You'd think there would be this much outrage over some of the winners of the Nobel Prize, not an MMO websites own personal award.
Aren't websites todays newspapers?
And as such shouldn't they have some objectivity and professionalism in their doings?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you must agree with the fact that readers have to rage over a bad journalism and demand for objective reporting. Otherwise we are in the world of tabloids deeper than we want to be.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but SWTOR won "game of the year" on a number of well known gaming sites (including Massively and Ten Ton Hammer). I thought massively's take on the haters was pretty entertaining:
OMG this game just launched! How can we possibly rate this the game of the year! We must be paid off! Adhgdjhgdudbjh! The fact is, this was a hard one. RIFT launched as a staff favorite in March, but it's both the freshness of SWTOR's launch and the fact that MMO fans have been going nuts over this game for years that combine to make this our Game of the Year. Plus, ya know, it's kinda fun.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but SWTOR won "game of the year" on a number of well known gaming sites (including Massively and Ten Ton Hammer). I thought massively's take on the haters was pretty entertaining:
OMG this game just launched! How can we possibly rate this the game of the year! We must be paid off! Adhgdjhgdudbjh! The fact is, this was a hard one. RIFT launched as a staff favorite in March, but it's both the freshness of SWTOR's launch and the fact that MMO fans have been going nuts over this game for years that combine to make this our Game of the Year. Plus, ya know, it's kinda fun.
And that is why I love massively's writers. They're never afraid to react to the crazy crap the community throws around all the time.
And clearly willing to take some bribes from game companies to give their games extremely shining game awards when that game has not even been out a month.
I suppouse you realy shouldn't name MMO of the year, untill maybe half year or year after last one came out. One thing which need to be considered with them is how it works out after initial rush and such...
1. Don't know WHY this post is still open; this was reported a while ago. The mods swoop into other threads and close them for "cross posts" but not this one? Could it be any more transparent, staff?
2. Yeah, Game/MMO of the Year - all the 11 days of it!
3. The fact they have to preface their verdict with a nod to any questions on said verdict in the most troll-like way possible not only speaks volumes about their verdict but also says negatives about their journalistic abilities. Massively lost points with me, and I am sure others as well.
4. We finally know why this game is this tired piece of unimaginative rubbish inspite of all that budget because the budget apparently went into this nonsensical promotion of a game. Which makes it on par with being "game of the year" - the lates 2000s have all been about marketing. 2011 is no different.
Sell a mediocre product the right way and make PT Barnum proud.
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
3. The fact they have to preface their verdict with a nod to any questions on said verdict in the most troll-like way possible not only speaks volumes about their verdict but also says negatives about their journalistic abilities. Massively lost points with me, and I am sure others as well.
I remember the days when game magazines had editors and writers with actual journalism degrees. Today? Not so much. A lot of them just seem to hire frat boys who are "in the know" or have an internet presense. It's easier than ever for fanatics of certain games to slip through.
3. The fact they have to preface their verdict with a nod to any questions on said verdict in the most troll-like way possible not only speaks volumes about their verdict but also says negatives about their journalistic abilities. Massively lost points with me, and I am sure others as well.
I remember the days when game magazines had editors and writers with actual journalism degrees. Today? Not so much. A lot of them just seem to hire frat boys who are "in the know" or have an internet presense. It's easier than ever for fanatics of certain games to slip through.
I would have to agree. Some folks talk about MMO sandbox games in a positve light, and yet sub numbers show that few want to play them.
Tor has already pretty much spanked SWG's lifetime sales, and it is just getting started. It shot by EVE sub numbers faster than folks canceled their SWG accounts at launch.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Im playing SW:TOR right now and enjoying it, but no way has it had enough time to prove itself as GOTY. Rift deserves that award. It is really the only other contender and had a smooth launch and continues to release content consistently. Maybe if SW:TOR had been out for a longer period of time... maybe.
Playing: Watching: ArcheAge, Everquest Next, Wildstar Played: Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Tabula Rasa, Everquest 2, Planetside, Age of Conan, EVE, Vanguard, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, The Matrix Online, Aion, Dark Age of Camelot, Runescape, Lineage 2, City of Heroes/Villains, Rift, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but SWTOR won "game of the year" on a number of well known gaming sites (including Massively and Ten Ton Hammer). I thought massively's take on the haters was pretty entertaining:
OMG this game just launched! How can we possibly rate this the game of the year! We must be paid off! Adhgdjhgdudbjh! The fact is, this was a hard one. RIFT launched as a staff favorite in March, but it's both the freshness of SWTOR's launch and the fact that MMO fans have been going nuts over this game for years that combine to make this our Game of the Year. Plus, ya know, it's kinda fun.
Sooooo SWTOR gets game of the year yeah, awsome game........OOPS thats right i havnt played it yet because this awsome game of the year wasnt even launched in Australia at release let alone many other countries. So i fail to see how only a handfull of countries get to decide for the rest of the world that SWTOR is game of the year lol more like "Theme Park of the moment". Yeah im upset bout the release thing but hey ill get over it and honestly good luck to SWTOR i hope it gives ye olde WoW a good public pantsing. But GOTY? to premature by my standards. Maybe it should receive "the most hype a game has ever received award" and then at the end of the year if SWTOR stills rules the roost then it would deserve the GOTY award, but 1 month or so after release the game isnt even available world wide? ROFLMAO WTF HAHAHA Only time, quality service and a lot more TIME need to pass before such a big decision should be made about this game.
Good Luck SWTOR but like i heard a premature ejaculating police officer once say "Bang" Stop or i'll shoot!"
3. The fact they have to preface their verdict with a nod to any questions on said verdict in the most troll-like way possible not only speaks volumes about their verdict but also says negatives about their journalistic abilities. Massively lost points with me, and I am sure others as well.
I remember the days when game magazines had editors and writers with actual journalism degrees. Today? Not so much. A lot of them just seem to hire frat boys who are "in the know" or have an internet presense. It's easier than ever for fanatics of certain games to slip through.
I would have to agree. Some folks talk about MMO sandbox games in a positve light, and yet sub numbers show that few want to play them.
Tor has already pretty much spanked SWG's lifetime sales, and it is just getting started. It shot by EVE sub numbers faster than folks canceled their SWG accounts at launch.
EVE is targetted at a very tight audience and you need an IQ to play or you will get swallowed up and not to far. SWG problems was it did not know what it wanted to be and kept changing directions all the time. I am not sure that they ever will be a mass market sandbox but I would wager they have better communities on the whole and more loyal subscribers. Most people who play sandboxes play for years not weeks.
TOR is aimed at anyone with a pulse so the amount of people you have to pull into your game is greater than one like EVE where yes the occasional excel spreadsheet is needed.
Ah wonderful stereo have to have an IQ to play sandboxes. No you dont, you simply need to know where to look. I could easily point out a couple sandbox fans, on this very site, that are dumb as a box of rocks. However I will forgo the vaction time from boards.
The only difference in themepark fans vs sandbox fans is what you enjoy in your gaming. Some like action/adventure, and some like Owen. Doesnt make a person wrong, it is simply the way they wish to spend their time. From what I have observed, the ones into sandboxes played PnP games in their younger years. Once again, no correlation to a person's intelligence.
As far as a game like EvE having such a wonderful is full of PVP fans. Yep that is a real friendly bunch /sarcasm off
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Theres gotta be a typo, MMO of the year i can understand but GOTY? please.
Even if this was a single player game with no monthly charges there are still games like Arkham City and Skyrim that are way better. And thats not even mentioning the likes of Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Witcher 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 and Portal 2. And i am sure im missing a few more.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but SWTOR won "game of the year" on a number of well known gaming sites (including Massively and Ten Ton Hammer). I thought massively's take on the haters was pretty entertaining:
OMG this game just launched! How can we possibly rate this the game of the year! We must be paid off! Adhgdjhgdudbjh! The fact is, this was a hard one. RIFT launched as a staff favorite in March, but it's both the freshness of SWTOR's launch and the fact that MMO fans have been going nuts over this game for years that combine to make this our Game of the Year. Plus, ya know, it's kinda fun.
Giving SWTOR MMO of the year becuase of hype and its kinda fun???? wtf
Playing: PO, EVE Waiting for: WoD Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
Yeah I gotta agree there. For new MMOs, SWTOR should be rated in 2012, but the awards given to it were really transparent IMO. Oh well, gotta stay with the times and keep the money rolling in.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but SWTOR won "game of the year" on a number of well known gaming sites (including Massively and Ten Ton Hammer). I thought massively's take on the haters was pretty entertaining:
OMG this game just launched! How can we possibly rate this the game of the year! We must be paid off! Adhgdjhgdudbjh! The fact is, this was a hard one. RIFT launched as a staff favorite in March, but it's both the freshness of SWTOR's launch and the fact that MMO fans have been going nuts over this game for years that combine to make this our Game of the Year. Plus, ya know, it's kinda fun.
dark souls is such a niche title, it's like Disgaea 4 winning rpg of the year. Just because a few thousand people are bonkers over it doesn't make it the best.
As for mmo of the year, if only new releases are counted, sure Rift. But honestly I played to 50 in that game and there was nothing worth staying for. I even forgot it existed for several months or that I had even played it, it was so unmemorable. It has some great systems, but not great content or PvP.
If you aren't counting new releases, then WoW has done more and continues to be a better experience even though I'll never play it again. City of Heroes has made the biggest leaps and continues to be the best mmo IMO, it's just too niche for anyone to care on a large scale. No other mmo is constantly adding the equivalent of new powersets, no mmo has that kind of customization for characters, they also add content as if they had blizz's budget when in truth they had to go f2p (semi p2w really).
Gotta love how any positive posts around here draw out the haters like a moth to a flame. Which goes to show, every mmo will have a vocal minority of haters no matter how good it is.
You forgot to mention the fanboys gathering to defend TOR on negative topics.
Everything popular has haters and lovers that voice their opinion. It's called free speeeeeech.
I just find it odd that people hang out on a board for a game that they dislike. If I dislike a game, I simply put it out of sight and out of mind. I don't get the mentality of the hater. To me, if a game sucks, it's beneath me and doesn't deserve my time and effort whether in forums or the game itself.
I think this is more about politics (the gaming version) than a genuine dislike.
They aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
But since MMO players notoriously have no life I guess they've got nothing better to do than come here to whine and bitch. The WoW board is a mess too, I guess the mods are too busy keeping the smaller MMO boards clean.
If TOR even gets game or mmo of the year on any website, I know that website is a bought out fraud. No way this is game of the year. Its not even a successful mmorpg, its actually a market flop, how do you justify rewarding a market flop.
If TOR even gets game or mmo of the year on any website, I know that website is a bought out fraud. No way this is game of the year. Its not even a successful mmorpg, its actually a market flop, how do you justify rewarding a market flop.
A few hiccups (that were quickly fixed) means the game is a flop?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
You'd think there would be this much outrage over some of the winners of the Nobel Prize, not an MMO websites own personal award.
Because talking about nobel prize winners is commonplace on MMORPG.
Aren't websites todays newspapers?
And as such shouldn't they have some objectivity and professionalism in their doings?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you must agree with the fact that readers have to rage over a bad journalism and demand for objective reporting. Otherwise we are in the world of tabloids deeper than we want to be.
Wow man good work on being right on some of the baddest mmorpg ever created! u sir a guru!
I mean whos gonna think a craptastic serie of games u listed was gonna fail?
i mean EVERYONE loved tabula rasa and warhammer(LOL)
Pirates of the burning sea? the game u need like 300 dollars a month to be competitive?
Rift? a well polished mmorpg, who is a bad copy of a game ppl played already for 7 years?
the only one im gonna saving is lotro, cuz at least got some personality, and is stil a good production value fp2.
[Mod Edit]
And that is why I love massively's writers. They're never afraid to react to the crazy crap the community throws around all the time.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
And clearly willing to take some bribes from game companies to give their games extremely shining game awards when that game has not even been out a month.
I suppouse you realy shouldn't name MMO of the year, untill maybe half year or year after last one came out. One thing which need to be considered with them is how it works out after initial rush and such...
1. Don't know WHY this post is still open; this was reported a while ago. The mods swoop into other threads and close them for "cross posts" but not this one? Could it be any more transparent, staff?
2. Yeah, Game/MMO of the Year - all the 11 days of it!
3. The fact they have to preface their verdict with a nod to any questions on said verdict in the most troll-like way possible not only speaks volumes about their verdict but also says negatives about their journalistic abilities. Massively lost points with me, and I am sure others as well.
4. We finally know why this game is this tired piece of unimaginative rubbish inspite of all that budget because the budget apparently went into this nonsensical promotion of a game. Which makes it on par with being "game of the year" - the lates 2000s have all been about marketing. 2011 is no different.
Sell a mediocre product the right way and make PT Barnum proud.
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
I need to take this advice more.
I remember the days when game magazines had editors and writers with actual journalism degrees. Today? Not so much. A lot of them just seem to hire frat boys who are "in the know" or have an internet presense. It's easier than ever for fanatics of certain games to slip through.
I would have to agree. Some folks talk about MMO sandbox games in a positve light, and yet sub numbers show that few want to play them.
Tor has already pretty much spanked SWG's lifetime sales, and it is just getting started. It shot by EVE sub numbers faster than folks canceled their SWG accounts at launch.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Im playing SW:TOR right now and enjoying it, but no way has it had enough time to prove itself as GOTY. Rift deserves that award. It is really the only other contender and had a smooth launch and continues to release content consistently. Maybe if SW:TOR had been out for a longer period of time... maybe.
Watching: ArcheAge, Everquest Next, Wildstar
Played: Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Tabula Rasa, Everquest 2, Planetside, Age of Conan, EVE, Vanguard, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, The Matrix Online, Aion, Dark Age of Camelot, Runescape, Lineage 2, City of Heroes/Villains, Rift, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2
Sooooo SWTOR gets game of the year yeah, awsome game........OOPS thats right i havnt played it yet because this awsome game of the year wasnt even launched in Australia at release let alone many other countries. So i fail to see how only a handfull of countries get to decide for the rest of the world that SWTOR is game of the year lol more like "Theme Park of the moment". Yeah im upset bout the release thing but hey ill get over it and honestly good luck to SWTOR i hope it gives ye olde WoW a good public pantsing. But GOTY? to premature by my standards. Maybe it should receive "the most hype a game has ever received award" and then at the end of the year if SWTOR stills rules the roost then it would deserve the GOTY award, but 1 month or so after release the game isnt even available world wide? ROFLMAO WTF HAHAHA Only time, quality service and a lot more TIME need to pass before such a big decision should be made about this game.
Good Luck SWTOR but like i heard a premature ejaculating police officer once say "Bang" Stop or i'll shoot!"
Ah wonderful stereo have to have an IQ to play sandboxes. No you dont, you simply need to know where to look. I could easily point out a couple sandbox fans, on this very site, that are dumb as a box of rocks. However I will forgo the vaction time from boards.
The only difference in themepark fans vs sandbox fans is what you enjoy in your gaming. Some like action/adventure, and some like Owen. Doesnt make a person wrong, it is simply the way they wish to spend their time. From what I have observed, the ones into sandboxes played PnP games in their younger years. Once again, no correlation to a person's intelligence.
As far as a game like EvE having such a wonderful is full of PVP fans. Yep that is a real friendly bunch /sarcasm off
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Theres gotta be a typo, MMO of the year i can understand but GOTY? please.
Even if this was a single player game with no monthly charges there are still games like Arkham City and Skyrim that are way better. And thats not even mentioning the likes of Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Witcher 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 and Portal 2. And i am sure im missing a few more.
and you thought eve was this?
Life IS Feudal
Because they have not much competition at the moment ?
MMO of the year - Rift hands down
Game fo teh year - Skyrim hands down
Giving SWTOR MMO of the year becuase of hype and its kinda fun???? wtf
Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
Yeah I gotta agree there. For new MMOs, SWTOR should be rated in 2012, but the awards given to it were really transparent IMO. Oh well, gotta stay with the times and keep the money rolling in.
I validate your need to play them game. There, now you can play in peace.
##Best SWTOR of 2011
Posted by I_Return - SWTOR - "Forget the UI the characters and all ofhe nitpicking bullshit" "Greatest MMO Ever Created"
##Fail Thread Title of 2011
Originally posted by daveospice
"this game looks like crap?"
Skyrim is much better than any RPG I've played in the past decade.
dark souls is such a niche title, it's like Disgaea 4 winning rpg of the year. Just because a few thousand people are bonkers over it doesn't make it the best.
As for mmo of the year, if only new releases are counted, sure Rift. But honestly I played to 50 in that game and there was nothing worth staying for. I even forgot it existed for several months or that I had even played it, it was so unmemorable. It has some great systems, but not great content or PvP.
If you aren't counting new releases, then WoW has done more and continues to be a better experience even though I'll never play it again. City of Heroes has made the biggest leaps and continues to be the best mmo IMO, it's just too niche for anyone to care on a large scale. No other mmo is constantly adding the equivalent of new powersets, no mmo has that kind of customization for characters, they also add content as if they had blizz's budget when in truth they had to go f2p (semi p2w really).
They aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
But since MMO players notoriously have no life I guess they've got nothing better to do than come here to whine and bitch. The WoW board is a mess too, I guess the mods are too busy keeping the smaller MMO boards clean.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
I agree with the reward and the reasoning.
The competition this year was "Rift" which was [i]slightly[i] fun, so ofcourse a game that's kinda fun beats it.
Now I'm just looking forward to a game that's very fun or even extremely fun. As it turned out, "kinda" didn't cut if for more than 20 days for me )
If TOR even gets game or mmo of the year on any website, I know that website is a bought out fraud. No way this is game of the year. Its not even a successful mmorpg, its actually a market flop, how do you justify rewarding a market flop.
A few hiccups (that were quickly fixed) means the game is a flop?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson