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I've been playing MMO's now since eq1. Years and years and years. And, the one thing I've never enjoyed is being ganked. Who would? I am primarily a PVE player, but I also enjoy the occasional PVP matches (in moderate doses, cuz PVP bores me very quickly. Kill you, kill me, kill you, kill me, rinse and repeat - yawn).
Now before you say .. "just because you don't like PVP doesn't mean everyone does replies", I know, I KNOW!!! I am not saying PVP is bad, wrong, right, etc... it's just not for me. But more power to those who enjoy it. Choice in games is great. Although it does appear that having a good PVE and PVP game together is very difficult, or so it would seem.
Now, this is not about PVE vs PVP. No, this is simply about a specific portion of PVP - open world and ganking.
I remember playin AION for a bit. Was really enjoying it. Then I went into an open world area, and got killed by this player. So I sent him a tell stating, you're good, I admit it, you win. Can I now go and explore. Nope. Killed me a few times afterwards. From that moment on, this player would follow me around and instantly kill me. He was several levels above me. Mr. Gank. I could not understand why a person would enjoy this type of childish game play.
Intersting enough, my bro in law is a psychologist, he feels that this type of behavior is very similar to the 'bully' syndrome in children. They get no respect or love in real live, so they play games to feel strong, mean, tough and thereby .. gank and bully in games.
Needless to say, I quit the game because any game that approvess this type of game play obivously is not for me.
Now I'm enjoying SWTOR. Is it perfect, not even close, but having fun, for now. I also read a lot of hate threads regarding SWTOR not having open world PVP and thereby ganking.
Maybe, SWTOR is yet another example of gaming companies realizing that ganking needs to be removed from game play, completely. If so, I hope more new games catch on to this because I for one, couldn't be happier about it.
Sorry gankers, but maybe, just maybe -- your days are numbered.
Wait a minute, aren't there PvE servers where you can't be ganked? If so I really don't see your problem because it seems you have picked a PvP server, where it clearly says it is for open world PvP, and then you are complaining that people are attacking you?
So I understand that you don't like this behaviour but that is why the devs. created the PvE servers. However there are us who actually like the added risk of being killed by players, which are far more dangerous and unpredictable than AI mobs, so why would you want to stop us from having fun when there is clearly another option for you?
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So, you don't enjoy open world PVP and you come here and make a post trying to tell those that do they are bullies and basically they shouldn't be allowed to have a game that has it.
Who is the bully here?
I think the truth is you just aren't mature enough to handle a game like it. When I was much younger neither could I. But after a while pve games just loose the fun and open world pvp becomes the only type game that has the rush like feel you experience when you start gaming.
But after gaming for 20+ years it is the only way to really get a rush out of gaming. It doesn't bother me at all getting ganked or having someone higher level prodiving the gank. When I was a kid though I couldn't handle it and it sounds like you are at that point where pve is still fun and you aren't mature enough to enjoy pvp in an open world setting.
But there is no reason for you to come here and insult people that enjoy open world pvp. So, my suggestion is if you can't handle that type of game don't play it. But don't make posts insulting those that do.
Yeah there aresome morons in open world pvp games that are annoying. But there are morons in real life all over the place and in time you learn to deal with them.
I don't think you understood my point. I did pick a PVE server, my post was a resposne to all the complaints of no 'ganking' allowed, a specific portion of PVP.
What I don't understand, is why you would have fun Ganking? So I am not saying stop PVP, what I am saying is make it more fun by simply removing the ganking portion of it. That's all.
One would think before dropping hundreds of millions of dallers, they would give that some thought...First.
They have pvp servers, however I don't play that game. I rolled on a pve server. We do have pvp areas, I ran into one yesterday and got the warning on the screen, and thus backed up out of there before it flagged me for pvp.
The way I see it the pvp crowd got their servers, and who cares if they get ganked or not. Im not into pvp and if I were I would be playing team fortress or counterstrike.
You are calling me a bully because I'm defending players right to enjoy a game without being ganked. So in other words, you enjoy being a bully (ganking) or are you defending PVP. Because I enjoy PVP, I jsut don't enjoy ganking.
They all go back to WoW when they find out they can't gank lowbies.
Gankers still gank, they just have to go a little out of their way to do so,
You are calling me a bully because I'm defending players right to enjoy a game without being ganked. So in other words, you enjoy being a bully (ganking) or are you defending PVP. Because I enjoy PVP, I jsut don't enjoy ganking.
That is not what the OP said all he said was that he doesnt like beeing Ganked over and over again.
If you personally do not mind beeing ganked over and over again and therefore will be pretty much unable to play the game than kudos to you.
I personally enjoy pvp on a pvp server a lot its just more exciting but the downside is the ganking that can happen if i get killed over and over again by a player my lvl range i dont care it just would show me i do need to get better to compete but if its a player 20lvl higher than i am its just annoying.
I honestly do feel bad for ppls who need to get some kind of selfrespect by doing this so i dont even mind beeing killed 3-4 times if it helps the person to not hate him/her self as much when looking in a mirror but if it keeps on and i cant play my game at all cause some rl looser needs to find a sense for his joke of a life by killing way weaker player all the time than i think Gamecompanys should find a way to stop it.
No I am defending my right to have a game that appeals to my play style. I am defending my right to enjoy with it about being called a bully.
Just because you can't handle that type of game doesn't mean there are those who do not. Nor does it make them a bully because they do.
Those that do should be allowed to have a games that allow it. You shouldn't come in and say developers shouldn't make a game like that because YOU don't enjoy them.
I edited my first reply btw.
Quest/play rails, and open world pvp are a horrible match....Nothing like funneling in the lambs to slaughter.
I have been playing games on PvP servers, and I liked it on Vanguard (Yes, this was before, not current Vanguard), hated it on Rift. If people were griefing lower level people, you really had no alternate place to play in Rift, it was too railed. You just had to log onto an alt, or sit there for 30 minutes and try to kill someone that you didn't have much chance of killing....I did both, but it just sucked that 1 person could pretty much derail a servers leveling track so easy in Rift. Vanguard was so big, it was easy to go have fun and participate in the PvP, and just as easily to go off and do something and have a decent chance of atleast playing for a little while with some PVE without PVP...Nothing was safe, but you werent as funneled/railed.
I have been playing since UO, and it is my favorite mmo of all time, so open PVP is nothing new, but I just don't think a lot of the newer railed games give good open content...If anything they probably strengthen peoples views against open PvP, because of the poor design to handle it...
Yeah, there are idiots that do the repeat ganking but the OP wasn't even referring to that. He said he doesn't even like gettin killed once by someone higher level then him.
If someone is doing something like that I just log off for a while. There is always some in RL that I should probably be doing any way.
I just dont understand ppl like OP. Seriously whats so hard to understand on fact that opposing faction is ussualy your enemy and he is not there to help you kill the mobs but to be killed ? "Red means dead " be it player or mob, who cares.
If you want have PvP only when you feel like thats exactly what PvE servers are for. But complaining on PvP server that your enemy attacks you is ridiculous.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! I HAVE NOT ROLLED ON A PVP SERVER IN SWTOR. LOL. I guess that point is hard to make.
All I am saying is the games I've played that don't give you the option to roll PVE, I would like to play. I would like to play PVP now and then. I JUST DON'T LIKE GANKING, my a higher level player or by a mob of higher level players. It's disrepsectufl, unkind, not fun and it doesn't make sense to me why you would like this type of game play.
And more importantly, for those saying just roll a PVE server, that is not the answer either. I mean, why can't we all play on the same ONE FOR ALL server and just get along??? Respect each other's right to have fun and not bully.
Very good point, but that's not my point, at all. If it were an opposing faction, then that would kind of be understandable. This game had no opposing faction. It was just plain open world PVP. Nothing more. Sorry, I should have been clearer on that point in my original post. But your point is well made, in this case, it would be something you would have to understand before going intot he game.
Because we think your idea of fun gameplay is equally terrible. You'er not playing hello kitty adventure... Your playing a game where two factions representative of good and evil are directly opposed to each other. It's suppose to be a war. You have your PvE server, and as dreadfully boring as it is.. You don't hear PVPers complaining about not being able to open world PvP on them Btw, open world PvP is rarely about bullying for most. It just adds excitment, immersion, and breaks up the monotony of PvE.
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It has nothing to do with bullying. In the game I play I could be out pve ing and someone comes along trying to gank me. But atleast half the time they wind up getting ganked.
In a pve based game there is NO chance of random PVP like. There is NO rush of knowing that could happen at any point. The pve is just a boring grind.
Adding the random pvp aspect to the game makes it a lot more enjoyable because it can happen at any moment.
It is like you want to play a game of basketball by your self and I want to play a random pickup game. I don't know if the other person is going to kick my ass but I am going to try and have fun either way. But you just want to be left alone to play by yourself. There is nothing wrong with either view point and we should both be allowed to play the way we want.
That is why there IS pvp server in the first place. That is why there ARE many different games out there to appeal to different people's taste.
The game I play at the moment doesn't even have pve servers. It is ALL open world full loot pvp servers. But that is what is great about the world there are options for all of us.
Please stop telling me I shouldn't have an option that appeals to me just because you do not share my views.
I am not telling you ALL games should be open world full loot games now am I?
{mod edit}
Why? Because I'm against ganking? Gank much maybe?
Never liked tetris. More a Pacman player myself.
I am one of those people who likes open world and unstructured and unrewarded random pvp.
I like it when a player ganks another player and that player gets their mate. And then the opposing player gets their mate. And then a higher level comes and so calls go out for other high levels to balance things. And before you know it: mass pvp with NO REWARDS other than the thrill of kicking ass.
I love the chaos of it all.
I don't like pvp when it becomes too structured, too gear dependent and too "stat-twitch-macro-build cookie cutter wank arena" type thing. It loses its fun and unpredictability for me.
I love SWTOR but it's main failing point for me is that it doesn't have any real pre-battleground vanilla wow open world pvp at the early to mid levels (1-37 as I have experienced it).
Ganking is fine, especially if it provokes mass open world pvp.
Mate its not a matter of respect, or anything personal againest you, the simple fact is you roll on a pvp server chances are your gonna get ganked, plus it would be just dumb giving you a ALL FOR ONE OPTION and everything is equal cause, everyone has different ways they like to play there games, hence y the devs give u a pve or pvp server so u got that option, in the end there just games mate not RL, there no bullying any of that other crap got to do with it (unless its verbal), its a simple fact of pvp i see red u die, Pve everyones killing mobs simple
Because its boring. I don't want to run by a republic player and blow kisses at him. He's a republic, I'm at war with him, this is a game centered around combat. This is not a difficult concept.. I personally don't gank in the sense your talking about. I will wait for the player to finish fighting a mob so it's a fair fight, and I don't corpse camp or fight low levels.. But I personally have no problem with any of it, because it's extremely easy to avoid, and because I chose to roll on a PvP server. I personally have no idea what this thread is abut since this is totally a non issue in TOR... If you don't dig it, roll on a PvE server.
Thank you. A mature and respectful reply. No name calling. No accusations. No assumptions. Refreshing, to say the least. Thanks.
Uh oh, if he's dedicated this could easily go 60 pages.
More theory-related than TOR-related though. {mod edit}
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.