The chaotic system sounds good actually, I am looking forward to this game as the spiritual successor of L2 in terms of politics.
I would still rather have a flagging system like L2 where you can attack anyone but then you become chaotic if they dont fight back, this would balance out with guilds at war etc.. which means regular players are unlikely to do it for the sake of it.
ROFL, you get punished for being a good PvP'er. This is the worst PvP machanics I've ever read by a mile. These designers don't have a freaking clue. Epic failure game incomming.
Its due to the lore, all the races allied to fight together the demons so It kinda make sense that you get punished in some way to fight your own allies duh. If the outlaw points go down every 5 mins like mentionned then I wont have any prob with it, its not like that I will reach 1000 kills in 1 day , I got a life and morality to not over harass other players. Plus battlegrounds dont give any of those karma points.
ROFL, you get punished for being a good PvP'er. This is the worst PvP machanics I've ever read by a mile. These designers don't have a freaking clue. Epic failure game incomming.
Its due to the lore, all the races allied to fight together the demons so It kinda make sense that you get punished in some way to fight your own allies duh. If the outlaw points go down every 5 mins like mentionned then I wont have any prob with it, its not like that I will reach 1000 kills in 1 day , I got a life and morality to not over harass other players. Plus battlegrounds dont give any of those karma points.
If the lore prevents good PvP, then its really bad lore.. and they should change it.
Either that, or they'd better have some great ideas for a strictly PvE endgame. Otherwise it'll just flop retention-wise, like so many others.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I just wan't to say that EME can tweak or change this before it goes live. I just wanted to give out the basics of what BHS was working on and being tested.
A few tweaks are needed but I like the idea. Someone PKing solo should not feasibly get to 100 points unless they are
a) Trading kills with others. b) Running with an outlaw zerg.
For both of those reasons I am a fan of the tiered restriction. Now I'm not sure if the points are refunded at the same time your racking them up but if so it would take even longer to hit 101. Yes they will get the first stage debuff but that's the price for being an "outlaw" since there are no factions. Personally i think there should just be a HP/defense debuff only and it shouldn't start until say 10 outstanding points.
TERA wants to focus on GvG it seems. I don't think there should be any cost involved though. Maybe a point system that can also rank each guild.
I know a lot of people don't like restrictions on PvP. Hopefully they will continue to make changes to keep the majority happy.
It's almost the same as I have descried, but on a PVP server you will be able to get your outlaw certificate at lvl 11.
Also Guild vs Guild will be on PVP servers only.
They are now also including a Deathmatch, which you can do as well.
However, still remains to see what areas will be marked as PvP enabled. By default the whole first continent is PvE-only, but if outlaw is moved to a lv11 skill it's to be expected that at least a part of the first continent will be marked now as pvp enabled.
For those that are interested this is the safe/Pk zone in K-TERA
Doesnt sound fun at all I preodered Tera, but before I apply the in game code if I find that the PVP system has any type of penalty like this I am sticking the box on Ebay for $10 less or something.
I seriously hate games like this, and if they do this then this maybe the reason that Tera will fail and the reason the NCSoft might make Lineage 3 better than TERA.
Seriously how stupid can developers be, if people want pvp just make PVP servers, if people want to play with their teddy bears then make Normal Servers with regular PVP, but give us some hardcore servers for those of us that are adult enough to actually handle PVP and PKers.
Doesnt sound fun at all I preodered Tera, but before I apply the in game code if I find that the PVP system has any type of penalty like this I am sticking the box on Ebay for $10 less or something.
I seriously hate games like this, and if they do this then this maybe the reason that Tera will fail and the reason the NCSoft might make Lineage 3 better than TERA.
Seriously how stupid can developers be, if people want pvp just make PVP servers, if people want to play with their teddy bears then make Normal Servers with regular PVP, but give us some hardcore servers for those of us that are adult enough to actually handle PVP and PKers.
It's more difficult than that when every race shares the same areas, there are no factions, without any rules wouldn't it just be a constant gankfest?
Guild vs Guild, 10v10 deathmatches you can bet money on, 5v5 and 10v10 battlegrounds as well as future server vs server vs server should easily be enough.
Also, atleast they have open world PK, although it's not the best system.
ROFL, you get punished for being a good PvP'er. This is the worst PvP machanics I've ever read by a mile. These designers don't have a freaking clue. Epic failure game incomming.
Its due to the lore, all the races allied to fight together the demons so It kinda make sense that you get punished in some way to fight your own allies duh. If the outlaw points go down every 5 mins like mentionned then I wont have any prob with it, its not like that I will reach 1000 kills in 1 day , I got a life and morality to not over harass other players. Plus battlegrounds dont give any of those karma points.
This is a brand newish IP. They could have altered the lore of the gameworld to fit what they needed.
You know another MMO whose lore focuses on the races of the world banding together to take on some big bads? GW2. Did they have to include some stupid pvp rules to allow pvp in that game? No. Instead they moved all the pvp out of the pve world and into The Mists a sort of maleable area set inbetween the "worlds" of their multiverse game universe. I don't see why the devs of TERA couldn't do something similar. Lore is no excuse.
Kinda surprised the pk level is set at 11 to be honest, I thought they were going to set it somewhere around 25-30. I also noticed that they have not posted any penality or karma system for PKing (maybe that was changed also).
Has anyone heard if they will allow GvG in the next CB test?
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
If there is open PvP anywhere, anytime after 11 then I would leave GvG on PvE servers. There are people that want nothing to do with PvP but I think most PvEers like structured and, yes, optional PvP.
Also, I'm amazed that people actually think there is an age or maturity level associated with whether you like PvP or PvE play. Take a stroll through the many forums here of PvP games and you will see it's singular individuals that are "adult"... or not.
Requiem Bloodymare had a FFA PVP server, and yes it could be a giant gank fest at times. What happens though is that this forces people to group up and get in a guild, and you end up getting the whole guild vs. guild war anyway as a result.
If they stick with that weird and entirely over complicated debuff system, they should make some way to at least work it off.
Can you at least duel on pve servers? Might be nice to be able to set up organized skirmishes on pve servers too.
Only people who like being able to gank people are the fat kids who were always picked on in school that have to feel better by picking on lower level players. Face it most gankers/pvpers are too damn much of a pack of cowards to attempt to try to kill anyone their own level. I see it all the time on open pvp servers, ganker comes, offs some noobs them the second someone shows up near their level, they hightail it like the cowards they are, this is not real pvp, its just bullying. Real pvp is when people of a very simmlar (maybe 1-2 lvs up or down) fight, if pvp for you has to involve ganking there are tons of shit mmo's that have this in it (and its the main reason they tend to fail so hard in the long run, Mortal online, etc). Face it gankers/wannabe pvp'ers are a very small minority of the playerbase, if you cant handle even-matched pvp, don't call yourself a pvper, because your in reality just a coward that is to chicken to fight someone your own skill/level. Sadly the coward thing is what most "pvper's" really are, especally the ones who whine about not being able to randomly gank people.
I especally hate pvp in these korean mmo's because in korean mmo's level-> everything else for pvp. In most if your even 2 levels higher its almost autowin even if your gear is crap due to all these damage and defense buffs you gain by the game mechanics, this is why I like fallen earths pvp, there is no magical buff you get in pvp for being a higher level, hell pve doesn't have it either. in FE i was able to kill a level 44 at lv 25 or so just because I was a better player than him, even though his gear was far far superior than mine, almost died though heh. Now if it would have been a korean mmo he probally would have 1 shoted me by breathing on me.
Last game with honestly good pvp was dark age of camelot, the pvp was intense, had a purpose (land control giving faction wide buffs), and a alternate advancement system based on realm points from killing other players in pvp. It also didn't have its own seperate pvp gear, so pve players which form about 90% of a mmo's playerbase could have a chance in pvp, which brought more of them into it. Systems like WoW and SWToR have are stupid, everyone should have to raid for their gear, then go pvp with it if they want or continue raiding, honestly more people would like it this way, but they keep caving into the whiney gankers and pvp wannabe's.
Anyway now that my rant is over, here is my opinion on the new system.
I think it can work if you make it so you only get penalized if the target is more than 3 levels below you, this will prevent high levels from bullying lowbies all day, like most pvp-wannabe's do. Because once u hit 100 points, your pretty much a sitting duck.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
What if the PVP Tokens you get can be used to buy special armor, potions or gain access to special skills that decrease or cancel the debuffs?
Personally I hope tera has no pvp earnable gear, because it'll ruin pvp in general. Maybe special pvp mode only potions are fine but there should never be any gear earnable thru pvp, to keep it balanced.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
What if the PVP Tokens you get can be used to buy special armor, potions or gain access to special skills that decrease or cancel the debuffs?
Personally I hope tera has no pvp earnable gear, because it'll ruin pvp in general. Maybe special pvp mode only potions are fine but there should never be any gear earnable thru pvp, to keep it balanced.
I am not saying that it should make you more powerful. The only purpose should be to help with debuffs.
There is PvP gear in Korea the Korean client I believe. No matter which aspect of gaming you like no one wants to feel like they are forced to so something, especially when you're paying a monthly fee.
Requiem might force you to always group up and in the end turn out fun. Let's be honest though, how much more is there to that game? Is it exciting because PvP becomes the content when there are few options left? Glad you mentioned it though, I always meant to try it out.
Everyone can yell and scream at what they want in the game between PvP and PvE. In the end the developer will do what it thinks the majority wants compared to it's vision.
One thing I want to mention about ganking is there is no stealth in the game which is fantastic IMO. There are classes with gap closets but at least players will have to charge you in the open.
You should become a more powerful opponent for slaughtering many players--thereby making you drop better loot or more xp or more "crystals" upon death. This gives other players a wanting to group up against you and kill you. Not debuffing you and making you weaker for participating in pvp...
You should become a more powerful opponent for slaughtering many players--thereby making you drop better loot or more xp or more "crystals" upon death. This gives other players a wanting to group up against you and kill you. Not debuffing you and making you weaker for participating in pvp...
This right here would get me to pvp a ton more.
That idea would suck at times...especially with everyone being the same faction, one big guild goes to a crowded area and starts killing everyone and anyone, all get buffed up, good luck doing anything for the rest of forever.
People are all raging over the debuff. While I've not had a chance to test it and am not on board yet I'm not totally againts the way it works.
For those who are like OMAAGAWD 50% AP debuff. Think about it. You can kill up to 100 people before that kicks in. Then spend a little time AOE'ing some mobs down and your back to normal again.
You wouldn't go and attack someone at 500 points unless you thought you could beat them, or wanted the challenge. Why even then? Because of the better loot drop. You NEVER have to PVP at a disadvantage unless you want to. I'm not seeing a real issue with that yet.
##Best SWTOR of 2011 Posted by I_Return - SWTOR - "Forget the UI the characters and all ofhe nitpicking bullshit" "Greatest MMO Ever Created"
##Fail Thread Title of 2011 Originally posted by daveospice "this game looks like crap?"
The chaotic system sounds good actually, I am looking forward to this game as the spiritual successor of L2 in terms of politics.
I would still rather have a flagging system like L2 where you can attack anyone but then you become chaotic if they dont fight back, this would balance out with guilds at war etc.. which means regular players are unlikely to do it for the sake of it.
the solo pvp sounds horrible, and not fun at all, guild versus guild maybe could work who knows , but overall pvp on tera its an illusion
Its due to the lore, all the races allied to fight together the demons so It kinda make sense that you get punished in some way to fight your own allies duh. If the outlaw points go down every 5 mins like mentionned then I wont have any prob with it, its not like that I will reach 1000 kills in 1 day , I got a life and morality to not over harass other players. Plus battlegrounds dont give any of those karma points.
If the lore prevents good PvP, then its really bad lore.. and they should change it.
Either that, or they'd better have some great ideas for a strictly PvE endgame. Otherwise it'll just flop retention-wise, like so many others.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I just wan't to say that EME can tweak or change this before it goes live. I just wanted to give out the basics of what BHS was working on and being tested.
Sounds good, we have not seen a GvG feature since TR.
Looks promising.
I dont like it.If someone wants to pvp he shouldnt get a debuff.
As i can see te debuffs are pretty heavy giving the players no chance to win.
a) Trading kills with others.
b) Running with an outlaw zerg.
For both of those reasons I am a fan of the tiered restriction. Now I'm not sure if the points are refunded at the same time your racking them up but if so it would take even longer to hit 101. Yes they will get the first stage debuff but that's the price for being an "outlaw" since there are no factions. Personally i think there should just be a HP/defense debuff only and it shouldn't start until say 10 outstanding points.
TERA wants to focus on GvG it seems. I don't think there should be any cost involved though. Maybe a point system that can also rank each guild.
I know a lot of people don't like restrictions on PvP. Hopefully they will continue to make changes to keep the majority happy.
Just not worth my time anymore.
I just wanted to update this post, EME has posted some info on PVP.
It's almost the same as I have descried, but on a PVP server you will be able to get your outlaw certificate at lvl 11.
Also Guild vs Guild will be on PVP servers only.
They are now also including a Deathmatch, which you can do as well.
However, still remains to see what areas will be marked as PvP enabled. By default the whole first continent is PvE-only, but if outlaw is moved to a lv11 skill it's to be expected that at least a part of the first continent will be marked now as pvp enabled.
For those that are interested this is the safe/Pk zone in K-TERA
Also no info if the de-buffs have been removed.
Will post more info when I find it.
Doesnt sound fun at all I preodered Tera, but before I apply the in game code if I find that the PVP system has any type of penalty like this I am sticking the box on Ebay for $10 less or something.
I seriously hate games like this, and if they do this then this maybe the reason that Tera will fail and the reason the NCSoft might make Lineage 3 better than TERA.
Seriously how stupid can developers be, if people want pvp just make PVP servers, if people want to play with their teddy bears then make Normal Servers with regular PVP, but give us some hardcore servers for those of us that are adult enough to actually handle PVP and PKers.
It's more difficult than that when every race shares the same areas, there are no factions, without any rules wouldn't it just be a constant gankfest?
Guild vs Guild, 10v10 deathmatches you can bet money on, 5v5 and 10v10 battlegrounds as well as future server vs server vs server should easily be enough.
Also, atleast they have open world PK, although it's not the best system.
They should have a free for all item loot (just a few random drops) server and call it Darktidez or something.
This is a brand newish IP. They could have altered the lore of the gameworld to fit what they needed.
You know another MMO whose lore focuses on the races of the world banding together to take on some big bads? GW2. Did they have to include some stupid pvp rules to allow pvp in that game? No. Instead they moved all the pvp out of the pve world and into The Mists a sort of maleable area set inbetween the "worlds" of their multiverse game universe. I don't see why the devs of TERA couldn't do something similar. Lore is no excuse.
Kinda surprised the pk level is set at 11 to be honest, I thought they were going to set it somewhere around 25-30. I also noticed that they have not posted any penality or karma system for PKing (maybe that was changed also).
Has anyone heard if they will allow GvG in the next CB test?
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Also, I'm amazed that people actually think there is an age or maturity level associated with whether you like PvP or PvE play. Take a stroll through the many forums here of PvP games and you will see it's singular individuals that are "adult"... or not.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Requiem Bloodymare had a FFA PVP server, and yes it could be a giant gank fest at times. What happens though is that this forces people to group up and get in a guild, and you end up getting the whole guild vs. guild war anyway as a result.
If they stick with that weird and entirely over complicated debuff system, they should make some way to at least work it off.
Can you at least duel on pve servers? Might be nice to be able to set up organized skirmishes on pve servers too.
What if the PVP Tokens you get can be used to buy special armor, potions or gain access to special skills that decrease or cancel the debuffs?
Only people who like being able to gank people are the fat kids who were always picked on in school that have to feel better by picking on lower level players. Face it most gankers/pvpers are too damn much of a pack of cowards to attempt to try to kill anyone their own level. I see it all the time on open pvp servers, ganker comes, offs some noobs them the second someone shows up near their level, they hightail it like the cowards they are, this is not real pvp, its just bullying. Real pvp is when people of a very simmlar (maybe 1-2 lvs up or down) fight, if pvp for you has to involve ganking there are tons of shit mmo's that have this in it (and its the main reason they tend to fail so hard in the long run, Mortal online, etc). Face it gankers/wannabe pvp'ers are a very small minority of the playerbase, if you cant handle even-matched pvp, don't call yourself a pvper, because your in reality just a coward that is to chicken to fight someone your own skill/level. Sadly the coward thing is what most "pvper's" really are, especally the ones who whine about not being able to randomly gank people.
I especally hate pvp in these korean mmo's because in korean mmo's level-> everything else for pvp. In most if your even 2 levels higher its almost autowin even if your gear is crap due to all these damage and defense buffs you gain by the game mechanics, this is why I like fallen earths pvp, there is no magical buff you get in pvp for being a higher level, hell pve doesn't have it either. in FE i was able to kill a level 44 at lv 25 or so just because I was a better player than him, even though his gear was far far superior than mine, almost died though heh. Now if it would have been a korean mmo he probally would have 1 shoted me by breathing on me.
Last game with honestly good pvp was dark age of camelot, the pvp was intense, had a purpose (land control giving faction wide buffs), and a alternate advancement system based on realm points from killing other players in pvp. It also didn't have its own seperate pvp gear, so pve players which form about 90% of a mmo's playerbase could have a chance in pvp, which brought more of them into it. Systems like WoW and SWToR have are stupid, everyone should have to raid for their gear, then go pvp with it if they want or continue raiding, honestly more people would like it this way, but they keep caving into the whiney gankers and pvp wannabe's.
Anyway now that my rant is over, here is my opinion on the new system.
I think it can work if you make it so you only get penalized if the target is more than 3 levels below you, this will prevent high levels from bullying lowbies all day, like most pvp-wannabe's do. Because once u hit 100 points, your pretty much a sitting duck.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Personally I hope tera has no pvp earnable gear, because it'll ruin pvp in general. Maybe special pvp mode only potions are fine but there should never be any gear earnable thru pvp, to keep it balanced.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
the article posted in the OP is over a year old. enmasse has yet to tell us exactly how the NA/EU pvp rules will work.
I've got the straight edge.
I am not saying that it should make you more powerful. The only purpose should be to help with debuffs.
Requiem might force you to always group up and in the end turn out fun. Let's be honest though, how much more is there to that game? Is it exciting because PvP becomes the content when there are few options left? Glad you mentioned it though, I always meant to try it out.
Everyone can yell and scream at what they want in the game between PvP and PvE. In the end the developer will do what it thinks the majority wants compared to it's vision.
One thing I want to mention about ganking is there is no stealth in the game which is fantastic IMO. There are classes with gap closets but at least players will have to charge you in the open.
Just not worth my time anymore.
This right here would get me to pvp a ton more.
Someone please make a good MMO.
That idea would suck at times...especially with everyone being the same faction, one big guild goes to a crowded area and starts killing everyone and anyone, all get buffed up, good luck doing anything for the rest of forever.
People are all raging over the debuff. While I've not had a chance to test it and am not on board yet I'm not totally againts the way it works.
For those who are like OMAAGAWD 50% AP debuff. Think about it. You can kill up to 100 people before that kicks in. Then spend a little time AOE'ing some mobs down and your back to normal again.
You wouldn't go and attack someone at 500 points unless you thought you could beat them, or wanted the challenge. Why even then? Because of the better loot drop. You NEVER have to PVP at a disadvantage unless you want to. I'm not seeing a real issue with that yet.
##Best SWTOR of 2011
Posted by I_Return - SWTOR - "Forget the UI the characters and all ofhe nitpicking bullshit" "Greatest MMO Ever Created"
##Fail Thread Title of 2011
Originally posted by daveospice
"this game looks like crap?"