I can see why the game is not charging a sub at launch. Its missing many basic QOL and functionalities of a standard MMO and its got some serious issues.
No dungeon finder.
No Macros.
No mounts.
No DPS meter or at least a parsable combat log.
Zones instead of an open world.
Running directx 9, in 2012. They might be updating this.
Clunky movement and jumping. Really noticeable when trying to do the vista achievements.
Combat is a spam fest. Mash 5 keys, weapon swap, mash 5 keys rinse repeat. Definately a step sideways in combat department.
PVE in the structured PVP matches. Thats a joke. They said they want this to be an E-Sport and they added PVE mobs that give points to a PVP match?
Broken Q in sPVP. This one really irks me because this will be the second supposed "Tripple A" MMO that will launch in a year with a broken PVP Q.
Extreme FPS and lag issues in WvW. WvW is a complete zerg fest.
Major bugs going on. Sigils on weapons not working right. Abilities not working. Abilities/traits/sigils with little to no description of what they actually do. Traits not working right. Ground AOE falling through the earth all over the place and not working. Ground placed items that don't work, fall through the ground.
Class balance is non existant, one class can hit for 12k and burst someone down in about 3 seconds, while other classes are completely gimp.
Ridiculous prices in the cash shop. In a 500 man guild? Get ready to pony up $40 on launch day to make your guild.
Hope they can fix some of this stuff before launch, but I'm not to sure they can get even half of that stuff done. Guess we'll have to settle for another sub par MMO launch. Like I said earlier at least they aren't charging a sub.
Shhhh, dont say those thing, the game is perfect, or at least that what we are reading here on MMORPG, they game really have a lot of problems [mod edit]. however i dont agree with the need of macros, dps meters, the LFG tool is pretty much a must nowdays in the MMO world
We all know criticism of this game isnt wanted nor is it tolerated.
Criticism with some backup is fine. Dissenting opinions are fine. OP had some of those, and some things that were blatantly trolling.
Seriously though...everyone thinks the classes are 100% balanced?
Of course not. No game is ever 100% balanced, no matter how hard the devs try, unless everything is 100% the same for every player. I don't think it's as broke as the OP indicates, however.
This is the one game where people want heavy instancing?
There's heavy instancing? The only instances are PS quests and dungeons. Yes, zones splinter into shareds when they are over pop. Keep in mind though not to judge the game by BWE3. They intenitonally reduced the zone caps to stress test.
No one would want mounts?
Looking at the numerous polls that have been on this site...it's about 50-50. I personally don't see a need for the,. You can get to any given waypoint near your current location on foot quickly enough, and once you have it tagged you can just port.
Combat isnt 5 button swap 5 button?
Nope. Not even close. I mean if you are playing like an idiot maybe, but you'll be dead in short order. Now, if you are floolowing behind a large group, you can spam all you want and it won't matter. You won't do any real contributing, But you'll get away with it.
Nothing the OP stated was a bunch of crazy fabrications...he just wants the game to be better...why such hostility?
Actually, easily 2-3 or more of the things he stated were fabrications, or just plain misunderstandings about the game. And there's nothing wronf with wanting it to be better. But he more or less stated the game was unplayable because it didn't have idiotic wow features like a DPS meter.
This is what im talking about, im not even criticizing the game and your on the defensive.
Seriously you guys need help....
So you're allowed to say what you want, but if someone replies to you it's being defensive? Why even partake in forums? He's simply answering the questions you asked.
I can see why the game is not charging a sub at launch. Its missing many basic QOL and functionalities of a standard MMO and its got some serious issues. - funny thing, why are so many people saying they can't enjoy playing other games anymore, even games they are subbed to. What does that say about other games
No dungeon finder. - this will come, and really, it's not really needed. It's 5 person dungeons, not 24 person raids. Go ahead, meet people, make friends.
No Macros. - I see that you have no understanding of the combat system.
No mounts. - why bother wasting programmer resources on mounts in a game that doesn't need them. If they want to add them later they can but I'm glad they didn't bother with mounts.
No DPS meter or at least a parsable combat log. - GOOD. Mentioning that you want this really makes me want you to be playing a different game. It's a videogame. So if you feel that someone isn't pulling their weight, then play better to compensate for them, help them improve, or turn off the computer and cry in the corner because you have no concept of what the term "game" represents.
Zones instead of an open world. - zones are a more intelligent design for server efficiency. The improvements are huge. You can use the load times while changing zones to do things like stand up, or blink.
Running directx 9, in 2012. They might be updating this.
Clunky movement and jumping. Really noticeable when trying to do the vista achievements. - never had a problem at all. I'm thinking the same as earlier posters in that you should fix your computer.
Combat is a spam fest. Mash 5 keys, weapon swap, mash 5 keys rinse repeat. Definately a step sideways in combat department. - thank you for proving you have no understanding of the combat system.
PVE in the structured PVP matches. Thats a joke. They said they want this to be an E-Sport and they added PVE mobs that give points to a PVP match? - doesn't seem like a problem to me, but I could see people that have difficulty killing PvE mobs finding it creates an unfair advantage for the other team.
Broken Q in sPVP. This one really irks me because this will be the second supposed "Tripple A" MMO that will launch in a year with a broken PVP Q. - bugs get fixed. I will admit that a troll definetely will pretend to predict the future, because trolls pretend to know anything.
Extreme FPS and lag issues in WvW. WvW is a complete zerg fest. - extreme lag? Once again I think you'd better spend some money getting your PC fixed or upgraded. Zerging is the fault of the player, not the game.
Major bugs going on. Sigils on weapons not working right. Abilities not working. Abilities/traits/sigils with little to no description of what they actually do. Traits not working right. Ground AOE falling through the earth all over the place and not working. Ground placed items that don't work, fall through the ground. - there were bugs, and bugs get fixed. The last 2 senteces are either complete BS or such a rarity that I've never heard of it until now.
Class balance is non existant, one class can hit for 12k and burst someone down in about 3 seconds, while other classes are completely gimp. - name one game (besides pong) that had all classes balanced during beta.
Ridiculous prices in the cash shop. In a 500 man guild? Get ready to pony up $40 on launch day to make your guild. - choose one of the three options. 1. Don't be cheap. 2. Don't lead a 500man guild. 3. Make the guild members each contribute 5 Silver.
Hope they can fix some of this stuff before launch, but I'm not to sure they can get even half of that stuff done. Guess we'll have to settle for another sub par MMO launch. Like I said earlier at least they aren't charging a sub. - You don't have to settle for GW2, you have the right and opportunity to choose another game. Go play MoP, it's clearly solving all the problems you've complained about. Please. PLEASE.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
This is what im talking about, im not even criticizing the game and your on the defensive.
Seriously you guys need help....
Yeah you were just claiming OP was not trolling and not making crazy fabrications ... i wonder why he is on the defensive...
The OP posted random 90% random troll and crazy fabrications (lol'ed hard at the 40$ to create the guild...) how can you not expect replies like "LOL you're wrong"?
There is a relation between the input you put and feedback you get.
I can see why the game is not charging a sub at launch. Its missing many basic QOL and functionalities of a standard MMO and its got some serious issues.
No dungeon finder.
No Macros.
No mounts.
No DPS meter or at least a parsable combat log.
Zones instead of an open world.
Running directx 9, in 2012. They might be updating this.
Clunky movement and jumping. Really noticeable when trying to do the vista achievements.
Combat is a spam fest. Mash 5 keys, weapon swap, mash 5 keys rinse repeat. Definately a step sideways in combat department.
PVE in the structured PVP matches. Thats a joke. They said they want this to be an E-Sport and they added PVE mobs that give points to a PVP match?
Broken Q in sPVP. This one really irks me because this will be the second supposed "Tripple A" MMO that will launch in a year with a broken PVP Q.
Extreme FPS and lag issues in WvW. WvW is a complete zerg fest.
Major bugs going on. Sigils on weapons not working right. Abilities not working. Abilities/traits/sigils with little to no description of what they actually do. Traits not working right. Ground AOE falling through the earth all over the place and not working. Ground placed items that don't work, fall through the ground.
Class balance is non existant, one class can hit for 12k and burst someone down in about 3 seconds, while other classes are completely gimp.
Ridiculous prices in the cash shop. In a 500 man guild? Get ready to pony up $40 on launch day to make your guild.
Hope they can fix some of this stuff before launch, but I'm not to sure they can get even half of that stuff done. Guess we'll have to settle for another sub par MMO launch. Like I said earlier at least they aren't charging a sub.
#1 - I believe there is no Dungeon Finder because the Developers actually want their servers to have communities, instead of mindless drones hitting a queue button every dungeon.
#2 - That's fine, no immediate 'need' for something such as macros. Most MMOs don't have these anyways.
#3 - On the fence about this one, but with the way travel works; Mounts aren't really necessary.
#4 - This discussion comes up every new MMO, and I think you know by now why it won't be in this one at launch. Go use a third party parser like you have to use on EVERY single MMO that isn't WoW.
#5 - Now I am just thinking that today is the first day you have read anything about GW2 <_<
#6 - This is because the game is Buy to Play, they want to be sure that as many computers as possible can handle their video game. Why would you limit something to DX11 and kill off a good chunk of your market?
#7 - 4 characters to +15 didn't notice this once. Actually thought the movement was astonishingly smooth.
#8 - You mash your keys, while I strategize and think of what I am going to do. Guaranteed I will beat you 110% of the time.
#9 - I didn't participate in the sPvP, however if there are PvE mobs in there; they need to be removed immediately.
#11 - If your complaining about DX11 not being supported, but your PC can't even handle the game as is; why complain? WvWvW I did do, and a lot of; there are no 'lag' issues on my machine.
#12 - Do you expect a game that isn't launched yet, to launch 100% free of bugs? It would be the first online game in history to launch with absolutely no bugs.
#14 - Oh no... a company thats making us NOT pay for anything but the game itself, put high prices in the cash shop so they can maintain their servers, and give us awesome expansions.. How dare they! Removal of the cash shop is a must at this point. We don't want any updates, we don't want any better servers!! Eff it all, let it buuurnnn
So after reading through everything, my first guess is uneducated troll, or flat out troll. Either way, for those reading this -- I've at least cleared up some of the dudes false accusations heh.
Lets just ignore all the problems that gw2 have. thats good for the game.
Read the OP and everyone that answered him... you should understand (it's easy) that everyone just countered his "suggestions". What is a problem for the OP, isn't a problem for everyone, if it's not for everyone, and there are even arguments AGAINST the OPs suggestions, shouldn't those be heard as well? I don't understand your point, and of others who defend everyone that posts negative comments about the game, while they don't back up their own opinions, they don't have any clue of what they are talking about, or are simply asking for "features" that are clearly not needed by the vast majority of those that will play the game. Why are you getting so defensive?
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Lets just ignore all the problems that gw2 have. thats good for the game.
Is making multiple threads on this forum going to somehow address the issues that some people perceive?
When people disagree about these complaints or have a different opinion how is it that they are often relegated to "fanboi" status?
Are the people making these complaints actually looking to find creative ways to solve them and then intend to present this data to ANet prior to launch?
Are all of the people making complaints genuinely motivated to improve GW2 or do they have other agendas?
"Loading screens" are not "instances". Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
Seriously not nearly as big of a deal as so many people make this out to be.
Its one of their best design decisions , as mounts in general allow people to bypass content.
Jesus this is getting tiring and old to see. After hearing this a thousand times NO ONE EVER explains what the hell is "skipping content with a mount" in a mmorpg.
Is it running past a quest? A mob? Pack of mobs? Past an event? You can do all that on foot too. Or is it the assumption that the mounts are designed to be battering rams that you can use to run-through events and mobs? That's an assumption, usually mounts have mechanics to slow down or to dismount if you take enough damage trying to "skip" stuff.
Another thing is, should mmorpgs be games where I cant have any say what I want to do or dont want to do? It sounds like the argument against mounts is that people dont have to poke every effin ant's nest on mount, so it's a bad thing, but for some damn reason on foot I'm supposed to mess up every nest, pile, tree, stone, mob, shit and then some? Shouldnt that be a choise for me as a player, an adventurer and explorer?
Makes absolutely no sense at all. It really makes me wonder why.
Just a general notice, in singleplayer games I'm not supposed to "skip content", in mmorpgs I'm supposed to experience a huge world populated by npc's and other players. Why is "skipping content" even a concern in an open huge mmorpg world? Only reason I can think of is if the game is designed to be ran in a set narrow path from start to finish, which you STILL do on foot too if that's the case. Makes no sense. Not to mention character levels will restrict me from "skipping content" since I still need to level to be able to go to the next area.
Only real valid argument I've heard is that the game does not need mounts since there's teleports and waypoints everywhere. But that's like saying that the game does not need maces for combat because there's swords already. Mounts are not from hell, they are just simply a fun way to travel (or even do combat if designed so etc) and I heard GW2 is about fun, guess that was bullshit.
Hah, well your post makes sense, but your conclusion...not so much .
Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem at all with mounts in GW2, I think they would be a fun addition, and I hope that they add mounts in the future, but I would prefer that they implement cool mounted combat with them.
What I don't get is why so many people act like they are an "essential" feature of an MMORPG, when they are really a pretty minor thing. They are literally just an out-of-combat speed buff with different model/animation for an effect.
Why is this so critical? Why must a game "not be about fun" when they don't include something as frivolous as mounts?
Why doesn't street fighter have fatalaties, why doesn't cod have warthogs i mean halo had those since 1, why doesn't tsw have mounts or a downed mechanic, why doesn't gw2 make me walk back to my body when I die. Every festure of one game is not needed or required by every other game. Why do we always complain games are all clones and then insist every game has to be the same.
Lets just ignore all the problems that gw2 have. thats good for the game.
Well other than the bugs, how are the other points that he brought up "problems"?
The balance is really bad in a ¨e-sport¨ mmo like gw2 atm, and when we have less than a month of launch, thats is bad. But lets just play everyone with warriors then we wont have that problem.
I played GW1 before I played WOW. I loved the game but the instanced based gameplay wasn't doing it for me. I lvl'd to 20 and started making money (in-game money) by running people through the world on my warrior. It was a great game, but wow provided for me the persistent world that I was looking for in an mmorpg.
After playing wow for a little over 7 years I got burned, tired, and sick of the grind (treadmill). I pre purchased GW2, played in all the BWE's and the stress tests and I loved it! It's like I get to play a better version of GW1 but in a persistent world... what I wanted from the beginning all along :-)
Lets just ignore all the problems that gw2 have. thats good for the game.
Well other than the bugs, how are the other points that he brought up "problems"?
The balance is really bad in a ¨e-sport¨ mmo like gw2 atm, and when we have less than a month of launch, thats is bad. But lets just play everyone with warriors then we wont have that problem.
I think you've got to accept that video games, even e-sport video games, are never going to be launched in a balanced state. Starcraft 2 for example has MAJOR balance issues at launch. There were some strategies that were just ridiculously hard to beat. And even when I stopped playing, it still had balance issues.
But Blizz was fixing them one issue at a time, and this is basically just how things go. GW2 will be no different. Expect balance issues at launch. Expect them to be gradually fixed. Welcome to video games .
The balance is really bad in a ¨e-sport¨ mmo like gw2 atm, and when we have less than a month of launch, thats is bad. But lets just play everyone with warriors then we wont have that problem.
I think you've got to accept that video games, even e-sport video games, are never going to be launched in a balanced state. Starcraft 2 for example has MAJOR balance issues at launch. There were some strategies that were just ridiculously hard to beat. And even when I stopped playing, it still had balance issues.
But Blizz was fixing them one issue at a time, and this is basically just how things go. GW2 will be no different. Expect balance issues at launch. Expect them to be gradually fixed. Welcome to video games .
Agreed. It seems a lot of people either forget or ignore the fact that WOW had and still has major balancing issues... it's just the nature of vidoe games, especially mmos
Seriously not nearly as big of a deal as so many people make this out to be.
Its one of their best design decisions , as mounts in general allow people to bypass content.
Jesus this is getting tiring and old to see. After hearing this a thousand times NO ONE EVER explains what the hell is "skipping content with a mount" in a mmorpg.
Is it running past a quest? A mob? Pack of mobs? Past an event? You can do all that on foot too. Or is it the assumption that the mounts are designed to be battering rams that you can use to run-through events and mobs? That's an assumption, usually mounts have mechanics to slow down or to dismount if you take enough damage trying to "skip" stuff.
Another thing is, should mmorpgs be games where I cant have any say what I want to do or dont want to do? It sounds like the argument against mounts is that people dont have to poke every effin ant's nest on mount, so it's a bad thing, but for some damn reason on foot I'm supposed to mess up every nest, pile, tree, stone, mob, shit and then some? Shouldnt that be a choise for me as a player, an adventurer and explorer?
Makes absolutely no sense at all. It really makes me wonder why.
Just a general notice, in singleplayer games I'm not supposed to "skip content", in mmorpgs I'm supposed to experience a huge world populated by npc's and other players. Why is "skipping content" even a concern in an open huge mmorpg world? Only reason I can think of is if the game is designed to be ran in a set narrow path from start to finish, which you STILL do on foot too if that's the case. Makes no sense. Not to mention character levels will restrict me from "skipping content" since I still need to level to be able to go to the next area.
Only real valid argument I've heard is that the game does not need mounts since there's teleports and waypoints everywhere. But that's like saying that the game does not need maces for combat because there's swords already. Mounts are not from hell, they are just simply a fun way to travel (or even do combat if designed so etc) and I heard GW2 is about fun, guess that was bullshit.
Hah, well your post makes sense, but your conclusion...not so much .
Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem at all with mounts in GW2, I think they would be a fun addition, and I hope that they add mounts in the future, but I would prefer that they implement cool mounted combat with them.
What I don't get is why so many people act like they are an "essential" feature of an MMORPG, when they are really a pretty minor thing. They are literally just an out-of-combat speed buff with different model/animation for an effect.
Why is this so critical? Why must a game "not be about fun" when they don't include something as frivolous as mounts?
I felt like adding the conclusion there since so many of these anti-mount people also often praise how GW2 is more about fun than anything else, and there's a lot of people who find mounts fun, so I guess it's just a matter of "is it fun for me, if not, you can leave it out, because this game is being made for me only".
No, the mounts are not in the top 5 of important things, that is also why I dont understand those who absolutely hate the idea of mounts, with invalid arguments like "skipping content", afterall, mounts are not hard to code, animate, or model since they often are based on creatures already in game, they do not require lots of dev hours (unless they have some very advanced uses). So why the heck not since there's obviously an audience for them, they wont harm any aspect of the game, and they are not costly or hard to put in.
To me it actually seems like the anti-mount people make it a lot bigger deal than what it is, and that pulls me to the fences too, as someone who likes mounts, since I rarely see any real sense or reasoning in the aggressive anti-mount campaigning.
Öbserver mode for structured PvP snd Guild halls to name a few.
OP's list of "missing features"... WTF are you doing in GW2 anyway? Mostly joking, but seriously: Mounts??? Who gives a feck with waypoints for your PvE travels. DPS meters? Like "Excel-wars"??? Macros? please - Just PLEASE!!!
Anet needs to focus on a lot of things post-launch but OP's worries are hopefully not high on the list.
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!! (repeat ad infinitum)
Öbserver mode for structured PvP snd Guild halls to name a few.
OP's list of "missing features"... WTF are you doing in GW2 anyway? Mostly joking, but seriously: Mounts??? Who gives a feck with waypoints for your PvE travels. DPS meters? Like "Excel-wars"??? Macros? please - Just PLEASE!!!
Anet needs to focus on a lot of things post-launch but OP's worries are hopefully not high on the list.
Agreed. OP has access to a very popular game that can satisfy all of his needs... WOW.
Seems a lot of those complaints are about the design choices. Sorry but those aren't going to change. Some bugs will certainly be correctable.
Design choice or not some of the stuff they have done is just plain wrong. LIke no dungeon finder. Once game launches and the chat spam gets to unbearable levels in the city, they'll probably put one in, just like every other MMO that thought they could launch without a dungeon finder.
No mounts? Really, what design choice would prompt this? I have a few ideas, but you guys seem to be pretty pissed off already, I'd hate to completely rain on your parade.
No damage parser or DPS meter? Thats just ridiculous. They should know by now the forums are gonna light up after launch when people start wiping in dungeons. They should preempt the negative posts/press by just putting it in, people want it. Its pretty much needed for any kind of difficult content and for judging a builds worthiness.
The one big world vs zones is just dated tech. Not much they can really do about that now since they are using such an old engine.
Personal damage parser already exists in the combat logs. DPS meter would be stupid... there are no DPS roles. Mounts would be irrelevant and stupid in context. I guess you couldn't find the LFG tool? Hmm... maybe you should have actually played.
Seems a lot of those complaints are about the design choices. Sorry but those aren't going to change. Some bugs will certainly be correctable.
Design choice or not some of the stuff they have done is just plain wrong. LIke no dungeon finder. Once game launches and the chat spam gets to unbearable levels in the city, they'll probably put one in, just like every other MMO that thought they could launch without a dungeon finder.
No mounts? Really, what design choice would prompt this? I have a few ideas, but you guys seem to be pretty pissed off already, I'd hate to completely rain on your parade.
No damage parser or DPS meter? Thats just ridiculous. They should know by now the forums are gonna light up after launch when people start wiping in dungeons. They should preempt the negative posts/press by just putting it in, people want it. Its pretty much needed for any kind of difficult content and for judging a builds worthiness.
The one big world vs zones is just dated tech. Not much they can really do about that now since they are using such an old engine.
Personal damage parser already exists in the combat logs. DPS meter would be stupid... there are no DPS roles. Mounts would be irrelevant and stupid in context. I guess you couldn't find the LFG tool? Hmm... maybe you should have actually played.
It's starting to become more and more apparent that most of the GW2 nay-sayers have in fact not even played GW2... oh well, trolls will be trolls.
Shhhh, dont say those thing, the game is perfect, or at least that what we are reading here on MMORPG, they game really have a lot of problems [mod edit]. however i dont agree with the need of macros, dps meters, the LFG tool is pretty much a must nowdays in the MMO world
So you're allowed to say what you want, but if someone replies to you it's being defensive? Why even partake in forums? He's simply answering the questions you asked.
Or, I could be providing a detailed rebuttal of his complaints. And yours.
If someone says 2+2=5, and I know better, am I the bad guy to argue with him?
Or, if someone says he likes Pepsi over Coke, and I express a dissenting opinion, I'm the villain?
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
"No dungeon finder.
No Macros.
No mounts.
No DPS meter or at least a parsable combat log.
Zones instead of an open world."
Nothing of this is needed in GW2. It's in your standard mmorpg, however GW2 is not your standard mmorpg.
Mounts could be nice to have cause they look good, but that's it. No increased movement speed.
Specific mounts for Land and Underwater.
Yeah you were just claiming OP was not trolling and not making crazy fabrications ... i wonder why he is on the defensive...
The OP posted random 90% random troll and crazy fabrications (lol'ed hard at the 40$ to create the guild...) how can you not expect replies like "LOL you're wrong"?
There is a relation between the input you put and feedback you get.
#1 - I believe there is no Dungeon Finder because the Developers actually want their servers to have communities, instead of mindless drones hitting a queue button every dungeon.
#2 - That's fine, no immediate 'need' for something such as macros. Most MMOs don't have these anyways.
#3 - On the fence about this one, but with the way travel works; Mounts aren't really necessary.
#4 - This discussion comes up every new MMO, and I think you know by now why it won't be in this one at launch. Go use a third party parser like you have to use on EVERY single MMO that isn't WoW.
#5 - Now I am just thinking that today is the first day you have read anything about GW2 <_<
#6 - This is because the game is Buy to Play, they want to be sure that as many computers as possible can handle their video game. Why would you limit something to DX11 and kill off a good chunk of your market?
#7 - 4 characters to +15 didn't notice this once. Actually thought the movement was astonishingly smooth.
#8 - You mash your keys, while I strategize and think of what I am going to do. Guaranteed I will beat you 110% of the time.
#9 - I didn't participate in the sPvP, however if there are PvE mobs in there; they need to be removed immediately.
#10 - How?
#11 - If your complaining about DX11 not being supported, but your PC can't even handle the game as is; why complain? WvWvW I did do, and a lot of; there are no 'lag' issues on my machine.
#12 - Do you expect a game that isn't launched yet, to launch 100% free of bugs? It would be the first online game in history to launch with absolutely no bugs.
#13 - Not true.
#14 - Oh no... a company thats making us NOT pay for anything but the game itself, put high prices in the cash shop so they can maintain their servers, and give us awesome expansions.. How dare they! Removal of the cash shop is a must at this point. We don't want any updates, we don't want any better servers!! Eff it all, let it buuurnnn
So after reading through everything, my first guess is uneducated troll, or flat out troll. Either way, for those reading this -- I've at least cleared up some of the dudes false accusations heh.
Lets just ignore all the problems that gw2 have. thats good for the game.
Read the OP and everyone that answered him... you should understand (it's easy) that everyone just countered his "suggestions". What is a problem for the OP, isn't a problem for everyone, if it's not for everyone, and there are even arguments AGAINST the OPs suggestions, shouldn't those be heard as well? I don't understand your point, and of others who defend everyone that posts negative comments about the game, while they don't back up their own opinions, they don't have any clue of what they are talking about, or are simply asking for "features" that are clearly not needed by the vast majority of those that will play the game. Why are you getting so defensive?
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Is making multiple threads on this forum going to somehow address the issues that some people perceive?
When people disagree about these complaints or have a different opinion how is it that they are often relegated to "fanboi" status?
Are the people making these complaints actually looking to find creative ways to solve them and then intend to present this data to ANet prior to launch?
Are all of the people making complaints genuinely motivated to improve GW2 or do they have other agendas?
"Loading screens" are not "instances".
Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
Well other than the bugs, how are the other points that he brought up "problems"?
Hah, well your post makes sense, but your conclusion...not so much .
Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem at all with mounts in GW2, I think they would be a fun addition, and I hope that they add mounts in the future, but I would prefer that they implement cool mounted combat with them.
What I don't get is why so many people act like they are an "essential" feature of an MMORPG, when they are really a pretty minor thing. They are literally just an out-of-combat speed buff with different model/animation for an effect.
Why is this so critical? Why must a game "not be about fun" when they don't include something as frivolous as mounts?
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Why doesn't street fighter have fatalaties, why doesn't cod have warthogs i mean halo had those since 1, why doesn't tsw have mounts or a downed mechanic, why doesn't gw2 make me walk back to my body when I die. Every festure of one game is not needed or required by every other game. Why do we always complain games are all clones and then insist every game has to be the same.
The balance is really bad in a ¨e-sport¨ mmo like gw2 atm, and when we have less than a month of launch, thats is bad. But lets just play everyone with warriors then we wont have that problem.
I played GW1 before I played WOW. I loved the game but the instanced based gameplay wasn't doing it for me. I lvl'd to 20 and started making money (in-game money) by running people through the world on my warrior. It was a great game, but wow provided for me the persistent world that I was looking for in an mmorpg.
After playing wow for a little over 7 years I got burned, tired, and sick of the grind (treadmill). I pre purchased GW2, played in all the BWE's and the stress tests and I loved it! It's like I get to play a better version of GW1 but in a persistent world... what I wanted from the beginning all along :-)
See ya'll on Aug 25th!
I think you've got to accept that video games, even e-sport video games, are never going to be launched in a balanced state. Starcraft 2 for example has MAJOR balance issues at launch. There were some strategies that were just ridiculously hard to beat. And even when I stopped playing, it still had balance issues.
But Blizz was fixing them one issue at a time, and this is basically just how things go. GW2 will be no different. Expect balance issues at launch. Expect them to be gradually fixed. Welcome to video games .
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
screw the /popcorn I got /bon bons
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
Agreed. It seems a lot of people either forget or ignore the fact that WOW had and still has major balancing issues... it's just the nature of vidoe games, especially mmos
[mod edit]
I felt like adding the conclusion there since so many of these anti-mount people also often praise how GW2 is more about fun than anything else, and there's a lot of people who find mounts fun, so I guess it's just a matter of "is it fun for me, if not, you can leave it out, because this game is being made for me only".
No, the mounts are not in the top 5 of important things, that is also why I dont understand those who absolutely hate the idea of mounts, with invalid arguments like "skipping content", afterall, mounts are not hard to code, animate, or model since they often are based on creatures already in game, they do not require lots of dev hours (unless they have some very advanced uses). So why the heck not since there's obviously an audience for them, they wont harm any aspect of the game, and they are not costly or hard to put in.
To me it actually seems like the anti-mount people make it a lot bigger deal than what it is, and that pulls me to the fences too, as someone who likes mounts, since I rarely see any real sense or reasoning in the aggressive anti-mount campaigning.
GW2 is definately lacking a few things at launch:
Öbserver mode for structured PvP snd Guild halls to name a few.
OP's list of "missing features"... WTF are you doing in GW2 anyway? Mostly joking, but seriously: Mounts??? Who gives a feck with waypoints for your PvE travels. DPS meters? Like "Excel-wars"??? Macros? please - Just PLEASE!!!
Anet needs to focus on a lot of things post-launch but OP's worries are hopefully not high on the list.
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!!
(repeat ad infinitum)
Agreed. OP has access to a very popular game that can satisfy all of his needs... WOW.
Personal damage parser already exists in the combat logs. DPS meter would be stupid... there are no DPS roles. Mounts would be irrelevant and stupid in context. I guess you couldn't find the LFG tool? Hmm... maybe you should have actually played.
Oderint, dum metuant.
It's starting to become more and more apparent that most of the GW2 nay-sayers have in fact not even played GW2... oh well, trolls will be trolls.
With such a pitiful list on the OP, why the hell this thread got 23 pages?
cause GW2 isn't out and all of us don't know what to do with our time! I guess if we can't play GW2, we can talk about GW2 hahaha.
I guess I just revealed how pathetic I am :-(