I'm a long time member of these forums and I see so much criticism here of a game that has had one of the most successful launches in MMO history and a huge number of subs. It has had almost all positive reviews from professional outlets. In response to that I heard stupid comments like "they were all paid,etc", but prior to this games launch there were certain individuals that couldn't wait to post a negative impression of those same outlets about 1/2 year to a year ago. I guess they are only paid when they don't agree with you.
Throughout the first 30 days, all I heard was how the game was going to drop drastically after the first free month. That hasn't happened despite the duplicate threads here. On the fleet, the numbers at the times I play are just about the exact same as they were a few weeks ago. My guild has just as much or more online at the same time. I have no trouble finding groups. Now I do feel this game has a large room for improvement and I provided that feedback to Bioware, but all in all its a solid MMO to a huge number of people out there.
To those people here who continuously critique TOR, please post the MMO you are playing and loving now or something that you think is better so we can compare it against this game and try to figure out if that game offers so much more in features, choices, story, graphics, innovation etc that this game has to offer. I want to see how those games differ so drastically from the WOW forumula and what made them successful. Just remember we have your forum history to compare against (except those that mysteriously only post here with like 10 posts or so) and the reality of how those games have done up until this point.
As a pretty experienced MMO player, I am more than ready for innovation and the next level of MMO, but denying that this game isn't even a half step up from previous MMOs AT LAUNCH is incomprehensible to me, especially if you prefer PVE!
A "long time member" posts this complete crap?
You are really basing the success of a game on the first free month? I just cancelled my subscription. Honestly, the only reason they are going to hold subs at all is because of the somewhat longer leveling curve than many games released, as well as the Christmas holiday. They basically got 2-3 free weeks out of me because I was on vacation. It is amazing the things EA will do to rape money from people, right?
Everyone I know is cancelling their subscriptions. People were already talking about it after the first free month, many stuck around as we didn't really finish all the content yet. But now, there is really nothing left to do except grind the same crap over and over again for gear. This is 20+ people that I know will not be playing. I think 2 or 3 people are going to stick around, and these people are the slower levelers. They haven't hit 50 yet, and are taking their sweet ass time. Nothing wrong with that, but they will cancel when they get there just like everyone else.
What am I playing now? Nothing. I didn't even have anything to play and I stopped logging into SWTOR. The game just sucks balls. It is a complete theme park, that any 8 year old with half a brain could play. There was never really any struggle, it felt more like a movie than a video game. This isn't a gamer's game, it is a SW/Bioware fanboy game. Bioware has never been known for their gameplay (IMO, it is always complete crap), only the stories. This is all this game had going for it. I enjoyed my time leveling up, but past that, there is nothing new what so ever.
You are not an experienced MMO player. SWTOR is the same BS crap that has been released the past 10 years. Just because you are a rabid fanboy doesn't mean jack shit, sorry. It has a cool story with zero longetivity. Wow, so awesome! Lets see where it is sitting 6 months or a year from now? I guarantee, it will be at the bottom.
And you seroiusly take "professional site reviews" seriously? There are some of the most idiotic gamers in the history of the world. They are paid to do this crap, and their opinions are biased and bad. They play an MMO for a week and they say how awesome it is. Ok, wow, a game you paid a fucking subscription for is fun the first week? What fucking game isn't? It is too bad that 2 months later, the game is a heaping steam of shit. The reviews are pointless and worthless for an subscription based game. Lets not kid ourselves.
A "long time member" posts this complete crap?
You are really basing the success of a game on the first free month? I just cancelled my subscription. Honestly, the only reason they are going to hold subs at all is because of the somewhat longer leveling curve than many games released, as well as the Christmas holiday. They basically got 2-3 free weeks out of me because I was on vacation. It is amazing the things EA will do to rape money from people, right?
Everyone I know is cancelling their subscriptions. People were already talking about it after the first free month, many stuck around as we didn't really finish all the content yet. But now, there is really nothing left to do except grind the same crap over and over again for gear. This is 20+ people that I know will not be playing. I think 2 or 3 people are going to stick around, and these people are the slower levelers. They haven't hit 50 yet, and are taking their sweet ass time. Nothing wrong with that, but they will cancel when they get there just like everyone else.
What am I playing now? Nothing. I didn't even have anything to play and I stopped logging into SWTOR. The game just sucks balls. It is a complete theme park, that any 8 year old with half a brain could play. There was never really any struggle, it felt more like a movie than a video game. This isn't a gamer's game, it is a SW/Bioware fanboy game. Bioware has never been known for their gameplay (IMO, it is always complete crap), only the stories. This is all this game had going for it. I enjoyed my time leveling up, but past that, there is nothing new what so ever.
You are not an experienced MMO player. SWTOR is the same BS crap that has been released the past 10 years. Just because you are a rabid fanboy doesn't mean jack shit, sorry. It has a cool story with zero longetivity. Wow, so awesome! Lets see where it is sitting 6 months or a year from now? I guarantee, it will be at the bottom.
And you seroiusly take "professional site reviews" seriously? There are some of the most idiotic gamers in the history of the world. They are paid to do this crap, and their opinions are biased and bad. They play an MMO for a week and they say how awesome it is. Ok, wow, a game you paid a fucking subscription for is fun the first week? What fucking game isn't? It is too bad that 2 months later, the game is a heaping steam of shit. The reviews are pointless and worthless for an subscription based game. Lets not kid ourselves.
Not a good question to ask with Skyrim around.....