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Yes, funcom has a record for terrible launches...but NOT terrible games.
AO - one of the most innovative games to ever be created. Instant quests, instanced dungeons, skill progression that still hasn't been matched, crafting that was pretty difficult, some of the hardest boss fights you could imagine. The ONLY futuristic MMO to start AAA and finish another, I dare you....
AoC - not as good as AO, but definitely better than the other garbage available. Brand new and crazy combat system, not so typical tanking mechanics (much harder than most games), very challenging end game content....VERY challenging. The first expansion to be released by a AAA mmo that did not raise levels, but actually raised difficulty.
You should really try to stop thinking about the mainstream ideas and thoughts....who cares about launch....I care about what the game offers, what it does that nobody else has done, and what can be added. Those are definitely 2 of the best games Ive ever played, but then again.....Im just a Funcom fanboi...
Im now in the closed beta for TSW and the game is pretty amazing....still haven't perfected any weapon combos and still trying to test them...just alot of fun.....the puzzles are incredible and addictive....for those that just wanna be "cool"....go buy GW2...don't need you around anyway...
I plan on playing both TSW and GW2. Why is it people always make these things out to be a competition? Can't someone enjoy both games?
I think it's great that the Free Gamers will finally have the home they always wanted with GW2. I am a funcom fan myself, played the tits off AO and gave AoC all I had until SWTOR released.
Not enough hours in the day to play them all, but I do what I can to help the cause.
If you base the quality of all MMOs solely on their quality of launch then you are missing out on some great MMO experiences.
AoC is still garbage. Artificially upping the damage, hitpoints and resists on mobs does not make a more difficult game just a more tedious one. Furthermore the Expansion introduced a massively over the top gear grind. Raid gear was extremely devalued with the new epic gear from factions and dungeons. As for combat, it is just a gimmick.
Funcom made a lifeless world in TSW with static npcs everywhere. Their world gives no feeling of it being alive. Coupled with the non-levelless levelless system they put in. Sorry but they only took out the numbers. You still have to gain EXP to unlock your next skill and for that you need to do quests and kill mobs.
I'd much rather be "cool" and play GW2 which has a fully alive world on top of everything else. You can have your niche game.
It's not just rocky launches we are talking about here, it's entire features missing for long periods of time, bugs going unfixed for long periods of time, and other issues that aren't strictly launch related.
That being said, I'm all in for the TSW launch. I preordered it. I love the game from what I have played.
But I'm also not in imaginary land. There will be launch problems. The game is good enough that I'm not too worried about it. I can tolerate quite a bit when it comes to bad launches or issues, but most can't.
I believe tha TSW is going to be awesome, but you can't really blame people for being apprehensive.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
No need to diss another game or group of gamers in the process. I personally couldn't relate to you about liking the combat system, but I'm not judging you.
GoGo Funcom! Here's to the little guy!
this had much less (next to nothing) to do with GW2 and more to do with so many people always bringing up Funcom's launches and relating this to the fact that their games are terrible....yes they have rough launches, but they are independent and not as well funded as most AAA companies. Does that excuse them, no, but the fact is, I've personally had more fun in Funcom's worlds than any other game designer's worlds. The bugs are the last thing Im worried about. If the bugs are really bad, Funcom fixes them....if they are meh, the don't bother....Im ok with that...I know others arent....but please stop demonizing Funcom just for bad launches...they are the leaders in MMO innovation....there is no other company out there that has created more original concepts than Funcom....
Sounds to me like you've never even raided in AoC...I assure you the bosses are much more difficult than other AAA MMOs.....of course T1 and T2 are easy now cuz most guilds have them on farm status so they understand the strategy through and through....but I dare you to try to and raid any of the raids in AoC with a new group....hell, you can have all T3 gear too...why'll still fail if you don't know the strats
Yeah, Funcom can create raids that are gruellingly hard, and not due to hp/damage, but because of mechanics where everybody is important. It's one thing they have gotten critisism for is that they only cater to the hardcore players with raids. They have "fixed" this by adding more dungeons that are a bit easier.
Because the internet forums like this are another area in which agents of influence operate on behave of a company to either hype a product or talk another one down pretending to be players. This site is a big battle ground for that.
It doesn't seem that way since nearly all of the Hypetastisized GW2 lackeys use every opportunity to slander and demean an amazing game. Unlike those of us who have been in closed beta and open beta, GW2 people have made it clear that they are playing GW2 and ONLY GW2, sounding off that TSW is the shittiest of the shittiest because they have played it yadda yadda yadda. I myself just read the forums now instead of posting due to the fact that it seems people really dont care about being informed as they have already made their decision to hate on TSW.
Funny, all this clamor about "MMO's are stagnant, same ole same ole, we want something different", and yet everyone rushes off to the same ole same ole typically MMO crap that GW2 offers and scorns TSW.... absolutely astounding lmao.
There have lots of TSW fanboys in GW2 forums and vice-versa. Did you read your own post? You say "GW2 lackeys" attack TSW at any chance you then you call GW2 crap? How can you acuse GW2 fanboys of being bad when you do the eaxct same thing?
Both games have their pros and cons, and what is pro, cons, innovational, etc, etc is different from person to person.
Anyway, since you're in CBT, care to share you opnions of the "miracle pacth" people are talking about?
I think for me the biggest thing that ruined my interest in The Secret World is the world itself. What they have is great, but it just doesn't appeal to my sense of exploration. I am also in the closed beta and there just isn't enough out there. The world is not seamless, and really not big enough or varied enough. I want to explore more. I wanted to be able to explore LONDON, not just a couple of street blocks. I wanted to see Parliament, and St. Pauls and the Tower.
They throw you in New England and expect you to hang out there for hours upon hours. THe area is cool don't get me wrong, but it gets old running through a small New England island after awhile. The game is just not meant for explorers, which is a shame given the quest design.
I'm looking forward to GW2 and quite interested in TSW.
well i am starting to think i'm just about done with mmo's for now..but saying that gw2 and tsw have me interested.i purchased both but here's the thing.i do not think either of the games will amount to much.but that type of thinking is because of all the shit we have had since WOW and has a result i think i,m just expecting the worst.anything better is a bonus.
Atm i,m playing witcher 2 and what a fucking game that is..that would make an interesting mmo concept i think,well if it was'nt for everyone running around with silver hair.just joking on that one.
I like the little "taste" I've been getting in the beta.
I'm looking forward to see where they take all of this.
In comparison to some other games I've played, yes the combat is a little lacking.
But, the combat wasn't what drew me in. I actually do enjoy the exploration and investigations.
The potential for other urban legends and myths is great.
It's not about fighting, it's about balance. It's not about enlightenment, it's about balance. It's not about balance.
Don't forget Dreamfall and TLJ, which are Funcom's best games and remind alot about TSW
Yer either fer us, err agin' us...
You're also not allowed to like a game like WoW or LotRO but also like a game like Eve, so my preferences are but the ultimate in heresy.
As for Funcom, launches DO matter, and I can tell by the way they chose to run beta that it's gonna be yet another craptastic launch. Sad, cuz, like AoC, TSW has some pretty cool things going for it.
As for AoC's combat system... it's like using a "Bop it" in lieu of a trigger to fire a gun. It's just a flat out dumb idea, and at best, poorly implemented.
LotRO did it better with the Warden. AoC involves waaaaaaay too much key jumping; it's flat out STUPID that you're required to engage a combo finisher with its own unique button. This limits you to a set number of special combos based on your interface.
In contrast, LotRO's Warden uses 3 attack types, and a finisher button. Depending on what attack types you use in whatever combination, your finisher button does something different. As a result, a Warden has some 40-50 different finishers (available from 4 buttons) compared to a dozen for AoC(requiring about 17-ish buttons).
In the end, AoC feels less like a challenge and more like a system intended for a different interface. Which would make sense since they originally had big plans to port it to console. Without that option, it's just a convuluted mess.
It's also one of the main reasons I don't play the game regularly.
I'm with you on that. Matter of fact, I was getting a bit annoyed with the saturation of mobs more than anything else. They should chill out on the "goblin standing in the field" stuff and make the mobs and combat more event-based. IMO it would work better with what they're trying to do... and make travel(which is heavy in this game) less tedious.