're just playing to have fun, pandas are fun as well so they fit right in.
I absolutely see your point. But with the advent of Pandas - any remaining sense of epic in the most successful mmorpg of all time has just gone up in smoke. Frustrating to say the least that every time I have crafted an excuse to play WoW, that something like this comes into play (the flying reindeer mount really ticked me off lol).
But as you said above, it's not about validation of testosterone. Neither is playing something buff and macho a validation for me as a gamer. What I do want, since I have indulged in Medieval history in my college years, love books by authors such as George R.R. Martin (Song of Ice and Fire, i.e., more recently, "A Game of Thrones" HBO miniseries), and in the past have been an avid lover of Dark Age of Camelot.
These things have spoiled me (apparently) into wanting/expecting a more in depth gaming experience. Wow has finally kicked the bucket on that with pandas - I agree - light hearted fun is okay...TO A POINT...but Blizzard, it's alright to go the other way SOMETIMES too because there are more than just adults looking for light humor and children playing your mmorpg.
/sigh why did I ever invest in this game? And why would Blizz nail the donkey in the [I am a fluffy bunny who likes to smell flowers] so close to SW:ToR release?
I absolutely see your point. But with the advent of Pandas - any remaining sense of epic in the most successful mmorpg of all time has just gone up in smoke. Frustrating to say the least that every time I have crafted an excuse to play WoW, that something like this comes into play (the flying reindeer mount really ticked me off lol).
But as you said above, it's not about validation of testosterone. Neither is playing something buff and macho a validation for me as a gamer. What I do want, since I have indulged in Medieval history in my college years, love books by authors such as George R.R. Martin (Song of Ice and Fire, i.e., more recently, "A Game of Thrones" HBO miniseries), and in the past have been an avid lover of Dark Age of Camelot.
These things have spoiled me (apparently) into wanting/expecting a more in depth gaming experience. Wow has finally kicked the bucket on that with pandas - I agree - light hearted fun is okay...TO A POINT...but Blizzard, it's alright to go the other way SOMETIMES too because there are more than just adults looking for light humor and children playing your mmorpg.
/sigh why did I ever invest in this game? And why would Blizz nail the donkey in the [I am a fluffy bunny who likes to smell flowers] so close to SW:ToR release?
Personally I also much prefer fantasy the likes of George R.R. Martin or Joe Abercombie over WoW's brand of fantasy. Can't say I'm a fan of WoW's lore at all. Just not my thing. Haven't played the game in years and no intention whatsoever to do so.
I even think GW2's lore, for example, is too idealized and friendly. I love dark fantasy where there aren't any knights in shining armor nor any black flaming demons. Just all sorts of people with all kinds of beliefs and motivations.
But I'm under no illusions whatsoever that that somehow makes me more mature and adult then someone playing WoW as a panda.
Maturity has nothing to do with gore, grit and sex.
Maturity has everything to do with responsibility and respect.
The responsibility to pay your debts, provide for those who rely on you and do what needs to be done.
The respect to take others seriously and treat them decently as well as the respect to take yourself seriously.
And if taking yourself seriously means playing as a panda in WoW because that's just what you personally enjoy to do on your day off then that's what an adult will do. Not taking yourself seriously and only worrying about what others might just think of you isn't in any way or form mature.
It's ridicilous and franky a bit childish to think you can judge a person's maturity based on what games they play.
We are the bunny. Resistance is futile. ''/\/\'''''/\/\''''''/\/\ ( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o) (")("),,(")("),(")(")
The point of this discussion is to look down upon those who play WOW and feel better about yourselves. Don't forget to use made up stastics, hyperbole, generalisations and insults to make your point.
You used a bunch of long, intelligent words. Go back to WoW!
It's okay....he misspelled some of them so he doesn't have to go back to WoW.
Ok folks, I just wanted to point out that everyone is entitled to their own opinion - be it positive or negative. It is not cool however to attack or flame other users. I cleaned up the language used here also, please refer to the Language Rules and the RoC when posting. Any user caught violating the rules will receive warning or infraction.
Blizzard does seem to be kidafiing(?) wow, however like with anything they do it will be polished and first class its just not for everyone including me
Actually to be honest it really doesnt matter at this point, what im really more concerned about is the fact that a company like blizzard with the massive income, technical resources and huge staff will release an expansion thats nothing more than recycled content, even the new class *monk* they made their armor type leather ONLY because and i quote "they did not feel like they wanted to have to revisit and create a new armor type" ... I mean really? a company that has over a billion in revenue and a panda with recycled content is the best they can come up with?
It's hysterical to me that people are loudly gasping at the sudden realization that WoW has been developed as a kids game as if it was a new development.
The "cartoon" rendering from day 1 wasn't a big enough clue. Nope. And I guess strutting around going "choo choo" or squawking like a chicken was considered very "30'ish" by many players. Nope fellas.... it took Pandas for people to realize with sudden and absolute "surprising" clarity... "omg.... WoW is a kids game!" Really? This is new to you hugh?
I'm a player. I accept it. To complain about Pandas this far along is sheer stupidity. Period.
It's hysterical to me that people are loudly gasping at the sudden realization that WoW has been developed as a kids game as if it was a new development.
The "cartoon" rendering from day 1 wasn't a big enough clue. Nope. And I guess strutting around going "choo choo" or squawking like a chicken was considered very "30'ish" by many players. Nope fellas.... it took Pandas for people to realize with sudden and absolute "surprising" clarity... "omg.... WoW is a kids game!" Really? This is new to you hugh?
I'm a player. I accept it. To complain about Pandas this far along is sheer stupidity. Period.
Heh, yeah... Haris Pilton is ok, but Pandas...nope!
What is this fixation with 12 year olds? There are other ages which qualify individuals as children...
I don't think they are pandering to any audience in specific. The Pandarens are a race that was introduced in Warcraft 3, and they were intended for BC but later dropped. I view it as something they have been planning for a while and would add a much needed new cultural element to the game. I believe if they truly were planning on relating this to the Kung Fu Panda movie, it would have been announced far before now. Also consider that the release of this is not yet known, but presumably a farther data from anything related to Kung Fu Panda.
I can't really buy the whole asian thing either. A lot of the top sellers over there take Western mythology and redo it in someway. For instance, Final Fantasy and Anime reference a lot of judeo-christian mythology for their stories. This is not to say that this won't appeal to Asian cultures or that Asian customers don't want something that they are familiar with, but just that it's the sole market or target.
I see a lot of comments in these forums about Blizzard aiming this new expansion at the 12 year olds . Well I've got nephews of 11 and 12 years old and neither of them would want to play a game as a Panda partly because they would see it as a game for really young children . They are much more into things like Halo or Company of heroes .Things with a bit more grit and realism to them . My point is the average 12 year old boy at least would find a Panda very uncool and be a bit embarrised to play one or a game with one in and certainly would never tell thier friends about it because they would be teased mercilessly at school.
I did ask my 13 year old neice what she thought of it .she said they were "cute but a bit silly" so I'm not sure how female gamers of that age range would respond to it either .
So love or hate the Pandas its diffcult to see what demographic it would appeal to . Its hard to see a lot of mature older gamers wanting to play one so maybe Blizzard are trying to appeal to a very young market (younger than the 12+ rating). Or maybe its the asian market that love things like this .
Whoever it is . Its not the kids around the age of 12 .
It's aimed at gamers of all ages just as WoW always has been, however these gamers are the gamers that know WoW is a game and WoW's job is to entertain - those who plug into that enjoy WoW and all the quirks it offers, those who don't plug into that will never get the appeal of WoW and that's fine.
It's hard to put into word's but the warcraft universe is somthing you either get or don't.
I don't find a colourless world, filled with uncanney valley models with little to no expression or soul mature, fun to play in or at all appealing. But we all got our thing.
Truth is you'll find more 12 year olds in so called "mature" games cus it offers viloence, blood, sex and all that stuff.
+1 Teach us master. You are wise my friend. I am your padawan.
It's ridicilous and franky a bit childish to think you can judge a person's maturity based on what games they play.
Completely agree, but I think the real backlash about the Pandarians by those who are or used to be fans of wow, is that Blizzard IS pandering (sorry) to the more image obsessed, sparkle pony buying, casual gamers, with grimcrackery and new easier game mechanics, that even many diehard Blizzard fans find sickening.
For those of us Blizzard fans that have been around since the days of Lost Vikings and Blackthorne, seeing their games turn to this uneeded cotton candy pap, can be likened to the comparision between the television show Saturday Night Live of the 1970s and now.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I see a lot of comments in these forums about Blizzard aiming this new expansion at the 12 year olds . Well I've got nephews of 11 and 12 years old and neither of them would want to play a game as a Panda partly because they would see it as a game for really young children . They are much more into things like Halo or Company of heroes .Things with a bit more grit and realism to them . My point is the average 12 year old boy at least would find a Panda very uncool and be a bit embarrised to play one or a game with one in and certainly would never tell thier friends about it because they would be teased mercilessly at school.
I did ask my 13 year old neice what she thought of it .she said they were "cute but a bit silly" so I'm not sure how female gamers of that age range would respond to it either .
So love or hate the Pandas its diffcult to see what demographic it would appeal to . Its hard to see a lot of mature older gamers wanting to play one so maybe Blizzard are trying to appeal to a very young market (younger than the 12+ rating). Or maybe its the asian market that love things like this .
Whoever it is . Its not the kids around the age of 12 .
It's aimed at gamers of all ages just as WoW always has been, however these gamers are the gamers that know WoW is a game and WoW's job is to entertain - those who plug into that enjoy WoW and all the quirks it offers, those who don't plug into that will never get the appeal of WoW and that's fine.
It's hard to put into word's but the warcraft universe is somthing you either get or don't.
I don't find a colourless world, filled with uncanney valley models with little to no expression or soul mature, fun to play in or at all appealing. But we all got our thing.
Truth is you'll find more 12 year olds in so called "mature" games cus it offers viloence, blood, sex and all that stuff.
Well, I did "get it". I don't anymore. Guess I'm not in the target demographic, whatever the hell it is.
Playable since Burning Crusade...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
And still you are pulling statistics out of thin air. I understand your post very well but i think you are the one who is not getting the point. Stop making up fake stats and try to pass them as facts. And i gave you an example of double talk just to prove how silly your original post is but sadly as expected you didn't get it.
@Warbot, you've done nothing to make yourself look good in this thread. You've made yourself look like the worst kind of the type of player you claim to detest. The only way you could save face at this point is to go along with the poster above me and claim everything you said was simply to derail the thread's previous discussion, and that you were just trolling. Yeah, it's pretty bad when just trolling is better than the alternative.
Either way, I'd expect a mod to come in here soon and clean up these posts.
the game has an esrb rating of 12, allways had.
so, what's the point of this discussion? ^^
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
The point of this discussion is to look down upon those who play WOW and feel better about yourselves. Don't forget to use made up statistics, hyperbole, generalisations and insults to make your point.
Actually. In a way they might be, however i do not mean 12 year olds as an insult often used on the internet. Look at WoW. The game is nearly 8 years old now. I'm pretty sure a large part of those that started playing back in 2004 where around the age of 12-14, now just reaching their early 20ties.
Eight years is a whole lot of time for game to exist, especially at that level of subscribers base, with how satureted the market is nowadays. Sure you can say games like UO or AO or even EQ are still holding their ground, but in many cases it's nostalgia of players who were gamers long before WoW entered the scene.
After that much time, im pretty certain Blizzard would like to refresh their playerbase, many of those guys and gals that played since the beggining either grew bored of WoW and moved on or stick for the friends they've made over that time while there isin't that much of new blood comming in. With a slightly more "colourful" expansion, with cuddly bears and mini-pet battles, they can hit the spot where they will have this whole new generation of gamers, just enetering the big world of online gaming enjoying their product. It's an investment for future as not many other compaies seem tobe interested in pulling in the younger crowd.
You used a bunch of long, intelligent words. Go back to WoW!
LMAO and well said really! ^_^
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
I absolutely see your point. But with the advent of Pandas - any remaining sense of epic in the most successful mmorpg of all time has just gone up in smoke. Frustrating to say the least that every time I have crafted an excuse to play WoW, that something like this comes into play (the flying reindeer mount really ticked me off lol).
But as you said above, it's not about validation of testosterone. Neither is playing something buff and macho a validation for me as a gamer. What I do want, since I have indulged in Medieval history in my college years, love books by authors such as George R.R. Martin (Song of Ice and Fire, i.e., more recently, "A Game of Thrones" HBO miniseries), and in the past have been an avid lover of Dark Age of Camelot.
These things have spoiled me (apparently) into wanting/expecting a more in depth gaming experience. Wow has finally kicked the bucket on that with pandas - I agree - light hearted fun is okay...TO A POINT...but Blizzard, it's alright to go the other way SOMETIMES too because there are more than just adults looking for light humor and children playing your mmorpg.
/sigh why did I ever invest in this game? And why would Blizz nail the donkey in the [I am a fluffy bunny who likes to smell flowers] so close to SW:ToR release?
Personally I also much prefer fantasy the likes of George R.R. Martin or Joe Abercombie over WoW's brand of fantasy. Can't say I'm a fan of WoW's lore at all. Just not my thing. Haven't played the game in years and no intention whatsoever to do so.
I even think GW2's lore, for example, is too idealized and friendly. I love dark fantasy where there aren't any knights in shining armor nor any black flaming demons. Just all sorts of people with all kinds of beliefs and motivations.
But I'm under no illusions whatsoever that that somehow makes me more mature and adult then someone playing WoW as a panda.
Maturity has nothing to do with gore, grit and sex.
Maturity has everything to do with responsibility and respect.
The responsibility to pay your debts, provide for those who rely on you and do what needs to be done.
The respect to take others seriously and treat them decently as well as the respect to take yourself seriously.
And if taking yourself seriously means playing as a panda in WoW because that's just what you personally enjoy to do on your day off then that's what an adult will do. Not taking yourself seriously and only worrying about what others might just think of you isn't in any way or form mature.
It's ridicilous and franky a bit childish to think you can judge a person's maturity based on what games they play.
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
It's okay....he misspelled some of them so he doesn't have to go back to WoW.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Dunno i always tought Kung Fu Panda was like a 5-8 years old game....
OP, I'm making a list of threads that you have created about this subject...
Is Blizzard really pandering to the 12 year olds ? :
I think Blizzard just handed it to StarWars TOR on a plate . :
Its not just about Pandas its about Pokemon too . :
Todays the day I realised I would never return to WoW. Pandas:( :
Ok folks, I just wanted to point out that everyone is entitled to their own opinion - be it positive or negative. It is not cool however to attack or flame other users. I cleaned up the language used here also, please refer to the Language Rules and the RoC when posting. Any user caught violating the rules will receive warning or infraction.
Blizzard does seem to be kidafiing(?) wow, however like with anything they do it will be polished and first class its just not for everyone including me
Actually to be honest it really doesnt matter at this point, what im really more concerned about is the fact that a company like blizzard with the massive income, technical resources and huge staff will release an expansion thats nothing more than recycled content, even the new class *monk* they made their armor type leather ONLY because and i quote "they did not feel like they wanted to have to revisit and create a new armor type" ... I mean really? a company that has over a billion in revenue and a panda with recycled content is the best they can come up with?
Well done.
It's hysterical to me that people are loudly gasping at the sudden realization that WoW has been developed as a kids game as if it was a new development.
The "cartoon" rendering from day 1 wasn't a big enough clue. Nope. And I guess strutting around going "choo choo" or squawking like a chicken was considered very "30'ish" by many players. Nope fellas.... it took Pandas for people to realize with sudden and absolute "surprising" clarity... "omg.... WoW is a kids game!" Really? This is new to you hugh?
I'm a player. I accept it. To complain about Pandas this far along is sheer stupidity. Period.
Heh, yeah... Haris Pilton is ok, but Pandas...nope!
What is this fixation with 12 year olds? There are other ages which qualify individuals as children...
I don't think they are pandering to any audience in specific. The Pandarens are a race that was introduced in Warcraft 3, and they were intended for BC but later dropped. I view it as something they have been planning for a while and would add a much needed new cultural element to the game. I believe if they truly were planning on relating this to the Kung Fu Panda movie, it would have been announced far before now. Also consider that the release of this is not yet known, but presumably a farther data from anything related to Kung Fu Panda.
I can't really buy the whole asian thing either. A lot of the top sellers over there take Western mythology and redo it in someway. For instance, Final Fantasy and Anime reference a lot of judeo-christian mythology for their stories. This is not to say that this won't appeal to Asian cultures or that Asian customers don't want something that they are familiar with, but just that it's the sole market or target.
I would totally try Guild War 2...if it were out. In fact, I plan on it. Rift's a good game, but not for me.
Im 25, work two jobs, start college again in january. and i am obsessed with the idea of Panda's.
Fixed that for you. Your obsession level was insufficient.
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
+1 Teach us master. You are wise my friend. I am your padawan.
Completely agree, but I think the real backlash about the Pandarians by those who are or used to be fans of wow, is that Blizzard IS pandering (sorry) to the more image obsessed, sparkle pony buying, casual gamers, with grimcrackery and new easier game mechanics, that even many diehard Blizzard fans find sickening.
For those of us Blizzard fans that have been around since the days of Lost Vikings and Blackthorne, seeing their games turn to this uneeded cotton candy pap, can be likened to the comparision between the television show Saturday Night Live of the 1970s and now.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Well, I did "get it". I don't anymore. Guess I'm not in the target demographic, whatever the hell it is.