I am still waiting for someone to explain to me the reason why demanding a whole team to adapt to your inexperience and unwillingness to prepare yourself for high level content makes you any less entitled than me asking you to be prepared.
Because if you do a fight 20 times and get people in 9/10 groups that have not watched the vid, and you STILL come to fights expecting everyone to have watched the vid then plainly it is you that has unreasonable expectations. Really, how many times does the hammer have to hit you on the head before you realize statistics refute your expectation? You are NEVER going to change the behavior of a population of players by blowing steam on a forum.
Bottom line:
If you pug then go in expecting pug behavior. If I say it any plainer then I get banned again for sarcasm.
It's just the era and the veteran culture that surrounds this model of MMO that has been around for well over a decade by now. If you've done quests and dungeons in one game, you've done them in all games. Once upon a time, when the concept of dungeons was brand new, nobody (or at least very few) had such high expectations of their peers; everyone was completely new to the gameplay mode. But at this point, if you've mastered speed dungeon runs in 5 other MMOs, those experiences carry over through your overall MMO experience, and you expect to do the same in whatever new MMO you play.
I agree that it's unpleasant when you run into this mentality in a new MMO, but I completely understand why it exists. I'd also remark that I've had plenty of friendly full newbie groups where we had a lot of fun exploring and learning new content the old fashioned way.
that's really well said. I can understand why the OP says don't wow this game up, and I agree that would be nice, but its impossible. The developers can make us endless new experiences to play, but they can't do anything to change the players themselves. If I find the idea of loading up a low level character in wow and running deadmines for the thousandth time boring and unpleasant, I shouldn't be surprised that I get the same feeling doing dungeons in this game. Its a group experience, and the group itself is what I am worn out on. Might be the ultimate type of MMO burnout.
Yes people who are farming dungeons do want a relatively peaceful run.
Yes new players do want "vets" to be nice and teach them, and respectful since all were noobs at one point.
Ok so they gave tomb rewards for some storyline dungeons, this means that you WILL have people who are there for the tombs mixed in with people who are first timers. There are cutscenes, LOTS, and long for these few dungeons.
Some of the encounters are difficult, difficulty takes its first massive ramp up to endgame difficulty with Praetorian. Its a long dungeon too.
So here are some things you can do as a noob to make the process more enjoyable for yourself. Go to youtube, watch the boss fight. You will need someone to explain it anyway...its not as easy as "stay out of stuff that kills you" and "kill the adds" like a lot of content leading up to it.
So now you can say "first time know the fight"
So the guys farming now know "ok this guy knows the basics".
The issue people have are with some people that have no clue what is going to happen...and some fights are not a simple explanation.
Past Praetorian and into some other endgame encounters...if you don't know what you are doing you will wipe multiple times as you learn each boss stage the hard way...this is what irritates some people...even when I was doing the run a first time...its not difficult to just look it up so you have a frame of reference.
You are not going to stop jerks who want flawless runs, and who will try their hardest to form a group that will produce these results.
Realistically, 90% of these people who are being displayed on this thread as horrible people...they just don't want people who haven't a clue as to what to expect. Tell the guy shouting for "know the fights" that you know the fights and what to expect but its your first time...you might get better advice than what youtube offers in this sense...and it shows you are not a total idiot who cant be bothered to learn the basics being trying it out.
Walking in blind was fine for early game. For endgame when you have people farming (and you will farm) spending 5min watching the boss encounters prior to running it will make the run more fun for you, and for the people you are with.
What people are trying to avoid is spending two hours wiping as people try to figure out everything, and then not having time to finish the run. Walking in blind is why this happens.
Also already seeing people grieving over those waiting on cinematics.
Please don't 'WoW' this game up....I'm rather enjoying it.
If you can't handle the behavior of children don't play MMORPGs.
I'm all for letting people watch the cinematics, but to defend those who get aggravated, the viewing of cutscenes from your inn room serves a purpose, and this is it.
Lol no. It serves the purpose of being able to watch cutscenes you've watched before without replaying the whole game.
I try to avoid the Duty Finder myself as much as possible and prefer to create Groups myself on the server I play on.
This reduces the chance on douchebags quite a bit.
But *knock on Wood* so far I have been Lucky With Duty Finder as well tho, only two Groups so far I had to leave because of a troll. Most of the time I was With very Nice and friendly People.
Here is the best advice I can give anyone playing FFXIV.
Americans suck ass... play with the Japanese!!!
1. It's their game!, they always make sure their servers are the ones up first. This is a no brainer, if you can't beat um join um!
2. No ass hat world chat (AKA Barrens chat) - The Japanese are typically very quiet people. They do not sit around and troll chats all day, the only time you will see the Japanese speak in world chat is to recruit for a free company. This = a relaxing and mature environment.
3. The Japanese do not talk shit in dungeons, and even if they do guess what!? They are Japanese so you can't understand a damn thing they are bitching about anyway. This makes everything so much better.
4. You can't talk shit back to the Japanese even if you wanted too. Yeah that nifty little language translator is awesome, but in SE's infinite wisdom they left out the ability to be a douchebag. This is pretty sweet.
5. All of those squiggly lines they use to type is pretty cool to look at. It is like alien art and it is so much cooler to look at than a NA player moaning or griping, or begging or whatever it is we NA players normally do.
6. They like sushi... and I like Sushi.
So what are you all waiting for, instead of threads like this, just join your nearest JP server today, and stop all the hate. It will be good for you, and you will like it. You can thank me later.
I play on Hades btw, and it was the best thing I have ever done. Don't get me wrong, I love America, just hate American gamers. Well not all American gamers, just like 92% or something.
92% isn't that bad... It could be 99.9% but it isn't it's only 92%. Get over it already. It isn't like I said I hate your grandmother or anything.
Anyway hope this helps. If not it doesn't matter, you are American, we will find something different to bitch about tomorrow anyway.
I am still waiting for someone to explain to me the reason why demanding a whole team to adapt to your inexperience and unwillingness to prepare yourself for high level content makes you any less entitled than me asking you to be prepared.
I mean, at the very least we feel just as entitled as we both ask the other to adapt to our own way to play, and no, your way to play is not morally superior to mine in any way or shape.
And what is up with that lame "if you want good teams get friends instead of the LFG"?
I could tell you the same and claim that if you want patient and kind players willing to explore with you, you should get friends that actually want to do the same.
Again, at the very least we feel as much entitled as you do.
And finally, there is something that seems to escape you when it comes to the whole "fun" thing.
Many of you claim stuff such as "wiping and slowly learning the fight is fun, you should focus on that and not the loot".
The major flaw in that logic is that yes, for the one player that is making 7 other players lag behind because "he is learning" it may be a world of fun but for everyone else it is just a nuisance.
-We are not learning the fight
-We are not "slowly getting things and doing them right"
-We are not "enjoying the difficulty"
-We are not getting that enjoyment from finally avoiding that one mechanic that owned us 7 times in a row.
We are here sitting, helpless as we are unable to down the boss and progress because apparently you re having the time of your mmo-life getting squashed under the dragon´s foot for the sixth time in a row.
This is bad enough once or twice but it gets obnoxious when you literally spend evening after evening repeating this process with every Bob IamNew that crosses your lfg.
OH! and let me tell you, that just as much as you complain about rude elitists, i also met my fair share of less experienced rude players that begin to insult the party, refuse to listen to tactics and just ignore everyone as they make everyone else fail just to blame the healer or the tank.
Experienced players, focusing on late game mechanics are mostly people in guilds already. That's one of the major purposes of a guild in a themepark gear treadmill game. Trying to speed run dungeons in a PUG is quite a ridiculous expectation. As is expecting everyone to be up to speed on the in's and outs of a particular run.
This doesn't only apply to Late game mechanics in this case. This starts in FFXIV fairly early in the experience and continues into endgame. As for your point, the problem with it is, a new player is expecting to be grouping up with more experienced party members in most cases. That's reality, as is experienced players being stuck with inexperienced players. What you're expecting will never be a reality.
It's part of playing with other people, you may want to get used to it.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Then you could specify criteria like "newbie-friendly group" or "first-timers" or "cutscene watching" or whatever, simply by ticking the relevant boxes. It would make the whole thing so much easier for everyone, and would actually allow the possibility for a group of clueless adventurers to get together and learn the dungeon from scratch. Together.
So then, if you were a clueless n00b and signed up for a group specifying speed-runs and no cutscenes, you deserved all the abuse and vitriol that would inevitably come your way.
The current Duty Finder has no ability to add filters to "tune" your group experience. It needs to be more powerful and allow the user to specify criteria. Not everyone would use those filters, but those that do will have a much better experience from their pug's.
Then you could specify criteria like "newbie-friendly group" or "first-timers" or "cutscene watching" or whatever, simply by ticking the relevant boxes. It would make the whole thing so much easier for everyone, and would actually allow the possibility for a group of clueless adventurers to get together and learn the dungeon from scratch. Together.
So then, if you were a clueless n00b and signed up for a group specifying speed-runs and no cutscenes, you deserved all the abuse and vitriol that would inevitably come your way.
The current Duty Finder has no ability to add filters to "tune" your group experience. It needs to be more powerful and allow the user to specify criteria. Not everyone would use those filters, but those that do will have a much better experience from their pug's.
The Duty Finder is what it is.
People that want speed runs (no longer possible) and experienced People only... should create Groups themselves or join a Free Company!
Then you could specify criteria like "newbie-friendly group" or "first-timers" or "cutscene watching" or whatever, simply by ticking the relevant boxes. It would make the whole thing so much easier for everyone, and would actually allow the possibility for a group of clueless adventurers to get together and learn the dungeon from scratch. Together.
So then, if you were a clueless n00b and signed up for a group specifying speed-runs and no cutscenes, you deserved all the abuse and vitriol that would inevitably come your way.
The current Duty Finder has no ability to add filters to "tune" your group experience. It needs to be more powerful and allow the user to specify criteria. Not everyone would use those filters, but those that do will have a much better experience from their pug's.
The best solution is people taking a step back, a deep breath, while realizing, there's no need to be in a hurry.
If you can't have fun experiencing the story, teaching newbs the ins and outs; can't respect players of differing experience, can't be bothered to answer a question if you know the answer or bother asking them if you do not. Why are you playing a multi-player RPG? If all you care about is loot and speed runs, games like Diablo are plentifully available.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I am still waiting for someone to explain to me the reason why demanding a whole team to adapt to your inexperience and unwillingness to prepare yourself for high level content makes you any less entitled than me asking you to be prepared.
I mean, at the very least we feel just as entitled as we both ask the other to adapt to our own way to play, and no, your way to play is not morally superior to mine in any way or shape.
And what is up with that lame "if you want good teams get friends instead of the LFG"?
I could tell you the same and claim that if you want patient and kind players willing to explore with you, you should get friends that actually want to do the same.
Again, at the very least we feel as much entitled as you do.
And finally, there is something that seems to escape you when it comes to the whole "fun" thing.
Many of you claim stuff such as "wiping and slowly learning the fight is fun, you should focus on that and not the loot".
The major flaw in that logic is that yes, for the one player that is making 7 other players lag behind because "he is learning" it may be a world of fun but for everyone else it is just a nuisance.
-We are not learning the fight
-We are not "slowly getting things and doing them right"
-We are not "enjoying the difficulty"
-We are not getting that enjoyment from finally avoiding that one mechanic that owned us 7 times in a row.
We are here sitting, helpless as we are unable to down the boss and progress because apparently you re having the time of your mmo-life getting squashed under the dragon´s foot for the sixth time in a row.
This is bad enough once or twice but it gets obnoxious when you literally spend evening after evening repeating this process with every Bob IamNew that crosses your lfg.
OH! and let me tell you, that just as much as you complain about rude elitists, i also met my fair share of less experienced rude players that begin to insult the party, refuse to listen to tactics and just ignore everyone as they make everyone else fail just to blame the healer or the tank.
It is FF; tolerance and being the "good guys" is the main part of the series. If you want another approach, FF is not the correct place to be at.
Well if you are meaning the 'know the fight?" as in asking if someone does, its not a big deal, but it does get annoying when people expect you to know or 'look it up' I'd say. Had that happen to me in a HM titan fight and complaints I had no gear. Guess who was the healer having to solo heal while the 'geared' whm kept dying and never died once the fight?
Yeah, please stop that that ignorance, specially if your the 'gear = skill' noob when the game itself has very little effect on gear, the weapon being the only piece that has a more note worthy difference (Ifrit to Garuda weapon for me boosted my heal ~20 more). Heck, 20 Mnd through testing provided ~30 more on a single heal which gear difference you might find max 1-2 point differences on similiar gear. Sure its helpfull but no where near going to game break over skill.
*cough* on topic: Stupid if people expect everyone to master fights, and extremely stupid if you feel gear makes you remotely good, and I'll be happy to prove you wrong any day.
Did the first mandatory dungeon today, and had an absolute blast. Bumped into a higher level player right at the entrance who invited me to a party. After a greeting, I told him right off the bat that I was new, haven't done the dungeon before, and I was going to watch any cutscenes, so if he had a problem with it I would leave the party and re-queue in the duty finder. His response? "Nah I'm not like that. I play the game for fun."
The run went well (not like the first dungeon is hard though) and despite one of the other DPS getting a bit too gung-ho, nobody died & we finished in about 20 minutes.
If only more people were like that, MMO's would be in a much better state today. I myself intend to pay it forward once I'm in a position to do so, and hopefully other people the guy has helped will do the same.
Experiences like that are what make MMORPGs worth playing, IMO. Without them, may as well just stick with Skyrim or something.
SE should allow people who did the dungeon at least twice alrdy to join a different queue than the new players. that way new players who just want to progress and enjoy the game don't have to deal with toxic elitists who have been grinding the same dungeon for the 24th hour in a row.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
To be fair.. every new instance I preface with.. FIRST TIME HERE.
Then on another screen I have a quick guide to whatever the bosses are.
There was nothing more humiliating than trying to wail on that damned slime and not doing a lick of good, only to have a bomb take out 3/4 of the people on the run. Not cool and never again.
Beautiful, I love that fight, these dungeons are tough, and you gotta know your stuff or it will run you right over, good post.
Good luck not knowing the fights in the 30+ dungeons. If you don't know the fights for the level 50 AK dungeon.... yeh your face will be a picture of gil loss for repairs.
Well if you are meaning the 'know the fight?" as in asking if someone does, its not a big deal, but it does get annoying when people expect you to know or 'look it up' I'd say. Had that happen to me in a HM titan fight and complaints I had no gear. Guess who was the healer having to solo heal while the 'geared' whm kept dying and never died once the fight?
Yeah, please stop that that ignorance, specially if your the 'gear = skill' noob when the game itself has very little effect on gear, the weapon being the only piece that has a more note worthy difference (Ifrit to Garuda weapon for me boosted my heal ~20 more). Heck, 20 Mnd through testing provided ~30 more on a single heal which gear difference you might find max 1-2 point differences on similiar gear. Sure its helpfull but no where near going to game break over skill.
*cough* on topic: Stupid if people expect everyone to master fights, and extremely stupid if you feel gear makes you remotely good, and I'll be happy to prove you wrong any day.
Its too late for that now isn't it? because once gear check comes in your skill means nada. You can not enter unless the gear score says you can. So yeah once that happens gear > skill.
Good luck not knowing the fights in the 30+ dungeons. If you don't know the fights for the level 50 AK dungeon.... yeh your face will be a picture of gil loss for repairs.
I just hit 31, so once I get to those 30+ dungeons I'll report XD.
if people don't like their time wasted then they shouldn't use dungeon finders. its stupid to expect a party generated from a pool of completely random players to be even somewhat decent. By bailing out of a game you put everybody else back into a queue, which is especially annoying for dps classes (i'm a tank so I don't actually have this problem but I sympathize with them). SE should implement 1 hr dungeon finder leaving debuff for people toxic enough to bail on their team in the middle of a dungeon. if you are tired of having to deal with the nuances that are part of playing with randoms, then don't play with randoms.
By your own argument/logic shouldn't someone who doesn't know the fights or interested in the story avoid Dungeon Finders so they don't have to deal with the reality of playing with randoms? Because the reality is just as you'll find people who might be doing it their first time or want to watch the story, you'll also find people who have done it 30 times and just want to get through it for loot or tokens.
The sense of entitlement in people like you is made all the more ridiculous by how much you completely ignore it exists in yourself.
What he is saying is that if you go on the Duty finder then expect to find all sorts, not all the same, ie for people who Live and let Live, not people who are insistent on one play style only. Kapeesh?
Also already seeing people grieving over those waiting on cinematics.
Please don't 'WoW' this game up....I'm rather enjoying it.
Don't do pug's. don't.
Do your research, your "due diligence" , find a good guild, a group of good people who support their members and join them. Believe it or not these "family guilds" exist.
I rarely party because I find too many "poisonous" people in these games. I group with guild mates and might group with someone who needs help. But I find more often than not so many selfish, entitled, disgusting people inhabiting these games and decided long ago to limit my exposure to them.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Just play with friends, problem solved. I just dont understand why so called elitist dont play with friends too.
I play this game with friends and I dont have issues described in this topic. We playing slowly dont rush, having fun and so.
I dont have so much time now because of work and RL but when I will be exping new job/class I am planning to do noob friendly raids/dungeons so noob players can try end game content too and full clear dungeons without rush / no mobs skipping etc.
Also already seeing people grieving over those waiting on cinematics.
Please don't 'WoW' this game up....I'm rather enjoying it.
Work with the team when playing the game, Ignore the team when watching cinematics.
If you need to do group content and you dont want to rush, just tell them you will not rush. You play the game at your own pace no matter what the pros(...not) say.
I see no problem with people who have done content to death wanting to repeat the content for the 50th time with other people who know the content. After the 20th time of explaining everything to that one inevitable one person who's never done it, it gets kind of old.
I can understand frustration at people who ask what to do, and then don't do it. However, as to your complaint of explaining to people the 20th time, I have yet to be in any instance/raid where it took more than 2 minutes to explain it to a newb.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Originally posted by rnor6084 Seeing lots of posts about the community in this game. Negative posts. I have zero tolerance for elitists. Avoiding this game.
I feel the same way. The problem is, games don't have communities anymore- at least not around release. There's only the MMO community as a whole, and its going to be there waiting in every new game.
For me, that means pug groups are over, and I can either break down and join a guild even though its not really my thing, quit the genre entirely, or try what someone in this thread suggested and join a Japanese server.. that's an interesting idea I think I might try out before giving up on the money I spent for the game.
Because if you do a fight 20 times and get people in 9/10 groups that have not watched the vid, and you STILL come to fights expecting everyone to have watched the vid then plainly it is you that has unreasonable expectations. Really, how many times does the hammer have to hit you on the head before you realize statistics refute your expectation? You are NEVER going to change the behavior of a population of players by blowing steam on a forum.
Bottom line:
If you pug then go in expecting pug behavior. If I say it any plainer then I get banned again for sarcasm.
that's really well said. I can understand why the OP says don't wow this game up, and I agree that would be nice, but its impossible. The developers can make us endless new experiences to play, but they can't do anything to change the players themselves. If I find the idea of loading up a low level character in wow and running deadmines for the thousandth time boring and unpleasant, I shouldn't be surprised that I get the same feeling doing dungeons in this game. Its a group experience, and the group itself is what I am worn out on. Might be the ultimate type of MMO burnout.
There IS middle ground with this all.
Yes people who are farming dungeons do want a relatively peaceful run.
Yes new players do want "vets" to be nice and teach them, and respectful since all were noobs at one point.
Ok so they gave tomb rewards for some storyline dungeons, this means that you WILL have people who are there for the tombs mixed in with people who are first timers. There are cutscenes, LOTS, and long for these few dungeons.
Some of the encounters are difficult, difficulty takes its first massive ramp up to endgame difficulty with Praetorian. Its a long dungeon too.
So here are some things you can do as a noob to make the process more enjoyable for yourself. Go to youtube, watch the boss fight. You will need someone to explain it anyway...its not as easy as "stay out of stuff that kills you" and "kill the adds" like a lot of content leading up to it.
So now you can say "first time know the fight"
So the guys farming now know "ok this guy knows the basics".
The issue people have are with some people that have no clue what is going to happen...and some fights are not a simple explanation.
Past Praetorian and into some other endgame encounters...if you don't know what you are doing you will wipe multiple times as you learn each boss stage the hard way...this is what irritates some people...even when I was doing the run a first time...its not difficult to just look it up so you have a frame of reference.
You are not going to stop jerks who want flawless runs, and who will try their hardest to form a group that will produce these results.
Realistically, 90% of these people who are being displayed on this thread as horrible people...they just don't want people who haven't a clue as to what to expect. Tell the guy shouting for "know the fights" that you know the fights and what to expect but its your first time...you might get better advice than what youtube offers in this sense...and it shows you are not a total idiot who cant be bothered to learn the basics being trying it out.
Walking in blind was fine for early game. For endgame when you have people farming (and you will farm) spending 5min watching the boss encounters prior to running it will make the run more fun for you, and for the people you are with.
What people are trying to avoid is spending two hours wiping as people try to figure out everything, and then not having time to finish the run. Walking in blind is why this happens.
Lol no. It serves the purpose of being able to watch cutscenes you've watched before without replaying the whole game.
I try to avoid the Duty Finder myself as much as possible and prefer to create Groups myself on the server I play on.
This reduces the chance on douchebags quite a bit.
But *knock on Wood* so far I have been Lucky With Duty Finder as well tho, only two Groups so far I had to leave because of a troll. Most of the time I was With very Nice and friendly People.
Here is the best advice I can give anyone playing FFXIV.
Americans suck ass... play with the Japanese!!!
1. It's their game!, they always make sure their servers are the ones up first. This is a no brainer, if you can't beat um join um!
2. No ass hat world chat (AKA Barrens chat) - The Japanese are typically very quiet people. They do not sit around and troll chats all day, the only time you will see the Japanese speak in world chat is to recruit for a free company. This = a relaxing and mature environment.
3. The Japanese do not talk shit in dungeons, and even if they do guess what!? They are Japanese so you can't understand a damn thing they are bitching about anyway. This makes everything so much better.
4. You can't talk shit back to the Japanese even if you wanted too. Yeah that nifty little language translator is awesome, but in SE's infinite wisdom they left out the ability to be a douchebag. This is pretty sweet.
5. All of those squiggly lines they use to type is pretty cool to look at. It is like alien art and it is so much cooler to look at than a NA player moaning or griping, or begging or whatever it is we NA players normally do.
6. They like sushi... and I like Sushi.
So what are you all waiting for, instead of threads like this, just join your nearest JP server today, and stop all the hate. It will be good for you, and you will like it. You can thank me later.
I play on Hades btw, and it was the best thing I have ever done. Don't get me wrong, I love America, just hate American gamers. Well not all American gamers, just like 92% or something.
92% isn't that bad... It could be 99.9% but it isn't it's only 92%. Get over it already. It isn't like I said I hate your grandmother or anything.
Anyway hope this helps. If not it doesn't matter, you are American, we will find something different to bitch about tomorrow anyway.
Experienced players, focusing on late game mechanics are mostly people in guilds already. That's one of the major purposes of a guild in a themepark gear treadmill game. Trying to speed run dungeons in a PUG is quite a ridiculous expectation. As is expecting everyone to be up to speed on the in's and outs of a particular run.
This doesn't only apply to Late game mechanics in this case. This starts in FFXIV fairly early in the experience and continues into endgame. As for your point, the problem with it is, a new player is expecting to be grouping up with more experienced party members in most cases. That's reality, as is experienced players being stuck with inexperienced players. What you're expecting will never be a reality.
It's part of playing with other people, you may want to get used to it.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Perhaps we need a more sophisticated Duty Finder.
Then you could specify criteria like "newbie-friendly group" or "first-timers" or "cutscene watching" or whatever, simply by ticking the relevant boxes. It would make the whole thing so much easier for everyone, and would actually allow the possibility for a group of clueless adventurers to get together and learn the dungeon from scratch. Together.
So then, if you were a clueless n00b and signed up for a group specifying speed-runs and no cutscenes, you deserved all the abuse and vitriol that would inevitably come your way.
The current Duty Finder has no ability to add filters to "tune" your group experience. It needs to be more powerful and allow the user to specify criteria. Not everyone would use those filters, but those that do will have a much better experience from their pug's.
The Duty Finder is what it is.
People that want speed runs (no longer possible) and experienced People only... should create Groups themselves or join a Free Company!
The best solution is people taking a step back, a deep breath, while realizing, there's no need to be in a hurry.
If you can't have fun experiencing the story, teaching newbs the ins and outs; can't respect players of differing experience, can't be bothered to answer a question if you know the answer or bother asking them if you do not. Why are you playing a multi-player RPG? If all you care about is loot and speed runs, games like Diablo are plentifully available.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It is FF; tolerance and being the "good guys" is the main part of the series. If you want another approach, FF is not the correct place to be at.
Well if you are meaning the 'know the fight?" as in asking if someone does, its not a big deal, but it does get annoying when people expect you to know or 'look it up' I'd say. Had that happen to me in a HM titan fight and complaints I had no gear. Guess who was the healer having to solo heal while the 'geared' whm kept dying and never died once the fight?
Yeah, please stop that that ignorance, specially if your the 'gear = skill' noob when the game itself has very little effect on gear, the weapon being the only piece that has a more note worthy difference (Ifrit to Garuda weapon for me boosted my heal ~20 more). Heck, 20 Mnd through testing provided ~30 more on a single heal which gear difference you might find max 1-2 point differences on similiar gear. Sure its helpfull but no where near going to game break over skill.
*cough* on topic: Stupid if people expect everyone to master fights, and extremely stupid if you feel gear makes you remotely good, and I'll be happy to prove you wrong any day.
Did the first mandatory dungeon today, and had an absolute blast. Bumped into a higher level player right at the entrance who invited me to a party. After a greeting, I told him right off the bat that I was new, haven't done the dungeon before, and I was going to watch any cutscenes, so if he had a problem with it I would leave the party and re-queue in the duty finder. His response? "Nah I'm not like that. I play the game for fun."
The run went well (not like the first dungeon is hard though) and despite one of the other DPS getting a bit too gung-ho, nobody died & we finished in about 20 minutes.
If only more people were like that, MMO's would be in a much better state today. I myself intend to pay it forward once I'm in a position to do so, and hopefully other people the guy has helped will do the same.
Experiences like that are what make MMORPGs worth playing, IMO. Without them, may as well just stick with Skyrim or something.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Beautiful, I love that fight, these dungeons are tough, and you gotta know your stuff or it will run you right over, good post.
Hmm yeh...
Good luck not knowing the fights in the 30+ dungeons. If you don't know the fights for the level 50 AK dungeon.... yeh your face will be a picture of gil loss for repairs.
Its too late for that now isn't it? because once gear check comes in your skill means nada. You can not enter unless the gear score says you can. So yeah once that happens gear > skill.
I just hit 31, so once I get to those 30+ dungeons I'll report XD.
What he is saying is that if you go on the Duty finder then expect to find all sorts, not all the same, ie for people who Live and let Live, not people who are insistent on one play style only. Kapeesh?
Don't do pug's. don't.
Do your research, your "due diligence" , find a good guild, a group of good people who support their members and join them. Believe it or not these "family guilds" exist.
I rarely party because I find too many "poisonous" people in these games. I group with guild mates and might group with someone who needs help. But I find more often than not so many selfish, entitled, disgusting people inhabiting these games and decided long ago to limit my exposure to them.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Just play with friends, problem solved. I just dont understand why so called elitist dont play with friends too.
I play this game with friends and I dont have issues described in this topic. We playing slowly dont rush, having fun and so.
I dont have so much time now because of work and RL but when I will be exping new job/class I am planning to do noob friendly raids/dungeons so noob players can try end game content too and full clear dungeons without rush / no mobs skipping etc.
Work with the team when playing the game, Ignore the team when watching cinematics.
If you need to do group content and you dont want to rush, just tell them you will not rush. You play the game at your own pace no matter what the pros(...not) say.
I can understand frustration at people who ask what to do, and then don't do it. However, as to your complaint of explaining to people the 20th time, I have yet to be in any instance/raid where it took more than 2 minutes to explain it to a newb.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
I feel the same way. The problem is, games don't have communities anymore- at least not around release. There's only the MMO community as a whole, and its going to be there waiting in every new game.
For me, that means pug groups are over, and I can either break down and join a guild even though its not really my thing, quit the genre entirely, or try what someone in this thread suggested and join a Japanese server.. that's an interesting idea I think I might try out before giving up on the money I spent for the game.