If art style were an indicator of "hardcoreness" then Age of Conan ought to be the most hardcore game on the market.
We have been given no real info and working demos to see how the game actually plays. The only feature that we have a solid grasp on is the voxel tech. All the rest is just ideas they put forth. Internally they may have more to show but from the outside looking in the game looks pre-alpha.
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odder under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
What is "odder control?"
I personally value people's opinions who can't even spell "odor." Good try trying to sound it out though like a big boy .
Im glad to see my tax dollars at work. Keep up the good work spell police.
how horrible it must be to be disappointed so many times that it is impossible to either get excited or even believe they might come up with a good product.
I loved original eq (back when the trinity was tank/heal/crowd control), and I get the feeling that they might fall short of some of their goals, but even if they do, it will still be lightyears ahead of the competition.
as for the free to play, I would expect a silver/gold membership and after a year or so I would guess they'll add it to the access pass. The free to play version will be limited to collecting 4-8 classes or so. The silver will unlock another 4-8 and the gold the rest. All the basic ones.
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
You've perfectly illustrated what is going on. It costs me nothing to get excited about the possibilities of EQN, nothing. I could spend my time being dire and jaded about it, which is harmful in any situation and is a "cost", but instead look forward to seeing what comes about. Not only am I figuratively not spending anything, when it releases as a freemium MMO I won't be actually spending anything either until I know it's worth the money. Which is also a moot point since I have an All Access Pass, heh.
>.> spending money on the game wasn't the point. Your so quick to believe. Not only believe, but believe a game company such as SOE is almost irresponsible. You might as well believe me when i say i have toxic land to sell you here in NJ. Its ok to get excited about EQN if thats your thing but keep it in your pants
If you have been eating rice for 10 years and someone offers you a sirloin steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold beer to wash it all down of course you are going to get excited.
Yes the game deserves all the hype it has received. The idea's that have come forward are going to change the future of the genre even if EQN doesn't work out too well. The idea's of a totally interactive environment alone is worth all the praise let alone all the other things coming.
Wrong. EQN is the promise of steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold bear. The same promise of candy that man made you from the driver seat of his white, unmarked van with no windows.
Landmark alone is worth the hype. The rest will be a wait and see, since with these things its usually the implementation that counts, rather than the base idea.
Originally posted by Vutar I am convinced at this point that the media is getting to see more than we are. It is the only way to explain why EQnext keeps winning various awards based on ideas and hype.
Not really.
It is winning awards, because it does a lot of things differently, and the first time.. and a lot of player waited for something like that.
- Voxelengine. Complete new and unknown experience of Building/Destruction only known from Minecraft. With that you could potentially(it is unknown how much EQN will really do it) shape the world in a entirely new way and scope never seen before. Wurm Online did a lot of that, and maybe more than EQN, but with the Voxel Engine a lot more would be possible.
- Emergent AI. New way of setup Mobs/NPCs and there interaction with the world and the players. Before that MOBs/NPCs did not interact with the world at all. (static mob spawns, standing still all the time, static quest encounters etc.)
Those two things alone let EQN stand out of any MMO development from the last 10 years. If they can deliver it, or how fun it will be is a entirely different question.
And maybe the more important effect of this. Even if EQN will not take full advantage of those new technologies, they have now it introduced it to the MMO audience and industry, and other will pick it up, and make maybe a lot more with it.
So basicly, just because of that two things EQN deserved any award it gets.. and just look at recent games, awards and hype, a lot of games got the same awards and hype, with a lot less to show.
Theres no question that it deserves hype and best in show versus a bunch of non-factor games, but its not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, SOE is trying to throw as many new variables into the equation as possible, and innovating for the sake of innovation rather than improving upon what we know and love about mmos. The problem with SOE's ideas and direction is it only tends to a more streamlined, more trivial game thats as accessible and all-inclusive as possible. Though EQ Next won't mechanically be a WoW-clone, they're quite obviously following the WoW philosophy to a tee. Gone are the days of classic MMOs, gone are the days of complicated, immersive, hardcore games. Say hello to EQ Next, the next generation of kiddie games.
I am curious where you find the accessibility or this just based on graphics? I have seen nothing YET that makes me believe it will be an all access pass game. In fact I know so little information still and that's the problem right now if SoE wants to keep the momentum going they need to open up more. Anyone who was expecting EQ1 reskinned was in for a shock I loved EQ1 but I did that and there is a reason I left it behind. I do wonder if they are innovating for the sake of it but haven't seen anything that would lead me to that conclusion unless I were to base it off theorycraft which is all SoE has given us so far.
Nadili.. i guess Dullahan is somewhat right. And why? Because any AAA game, with development costs of that amount have to please the masses.. and the round table questions alone hint to that. And if you please the masses your product will always be mainstreamed, casualized and somewhat dumbed down. That is a matter of fact.
You and for that matter noone can expect, that a game with 100million + development costs will cater to a niche, hardcore audience.. this will never ever happen. We as hardcore players have to look at more indy projects, with a lot smaller budget, but with more creative freedom and the option to cater more to hardcore audiences. The consequence is that it will not look as good, will not run as smooth, and will not cater to 1 million players or more. But let's be honest, the old hardcore games we refer to, where never that quality products, and never meant for a that big audience. So lets get realistic, and if we really want more hardcore games accept that it will not be "hollywood blockbusters" but just same not so well made indy productions.
But.. nevertheless, for a AAA game EQN really introduces a lot of new technologies and ideas, and a lot of other games will profit from them, they make those technologies more accessable to indy developers, and will evolve the genre.
Edit/PS: The kiddy reference from him is of course a exxaggeration and denigration, but all the rest is spot on, and just a natural consequence of the nowadays expected production quality. The problem is, that most people either don't understand or are not willingly to realise that they have to live with less production value, less polish, if they want a niche, a hardcore game.
You and for that matter noone can expect, that a game with 100million + development costs will cater to a niche, hardcore audience.. this will never ever happen. We as hardcore players have to look at more indy projects, with a lot smaller budget, but with more creative freedom and the option to cater more to hardcore audiences.
EVE Online would like a word with you.
SWTOR Referral Bonus! Referral link 7 day subscriber level access Returning players get 1 free server transfer
Originally posted by Margulis My own opinion is not even close. It's almost laughable to me now considering how early in development the game turned out to be. They basically hyped it to high heaven based on a tech demo and fancy promises - which every single mmo has made before.
The hype is completely unfounded, there's no game to hype, it's a wishlist. Well, dare I say that most games sound amazing at the wish list phase. I need to see more than some jumping animations to get hyped.
Agreed. Since EQN won Best Game awards when it is nothing more than a couple of tech demos and some vague concepts, what is going to win Best Game next year? EQN again? There's a distinct possibility that EQN could win Best Game awards in three consecutive years before anyone has an opportunity to actually play the game.
If either TTN or MMORPG.com had chosen to grant EQN a special Most Exciting Product on the Horizon award, there wouldn't have been nearly the fuss. To me, this is more about some degree of journalist integrity on the part of the sites involved than with the (eventual) product itself. Let's award Best Game awards to actual games, not concepts.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Massive let down. I was waiting for this game changer, think they even said world changing. I lol'd when they revealed a bunch of theorys/ideas and nothing concrete. I also know SoE well enough to say they will fall short on some of the things they are stating they will add and release feature light. They have done this in every MMO they ever created to date, I expect this to be no different.
"The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
>.> spending money on the game wasn't the point. Your so quick to believe. Not only believe, but believe a game company such as SOE is almost irresponsible. You might as well believe me when i say i have toxic land to sell you here in NJ. Its ok to get excited about EQN if thats your thing but keep it in your pants
Originally posted by xAPOCx
Wrong. EQN is the promise of steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold bear. The same promise of candy that man made you from the driver seat of his white, unmarked van with no windows.
Can anyone actually take this seriously? Comparisons to child molestation? Come on, get real.
Also what part of waiting to see is so hard for you to understand? Your spelling mistake seems to be the least of your problems if this is truly how you think.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
You've perfectly illustrated what is going on. It costs me nothing to get excited about the possibilities of EQN, nothing. I could spend my time being dire and jaded about it, which is harmful in any situation and is a "cost", but instead look forward to seeing what comes about. Not only am I figuratively not spending anything, when it releases as a freemium MMO I won't be actually spending anything either until I know it's worth the money. Which is also a moot point since I have an All Access Pass, heh.
>.> spending money on the game wasn't the point. Your so quick to believe. Not only believe, but believe a game company such as SOE is almost irresponsible. You might as well believe me when i say i have toxic land to sell you here in NJ. Its ok to get excited about EQN if thats your thing but keep it in your pants
The only entity that knows what is possible with EQN is SoE. Of course they are trying to sell a product and will make it look the best they can as does any company selling a product. Anyone can say features may not make it in and it takes zero effort to do so, they really don't know unless they personally work on EQN (This wont stop them from being "MMO prophets" later on but what can you do?). It also takes zero effort to be excited about the features SoE is highlighting because, again, we really don't know. Both sides are equal in that regard though one is going by those who would know and others are in opposition.
So yes, for some it's better to not believe and guard themselves against disappointment if it will negatively impact them. For others such as myself I can get excited for something knowing it may not turn out the way they expect. The sky will not fall if it turns out badly and I wont flood the forums with angst, I have better things to do. I tend to look for positives first instead of the negatives but that's just me. So I'll continue to be excited about the features SoE talks about in EQN because they are the only ones that would know.
I thought you were done with EQN, why the continued interest?
Originally posted by Margulis My own opinion is not even close. It's almost laughable to me now considering how early in development the game turned out to be. They basically hyped it to high heaven based on a tech demo and fancy promises - which every single mmo has made before.
The hype is completely unfounded, there's no game to hype, it's a wishlist. Well, dare I say that most games sound amazing at the wish list phase. I need to see more than some jumping animations to get hyped.
Agreed. Since EQN won Best Game awards when it is nothing more than a couple of tech demos and some vague concepts, what is going to win Best Game next year? EQN again? There's a distinct possibility that EQN could win Best Game awards in three consecutive years before anyone has an opportunity to actually play the game.
If either TTN or MMORPG.com had chosen to grant EQN a special Most Exciting Product on the Horizon award, there wouldn't have been nearly the fuss. To me, this is more about some degree of journalist integrity on the part of the sites involved than with the (eventual) product itself. Let's award Best Game awards to actual games, not concepts.
First of all only the press and SOE know what was really shown behind those closed doors. Maybe it was a tech demo slightly less refined then the reveal. Maybe it was all on paper and just a bunch of concepts. But in any case, with all the other options out there for MMOs doesn't it make sense that if the press really does believe that EQN is the next thing coming than I think we have an obligation to at least hold out for more information. The press at those events know what gaming and programming and how hard it is to make a kick ass MMO. The fact that they chose EQN speak volumes about the games potential to take its place as a leader again in the MMO world. Who are you lowly gamer who knows that everyone else is just like them to think that they know more then those who are actually close to the action? Let them finish EQNL then let them finish EQN. This winter download EQNL and give it a shot. If you still don't like where it's going then no one is going to stop you from leaving.
The fact that they chose EQN speak volumes about the games potential to take its place as a leader again in the MMO world. Who are you lowly gamer who knows that everyone else is just like them to think that they know more then those who are actually close to the action? Let them finish EQNL then let them finish EQN. This winter download EQNL and give it a shot. If you still don't like where it's going then no one is going to stop you from leaving.
Yawn. Heard and read all that before. Remember SWTOR, GW2? AoC maybe? I believe it ONLY if I see it first hand. Even gameplay demos are usually fake these days.
You and for that matter noone can expect, that a game with 100million + development costs will cater to a niche, hardcore audience.. this will never ever happen. We as hardcore players have to look at more indy projects, with a lot smaller budget, but with more creative freedom and the option to cater more to hardcore audiences.
EVE Online would like a word with you.
EvE Online did not start with 100 million budget.. it startet with 24 people working on it, it is exactly what i refer to.. indy projects, as EvE showed, that does not mean that it can grow over time and become big. EvE was made for less money, for a hardcore niche audience.. but on the other hand it was made 2003, where 100 million budgets where not that usual anyway.. WoW with it over 200 million budget started that.
You and for that matter noone can expect, that a game with 100million + development costs will cater to a niche, hardcore audience.. this will never ever happen. We as hardcore players have to look at more indy projects, with a lot smaller budget, but with more creative freedom and the option to cater more to hardcore audiences.
EVE Online would like a word with you.
EvE Online did not start with 100 million budget.. it startet with 24 people working on it, it is exactly what i refer to.. indy projects, as EvE showed, that does not mean that it can grow over time and become big. EvE was made for less money, for a hardcore niche audience.. but on the other hand it was made 2003, where 100 million budgets where not that usual anyway.. WoW with it over 200 million budget started that.
Whether the game has a large budget or not is 0 indication of how the game will be.
WoW, especially since parented by Activsion, has the largest budget on the market yet puts almost the least amount of content in their game. I laughed hysterically when they "innovated" Hearthstone lol, Legends of Norrath has been IN GAME for many many years now and is way more in depth.
Fact of the matter is this topic is useless, we can make all the assumptions we want about the game or SoE. Until we actually get our hands on it our opinions are based upon assumptions. So whether it "lived up to its hype" is yet to be determined.
P.S. - I like how the "hardcore" crowd says this game isn't for them yet we don't even know what the challenges in the game are going to be like. I'm "hardcore" and I'm definitely eliteist and I played EQ1 for many years and still do on progression servers and the ideas are fine to me, I just hope it has some risk/reward and challenge to it.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
>.> spending money on the game wasn't the point. Your so quick to believe. Not only believe, but believe a game company such as SOE is almost irresponsible. You might as well believe me when i say i have toxic land to sell you here in NJ. Its ok to get excited about EQN if thats your thing but keep it in your pants
Originally posted by xAPOCx
Wrong. EQN is the promise of steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold bear. The same promise of candy that man made you from the driver seat of his white, unmarked van with no windows.
Can anyone actually take this seriously? Comparisons to child molestation? Come on, get real.
Also what part of waiting to see is so hard for you to understand? Your spelling mistake seems to be the least of your problems if this is truly how you think.
Don't like my analogy? Feel free to come up with your own.
I thought you were done with EQN, why the continued interest?
Im interested in people like you who are still willing to fall for the same lines SOE has been spitting out of their venomous mouths. I still have that land for sale if you're still interested.
OP, we don't need to discuss Ten Ton Hammer or Massively here on this site in the forums at all and no one will be able to say if EQN lives up to the hype until we are playing it. WTF brah!?
"Venomous mouths"... This seems like the previous disappointment I was talking about in which case not getting excited about stated features is a good thing. There are cases in which you are correct.
If you're so interested I'll give you an exclusive interview. Cash, no checks please and PM me for my PO Box info
OP asks "Has what we've seen so far lived up to the Ten Ton Hammer and Massively pre-reveal hype?"
No. As a hardcore fan up and until the reveal, not in my opinion. If this had been 5-6 years ago when marketing speak and big ideas before actually having them working wasn't overdone and abused to hell and back in this genre, maybe. I know the fanboys and girls, and the trolls are going to eat this up as a "hater" post but honestly you have no idea what you are talking about as I am not a hater, I actually want EQN to succeed but I have history to show me that promises never get delivered on launch the way they are promised in marketing hype.
So until I actually see REAL gameplay with REAL AI improvements, until I have it in my hands and no, I don't mean landmark, I refuse to get hyped up because the things they are saying now all sound like rehashed marketing idea's from other games that never panned out how the original group planned it. Do I have faith that it can be done? Sure. Do I think the penny penchers will allow the real genre changing ideas to go on, or new fresh ideas that haven't been tested? No.
It's the nature of business. Profits stifle innovation in gaming because the lowest common denominator then becomes how can we get the lowest budget possible with the highest return in profits. Not, how can we change this genre and blow minds. It sucks, but I've seen it happen in multiple studios I worked at which is eventually why I left the industry.
The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should I. Light up the darkness Bob Marley
All I'm saying is there seems to be this over whelming trust for a company that for the lack of a better word, "fisted" Its loyal fan base on more then one occasion. SOE has not done anything yet to warrant such trust. And who is the ringleader? Fucking Smeds. The king all all deceivers. So my advice to everyone is be excited about EQN if you chose to be. Just show some healthy skepticism.
We have been given no real info and working demos to see how the game actually plays. The only feature that we have a solid grasp on is the voxel tech. All the rest is just ideas they put forth. Internally they may have more to show but from the outside looking in the game looks pre-alpha.
Im glad to see my tax dollars at work. Keep up the good work spell police.
how horrible it must be to be disappointed so many times that it is impossible to either get excited or even believe they might come up with a good product.
I loved original eq (back when the trinity was tank/heal/crowd control), and I get the feeling that they might fall short of some of their goals, but even if they do, it will still be lightyears ahead of the competition.
as for the free to play, I would expect a silver/gold membership and after a year or so I would guess they'll add it to the access pass. The free to play version will be limited to collecting 4-8 classes or so. The silver will unlock another 4-8 and the gold the rest. All the basic ones.
>.> spending money on the game wasn't the point. Your so quick to believe. Not only believe, but believe a game company such as SOE is almost irresponsible. You might as well believe me when i say i have toxic land to sell you here in NJ. Its ok to get excited about EQN if thats your thing but keep it in your pants
double post
Wrong. EQN is the promise of steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold bear. The same promise of candy that man made you from the driver seat of his white, unmarked van with no windows.
Landmark alone is worth the hype. The rest will be a wait and see, since with these things its usually the implementation that counts, rather than the base idea.
Not really.
It is winning awards, because it does a lot of things differently, and the first time.. and a lot of player waited for something like that.
- Voxelengine. Complete new and unknown experience of Building/Destruction only known from Minecraft. With that you could potentially(it is unknown how much EQN will really do it) shape the world in a entirely new way and scope never seen before. Wurm Online did a lot of that, and maybe more than EQN, but with the Voxel Engine a lot more would be possible.
- Emergent AI. New way of setup Mobs/NPCs and there interaction with the world and the players. Before that MOBs/NPCs did not interact with the world at all. (static mob spawns, standing still all the time, static quest encounters etc.)
Those two things alone let EQN stand out of any MMO development from the last 10 years. If they can deliver it, or how fun it will be is a entirely different question.
And maybe the more important effect of this. Even if EQN will not take full advantage of those new technologies, they have now it introduced it to the MMO audience and industry, and other will pick it up, and make maybe a lot more with it.
So basicly, just because of that two things EQN deserved any award it gets.. and just look at recent games, awards and hype, a lot of games got the same awards and hype, with a lot less to show.
Nadili.. i guess Dullahan is somewhat right. And why? Because any AAA game, with development costs of that amount have to please the masses.. and the round table questions alone hint to that. And if you please the masses your product will always be mainstreamed, casualized and somewhat dumbed down. That is a matter of fact.
You and for that matter noone can expect, that a game with 100million + development costs will cater to a niche, hardcore audience.. this will never ever happen. We as hardcore players have to look at more indy projects, with a lot smaller budget, but with more creative freedom and the option to cater more to hardcore audiences. The consequence is that it will not look as good, will not run as smooth, and will not cater to 1 million players or more. But let's be honest, the old hardcore games we refer to, where never that quality products, and never meant for a that big audience. So lets get realistic, and if we really want more hardcore games accept that it will not be "hollywood blockbusters" but just same not so well made indy productions.
But.. nevertheless, for a AAA game EQN really introduces a lot of new technologies and ideas, and a lot of other games will profit from them, they make those technologies more accessable to indy developers, and will evolve the genre.
Edit/PS: The kiddy reference from him is of course a exxaggeration and denigration, but all the rest is spot on, and just a natural consequence of the nowadays expected production quality. The problem is, that most people either don't understand or are not willingly to realise that they have to live with less production value, less polish, if they want a niche, a hardcore game.
I completely fail to see how enhanced ai will lead to "kiddy" gameplay.
you would think that static raids, static spawns, respawn timers and outdated crap like that is the kiddy gameplay.
EVE Online would like a word with you.
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Agreed. Since EQN won Best Game awards when it is nothing more than a couple of tech demos and some vague concepts, what is going to win Best Game next year? EQN again? There's a distinct possibility that EQN could win Best Game awards in three consecutive years before anyone has an opportunity to actually play the game.
If either TTN or MMORPG.com had chosen to grant EQN a special Most Exciting Product on the Horizon award, there wouldn't have been nearly the fuss. To me, this is more about some degree of journalist integrity on the part of the sites involved than with the (eventual) product itself. Let's award Best Game awards to actual games, not concepts.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Massive let down. I was waiting for this game changer, think they even said world changing. I lol'd when they revealed a bunch of theorys/ideas and nothing concrete. I also know SoE well enough to say they will fall short on some of the things they are stating they will add and release feature light. They have done this in every MMO they ever created to date, I expect this to be no different.
Can anyone actually take this seriously? Comparisons to child molestation? Come on, get real.
Also what part of waiting to see is so hard for you to understand? Your spelling mistake seems to be the least of your problems if this is truly how you think.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The only entity that knows what is possible with EQN is SoE. Of course they are trying to sell a product and will make it look the best they can as does any company selling a product. Anyone can say features may not make it in and it takes zero effort to do so, they really don't know unless they personally work on EQN (This wont stop them from being "MMO prophets" later on but what can you do?). It also takes zero effort to be excited about the features SoE is highlighting because, again, we really don't know. Both sides are equal in that regard though one is going by those who would know and others are in opposition.
So yes, for some it's better to not believe and guard themselves against disappointment if it will negatively impact them. For others such as myself I can get excited for something knowing it may not turn out the way they expect. The sky will not fall if it turns out badly and I wont flood the forums with angst, I have better things to do. I tend to look for positives first instead of the negatives but that's just me. So I'll continue to be excited about the features SoE talks about in EQN because they are the only ones that would know.
I thought you were done with EQN, why the continued interest?
First of all only the press and SOE know what was really shown behind those closed doors. Maybe it was a tech demo slightly less refined then the reveal. Maybe it was all on paper and just a bunch of concepts. But in any case, with all the other options out there for MMOs doesn't it make sense that if the press really does believe that EQN is the next thing coming than I think we have an obligation to at least hold out for more information. The press at those events know what gaming and programming and how hard it is to make a kick ass MMO. The fact that they chose EQN speak volumes about the games potential to take its place as a leader again in the MMO world. Who are you lowly gamer who knows that everyone else is just like them to think that they know more then those who are actually close to the action? Let them finish EQNL then let them finish EQN. This winter download EQNL and give it a shot. If you still don't like where it's going then no one is going to stop you from leaving.
Yawn. Heard and read all that before. Remember SWTOR, GW2? AoC maybe? I believe it ONLY if I see it first hand. Even gameplay demos are usually fake these days.
EvE Online did not start with 100 million budget.. it startet with 24 people working on it, it is exactly what i refer to.. indy projects, as EvE showed, that does not mean that it can grow over time and become big. EvE was made for less money, for a hardcore niche audience.. but on the other hand it was made 2003, where 100 million budgets where not that usual anyway.. WoW with it over 200 million budget started that.
Whether the game has a large budget or not is 0 indication of how the game will be.
WoW, especially since parented by Activsion, has the largest budget on the market yet puts almost the least amount of content in their game. I laughed hysterically when they "innovated" Hearthstone lol, Legends of Norrath has been IN GAME for many many years now and is way more in depth.
Fact of the matter is this topic is useless, we can make all the assumptions we want about the game or SoE. Until we actually get our hands on it our opinions are based upon assumptions. So whether it "lived up to its hype" is yet to be determined.
P.S. - I like how the "hardcore" crowd says this game isn't for them yet we don't even know what the challenges in the game are going to be like. I'm "hardcore" and I'm definitely eliteist and I played EQ1 for many years and still do on progression servers and the ideas are fine to me, I just hope it has some risk/reward and challenge to it.
Don't like my analogy? Feel free to come up with your own.
Im interested in people like you who are still willing to fall for the same lines SOE has been spitting out of their venomous mouths. I still have that land for sale if you're still interested.
"Venomous mouths"... This seems like the previous disappointment I was talking about in which case not getting excited about stated features is a good thing. There are cases in which you are correct.
If you're so interested I'll give you an exclusive interview. Cash, no checks please and PM me for my PO Box info
OP asks "Has what we've seen so far lived up to the Ten Ton Hammer and Massively pre-reveal hype?"
No. As a hardcore fan up and until the reveal, not in my opinion. If this had been 5-6 years ago when marketing speak and big ideas before actually having them working wasn't overdone and abused to hell and back in this genre, maybe. I know the fanboys and girls, and the trolls are going to eat this up as a "hater" post but honestly you have no idea what you are talking about as I am not a hater, I actually want EQN to succeed but I have history to show me that promises never get delivered on launch the way they are promised in marketing hype.
So until I actually see REAL gameplay with REAL AI improvements, until I have it in my hands and no, I don't mean landmark, I refuse to get hyped up because the things they are saying now all sound like rehashed marketing idea's from other games that never panned out how the original group planned it. Do I have faith that it can be done? Sure. Do I think the penny penchers will allow the real genre changing ideas to go on, or new fresh ideas that haven't been tested? No.
It's the nature of business. Profits stifle innovation in gaming because the lowest common denominator then becomes how can we get the lowest budget possible with the highest return in profits. Not, how can we change this genre and blow minds. It sucks, but I've seen it happen in multiple studios I worked at which is eventually why I left the industry.
The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should I. Light up the darkness Bob Marley