Steam must be the biggest digital retailor of games on the net, everybody and their dog knows this, but what is obvious is that they no longer discount their games as much as they used to do outside of sales.
Smaller game company's on the net are now quite plentiful and these company's can and do discount games at a better price, competition is always a good thing for the consumer.
again..I ask..if the population of downloads is HIGHER outside of Steam then doesnt that mean PC gaming is far larger than we had thought?
you seem to want both. You are saying
Steam is the largest but everyone is going to other places..
well that is not possible, they wouldnt be the largest if everyone was going elsewhere
I would think that while steam is the biggest, many people buy from more than one online seller. I tend to buy new games from Green Man Gaming because they almost always have 20% off. I have never bought a new game on steam, because there is almost always a cheaper place to get it. So, I am one of the 75 million steam users, but I don't buy all my games from steam. I have no idea why someone would by ESO on steam right now when it is cheaper at other places. Steam is great for indies and their sales. 15 out of the top 20 best selling games on steam have some sort of discount, this is almost always how the top selling list looks.
So yeah top of PC chart sales and not even in top 40 game sales - it means PC games arent selling for shit and ESO total sales were low even as number one on that PC chart.
Wait now just for there game are not on top sell on top 40 game chart that mean the sell like crap all in all are you serious the top 40 chart is mix with PC and video game console and that mean my good sir the IF a game is made on both PC and console will make that top 40 chart for it have bigger market share so sit compare ESO which is only are on PC market with top 40 chart where you have both video game console and PC and sit the ESO are selling like shit is big lie you should maybe think a head next time and not compare game that is only PC with top 40 chart where you have PC and video game console and stop spread lie just maybe.
Like Wolfshead said, you need to compare like to like.
When ESO comes out on consoles, then you can do a fair comparison. The fact ESO made it into the top 40 (all games) on only PC sells at launch shows you how strong it is.
Inb4 "Omg these official numbers aren't legit, and can't be taken seriously! Yet my personal guess, based solely on my opinion of the game, should be!"
In all seriousness, this is great to see. Zenimax has really impressed me with the work they've put in this game since launch. I've had a great time in ESO since Early Beta and the future only looks better!
LOL indeed. I haven't read beyond your post, except for a glance at the next guy already starting to whine about the sad state of PC sales.
I imagine they'll be doing quite well when the console versions come out too.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
with digital downloads being the overwhemling majority of how PC gamers access games we need that data. Otherwise the truth can go either way.
How could it go either way.... you said it right there in your post. digital downloads are the overwhelming majority of how pc games are sold. If you know the box number already and it's a big number..... why would this game break that trend ? Nothing about the games population indicates it did.
ok let me break it down for you
8% of PC games are box sales
92% of digtial download.
So why does that matter? two main reasons.
1. the demographic of who downloads vs who buys boxes now is different. What is the gaming preference of those demographics? we dont know. It could be that those who prefer to buy boxes are only going to look at games in boxes thus the amount of options is far smaller. make sense? So when faced with Sims 3 or ESO they might all perhaps select ESO. Where as the download commuty is very different.
2. Given that ESO was not on Steam during opening week suggests that the amount of downloads was likely much smaller than it could have been. What is that exact number? we dont know. Download on opening week would have been 100% of people going to one place. the ESO site.
so given that the demographics of the two consumers are very different its not safe to assume either way.
ADDED: also if you look at the two posts from that site here in this thread you will notice something interesting.
ESO is number 1 for (full price) sales. For (all prices) they dont even make the list
100% safe to assume that digital sales outsold boxes? No, not safe. But its safe to assume that theres a very high chance that the game will follow the trend and digital sales outsold boxes. This is why it's called a trend, theres a very high chance it will follow the trend instead of being an anomaly, you are just making things way more complicated and more unlikely to happen, Occam's Razor.
I totally agree that ESO digital sales will be higher than box sales. I do not agree however that it is a given that it will represent 92% of all sales.
Why? Because the demographics of those two consumer types is different. Its not a random sample.
what is the amount? i have no idea BECAUSE we can not extrapolate on a sample that is not random
Holy crap you're like talking to a rock. YOU are the only person in the entire thread still flinging that stupid number around. I've already explained to you I ignored the whole link and you're still quoting it back to me explaining that it's wrong.
So yeah top of PC chart sales and not even in top 40 game sales - it means PC games arent selling for shit and ESO total sales were low even as number one on that PC chart.
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1 Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
So yeah top of PC chart sales and not even in top 40 game sales - it means PC games arent selling for shit and ESO total sales were low even as number one on that PC chart.
-1 (We are not on social media, but don't you wish we were? That way we could have more meaningless drivel like +1 and -1. ))
You would have noticed had you bothered to look, that not one MMO or its expansion is on that list, unless you think Minecraft is a MMO. If you expect TESO to outdo every MMO out there you have a point; but surprise, surprise it has not. When it tops the console chart what are you guys going to say then? But hey don't worry, no matter what any stats or anyone else says, you are always right.
-1 (We are not on social media, but don't you wish we were? That way we could have more meaningless drivel like +1 and -1. ))
You would have noticed had you bothered to look, that not one MMO or its expansion is on that list, unless you think Minecraft is a MMO. If you expect TESO to outdo every MMO out there you have a point; but surprise, surprise it has not. When it tops the console chart what are you guys going to say then? But hey don't worry, no matter what any stats or anyone else says, you are always right.
Not the point.
I am sure you will have noticed that there were non-mmo games on the PC only chart. They sold even less - for the week shown - than TESO. And all the titles on the top 40.
I would suggest however that your comment misses a fundamental point: mmos do not exist in a vacuum. Many different types of games compete for peoples time and money. Console games - that outsell PC games (PSN is bigger than Steam and then there is XBLive). Mobile and Tablet games "sell" many millions. Doesn't matter that they are not mmos.
That said what is an mmo? You mentioned Minecraft - I would probably have looked at Titanfall. Pure multi-player. Things have never been that clear cut however and they continue to morph. Years ago the question was asked of GW1; today the question is asked of Destiny. Whatever it is it will be competing for peoples time and money - and its not (yet anyway) on PC.
I quit my research project ( ), but I can say that the ESO community is very active and vibrant, but not completely overcrowded.
It is just fine and very healthy.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
I would think that while steam is the biggest, many people buy from more than one online seller. I tend to buy new games from Green Man Gaming because they almost always have 20% off. I have never bought a new game on steam, because there is almost always a cheaper place to get it. So, I am one of the 75 million steam users, but I don't buy all my games from steam. I have no idea why someone would by ESO on steam right now when it is cheaper at other places. Steam is great for indies and their sales. 15 out of the top 20 best selling games on steam have some sort of discount, this is almost always how the top selling list looks.
Wait now just for there game are not on top sell on top 40 game chart that mean the sell like crap all in all are you serious the top 40 chart is mix with PC and video game console and that mean my good sir the IF a game is made on both PC and console will make that top 40 chart for it have bigger market share so sit compare ESO which is only are on PC market with top 40 chart where you have both video game console and PC and sit the ESO are selling like shit is big lie you should maybe think a head next time and not compare game that is only PC with top 40 chart where you have PC and video game console and stop spread lie just maybe.
Like Wolfshead said, you need to compare like to like.
When ESO comes out on consoles, then you can do a fair comparison. The fact ESO made it into the top 40 (all games) on only PC sells at launch shows you how strong it is.
People still buy games from shops ?
LOL indeed. I haven't read beyond your post, except for a glance at the next guy already starting to whine about the sad state of PC sales.
I imagine they'll be doing quite well when the console versions come out too.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Outside of mmos? hell yes. But since we dont really own an mmo then why bother with boxes and shops, digital works jsut fine.
The US doesn't release sales reports by state so we don't have a "good comparison" for example..
Holy crap you're like talking to a rock. YOU are the only person in the entire thread still flinging that stupid number around. I've already explained to you I ignored the whole link and you're still quoting it back to me explaining that it's wrong.
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
-1 (We are not on social media, but don't you wish we were? That way we could have more meaningless drivel like +1 and -1. ))
You would have noticed had you bothered to look, that not one MMO or its expansion is on that list, unless you think Minecraft is a MMO. If you expect TESO to outdo every MMO out there you have a point; but surprise, surprise it has not. When it tops the console chart what are you guys going to say then? But hey don't worry, no matter what any stats or anyone else says, you are always right.
Not the point.
I am sure you will have noticed that there were non-mmo games on the PC only chart. They sold even less - for the week shown - than TESO. And all the titles on the top 40.
I would suggest however that your comment misses a fundamental point: mmos do not exist in a vacuum. Many different types of games compete for peoples time and money. Console games - that outsell PC games (PSN is bigger than Steam and then there is XBLive). Mobile and Tablet games "sell" many millions. Doesn't matter that they are not mmos.
That said what is an mmo? You mentioned Minecraft - I would probably have looked at Titanfall. Pure multi-player. Things have never been that clear cut however and they continue to morph. Years ago the question was asked of GW1; today the question is asked of Destiny. Whatever it is it will be competing for peoples time and money - and its not (yet anyway) on PC.
I quit my research project ( ), but I can say that the ESO community is very active and vibrant, but not completely overcrowded.
It is just fine and very healthy.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online