If the videos you should have watched before asking that question didn't sell you, I don't know what will. If you need to, watch some of the longer gameplay videos. If that doesn't get your very excited, this game likely isn't for you. And that's not a bad thing. Go play what you want; that's the whole point of GW2.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
Well for starters you should get the notion that IF you play you will ONLY play as a greatsword warrior. not that you are wrong but if you read around about the game one of the hot topics is how you come in with the preconceived notion of what/how you are gonna play and walk out with great confusion because you generally will most likely enjoy a lot more than you think. I know I expected to play a sword and board warrior on the first go and while I stil plan on playing warrior, theres no way I will solely play just sword and shield because all of the weapons are too much fun.
Im going to make a warrior with some of the dungeon armor i saw look just like cecil from ff2 us 4 international. I mean comone i can make his hair white and long and keep 2 sets greatsword with evil armor and SnS with holy looking armor. It's going to be epic.
Secondly I'd start watching the gameplay videos because the game releases in 12 days (9 for pre purchasers). Since you come off as on a tight budget, watching videos is about the best advice I can give you because opinions will vary. I would have recommended nabbing beta keys when they were offered but seeing as how you chose to ignore the game untill now, we are past that point I am afraid. Good luck and feel free to message if you have any specific questions/concerns.
HAHA..... Yeah asthetically speaking the game is going to be great. I haven't gone into as much detail as you have just yet, but I watched a vid that showed all the armors on the different races and I got stoked.
OP I'd also watch Totalbiscuits videos regarding GW2. I find him very entertaining and I think he does a great job expressing his opinions on the game wihtout being too vague.
-Stable company with a lot of support from the parent company
-GW2 is easily the most polished MMO I have ever played (pre or post release even)
-It is a game made by gamers, for gamers
-Exploration is back! And it is rewarding as well
-The game is downright fun, I have enjoyed it very much with the little time I have played it
-The game is B2P with no subscription fee, honestly, how could you NOT buy the game ... this is the most attractive part
-Probably a million other things I am not mentioning ...
The only worries I have are:
-WvW queues and matchmaking in the beginning
-Post 30 content ... is it as polished and fun as what we have seen so far? I really can't say.
Overall, after seeing the success of GW1 and playing GW2 for myself, it is basically a no brainer purchase. Since I don't have to pay another dime if I don't want to, it will most definitely be the most value from an MMO purchase I have done in years, if not ever.
-- I also made the mistake of listening to a touch of your youtube link, what a complete mosh of misinformation. The people doing that podcast shouldn't be gaming, at all.
+1 Not only should they not be gaming but they shouldn't own computers. What complete non-sense.
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
To all the people telling me to WATCH THE VIDEOS, I.. didn't know they existed, and have now, sitll very on the fence (Menace of the underdark is half off on steam today, it's now "pre-order gw2 on a gamble, or stick with the safe bet of MotU), but much better informed.
Problem was, when I made this post, I didn't know what videos to watch, there are only eleventy billion videos on gw2 and gameplay, and many of them are "GW2: iT'S THE BEST THING EvER" with exceeding bias.
That said, i'm not much of a pvp'r, I mean I enjoy it in spurts, but when bad teams just end in you getting trampled ocnstantly no matter how good you are.. makes me want ot ragequit, so.. endgame content is.. worrying, but eh.. thanks for the help, those of you that helped.
The biggest selling point in my eyes is the way you and a group can be doing one thing, and be swept up by events , and end up doing something entirely different.
It really has to been experienced to be appreciated.
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
I appologize for using that phrase, what I mean is most of hte people who go GW2 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING.. produce no evidence, and when asked why, it's just a CAUSE IT'S GW2.. which is a very, SECOND COMING OF JESUS -- IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME BECAUSE IT'S JESUS.
Might be a bit off topic here, but as far as I know, you still need tanks and heals in TSW. It's not nearly the same as GW2 where you can go in with 5 damage classes. So, no.
That is true if you would try that you would get beaten very badly its just not easy enough to do it with only DPS classes no matter how good you evade and such.
You could however use 5dps/healing hybrids and that should work out but it prolly would be boring and why would you want to limit yourself to only 1 playstyle anyway
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
I appologize for using that phrase, what I mean is most of hte people who go GW2 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING.. produce no evidence, and when asked why, it's just a CAUSE IT'S GW2.. which is a very, SECOND COMING OF JESUS -- IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME BECAUSE IT'S JESUS.
And the haters (that you find are 100% genuine) post troll posts that say nothing about the game what so ever ... and you find those more useful. You are obviously the biased one here, so what are you even posting this for? Just trolling and hating just because?
No one is calling it the second coming of Jesus, except yourself. Don't buy the game ... no one cares. You can buy whatever Steam game you want, why do you have to justify yourself? GW2 is a fun game, IMO, and I don't really care what you, or anyone else thinks. If you can't figure it out for yourself, you are missing out. You can always pick it up on down the line when it possibly drops in price.
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
I appologize for using that phrase, what I mean is most of hte people who go GW2 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING.. produce no evidence, and when asked why, it's just a CAUSE IT'S GW2.. which is a very, SECOND COMING OF JESUS -- IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME BECAUSE IT'S JESUS.
True. But then again, the people who say: "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me.", aren't really giving much evidence either.
The best thing you can do (and i'm guessing it's what you're already planning on doing) is to just watch some gameplay videos, and read some basic GW2 gameplay guides that explain most of the game mechanics, and just ignore all the comments on those videos/guides. If you like what you read, try it out. If you don't like what you read, don't buy it, you can always change your mind later.
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
I appologize for using that phrase, what I mean is most of hte people who go GW2 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING.. produce no evidence, and when asked why, it's just a CAUSE IT'S GW2.. which is a very, SECOND COMING OF JESUS -- IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME BECAUSE IT'S JESUS.
From my experience on these forums it's the complete opposite. Those who hate GW2 are the ones that provide ZERO evidence and then their "claims" are being defeated (easily) by those who actually know a bit more about the game, and then they shut up, only to return, with the exact same "arguments", a few days later. Most of the time, people defending GW2 are providing lots of evidence to do so, rarely it's a simple "cause it's GW2, it's the "other" side that provides no arguments (usually)
But anyway that's beside the point, you should be able to understand if you will like the game or not by watching those vids provided by posters earlier, good luck in your quest.
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Alright, kind of walking into the flames on this one, but here's my situation.
for the past two years, i've just kind of /shrugged at gw2, everything they advertised? someone else had.. action combat? tera. No holy trinity? TSW, etc. but as release nears, and my wallet is looking sad,, the b2p model looks very attractive, and a quick youtube gameplay look makes it at least look.. fun.
That said the lack of weapon skills beyond the 5 you have equipped (.. I would play a greatsword warrior, and would try and stick to only greatswords, /sad at only 5 abilities)
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
But I also realized, my /shrugging has lead me to not really follow it.. and I don't know much about gw2, so I Thought i'd as here, maybe someone can enlighten me on the finer points, help me make hte concious decision to spend 60$ on something i'm in the dark about.
Tera has really poor action combat.. it locks you in place and not all classes can actively dodge. For some classes like the Mystic's teleport spell this lock is downright ridiculous as you lose nearly all the benefit from using the skill during the lock, also the repeatedly pressing the space bar for combos is really really cheesy and boring.
Tsw DOES have the trinity, they NEED healers and tanks, GW2 does not. Those that say it does do not understand about keeping themselves alive and working as a team, Anet themselves have said grps trying to emmulate a trinity grp will usually not succeed and will need more DPS to finish encounters. Also the game was released WAY too early.. just like AoC and was designed very lazily(I think I just made that word up =P) as all 3 factions share about 75% of the starting experience.. including starting location(everyone seems to own the same exact apartment no matter where you live.. last I checked Asian and American apartments are usually quite different from each other =P), tutorial and 1st questing zone.
Others have mentioned threads that would help you a ton and thats a good way to get a lot of info fast. GW2 is not perfect.. not many here claim that it is while being serious.. its isnt the second coming but it is a damned good game for 60 bucks.. well worth it IMO. I have played 3 BWE's and several stress tests, I have helped many mediocre to bad gamers ease into the game while others with skill have a blast on their own.. it is a much less forgiving game but once you finally get it.. its a breath of fresh air to the stagnant games most of us are sick of.
Might be a bit off topic here, but as far as I know, you still need tanks and heals in TSW. It's not nearly the same as GW2 where you can go in with 5 damage classes. So, no.
That is true if you would try that you would get beaten very badly its just not easy enough to do it with only DPS classes no matter how good you evade and such.
You could however use 5dps/healing hybrids and that should work out but it prolly would be boring and why would you want to limit yourself to only 1 playstyle anyway
everyone is a DPS/healing hybrid.. the trinity setup is having a dedicated healer and tank.. this simply will not work in most cases for GW2..
Alright, kind of walking into the flames on this one, but here's my situation.
for the past two years, i've just kind of /shrugged at gw2, everything they advertised? someone else had.. action combat? tera. No holy trinity? TSW, etc. but as release nears, and my wallet is looking sad,, the b2p model looks very attractive, and a quick youtube gameplay look makes it at least look.. fun.
That said the lack of weapon skills beyond the 5 you have equipped (.. I would play a greatsword warrior, and would try and stick to only greatswords, /sad at only 5 abilities)
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
But I also realized, my /shrugging has lead me to not really follow it.. and I don't know much about gw2, so I Thought i'd as here, maybe someone can enlighten me on the finer points, help me make hte concious decision to spend 60$ on something i'm in the dark about.
The game requires no monthly fee. $0 monthly fee. No pagas mensual para jugarlo.
You can expect support from Arena.net for this game for years and good balance.
-- I also made the mistake of listening to a touch of your youtube link, what a complete mosh of misinformation. The people doing that podcast shouldn't be gaming, at all.
+1 Not only should they not be gaming but they shouldn't own computers. What complete non-sense.
I just watched that(not all of it just here and there) but LOL the conversations taht they are having, its amazing how fast they will rage quit the first week out. I mean all the guy was sayign is we are going to face roll you in WvW. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Problem is anytime I bring this up.. anywhere, I get two parties one going "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me." and "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS" -- seeing as the latter is rabid fanboyism, and the former.. not, that worries me.
Don't you mean the two groups are "Yeah, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF THE DEVIL" and then the people who bother to write long, huge detailed explanations of what the game has to offer and why they like it? Like, three whole stickies just on the front page?
There's probably a reason people are responding to you in an annoyed fashion, you've just divided the two camps into 'the sane people who dislike it' and 'the religious zealots who like it'. It's not particularly classy.
Might be a bit off topic here, but as far as I know, you still need tanks and heals in TSW. It's not nearly the same as GW2 where you can go in with 5 damage classes. So, no.
That is true if you would try that you would get beaten very badly its just not easy enough to do it with only DPS classes no matter how good you evade and such.
You could however use 5dps/healing hybrids and that should work out but it prolly would be boring and why would you want to limit yourself to only 1 playstyle anyway
Well in the end it's all up to personal preference, I was just correcting the OP. You will definitely need certain roles or skills in TSW. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but if he/she is looking for something different in this ONE aspect, it's not going to be in TSW.
From my experience on these forums it's the complete opposite. Those who hate GW2 are the ones that provide ZERO evidence and then their "claims" are being defeated (easily) by those who actually know a bit more about the game, and then they shut up, only to return, with the exact same "arguments", a few days later. Most of the time, people defending GW2 are providing lots of evidence to do so, rarely it's a simple "cause it's GW2, it's the "other" side that provides no arguments (usually)
But anyway that's beside the point, you should be able to understand if you will like the game or not by watching those vids provided by posters earlier, good luck in your quest.
This iironically, is why I came here.
where I was asking and getting vague answers? vanguard general chat. I figured if I was going to find solid, positive information that wasn't "IT'S GOOD BECAUSE IT'S GW2, or IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S GW2" it would be here, since it's not an official forum, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence.
That said the amount of L2SEARCH responses doesn't speak well for the games community, but eh, it's -guild- wars, 2, find a good guild, community is replacable with a box-garden.
Originally posted by Linkofpower Originally posted by seridanFrom my experience on these forums it's the complete opposite. Those who hate GW2 are the ones that provide ZERO evidence and then their "claims" are being defeated (easily) by those who actually know a bit more about the game, and then they shut up, only to return, with the exact same "arguments", a few days later. Most of the time, people defending GW2 are providing lots of evidence to do so, rarely it's a simple "cause it's GW2, it's the "other" side that provides no arguments (usually)
But anyway that's beside the point, you should be able to understand if you will like the game or not by watching those vids provided by posters earlier, good luck in your quest.This iironically, is why I came here.
where I was asking and getting vague answers? vanguard general chat. I figured if I was going to find solid, positive information that wasn't "IT'S GOOD BECAUSE IT'S GW2, or IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S GW2" it would be here, since it's not an official forum, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence.
That said the amount of L2SEARCH responses doesn't speak well for the games community, but eh, it's -guild- wars, 2, find a good guild, community is replacable with a box-garden.
I fear that these forums in general aren't exactly famous for their constructive and helpful discussions. The major part of the threads about GW2 is about fanboys vs. trolls with some people sitting in between those camps telling both sides how silly they really are. I would mostly settle with the provided videos and by the staff written stuff honestly. Basing the decision to buy or not to buy any game on what is going on between the users on there forums is nothing I would ever do.
If the videos you should have watched before asking that question didn't sell you, I don't know what will. If you need to, watch some of the longer gameplay videos. If that doesn't get your very excited, this game likely isn't for you. And that's not a bad thing. Go play what you want; that's the whole point of GW2.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
HAHA..... Yeah asthetically speaking the game is going to be great. I haven't gone into as much detail as you have just yet, but I watched a vid that showed all the armors on the different races and I got stoked.
OP I'd also watch Totalbiscuits videos regarding GW2. I find him very entertaining and I think he does a great job expressing his opinions on the game wihtout being too vague.
RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.
Let's see:
-Stable company with a lot of support from the parent company
-GW2 is easily the most polished MMO I have ever played (pre or post release even)
-It is a game made by gamers, for gamers
-Exploration is back! And it is rewarding as well
-The game is downright fun, I have enjoyed it very much with the little time I have played it
-The game is B2P with no subscription fee, honestly, how could you NOT buy the game ... this is the most attractive part
-Probably a million other things I am not mentioning ...
The only worries I have are:
-WvW queues and matchmaking in the beginning
-Post 30 content ... is it as polished and fun as what we have seen so far? I really can't say.
Overall, after seeing the success of GW1 and playing GW2 for myself, it is basically a no brainer purchase. Since I don't have to pay another dime if I don't want to, it will most definitely be the most value from an MMO purchase I have done in years, if not ever.
+1 Not only should they not be gaming but they shouldn't own computers. What complete non-sense.
Seriously? So when people say they don't like the game, it's always 100% valid, but when people say they like the game, it's rabid fanboyism? Do you even want to like the game if this is how you look at opinions?
People should seriously stop using this overused, cliché, non-original response of "GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF JESUS". The only people who say this are mostly the ones who want to make fun of the GW2 fanbase. The only place where you'll probably find comments like these from actual GW2 fans, is Youtube.
Inb4 someone links me 1 example of a GW2 fan saying this on this site.
Inb4 some keyboard warriors quote me and say "lol u see?? the OP just asked a question and GW2 fans immediatly attack him"
To all the people telling me to WATCH THE VIDEOS, I.. didn't know they existed, and have now, sitll very on the fence (Menace of the underdark is half off on steam today, it's now "pre-order gw2 on a gamble, or stick with the safe bet of MotU), but much better informed.
Problem was, when I made this post, I didn't know what videos to watch, there are only eleventy billion videos on gw2 and gameplay, and many of them are "GW2: iT'S THE BEST THING EvER" with exceeding bias.
That said, i'm not much of a pvp'r, I mean I enjoy it in spurts, but when bad teams just end in you getting trampled ocnstantly no matter how good you are.. makes me want ot ragequit, so.. endgame content is.. worrying, but eh.. thanks for the help, those of you that helped.
The biggest selling point in my eyes is the way you and a group can be doing one thing, and be swept up by events , and end up doing something entirely different.
It really has to been experienced to be appreciated.
I appologize for using that phrase, what I mean is most of hte people who go GW2 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING.. produce no evidence, and when asked why, it's just a CAUSE IT'S GW2.. which is a very, SECOND COMING OF JESUS -- IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME BECAUSE IT'S JESUS.
That is true if you would try that you would get beaten very badly its just not easy enough to do it with only DPS classes no matter how good you evade and such.
You could however use 5dps/healing hybrids and that should work out but it prolly would be boring and why would you want to limit yourself to only 1 playstyle anyway
And the haters (that you find are 100% genuine) post troll posts that say nothing about the game what so ever ... and you find those more useful. You are obviously the biased one here, so what are you even posting this for? Just trolling and hating just because?
No one is calling it the second coming of Jesus, except yourself. Don't buy the game ... no one cares. You can buy whatever Steam game you want, why do you have to justify yourself? GW2 is a fun game, IMO, and I don't really care what you, or anyone else thinks. If you can't figure it out for yourself, you are missing out. You can always pick it up on down the line when it possibly drops in price.
True. But then again, the people who say: "Yea, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, bored me.", aren't really giving much evidence either.
The best thing you can do (and i'm guessing it's what you're already planning on doing) is to just watch some gameplay videos, and read some basic GW2 gameplay guides that explain most of the game mechanics, and just ignore all the comments on those videos/guides. If you like what you read, try it out. If you don't like what you read, don't buy it, you can always change your mind later.
From my experience on these forums it's the complete opposite. Those who hate GW2 are the ones that provide ZERO evidence and then their "claims" are being defeated (easily) by those who actually know a bit more about the game, and then they shut up, only to return, with the exact same "arguments", a few days later. Most of the time, people defending GW2 are providing lots of evidence to do so, rarely it's a simple "cause it's GW2, it's the "other" side that provides no arguments (usually)
But anyway that's beside the point, you should be able to understand if you will like the game or not by watching those vids provided by posters earlier, good luck in your quest.
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Tera has really poor action combat.. it locks you in place and not all classes can actively dodge. For some classes like the Mystic's teleport spell this lock is downright ridiculous as you lose nearly all the benefit from using the skill during the lock, also the repeatedly pressing the space bar for combos is really really cheesy and boring.
Tsw DOES have the trinity, they NEED healers and tanks, GW2 does not. Those that say it does do not understand about keeping themselves alive and working as a team, Anet themselves have said grps trying to emmulate a trinity grp will usually not succeed and will need more DPS to finish encounters. Also the game was released WAY too early.. just like AoC and was designed very lazily(I think I just made that word up =P) as all 3 factions share about 75% of the starting experience.. including starting location(everyone seems to own the same exact apartment no matter where you live.. last I checked Asian and American apartments are usually quite different from each other =P), tutorial and 1st questing zone.
Others have mentioned threads that would help you a ton and thats a good way to get a lot of info fast. GW2 is not perfect.. not many here claim that it is while being serious.. its isnt the second coming but it is a damned good game for 60 bucks.. well worth it IMO. I have played 3 BWE's and several stress tests, I have helped many mediocre to bad gamers ease into the game while others with skill have a blast on their own.. it is a much less forgiving game but once you finally get it.. its a breath of fresh air to the stagnant games most of us are sick of.
everyone is a DPS/healing hybrid.. the trinity setup is having a dedicated healer and tank.. this simply will not work in most cases for GW2..
The game requires no monthly fee. $0 monthly fee. No pagas mensual para jugarlo.
You can expect support from Arena.net for this game for years and good balance.
There is no monthly fee.
Did I forget anything?
I will be very honest on my opinion:
I thought the PvE was brilliant and fun. The leveling is actually very fun.I am a pvp player by heart and that is where this game failed for me.
The only thing i wanted from the pvp is for people to lose there stuff when they die . Its more like rinse and repeat type pvp.
Before people start calling me a ganker and such i must say that is not what i want.
Will I play the game?Yes
Will i pvp? no as i dont care for it
I suggest everyone try the game as it does offer alot of things for people to do.
This game is generating alot of hullabaloo and myself was intrigued at first but it's still way to themeparky for my tastes.
Wait for a trial and judge for yourself.
The game offers a better MMO experience than just about every MMO ever released and does so without a sub fee.
That is all.
All the female toons are literally played by really hot babes and I'm pretty sure they'll be into you if you chat with them.
Plus it looks like a fun game...
I just watched that(not all of it just here and there) but LOL the conversations taht they are having, its amazing how fast they will rage quit the first week out. I mean all the guy was sayign is we are going to face roll you in WvW. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Carl Sagan-
Don't you mean the two groups are "Yeah, I bought it, but didn't even get to the last beta weekend, GW2 IS THE NEXT COMING OF THE DEVIL" and then the people who bother to write long, huge detailed explanations of what the game has to offer and why they like it? Like, three whole stickies just on the front page?
There's probably a reason people are responding to you in an annoyed fashion, you've just divided the two camps into 'the sane people who dislike it' and 'the religious zealots who like it'. It's not particularly classy.
GW2 doesn't even have boob sliders. What a fool could seriously be interested in such a game?!
Well in the end it's all up to personal preference, I was just correcting the OP. You will definitely need certain roles or skills in TSW. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but if he/she is looking for something different in this ONE aspect, it's not going to be in TSW.
This iironically, is why I came here.
where I was asking and getting vague answers? vanguard general chat. I figured if I was going to find solid, positive information that wasn't "IT'S GOOD BECAUSE IT'S GW2, or IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S GW2" it would be here, since it's not an official forum, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence.
That said the amount of L2SEARCH responses doesn't speak well for the games community, but eh, it's -guild- wars, 2, find a good guild, community is replacable with a box-garden.
This iironically, is why I came here.
where I was asking and getting vague answers? vanguard general chat. I figured if I was going to find solid, positive information that wasn't "IT'S GOOD BECAUSE IT'S GW2, or IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S GW2" it would be here, since it's not an official forum, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence.
That said the amount of L2SEARCH responses doesn't speak well for the games community, but eh, it's -guild- wars, 2, find a good guild, community is replacable with a box-garden.
I fear that these forums in general aren't exactly famous for their constructive and helpful discussions. The major part of the threads about GW2 is about fanboys vs. trolls with some people sitting in between those camps telling both sides how silly they really are. I would mostly settle with the provided videos and by the staff written stuff honestly. Basing the decision to buy or not to buy any game on what is going on between the users on there forums is nothing I would ever do.