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why is everyone nitching about the price?!
if it was $100 I'd still buy it. why you ask? THERE IS NO MONTHLY SUB COST. of course the initial price will be high- they have to make money to sustain until the cash shop starts making money. I swear peoples intelligence levels sometimes on forums is unbelievable.
not to mention all other games (swtor for example) were $60 too.
Any major release game is roughly the same price. $60 USD is pretty much the standard here in the states. I spent the same on Skyrim and I have over 200 hours of gameplay, I have gotten more than my money's worth, I imagine I will minimally get the same amount of game time from GW2 (probably a lot more).
Of course, the option to NOT buy is there for folks who feel it's a ripoff or can't afford it. I know, self-restraint is hard.
While your wording is a little crass, and belittling people for their concerns about the price is not warranted, I agree.
I do believe the price is justified considering the lack of subscription, at the same time I understand how people feel about the price.
Some people won't make the connection between the higher price and lack of sub fee though, so it may come as a shock to them.
In the end, those who want to play the game will pay the price, those who are sitting on the fence might need more convincing.
Some people just want a release date before comitting their money.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
"Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"
the USA pricing is the same as most other games
the EURO pricing is higher (at least when compared to Blizzard games)
EQ2 fan sites
Most complaints are about the prices in Euro and British Pounds I think.
They are selling a $28 dollar Hot Dog at some Ball Stadiums now. Buy the game and skip two hotdogs
Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?
The value of a dollar (or euro, etc.) is relative. That's why I don't see any good reason to question one person's view of the price compared to another. Those who see good value in the product will buy and those who don't, won't, like anything else that's sold.
I'm not worried about people seeing value in GW2 for the price. I don't think anyone should.
[mod edit]
Like a buddy of mine once said "I didn't like the country I was living in and their policies so I voted with my feet."
Life IS Feudal
Indeed, and the UK pricing is even higher still.
The argument that it has no sub is moot to those who have bought so many titles only to uninstall by the time the 30 days free is up. MMO's have been rather crap over the past few years so it's no wonder people are hesitant to pay more and more each time a new one appears.
And that's why i can still spend money on games when i reacht 67 (if i make it that far) compared to many US residents ;-)
But on a more serious note, downloadable games should not differ that much pricewise.
Do i care...nope. I bought it.
I live in Australia, Games retail here for $90 AUD, thats roughly 60 pounds...
I wish it were lower, but not much I can do about it.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Damn. Imagine how much A-net could make off GW2 branded hot dogs!!
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I said it before, and I'll say it again. The GW model is not the FREE thing you think it is. GW1 came out with a new box about every 6 months for the first couple of years. Each box came at the same relative cost as the base game did. With that in mind, you can expect a new box (content update) about every 6 months at a cost to you of around $60....or $10 a month. You dont get regular content updates in game like you do in a P2P MMO, all content updates come in the boxes you have to buy down the road. So please, lets not question others intelligence levels when you yourself fail to look past the initial box itself.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
$60 is £37.80 at the current exchange rate. Anet are charging £49.99. Thats why people are complaining.
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
How much is the European VAT as a percentage of purchase price?
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
This is completely untrue. GW 1 content is updated on a weekly basis. There are regular content updates in game.
"Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"
Thanks alot, I was in a meeting when I saw this and let out a good chuckle that got me some looks from the boss.
Was worth it tho, lol
Currently in the UK, VAT(Value Added Tax, equivilant to sales tax etc) is set at 20%.
This doesnt excuse the high price ANet are charging us though, since retailers such as are selling the prepurchase box for £39.99 including VAT, which is $63 at the current exchange rate. This is a fair price and is roughly equivilant to the $60 price in the USA.
ANet are selling it for £49.99 = $79.20
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
This made me chuckle, I don't think the word "socialist" means what you think it means.
Should I go break out the dates on the boxes, thier costs, and what they contained for everyone here...just so they dont have to go look it up themselves. You may indeed have content updates NOW, but you didnt when it first came out. You had fixes yes, patches with fixes in them, but the content updates always came in boxes.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
Guild Wars 1 DID have content updates free. Expansions you had to pay for
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
I'm aware of the expansions. I've played the game since release. Your statement was misleading in that it implied that there was no content updating but for the expansions. That is patently false.
"Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"
I had to look it up
slightly lower at $26.00 but wow ..
EQ2 fan sites
Uh huh, so which new zone was added in GW1 in a patch, content update patch? I played GW1 for 3 years and for the life of me I can't remember a single new zone that was ever added to the game outside an expansion box. Please, feel free to enlighten me here.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I wont go as far as to say I'd pay $100 of jump for any game. I'm sorry but that's not healthy consumer awareness there. Don't throw your money blindly at companies you're just hurting yourself in the long run giving these gaming companies the benfit of the doubt like that.
I do agree that the pricing of the game is nothing too suprising to me. The base copy price seems right in line with the average cost of high-end titles to date. I'm not buying into the craze about that most educated consumers are not going to trip off it too much either.
Pricing has been on the rise for a good while now..
NOTE: If you purchased the Collectors Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic you really should not be posting in this as a negative. Unless from lessons learned; you got suckered no less than anyone that will be purchasing GW2 CE.
PM before you report at least or you could just block.