If this individual is what the EVE Online community saw fit to elect into the position of CSM prior to this incident, then I want nothing to do with this game whatsoever.
Demonstrations of that kind of repugnant behavior have no place in a massively multiplayer community, ESPECIALLY when they are voiced by a public representative of the game's community.
I hope that CCP has made a sincere and concentrated effort to contact the individual that was publicly targetted at this Q&A session, and ensured that he is safe from harm.
Originally posted by GeeTeeEffOh And Again, at 33, his whole message was that of a game breaking temper tantrum out to ruin everyone else's game cut he was "thrown under a bus".
What's game breaking about his plans? He is announcing the intent to 'shut down Jita' with a show of force from his alliance. This gives people time to move to another trade hub, CCP time to reinforce the node (since they ask for that sort of notice when large fleet actions are planned anyhow), and generally lets people know to not be there when the action starts. This is no more "game breaking" then Hulkaggedon or the Ice mining action in those respects. The only difference is that more people have to adjust and not just miners. Aside from that, sure the guy screwed up. He feels unjustly punished while others feel it's a slap on the wrists. That is inevitable and he is doing what he does best and trying to spin this toward his, and his alliance's, advantage. While his initial comments were wrong, the in game results should provide plenty more drama for anyone interested. As to how effective the Jita action will be, we've already seen massive protestes in Jita when the NeX store was introduced. The node was throttled down to limit population and the game went on. People adjusted and flowed around the problem. Likely the same will happen after the initial shock and awe wears off.
Because he's throwing a huge temper tantrum. If he can't have his game, no body can. You can't not think he doesn't actually consider EVE his.
if you watch the video, you'll see the theme of the presentations revolved around flaming each other and other players. The Mittani just picked the wrong topic and said the wrong thing about it. To me, it seemed like a usual night at the bar with buddies all talking shit and trying to one-up each other. Does that make it OK? No.
But at the same time, I feel like this whole thing is being blown out of proportion.
No, it was not OK for Mittani to do what he did. The best resolution: ban him from speaking at anymore Fanfests. Is a ban from the game really necessary? And is resignation from CSM necessary?
It sounds like, despite being a dickhead, Mittani actually contributed to the game quite a bit. Let him continue playing the game, just don't let him open his mouth in public.
You can't not think he doesn't actually consider EVE his.
ok, that's much clearer. It isn't game breaking, but you don't like the guy. That is much more straightforward and something I can relate to. Saying it's game breaking is just false though and confuses your message.
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
There is a term for what the dipshit did... it's called involuntary manslaughter if the guy did in fact commit suicide. He can laugh it all he wants and tell half felt sorries but then it is in the court room, they that don't accept half felt apologies and apply consequences to actions.
Cyber bullying has been a rising concern and a very serious problem. People have in fact commited sucides from it. I find nothing light about this subject.
I hope the CCP reponds in kind to his "protest" and break out the Jenovian warships to deccimate his fleet to set an example of.
Originally posted by mklinic Originally posted by GeeTeeEffO Because he's throwing a huge temper tantrum. If he can't have his game, no body can. You can't not think he doesn't actually consider EVE his.
ok, that's much clearer. It isn't game breaking, but you don't like the guy. That is much more straightforward and something I can relate to. Saying it's game breaking is just false though and confuses your message.
Touche, I assumed taking down Jita would have a paralyzing effect on game play.
Cyber bullying has been a rising concern and people have in fact commited sucide from it. I find nothing light about this subject.
Yeah, but you'd have to be hardpressed to actually stick a conviction to it. The victims always had the options to stop logging on, and perpetuating it all. Or to simply ignore it, rather than allow text from an unknown stranger to literally turn their life upside down. Surely, all it does take to make someone go off the deep end is a spark - but with the common knowledge of how internet behavior goes - who in their right mind would allow themselves to suck it all in?
It's more along the lines of "protecting people from themselves", and that's total bullshit. Darwinism exists, and I believe that when the economy and world population hits a critical mass, peope act like lemmings and let depression kill them (or do the job themselves). It's nature, and I believe Japan has shown this side of it for the last millenia or so.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4 Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
I assumed taking down Jita would have a paralyzing effect on game play.
Just for perspective perhaps, but when the NeX store was released, there was a sizable backlash and protests in the major trade hubs (most notably Jita). CCP throttled the population in Jita to a few hundred and the gates were packed with people trying to jump in for whatever business they had. The proposed action in Jita is not unique in that aspect except the inclusion of aggression toward other players which is allowed, but has repurcussions in the form of "Concord" response (detroyign the aggressor). Sorry if some of this covers things you already knew, but on the chance it wasn't well known, I thought it worth explaining.
I don't agree with what the guy said, though I wouldn't call myself surprised he said something like that. I do support the in game action though as that's just the sort of thing that happens in EvE. Everyone shares one universe (except China...) and thus everyone can impact everyone else. This gets people to adjust what they are doing and keeps things interesting .
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Originally posted by mklinic Originally posted by GeeTeeEffOh
Touche, I assumed taking down Jita would have a paralyzing effect on game play.
Just for perspective perhaps, but when the NeX store was released, there was a sizable backlash and protests in the major trade hubs (most notably Jita). CCP throttled the population in Jita to a few hundred and the gates were packed with people trying to jump in for whatever business they had. The proposed action in Jita is not unique in that aspect except the inclusion of aggression toward other players which is allowed, but has repurcussions in the form of "Concord" response (detroyign the aggressor). Sorry if some of this covers things you already knew, but on the chance it wasn't well known, I thought it worth explaining. I don't agree with what the guy said, though I wouldn't call myself surprised he said something like that. I do support the in game action though as that's just the sort of thing that happens in EvE. Everyone shares one universe (except China...) and thus everyone can impact everyone else. This gets people to adjust what they are doing and keeps things interesting .
I know very little of the inner workings of EVE outside the most basic of basics. Always wanted to, but after I did the 2 week trial....twice. I can't help but feel it would take 6 months just to become a noob.
If this individual is what the EVE Online community saw fit to elect into the position of CSM prior to this incident, then I want nothing to do with this game whatsoever.
Demonstrations of that kind of repugnant behavior have no place in a massively multiplayer community, ESPECIALLY when they are voiced by a public representative of the game's community.
I hope that CCP has made a sincere and concentrated effort to contact the individual that was publicly targetted at this Q&A session, and ensured that he is safe from harm.
It's been stated many times over that the CSM elected are in no way representative of the general online community and, dare I say, are more representative of the vocal minority who actually choose to vote outside the party-line.
It's exceedingly easy to be in a group that has little to no contact with those types of individuals, at least in an overt manor.
You all know that he did apologize right? I mean, people make mistakes, sometimes big mistakes and the penalities for the action normally depends on the outcome of said action.
Take drunk driving for example. If you rear end someone causing only minor damage, the charges/penalties against you will be relatively minor. However if you kill someone there will be a much harsher penalty even if you were equally drunk in both situations.
So same thing here. He did something reprehensilble, has acknowleged his mistake, apolgized for it, and its been proven that that "victim" in question is alive and doing fine. (and in fact may have been "just kidding")
Sometimes people take this whole "falling on your sword" thing far too seriously.
Do I think he should step down, absolutely, it would be the honorable thing to do of course.
But all this mock rage against CCP needs to stop, sh!t happened, they'll take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again, let's be done with it.
There's some very real problems out there in the world folks that really could use your attention (and perhaps rage)
How about human trafficking, now there's a topic worthy of some attention. (of course, not on these forums, sorry moderators)
I wonder if he apologized to the guy who was going through such mental anquish due to his wife leaving him. I seriously doubt the "chairman" would even know what having a wife was like, due to be a basement virgin.
On top of which I wonder how many other jerk offs resorted to sending the divorced man hundreds or thousands of messages containing God knows what. Probably the more vile things you can imagine regarding his ex wife. FUN!
This goes beyond a "mistake". " Whoops, Im really sorry I told the entire EvE community to send you messages prompting you to go ahead and kill yourself! I was just drunk and stuff! The devil made me do it! " Seriously from my own observations half the time a guy offs himself its due to some woman. It sucks, and I seriously hope the player in question is still alive. Although if my wife left me, and then I get the entire mmo Im playing urging me to off myself, that seriously doesnt help. In fact that makes it exponentially worse.
What Im saying is the damage has been done, and this guy obviously had the maturity of one of the worst kinds of 13 year olds. Pretty pathetic. He doesnt need to be the "chairman" of anything. I wouldnt even hire him as a janitor after that crap. Hes obviously so absolutely accostumed to being a total jerk in EvE and online due to anonymity that he wasnt even aware that in real life such behavior has REAL consequences. Even the trolls of the internet usually know better than that.
This guy has obviously been trolling on his computer for so long he's detached from the real life consequences of doing the same. Yea, welcome to real life buddy. Hope this jerk has learned a lesson, one which most of us take as common sense, and I really hope the guy going through a divorce is okay.
You can't not think he doesn't actually consider EVE his.
ok, that's much clearer. It isn't game breaking, but you don't like the guy. That is much more straightforward and something I can relate to. Saying it's game breaking is just false though and confuses your message.
I assumed taking down Jita would have a paralyzing effect on game play.
There are a few noobie corps out there that make your stay in New Eden much more exciting. A couple of those would be Eve University or Red Team / Blue Team. For the most part, they give excellent experiences.
This is what happens when you let asshats in your game run it. It is like Lord of the Flies in a prison setting. When the prison allows the inmates to run the prison. This is what happens. Now he threatens to take down the game. CCP should ban him and the players of Goonswarm for life from EVE.
This is what happens when you let asshats in your game run it. It is like Lord of the Flies in a prison setting. When the prison allows the inmates to run the prison. This is what happens. Now he threatens to take down the game. CCP should ban him and the players of Goonswarm for life from EVE.
They don't run the game. Their realized job is to facilitate the filtering of suggestions from players to the devs and then return the feedback. That's about it. To imply that they have an innate ability to push CCP into a certain direction is asinine.
Cyber bullying has been a rising concern and people have in fact commited sucide from it. I find nothing light about this subject.
Yeah, but you'd have to be hardpressed to actually stick a conviction to it. The victims always had the options to stop logging on, and perpetuating it all. Or to simply ignore it, rather than allow text from an unknown stranger to literally turn their life upside down. Surely, all it does take to make someone go off the deep end is a spark - but with the common knowledge of how internet behavior goes - who in their right mind would allow themselves to suck it all in?
It's more along the lines of "protecting people from themselves", and that's total bullshit. Darwinism exists, and I believe that when the economy and world population hits a critical mass, peope act like lemmings and let depression kill them (or do the job themselves). It's nature, and I believe Japan has shown this side of it for the last millenia or so.
I agree with a few of you points here. It is on the protaganist to choose when and how to avoid the situation and for him maybe sending out the message in the first place was his way of handeling the problem. Now at that point I don't believe he was at a point of hurting himself or that Mintanni had antagonized him into doing so.
Where Mintanni messed up is when he wanted to bring others into his little game. His actions seemed to show (A) - Prob his main goal - To get a bunch of people to join in on the laughs at this poor sap. Who he wanted to point out because Mintanni himself is the "baddie".
(B) What he inadvertedly did what incite people to harass someone into commiting bodly harm to themselves or to others. Was this his intentions.. Who the fuck knows but him and the entities that be.. but he messed up...
We should all let this ride now.. 30 days is going to pass so fast... GW2, Diablo 3... Wow.. for reallzzz
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
Ok here's a thought.. It sounded like Mittens handed over the keys to the alliance or whatever while he is away.
Would you do it?
If I had full access to everything then, yes. Rewards are just to big.
Be known for out gooning the goons for the rest of Eve's history.
walk away with a shit-ton of ingame wealth.
I wouldn't normally do anything like that any other time. This isn't and ordinary situation either. I've always believed that everyone has their price.
So does anyone know if he handed full control over to someone else? Just curious.
Edit: I'm not trying to downplay the severity of the issue. I really have no stake in any of this on a in game level. As long as they keep their antics to ingame matters and not what Mittens did. It's just a thought and didn't think another thread was needed.
Oh come on, stop being so damn emotional and eager to be politically correct everyone. If one person would even consider suicide over this, he would do it for any number of crappy reasons as well, like having a bad hair day, or birds chirping to early one morning. It might just take him/her another week to do it. Life will go on for the rest of the 7 billion of us. Make mistake (WE ALL DO THEM), make apology (NOT ALL OF US DO), learn from it (EVEN FEWER DO) and move on (YES).
You all know that he did apologize right? I mean, people make mistakes, sometimes big mistakes and the penalities for the action normally depends on the outcome of said action.
Take drunk driving for example. If you rear end someone causing only minor damage, the charges/penalties against you will be relatively minor. However if you kill someone there will be a much harsher penalty even if you were equally drunk in both situations.
So same thing here. He did something reprehensilble, has acknowleged his mistake, apolgized for it, and its been proven that that "victim" in question is alive and doing fine. (and in fact may have been "just kidding")
Sometimes people take this whole "falling on your sword" thing far too seriously.
Do I think he should step down, absolutely, it would be the honorable thing to do of course.
But all this mock rage against CCP needs to stop, sh!t happened, they'll take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again, let's be done with it.
There's some very real problems out there in the world folks that really could use your attention (and perhaps rage)
How about human trafficking, now there's a topic worthy of some attention. (of course, not on these forums, sorry moderators)
So if me and some friends stand around a downs syndrome person and try to convince him to eat dirt, its ok? This guy asked thousands of people to tell a mentally unstable person to go kill himself. He got lucky the guy didnt do it.
I'm glad the story got picked up and posted all over the internet. Wait till this guy tries to get a real job and the HR manager googles his name and finds out what kind of person he really is.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
First of all, CCP should not be getting involved. If anything, the CSM itself should be the ones taking action IF ANY. Just like many other "headlines" of late, there is to much a rush to lynch a person without a trail. Are you folks saying that you are more into mob mentality then letting justice and due process run their course?
It shouldn't be his choice. CCP needs to relieve him of that position immediately, and ban him permanently for the harrassment that violates their own TOS.
The fact that they have done nothing so far speaks volumes about CCP.
But, as of now, he has not resigned.
I disagree. The apology is enough.
One mistake doesn't define a person, and I don't know about you, but I've made a few in my life.
I say that because it is clearly sincere, unlike the "apologies" of so many public figures doing it because it put them in a bad light in the public's eyes, not because the person truly regrets what was said.
Gianturco's resignation - or "firing" - would be an over-reaction, not a reasonable decision.
Have played: Everquest, Asheron's Call, Horizons, Everquest2, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall
Africans are still starving and people will still be hit by cars this very minute. And die. The Mittani was acting in character and I see nothing wrong with it. The "stage" worked as intended and the supposed victim was trolling in character as well. Even the supposed victim was only mentioned by his in game name. No IRL damage have been made here, but the double standards of the US and UK community have damaged CCP, especially Brenden Dain and his bad sensational journalism. I suggest you read up on The wiz unofficial in game response - listen to the radio interview with The MIttani. The way people behave these days for attention is just like watching a 4 year old push over his best friends sandtower in the sandbox. Grow up.
He used an official CCP platform to call for the in game harassment of someone with mental health issues with the express purpose of driving him to commit suicide, this was publically broadcast as part of the CCP coverage of their official event. I am not really sure how it can be justifiable, even if made in jest. I suggest you read the Mittani's apology and the Wizs forum post a couple of days after, and if anyone needs to grow up, look in a mirror because you certainly don't seem to have a mature handle on life.
Africans are still starving and people will still be hit by cars this very minute. And die.
The Mittani was acting in character and I see nothing wrong with it.
The "stage" worked as intended and the supposed victim was trolling in character as well. Even the supposed victim was only mentioned by his in game name. No IRL damage have been made here, but the double standards of the US and UK community have damaged CCP, especially Brenden Dain and his bad sensational journalism.
I suggest you read up on The wiz unofficial in game response - listen to the radio interview with The MIttani.
The way people behave these days for attention is just like watching a 4 year old push over his best friends sandtower in the sandbox.
Grow up.
Nah, he crossed the line the moment he mentioned the name. WHICH, I might, add only happened during the Q&A. People keep thinking the name (some think RL Name, fuckwits...) was dropped during the slide show.
If Mittens had not dropped that name, he'd be in the clear. And we'd be mocking all the QQers and telling them to HTFU.
I reiterate, the only issue is he dropped the PLAYER NAME, he could have said every last word and been fine. Momement he said the name it was over the line.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.
"Ok.. Well that is nice. Hmm.. wait.. If i do kill my self they might arrest him and prosicute him since he is in the US.. That would really be bad for him."
"Just kidding of course but a thought."
This "victim" is just as much a tool as Mittens. Hell when questioned about it the guy didn't even know what was going on and didn't even seem to care, yet everyone else goes off bleating and braying like jackasses. Apologies were made, none of this changes your life in the least, just move on.
"Internet spaceships r srs bsns".
If this individual is what the EVE Online community saw fit to elect into the position of CSM prior to this incident, then I want nothing to do with this game whatsoever.
Demonstrations of that kind of repugnant behavior have no place in a massively multiplayer community, ESPECIALLY when they are voiced by a public representative of the game's community.
I hope that CCP has made a sincere and concentrated effort to contact the individual that was publicly targetted at this Q&A session, and ensured that he is safe from harm.
Because he's throwing a huge temper tantrum.
If he can't have his game, no body can.
You can't not think he doesn't actually consider EVE his.
if you watch the video, you'll see the theme of the presentations revolved around flaming each other and other players. The Mittani just picked the wrong topic and said the wrong thing about it. To me, it seemed like a usual night at the bar with buddies all talking shit and trying to one-up each other. Does that make it OK? No.
But at the same time, I feel like this whole thing is being blown out of proportion.
No, it was not OK for Mittani to do what he did. The best resolution: ban him from speaking at anymore Fanfests. Is a ban from the game really necessary? And is resignation from CSM necessary?
It sounds like, despite being a dickhead, Mittani actually contributed to the game quite a bit. Let him continue playing the game, just don't let him open his mouth in public.
ok, that's much clearer. It isn't game breaking, but you don't like the guy. That is much more straightforward and something I can relate to. Saying it's game breaking is just false though and confuses your message.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
There is a term for what the dipshit did... it's called involuntary manslaughter if the guy did in fact commit suicide. He can laugh it all he wants and tell half felt sorries but then it is in the court room, they that don't accept half felt apologies and apply consequences to actions.
Cyber bullying has been a rising concern and a very serious problem. People have in fact commited sucides from it. I find nothing light about this subject.
I hope the CCP reponds in kind to his "protest" and break out the Jenovian warships to deccimate his fleet to set an example of.
I assumed taking down Jita would have a paralyzing effect on game play.
Yeah, but you'd have to be hardpressed to actually stick a conviction to it. The victims always had the options to stop logging on, and perpetuating it all. Or to simply ignore it, rather than allow text from an unknown stranger to literally turn their life upside down. Surely, all it does take to make someone go off the deep end is a spark - but with the common knowledge of how internet behavior goes - who in their right mind would allow themselves to suck it all in?
It's more along the lines of "protecting people from themselves", and that's total bullshit. Darwinism exists, and I believe that when the economy and world population hits a critical mass, peope act like lemmings and let depression kill them (or do the job themselves). It's nature, and I believe Japan has shown this side of it for the last millenia or so.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Just for perspective perhaps, but when the NeX store was released, there was a sizable backlash and protests in the major trade hubs (most notably Jita). CCP throttled the population in Jita to a few hundred and the gates were packed with people trying to jump in for whatever business they had. The proposed action in Jita is not unique in that aspect except the inclusion of aggression toward other players which is allowed, but has repurcussions in the form of "Concord" response (detroyign the aggressor). Sorry if some of this covers things you already knew, but on the chance it wasn't well known, I thought it worth explaining.
I don't agree with what the guy said, though I wouldn't call myself surprised he said something like that. I do support the in game action though as that's just the sort of thing that happens in EvE. Everyone shares one universe (except China...) and thus everyone can impact everyone else. This gets people to adjust what they are doing and keeps things interesting .
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
I don't agree with what the guy said, though I wouldn't call myself surprised he said something like that. I do support the in game action though as that's just the sort of thing that happens in EvE. Everyone shares one universe (except China...) and thus everyone can impact everyone else. This gets people to adjust what they are doing and keeps things interesting .
I know very little of the inner workings of EVE outside the most basic of basics.
Always wanted to, but after I did the 2 week trial....twice. I can't help but feel it would take 6 months just to become a noob.
It's been stated many times over that the CSM elected are in no way representative of the general online community and, dare I say, are more representative of the vocal minority who actually choose to vote outside the party-line.
It's exceedingly easy to be in a group that has little to no contact with those types of individuals, at least in an overt manor.
I wonder if he apologized to the guy who was going through such mental anquish due to his wife leaving him. I seriously doubt the "chairman" would even know what having a wife was like, due to be a basement virgin.
On top of which I wonder how many other jerk offs resorted to sending the divorced man hundreds or thousands of messages containing God knows what. Probably the more vile things you can imagine regarding his ex wife. FUN!
This goes beyond a "mistake". " Whoops, Im really sorry I told the entire EvE community to send you messages prompting you to go ahead and kill yourself! I was just drunk and stuff! The devil made me do it! " Seriously from my own observations half the time a guy offs himself its due to some woman. It sucks, and I seriously hope the player in question is still alive. Although if my wife left me, and then I get the entire mmo Im playing urging me to off myself, that seriously doesnt help. In fact that makes it exponentially worse.
What Im saying is the damage has been done, and this guy obviously had the maturity of one of the worst kinds of 13 year olds. Pretty pathetic. He doesnt need to be the "chairman" of anything. I wouldnt even hire him as a janitor after that crap. Hes obviously so absolutely accostumed to being a total jerk in EvE and online due to anonymity that he wasnt even aware that in real life such behavior has REAL consequences. Even the trolls of the internet usually know better than that.
This guy has obviously been trolling on his computer for so long he's detached from the real life consequences of doing the same. Yea, welcome to real life buddy. Hope this jerk has learned a lesson, one which most of us take as common sense, and I really hope the guy going through a divorce is okay.
There are a few noobie corps out there that make your stay in New Eden much more exciting. A couple of those would be Eve University or Red Team / Blue Team. For the most part, they give excellent experiences.
This is what happens when you let asshats in your game run it. It is like Lord of the Flies in a prison setting. When the prison allows the inmates to run the prison. This is what happens. Now he threatens to take down the game. CCP should ban him and the players of Goonswarm for life from EVE.
They don't run the game. Their realized job is to facilitate the filtering of suggestions from players to the devs and then return the feedback. That's about it. To imply that they have an innate ability to push CCP into a certain direction is asinine.
Your reaction is a bit knee-jerk.
I agree with a few of you points here. It is on the protaganist to choose when and how to avoid the situation and for him maybe sending out the message in the first place was his way of handeling the problem. Now at that point I don't believe he was at a point of hurting himself or that Mintanni had antagonized him into doing so.
Where Mintanni messed up is when he wanted to bring others into his little game. His actions seemed to show (A) - Prob his main goal - To get a bunch of people to join in on the laughs at this poor sap. Who he wanted to point out because Mintanni himself is the "baddie".
(B) What he inadvertedly did what incite people to harass someone into commiting bodly harm to themselves or to others. Was this his intentions.. Who the fuck knows but him and the entities that be.. but he messed up...
We should all let this ride now.. 30 days is going to pass so fast... GW2, Diablo 3... Wow.. for reallzzz
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
Ok here's a thought.. It sounded like Mittens handed over the keys to the alliance or whatever while he is away.
Would you do it?
If I had full access to everything then, yes. Rewards are just to big.
Be known for out gooning the goons for the rest of Eve's history.
walk away with a shit-ton of ingame wealth.
I wouldn't normally do anything like that any other time. This isn't and ordinary situation either. I've always believed that everyone has their price.
So does anyone know if he handed full control over to someone else? Just curious.
Edit: I'm not trying to downplay the severity of the issue. I really have no stake in any of this on a in game level. As long as they keep their antics to ingame matters and not what Mittens did. It's just a thought and didn't think another thread was needed.
Oh come on, stop being so damn emotional and eager to be politically correct everyone. If one person would even consider suicide over this, he would do it for any number of crappy reasons as well, like having a bad hair day, or birds chirping to early one morning. It might just take him/her another week to do it. Life will go on for the rest of the 7 billion of us. Make mistake (WE ALL DO THEM), make apology (NOT ALL OF US DO), learn from it (EVEN FEWER DO) and move on (YES).
So if me and some friends stand around a downs syndrome person and try to convince him to eat dirt, its ok? This guy asked thousands of people to tell a mentally unstable person to go kill himself. He got lucky the guy didnt do it.
I'm glad the story got picked up and posted all over the internet. Wait till this guy tries to get a real job and the HR manager googles his name and finds out what kind of person he really is.
People actually get suicidal over EVE? Meh, I guess it is boring enough to cause that.
First of all, CCP should not be getting involved. If anything, the CSM itself should be the ones taking action IF ANY. Just like many other "headlines" of late, there is to much a rush to lynch a person without a trail. Are you folks saying that you are more into mob mentality then letting justice and due process run their course?
Let's party like it is 1863!
I disagree. The apology is enough.
One mistake doesn't define a person, and I don't know about you, but I've made a few in my life.
I say that because it is clearly sincere, unlike the "apologies" of so many public figures doing it because it put them in a bad light in the public's eyes, not because the person truly regrets what was said.
Gianturco's resignation - or "firing" - would be an over-reaction, not a reasonable decision.
Have played: Everquest, Asheron's Call, Horizons, Everquest2, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall
Nah, he crossed the line the moment he mentioned the name. WHICH, I might, add only happened during the Q&A. People keep thinking the name (some think RL Name, fuckwits...) was dropped during the slide show.
If Mittens had not dropped that name, he'd be in the clear. And we'd be mocking all the QQers and telling them to HTFU.
I reiterate, the only issue is he dropped the PLAYER NAME, he could have said every last word and been fine. Momement he said the name it was over the line.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.
Quotes from the "victim":
"Ok.. Well that is nice. Hmm.. wait.. If i do kill my self they might arrest him and prosicute him since he is in the US.. That would really be bad for him."
"Just kidding of course but a thought."
This "victim" is just as much a tool as Mittens. Hell when questioned about it the guy didn't even know what was going on and didn't even seem to care, yet everyone else goes off bleating and braying like jackasses. Apologies were made, none of this changes your life in the least, just move on.