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Want to see what all the big guilds in SWTOR are up to at the Guild Summit? Take a look at the livestream embed of the event going on all day. Just click the link below to watch the stream here on Keep your eyes open for our own Suzie Ford, who's at the event!
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
3K people dropped out when that Sims 3 shit came on.
I wish I was there. I'd ask them questions that will cause them to dance around like a bunch of politicians.
The main problem with this game is just the fact that it's dumbed down to the point where it's boring. Battlegrounds? Quest-only progression? Typecasted Characters?
I'm not trolling on the game. I'm just shocked at their complete misuse of resources.
Really! What is the point of this summit?
We ALL know what guilds do... Raid, farm mats, guild drama, raid, rage quits, raid... oh and more raid.
The game is failing so lets have a big event to announce future content in hopes of holding onto some subscribers.
But it can't be failing!
It was rated, by all game-related sources, on par with more established games like LotRO, EVE, Rifts, WoW, etc...
And the fanbois say that it's a great game...
After all, EA paid everyone to say it's a great game...
Is it over now? Looks like 5500+ people are watching the SWTOR logo to me.
It hasn't started, earlier was just giving the days itinerary and the stream ahs just been showing filler since. It'll be back up and running in an hours time, 8pm GMT and whatever that is in your time zone.
In the mean time IGN just posted a tonne of new info from 1.2 including class nerfs to the bounty hunter, new abilities for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior, tweaks to all classes. Removal of PvP rewards from Ilum etc etc
Ah, thanks, I'll check out that info!
It's up and running now. Hopefully we get some more in depth info.
a game having an event to hype itself up and cause a buzz, how dare they ... thats unheard of in the gaming industry.
Ilum Redesign: Later this year...
seems like SWTOR is leaning heavily toward E-Sports.
listened to 5 minute of the live stream and i am like :why the eck did they organise this ,they could have streamed live and respond to question being asked in chat!(they probably did this so they could avoid chat room cause some get very good question in the chat !oh well!
LOL @ RPer asking for auto facing in PVP!!!
Please nerf paper
Scissors are fine
Signed rock...
though i do agree with him the whole running around in circles trying to get each others back looks retarded.
Was this recored from beta?
Ignoring the snipes i'd say they're being pretty open and honest with this live stream.
Did they say it was impossible to implement diff weapons cross class (Sith Warrior with double blade lightsaber)? If that's their stance it sucks.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
I've yet to see anyone ask a pertinent question.
They have "question takers" in the room effectively censoring anything that might not be good for PR. A similar system is in force for livestream viewer questions.
Anything negative that has come up has been swept aside with a basic, "we're aware of that" attitude.
Fortunately I expected nothing else.
They should have had gabe present the whole thing.
The thought of ranked warzones in this game made me shudder knowing how bad FPS could get in Huttball.
I mean, wouldn't that be a question on everyones lips right there?
im unsubbing from MMORPG.COM due to all the trolling...
If you like a game play it, If you dont , well dont, dont spoil it for everyone else with retarded comments, ( kinda like this one )
I'll wait for it to finish before i weigh in with detail.
But am I the only one that has a feeling that they are making things up as they go to please the question givers?
And most of all, some of these ideas are even in 1.2, the rest are later.....