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The last thread I talked about the coming content coming to TERA. Now this tread I will be talking about the PVP changes.
For those that didn't know. The old Korean TERA PVP system was that in order to PVP someone, you had to tab target someone and then declare PVP. Declaring PVP cost coins and the other player had 10 seconds to get ready.
Most Korean players that I know hated this system. It cost a fortune to PVP, and with the 10 second rule, most players were able to hop on a mount and run away from the attacker. Even the NA/EU tests were meet with negative feedback.
If you want to read more about how the old system worked, you can check this post out.
Now BHS/EME will be overhauling the system. The PVP deceleration rule will be scraped for PVP servers, (I don't know about PVE servers yet) and in it's place a new system.
There will be 2 ways to PVP, now in TERA.
Guild vs. Guild
This method is for large groups or guilds, who want to start a war on the server. To start a war you will need to use a item called "Bahar's War Declaration" (costs 3 million gold at the shop), and if your group/guild gets scared and wants to surrender you will need to buy an item called "Kaia's Intervention" (costs 300k gold at the shop). You can declare war up to as many as 3 groups/guilds at once, and there is a 24 hr cooldown to declare war on the same group/guild again.
Once the item is used to declare war a window will pop up and you can type in the enemy group/guild's name, after this you have 15 seconds after which a server wide message will appear stating which groups/guilds are at war. The war will last 24 hrs or until the winning group/guild gets 2000 points. Killing an enemy player will result in 1 point. Killing an enemy leader/guild leader will result in 20 points. Once a winning group/guild wins, another sever wide message will state it's outcome. The winning group/guild will get xp, loot and pvp tokens for pvp gear.
Safe places during the war will be towns, villages, camps, and instance entrances/and inside.
The other way to PVP will be
Becoming a Outlaw/Criminal of the Federation
This method is perfect for the solo player who wants to pvp. There will be a special quest line one player can do to obtain an item to declare themselves an outlaw/criminal. Once a player declares themselves a criminal, player can attack anyone or be attacked by anyone. You get xp, loot and pvp tokens for killing. The more notorious of a criminal you become the more xp, loot, pvp tokens you will get. But it comes at a price, the more notorious you become the more of a debuff you will receive.
It comes with a point system, every person you kill you get 1 point. The more points you collect the greater rewards, but also the greater debuff.
The debuffs are:
1-100 points
You get a minor debuff
-Your stamina depletes much faster
-The chance of crystals breaking go up by 2x
-You are unable to benefit from rest xp
100-1000 points
You get a major debuff
-Your Stamina depletes even faster
-The chance of crystals breaking go up by 3x
-You attack power is decreased by 50%
-Your movement speed goes down 15%
-Unable to benefit from rest xp.
-Unable to use mounts,teleporters or the pegasus.
1000 points +
You get a massive debuff
-Your stamina depletes to 0 very fast.
-The chance of crystals breaking go up by 5x
-Your attack power is decreased by 90%
-Your defense is decreased by 75%
-Your movement speed is decreased by 30%
-Unable to benifit from rest xp
-Unable to use mounts, teleporters or the pegasus.
By default your points will automatically decrease by 1 every 5 mins. Killing mobs/Bams will also decrease your points as well.
This system is currently being tested on the Korean servers, and hopefully will be applied to the NA/EU servers. There have been some negative feedback.
GU/GU negative feedback
Leaders of groups or guild get ganked non-stop. Even if a leader goes on a ALT, he/she can still get ganked and the other player receive the points. A hated leader on the server has nowhere to go.
Criminal/Outlaw negative feedback
In order to finish the quest line you need to be at or near endgame, this is especially hard if your a solo player. This system will force PVP players to PVE till endgame till they can get their outlaw certificate.
Another negative feedback is to really pvp non-stop your forced to pve mobs to reduce your debuff points.
BHS/EME can change or tweek this PVP system before it goes live, but this is gonna be the basics of what PVP will be in TERA on a PVP server.
What do you all think ?
I'll post more info soon!
Edit: I'm sure Cori of Euro/TEra has posted this somewhere I just can't find it yet.
I just wanted to update this post, EME has posted some info on PVP.
It's almost the same as I have descried, but on a PVP server you will be able to get your outlaw certificate at lvl 11.
Also Guild vs Guild will be on PVP servers only.
However, still remains to see what areas will be marked as PvP enabled. By default the whole first continent is PvE-only, but if outlaw is moved to a lv11 skill it's to be expected that at least a part of the first continent will be marked now as pvp enabled.
Also Chris Hager came out and stated today
Right now there are no repercussions for kill or killing. We want to try out PvP in the next CBT and see what people think about the system.
Personally I think there should be some risk/reward vs. having a straight gankfest but I tend to be a bit more strategic in thought. Play in the next CBT and give us your thoughts!
So there will be no DE-buffs during CB
Sonuds very good.
Sounds moronic. The outlaw system is utter trash. Anytime you actually debuff someone for actually being involved with PvP, is the day you've killed PvP in your game to begin with. Now, if there were things like some cities didn't sell/trade with you, guards killed on sight, etc, is more realistic and fun.
This is just another system to constantly get people to grind their lives away without actually having fun with PvP.
You should become a more powerful opponent for slaughtering many players--thereby making you drop better loot or more xp or more "crystals" upon death. This gives other players a wanting to group up against you and kill you. Not debuffing you and making you weaker for participating in pvp...
I don't like the solo pvp debuff. I don't understand why gankers should be punished. Sure, everybody hates to be ganked, but thats the fun of pvp games. You get ganked, you try to gank them back, you call your friends, they call theirs and soon its a massive battle.
I think the guild warring system is a good idea but I can see people abusing it too easily. Also, I feel for the leaders - but at the same time, I guess they need to just organize better protection during the warring period.
Sounds like an interesting social experiment. I have a feeling it wil be tweaked a bit before going live, but I think some variation on the proposed system might be worth a try for them.
The Outlaw system will rely on some seriously good PVP layers taking on the outlaw role. Since anyone can attack Outlaws with out consequence, part time or less skills PVPers will likely opt for hunting Outlaws, rather than becoming one, at least until they build the skills, confidence and success rates to be tempted into taking on an Outlaw role for themselves.
I agree that mob grinding to accelerate the decay of the debuffs seems a little lame, but I'm not sure what the alternative should be.
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That's the point, the debuffs are so extreme that you CAN'T be a "good" PvP player. At 100 points of outlaw, you lose 50% attack? I mean comon.
This is so ridiculous. However, EME has stated that NA will have its own PvP rules so take this Korean change with a grain of salt. Some ideas are even having PvP enabled at level 10, so we'll see. Hopefully, EME has some iota of a clue in what people would enjoy when it comes to OWPvP and not totally hamper any fun factor with it like this outlaw system does.
Why even allow ganking and then punish poeple for doing so? Don't even call it a pvp server if your going to pull this crap.
Excitement level just went down a couple notches for this game.
The major debuffs should only work on the pve servers and scale faster to punish excess but on the PVP servers just let it stay at the minor 100 max AND those debuff pts should ONLY be applied for killing ppl of your level or less. Killing higher levels shouldnt punish you. The lower the level of your opponent the more debuff points you get to reduce ganking lowbies.
Cause TERA exists in a world where the other players are on the same side to fight against a monster invasion and any action against each other should be punished. Let's not forget that this is the system that replaced a 10 second delay before ganking and a possible jail system in between. I think people would rather have a debuff then be jailed.
well i guess anything is better then that horrible system they lunched with.
wile i don't really like the stat loss factor i also dont like loosing gear/money every time you are ganked by fully decked out higher level ganker that knows you have no chance in hell to beat thim.
The Solo debuff is just stupid...
Here is a translation of the korean patch notes contatining the pvp changes.
Some changes to the GvG occurred in the second part of the update.
Stoked about this game...but seriously...this is the pvp ruleset that we've been waiting for? Outlaw system is just dumb...all the debuffs are silly. GvG...sounds cool...but heres the thing, put the rules on the pve servers...I get that there are pvers out there that don't want to pvp, so sure...give them the pve servers. That said, let pvpers pvp on pvp servers...come on...really?
"You're either with us or against us"
We really don't know what the rule set for pvp will be for NA & EU, All we know is that it will be different than what Korea has. How much of a difference is anyone's guess.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
On the other hand the outlaw debuff sounds dumb in practice. Imo you are really limiting a pvp player by debuffing him. On the other hand while a player is leveling and pvping they shouldn't gain to many points. Still I would like to see the outlaw system instead maybe announce their outlaw level to the zone and people can get increased rewards for finally bringing down the outlaw!
are they trying to have worse pvp than starwars? is this a race to see who can kill their open world pvp the most?
Well..hopefully they are reading this...and maybe they wont overthink the pvp.
"You're either with us or against us"
I like the GvG feature.
The outlaw feature needs to be scraped or redone lol. Thats just a terribad idea IMO.
I didn't even know they were having PvE servers... thats really encouraging news for it's health here in the West (and for me personally if I play... good to know the worst of the community will be somewhre else... can't stand all that juvenile internet 'badass' posturing).
I like the new system, especially the GvG.
Even the solo set sounds good- I like that there is a price to being an outlaw and that the empahasis seems to be quality over quantity (I guess even Asian devs are getting that allowing the majority of your playerbase to be farmed by the minority is bad business). The trick is to have choice, but with consequence, because choice with no consequence is paradise for asshats and no one else.
These are not drop in PvP games, they are MMORPGs. If folk want instant fights go log on to any FPS game server.
The debuffs are to stop exploitation. A point, without killing mobs, goes down one every 5 minutes. Gankers would love to kill that often. 100 x 5 / 60 = 8 hours and 20 minutes to go from 100 to zero... Take a break or get some sleep...
Just not worth my time anymore.
Yer then whats the point, by the time you get to 1000 points its like 83 hours to get back to zero (without including killing mobs). Who wants to run around with karma for 83 hours, it doesnt make sense
Sounds like the PvP on PvP servers will be so limited, they should call them "normal" servers? And instead of calling the others PvE servers, maybe "NO-PvP" servers? ..Then maybe have a 3rd server type, where people can just do the FFA thing.
How they label them matters a lot, I think, because its how the average gamer will look at the game overall. People who will PvP, if it's built into the game, but won't make a point of seeking it out, if its only on special PvP servers.
Like imagine if DAOC had called its normal servers "PvP" servers, and Geheris the "PvE" server - way more people would have chosen the pure co-op no-pvp server, and it probably would have crippled the game's popularity. Not because we all hate PvP in the west, but because most people aren't decisively one way or the other, and just want to play the game - but can enjoy PvP and appreciate an MMO a lot more for it, if its designed well, and not just a griefer gankfest.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
ROFL, you get punished for being a good PvP'er. This is the worst PvP machanics I've ever read by a mile. These designers don't have a freaking clue. Epic failure game incomming.
Sounds like some really weird systems... and this is actually on PvP servers? They seem unneccesarily complicated and artificial.
Wouldnt it be enough for "criminals" to get punished with the 1-100 debuff, and to combine that with a lvl restriction on who can be attacked, like for example players more than 4 levels lower cant be attacked.
After all: isnt people rolling on PvP servers to... you know... PvP..?
punishing people for pvp'ing yeah that sounds like a great system to me. /sigh