5.exaggerated publicity; hoopla. ingenious or questionable claim, method, etc., used in advertising, promotion, or publicity to intensify the effect.
7.a swindle, deception, or trick.
All over this board, there is a constant trolling, er, I mean theme, in many posts regarding the "hype" surrounding GW2. Those definitions in red can't be known until after launch. So, lets stick to the first definition, for now. "Overhyped", is not a word, and "over hyped" is unecessary, "hype" does a fine job of explaining what we're talking about by itself.
So, who's responsible for this seemingly unfortunate and ubiquitous evil, "hype"? The first suspect of course is Anet. What have they done, to create this beastie called hype? They've explained there design philosophy. They've shown screenshots, and videos of gameplay. They've done multiple interviews in regards to game mechanics. They've sat on panels to answer questions regarding nearly everything about the game. Is this not expected behaviour from a gaming company with a product in development? As I said, only after launch can we know whether they've exxagerated, or attempted to deceive or swindle.
So, have they succeeded in hyping the game? I think they have. But, isn't it a natural consequence of the overall previews they've given into the product they're developing? I think it is, and I think it's not some kind of evil boogeyman many here try to portray it as. I think for some, no matter the level of information, they would complain. If they didn't get enough information, we would hear, "it's vaporware, it's never coming out", or, "what are they hiding, it must be fail". Too much information, or, even information that shows it's going to be a quality product, and you get, "it's way overhyped", and "remember Lord of Conans Heroes, it was hyped like this too, fail".
The next suspect is the gaming press. Have they hyped the game? Certainly they have. What are they suppose to do? Well, they're suppose to look into the game, and report what they see. Apparently, they like what they see. For some, that's a bad thing, because, it helps to further empower the "hype monster". I really don't know how you get around it. If the product is good, then the press should say so, and they have. Is it a conspiracy, the gaming press knows it really sucks, but, because NCSoft is such a behemouth in the gaming world, the press feel they need to kiss ass? I don't think so. We're not talking about EA here folks. (thank god)
And finally the fans. Ah yes, fanbois aplenty. Especially those of us with years of expeience with GW. We know how Anet operates, we've seen all the interviews, the panels, read the press, seen the videos, some have even participated in beta, and are naturally excited by way of the evidence so far provided. Have we all been brain-jacked, and get some kind of direct marching instructions from Anet? No, we just like what we've seen to this point, simple as that. Are we all sure it's going to be perfect? Absolutely not. Do we have concerns, misgivings, and otherwise not sure that we agree with all of the design philosophies that have gone into the game? Sure we do, and if we didn't have to run around the board putting out the grassfires of misinformation that some here start, intentionally or unintentionally, you might have a completely different opinion of the GW2 community. Why? Because you would see more critical posts from us regarding our concerns. Unfortunately, I think we too often take the bate, and spend our time debating nonsense, instead of really delving into what we believe may be the games shortcomings.
Hype, as defined here, is natural, intended, and necessary. Marketing is hype. Why would you create a product, and then not market it? So from now on, when you decide to start another thread regarding hype, please state your intention. Other than questions regarding the marketing of GW2, you can't really post anything regarding hype, until after launch, because we simply do not, and can not, know.
EDIT: Ok, I suppose flamboyant and dramatic methods can be included. Please let me know if you see Don King, or the Shamwow guy promoting GW2, we'll discuss
I tried to pick my favorite part... so I could shorten this quote >.< but I couldn't. Get out of my head now, shoo, you have made my.. err your point. For the definitions however I think we can know 2 BUT I don't think its applies to this case as I cannot recall any flamboyant or dramatic advertising campains for GW2.
Pretty much going to ignore all the other threads with "hype" in the title, because apart from this one, they all tend to be troll post.
these "what does hype really mean?" threads are becoming more common than ebola. is there a point to this?
I've got the straight edge.
I have an easier way to explain it. Hype is when someone tells you they got a great gift for you, excitement is when you see what it is you got.
I already know more about this game, heck I have watched more than 20+ hours of gameplay, it's hard to tell me anything more about the game. The only thing left is for me to see how the twitch response of the keyboard feels. Other than that, I already know the whole starting areas from level 1-15 on both the Norn and Human zones.
So no, I am not hyped, I am excited. Because unlike other games in the past, the more of this game i get to see, the more I get excited to play it. That doesn't mean it's perfect. It just means it has all the parts of a game I already like.
PS: Hype is slang for hyperbole- an exaggerations to create emphasis or effect. CGI & Advertising is hype. Seeing actual gameplay is not.
Because a lot of people seem to be unable to get along with something being hyped, whatever the reasons are. So they jump on the hate boat in order to feed their unacceptance of the hype, without ever trying to understand why it is hyped.
But I grant you that point : trying to explain why something is exciting to someone who can't stand excitement is like trying to open a blindman's eyes.
edit : great post, Bunks.
***** Before hitting that reply button, please READ the WHOLE thread you're about to post in *****
It goes both ways, though. There are people who are so excited over an upcoming game, basing their undying devotion on the meagre scraps of media that is carefully picked through before being tossed to the public at large. Any attempt to raise legitimate concerns or criticisms by those who aren't blindly swooning over the game are met with unbridled hatred by those who feel said upcoming game is a gift from god.
People are too damn quick to label on both sides. If someone is caught up in the hype they immediately assume anyone who doesn't feel the same as them is a hater or troll. Just the same there are also people who think that anyone caught up in the hype is a brainless sheep.
All I can say from what I know of the game, is that GW2 looks to be a decent game, but the hype surrounding the game is without question outpacing reality.
I applaud your efforts OP and I agree with everything you said.. I wish there were more people who would make "well thought out" posts like yours. IMO, the great posters on the GW2 forums arent posting as much as they used to (Loke, Creslin, Bad Spock, Distopia Unlight). They are being drowned out [mod edit]. Smartly, they have probably decided to not argue with children anymore.
Unfortunately, this will fall on deaf ears. Sadly, your statements are based on logic and reason, there is no controversy. There is no flame for the moth to be consumed by. You should have used some misleading title or made an attempt to offend someone (/sarcasm). These boards are somewhat of a micrcosm of society. People arent interested in facts they want to be entertained with the controversial.
The key word here is legitimate. That unbridled hatred you see is when the vast majority of these concerns are either complet misinformation or is born of pure speculation.
All you need to do is look at the bulk of the "concern" threads and you quickly realize the vast majority of them are complete troll posts. I have concerns and complaints and have posted a few, even was called a hater by one of those "rabid" fans you speak of. But is it pure devotion or just people having knee jerk reactions to the wave of idiot threads being posted hourly.
It may explain it, but it doesn't excuse it, I get that. But it does need to be put in context when throwing labels around. People like myself are excited for the game, but to say it's being hyped as some second coming, is just people not understanding why others are excited about what they see.
I made a thread like this before explaining what hype is and what it's not. It drives me crazy that that wasn't that popular of a thread, and every "this game is way too hyped" thread that comes on gets dozens of pages of posts. People are way more interested in negative threads than positive threads. That's just the way it is.
I have no objections to companies marketing their game but as someone who has thought up quite some campaigns himself and knows something about how you pull certain strings, I think what Anet has done is very clever. They really hit the mark with their marketing efforts.
Next to factual information, there's in fact a lot of veiled emotion, zeal and gospel wrapped around most of their key communication vehicles. (example) Every punch line they use is carefully written for maximum impact and often seperately recorded to get the tone of voice and non verbal communication just right.
Add to that the hugely compelling music, pretty overviews of their stunning world and a very expressive and original corporate identity as cariers and you have most of us picking up pitchforks to join the imminent mmorpg revolution.
To say they haven't tried to hype their game to their best extent is amusing. Of course they did, very much so, and they did a tremendous job at it too.
My brand new bloggity blog.
This. Anyone who doesn't think this game has been hyped up has made up a new definition of the word for themselves.
I agree with this and think it holds more true that the original post.
I'm not a Gw2 "fan" or "hater". I really don't plant flags behind games or companies unlike most of the people on this board. I play what I like, when I like it and game hop more then anyone on the planet. I don't feel I owe any alligence to a game company or game for that matter. I am a causual gamer though.. at most I play a few hours a week, so granted... I don't get to "excited" or "hyped" for much. It seems to be the people who plan on playing for 10 hours a day who get so fanatic about these games and seem to want to trash/defend them. It's because the game defines them... of course it does at 10 hours a
That being said.... I have never been greeted with more sarcasim and negativitly as when I started questioning Guild Wars 2 and some of the features, etc. I remember asking a few questions and getting slammed by just about every response, except from Cali who legitimately attempted to help me understand. The questions I raised were never as a hater or a fan, I really don't care enough either way to put that much effort into it to be honest. If it looks good, I'll give it a go. And so far, I must say it does look pretty good.
The issue is, the fans and the haters are so damn rabid, ,they attack at the first sign of a difference of opinion. If anything were to keep me from trying Gw2, it would only be the community on this board to date.
I must say though, I hope the game can live up to what a large portion of the fans on this site have in their heads as some of them base most of their day to talking about/defending I have checked some of their previous post, and this has been for years now. Can you image devoting 2 years of your life to anticipating to a video game and then end up not liking it? My God... For their sake, I hope it turns out to be a huge sucess.
Cause it's the Internet. It's all
I like YOUR post as much as the OP's. Bravo.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
The OP clearly states that a developer will seek to create anticipation for their upcoming game . What idiot would openly try to claim otherwise?
This doesnt excuse those who refuse to develop their OWN personal opinion of a game, based on their OWN research.
As I already wrote in another thread, that rabid overreacting bandwagon against any GW2 critic had to happen :
I'm not saying it's a sane reaction, but it really had to happen at one point due to how proportions were getting at. Just posting this because in order to accept a social movement, one should first understand its roots.
***** Before hitting that reply button, please READ the WHOLE thread you're about to post in *****
Well, the hype begins from Anet, and the product itself (in general) Certainly any "fan" can engage in hyperbole, or gross exageration which can be countered with the evidence. On the flip side, any troll can post any outrageous claim in an attempt to discredit the community. Was my post perfect? Probably not. Did I include every possible scenario? I'm not an attorney, just a gamer. In a general sense, I think I covered the subject pretty well. My thoughts on the subject, like GW2, are not perfect.
How do you know they're troll posts?
Having read through and participated in numerous posts regarding the RMT/cash shop in GW2, I've seen several instances of people who are obviously caught up in the hype surrounding the game, outright bash and insult posters who have reservations about how the cash shop will turn out. Discussions of "I hope they don't add that to the cash shop," and "I feel that being in the cash shop will be P2W," are often met with 'fanboys' wasting no time in calling the OP an idiot for feeling the way they do, because 'ANet would never do anything bad'.
Nooooooo! Darn it, you're saying I could've said what I said with way fewer words. Next time I have something to say, I'm just going to message Bunks with an idea, and let him say it.
No you don't want to do that, I have a sarcastic streak a mile wide. In fact, Ref and Bad spock are my favorite posters That's should scare you right there.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Really? Cash shop? There's just no getting away from it is there? It's like, I could start a thread, "Did Mary really have a little lamb", and BAM, "yeah, she got it from the cash shop".
Hold your horses there, DP! (no pun intended). You mean to tell me that ANet is actually running some sort of marketing campaign for their product? I have never been so shocked in my life. The gall of these people...
It's inevitable.