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During this past weekend's beta event, we had a team with boots on the ground to bring our readers great coverage of Guild Wars 2. We launch the first salvo of coverage with a general overview of Guild Wars 2. Check it out and then let us know what you think in the comments.
There is already a lot of pressure on Arena.Net to deliver what most sites and players have as one of the top contenders for Game of the Year before its even released. That pressure is only going to grow in the time before the game actually hits the shelves. Guild Wars 2 has a lot of our hopes boldly pinned to it. Judging by what I both saw and experienced this weekend, most people will be very happy.
Read more of Suzie Ford's Guild Wars 2: So Much to Do in Tyria.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Confirmed. Everything in this post is true. Everything the developers have shown off or talked about is actually in the game. This is not hyperbole as the excitement is over features that are actually in the game and ready to go.
The only way ANet can botch this if they go overboard on the cash shop, and mystic chests are still a naked money grab. If they alleviate that problem they'll be golden, IMO.
Simply can t wait.
Nice read
Main MMO at the moment: Guild Wars 2
Waiting for: Pathfinder Online
So, it has good graphics, combat, the ability to group, quests, and multiple races.
Wow, that's never been done before....
For all the hype, that's what I'm hearing - when actually playing it, this game is a lot "more of the same" than ANet has been making it sound.
Have to wait and see.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
It isn't "more of the same". Trust me. It's actually different. You actually have freedom in this game. You're not pushed down a narrow corridor of quest after quest after quest. You can go wherever you want to and do whatever events tickle your fancy (assuming you're not grossly underpowered). No, I'm not a beta tester, but I'm also not here to shill for ANet.
If that's what you read then I advice you to re-read it a few more times. Reading comprehension ftw.
Pretty darn positive alright, Suzie. Happy to see you being excited about it but I still can't get around the impression that I will be one of those people that will feel left out. *sogs off crying*
(But if WvWvW will mean long term pvp fun by the buckets (rather than "repetitive XL battleground") that might change).
My brand new bloggity blog.
Every game has it's flaws, and it's strengths and GW2 will not be magically exempt from this. The personal story system from everything we've seen so far does indeed appear to be lacking pretty heavily, since it seems to totally displace you from the game-world and put you in this weird backdrop situation, with static characters. The game world seems impressive enough, but with no real end-game as part of their ideology with this game, I wonder how long this game will hold sustained interest in the majority of the gaming community. The game definitely is looking impressive in many ways, I'll be playing with many of you when launch is finally here...But I probably won't be canceling my SW:TOR subscription for this, and I don't think many other people will be, either. Partially due to the fact you don't need to since this game has no sub-fee, but also because there *will* be things that aren't quite to standard with GW2 that you'll only find in a game like SW:TOR, or even older MMO's.
And this I don't understand. You're one of those people who think end game = raids. Well that's sad.
Agreed, raiders are the minority beleive it or not. They do think everyone wants to raid, but really the majority never do them, or care to do them.
Well, thats not sad, thats mmo. I have bf3 if i want some random fights. And to search for events around tha lands is same as i did in Rift and that is not working very well. But i will buy game because it is cheap, i know i will forget in few weeks but who cares. If you give money for some single players fps that last about 8-10h it is worth to give for mmo same money
And this is sad too. It's actually horrifying. @_@
nothing really new, but a fun-to-read article
I'am trying to keep my cool, but im affraid im getting to the point of over-hypage .. untill i can only be dissapointed at release .. please write a negative article next time to cool us down a little bit and put us back on the ground.
"There are few things that will leave players scratching their heads".
What are these things? Everything else sounds good but to drop that in at the end and not go in to any detail at all seems a bit weird.
We already know that WvWvW is not a battleground PVP it's open world PVP,structual PVP is your battleground type PvP but you know this already.
Why would you have a problem with battleground PVP anyway,your favorite game has it.
I'm not talking about your latest fad either.
the quest system is new, and so full of awesome
you dont have to talk to NPCs, you just walk into an area and do stuff
i cant wait for this, my only unease is with the lack of races. would love to see orcs and undead in there.
Worse part about Guild Wars 2, productivity will reach an all time low.
My favorite example of it was last night's "Crap is it really already 2:30am?" via some post beta in LA.
My brand new bloggity blog.
It's not open world PvP, it's a set of zones/instances with a population cap. It's also a meaningless 2 week long deathmatch, at the end of which the "points" are compared and winners and losers proclaimed so the server ladder system can be adjusted and servers rematched for the next 2 week deathmatch.
Virtual world with real intra-server rivalries (like DAOC)? Not hardly.
Just more of the same contrived e-sport crap.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
So what can I do if I am sick of quests ? Is GW2 a sandbox game?
WvWvW is not an open world PVP.
Now you know the differance from a zone and an instance,glad i could help you.
skill challenges shouldnt be shown on the map Caves also shouldnt be shown until you find them... Why makeing it easier. Exploring is to find somethig, not to run to a already known point