Fulltime beta tester here and I will tell you SWTOR is a sub-par single player RPG. The story is completely static, your decisions have no impact on the out come of the story.
If story is your main reason to play you might not want to waste your time on SWTOR.
Ah that part makes me 2nd guess SWTOR. Thanks for the heads up.
Too bad it's entirely incorrect.
Not really. I made all Dark Side choices and my friend made allLight Side choices. Where did we both end up? Coruscant, with the exact same quests at level 10.
We did Escelles (or however you spell it) at 15 with our two companions and chose to throw the engineers out of the bay. The second time we allowed them to live. What was different? Nothing major and once the flashpoint was over it was like we never did it, it never happened.
The thing that really bothers me is frame rate clipping. Objects that are a certain distance away lose half of their frames to allow slower computers to keep up. It made the animations look awful from afar. Reminded me of DAoC or WAR.
As far as exploration, I found it to be pretty guided. I was expecting more open areas, but atleast up until 18 I felt very guided and controlled.
I play a Jedi Sage. I found them extremely OP in PVP. With decent damage and shields and healing, cyclone, and stuns nobody can take me 1v1 in any of the Warzones. I can defend points almost indefinitely versus two players until the rest of the team shows up. The sounds in Huttball are all f!cked up, it's really annoying.
All in all I was pretty on the fence about the game, but somewhat positive about it. After playing it and realizing I was forcing myself to play it after a while, I just can't log in anymore. It's too familiar, nothing new, in space. :
I'm sorry, but your low level experiences in the tutorial and first instance are not going to change what I have experienced through several builds of testing and multiple characters in the lvl 40 range.
And....sounds like you either need to turn your settings up, or get better hardware....I have none of those distant LOD issues you speak of.
As for your PVP experiences....I don't do mini-games...I stick to world PVP. But I've never really had an issue killing any of the republic scum that I've come across....except for this one trooper....but that's another story entirely.
Sorry you don't care for the game. Have fun in whatever you decide to play instead.
I'm sorry, but just because you've had different experiences doesn't make mine irrevelent or less informed. I provided examples of things that ACTUALLY happen in the game. You said "No, I have high level characters, you're wrong." I'm not that inclined to believe you. The beginning of the game is pretty much the best part of the game. It's supposed to suck you in, draw you in. What happened? A Dark Side Jedi and a Light Side Jedi ended up at the exact same point after ten levels. Also, at 15, BOTH "monumental" choices in the Flashpoint gave the same rewards, and had zero lasting effect after leaving the instance.
I run two 6950's, with an i7-2600k. I'm maxing the game. My friend also noticed frame skipping on his machine, a GTX 570 w/ an i5-2500k. Again, just because you don't experience them doesn't make them untrue or irrevelent.
So you never have come across someone who was really good at PvP or had the upper hand. Good story? Doesn't really say much about my PVP experiences.
I'd like to add in washed out color schemes and repetitive color pallets for the landscape.
I don't. I will.
Actually, it does make you "less informed". You have less experience, less time testing. You have not had the opportunity to play through the same content over and over again, and try different paths each time.
And since when is the "beginning of the game the best part"?? You think we play games thinking "it's all down hill from here!! Only gonna get worse!!" ???
That doesn't even make any sense
Try turning off windowed mode, and fullscreen exclusive mode in your video options, and setting vertical synch to "on". The exit the game, and reboot your computer. Advice I've been giving for over three builds now, btw.
As for the PVP...just saying...there is no "all powerful untouchable" class.
No, it really doesn't. You cannot refute the fact that if you choose all Light side choices and all Dark side choices for the first 10 levels of the game, and the first Flash Point, nothing changes. I don't care how many times you've played to 40, or whatever, it's the simple fact.
The beginning of the game is the best part because the game is new and exciting. It's supposed to be fresh. It wasn't.
I know how to work computers. I appreciate your effort to help, though.
In the grand scheme and purpose of balance, maybe not. I haven't died 1v1 yet, though.
On the other hand, the early part of the game wasn't exactly compelling. Naturally I compare to WoW, which was also a very slick game, though I expect TOR to have even fewer problems at launch. However I remember the first login with WoW. I chose a dorf hunter, took a few steps and fired my gun at a wolf. Blam. Something silly/fun about it. Played multiple years. Logged into TOR, grabbed a blaster, went out and saw some seps, Blam. And boom. (Grenades). (And I might mention VG, which at the start was a bit of a struggle. Yet I kep t playing VG, go figure.)
You say you played WoW launch, but doubting it considering the servers barely worked the first week of launch with all the lag issues and disconnecting.
On-Topic: I am up in the air on this game, however I am going to pre-order it wed as it seems different to me than most mmo's anymore(with the cinematics and story aspects). I know I will at the least get my $50 worth, so yes I changed my mind on purchasing it. Also hearing about the level 50 open world PVP zone is what actually made me give it a try this beta. After playing I saw I could easily make it to 50 on a character with the story, and hopefully PvP will take it from there. If not I will get the hours in game leveling up and enjoying the story. I do have a lot of complaints, as I do not like themepark games generally and the UI/graphics(Not a fan of cell shading at all) are indeed horrible. But the story and voice overs are drawing me in much more than I thought.
I was looking forward to the game, but didn't want to pre-order until I had hands on with it. After this weekend I don't think I will be buying the game. Just not enough new stuff for me, and I didn't like every class having a pet.
This game takes me back to my console roots. I am lovin it.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
What else is there to play right now? Nothing - which is going to save Bioware's butt. Even the people, like me, who aren't that impressed are stil going to play it because there is nothing else. The thing that changed for me over the weekend is that it went from being a final mmo home in my mind to a stepping stone mmo.
On the other hand, the early part of the game wasn't exactly compelling. Naturally I compare to WoW, which was also a very slick game, though I expect TOR to have even fewer problems at launch. However I remember the first login with WoW. I chose a dorf hunter, took a few steps and fired my gun at a wolf. Blam. Something silly/fun about it. Played multiple years. Logged into TOR, grabbed a blaster, went out and saw some seps, Blam. And boom. (Grenades). (And I might mention VG, which at the start was a bit of a struggle. Yet I kep t playing VG, go figure.)
You say you played WoW launch, but doubting it considering the servers barely worked the first week of launch with all the lag issues and disconnecting.
On-Topic: I am up in the air on this game, however I am going to pre-order it wed as it seems different to me than most mmo's anymore(with the cinematics and story aspects). I know I will at the least get my $50 worth, so yes I changed my mind on purchasing it. Also hearing about the level 50 open world PVP zone is what actually made me give it a try this beta. After playing I saw I could easily make it to 50 on a character with the story, and hopefully PvP will take it from there. If not I will get the hours in game leveling up and enjoying the story. I do have a lot of complaints, as I do not like themepark games generally and the UI/graphics(Not a fan of cell shading at all) are indeed horrible. But the story and voice overs are drawing me in much more than I thought.
Three months after release you'll see the outcry from this game community as people get through their single player experience crammed into a MMO and start wondering where the MMO is for their end game when they start to get bored with the shallow pvp side of the game and the lame PVE hoops developers like to put at end game in theme parks that will get you something to put in your ship no doubt.
This game will have more pve than pvp players as theme parks do, and they'll be moaning for their content fix and saying how they hate PVP. Any adult over 25 planning on playing this should really go look in the mirror and tell themselves it's time to grow up, as it's very immature in look feel. I dread to think how immature the community will be, it will be wow all over again in that aspect. I cancelled my pre order in Sept after seeing beta streaming live and other peeks they released, it's a MMO for kids, they'll love it, so I'll leave them to it.
I made up my mind during the first beta weekend I played that I would definitely not be buying this game ever after playing multiple classes.
I decided to play the beta on the final weekend for some reason and changed my mind that I would definitely be buying this game if only for the Sith Inquisitor/Warrior's storyline. I simply could not get into all the other classes at all. Their combat felt extremely uninspired and plain dull to me. Yet, somehow, I enjoyed myself a lot playing my Sith Inquisitor. Lord Zash is such a boss.
Three months after release you'll see the outcry from this game community as people get through their single player experience crammed into a MMO and start wondering where the MMO is for their end game when they start to get bored with the shallow pvp side of the game and the lame PVE hoops developers like to put at end game in theme parks that will get you something to put in your ship no doubt.
This game will have more pve than pvp players as theme parks do, and they'll be moaning for their content fix and saying how they hate PVP. Any adult over 25 planning on playing this should really go look in the mirror and tell themselves it's time to grow up, as it's very immature in look feel. I dread to think how immature the community will be, it will be wow all over again in that aspect. I cancelled my pre order in Sept after seeing beta streaming live and other peeks they released, it's a MMO for kids, they'll love it, so I'll leave them to it.
Where does this age argument come from? Seems like most themeparks end up full of immature kiddies anyway. It's all about the crowd you hang with. I'm over 25 but I have mature people to hang out with so I'll be insulated from whatever the community might be. In fact, the people I know who are most excited for this game are people around or over 25, who are looking for a game that is a bit more casual and engaging in leveling up... but that's likely the group I'm coming from.
Never personally had much trouble in WoW or Rift or anything else, but I do know that there were times when the servers I was on had bad reputations as far as community went.
I do think we have no idea how endgame will turn out yet. Still much to be figured out there.
Three months after release you'll see the outcry from this game community as people get through their single player experience crammed into a MMO and start wondering where the MMO is for their end game when they start to get bored with the shallow pvp side of the game and the lame PVE hoops developers like to put at end game in theme parks that will get your something to put in your ship no doubt.
This game will have more pve than pvp players as theme parks do, and they'll be moaning for their content fix and saying how they hate PVP. Any adult over 25 planning on playing this should really go look in the mirror and tell themselves it's time to grow up, as it's very immature in look feel. I dread to think how immature the community will be, it will be wow all over again in that aspect. I cancelled my pre order in Sept after seeing beta streaming live and other peeks they released, it's a MMO for kids, they'll love so I'll leave them to it.
You know, I understand if this isn't the game for you. But why do have to put people down for liking a game? Just because I enjoy something that you don't, why do you feel the need to tell me to look in the mirror and grow up? Live and let live maybe? It just makes me sad that a fellow gamer has to spill their dislike of a game over to the people that enjoy said game.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
Quite honestly you sound like a young adult trying to sound mature. If you were an adult you would understand many adults play games in order to feel like kids again. Of there many reasons peeps play-to lose themselves, challenges , etc. But to tell peeps to grow up and look in the mirror is just laffably stupid. I hate it when peeps make ridiculous comments like this and then call other peeps immature--funny. I am over 25 and I've played most of the major MMOs (not DF or EVE) and also several others and its really hard to find any MMO community that isnt immature.
I truly do hope there is more work on the end game. Eventually I think that will come and be fully expanded. Really they have no choice, if not it prolly will have trouble sustaining subs. We will see.
Right now from what i see as a 30 year SW fan i am very excited. I'm sure things will not satisfy my SW fan side and some of it will not quite work for me as a huge MMO gamer. But hey, there are no perfect MMOs out there.
And BTW you are correct it is a MMO for kids. And I'm one big kid (37 yr old) that can't wait til Dec. 20.
Never EVER use MMORPG.com forums to decide if you should try a game or not....if the posters here had any say, we would all be bitter trolls with nothing to play.
Totally agree.
Just a shame everytime anyone has a valid and informed opinion on here (from over fifteen years of playing mmos from UO onwards) they get called a Troll.
We're used to GW2 trolls here, I'm not sure why you'd be surprised by it.
You must have really liked TOR though since you're feebly trying to convince everyone it's literally the worst game ever. You probably (rightly) think that TOR is going to steamroll over GW2 the same way WoW steamrolled over GW.
This weekend didn't change my mind about the game, I got my mind set in one of the earlier sessions.
I'll probably pick the game from sale-bin 6 months after launch, play the free month and not resub.
The game is well built to Star Wars fans and there's nothing wrong with that. Fans need all kinds of products (mugs, T-shirts, cartoon movies and games).
Because the only thing the fans need and want from a game is the atmosphere, the game doing it must be working and be non-annoying. Bioware hit the nail in the head on that part. And that's why you shouldn't try to evaluate it without SW theme on it.
I'm not that much of a SW fan but more like a MMO junkie. That might be a reason why this produt didn't work on me, you _need_ to want a SW game to fall into this.
It has been said SW won't bring anything new to the table, but there is one thing it brings. It will bring "spacerapping" and I'm not talking about the large area over our heads. There's just so much things to skip and too little time.
It did not change my mind, never planned on buying it, still am.
Though I was pleasently surprised. It does feel like Star Wars and the environnement is immersive and totally convincing. The whole decisions/choices/dialogues thing in quests and instances is nice, quite well done. You can tell a lot of time went into it (perhaps too much?).
But god, the gameplay and the combat are so worn out (complete WoW abilities/gamestyle replicas), boring, repeatitive, long (what's up with that global cooldown), uninteresting, unchallenging, not too mention 85% of server population running with lightsabers. One interesting part for me, though, was the Cover mechanics. But it's not enough. In fact, I was healing (smuggler->scoundrel), and never using it; there's just no real advantage to it so they force you to use it for certain abilities, or at least that's how it felt to me. Maybe it's different if you are dps. Also, after 3 warzones I was bored. And the graphics..
Three months after release you'll see the outcry from this game community as people get through their single player experience crammed into a MMO and start wondering where the MMO is for their end game when they start to get bored with the shallow pvp side of the game and the lame PVE hoops developers like to put at end game in theme parks that will get you something to put in your ship no doubt.
This game will have more pve than pvp players as theme parks do, and they'll be moaning for their content fix and saying how they hate PVP. Any adult over 25 planning on playing this should really go look in the mirror and tell themselves it's time to grow up, as it's very immature in look feel. I dread to think how immature the community will be, it will be wow all over again in that aspect. I cancelled my pre order in Sept after seeing beta streaming live and other peeks they released, it's a MMO for kids, they'll love it, so I'll leave them to it.
*Awesome cut scenes that make you want to watch Star Wars all over again
*Shit graphics and i mean shit.. this is 2011 not 2001. The character faces are ok but everything else sucks.
*Lack of character customization, you are either small and thin, muscle bound, or fat and its all very very cartoony. There are a few other options to select but not many at all.
*WoW style mechanics (guess some people like this tho)
*Combat animation kinda sucks
*Not many races to choose from
*Techincally only 4 classes just called different things on each side.
*Does not feel like a MMORPG even with everyone running around. When
you do team up its pretty fun and the way they do the NPC interaction as a team is not bad.
*Not worth the £40 price tag for the standard edition.. not worth £30 really
*smuggler cover option is bugged to hell, i seen this mob on top of a cliff and managed to barrel roll up the way up this massive cliff and hid behind a rock.
The couple of days I played was ok the story line kept me interested but i know i would not want to play through the same character again.
At the end of the day they should have made this a single player game upped the graphics to 2011 standard and added co-op... This does not feel like a MMORPG.
So no it had not changed my mind in anyway in fact its exactly what i was expecting it to be... sadly for me its a big waste of the Star Wars IP..
I had fun and hope to keep having fun once it truly launches. Do I expect to stay with it for years... who knows. But then again, I never plan to play something that long EVER. Call it my desire for new things, I dont know.
What I hear alot here though is "its too linear".. Maybe cause I dont play enough FPS's but, isnt close to every game out there linear? True besides a few titles... lets talk about some of "you people's" treasured "FPS" games. If you take the multiplayer out of it.. that is 100% taking you by the hand and pulling you foward. So now that an MMO does it (again, they all do). its all of a sudden annoying and a pain in the bored ass. It consfuses and hurts my head that when people complain and whine about something that is literally everywhere in their games , that they cant see what is staring them in the face.
Yet, somehow, I enjoyed myself a lot playing my Sith Inquisitor. Lord Zash is such a boss.
Been playing this class the most. I wasn't planning to play the Inquisitor on release, but now I would really like to know how the story continues along and the combat style for my Assassin is nice (switch to tank or dps)...I played four classes, and 2 of the stories were great (this one and trooper), one was good (imp agent), and the other was just uninteresting (jedi consular, except the companion's part). I heard the Consular quest improves down the road, and I was planning to main that from the start. I was disappointed in how lame it was compared to all the other ones I played though.
I went from being interested (and playing because friends were, thinking here we go WoW all over again) but actually found it quite good. The game is genuinely huge, some of the areas are also massive with seamless sectors, how it doesn't lag I have no idea. Very impressed but not played end game so no opinion there. Each class I tried I played to 15 and stopped and each one felt like playing a different game.
As for those talking about it not being an mmo, do you have friends? Have you tried grouping with them?
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
No, it really doesn't. You cannot refute the fact that if you choose all Light side choices and all Dark side choices for the first 10 levels of the game, and the first Flash Point, nothing changes. I don't care how many times you've played to 40, or whatever, it's the simple fact.
The beginning of the game is the best part because the game is new and exciting. It's supposed to be fresh. It wasn't.
I know how to work computers. I appreciate your effort to help, though.
In the grand scheme and purpose of balance, maybe not. I haven't died 1v1 yet, though.
He who keeps his cool best wins.
You say you played WoW launch, but doubting it considering the servers barely worked the first week of launch with all the lag issues and disconnecting.
On-Topic: I am up in the air on this game, however I am going to pre-order it wed as it seems different to me than most mmo's anymore(with the cinematics and story aspects). I know I will at the least get my $50 worth, so yes I changed my mind on purchasing it. Also hearing about the level 50 open world PVP zone is what actually made me give it a try this beta. After playing I saw I could easily make it to 50 on a character with the story, and hopefully PvP will take it from there. If not I will get the hours in game leveling up and enjoying the story. I do have a lot of complaints, as I do not like themepark games generally and the UI/graphics(Not a fan of cell shading at all) are indeed horrible. But the story and voice overs are drawing me in much more than I thought.
-Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.
........so........so much nerd juices...s-seeping....from my compUTER SCRE- *dead signal*
I havent changed my mind..
I dont think the game is worth the box price + a sub for what it is..
once it goes F2P i'll probably pick it up.
I was looking forward to the game, but didn't want to pre-order until I had hands on with it. After this weekend I don't think I will be buying the game. Just not enough new stuff for me, and I didn't like every class having a pet.
This game takes me back to my console roots. I am lovin it.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
What else is there to play right now? Nothing - which is going to save Bioware's butt. Even the people, like me, who aren't that impressed are stil going to play it because there is nothing else. The thing that changed for me over the weekend is that it went from being a final mmo home in my mind to a stepping stone mmo.
cel shading? where?
Three months after release you'll see the outcry from this game community as people get through their single player experience crammed into a MMO and start wondering where the MMO is for their end game when they start to get bored with the shallow pvp side of the game and the lame PVE hoops developers like to put at end game in theme parks that will get you something to put in your ship no doubt.
This game will have more pve than pvp players as theme parks do, and they'll be moaning for their content fix and saying how they hate PVP. Any adult over 25 planning on playing this should really go look in the mirror and tell themselves it's time to grow up, as it's very immature in look feel. I dread to think how immature the community will be, it will be wow all over again in that aspect. I cancelled my pre order in Sept after seeing beta streaming live and other peeks they released, it's a MMO for kids, they'll love it, so I'll leave them to it.
I made up my mind during the first beta weekend I played that I would definitely not be buying this game ever after playing multiple classes.
I decided to play the beta on the final weekend for some reason and changed my mind that I would definitely be buying this game if only for the Sith Inquisitor/Warrior's storyline. I simply could not get into all the other classes at all. Their combat felt extremely uninspired and plain dull to me. Yet, somehow, I enjoyed myself a lot playing my Sith Inquisitor. Lord Zash is such a boss.
Where does this age argument come from? Seems like most themeparks end up full of immature kiddies anyway. It's all about the crowd you hang with. I'm over 25 but I have mature people to hang out with so I'll be insulated from whatever the community might be. In fact, the people I know who are most excited for this game are people around or over 25, who are looking for a game that is a bit more casual and engaging in leveling up... but that's likely the group I'm coming from.
Never personally had much trouble in WoW or Rift or anything else, but I do know that there were times when the servers I was on had bad reputations as far as community went.
I do think we have no idea how endgame will turn out yet. Still much to be figured out there.
You know, I understand if this isn't the game for you. But why do have to put people down for liking a game? Just because I enjoy something that you don't, why do you feel the need to tell me to look in the mirror and grow up? Live and let live maybe? It just makes me sad that a fellow gamer has to spill their dislike of a game over to the people that enjoy said game.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
Quite honestly you sound like a young adult trying to sound mature. If you were an adult you would understand many adults play games in order to feel like kids again. Of there many reasons peeps play-to lose themselves, challenges , etc. But to tell peeps to grow up and look in the mirror is just laffably stupid. I hate it when peeps make ridiculous comments like this and then call other peeps immature--funny. I am over 25 and I've played most of the major MMOs (not DF or EVE) and also several others and its really hard to find any MMO community that isnt immature.
I truly do hope there is more work on the end game. Eventually I think that will come and be fully expanded. Really they have no choice, if not it prolly will have trouble sustaining subs. We will see.
Right now from what i see as a 30 year SW fan i am very excited. I'm sure things will not satisfy my SW fan side and some of it will not quite work for me as a huge MMO gamer. But hey, there are no perfect MMOs out there.
And BTW you are correct it is a MMO for kids. And I'm one big kid (37 yr old) that can't wait til Dec. 20.
We're used to GW2 trolls here, I'm not sure why you'd be surprised by it.
You must have really liked TOR though since you're feebly trying to convince everyone it's literally the worst game ever. You probably (rightly) think that TOR is going to steamroll over GW2 the same way WoW steamrolled over GW.
This weekend didn't change my mind about the game, I got my mind set in one of the earlier sessions.
I'll probably pick the game from sale-bin 6 months after launch, play the free month and not resub.
The game is well built to Star Wars fans and there's nothing wrong with that. Fans need all kinds of products (mugs, T-shirts, cartoon movies and games).
Because the only thing the fans need and want from a game is the atmosphere, the game doing it must be working and be non-annoying. Bioware hit the nail in the head on that part. And that's why you shouldn't try to evaluate it without SW theme on it.
I'm not that much of a SW fan but more like a MMO junkie. That might be a reason why this produt didn't work on me, you _need_ to want a SW game to fall into this.
It has been said SW won't bring anything new to the table, but there is one thing it brings. It will bring "spacerapping" and I'm not talking about the large area over our heads. There's just so much things to skip and too little time.
It did not change my mind, never planned on buying it, still am.
Though I was pleasently surprised. It does feel like Star Wars and the environnement is immersive and totally convincing. The whole decisions/choices/dialogues thing in quests and instances is nice, quite well done. You can tell a lot of time went into it (perhaps too much?).
But god, the gameplay and the combat are so worn out (complete WoW abilities/gamestyle replicas), boring, repeatitive, long (what's up with that global cooldown), uninteresting, unchallenging, not too mention 85% of server population running with lightsabers. One interesting part for me, though, was the Cover mechanics. But it's not enough. In fact, I was healing (smuggler->scoundrel), and never using it; there's just no real advantage to it so they force you to use it for certain abilities, or at least that's how it felt to me. Maybe it's different if you are dps. Also, after 3 warzones I was bored. And the graphics..
1-20 here
Gave it a thorough test run, confirmed most of what I expected from it, didn't change my mind.
I changed from very exiting to play it, to EXTREAMLY EXITING!! to play :-D
This is funny, in a very sad way
I actually spent the weekend playing this.
*Star Wars
*Decent Story
*Decent sound
*Awesome cut scenes that make you want to watch Star Wars all over again
*Shit graphics and i mean shit.. this is 2011 not 2001. The character faces are ok but everything else sucks.
*Lack of character customization, you are either small and thin, muscle bound, or fat and its all very very cartoony. There are a few other options to select but not many at all.
*WoW style mechanics (guess some people like this tho)
*Combat animation kinda sucks
*Not many races to choose from
*Techincally only 4 classes just called different things on each side.
*Does not feel like a MMORPG even with everyone running around. When
you do team up its pretty fun and the way they do the NPC interaction as a team is not bad.
*Not worth the £40 price tag for the standard edition.. not worth £30 really
*smuggler cover option is bugged to hell, i seen this mob on top of a cliff and managed to barrel roll up the way up this massive cliff and hid behind a rock.
The couple of days I played was ok the story line kept me interested but i know i would not want to play through the same character again.
At the end of the day they should have made this a single player game upped the graphics to 2011 standard and added co-op... This does not feel like a MMORPG.
So no it had not changed my mind in anyway in fact its exactly what i was expecting it to be... sadly for me its a big waste of the Star Wars IP..
But im sure people will enjoy it..
I had fun and hope to keep having fun once it truly launches. Do I expect to stay with it for years... who knows. But then again, I never plan to play something that long EVER. Call it my desire for new things, I dont know.
What I hear alot here though is "its too linear".. Maybe cause I dont play enough FPS's but, isnt close to every game out there linear? True besides a few titles... lets talk about some of "you people's" treasured "FPS" games. If you take the multiplayer out of it.. that is 100% taking you by the hand and pulling you foward. So now that an MMO does it (again, they all do). its all of a sudden annoying and a pain in the bored ass. It consfuses and hurts my head that when people complain and whine about something that is literally everywhere in their games , that they cant see what is staring them in the face.
I did cancel my preorder... the game was just bland and boring, other than the voiceovers ofc.
the best way to kill a troll is to FLAME ON! ...or with acid...
Been playing this class the most. I wasn't planning to play the Inquisitor on release, but now I would really like to know how the story continues along and the combat style for my Assassin is nice (switch to tank or dps)...I played four classes, and 2 of the stories were great (this one and trooper), one was good (imp agent), and the other was just uninteresting (jedi consular, except the companion's part). I heard the Consular quest improves down the road, and I was planning to main that from the start. I was disappointed in how lame it was compared to all the other ones I played though.
I went from being interested (and playing because friends were, thinking here we go WoW all over again) but actually found it quite good. The game is genuinely huge, some of the areas are also massive with seamless sectors, how it doesn't lag I have no idea. Very impressed but not played end game so no opinion there. Each class I tried I played to 15 and stopped and each one felt like playing a different game.
As for those talking about it not being an mmo, do you have friends? Have you tried grouping with them?
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Can you edit a Poll in?
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