I'm sorry if I'm spoiled..but so hyped up and so expensive game SHOULD and NEED to offer more than a 6years old standart with lame story (dont gimme BS that the story is great, Planescape Torment had great story...u know...story with depth,existencial questions and philosophies, moral dichotomies of right/wrong kind/needed cruel/truthfull etc.)
oh and there's this thing - games are about playing, that's why GAMEPLAY should be the most important thing, not scenes and a cheesy story..there are movies for that (and books! what a shock, right kids? )
Good enough is subjective, game-play quality is subjective, opinions are subjective..... What a shock, indeed...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I can wait. But i've been burned on two previous MMO's
There werent any glaring bugs but i did find several issues. UI is an issue. Graphics arent that big an issue for me. Because lets be honest. Would anyone be satisfied with anything short of photorealisim at this point? (Which currently isnt doable) In this most recent public beta you didnt get a lot of time to do much. you got to play through an opening and it did feel somewhat grindy and the UI is very reminncent of other games i've played. Would i have loved to see the TOR combat be closer to DCUO than WOW/Rift? hell yes. Am i disappointed. Not yet.
This game has a very deep storyline that wil ask questions of you as it develops. I wont spoil the trooper line but something tells me you're only at the tip of the iceburg in more than a few cases. One thing i noticed was the often surevey taking. Someone's reading those. If people actually take their time to put an actual opinion in something might just happen. This game doesnt feel like a rush to max level. It has something you can enjoy and savor for the first time in a VERY long time for MMO's.
Mirrored classes was talked about in another thread and yes that CAN be a bad thing. And those who think developers are lazy for doing it that way need to look at EVE, Anarchy Online, WoW to no small extent, RIFT to a MASSIVE extent and a number of others and ask them just what kind of madness it is to balance a system like that. (oh of all i've listed...to this point NONE have solved balance at all.) I'll be honest. If it means we have a balanced PVP setup I'LL TAKE THAT! No FOTM builds? I'LL TAKE THAT! No: Either use this setup or you cant storm the sith temple on Korriban! Setups? I'LL TAKE THAT!
Game balance is one of the hardest things to achieve over the course of an MMO. If a trooper has a legitimate chance against a Sith Warrior without being omgwtfforcepwned then this game is going to RULE! People not being pressured to play Jedi/Sith is going to help this game and Bioware knows it.
That all being said i'm waiting until march.
I burned 140 on Rift. (wish i could have that money back)
I burned 120 on AOC (wish i could have that money back and kick a few players of that game in the nads)
Both of these happened after exceptional beta experiences. I'm gonna join in on TOR at some point. But not initially.
I'm sorry if I'm spoiled..but so hyped up and so expensive game SHOULD and NEED to offer more than a 6years old standart with lame story (dont gimme BS that the story is great, Planescape Torment had great story...u know...story with depth,existencial questions and philosophies, moral dichotomies of right/wrong kind/needed cruel/truthfull etc.)
oh and there's this thing - games are about playing, that's why GAMEPLAY should be the most important thing, not scenes and a cheesy story..there are movies for that (and books! what a shock, right kids? )
From first day it is a known fact that SWTOR main strength is story. So those who believe that there are movies and books for such a thing, why even waste a breathe checking into SWTOR? did Bioware hide anything? nope. I think you are critcising for the sake of it because this is not some new information.
Sorry but this game was never for you to begin with or anyone else who is not into story telling. However, i would like to mention that even GW2 has a personal storyline and GW too had plenty of cutscenes. But i am sure you loved those.
I'm sorry if I'm spoiled..but so hyped up and so expensive game SHOULD and NEED to offer more than a 6years old standart with lame story (dont gimme BS that the story is great, Planescape Torment had great story...u know...story with depth,existencial questions and philosophies, moral dichotomies of right/wrong kind/needed cruel/truthfull etc.)
oh and there's this thing - games are about playing, that's why GAMEPLAY should be the most important thing, not scenes and a cheesy story..there are movies for that (and books! what a shock, right kids? )
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
And that's fine... The issue is that people are somehow unhappy that anyone could enjoy a game they don't like. "Most reviews are negative" isn't even factual... It's just what some sad people want to believe."
Originally posted by Anthur The asian girl looks and behaves like a human. But the others... they are zombies right ? At least they speak and look like zombies.
I found her just as "odd" as the rest. She mentioned being in beta since friends and family but had never seen/gained a companion? Huh?
Their review kinda reminds me of a theatre critic who posted his review and was busted the following day as the night he claimed to see the show it was closed as the power was out.
Anyway i tested last weekend had 1 crash in over 40 hours of gameplay, it may not have everything everyone wants but i enjoyed the combat and loved the story lines. It is well polished and very stable, got my reinvite for this weekend and cant wait.
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
It boils down to the development required in offering those choices, in older games like PST the design was much simpler and didn't require the amount of work, time and/or finances to achieve. It's a trade off between production value and choice, todays gamer is a different beast, they prefer to see everything play out spectacularly rather than leave so much to the imagination.
Your above complaint doesn't only apply to TOR, it should apply to just about every RPG released in the last 10 years or so. As most have gone the route of cinematic quality, which lessens the amount of choices a game can offer as each choice requires the same amount of development time, which today includes a lot more than PST or games of it's ilk did.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It would be lovely if games review websites got a representative sampling of people to review big games. Preferably people with different game/genre/company preferences to avoid bias in their collective reviews. They all have more or less the same opinion on TOR i.e. they instantly didn't like it, didn't appear to give it more than a few hours of their time and overall couldn't be arsed with it at all. Which is fine, but if you look at the poles on this site from today you'll see that a nearly 100% negative opinion on the game is not representative of people who have played the beta. Not even close. I don't feel the people who visit this site are biased in any way, it's a fairly mixed bunch of people, yet opinion of the game is largely positive. Where does the discrepancy lie I wonder?
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
It boils down to the development required in offering those choices, in older games like PST the design was much simpler and didn't require the amount of work, time and/or finances to achieve. It's a trade off between production value and choice, todays gamer is a different beast, they prefer to see everything play out spectacularly rather than leave so much to the imagination.
Your above complaint doesn't only apply to TOR, it should apply to just about every RPG released in the last 10 years or so. As most have gone the route of cinematic quality, which lessens the amount of choices a game can offer as each choice requires the same amount of development time, which today includes a lot more than PST or games of it's ilk did.
I think having everything voiced is what really made this issue stand out. When each line has to be voiced by 5 different people suddenly having 10 dialog options wasn't possible. Having playable races that wouldn't speak basic in swtor is less likely as well. I enjoy playing all bioware's games, but i think they really need to figure out ways to get player choice back into the games, especially swtor. I had a blast in beta but for it to hold my attention long term i need more control over how my PC looks and acts.
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
It boils down to the development required in offering those choices, in older games like PST the design was much simpler and didn't require the amount of work, time and/or finances to achieve. It's a trade off between production value and choice, todays gamer is a different beast, they prefer to see everything play out spectacularly rather than leave so much to the imagination.
Your above complaint doesn't only apply to TOR, it should apply to just about every RPG released in the last 10 years or so. As most have gone the route of cinematic quality, which lessens the amount of choices a game can offer as each choice requires the same amount of development time, which today includes a lot more than PST or games of it's ilk did.
Just TOR, Mass Effect, and DA:2 .
But yeah, I don't think they don't do this because of the work it takes..it's just writing. I think it's a conscious design decision. The dialog wheel just makes things flow faster, there's so much less reading to be done. And when you have a game with tons of VO, you don't want your player to spend most of their time reading...otherwise why did you do the VO?
So I see the merits of the dialog wheel, I just miss the freedom of choice and depth that the older games offered.
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
It boils down to the development required in offering those choices, in older games like PST the design was much simpler and didn't require the amount of work, time and/or finances to achieve. It's a trade off between production value and choice, todays gamer is a different beast, they prefer to see everything play out spectacularly rather than leave so much to the imagination.
Your above complaint doesn't only apply to TOR, it should apply to just about every RPG released in the last 10 years or so. As most have gone the route of cinematic quality, which lessens the amount of choices a game can offer as each choice requires the same amount of development time, which today includes a lot more than PST or games of it's ilk did.
I think having everything voiced is what really made this issue stand out. When each line has to be voiced by 5 different people suddenly having 10 dialog options wasn't possible. Having playable races that wouldn't speak basic in swtor is less likely as well. I enjoy playing all bioware's games, but i think they really need to figure out ways to get player choice back into the games, especially swtor. I had a blast in beta but for it to hold my attention long term i need more control over how my PC looks and acts.
I'm sorry if I'm spoiled..but so hyped up and so expensive game SHOULD and NEED to offer more than a 6years old standart with lame story (dont gimme BS that the story is great, Planescape Torment had great story...u know...story with depth,existencial questions and philosophies, moral dichotomies of right/wrong kind/needed cruel/truthfull etc.)
oh and there's this thing - games are about playing, that's why GAMEPLAY should be the most important thing, not scenes and a cheesy story..there are movies for that (and books! what a shock, right kids? )
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
Yup and that's exactly my point
For a company that probably spent their entire budget on story and talks all day long about how the story is awesome and cool- I'd expect something better than linear nice/bad/ironic choices with no real consequences (the guys is killed in your dialogue, lives in other player's scenario - asewum)
+ plus the thing that it actually SHOWS u ahead if the choice is good/bad/neutral is just ... sad ..
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
I think having everything voiced is what really made this issue stand out. When each line has to be voiced by 5 different people suddenly having 10 dialog options wasn't possible. Having playable races that wouldn't speak basic in swtor is less likely as well. I enjoy playing all bioware's games, but i think they really need to figure out ways to get player choice back into the games, especially swtor. I had a blast in beta but for it to hold my attention long term i need more control over how my PC looks and acts.
I agree with Mr. Cauthon.
The mistake I think you're both making is thinking it only applies to VO. The choices must have outcomes which require different set pieces, different directions the story goes down and different paths the game takes from those decisions, otherwise it just feels like a generic choice.
The only game I can think of in the last decade that has done this well was The Witcher, which did offer many different choices in how your decisions played out in the overall game as well as allowed for many different outcomes in the direction the game went.
But see the thing is even there, areas most RPG's offer were not there. Character creation, different sexes, different races etc.. Trade offs were made, they only needed to offer those choices for one possible playable option, Geralt...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Tor misses the mark on how to tell a story with an mmorpg. If you want interaction make those interactions between players not between VO npcs with silly choices. They should have focused on a more diverse faction system not just bad guys and good guys. It just plays like a single player rpg, just doesn't cut it. Its painfully slow as well. If I could best describe the game, its like Everquest dipped in molassos with voice over talent.
It is definitely a very poorly thought-out, heavily bias “preview.” When watching it I can’t help but to think, “Why even bother? What exactly was the point of this?” You can see pretty clearly that it was not their intent to provide the community with an objective and informative view of the game. Constructive feedback is always welcome, mostly, negative or otherwise, but in this preview there is practically none to be found.
I actually quickly whipped up a “preview” of their “preview,” which I highly suggest you watch first…just to prepare.
We all know, GamePro is not alive anymore. i'm not the only one who knows this. you can only say goodbye to gamepro. i'm not hating or something its just dying... what els can i say.
I used to love Gamepro, back when it was just them and Nintendo Power and nobody else. That said, this video is bad. The first two reviewers played it to low levels and hated it. The third reviewer played it a moderrate amount and is in the fence. The asain chick played it much, much longer and loved it.
By all means, point out the flaws of the game, but don't say "the story was boring" 20 times over and call it a review. I don't find the story to be boring at all. I personally love the story of all the classes I've played. In my opinion, this review bodes well for the game.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
I think it's really sad how the fans say that a vast majority of the bad opinions on TOR are coming from this site alone and how everywhere else it's been a smash hit.
Yet when something is posted by outside and known sources, they find another reason to discredit the people that speak their opinions on what they have experienced. Like the game for what it is but let's not be delusional about the games glaring faults. There are plenty there and while some can be argued as only faults to a few, it seems like the major ones are shared by many.
Are you really so surprised? I can only think of one other franchise with a track record similar to star wars, that still manages to somehow have such a devoted following. And that would be final fantasy.
There's actually a thread about this, how any negative 'reviews' or 'opinions' on TOR are automatically viewed as either trolling, or horribly inaccurate. I would say that, given the beta weekend, the majority of people DO like the game. However, I would also say that, out of those people; most are ignoring the flaws the game has, and the few that aren't will probably play at launch. They are skeptical as to how long they will keep playing, though. IE 'i'll play the free month'.
The question really is how long will that be able to hold up. Will the strength of the IP alone be able to make this game last, or is there a large content update coming shortly after launch we don't know about?
No I am not at all surprised. The thing that stands out to me when reading others opinions, especially regarding TOR, is how strange that anytime anyone brings up a really good point on something that could potentially be a huge issue to others, the person is attacked more than the issue itself. I have been playing catch up on TOR info the last couple of weeks and I just notice that personal attacks have resulted more than actually addressing, what some concidder, a huge problem with the game.
I have also noticed that when that view is blown off as just another hater, it seems to pop up in other peoples problems with the game. No matter how many people bring up some of the problems or things they didn't like about the game, it's immidiately thrown out or people fall back into that defencive comment of "Why are you complaining about it. It's not like we didn't know what the game was gonna be like before now." Sure some of us knew the main focus of the game was VO and story driven content, that doesn't mean we could have known just how dumb the AI was, or how lifeless the world would be.
I am not saying that there aren't quite a few people who walked away from beta trials and were either excited, or changed their mind in favor of the game. I just think it's preety hippocrytical to praise the game and only think peoples opinions of the game are worthwhile if they liked it, while saying that anyone that didn't enjoy it is merely a troll, even when some of the people who critique the game gave pretty in depth reasons why rather than just bashing. Not saying the video here is one of those, but it is opinions from people outside of this little community. I have read that everyone in beta and not on this site loves the game. Video is just one piece that says otherwise.
Haha, how ridiculous. They should be embarassed at this poor attempt at publicity. I mean the one guy with the checkered shirt keeps looksing away, like he's reading a prompter.
Previous Gamepro reviews:
WOW 5/5 stars
City of Heroes 4.5/5
Rift 4.5/5
Tabula Rasa 3.5/5
The Matrix Online 3.5/5
DC Universe Online 5/5
Then, if you go to the gamepro website you see right in your face a big screen filling graphic 'why we hate SWTOR'. The whole thing screams 'we need traffic'. Once you've sold out your integrity, what's left?
I think it's really sad how the fans say that a vast majority of the bad opinions on TOR are coming from this site alone and how everywhere else it's been a smash hit.
Yet when something is posted by outside and known sources, they find another reason to discredit the people that speak their opinions on what they have experienced. Like the game for what it is but let's not be delusional about the games glaring faults. There are plenty there and while some can be argued as only faults to a few, it seems like the major ones are shared by many.
You may have a point if this video was worth watching, considering both fans and non-fans are blasting it, I'd say it's a fair assesment that this is just plain bad journalism.
No I wasn't making a point in favor of the video. I personally thought it was shallow and woulda expected more from gamepro. I was only pointing out that when people don't like TOR they are told they are a very small minority and when someone brings up a video from an outside source it is waved off as propaganda and just QQ from people who are losing their jobs.
However, even if I don't agree with the shoddy work, I don't make excuses as to why the people in said video must have had something else wrong with them to claim TOR wasn't a good product in their eyes. They didn't like it and mentioned some reasons that have reflected in others personal observations of the game. It must all be a conspiracy?
Good enough is subjective, game-play quality is subjective, opinions are subjective..... What a shock, indeed...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Story is game play.
Game play is story.
Let's respect other user's opinions. Thanks. No personal attacks.
I can wait. But i've been burned on two previous MMO's
There werent any glaring bugs but i did find several issues. UI is an issue. Graphics arent that big an issue for me. Because lets be honest. Would anyone be satisfied with anything short of photorealisim at this point? (Which currently isnt doable) In this most recent public beta you didnt get a lot of time to do much. you got to play through an opening and it did feel somewhat grindy and the UI is very reminncent of other games i've played. Would i have loved to see the TOR combat be closer to DCUO than WOW/Rift? hell yes. Am i disappointed. Not yet.
This game has a very deep storyline that wil ask questions of you as it develops. I wont spoil the trooper line but something tells me you're only at the tip of the iceburg in more than a few cases. One thing i noticed was the often surevey taking. Someone's reading those. If people actually take their time to put an actual opinion in something might just happen. This game doesnt feel like a rush to max level. It has something you can enjoy and savor for the first time in a VERY long time for MMO's.
Mirrored classes was talked about in another thread and yes that CAN be a bad thing. And those who think developers are lazy for doing it that way need to look at EVE, Anarchy Online, WoW to no small extent, RIFT to a MASSIVE extent and a number of others and ask them just what kind of madness it is to balance a system like that. (oh of all i've listed...to this point NONE have solved balance at all.) I'll be honest. If it means we have a balanced PVP setup I'LL TAKE THAT! No FOTM builds? I'LL TAKE THAT! No: Either use this setup or you cant storm the sith temple on Korriban! Setups? I'LL TAKE THAT!
Game balance is one of the hardest things to achieve over the course of an MMO. If a trooper has a legitimate chance against a Sith Warrior without being omgwtfforcepwned then this game is going to RULE! People not being pressured to play Jedi/Sith is going to help this game and Bioware knows it.
That all being said i'm waiting until march.
I burned 140 on Rift. (wish i could have that money back)
I burned 120 on AOC (wish i could have that money back and kick a few players of that game in the nads)
Both of these happened after exceptional beta experiences. I'm gonna join in on TOR at some point. But not initially.
From first day it is a known fact that SWTOR main strength is story. So those who believe that there are movies and books for such a thing, why even waste a breathe checking into SWTOR? did Bioware hide anything? nope. I think you are critcising for the sake of it because this is not some new information.
Sorry but this game was never for you to begin with or anyone else who is not into story telling. However, i would like to mention that even GW2 has a personal storyline and GW too had plenty of cutscenes. But i am sure you loved those.
*rolls eyes*
Your comment about PST actually made me think of something.
In PST, you had like TONS of dialog choices you could pick all the time. Sometimes up to like 10 responses to pick from at once! It really allowed you to play the kind of character you wanted...and the choices often had a lot of depth.
But in SWTOR (and other recent BW games) you have this dialog wheel that limits you to three choices.
It makes the gameplay faster and requires less reading, but I think it really constrains your options as a roleplayer. The choices are often "good guy," "snarky guy," and "dick." This is hardly deep.
It makes we want for the old days of multiple dialog choices.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I found her just as "odd" as the rest. She mentioned being in beta since friends and family but had never seen/gained a companion? Huh?
Their review kinda reminds me of a theatre critic who posted his review and was busted the following day as the night he claimed to see the show it was closed as the power was out.
Anyway i tested last weekend had 1 crash in over 40 hours of gameplay, it may not have everything everyone wants but i enjoyed the combat and loved the story lines. It is well polished and very stable, got my reinvite for this weekend and cant wait.
It boils down to the development required in offering those choices, in older games like PST the design was much simpler and didn't require the amount of work, time and/or finances to achieve. It's a trade off between production value and choice, todays gamer is a different beast, they prefer to see everything play out spectacularly rather than leave so much to the imagination.
Your above complaint doesn't only apply to TOR, it should apply to just about every RPG released in the last 10 years or so. As most have gone the route of cinematic quality, which lessens the amount of choices a game can offer as each choice requires the same amount of development time, which today includes a lot more than PST or games of it's ilk did.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It would be lovely if games review websites got a representative sampling of people to review big games. Preferably people with different game/genre/company preferences to avoid bias in their collective reviews. They all have more or less the same opinion on TOR i.e. they instantly didn't like it, didn't appear to give it more than a few hours of their time and overall couldn't be arsed with it at all. Which is fine, but if you look at the poles on this site from today you'll see that a nearly 100% negative opinion on the game is not representative of people who have played the beta. Not even close. I don't feel the people who visit this site are biased in any way, it's a fairly mixed bunch of people, yet opinion of the game is largely positive. Where does the discrepancy lie I wonder?
I think having everything voiced is what really made this issue stand out. When each line has to be voiced by 5 different people suddenly having 10 dialog options wasn't possible. Having playable races that wouldn't speak basic in swtor is less likely as well. I enjoy playing all bioware's games, but i think they really need to figure out ways to get player choice back into the games, especially swtor. I had a blast in beta but for it to hold my attention long term i need more control over how my PC looks and acts.
Just TOR, Mass Effect, and DA:2 .
But yeah, I don't think they don't do this because of the work it takes..it's just writing. I think it's a conscious design decision. The dialog wheel just makes things flow faster, there's so much less reading to be done. And when you have a game with tons of VO, you don't want your player to spend most of their time reading...otherwise why did you do the VO?
So I see the merits of the dialog wheel, I just miss the freedom of choice and depth that the older games offered.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I agree with Mr. Cauthon.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I bet they get payed by Blizzard to say such things
Yup and that's exactly my point
For a company that probably spent their entire budget on story and talks all day long about how the story is awesome and cool- I'd expect something better than linear nice/bad/ironic choices with no real consequences (the guys is killed in your dialogue, lives in other player's scenario - asewum)
+ plus the thing that it actually SHOWS u ahead if the choice is good/bad/neutral is just ... sad ..
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
The mistake I think you're both making is thinking it only applies to VO. The choices must have outcomes which require different set pieces, different directions the story goes down and different paths the game takes from those decisions, otherwise it just feels like a generic choice.
The only game I can think of in the last decade that has done this well was The Witcher, which did offer many different choices in how your decisions played out in the overall game as well as allowed for many different outcomes in the direction the game went.
But see the thing is even there, areas most RPG's offer were not there. Character creation, different sexes, different races etc.. Trade offs were made, they only needed to offer those choices for one possible playable option, Geralt...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Tor misses the mark on how to tell a story with an mmorpg. If you want interaction make those interactions between players not between VO npcs with silly choices. They should have focused on a more diverse faction system not just bad guys and good guys. It just plays like a single player rpg, just doesn't cut it. Its painfully slow as well. If I could best describe the game, its like Everquest dipped in molassos with voice over talent.
It is definitely a very poorly thought-out, heavily bias “preview.” When watching it I can’t help but to think, “Why even bother? What exactly was the point of this?” You can see pretty clearly that it was not their intent to provide the community with an objective and informative view of the game. Constructive feedback is always welcome, mostly, negative or otherwise, but in this preview there is practically none to be found.
I actually quickly whipped up a “preview” of their “preview,” which I highly suggest you watch first…just to prepare.
We all know, GamePro is not alive anymore. i'm not the only one who knows this. you can only say goodbye to gamepro. i'm not hating or something its just dying... what els can i say.
I used to love Gamepro, back when it was just them and Nintendo Power and nobody else. That said, this video is bad. The first two reviewers played it to low levels and hated it. The third reviewer played it a moderrate amount and is in the fence. The asain chick played it much, much longer and loved it.
By all means, point out the flaws of the game, but don't say "the story was boring" 20 times over and call it a review. I don't find the story to be boring at all. I personally love the story of all the classes I've played. In my opinion, this review bodes well for the game.
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No I am not at all surprised. The thing that stands out to me when reading others opinions, especially regarding TOR, is how strange that anytime anyone brings up a really good point on something that could potentially be a huge issue to others, the person is attacked more than the issue itself. I have been playing catch up on TOR info the last couple of weeks and I just notice that personal attacks have resulted more than actually addressing, what some concidder, a huge problem with the game.
I have also noticed that when that view is blown off as just another hater, it seems to pop up in other peoples problems with the game. No matter how many people bring up some of the problems or things they didn't like about the game, it's immidiately thrown out or people fall back into that defencive comment of "Why are you complaining about it. It's not like we didn't know what the game was gonna be like before now." Sure some of us knew the main focus of the game was VO and story driven content, that doesn't mean we could have known just how dumb the AI was, or how lifeless the world would be.
I am not saying that there aren't quite a few people who walked away from beta trials and were either excited, or changed their mind in favor of the game. I just think it's preety hippocrytical to praise the game and only think peoples opinions of the game are worthwhile if they liked it, while saying that anyone that didn't enjoy it is merely a troll, even when some of the people who critique the game gave pretty in depth reasons why rather than just bashing. Not saying the video here is one of those, but it is opinions from people outside of this little community. I have read that everyone in beta and not on this site loves the game. Video is just one piece that says otherwise.
RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.
Heck, I love the cut scenes. I dont' think they "break the flow" at all. they allow cadential points so that one can soak it up.
Obviously this is not for everyone.
and there was a bit too much "wow"/blizzard talk.
Though I do agree with one point in that the start could have/should have been a bit more epic. Or just epic in the first place.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Haha, how ridiculous. They should be embarassed at this poor attempt at publicity. I mean the one guy with the checkered shirt keeps looksing away, like he's reading a prompter.
Previous Gamepro reviews:
WOW 5/5 stars
City of Heroes 4.5/5
Rift 4.5/5
Tabula Rasa 3.5/5
The Matrix Online 3.5/5
DC Universe Online 5/5
Then, if you go to the gamepro website you see right in your face a big screen filling graphic 'why we hate SWTOR'. The whole thing screams 'we need traffic'. Once you've sold out your integrity, what's left?
No I wasn't making a point in favor of the video. I personally thought it was shallow and woulda expected more from gamepro. I was only pointing out that when people don't like TOR they are told they are a very small minority and when someone brings up a video from an outside source it is waved off as propaganda and just QQ from people who are losing their jobs.
However, even if I don't agree with the shoddy work, I don't make excuses as to why the people in said video must have had something else wrong with them to claim TOR wasn't a good product in their eyes. They didn't like it and mentioned some reasons that have reflected in others personal observations of the game. It must all be a conspiracy?
RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.